
Post on 29-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Toothpaste


BBA is a stepping stone to management career. In order to achieve practical positive and concrete result,

the classroom learning needs to be effectively fed to the realities of the situation existing outside the

classroom. The practical true for management.

Marketing is of interest to everyone, whether they marketing goods, services, properties, person, events,

information, Ideas or organization.

To develop healthy managerial and administrative skills in the potential manager it is necessary that

theoretical knowledge must be supplement with exposure of real environment. Actually it is very vital for the

management and it is in the practical training that the measuring of management is itself realized.




Has been given to me as a part of the curriculum in second SEM. Of Bachelor Degree of Business


I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that I hope will be

comprehended by the widest spectrum of researcher, analysts and students for further studies.

I am proud and privileged to express my hearty regards to our respected Dr. Pramesh Gautam (HOD,

Dept of Management Study SVNIT, Sagar) for giving me opportunity to prepare this project.

I am proud to express my deep sense of gratitude to our respected guide Ms. Deepali Purohit, Dept. of

Management Study SVNIT,sagar) for her content encouragement, guidance and her valuable

suggestions as she rendered me all possible help and guidance while reviewing the manual script and

finalizing the report.

I specially would like to thank my parents who all the way helped me mentally and emotionally without them

I would not have completed my project successfully.

I am grateful to all the respondent for their immense and appreciation help who considered my time just

and supplied me data.

I also thankful to my friends who helped me a lot in the completion of this project.

I also thankful to GOD for giving me courage to complete this project work.




This is to certify that PRATEEK JAIN has completed his project report titled “Marketing Strategies of

five brands of Toothpaste “under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge and belief this is his

original work and this, wholly or practically, has not been submitted for any degree of this or any other



Ms. Deepali Purohit Dr. Pramesh Gautam

Lecturer HOD

Department of Management study Department of Management study

SVNIT, sagar (M.P) SVNIT, Sagar (M.P)


I hereby declare that the project work entitled on A study of “Marketing strategies of five brands of

Shampoo’s” submitted to the “Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology “is a record of an original


work done by me under the guidance of “Ms. Deepali Purohit ”, Faculty member, “Swami Vivekanand

Institute of Technology “sagar (M.P) and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of

any degree or diploma / associate ship /fellowship and similar project if any.


Place: Name and Signature of Candidate




To study the Marketing strategies

To study the Marketing strategies of five brands of Toothpaste.


To know the five brands of top 5 brands among them.

To know the customer satisfaction.

To find out market scenario of five brands of toothpaste.

To know the market position of all the five brands of toothpaste.

To suggest long term strategy to enhance sales of toothpaste.

To know various competitor in market.


Marketing strategies is a process that allow an organization to concentrate on its resources on the greatest

opportunity to increase sales and to achieve a sustainable competitive advantages and its key concept

depends upon customer satisfaction is the main goal. Marketing strategies is an organization's strategy

that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be

drawn from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit

potential and sustain the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan


Marketing strategies combine product development, pricing, distribution, and relationship management that

identify firm marketing goals and explain how they will be achieved.

Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the

strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and

therefore contributes to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives.

Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market needs and

reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally tested for measurable results. Commonly, marketing

strategies are developed as multi-year plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the

current year. Time horizons covered by the marketing plan vary by company, by industry, and by nation, however,

time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed of change in the environment increases. Marketing strategies are

dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. See strategy dynamics.

Marketing strategy involves careful scanning of the internal and external environments. Internal

environmental factors include the marketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategic constraints.

External environmental factors include customer analysis, competitor analysis, target market analysis, as

well as evaluation of any elements of the technological, economic, cultural or political/legal environment

likely to impact success.

A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company's overarching

mission statement. Once a thorough environmental scan is complete, a strategic plan can be constructed to

identify business alternatives, establish challenging goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attain

these goals, and detail implementation. A final step in developing a marketing strategy is to create a plan to

monitor progress and a set of contingencies if problems arise in the implementation of the plan.

Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business. It

includes the following process.



Toothpaste is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush as an accessory to clean and maintain the

aesthetics and health of teeth. Toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene: it serves as an abrasive that

aids in removing the dental plaque and food from the teeth, assists in suppressing halitosis, and delivers

active ingredients (mainly fluoride) to help prevent tooth and gum disease (gingivitis). Most of the cleaning

is achieved by the mechanical action of the toothbrush, and not by the toothpaste. Salt and sodium

bicarbonate (baking soda) are among materials that can be substituted for commercial toothpaste.

Toothpaste is not intended to be swallowed, but is generally not very harmful if accidentally swallowed in

small amounts; however, one should seek medical attention after swallowing toothpaste containing fluoride.


Toothpaste from a tube being applied to a toothbrush

Ingredients: In addition to 20–42% water, toothpastes are derived from a variety of components,

including three main ones: abrasives, fluoride, and detergents.

Abrasives: Abrasives constitute at least 50% of a typical toothpaste. These insoluble particles help

remove plaque from the teeth. The removal of plaque and calculus helps minimize cavities and

periodontal disease.[citation needed] Representative abrasives include particles of aluminum hydroxide

(Al(OH)3), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), various calcium hydrogen phosphates, various silicas and

zeolites, and hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH).

Abrasives, like the dental polishing agents used in dentists' offices, also cause a small amount of

enamel erosion which is termed "polishing" action. Some brands contain powdered white mica, which

acts as a mild abrasive, and also adds a cosmetically pleasing glittery shimmer to the paste. The

polishing of teeth removes stains from tooth surfaces, but has not been shown to improve dental health

over and above the effects of the removal of plaque and calculus.

Fluorides: Fluoride in various forms is the most popular active ingredient in toothpaste to prevent

cavities. Fluoride occurs in small amounts in plants, animals, and some natural water sources. The

additional fluoride in toothpaste has beneficial effects on the formation of dental enamel and bones.

Sodium fluoride (NaF) is the most common source of fluoride, but stannous fluoride (SnF2), olaflur (an

organic salt of fluoride), and sodium monofluorophosphate (Na2PO3F) are also used. Stannous


fluoride has been shown to be more effective than sodium fluoride in reducing the incidence of dental

caries and controlling gingivitis.

Much of the toothpaste sold in the United States has 1000 to 1100 parts per million fluoride. In

European countries, such as the UK or Greece, the fluoride content is often higher; a NaF of 0.312%

w/w (1,450 ppm fluoride) is not uncommon.

Surfactants: Many, although not all, toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or related

surfactants (detergents). SLS is found in many other personal care products, as well, such as

shampoo, and is mainly a foaming agent, which enables uniform distribution of toothpaste, improving

its cleansing power.

Other components

Antibacterial agents: riclosan, an antibacterial agent, is a common toothpaste ingredient in the United

Kingdom. Triclosan or zinc chloride prevent gingivitis and, according to the American Dental

Association, helps reduce tartar and bad breath. A 2006 review of clinical research concluded there

was evidence for the effectiveness of 0.30% triclosan in reducing plaque and gingivitis.

