tony esposito - Pennsylvania State University · 2011. 12. 11. · Tony Esposito | December 12,...

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tony esposito Lighting / Electrical

Faculty Consultant: Dr. Richard Mistrick Monday, December 12, 2011

thesis proposal

Hunter’ Point South Intermediate School and High School Queens, NY

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

1 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

executive summary The hunters point south intermediate school and high school is a combination middle school and high school

that is part of the hunter’s point redevelopment project of lower west Queens, NY. The 5 story building is

approximately 154,500 square feet, and will house roughly 1,000 students. Within, the building will contain 26

classrooms, 8 special education classrooms, several laboratories, library, full size gymnasium, cafeteria, kitchen,

and auditorium.

For the lighting portion of my thesis, a redesign of the lighting in the following spaces will be performed:

West and South facing facades

IS/HS Auditorium

HS Art Room

IS Cafeteria

The redesign of the lighting in the auditorium will constitute a redesign of other systems in the space, which will

be the basis for my breath studies. As a result of the redesign, the mechanical system in the space must be

redesigned. Due to my limited knowledge on mechanical systems, I will have to work closely with mechanical

students and professors to ensure that I am designing the system appropriately and accurately.

As a result of the mechanical system redesign, an acoustical analysis will be done of the space to ensure that

there is no (negative) change in the acoustics of the space. This will include an analysis of the reverberation time

of the space to make sure it falls in line with what is appropriate for an auditorium. Materials may be added or

removed to achieve the desired reverberation time. Acoustical properties of the panels in the room may be

altered as well to help achieve this reverberation time.

An MAE daylighting study will be performed in the HS Art Room to determine the feasibility of adding

daylighting controls into the space. Large portions of the walls in this space are covered with glazing, and as

such, there is an opportunity for significant cost savings.

All of the lighting in this building operates at 208/120V. Increasing the voltage with which the lighting operates

allows us to decrease the size of the wiring which creates savings. A feasibility study and cost analysis will be the

basis for my first depth topic.

All of the mechanical equipment in the building is designed for a voltage of 208/120V. By adding a transformer

to step the voltage up to 480/277V, the mechanical equipment could be reduced in size which will create

equipment cost savings. This is the topic of my second depth topic.

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

2 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito


executive summary ........................................................................................................................................1

building overview ..........................................................................................................................................3

depth proposal – lighting ...............................................................................................................................3

overall design and concepts ............................................................................................................... 3

exterior façade .................................................................................................................................. 3

auditorium ........................................................................................................................................ 4

high school art room ......................................................................................................................... 5

intermediate school cafeteria ............................................................................................................ 6

lutron presentation – designer comments .......................................................................................... 6

tasks and tools .................................................................................................................................. 8

depth proposal – electrical .............................................................................................................................8

depth topic one – lighting voltage comparison ................................................................................... 9

depth topic two – mechanical equipment voltage comparison ........................................................... 9

MAE study: daylighting ..................................................................................................................................9

breadth 2: Mechanical ...................................................................................................................................9

breadth 3: Acoustical .....................................................................................................................................9

spring semester schedule ............................................................................................................................. 10

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

3 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

building overview

The Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School & High School is a new, 5 story public school for grades 5 through

12. Located in the PS 287 Queens School District, Hunter’s Point will house roughly 1,000 students. The building

will contain 26 classrooms, 8 special education classrooms, several laboratories, library, full size gymnasium,

cafeteria, kitchen, auditorium, and most architecturally significant, a nearly 4000sf roof terrace.

depth proposal – lighting

overall design and concepts

It was the original design intent of the architect to combine the two individual programs (Intermediate and High

school) and the students contained within these two programs. As such, it is a main goal of my lighting design to

connect the people + programs within this building. Such a goal is achieved by my choice of spaces, which are

the spaces the architect designed specifically to be connecting points of the two programs

Second, as this building is part of a redevelopment of the hunters point area of Queens, it is a goal to connect

the building + community. This can be achieved by two things: designing the façade such that neighborhood

residents can freely and safely navigate the base of the building, and allowing the diverse culture of NY influence

my design.

It is the last overall goal of my lighting design to connect lighting + architecture. Any good lighting design is

reflective of the architecture of the space. My designs aim to consider not only the physical architecture, but

also the main usage, and occupant makeup of each space.

exterior façade

The sides of the building considered in this redesign are those which front the east river (west) and contain the

buildings main entrance (south). The main goals of the façade designs are as follows:

minimalistic: from and energy and sustainability point of view (not an aesthetic one) the design should has a

minimalistic design. This is achieved not only by putting light where it is needed, but to utilize low wattage, high

efficiency sources and fixtures.

high visibility from river: as this building fronts the river, it should establish itself as a landmark and way-finding

point from the river. This is achieved by lighting the west façade which include an accent of one of the most

interesting architectural features – the large trapezoidal, angled overhang hovering over the large roof terrace.

vandal proof design: due to the buildings location in Queens, NY, the lighting design should consider vandals

ability to deface the lighting. To achieve this, fixtures will be placed out of reach whenever possible. Those that

cannot be placed out of reach will be vandal grade and graffiti proof.

