To Like or Not to like !

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of To Like or Not to like !

  • 8/13/2019 To Like or Not to like !


    To like or not to like!

    This essay dwells upon the futility of most human endeavor to rest its life upon likes and dislikes. The

    lure of our personality, which is nothing more than a bunch of habits conditioned by time and space,

    leads us to repeated disappointments in life. What adjustments do we have to make, to get rid of this

    trappings, of our own personality? Lets think about it, further.

    The beautiful colors in the skyI was driving down the hill (towards east) on the 164th Street SW near Lynnwood, in the state of

    Washington. The North Cascades were looming at the eastern horizon. It was that time of the day,

    where the Sun is quickly heading the western horizon, so the further you look east (towards the

    cascades), its grayish (darker by the minute), while itsorange towards the West and bright blue right on

    top of the car. Its amazing how one continuous canvas is sprayed with wide variety of colors dark gray

    on one end, to bright orange

    in the other, with purest blue

    in the middle. The irony of all

    this suddenly struck me.All

    this beauty is resting upon a

    nonexistent substratum called

    sky. But if sky was truly

    nonexistent, then are these

    colors mere hallucination?

    They seem so very real! But

    real to whom?Me. But what

    do I mean by real? If by calling

    the beauty of the color

    pageant in the sky, real, am I

    saying anything that is

    beautiful, however temporary,

    qualifies to be real? In this

    case the temporary, changeful

    phenomenon of colors rests upon an un-definable perhaps nonexistent entity called sky! Life is full of

    such contradictions, which we rarely enquire into.

    Now consider the colors on display, the gray, the blue, the pink, the orange.where does the orange

    end and the blue begin? Is there a specific line where we can point to and ascribe as the line of

    differentiation, between the orangeness and the blueness in the sky? We can perhaps mark out a region

    in sky where this transition happens but the region would be vague and vast.

    Our life itself is like that sky, which shows various colors in the form of experiences birth, growth,

    youth, middle age, old age and death. In between these milestone markers we change a lot both

    physically and mentally. At various points in our lives, we trick ourselves into believing our current state

    Figure 1: Orange to Blue

  • 8/13/2019 To Like or Not to like !


    of personality as our very Self. When in reality its just a

    passing color combination, in the grand scheme of things.

    What we call life is a series of changes from birth to death.

    Yet the ascription of finality and absoluteness to certain

    theories, principles, beliefs, moods, attitudes, affections,

    anger, happiness etc at various points in our lives, is the pitfall

    in our human existence. Why is it a pitfall? It is because we

    cant consistently be peaceful and limitlessly enthusiastic, in

    our lives, due to our inflexible adherence to them. The

    principles that promoted our well being at one point end up

    being shackles at later point. But we are unable to recognize

    the shackle, let alone giving it up.

    How much sorrow and disappointments we subject ourselves

    to, by mistaking the sky (here sky life) to be Real, when its

    ever changing and non-eternal. By committing ourselves to aprecise location in the sky, as the transition line from Orange

    to the Blue (here its analogous to an inflexible adherence to

    a particular sense of right/wrong or like/dislike) we open

    ourselves to the immense possibility of being proven wrong by life and thus suffer from limitless


    This makes me ask the question, can I ever risk being precise about a transition line from Orange to

    Blue? Shouldnt being vague or vast in my estimate, increase the probability of my success and lower the

    risk of disappointment? Similarly in life, if see people and personalities, from a broader and more stable

    perspective we stand a better chance of a) lowering our possibilities of disappointment b) leaving doorsof self-correction and evolution open and c) enjoy life in total.

    What do I mean by broader and stable perspective?

    A more stable and broader view pointIn science (physics-math) there is a word called locus which means a set of points or a path in space

    wherein an object can traverse according to certain predefined conditions. The circle is the locus of an

    object traveling around a fixed point in space, with the precondition that it shall always travel at the

    same distance away from the point.

    Figure 3: Example locus of a circle.

    Figure 2: From birth to death.....

  • 8/13/2019 To Like or Not to like !


    Similarly the locus of earths travel around the sun is an ellipse.

    Now what is the locus of human minds observation of all phenomena in nature? Its locus is based on

    the precondition that the observer or the individual mind, considers all that it sees and experiences in

    life to be real. How real? It could be absolutely real or relatively real. Now if we take an absolute stance,

    in our evaluation of life, we cannot but be disappointed, time and again. If we treat life at best as beingrelatively real, our locus of observation will have to transfer from shifting sands of time and space, to a

    more stable position. Is there anything stable in life, from which we can observe life itself?