Flavorants: Toothpaste comes in a variety of colors, and flavors intended to encourage use of the

product. Three most common flavorants are peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen. Toothpaste

flavored with peppermint-anise oil is popular in the Mediterranean region. These flavors are provided

by the respective oils, e.g. peppermint oil. More exotic flavors include anise, apricot, bubblegum,

cinnamon, fennel, lavender, neem, ginger, vanilla, lemon, orange, and pine. More unusual flavors have

been used, e.g. peanut butter, iced tea, and even whisky. Unflavored toothpastes exist.

Remineralizers: Hydroxyapatite nanocrystals and calcium phosphate are included in some formulations

for remineralization, i.e. the reformation of enamel.

Toothpaste is sold in many brands.

Miscellaneous components: Agents are added to suppress the tendency of toothpaste to dry into a

powder. Included are various sugar alcohols, such as glycerol, sorbitol, or xylitol, or related derivatives,

such as 1,2-propylene glycol and polyethyleneglycol. Strontium chloride or potassium nitrate is

included in some toothpastes to reduce sensitivity. Sodium polyphosphate is added to minimize the

formation of tartar.



Fluoride : Although water fluoridation has been praised as one of the top medical achievements of the

20th century, fluoride-containing toothpaste can be acutely toxic if swallowed in large amounts.The risk

of using fluoride is low enough that the use of 'full-strength' toothpaste (1350-1500ppm fluoride) is

advised for all ages (although smaller volumes are used for young children; a 'smear' of toothpaste until

three years old). A major concern of dental fluorosis is for children under 12 months ingesting

excessive fluoride through toothpaste. Several non-fluoride toothpastes are available.

Diethylene glycol : The inclusion of sweet-tasting but toxic diethylene glycol in Chinese-made

toothpaste led to a several nation, multiple brand toothpaste recall in 2007. The world outcry made

Chinese officials ban the practice of using diethylene glycol in toothpaste.

Miscellaneous issues and debates : With the exception of toothpaste intended to be used on pets such

as dogs and cats, and toothpaste used by astronauts, most toothpaste is not intended to be swallowed,

and doing so may cause nausea or diarrhea. 'Tartar fighting' toothpastes have been debated. Case

reports of plasma cell gingivitis have been reported with the use of herbal toothpaste containing

cinnamon. SLS has been proposed to increase the frequency of mouth ulcers in some people, as it can

dry out the protective layer of oral tissues, causing the underlying tissues to become damaged.

Alteration of taste perception

After using toothpaste, orange juice and other juices have an unpleasant taste. This effect is attributed

to products of the chemical reaction between stannous fluoride in toothpaste and the acetic acid in the

juices. Sodium lauryl sulfate alters taste perception. It can break down phospholipids that inhibit taste

receptors for sweetness, giving food a bitter taste. In contrast, apples are known to taste more pleasant

after using toothpaste. Distinguishing between the hypotheses that the bitter taste of orange juice

results from stannous fluoride or from sodium lauryl sulfate is still an unresolved issue and it is thought

that the menthol added for flavor may also take part in the alteration of taste perception when binding

to lingual cold receptors.

Other types of toothpaste

Whitening toothpastes: Many toothpastes make whitening claims. Some of these toothpastes contain

peroxide, the same ingredient found in tooth bleaching gels. The abrasive in these toothpaste remove


the stains, not the peroxide. Whitening toothpaste cannot alter the natural color of teeth or reverse

discoloration by penetrating surface stains or decay. To remove surface stains, whitening toothpaste

may include abrasives to gently polish the teeth, and/or additives such as sodium tripolyphosphate to

break down or dissolve stains. When used twice a day, whitening toothpaste typically takes two to four

weeks to make teeth appear more white. Whitening toothpaste is generally safe for daily use, but

excessive use might damage tooth enamel. Teeth whitening gels represent an alternative.

Herbal and "natural" toothpastes

Herbal toothpaste from Croatia: Many consumers have started to switch over to natural toothpastes to

avoid synthetic and artificial flavors that are commonly found in regular toothpastes. Because of the

increased demand of natural products, most of the toothpaste manufacturers now produce herbal

toothpastes. This type of toothpaste does not contain dyes or artificial flavors.

Many herbal toothpastes do not contain fluoride or sodium lauryl sulfate. The ingredients found in

natural toothpastes vary widely but often include baking soda, aloe, eucalyptus oil, myrrh, plant extract

(strawberry extract), and essential oils. In addition to the commercially available products, it is possible

to make one's own toothpaste using similar ingredients.


Early toothpastes : The Greeks, and then the Romans, improved the recipes for toothpaste by adding

abrasives such as crushed bones and oyster shells. In the 9th century, the Persian musician and

fashion designer Ziryab invented a type of toothpaste, which he popularized throughout Islamic Spain.

[23] The exact ingredients of this toothpaste are unknown, but it was reported to have been both

"functional and pleasant to taste". It is not known whether these early toothpastes were used alone,

were to be rubbed onto the teeth with rags, or were to be used with early toothbrushes, such as neem-

tree twigs and miswak. Toothpastes or powders came into general use in the 19th century.

Tooth powder


Tooth powders for use with toothbrushes came into general use in the 19th century in Britain. Most

were homemade, with chalk, pulverized brick, or salt as ingredients. A 1866 Home Encyclopedia

recommended pulverized charcoal, and cautioned that many patented tooth powders that were

commercially marketed did more harm than good.

Arm & Hammer marketed a baking soda-based toothpowder in the United States until approximately

2000, and Colgate currently markets toothpowder in India and other countries.

Modern toothpaste

Modern toothpaste gel: An 18th-century American and British toothpaste recipe called for burnt bread.

Another formula around this time called for dragon's blood (a resin), cinnamon, and burnt alum.

Sensodyne toothpaste: By 1900, a paste made of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda was

recommended for use with toothbrushes. Pre-mixed toothpastes were first marketed in the 19th

century, but did not surpass the popularity of tooth-powder until World War I. In 1892, Doctor

Washington Sheffield of New London, CT manufactured toothpaste into a collapsible tube, Dr.

Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice. He had the idea after his son traveled to Paris and saw painters using

paint from tubes. In York in 1896, Colgate & Company Dental Cream was packaged in collapsible

tubes imitating Sheffield. The original collapsible toothpaste tubes were made of lead.

Fluoride was first added to toothpastes in the 1890s. "Tanagra", containing calcium fluoride as the

active ingredient, was sold by Karl F. Toellner Company, of Bremen, Germany, based upon the early

work of chemist Albert Deninger. An analogous invention by Roy Cross, of Kansas City, Mo., was

initially criticized by the American Dental Association (ADA) in 1937. Fluoride toothpastes developed in

the 1950s received the ADA's approval. To develop the first ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste, Procter

& Gamble started a research program in the early 1940s. In 1950, Procter & Gamble developed a joint

research project team headed by Dr. Joseph Muhler at Indiana University to study new toothpaste with

fluoride. In 1955, Procter & Gamble's Crest launched its first clinically proven fluoride-containing

toothpaste. On August 1, 1960, the ADA reported that "Crest has been shown to be an effective


anticavity (decay preventative) dentifrice that can be of significant value when used in a conscientiously

applied program of oral hygiene and regular professional care." The amount of fluoride in toothpastes

varies from country to country.

