Tom Brown Development pro forma

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Tom Brown Development pro forma

Digital Graphic Narrative


Tom Brown

Shape Task


What did you like about your image?I like how I incorporated darker shades of orange to show detail on the fish’s fins. I also like the drop shadow I used to give the fish a more 3D effect.What would you improve if you did it again?If I created this image for a second time, I would spend more time working on the background. I spent the entire time on working on detail for the fish but the background turned out very plain. I would implement more shapes and use gaussian blur and motion blur to give the water a sense of direction.


EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like how the lettering of Hulkamania turned out on the bandanna and vest. I used the layer via copy option, used a colour overlay to turn the letters yellow then used a stroke to give a black outline. I like how the shading on his neck gives depth to the image and stops the face and neck all being one shape.What would you improve if you did it again?I would work on the ears and nose if I created this image again. The ear does not look part of his body, it gives a ‘stuck-on’ feeling. I picked out the light and dark of his nose and represented them with light shades and dark shades of his skin colour. This does show his nose but not very clearly. I would have included the ear whilst working on the rest of his face, rather than leave it and add it to its own layer.

Text Based


What did you like about your image?I like how altering spacing between the text gives a modern and sleek appearance. I also like how using a clipping mask allows you to add an image to you text instead of using a solid colour. I used a custom shape and clipping mask to add the black lines onto the bottom example.What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to re-do this task, I would spend more time working with the placement of the words ‘Tom’ and ‘Brown’. I think a different placement would give the final product a more appealing effect.

Comic Book 1

Comic Book 2


What did you like about your image?I like how parts of this image are made up of bold shapes like triangles. These can be seen under the mans eyes. The image is also made up block colours, no fading or blending is used in the image. This gives the image a pop art feel. This effect removes a lot of the fine detail from the image but I like how the character is still easily distinguishable.What would you improve if you did it again?If I re created this image, I would use levels to increase the brightness of the image before adding the image effects. This would mean the final image would brighter which fits with the comic book appearance feel.




Photography- Thinking


What did you like about your images?I like how the emotions shown in my images are easily distinguishable but not over exaggerated. I also like how these images could easily be ‘rotascoped’. The aperture settings I have used has kept the subject of the image in focus and blurred the background. I like this because it directs the viewers attention to the subject.What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do the photo-shoot, again I would change the locations of my images so that the subjects surroundings added to the emotion being shown



What did you like about your image?I like how this image is easily recognisable as Kermit. I like the bright colours and how the dark black lines define his eyes and mouthWhat would you improve if you did it again?I would ensure that his eyes were the same size and shape.

Initial Ideas

Farm Yard Stories

African Culture Stories

Current popular childrens books

Idea Generation

One thing that I learnt from researching other children's books currently on the market was that using a serif font supports the child's the reading as the serifs have been reported to make the writing easier to read. These 4 fonts are good examples and I will select one of these to use for my body text in my final book

I will use stereotypical african images for my book. The images will depict fruit trees and hot climates. I will also include traditional african animals, which parents can use to educate their children

Young Girl

For the young girl, I will be using a tribal mask to represent her. I have decided to do this because I believe it is easily distinguishable as African culture which the child may not have discovered yet

For the spider, I will use simple cartoon versions of spiders. No images will be to detailed as this might scare the child


My book is going to be no more than 12, A4 landscape pages.

Story OverviewSpider and the honey tree.A young girl is renowned for the fruit she finds in the African bush. A greed spider wants her to show him where she finds her fruit. She agrees and the spider thinks she is being foolish but she has a cunning plan. She takes the spider to the fruit trees which he asks for. After eating to much fruit, he climbs inside a honey tree to get honey but gets to fat to get out. The spider says he's sorry but the girl knows he isn't being truthful, Instead she leaves the spider stuck in the tree. There is a hidden moral to the story of treat others how you expected to be treated.

Export Format

I will export my children’s book as a PDF

Advantages: PDF’s can easily be sent online and compressed to a much smaller size than other equivalent file formats.Disadvantages: Not compatible on all operating systems, Some page sizes can be awkward to read as PDF


15th May 2015


(Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) My childrens book will have to attract two target audiences. The parent of the child and child itself. The parents will be fairly young, probably 25-35. It will need to attract both men and women of all classes.