    If there is something stable in life, it ought to be the unchanging witness of all changes in life. Who or

    what or where is such an unchanging witness? If we attribute unchanging witness-hood to say Time or

    Space or Fate or Chance (randomness), we find their definitions are permutable since they arise out of

    our own mental constructs. If we say God, which seems like a better answer, its still relative to our

    mental concept of Godhood. So clearly the

    greatest common factor in life is our own

    mind which has observed life, since

    inception. One objection to this statement

    would be Mind also changes all the time; its

    just made up of various changing thoughts.

    Then the reply would be in the form of

    following questions: - Is there a portion of

    our mind which has remained the same since

    the earliest memories we have? What is it

    in us, which hasnt aged? What is it in us

    what has remained a mute witness to all

    vagaries of life? What is it in us, which isawake when we dream and is awake even in

    deep sleep? Thus, that which is there in

    waking, dream and deepsleep, since our

    childhood and that is not tarnished by

    experiences of waking, dream and deepsleep

    is our very unchanging Self. The element of

    consciousness that creates in us a sense or

    power of awareness cant be simply dismissed. It is present while Im writing this article, while you are

    reading this article, while we are dreaming universe after universe, night after night. It is even present in

    dreamless sleep. How so?! We know this because we happen to recollect that we slept peacefully, uponwaking. How can you recollect, unless its been confined to memory? How can something be confined to

    memory, unless it was witnessed? So the witnessing is going on all the time, not just in waking and

    dream but in deep sleep too!

    Figure 4: The three states of consciousness, discussed in

    Mandukya Upanishad

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    After further such persistent thinking or introspection, if we shift our allegiance from our current

    personality (which is nothing more than a bundle of all habits under flux), to the element of ever present

    conscious observer in us (lets call it our Real Self), we shall be treading on stable ground.

    Once we shift our locus of our selfhood to this Real Self, the next step is to ask or enquire into the

    values, ethics, rights, wrongs, likes, dislikes etc in life. If from the standpoint of the unchanging or RealSelf an ethic or valueor like or dislike is examined, its lasting value or the lack of it, shall be revealed to

    us. This way we shall steadily alter (or temper) our current personality based on the first principlei.e.

    who we really are, as opposed to what the world around us or our fickle past habits, would have us


    Revisiting the colors in lifeIf I have shifted the vantage point of observation from my apparent self (accrued personality) to the

    Real Self (witnessing mind divested of personality) and then stare at the sky above my head, while

    heading east on 164th

    ST SW, what do I see ? I see the same colors, the same beauty but without the

    earlier conviction or doubt about its reality or illusoriness. I knowits unreal yet I know its beautiful. I know its beautiful because

    my mind thinks so, not because the beauty is inherent in the sky

    (which is non-existent) or the choice of colors which are purely


    Now how will I see my son, friend, father, boss, wife, teacher,

    colleagues etc, in life? They are as it were various specimens of

    my race, who see the world through their respective minds. Their

    experience is causing them to talk, walk in a certain way, just like

    my past impels me to. All I have to do is play my part, as per the

    rules set in front of me, by the society, family etc, when in reality,

    I the witness of this play, am truly unaffected by the rules of the

    environment. The portion of the mind, which has the tendency to

    accrue personality modifications (i.e. my apparent self), might

    still undergo changes, but the witness in me, is still the witness,

    just as it always has been and shall ever be. I should remind

    myself constantly that being the Real Self is my entitlement and

    that the apparent self is the vehicle traversing in time-space,

    approaching the Real Self.

    Quick Reference:Kindly read

    Shri Swami Vivekananda

    masterly exposition titledReal

    and Apparent Man.
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    Figure 5: Excellent analogy in Mundaka Upanishad on the concept of the Real (Witness) and the Apparent Self (Doer)

    Approaching the Vanishing Point

    Figure 6: Vanishing point where two parallel lines - the Real and the apparent selves meet!

    Upon the same tree there are two birds of beautiful plumage, most friendly to each other, one eating the fruits,

    the other sitting there calm and silent without eating the one on the lower branch eating sweet and bitter

    fruits in turn and becoming happy and unhappy, but the other one on the top, calm and majestic; he eats neither

    sweet nor bitter fruits, cares neither for happiness nor misery, immersed in his own glory. The poor lower bird

    went on eating the sweet and bitter fruits again, until at last he ate one that was extremely bitter; and then he

    stopped again and once more looked up at the glorious bird above. Then he came nearer and nearer to the other

    bird; and when he had come near enough, rays of light shone upon him and enveloped him, and he saw he was

    transformed into the higher bird. He became calm, majestic, free, and found that there had been but one bird all

    the time on the tree. The lower bird was but the reflection of the one above.Excerpts from the lecture

    given by Swami Vivekananda, titledWhat is religion?
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    At some point in life, the apparent self, shall merge into the Real Self and this drama is over. Till that

    Vanishing Point where the apparent self no longer is apparent, this journey shall continue. In the

    meanwhile we have to recognize that all distinctions and opposing viewpoints in life are bubbles waiting

    to burst. If the bubble bursts due to nature pricking at them, without our permission, we feel the pain.