In 2006 BioRepair appeared in Europe with the first toothpaste containing synthetic hydroxylapatite as

an alternative to fluoride for the remineralization and reparation of tooth enamel. The "biomimetic

hydroxylapatite" is intended to protect the teeth by creating a new layer of synthetic enamel around the

tooth instead of hardening the existing layer with fluoride that chemically changes it into fluorapatite.

In June 2007, the US Food and Drug Administration and similar agencies in Panama, Puerto Rico and

Australia advised consumers to avoid certain brands of toothpaste manufactured in China after some

were found to contain the poisonous diethylene glycol, also called diglycol or labeled as "DEG" on the


Striped toothpaste: The red area represents the material used for stripes, and the rest is the main

toothpaste material. The two materials are not in separate compartments; they are sufficiently viscous

that they will not mix. Applying pressure to the tube causes the main material to issue out through the

pipe. Simultaneously, some of the pressure is forwarded to the stripe-material, which is then pressed

onto the main material through holes in the pipe.

Striped toothpaste was invented by a New Yorker named Leonard Lawrence Marraffino in 1955. The

patent (US patent 2,789,731, issued 1957) was subsequently sold to Unilever, who marketed the

novelty under the 'Stripe' brand-name in the early 1960s. This was followed by the introduction of the

'Signal' brand in Europe in 1965 (UK patent 813,514). Although 'Stripe' was initially very successful, it

never again achieved the 8% market share that it cornered during its second year.

Marraffino's design, which remains in use for single-color stripes, is simple. The main material, usually

white, sits at the crimp end of the toothpaste tube and makes up most of its bulk. A thin pipe, through

which that carrier material will flow, descends from the nozzle to it. The stripe-material (this was red in

'Stripe') fills the gap between the carrier material and the top of the tube. The two materials are not in


separate compartments. The two materials are sufficiently viscous that they will not mix. When

pressure is applied to the toothpaste tube, the main material squeezes down the thin pipe to the

nozzle. Simultaneously, the pressure applied to the main material causes pressure to be forwarded to

the stripe material, which then issues out through small holes (in the side of the pipe) onto the main

carrier material as it is passing those holes.

In 1990 Colgate-Palmolive was granted a patent (USPTO 4,969,767) for two differently colored stripes.

In this scheme, the inner pipe has a cone-shaped plastic guard around it, and about half way up its

length. Between the guard and the nozzle-end of the tube is then a space for the material for one color,

which then issues out of holes in the pipe. On the other side of the guard is space for second stripe-

material, which has its own set of holes.

Striped toothpaste should not be confused with layered toothpaste. Layered toothpaste requires a

multi-chamber design (e.g. USPTO 5,020,694), in which two or three layers then extrude out of the

nozzle. This scheme, like that of pump dispensers (USPTO 4,461,403), is more complicated (and thus,

more expensive to manufacture) than either the Marraffino design or the Colgate design.


Definition Of Toothpaste


/ toˈ ͞oTH pāst/NounA thick, soft, moist substance used on a toothbrush for cleaning the teeth.ˌ


Components of Toothpaste

Table 2 Composition of a Typical Dentifrice



Weight (%)



Water H2O 37 Solvent and filler. Glycerol CH2OH-CHOH-CH2OH 32 Humectant, retains moisture.

Dibasic calcium phosphate CaHPO4 27 Abrasive. Sodium N-lauroyl sarcosinate (See Fig. 20.4) 2

Surfactant and inhibitor of enzymes that produce decay. Carrageenan (A carbohydrate of seaweed) 1

Thickening agent and stabilizer. Fluorides and other additives 1 Enamel hardener; sweeteners and


Toothpaste industry in India

The toothpaste history in India can be tracked back from 1975 with 1200 tonnes of toothpaste

produced by the toothpaste industry. Prior to the toothpastes Oral Hygiene was the domain of local

home made powders and ayurvedh practitioners. With the entry of Colgate in Indian marketplace the

awareness about Oral care and the importance of oral care. In recent years the Industry has shown

impressive growth rate of 18.6% (this growth is calculated in terms of value growth in Rs. ).

The growth in the Urban market has been largely by the Gel Segment. Presently, a large chunk of the

Market is still held by Colgate. The major players in the toothpaste Industry being Colgate Palmolive

and Hindustan Lever Limited and several minor players like Balsara hygiene, Dabur etc.

Presently Colgate Dental Cream holds 52% of market share. HLL’s Close up lies far behind with 23%

of the existing market share. The third player in the marketplace in terms of market share is Colgate

Gel with 10.5% of the market share. That leaves 14.5% market share for other Brands like Pepsodent,

Pepsodent G, Promise, Babool, Sensofoam, Forhans, Cibaca, Neem, Vicco etc. The toothpaste market

is presently valued at Rs. 750 crores out of which the Gel segment has already bagged 1/3rd portion of

it. The Gel segment presently stands at Rs. 248 crores and is growing at a rate much faster than

Cream. In India toothpaste usage as compared to other countries is very low which signifies about the

potential of the market. In Urban India the usage of toothpaste per person per year is just 190gms.

Where as it is 200gms of toothpaste per person per year in developing countries as Indonesia and

Thailand. In developed countries as USA and other European countries the toothpaste usage is 375

gms per person year. In India the toothpastes companies are going in for advertising on a heavy note,

on an average the companies managing this FMCG category are spending 6.15% of their sales on

development. Colgate Palmolive had shelled out 15% of their sales on ads in the year 1994. Dabur had


an ad expenditure of 5.07% for the year 1993. whereas balsara Hygiene spend a huge 10.17% of their



There are many different types of toothpaste available in the market. The followings are the common types of toothpaste: Fluoride toothpaste, desensitizing toothpaste, anti-calculus toothpaste, anti-plaque toothpaste, and whitening toothpaste. Their various functions depend on the active ingredients they contain.

Anti-decay toothpaste

They contain Fluoride Compounds such as Sodium Fluoride (NaF), Stannous Fluoride (SnF2), or Monofluorophosphate (MFP2)etc. If the fluoride content is 1,000 ppm (parts per million) or above. they are all effective in preventing tooth decay. Children toothpaste contains 500ppm fluoride and is usually flavoured, e.g. fruit flavour, candy flavour, which is more appealing to children.

Desensitizing toothpaste

The active ingredients provide relief from dentine hypersensitivity symptoms in 2 ways. First, they interrupt the neurone response to pain stimuli; second, they occlude the dentinal tubules of dentine. Active ingredients such as Potassium Nitrate or Arginine, etc., are used by different product manufacturers. There are many different types of desensitizing toothpastes marketed by different brand names. Their various functions depend on different active ingredients they contain. Therefore, you are advised to consult the dentist and undergo a thorough check-up to explore the cause of tooth sensitivity before using desensitizing toothpaste. You should consult the dentist if the symptoms of tooth sensitivity persist after using desensitizing toothpaste.

Anti-calculus toothpaste

The manufacturer claims that the calcification of dental plaque could be retarded by this kind of toothpaste, thus it reduces the rate of calculus formation. The active ingredient is Pyrophosphate or Zinc Citrate, etc.

Anti-plaque toothpaste

This kind of toothpaste inhibits plaque accumulation, reduces the toxic effects of the bacterial toxin on the tooth surrounding tissues, thereby reduces the chances of getting gum disease. In the market,


different anti-plaque toothpastes contain different active ingredients. For example, Triclosan or Zinc Citrate, etc.