Production Methods

Rotascoping is the method of illustration I will be using. I will also be using analogy illustration to draw sketches that I can rotascope over. I will use rotascoping because it enables me to great a bright coloured children's book. By rotascoping over my own sketches, My final illustrations will be unique and non-copyright.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

One of the proposal’s best strengths include the morality of the story. This will help to teach children readers, in addition to entertaining them.Another strength is the chosen setting and environment in which the story is set. Children will be able to discover animals and cultures which they may not have come across before.

I think that the design and layout area, including fonts, could be improved slightly. Although I understand the styling of how the images and text are going to look, I’m unsure of of they will be set out on the pages. I also would like to see a final font set for both the title and body fonts.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

One strength is the many details and suggestions that are outlined within the mindmap. This shows care has been taken in deciding what the best approach is when creating the book. The small sketches that show different layouts are useful to picture how the book would look one it’s created.There is also a lot of different stories included on the mindmap, showing a high level of research went in to picking the most suitable for the book

One are that could be improved would be details outlining the demographic of the book’s market. It’s currently fairly simplistic and to the point, but more detail would help me to understand who the book is specifically aimed at.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Nice storyline including traditional values and morals.Good explanation as to why you have chosen the artwork style you have chosen.

Lacking in detail, and although well explained, needs filling out with more text and information.Many grammar errors, worth reading through again and eliminating them to achieve a higher grade.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Multitude of images shown in the mood board to clearly demonstrate the idea you want and to form a clear picture of what the book should be like.Mind map clearly demonstrates good use of idea generation.

Again, text lacking in detail although explained. Definitely worth adding a bit more in order to ensure a merit rather than a pass.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal has some good points and explanations, your story is easy to understand and has lots of possibilities for designs.

You could write more for the audience, explain in more detail. And Look at all possibilities for the production (shape warping)

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Nice images of the animals and scenery, you have written clear explanations for your choices. Your mindmap is detailed and has good illustrations making your points clear

You could find some images of illustrated animals and houses, or images from an existing children’s book with your style and many different styles.

Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.The feedback I have received has allowed me to see where I need to re-think parts of my planning and idea generation process. It has showed the strong parts to my plan and the parts that require some improvements. My storyline went down well but I needed more detail when explaining it. My overall plan was understandable but I didn’t not display which final design style or font style I would use. The idea of setting the book in an african setting also was agreed with and my feedback says that it would be a perfectly suitable setting for a children's book.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?The first part of feedback I received was to add an extra slide to my moodboard displaying the layout and design for my book. It should show exactly what I want the pages to look like and should include an example sketch of what I want a double page spread in the book to look like. I agree with doing this as it will give my proposal reader a better understanding of what my book will look like when it is finally produced. Another piece of feedback I received was to select a final font which I would use for body and one for the Front cover title. I would say which fonts I have decided on use, on my fonts page of the moodboard. The 3rd bit of feedback I received said that I need to give a better description of my target audience/ demographic. I agree that I should include this better description as identifying my target audience is important when producing and selling a childrens book.Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

Continued from Previous slide

One part of feedback I was given says that I should consider using other illustration techniques such as shape warping and analog illustration. I think that I should focus my time and practice on the illustration technique I plan to use. Trying to practice and use several different techniques might effect the quality of my work. All the other feedback I received, I have taken onboard and done the improvements they have suggested.

Plot Breakdown – Stumpy’s Tail

1. There was …. This girl2. One day spider …. Spider couldn't’t believe his

work3. The girl lead … “all of the bush’4. Now spider …. Changed her mind5. The girl …. Thank you6. His belly was …. Changed her mind7. The girl… Thank you8. When spider…. In the tree9. No, you’re wrong …. Trapped10. Finally … ever go11. Finally…. Down the trail

Final Script

There was once a young girl from a village far way who had a special talent for finding the very best foods in the bush. Her oranges were just a little sweeter, her plums just a little larger, and her bananas had just a little more flavor. Everyone wondered where she located such delicious fruits. But, nobody ever asked the girl about her secrets of the bush. That is, nobody asked her after they

heard the story about Spider and this young girl.One day Spider asked this young girl to help him look for food. He was too lazy to work for himself and was sure he could trick this girl into sharing her secrets. He didn't know how clever this girl could

be."Little girl, nobody finds fruits as sweet as yours," cooed the spider. "Will you please take me with you when you go looking in the bush?"

"I've never done that before," replied the girl."It would mean so much if you could do it one time," pleaded Spider.