    All inter personal relation issues, angry outbursts, sadness in life, are symptomatic of this bubble burst

    against our will. But if these bubbles burst with our permission, due to the new found interest in us, to

    align with the Real Self, the pain becomes conspicuous by its absence. Why would I fret and fume over

    disagreements, when they are just passing colors in the canvas of my life?! I would now learn to agree to

    disagree, so that I can continue my journey towards the vanishing point, without risk of emotional


    Another way of looking at this journey is as follows. In this journey, we are all actors. Few of us know

    we are actors, many dont and there are a few among us who are (as it were) in the middle. The

    actors who know their roles and stick by them are smart (they are the liberated ones, free &

    peaceful!). Those who arent aware that they are actors, dont life their life well. They fall prey to the

    demands of the roles in the form of their own whims and fancies, many of which are unfulfilled. The 3rd

    category or the ones in the middle, know they are acting but are unsure how well to go about it?Its

    for the 3rd category of actors that the temples, books, religions & philosophies, Gurus etc exist. I belong

    to the 3rd category; Ive identified the flaw of the apparent self and understood from the reliable

    sources, backed by my own reason that my entitlement is being the Real Self, not just worshipping it.

    God or time or space or work or religion or family or people or emotions or reason or philosophy or

    mundane events or government or children or all isms or all processes or a simple pair of worn out

    shoes or anything for that matter.are all various names to the one contiguous Divine Whole.

    Never stop seeing the big picture. Do not, my friend, take anything so seriously that it damages your

    equanimity. Nothing in life is worth brooding over. There is no resentment that is worth its pain.

    Observe the vanishing lines between the Orange and Blue in the Sky of your life. Appreciate thevagueness and vastness in life because from it springs peace and creativity.

    Figure 7: "Never stop seeing the big picture"

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    Hopeless at the womb and hopeless at the tomb, yet feigning hope in the midst, most human lives are

    characterized by personal likes and dislikes masquerading as universal right and wrong. This

    quintessential human delusion (i.e. resting our life upon likes and dislikes) gets by as the source of our

    strength, when in reality its a lifelong disease eating into our ability to live fully, peacefully. Accept life

    holistically, not segmented by your likes and dislikes. Call the bluff on your own personal likes and

    dislikes. Do not be screwed by them. If you want to be angry for the last time, be angry at your inflexible

    adherence to your likes and dislikes and be done with it for once and for all.

    Parting commentsIn my new found enthusiasm, stemming out of the recognition of the possibility of living my life out of

    the Real Self, I define the word special to mean non-different. If I do that I can honestly and boldly

    venture to say, each day of this new-year 2014 is special and so is each moment. I carry no hope

    resting upon my likes or dislikes and Im thus mentally relieved. There is no liberation or bondage or sin

    or merit or such complicated shackle. If such fancies are to be seen, be rest assured the bubble is

    waiting to burst and let it, what do I care?! Im just an actor going about my business of recognizing the

    vanishing lines between the orange and blue, in life.

    If this assertion of mine is not tenable to you, it means one of the two (amongst perhaps many things).One, its either too personal an understanding that Im trying to unsuccessfully philosophize and/or

    articulate. Two, your mental makeup does not allow for this kind of adjustment. Either way, I have out

    of good intentions decided to share my views on this topic, so that a) Its an opportunity to hammer my

    head with this thought process and b) hope this contemplative process can precipitate your mental

    revolution, by being catalytic at best. Lets kill this two headed beast called relativity, characterized by

    likes and dislikes.

    Once someone asked a famous movie director What is the difference between an Actor and a normal

    person?The answer given was The Actor is same as the normal person in all respects, only he shows

    more of himself or herself on screen. In our case, I would say Let us be philosophicallywell-tuned

    actors, same as anyone else in essence, except we show less of our non-self on the world screen.

    Dear Friend - Be Thou a good actor. Life-Fully. Why so serious?!& Happy New Year 2014

    Can one live in and as the Real Self? Yes thus lived Shri Ramana.