Whitening toothpaste

This kind of toothpaste contains relatively coarse abrasives which function by abrading the stains on the tooth surface, giving a whitening effect. The effects of the long term use of this kind of toothpaste are still unknown.


When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

Points to note when using toothpaste

Fluoride is effective in the prevention of tooth decay. Since we are all susceptible to tooth decay, we all need fluoride toothpaste.

Children may use children toothpaste which contains a lower concentration of fluoride, and parents should have close supervision on their brushing. This can prevent them from ingesting fluoride excessively.

When your teeth feel sensitive, you should first go to see a dentist to find out the cause. You should seek opinion about using desensitizing toothpaste from your dentist.

Consult your dentist before you start using whitening toothpaste.

Amount of toothpaste


A pea-sized blob of toothpaste is adequate.









Colgate (sub-brand of Colgate-Palmolive) is an oral hygiene product line of toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes and dental floss. Colgate toothpaste was first sold by the company in 1873, sixteen years after the death of its founder, William Colgate.

Product: Colgate Toothpaste Pump Dispenser

Duraphat: Duraphat is a professional-strength paste intended for the treatment and prevention of dental caries.

The toothpaste is ideal for the management of high-risk patients such as those with rampant, early, existing or recurrent coronal or root caries.

The prime constituent is sodium fluoride and it is sometimes prescribed as part of a program of fluoride therapy. It is available as a prescription-only product.

Colgate Total : Colgate Total contains the anti-microbial ingredient triclosan, which reduces the bacteria that cause gingivitis, cavities and halitosis. note: Health and environmental concerns have been expressed by some scientists relating to the use of Triclosan... see here for further info: also

20 and

Colgate Cavity Protection: Although most Colgate toothpaste brands use sodium fluoride, the Colgate Cavity Protection variety instead contains sodium monofluorophosphate as the active ingredient.

Colgate Simply White : A whitening toothpaste that is "Clinically proven to whiten in 14 days".

Its whitening ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which gradually bleaches the teeth.

Simply White utilizes two separate chambers that contain a whitening agent and cleaning gel.

Colgate My First Toothpaste: A new product launched by Colgate in 2012. The product does contain fluoride, at a lower concentration so that it poses less of a hazard to children. The product was recently awarded a Best New Product Award for 'Best toothpaste' as well as the 'Best in Show'.

Advertising: 1915 magazine ad

Colgate developed an animated mascot — an anthropomorphic rabbit dentist named Dr. Rabbit — as a means of educating young children in the benefits of oral hygiene and of advertising their dental products. The character starred in two educational animated videos designed to encourage dental hygiene, "Dr. Rabbit's World Tour" and "Dr. Rabbit and the Legend of the Tooth Kingdom". "Gardol" was actually their trademark for the ingredient Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, which today is an ingredient in Arm & Hammer's "Advance White" toothpaste.

History: Colgate was the first toothpaste in a collapsible tube, introduced in 1896, when it had previously been sold in glass jars since 1873.

Present in India since the 1930s, Colgate is almost synonymous with toothpaste in the Indian market. It is accepted well both in the rural and urban areas. It has been ranked as the 17th most trusted brand in India by The Brand Trust Report

In 1992, Colgate established its first factory in China to produce toothpaste for the domestic market, and by 1999 became the highest selling brand in that country. Colgate products are marketed in China using the transcription 高露洁 which is pronounced gaolujie, similar to Colgate, and has a positive meaning of high-quality cleaning gel. As of 2002, Colgate occupied 20% of the market share for toothpastes in China.


Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection : Active Ingredient: sodium monofluorophosphate (1.1%)

Other Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Water, Sorbital, Hydrated Silca, Sodium laureth sulfate, Sodium Monoflurophosphate, Flavor, Cellulose Gum, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodiu Saccharin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben




Colgate delights consumers around the world with an array of Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition products. Behind the success of Colgate’s brands are carefully developed business and marketing strategies. Known for having a long history of strong relationships with its retail trade partners. Small stores around the world are just as important to Colgate as large ones. Based on consumer and shopper insights, the Company works closely with local merchandisers and shop owners to offer a relevant assortment of products and merchandising services to achieve high visibility in each store.

Colgate is sharply focused on aligning its strategies and goals with those of its trade partners in order to achieve mutual success. Colgate people understand that the way they do business is just as important as the results they achieve. Colgate has developed global commercial selling principles that apply to thier relationships with all customers, regardless of their size or location. These principles provide specific guidelines on how to achieve business goals, while maintaining Colgate’s commitment to its values and to upholding the highest ethical standards in its business dealings. Innovation is a cornerstone of Colgate’s strategy to drive profitable growth. While innovation in new product development is key, equally important is innovation throughout all of the Company’s business functions and processes. New product development for products expected to be launched within three years takes place at nine consumer innovation centers strategically located around the world. These centers create new product concepts and ideas based on specific insights into consumer wants, needs and behaviors. For projects extending three to five years into the future, work is focused in three category-specific long-term innovation centers: Oral Care, Pet Nutrition and Personal Care. Supplementing these efforts, Colgate scientists conduct early research to establish a scientific foundation for new product ideas generated, and develop robust formulations that deliver new benefits to consumers.

In marketing, Colgate is breaking groundin connecting with consumers in non-traditional ways, particularly by leveraging the Internet and mobile phones. One successful program is capitalizing on the popular use of the term “Colgate Smile” for any great smile. Colgate encourages a personal, emotional connection with our brand by inviting consumers to share their “Colgate Smiles” via photographs, stories and videos posted on and numerous social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook.



Colgate Dental Cream Parent Company Colgate-Palmolive

Category FMCG

Sector Personal Care - Toothpastes

Tagline/ Slogan All Around Decay Protection

USP No. 1 Brand Recommended by Dentists


Segment Personal Care – Oral Hygiene - Toothpaste

Target Group All Indian Households

Positioning Toothpaste with calcium and minerals to get an all round cavity protection

SWOT Analysis


1. Colgate Dental Cream offers all-around cavity protection, even where a toothbrush cannot reach

2. It‘s great mint taste freshens breath

3. It protects against root caries

4. It cleans & makes teeth whiter and repairs early decay spots

5. Extremely popular brand and high brand awareness due to advertising


1. High dependence of the company on a single category i.e. Oral Care

2. Reduction in advertisement expenditure in order to maintain growth



1. Leverage on fact that Colgate has been ranked as the most trusted brand in India from 2003 - 2007

2. Focus on innovation and new product launches by deploying advanced technologies

3. Growth in emerging markets – rural and semi-urban


1. High competition from competitive brands like Pepsodent from HUL

2. Increasing commodity prices for manufacturing



Sensodyne is an oral health brand targeted at people with sensitive teeth. Dentine hypersensitivity is irritation or pain caused when nerves inside the teeth are exposed to the environment. Sensodyne products are applied at home by the patient to treat this condition. Sensodyne is owned by GlaxoSmithKline and is marketed under the name Shumitect in Japan


Sensodyne was first marketed in 1961 as a desensitising toothpaste based on a strontium chloride formulation. In 1980, Sensodyne launched a new toothpaste containing potassium nitrate. In 2006, Sensodyne Pronamel was released and is marketed as a toothpaste that protects against the effects of dental erosion.

