Title sequence to thrillers

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Title sequence to thrillers



Our film opening will be a psychological thriller titled "Attraction", which is inspired by the film opening"Se7en“

Planned Location

The location for our film opening will be in a small

room which is focused on a table.

As we were inspired by the

film opening "Se7en" our

opening will show several shots

of someone's hands, doing something on the table.

Because our sub genre is a psychological thriller we do not want to tell the audience anything and just want them to think about what is actually happening.

• Our film opening will be a Discrete title sequence that mainly involves a lot of editing. We wanted to make our opening about someone who is obsessed with girls, but we do not tell the audience this, all we show is a man looking at images of girls, cutting the images and looking at their profiles on social network sites, we wanted to use the software “Camtasia” to allow us to make a shot of someone on a social networking site in-boxing a teenage girl a message. There is also going to be flashes of several images such as a church, gravestones, swings and images from books, which will be shown throughout as we see the images of teenage girls. We wanted to have the speed of the opening to be quite fast so lots of shots will be faded on top of each other, as the opening proceeds the speed of the shots and music will get faster then at the end will stop which will show the title of our opening “Attraction”.

• As we were inspired by the film opening of “Se7en” we wanted to have lots of props crossed converged throughout the opening. Props that will be shown in our opening will include a bible, crucifix, photos of grave stones, statues and our main prop, images of girls.

Candi Productions

The opening starts off with pages in a book being turned

The is a black screen were the production company is introduced and then it is dissolved into the next shot.

The next shot is an image of a skeleton which we took a picture of from a book.

Then there is a cross dissolve of a close up shot of a skeletons teeth and one of the name of one of the actors is shown on the shot.

There is a shot of the man wrapping some cable around his hand. And is dissolved into the next shot

A close up shot of the man writing somethingThis is also dissloved into another shot of the man writing

As the man is writing images of devil and religious symbols are shown.

Another shot of the man turning the page in the book he was writing in.

Another black screen which introduces another character in the film

Morgan Freeman

Then there is a cross dissolve of the man dropping a tea bad into some water This was also done in the opening of “Se7en”

A shot of a picture of some girls is shown Then there is a fade in of the same picture but it is crossed out

The shot of some water is shown on top of the previous shot.We wanted to change the colour of the screen whole shot to red. As this was done in the opening of “se7en”.

A shot of the man about to cut an image Cross fade of another shot of the picture being cut

Shot of the man writing A shot of the man holding a bible Shots of the man reading the bible

Shot of a crucifix cross fade of a closer shot of the crucifix

John smith

Black screen introducing another character

A shot of the man looking at a girls picture on a phone

Another shot of him looking at pictures A shot of the man cleaning his tools.

A shot of the man on facebook looking at a girls page (use Camtasia software) A shot of the man inboxing the girl on


Shot of him writing

And then a shot of him crossing out a picture Dissolved in shot of the page turning Shot dissolved in of him looking at a girl

Another shot of the facebook page On top of the previous shot there is some writing

Black screen with the title


Ideas about sound: Sound ideas that we have is throughout the opening of the thriller there could be spooky dramatic music playing over the video whilst the man is looking at all of the photographs of the young females and whilst the camera is panning over the items that are on the table. We are going to use a variety of sound from sound pro software on the mac and maybe get sound from other existing clips or if we need to add more sound then just create it ourselves.

Production schedule: In the next two weeks we are going to be quickly preparing for our thriller opening bringing in any props and costumes that we need, filming and then editing later on to create the final piece which is due in March. We are going to plan three days where we are all available so we can film properly even though we don't really have to film much because our thriller opening is pretty simple. We need a room that will be available every time we need to film, we are just going to film in a decent sized room with a table and chair.

Risk assessment: In our thriller opening we are using equipment like scissors and needles which if not handled properly will be very dangerous and may cause injury. So to avoid any accidents or injuries we will have to handle these equipment with care throughout our thriller filming. The equipment we are using to film maybe a risk throughout filming especially the video camera, which is expensive and needs to be looked after and handled delicately. Also the memory cards we will be using to film needs to be looked after properly so all of our filming memory will be safe so our filming shots will be ready to edit and complete.

Skills audit to date: We have all learned over the past months about equipment, software and blogging. The equipment we need will be a tripod, video camera, microphone, maybe extra lighting and all the props we will need to film. We have learned that the equipment needs to be handled with care and everything needs to be remembered before we start filming so we will have everything before filming so this won't waste time. We have also learned how to work with the video camera so we can get the exact filming shots that we need and require. The software we have used is final cut pro and sound pro we have done a lot of editing on them so we are all familiar with what to do and the effects and any transferring that need to be done. We have also been blogging about our project, blogging is good because we have learned that it is easy to keep track of what needs to be done and what has been done already.

Institutional Detail:- Which film company would produce your movie and how would that affect PDE?

The film company that would produce our movie would be Miramax Film as they produce well known Thrillers such as Reservoir Dogs. Other well known films are Bullets Over Broadway and Undisputed.

Audience detail:-Who is your target audience and what would appeal to them about your film?

I think the target audience for our thriller film would have to be anyone over 15 as thriller audiences are usually set close to those age and I feel our Thriller contains much disturbing scenes and violence which will not be suitable for anyone below that age group. In most Thrillers, films are set to my chosen age group but could be set up to 18 as it all depends on the levels of violence which some viewers may find very challenging. Both males and females find Thriller movies very interesting and entertaining whereas horror contains too much violence.