"Well, I suppose I can do it just once," agreed the girl. "Do you promise to keep my secrets?""You can trust me," promised the lazy spider.

"What do you like to eat?""Well, I like plums and bananas, of course, but I especially love honey."

"I think I can help you," grinned the girl.Spider couldn't believe his luck.

The girl lead Spider along the path into the bush. She took him down trails into areas where people rarely ever go. Spider grinned because he knew he was about to learn her secret places for finding the very best food. After learning this, he would never again have to work hard for good food.

"This plum tree," explained the girl, "does not have much fruit so most people ignore it, but its plums are the sweetest ones in all of the bush."Now Spider was just as greedy as he was lazy. As soon as the young girl showed him the secret plums, his eyes became wide and his mouth began to water. Then, Spider shoved the little girl into the

bushes. He rushed past her and climbed up into the tree. Then, he ate every single one of the plums. He didn't even leave one plum for the little girl. And, he didn't even say thank you!After his feast, Spider rubbed his very full belly and thought, "This is the best day of my life! What a great idea! I can't believe she showed me where her plums are found. I wonder if she will take me to

any bananas? She must be very foolish."Spider looked down at the girl with his biggest smile and she asked politely, "Do you want any of my special bananas?"

He raced down out of the tree before the girl could change her mind.The girl continued down the path showing Spider her secrets of the bush. They walked further down the trail into areas where people rarely ever go. "Over here is a small patch of the very best

bananas," declared the young girl. Again, as soon as Spider learned the secret, his eyes became wide and his mouth began to water. Again, he shoved the little girl into the bushes. He rushed past her and climbed the banana plants. He ate every single one of the ripe bananas. Again, he left the young girl with nothing -- not even one banana. And once again, he didn't even say thank you!

His belly was so full, but Spider was not satisfied. He wanted to learn more of the secret places of the bush. He thought to himself, "This girl is really foolish. But, as long as she guides me, I will continue to eat all of her food."

Again, Spider looked down at the little girl and smiled. Once again, the young girl looked up at Spider and politely asked, "Are you too full or would you like to find some honey?"One more time, Spider rushed out of the tree and followed the girl down the trail before she had a chance to change her mind.

The young girl guided Spider deeper and deeper into the bush where people rarely ever go. "Over here," she instructed, "is a very special tree. Deep inside a small hole is the most delicious honey in all of the bush."

Now this girl was not nearly as foolish as Spider thought. She had a plan to teach this greedy spider a lesson. She remembered that Spider loved honey and was not surprised at all when his eyes became wide and his mouth started to water. She also wasn't surprised when he shoved her into the bushes, ran past her, climbed up the tree, and squeezed into the hole. Again, he ate all of the

sweet golden honey, sharing nothing with the young girl. He didn't even share one drop. And once again, he didn't even say thank you.When Spider had eaten his fill, he tried to climb out of the tree but he couldn't get out the hole. His stomach had grown too large. He was stuck!

"Help me, young girl," cried the spider. "I cannot get out of the tree!""You wouldn't be stuck if you hadn't been so selfish," scolded the girl.

"I'm sorry for what I did! Please call for help," cried Spider."I am not as foolish as you think. You aren't sorry for what you did. You are only sorry you are caught in the tree."

"No, you're wrong," lied the spider but in his heart he knew she was right. He had enjoyed every minute, every bite of food, as long as he thought he was tricking the young girl. He never expected his idea to turn into such a problem for him. "Please call for help! I am trapped!"

Finally, a smile crossed over the little girl's face and she said she would do as the spider asked. She cried for help -- as softly as she could, "Help! Help! The foolish spider is caught inside the honey tree. Help! Somebody come and help this greedy spider!" Of course, nobody could hear her whispers for help. And, nobody could hear Spider's cries from deep inside the tree. They were too far into the

bush where people rarely ever go.Finally, the little girl looked up at Spider with a clever grin. "Good bye, Spider, I am going to get some huge oranges for my family. If you want to eat some, just follow me there." She waved to him as

she left to go down the trail.

Original Script

There was once a girl from a village far way who had a special talent for finding the very best foods in the bush. Her oranges were just a little sweeter, her plums just a little larger, and her bananas had just a little more flavor. Everyone wondered where she located such delicious fruits. But, nobody ever asked the girl about her secrets of the bush. That is, nobody asked her after they heard the story

about Spider and this girl.One day Spider asked this girl to help him look for food. He was too lazy to work for himself and was sure he could trick this girl into sharing her secrets. He didn't know how clever this girl could be.