Whitening Treatments and Sensitivity

80% of patients who undergo a professional teeth-whitening treatment will experience sensitive teeth. Sensodyne is marketed as a toothpaste for relieving discomfort before, during and after tooth-whitening treatments.[citation needed]

How Sensodyne Works

Sensodyne toothpastes work in one of three ways to relieve the pain of sensitive teeth*. Depending on the product's active ingredient - Potassium Nitrate, Strontium Acetate, or NovaMin technology.

Potassium Nitrate: The potassium ion in Sensodyne is believed to sooth the nerves inside the teeth.

Clinical studies show potassium nitrate progressively reduces the pain of sensitivity over a period of weeks.[citation needed] As long as a toothpaste with potassium like Sensodyne is used twice daily in brushing, the nerve response will gradually be reduced and sensitivity pain is relieved.[citation needed]

Strontium Acetate: Sensodyne Rapid Relief contains strontium acetate, which is similar to calcium. The strontium in Sensodyne Rapid Relief replaces some of the calcium lost from the dentine and blocks the exposed tubules in the dentinal tissue. This helps prevent the movement of the fluid within the tubules in response to a sensitivity stimulus that could otherwise cause tooth pain.


Sensodyne Rapid Relief relieves sensitivity pain when directly applied to the sensitive area of a tooth with a fingertip for one minute. This is because it is formulated to create a physical seal against sensitivity triggers.

Bioactive glass: Sensodyne contains calcium sodium phosphosilicate (Brand name Novamin) which some studies have shown to reduce tooth sensitivity and cause remineralisation.


In line with the strategy of bringing in global brands from its portfolio, GSK has launched its toothpaste brand Sensodyne in India. This is GSK's second foray into the Indian oral care market. Earlier the company had launched its toothpaste brand Aquafresh which was later withdrawn from the Indian market.


Sensodyne is a global leader in the premium toothpaste category ( specialist toothpastes) in various markets like USA. The brand has been around since 1960 came into GSK fold in 2001. GSK bough the brand from its original owner Block Drug Company INC.

Indian toothpaste market is worth around Rs 2750 crore and is segmented into Economy, Popular and Premium segments ( Source : Rediff). The economy segment in worth Rs 530 crores, popular segment is the largest segment with a size of Rs 1930 crores and premium segment constitutes 8% of the market with a size of Rs 260. The urban market for toothpaste is valued at around Rs 1850 crores.

The premium segment of toothpaste market consists of products which has therapeutic benefits. The brands in this category are Colgate Sensitive, Pepsodent Sensitive, Meswak , Glister etc. These toothpastes are priced significantly higher (>30% ) than the popular segment .

Sensodyne is a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. According to media reports, around 17% of individuals in India suffer the condition of sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth is a condition where the individual suffers sharp pain while consuming anything that is hot or cold. Since the awareness about remedy for this condition is low, most consumers avoid consuming foods that causes this pain. The fear of going to dentist and possibility of painful interventions often prompt individuals to manage the situation rather than taking remedial action. This is perhaps the most important challenge that Sensodyne faces in cracking the Indian market.

The brand is operating in a niche. A niche is defined as a narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits. Niche is can be called as micro-segment which is small, profitable, with less number of competitors where the consumer is willing to pay a premium for the offerings. Usually niche brands commands a premium since it satisfies some distinct set of consumer needs. All these descriptions fit the category in which Sensodyne operates. The market is also expected to grow fast once the awareness sets in.

The brand is currently running a campaign in visual media with the aim of creating awareness about the condition of sensitive teeth and projects Sensodyne as the dentist's most preferred choice for this condition. Globally also Sensodyne is positioned as Dentist's choice for sensitive teeth. Along with the Above-the- Line promotions, Sensodyne is also conducting brand awareness programs among the key influencer - dentists. The brand is also conducting events called ' Chill Tests ' among consumers to spread the awareness of the condition of sensitive teeth. Sensodyne is banking on the promise that it provides relief in two weeks.


In India Sensodyne competes with Colgate Sensitive. Colgate Sensitive has the first mover advantage over Sensodyne and has more brand visibility across channels. It will take a little while for Sensodyne to shake the position of Colgate Sensitive.


SWOT Analysis


· Contains no sugar.

· Clinically proven active ingredients to help relieve sensitivity within 2 weeks.


· Proven carried protection of fluoride(Does not use stannous fluoride which may produce surface staining of the teeth) .

· The #1 dentist recommended brand for sensitive teeth.

· A variety of flavors and choices.

· Its formula keeps breath feeling fresh for hours.

· Helps protect against cavities, maintain healthy teeth and gums.

· Can be used every day as basic toothpaste.


· Customers confuse which flavours to choose as it seems like all has the same functions.

· Unclear information given on the packaging, thus consumers do not know what kind of feature it actually provides.

· Colors and design on the packaging is rather pale compare with the others.


· Malaysian growing awareness of hygiene and product innovation.

· With changing diet, tooth sensitivity is increasingly felt by all age groups.


· Most of the people would prefer to choose normal toothpaste because it is cheaper and they does not know it can also be used as normal toothpaste.

· Some customers dislike the taste of Sensodyne, as it does not have strong taste like normal toothpaste.



Product type Oral hygiene

Owner Procter & Gamble

Country United States


Introduced 1950



Oral-B is a brand of oral hygiene products, including toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss. The B in Oral-B stands for "Brush".[ Oral B was created in 1950 by Dr Robert Huston, a dentist who created the first Oral-B toothbrush with its soft, end-rounded nylon bristles. Dr. Robert Hutson, a California periodontist, designed and patented the first Oral-B toothbrush. He also created the Oral-B brand name. The first product was known as the Oral-B 60, because it had 60 total tufts.

Dr. Hutson started small, with a family business and did much himself. The role of the dentist was critical from the very beginning. Oral-B has been part of the Procter & Gamble company since 2006.

The Oral-B electric toothbrush range consists of four groups:





Trizone (the company's own notation: TriZone)


The aim is to push its existing brands into adjacent categories as well as into higher and lower value tiers as part of CEO Bob McDonald’s “purpose inspired growth strategy to touch and improve more consumers’ lives in more parts of the world more completely”.

The FMCG company claims the Oral-B Pro Dental product is “the biggest breakthrough” in the market since the introduction of Fluoride.

The Pro-Dental range includes four toothpastes each developed to provide an all-in-one toothpaste that addresses the eight problem dental areas identified by dentists. P&G says it means that consumers do not have to compromise and choose their toothpaste based on either sensitivity or whitening for example.


It launches in the UK on 1 July.

P&G launched the range in Holland and Belgium in 2009 and currently holds 12% and 17% of the market respectively and achieves a 50% repeat purchase rate. P&G claims the launch has driven strong growth in a category that was previously in decline and is expecting similar results in the UK.

Ian Morley Oral B marketing director says: “This is a standout example of P&G’s multi-dimension innovation strategy. For the first time, we’re bringing the Oral B brand and its trusted reputation as a leader in toothbrush technology into the toothpaste market. This is white space for the brand and a fantastic opportunity to better serve existing consumers and reach new ones too. The growth potential is very exciting.”

