TLE 9 (Technical Drafting) - Theory and Concepts of Site Development Plan

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Transcript of TLE 9 (Technical Drafting) - Theory and Concepts of Site Development Plan

Theory and Concepts of Site Development Plan

Site Plan•An architectural plan, landscape architecture document, and a detailed engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot.

•Usually shows a building footprint, travelways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, etc.

Site Plan•A "set of construction drawings that a builder or contractor uses to make improvements to a property.

•It is usually being prepared by either a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect or land surveyor.

Site Development Plan Topics

Site Analysis•A preliminary phase of architectural and urban design processes dedicated to the study of the climatic, geographical, historical, legal, and infrastructural context of a specific site.

Edward White’s Three Phases of Site Analysis•Research phase•Analysis phase•Synthesis phase – schematic design of a site plan

KEVIN A. LYNCHeight cycle step process of site design1. Defining the problem 2. Programming and the analysis of site and user 3. Schematic design and the preliminary cost estimate 4. Developed design and detailed costing 5. Contract documents 6. Bidding and contracting 7. Construction 8. Occupation and management 

Elements of a Site Plan•Location•Size and Zoning•Infrastructure, social and political boundaries

•Natural physical features•Man-made features•Circulation – usage of roads, streets or railways


Site PlanTop view or a bird’s eye view that is drawn to scale.•Property Lines•Outline of existing and proposed building structures•Distance between buildings•Distance between buildings and property lines•Parking outs and parking spaces•Driveways•Surrounding streets•Landscaped areas•Easements•Utilities

Site Planning•Refers to the organizational stage of the landscape design process. It involves the organization of land use zoning, access, circulation, privacy, security, shelter, land drainage, and other factors. This is done by arranging the compositional elements of landform, planting, water, buildings and paving in site plans.

Transportation Planning•The process of defining future policies, goals, investments and designs to prepare for future needs to move people and goods to destinations

•Involved with the evaluation, assessment, design and siting of transport facilities (generally streets, highways, bike lanes and public transport lines).


Azimuth Function• The Azimuth function generates a value

between 0 and 359 (degrees) that gives the orientation or angle of rotation of a feature.

• The Azimuth function is a Spatial Numeric measurement.

• Azimuth is measured as the degrees of clockwise rotation from the positive y axis.  In other words, the azimuth for a line pointing straight up is 0, a line pointing straight right is 90, a line pointing straight down is 180, a line pointing straight left is 270, etc.