
Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Tod

  • 1. Social Sciences The Essence

2. Session Objectives

  • Know a succinct definition of Social Sciences
  • Identify the four conceptual strands
  • Determine the place of the Social Inquiry Approach
  • Make connections to Values and Principles in the NZC

3. Video

  • A reminder of the place of the essence statement
  • link


  • In groups,
  • Take 15min, to read closely the Social Science essence statement
  • Display on your A2 sheet the following:
  • A succinct definition of SocSc
  • The four conceptual strands
  • All the elements of the social inquiry approach
  • Connections to other aspects of the Curriculum

5. Feedback

  • What is the essence of the essence statement?

6. Social Inquiry Approach

  • In groups,
  • discussthe four aspects of the social inquiry approach anddeterminewhat students needto knowandbe able to doin order to engage in quality social inquiry

7. Feedback Social Inquiry

  • What do students need to know?
  • What do students need to be able to do?

8. Review

  • Session Objectives
  • Know a succinct definition of Social Sciences
  • Identify the four conceptual strands
  • Determine the place of the Social Inquiry Approach
  • Make connections to Values and Principles in the NZC

9. Where to Next?

  • What does good Social Science teaching look like?
  • What are 4-5 big picture goals that we could agree on?