“Consumers have always embraced and rewarded great innovation and this hasn’t changed. To continue to achieve sustained growth, we have expanded our innovation thinking in more dimensions. With Oral B Pro-Expert we’re bringing a breakthrough product to market… it will disrupt the category and deliver the ’new’ that excites shoppers. We’re broadening our portfolio offering by extending into an adjacency to grow our business in a new area.”

The launch will be supported by a major sampling campaign and activity across traditional and digital channels as well as heavy in-store presence.



Oral –B Parent Company Procter and Gamble

Category Personal Care brands - Hygiene

Sector FMCG

Tagline/ Slogan The brand more dentists use themselves worldwide

USP Global leader in toothbrush market


Segment People having medium purchasing power. Middleclass and higher classes

Target Group People looking for good quality and innovative products in toothbrushes

Positioning Dentist’s choice of toothbrush


SWOT Analysis


1. Frequent and many innovations in a low involvement product like toothbrush

2. Introduction of new features regularly

3. Focuses on solving problems commonly associated with toothbrush use

4. Aggressive advertising


1.Could not replicate its leading position in India as it is globally

2.Price wars with competitors

3.New innovations coming up in the market

4.Indian market not as responsive to innovations in toothbrushes as global market


1.More innovations to differentiate from the competitors

2.Increasing involvement in personal care products

3.Differentiated advertising methods to attract customers


1.Aggressive competition

2.Regular introduction of new products by competitors

3.Copied innovation by competitors



Pepsodent toothpaste

Early US Pepsodent TV advertisement


Pepsodent is a brand of toothpaste with a minty flavour derived from sassafras. The brand is owned by Unilever, but in 2003 the rights to the brand in the United States and Canada were bought by Church & Dwight.

The history of Pepsodent goes back at least to the 1920s.

It was advertised for its purported properties fighting tooth decay, attributed in advertisements to the supposed ingredient Irium. Irium is another word for sodium lauryl sulfate, an inexpensive ionic surfactant. However, in a 1994 speech, then-FCC chairman Reed Hundt claimed that the "Irium" mentioned in Pepsodent advertisements "didn't exist".

Another ingredient, "I.M.P.", which stood for "Insoluble Meta-Phosphate",[4] was purported to whiten teeth. Its best-known slogan was “You'll wonder where the yellow went / when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent!” British comedian Jasper Carrott referred to the slogan in one of his stand-up routines, saying “On your tongue - that's where the yellow went!”

Pepsodent was a very popular brand before the mid-1950s, but its makers were slow to add fluoride to its formula to counter the rise of other highly promoted brands such as Crest and Gleem toothpaste by Procter & Gamble, and Colgate's eponymous product; sales of Pepsodent plummeted. Today Pepsodent is a “value brand” marketed primarily in discount stores and retails for roughly half the price of similarly-sized tubes of Crest or of Colgate.

In the 1930s a massive animated neon advertising sign, featuring a young girl on a swing, hung on a building in Times Square in New York City. This ad was re-created for the climax of the 2005 film King Kong.

The product was discontinued in South Africa in 1974 but was revived in 1976 with a new ad slogan "Gets Your Teeth Their Whitest" featuring celebrity endorsers Rita Moreno, Steve Lawrence, and others. The popular slogan was also changed in South Africa to "You'll wonder where the dullness went / when you polish your teeth with Pepsodent".

Pepsodent is still sold as a Unilever property in all markets except the United States and Canada. In Vietnam Pepsodent is called P/S.

In popular culture


Pepsodent sponsored a radio program entitled The Pepsodent Show Starring Bob Hope that began airing in 1938 and ran for approximately 10 years on NBC. The show featured Bob Hope and his cast of regular characters such as Jerry Colonna, Barbara Jo Allen as Vera Vague, Frances Langford, and Skinnay Ennis. Famous Hollywood guest stars such as Cary Grant, Orson Welles, Judy Garland, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Paulette Goddard, Dorothy Lamour, Rita Hayworth, Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, Basil Rathbone, Gary Cooper, Veronica Lake, Ginger Rogers, Edward G. Robinson, Hedda Hopper, and many more would be on hand to trade comedic barbs with Hope. The show was the first radio program to broadcast live from the Hollywood Canteen on October 13, 1942, and soon the show was playing live to U.S. troops during World War II, even including some of the soldiers in the show.

Bloody Mary's chewing betel nuts

And she don't use Pepsodent.

It's also referenced in some versions of Cole Porter's song You're The Top:

You're an old Dutch master, you're Mrs. Astor,

You're Pepsodent

One of the great memories of Pepsodent is from an old Mad Magazine 50 or 60 years ago. It had a cartoon (realistic) of Leonardo da Vinci looking at his easel, sitting in front of the Mona Lisa thinking, "I wonder where the yellow went?" Among the tubes of paint is a tube of Pepsodent.



Pepsodent, a Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) brand, has raised the benchmark in Oral Care Solutions since its launch in India in the year 1993. It has a range of toothbrushes and toothpastes to take care of the special oral care needs of its consumers.

The 17 year old brand has positioned itself as an anti-bacterial agent that could check germs after brushing. The brand has communicated itself in several ways- from ‘Long Lasting Protection for Hours after Brushing, to ‘Germ Fighting’, to ‘Dental insurance’ and to the latest ‘Dishum Dishum’ tagline.

Pepsodent has adopted a 360 degree approach to promote the brand. Thus, in the 2004, HUL launched an aggressive promotional campaign by launching an educative campaign that focused on oral hygiene and night brushing. The aim was to reach 36 million people every night through consumer media, SMSes and intenet. HUL reached almost 21 lakh people only through text messages. It was for the first time that HUL adopted such advertising strategy. In fact, other two product variants of Pepsodent – Pepsodent 2-in-1 and Pepsodent Gumcare were promoted through the same campaign.

According to the AC Nielsen report 2009-10, out of the total INR3000 crore toothpaste market, HUL brands Pepsodent and Close Up accounted for a market share of almost 22%, with Colgate leading at 52.5% and Dabur with its toothpaste brands-Red, Meswak and Babool holding a share of 13.6%. It is quite clear that Pepsodent has been losing marketshare to its rival Colgate and other smaller brands like Babool as well. It therefore, slashed prices of the toothpaste to regain market share.



Pepsodent Parent Company HUL

Category FMCG

Sector Personal Care – Toothpaste

Tagline/ Slogan Dss nahi to bas nahi; My toothpaste fights 10; Protection Outside Freshness Inside; Gets Your Teeth Their Whitest

USP Pepsodent is a 15 year old brand that offers various oral care solutions to specific need based solutions.


