Toc and Time Management

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Toc and Time Management

TOC and Time Management


Normally intensive use of time management techniques

speeds up access to the afterlife..

You don’t manage time but it molds you!2

A very wise men in the Himalayans once said time management is

stupid because it makes people run faster towards the

grave and it’s destroying all the fun in the process.


Man plans and God laughs!


Time Management is always individual, but the effectiveness depends on the work of colleagues,

supervisors or circumstances.


The organization is currently living in the flow of constantly changing events

and circumstances


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As business conditions fluctuate with the rise and fall of the economy, an organization can’t stop changing because, otherwise, it will become no more than a gigantic headstone designated for tourists. That’s why we travel to Egypt. It’s to see how far marginal egocentrism can go! However, there’s no way we want to see that in our own organizations.

During crisis years, the worst is that any sort of cooperative work collapses in a pyramidic organization almost as soon as the first difficulties hit the business. Departmental managers shy away form collective decision-making. Every department focuses more and more on its own problems. Turnover decreases, and everyone begins blaming each another. Self-preservation takes over instead of problem resolutions. Every department pulls the sheet over to its side attempting to snatch an ever-larger piece of a constantly decreasing budget. Since news becomes generally negative, communication nearly fades away in the company. Usually no one especially hides anything; there is simply no more reason to keep meeting. Everyone knows less and less about what is happening over in the next department. . .

Ultimately every employee in the organization feels like a tourist there.

«Я  памятник  себе  воздвиг  нерукотворный…»  

Exegi monumentum A. Pushkin

If you are the main boss, then you have only a minor chance of being more effective, forcing subordinates to adjust to you.


To really use the classic technique of Time Management you have to be a great pedant.

If you are a pedant then it’s very unlikely that you are the Big Boss, it is more likely that you are like Bodo Schaefer.


If you are unemployed, you can most

effectively manage your time, but why do you need to do that?


To manage your time - isn’t it an attempt to

control yourself?

 If you do not

control yourself, then who does it

for you?10

Nowadays, everything is designed to save time, but what turns out?


Time management is often a mechanism to get to work without



To continuously work is to be in constant stress.Wherefore they say, "all work and no plаy makes

Josh a dull boy".


If you do not get along with your

time management plan, then the

stress transforms from the acute to

the chronic stage.


All chronic issues severely impact the quality of life.


Stress hormones are only useful in time of danger, but life also requires hormones of



Stress Hormones are produced by

danger at once, but

hormones of happiness

must accumulate


Finnish scientists say Stress hormones disfigure a woman


When you are tense, you are tend to attack, so you push people away, and they are not

inclined to cooperate with you.


Time - is a flow, to manage it is not even in the power of the gods of Olympus ..

It flows continuously from nowhere to nowhere.


Fate is giving each of us a certain amount of time


The end of the world for each is coming individually but sometimes it’s coming to



All who have saved time - died young


From the individual tasks to manage the time is necessary to ascend to the process level, but

then it at least, project management.


To manage time on the level of the individual in an

organization is like trying to walk across the atlantic ocean.



Wise minds know that there is no one truth and both sides are right. Only question is how and where to combine Time Management with

Process Management

Remember - only for the educational goals, new knowledge tends to oppose

the old one!26

Up to TOC concept - is one place where Time Management will help you be more effective - on Your Bottleneck resource!



But remember you are sacrificing one for bigger effectiveness!

Therefore give to him bigger salary at least!28

We cannot see our reflection

Do you want to long and happy life? and you are not bottleneck resource?

Then relax when once you see that the flow is too strong and does not fit your plans - it is time to accumulate

hormones of happiness.


But keep your eyes open to take advantage of the opportunities that will certainly

appear along the way.


When you are relaxed and you are happy, you will find that you attract people and they are

drawn to you, to offer new opportunities


Lord, grant the serenity to accept what can not be changed,

give strength to change what is possible,and the wisdom to see the opportunities!


Darius Radkevičius,author of the book "God, Quantum

physics, Organizational structure and Management style."

Systematic organized happiness

Other knowledge, a different approach.