create entrance as a focal point: The entrance to the is very small and difficulty to find. It is thus the design of

the lighting to not only direct people around the building, but to then create the entrance to the building as a

focal point by creating a 10:1 illuminance ratio. In addition, a backlit sign of the school mascot will be placed on

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

4 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

the empty wall by the entrance doors. This sign will catch the eye and guide occupants to the entrance of the



The auditorium is located in the heart of the building and connects the third and fourth floors together. The 3rd

floor is dedicated entirely to classrooms and labs for the intermediate school students while the fourth floor

houses all the classrooms and labs for the high school students. As this space was designed by the architect to

literally connect the two floors that house both the school programs, I chose it as one of my spaces.

In the auditorium I chose to do my three schematic designs, as well as my Flynn impression based design. I

addressed the auditorium with the goal of achieving the Flynn impression public/private. The need for a public

scenario in the auditorium would be for when there is town meetings, or anytime there would be a large group

meeting to provide information to the student body. A private scene would be needed for various events such

as musical performances and talent shows. Below are my three schematic designs for the private impression:

Scene one, outlined in red, was indicated in my presentation as my preferred design. Lee Brandt, disagreeing

with me, stated that her preferred design was that of scene three (outlined in green), after which she referenced

me to the art works of CHIASCORO.

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

5 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

Below, are my three designs for the public impression:

Outlined in red is the scene that I indicated in my presentation as my preferred design. Disagreeing with me,

outlined in green is the design preferred by Lee Brandt. Lee Brandt’s preferred design was also my original

preference but I indicated otherwise in my presentation because I thought that maybe it would infringe too

much on the architecture.

high school art room

The high school art room, located on the fifth floor, is connected directly to the IS and HS cafeteria via the large

outdoor room terrace. The direct connection of these spaces via the roof terrace shows the importance the

architect put on connection of these spaces, and is thus why I have chosen this as one of my spaces. In addition,

the HS Art room is the main space in the building where the students are able and encouraged to be creative

and original. The main goals of the lighting design in this space are as follows:

promote creativity and individuality: it’s very important that the art room be a place that the students can

demonstrate their creativity and individuality. Their art should be a reflection of themselves – the lighting should

promote this. It is desired to design a ceiling system such that the students have somewhat individual

workstations. This will allows each student to have their own space to create original work.

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

6 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

decrease distraction/increase productivity: as high clarity is needed in the production of quality artwork, the

lighting should not be distracting. To achieve this, the lighting should provide an illuminance level as uniform as

possible, as to reduce glare and shadows. Given to me by designers at Lutron, I will entertain the idea of giving

the students control over their own lighting.

consider daylight: as two of the walls in this room are almost completely covered by windows, it would be very

beneficial to consider daylighting from a productivity and sustainability view point. Daylight integration will be

achieved by photosensor dimming of perimeter light fixtures, as well as the possible introduction of skylights.

use lighting as a tool for education: I value education very much, and as such, want to utilize this art room to

not only promote lighting, but to also teach how light interacts with objects, and to understand shadows. This

will be achieved by converting the rear work table in the back of the space into an adjustable exhibition space

for sculpture and still-life work. The different types of fixture and sources integrated into and above this

worktable will allow the instructor to teach the students about lighting, and how light interacts with objects to

create shadows.

intermediate school cafeteria

The intermediate school cafeteria is attached directly to the high school cafeteria and HS art room via the

outdoor roof terrace as indicated in the previous section. I chose this space as to achieve my overall design goal

of connectivity, as it was the original design goal of the architect to physically connect these spaces.

fun and creative: the main occupants of this space will be middle school students, and as such, the design

should be fun and interesting to look at. It’s very easy for this space to fall victim of a standard, boring lighting

design, which is my goal to avoid. This will be achieved by not only integrating fun fixtures and application of

color, but also with the design of the mosaic that wraps all the interior walls. As per the comments from Lutron,

colored light in this space will be eliminated.

reflective of space usage: when you walk in the doors to the cafeteria, it should be immediately evident that

this space is used for eating purposes. This will be achieved by using fun utensil sculptures as light fixtures.

provide illuminance suitable for eating: as the utensil sculpture will obstruct light from getting to the

workplane, it is important that sufficient illuminance is provided for eating purposes. The transparency of the

utensils and the density with which they are placed will be adjusted so that proper illuminance is provided.

lutron presentation – designer comments

Andrea Hartranft


Don’t tell feelings/weaknesses of design, client does not want to hear uncertainty

Don’t tell what you would have done differently


Public/private? For function space private does not equal functional

Private renders space dysfunctional (misunderstanding: Andrea though my public scenario would not be combined with the private scenario)

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

7 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito


Any white light? All color? Be clear

Cafeteria food has a hard enough time with its appearance, colored light will make it look worse

Need white light for food aesthetics and facial recognition

Art Room

Consider/mention daylight – consider direct/indirect

Uplight and not even downlight on wall will create a possible distraction that isn’t visible until space is rendered in 3D

Lee Brandt


Presentation was well Rehearsed

Cal tell your presentation was well practices, but don’t be so nervous


Minimalistic? Be careful with semantics. Owner does not want to hear that his building is unimportant

Slots in façade looked cool

Wrap wall design around corner and carry it to wall - Make it bigger as you get to the door – go with it

Perhaps not have all gym lights on for exterior glow – maybe just fixtures by the windows


Public scene 1 is the best (I said scene 2)

Private scene 3 best ( I said scene 1)

Look into CHIASCORO for design idea (origami?)