Segment Personal Care -Toothpastes – Range of variants for different needs

Target Group Urban Households for Oral Hygiene Care

Positioning Brand that offers various oral care solutions to specific need based solutions

SWOT Analysis


1. Endorsed by FDI ( the largest dental association globally)

2. Among the most trusted brands having celebrities like Shahrukh Khan as brand ambassadors


3. Pepsodent toothpaste fights germs to protect teeth against cavities and gives strong teeth, fresh breath and healthy gums

4. Pepsodent as an oral care expert offers solution to specific problems like bleeding gums and sensitive teeth

5. Pepsodent also includes a range of toothbrushes


1. Colgate is the top-of-the-mind toothpaste brand hance intense competition

2. Low penetration in the rural areas


1.innovative marketing like Pepsodent packs included a Germ Indicator in February-May 2002, which allowed consumers to see the efficacy in fighting germs

2.Pepsodent campaigns which aims at educating consumers on the need for germ protection through the night

3. Smaller packaging for rural markets, tie-ups with hotel chains, schools


1. Competition from internal brand like Close Up in the same segment and external brand like Colgate

2.Oral hygiene still lacks in the rural parts of the country



Babool Toothpaste is a natural toothpaste packed with the medicinal benefits of Babul tree 'Acacia Arabia'. The Babul herbal extract in Dabur's Babool Toothpaste helps prevent swelling and bleeding of gums, keeping your gums healthy and teeth strong.

Babool Toothpaste is available in 6 SKUS: Family Pack, 380gm, 190gm, 90gm, 50gm and 30gm.

Now also available in Neem variant

Dabur's Babool Toothpaste now comes in a neem variant, offering the additional medicinal benefits of Neem for complete oral care. Your favourite Babool is now also available in a gel format with Babool Mint Fresh Gel.

Oral Care Tips


Oral Care FAQs

Babool toothpaste



Dabur unveils its first campaign with Vivek Oberoi, for Babool

New campaign to drive market share in fast growing economy segment of toothpastes.

New packaging with logo and celebrity.

Dabur India Ltd., India�s leading FMCG company, unveiled its new advertising campaign for Babool toothpaste.

The company had signed Vivek Oberoi for endorsing its Oral Care and Healthcare range of products and this is the first new campaign being launched with the celebrity for its Oral care product - Babool.

The creative approach for the new campaign is based on the concept � Live Life Big Bite - in line with the marketing strategy for Babool that is being promoted as natural toothpaste that strengthens teeth from roots - Pride in Kudrati Majbooti of teeth. This is illustrated in the ad by Vivek Oberoi living life big bite by, directly biting into hard fruits unlike other characters.

�Vivek Oberoi imparts mass appeal, youthfulness and attitude into the brand. The creative is jingle based and continues to build on the popular Babool theme Subah Babool ki toh din tumhara�, said Devendra Garg, VP (Marketing), Dabur India Ltd, elaborating on the new campaign.


The ad that has been created by McCann Erickson will be telecast over 1200 advertising spots in a period of 30 days in national electronic media. An aggressive radio campaign will also be launched to reach the rural masses. The media spends for Babool Toothpaste is pegged at Rs 5 crore during 2005-06. Babool toothpaste packaging would now incorporate Dabur logo to lend credibility to kudrati/natural claims and also have Vivek Oberoi demonstrating Oral Care benefit.

Dabur, post acquisition of Balsara, has gained significant presence in the oral care market with a range of products in almost all segments within the category. The company today has a strong range of products � Lal Dant Manjan (toothpowder), Red Tooth Paste, Babool, Promise and the premium Meswak � with approx 30 per cent market share in the toothpowder category and about 8 per cent share in the toothpaste category.



Babool Parent Company Dabur

Category Personal Care brands - Toothpastes

Sector FMCG

Tagline/ Slogan Begin a great day, the babool way

USP Contains ayurvedic ingredients and medicinal benefits


Segment Oral Care- Toothpaste

Target Group People having regular tooth problems

Positioning Cleans teeth and also prevents tooth problems

SWOT Analysis


1. Natural toothpaste containing the ayurvedic and medicinal benefits of babul tree

2. Keeps gums healthy and strong

3. Is an herbal product lacking any toxic ingredients present in other toothpastes

4. Supported by a strong brand image of Dabur


1. Limited market for Ayurvedic brands

2. Lost its promotional vigor after its launch


3.Limited customer base to mainly rural customers


1. Develop potential in rural markets

2.Develop distribution network by developing export

3.Innovation and R&D, launching of new variants


1. Lack of brand loyalty amongst customers for toothpastes

2.Aggressive competitors

3.Presence of better offers and promotional strategies that attract customers to switch products


Brand positioning of five brands of Tooth paste

The benefits of Branding and Brand Positioning

A well positioned brand influences the buying decision and shapes the ownership experience. Branding creates trust and an emotional attachment to a product or company. This attachment then causes a brand’s market to make decisions based, at least in part, upon emotion-- not necessarily just for logical or intellectual reasons. A strong brand can command a premium price and maximize the number of units that can be sold at that premium. Branding helps make purchasing decisions easier. In this way, branding delivers a very important benefit. In a commodity market where features and benefits are virtuallyi n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e , a s t r o n g b r a n d w i l l h e l p c u s t o m e r s t r u s t i t a n d c r e a t e a s e t o f expectations about its products without even knowing the specifics of product features. Brand positioning helps to "fence off" customers from the competition and protect market share while building mind share. Once a brand has mind share, the customer’s will automatically think of the brand first when they think of that particular brand’s product category.A brand is something that nobody can take away from anyone. Competitors may be able to copy the products, the patents will someday expire, trade secrets will leak to the competition, the proprietary manufacturing plant will eventually become obsolete, but strong brand will live on and continue to be unique. In fact, a strong brand name may be the most valuable asset for any company.

A strong brand can make actual product features virtually insignificant. A solid b r a n d i n g s t r a t e g y c o m m u n i c a t e s a s t r o n g , c o n s i s t e n t m e s s a g e a b o u t t h e v a l u e o f t h e company. A strong brand helps to sell value and the intangibles that surround products’ strongly positioned brand signals that it want to build customer loyalty, not just sell product. A strong positioning campaign will also signal that a brand is serious about marketing and that it intends to be around for a while. A well positioned brand impresses a firm's identity upon potential customers, not necessarily to capture an immediate sale but rather to build a lasting impression of itself and its products.A b r a n d h e l p s t o a r t i c u l a t e a c o m p a n y ' s v a l u e s a n d e x p l a i n w h y t h e y a r e competing in your market. People do not purchase based upon features and benefits. People do not make r a t i o n a l d e c i s i o n s . T h e y a t t a c h t o a b r a n d t h e s a m e w a y t h e y a t t a c h t o e a c h o t h e r . Similarly, purchase decisions are made the same way, first instinctively and impulsively a n d t h e n t h o s e d e c i s i o n s a r e r a t i o n a l i z e d . A s t r o n g b r a n d h e l p s m o l d a n d s h a p e t h a t e m o t i o n a l r e a c t i o n i n p e o p l e , w h i c h i s a v e r y s t r o n g i n f l u e n c e r i n t h e p u r c h a s i n g decisions they make. Once they have an emotional attachment to a brand, then they will justify their purchase decision based upon product features and benefits.


Brand loyalty:

The American Marketing Association defines brand loyalty as:

1. "The situation in which a consumer generally buys the same manufacturer-originated product or service repeatedly over time rather than buying from multiple suppliers within the category" (sales promotion definition).

2. "The degree to which a consumer consistently purchases the same brand within a product class" (consumer behavior definition).

