Top 10 Reasons You Should Be Using WordPress For Your Website.

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Top 10 Reasons You Should Be Using WordPress For Your Website.

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using WordPress

A Presentation

WordPress is Open Source

It means that there are thousands of WordPress developers all around the world working day and night to improve the system. And none of what they do costs you a penny. Open source also means that WP is 100% FREE for you to use on any of your projects.




SEO Performance

SEO, stands for search engine optimization. A process whereby a website is optimized to rank higher in the search engine results. With the help of plugin, WordPress transforms itself into a fully SEO optimized content platform. WordPress makes SEO easy! We Recommend Yoast SEO



+45,000 Extensions

Given the popularity of WordPress, it’s not surprising that a lot of developers have created extensions for it. In the WordPress world, those extensions are called “plugins”. They’re pieces of code — very often free — that extend the core functionality of your website (which saves you money and time).




Easy To Use

Most users just can’t believe how easy it is to publish articles and change content. Because WordPress is so incredibly popular, one recent benefit for you is that a lot of people have experience with using it, so it becomes much simpler and faster to train new employees or editors when they join your company.

Screenshot of the admin



Beautiful Designs

There are literally thousands of beautiful designs for you to choose from. Some are generically themed, while others are designed to specifically meet the requirements of a profession. Most simplistic themes are distributed for free, while the more features rich designs are sold at a premium (average price ranges between $19 – $59). Avada WordPress theme



Easy to Customize

WordPress can be customized in two ways. The first way, which does not require coding knowledge, is through the WordPress customizer. The second way (coders love it) is to edit the code directly. There is really no limit to customizing WordPress, you can even create your own theme and plugins.

WordPress Customizer



Talented Developers

One of the things you will realise is that you’ll never be locked down to a particular provider again. You will never have to go through the same “hostage” situation where your website is developed on a unique, bespoke system and you can’t move it to a new provider. With WordPress, you have access to an almost unlimited pool of developers. We recommend visiting



Multilingual Functionality

If you have offices in more than one country, you probably need localised sites for every one of them. WordPress sites are easy to duplicate and customise so managing various different sites in a variety of languages and time zones is a piece of cake.

Consider visiting



Trusted By All Businesses#9

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS) in the world powering 26% of all the websites in the world. It is loved by big and small businesses. One of the benefits of the platform is that it can scale as your business grows. Did you know that TIME.COM runs on WordPress?

TIME.COM runs on WordPress


It Just Gets Better !

Thanks to its large and devoted community, WordPress is evolving day by day to improve its user friendly interface and features. With the passage of time, WordPress enhances its system every time the platform updates. But there are also thousands of WordPress entrepreneurs that keep on developing and releasing new themes and plugins!   

TIME.COM runs on WordPress