”My girl, nobody finds fruits as sweet as yours," cooed the spider. "Will you please take me with you when you go looking in the bush?""I've never done that before," replied the girl.

"It would mean so much if you could do it one time," pleaded Spider."Well, I suppose I can do it just once," agreed the girl. "Do you promise to keep my secrets?"

"You can trust me," promised the lazy spider."What do you like to eat?"

"Well, I like plums and bananas, of course, but I especially love honey.""I think I can help you," grinned the girl.

Spider couldn't believe his luck.The girl lead Spider along the path into the bush. She took him down trails into areas where people rarely ever go. Spider grinned because he knew he was about to learn her secret places for finding

the very best food. After learning this, he would never again have to work hard for good food."This plum tree," explained the girl, "does not have much fruit so most people ignore it, but its plums are the sweetest ones in all of the bush."

Now Spider was just as greedy as he was lazy. As soon as the young girl showed him the secret plums, his eyes became wide and his mouth began to water. Then, Spider shoved the little girl into the bushes. He rushed past her and climbed up into the tree. Then, he ate every single one of the plums. He didn't even leave one plum for the little girl. And, he didn't even say thank you!

After his feast, Spider rubbed his very full belly and thought, "This is the best day of my life! What a great idea! I can't believe she showed me where her plums are found. I wonder if she will take me to any bananas? She must be very foolish."

Spider looked down at the girl with his biggest smile and she asked politely, "Do you want any of my special bananas?"He raced down out of the tree before the girl could change her mind.

The girl continued down the path showing Spider her secrets of the bush. They walked further down the trail into areas where people rarely ever go. "Over here is a small patch of the very best bananas," declared the young girl. Again, as soon as Spider learned the secret, his eyes became wide and his mouth began to water. Again, he shoved the little girl into the bushes. He rushed past her

and climbed the banana plants. He ate every single one of the ripe bananas. Again, he left the young girl with nothing -- not even one banana. And once again, he didn't even say thank you!His belly was so full, but Spider was not satisfied. He wanted to learn more of the secret places of the bush. He thought to himself, "This girl is really foolish. But, as long as she guides me, I will continue

to eat all of her food."Again, Spider looked down at the little girl and smiled. Once again, the young girl looked up at Spider and politely asked, "Are you too full or would you like to find some honey?"

One more time, Spider rushed out of the tree and followed the girl down the trail before she had a chance to change her mind.The young girl guided Spider deeper and deeper into the bush where people rarely ever go. "Over here," she instructed, "is a very special tree. Deep inside a small hole is the most delicious honey in all

of the bush."Now this girl was not nearly as foolish as Spider thought. She had a plan to teach this greedy spider a lesson. She remembered that Spider loved honey and was not surprised at all when his eyes became wide and his mouth started to water. She also wasn't surprised when he shoved her into the bushes, ran past her, climbed up the tree, and squeezed into the hole. Again, he ate all of the

sweet golden honey, sharing nothing with the young girl. He didn't even share one drop. And once again, he didn't even say thank you.When Spider had eaten his fill, he tried to climb out of the tree but he couldn't get out the hole. His stomach had grown too large. He was stuck!

"Help me, young girl," cried the spider. "I cannot get out of the tree!""You wouldn't be stuck if you hadn't been so selfish," scolded the girl.

"I'm sorry for what I did! Please call for help," cried Spider."I am not as foolish as you think. You aren't sorry for what you did. You are only sorry you are caught in the tree."

"No, you're wrong," lied the spider but in his heart he knew she was right. He had enjoyed every minute, every bite of food, as long as he thought he was tricking the young girl. He never expected his idea to turn into such a problem for him. "Please call for help! I am trapped!"

Finally, a smile crossed over the little girl's face and she said she would do as the spider asked. She cried for help -- as softly as she could, "Help! Help! The foolish spider is caught inside the honey tree. Help! Somebody come and help this greedy spider!" Of course, nobody could hear her whispers for help. And, nobody could hear Spider's cries from deep inside the tree. They were too far into the

bush where people rarely ever go.Finally, the little girl looked up at Spider with a clever grin. "Good bye, Spider, I am going to get some huge oranges for my family. If you want to eat some, just follow me there." She waved to him as

she left to go down the trail.

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