Tom Backround(unfinished)

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Tom Backround(unfinished)

  • 8/18/2019 Tom Backround(unfinished)


     Tom has always been an odd person.He was born in boston to corprate

    lawer parents. Tom was a very angry and voiloent kid. Most of the time this

    displeased his parrents who tried everything to controll him. eventualy by

    highschool it tom seemed to calm down but his anger was brewing. When he

    was 18 he left his fathers destiney of him becoming a corp lawer and joinedup with the us military.

    fter basic training tom was assigned to an engineering platoon as a regualr

    ri!eman.He spent more than 11 months in south america when the long walk

    happened."urring the long walk he relinked up with his commander of his

    platoon roger jessup.He also met a female nomad named kate.