In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 69 percent responded that they found the "loyalty" metric very useful.

Factors influencing brand loyalty

It has been suggested that loyalty includes some degree of pre-dispositional commitment toward a brand. Brand loyalty is viewed as multidimensional construct. It is determined by several distinct psychological processes and it entails multivariate measurements. Customers' perceived value, brand trust, customers' satisfaction, repeat purchase behavior, and commitment are found to be the key influencing factors of brand loyalty. Commitment and repeated purchase behavior are considered as necessary conditions for brand loyalty followed by perceived value, satisfaction, and brand trust. held, One of the most influential writers on brand loyalty, claimed that enhancing customer loyalty could have dramatic effects on profitability. Among the benefits from brand loyalty — specifically, longer tenure or staying as a customer for longer — was said to be lower sensitivity to price.


Consumer behaviour:

Consumer behavior refers to the activities in which people acquire, consume and dispose products and

services. Owing to the proliferation of brands in the recent decades, there is a growing number of research

conducted in the field of consumer buying behavior. However, most of them concentrate on a single

country study, regardless of the importance of Cross-country comparisons which will inspire innovative

ideas for understanding the fast-changing consumer habits.







1. Do you use toothpaste?


yes no

Interpretation: it’s very much clear through the survey that all respondents are toothpaste users.


2. Which brand of toothpaste you use?







Interpretation: 26% of consumer prefers babool, 23% of consumers prefer colgate, on the other hand 18% of consumer prefers pepsodent, 17% of consumer prefers sensodyne and oral- b is preferred by 16%.


3. Which factor influence to purchase this brand?




qualityprice offers

Interpretation : quality is the most important factor which influence consumers. 50% of consumers influenced by quality, whereas for 40% price matters and rest 10% gets influenced by offers also.

4. How do you come to know about this brand ?


newspaper internet television friends0%











1030 40 20






2025 43 12

15 25 40 20


Interpretation: well, as we know mouth publicity plays a very important role and its very much clear from survey.


5. Are you satisfied with this brand?






Interpretation: satisfactory level is maximum in case of colgate and sensodyne than follows babool.oral- b is also somewhat fulfills satisfaction level pepsodent lacks behind.

6. DO you think quality affects your purchase of toothpaste ?





Interpretation: hence we may conclude that quality is directly proportional to the purchase of toothpaste.



Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.

Research in common place refers to search of knowledge. Research is an original contribution to the existing state of knowledge making for its advancement. The role of research in several fields of applied economics whether related to business or economy as a whole has greatly increased in modern times.


It is needed because its facilities the smooth sailing of the various research operations thereby marketing research problem as possible yielding maximum information with minimum expenditure of effort, time and money. As this is descriptive study so I have chosen the research design which suits this study.

Every survey report conducted scientifically has specified framework for controlling data collection. This framework is called research design. There are two types of research design:-

(a) Conclusive research(b) Exploratory research

This type of research design used in this project is exploratory, exploratory research is that in which new relationship are discovered and looking to the objective of research that is finding out the most dominate attributes and also the market leader in respect of services.

A. CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH:- (i) Descriptive research liesin the formality it offers with respect to data collection and

analysis two types of descriptive research.(a) Statistical method.(b) Case study method.

(a) Statistical method:- statistical techniques are used to study a large number of respondents over a variety of factors stated in the hypothesis.

(b) Case study method:- techniques are similar to those used in exploratory research. Expect what, when the result got from this are to be tested further by using more case study.

(c) Experimentation:- in this method certain factors in the marketing situation are controlled to see the effect on certain factors establish cause effect relationship.

(d) Exploratory research:- it helps to discover new relationship and ideas. The research imagination is the key factor however three lines to attack may help in finding hypothesis of value.

DATA COLLECTION: The method used to collect the data is from primary sources. This methods is appropriate as compared to secondary data available looking to the objectives of this research report. The method used to collect data is a survey in which questionnaire is prepared and is given to the respondent to fill it, it is not possible to collect information


from observation because in observation one catches the physical activities of person but looking to the objectives this research based on customer preference.There are two types of data collection:-(A) Primary data (B) Secondary data

(A) Primary data: these are the data’s which are not readily available to the user or researcher but these data has to be collected by some one primarily for their own use. They are specifically collcted for certain research. I have done survey which is my original work.

(B) Secondary data: these are the data’s which are already available in firm, company, internal needs, and commercial trades and private publication.


The area which I used for research is sagar.

(a) Sample unit: Dealers are taken as sample unit for research.(b) Sample size: No. of customers = 50(c) Sample procedure: Here for my research I have used non probability sample

procedure.(d) Sample method: here I used set of questionnaires for my research.


During the field work operations, all possible efforts were made to minimize the errors so that the data collection may not provide wrong information a lot of time was given to the respondent so that they could understand the question asked.



The report had to be completed in a selected area with in a specified time limit.

The facts & figures perceived in this project report are based on the data collected from the respondent.

Hence, their might be chance of having a little difference from actual.

Sample size was very small as compared to the population of sagar city.

People did not give response & there is a bias in some personal questions.

Data from the secondary sources may have some errors & their objectives may not be relevant with the

present project.



The companies should keep pace with time and introduce improved product time to time.

Resources should be properly utilized to reduce the prices.

Prices should be stable & less variable.

Prices differentiation should be removed.

Sales promotions techniques should be used frequently.

The person should be trained by the companies to provide customer satisfaction & be develop

public relation.

Companies should take measures to develop new market.

Effective sales force should be used by the companies to penetrate the interior market.



From this survey I have concluded that among the top five brands of toothpaste that is colgate,

Sensodyne, oral-b, pepsodent, babool also to know the different types toothpase of all the five

brands of toothpaste. The babool is at the top among all the five brands of shampoo the people

of sagar city mostly prefer to colgate and sensodyne due to quality and the are manufactured in

such a way which suits the pocket of customers, it is very popular since it has been introduce

and has more preference over other toothpaste. The main reason for increase in selling is its

quality . After that price and quality are the factor for the success of any brand the people in

sagar city are always looking for how they save money and want best thing in less price.

Success of big brand of any company is only because of good image, good quality, and

advertising and same with company.


Sharma d.d : Marketing research principals, applications & cases, sultrachand & sons New Delhi.


Kotler Philips (2000) Marketing Management hall of Pvt. India ltd. New Delhi.

Kothari, c.r research methodology, methods & technology, vishwa ,new delhi.






Q.1. Do you use toothpaste?



Q.2. Which brand of toothpaste you use?

colgate sensodyne oral-b pepsodent babool

Q.3. Which factor influence to purchase this brand?

Price Quality offers

Q.4. How do you come to know about this brand ?

Newspaper Internet Television Friend

Q.5. Is brand value is important rather than price ?


Q.6 . DO you think quality affects your purchase of toothpaste?


Q.7. Which kind of toothpaste would u prefer to purchase?

Anti-decay toothpaste Desensitizing toothpaste Anti-calculus toothpaste

Anti-plaque toothpaste Whitening toothpaste

Q.8. Do you suggest your friend & relatives to buy this brand of shampoo?


Q.9. Are you satisfied with this brand?


Q.10. Do you want some improvisation in the present quality of shampoo you r using.