Comparisons good at the end


What was ceiling? Be clear

Be careful with sculpture – consider the guy who would have to clean it

Must wash the entire mosaic uniformly – then figure out what to do with tables

“Cool kids with sit in the booths”

Make utensils part of the mosaics?

Make sculpture colored, and use only white light

Art Room

Talk more about controls

Lights over desk are confusing/distracting

Consider access to daylight and student controllability of lighting

Brent (Lutron)


Focus more on the feeling of the spaces

Should be a feeling-based design, not a solution-based design

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

8 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

tasks and tools

For the final presentation, I will need to use certain tools and software to achieve and portray my designs. The

programs and method I propose to use are outlined below.

schematic lighting design: from a conceptual viewpoint, comments provided by industry professionals will aid

and influence the final design choices of my spaces. From a technical viewpoint, illuminance levels will be taken

from the 10th

space modeling: all spaces will be modeled in either AutoCAD or REVIT Architecture. As of now, all spaces are

modeled in REVIT, with the exception of the Auditorium, which is modeled in AutoCAD. These models with then

be exported to DAYSIM and 3DS.

design development: all lighting fixtures will be chosen and placed with the intent of achieving the design goals

set forth in the proposed schematic designs.

lighting calculations: all lighting calculations will be performed in AGI32. However, additional calculation

method may be explored – these are 3DStudio max and the AGI plug-in for REVIT Architecture.

daylighting: all daylighting analysis will be done using DAYSIM.

final renderings: final renderings will be produced using a combination of AGI32 and 3DStduioMAX.

depth proposal – electrical

This building utilizes a simple radial electrical distribution system. Utility power provided by CONED electric company hits a transformer in an exterior, underground CONED vault. The voltage is stepped-down to 208/120V. “Main Switchboard #1 (MS1)” is fed from the underground vault, and is the center point of the system. No additional transformers are contained in this building, and as such, the entire system operates at 208/120V.

It is from MS1 that all other loads in the building are connected. The two side-by-side electric rooms on each floor serve as the main means of routing conduit and wire. One room is dedicated to panelboards that only connect to normal power – the other contains panelboards connected to the emergency generator. Each room contains its own riser shaft for wire and conduit. This is to keep the normal power and emergency power wiring separate.

The generator, located on the roof of the building in the emergency generator room, provides power to the critical building loads in the event of a power outage. Some of these loads include: emergency/egress lighting, two (2) elevators, telecom equipment, and the fire and jockey pump which are critical to the operation of the schools sprinkler system.

This remainder of this section is dedicated to describing, in detail, the electrical depth topics to be explored in the spring semester.

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY

9 Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 Tony Esposito

depth topic one – lighting voltage comparison

All of the lighting in this building operates at 208/120V. Increasing the voltage with which the lighting operates

allows us to decrease the size of the wiring which creates savings. A feasibility study and cost analysis will be

performed on the system to see how applicable it would be to adjust the voltage of the lighting in the building.

depth topic two – mechanical equipment voltage comparison

As the entire system operates at a voltage of 208/120V, all of the mechanical equipment in the building is

designed for this voltage. By adding a transformer to step the voltage up to 480/277V, the mechanical

equipment could be resized. This would constitute savings as the equipment would need to be less robust.

MAE study: daylighting As the HS Art Room has windows covering two walls, it will be used as the subject of my daylighting analysis.

This should provide significant energy savings, but should also make the space feel more natural as it will have a

significant level of daylight. The wall with the largest percentage of glazing is facing north, and as such will have

a mostly diffuse daylight coming in – this will reduce glare and increase productivity. DAYSIM will be used to

analyze the daylighting in this space, and aid in determining the feasibility of adding daylighting controls into the


breadth 2: Mechanical The lighting that will be implemented in the auditorium space will conflict with some component of the existing

mechanical system. As such, to implement my lighting design, the mechanical systems must be redesigned. My

knowledge of mechanical systems and air delivery methods is limited, so I will have to work closely with a

Mechanical student so that I may properly and appropriately design the system.

breadth 3: Acoustical The redesign of the mechanical system will facilitate an acoustical analysis of the space to ensure that there is

no (negative) change in the acoustics of the space. In addition, the materials in the room will be studied to

determine the reverberation time. Materials may be added or removed, or altered acoustically to facilitate

accommodate the changes in the acoustics of the space as a result of the new mechanical system.

spring semester schedule

Lighting / Electrical Proposal | December 12, 2011 10 Tony Esposito

Hunter’s Point South Intermediate School and High School | Queens, NY