Title Page Learn How to Build Multiple Streams Of Income With€¦ · successful online business....

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Generate Your Wealth

Title Page

Learn How to Build

Multiple Streams

Of Income With

1 Core Product

Generate Your Wealth

RENIE RUTTEN www.GenerateYourWealth.com

Generate Your Wealth

Copyright Page Follow this guide.

It has everything you need to begin a successful online business.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This eBook is being offered completely 100% free

wherever possible. (Some sites do not allow for free publications.) However, its contents are protected under U.S. copyright law, and you are NOT ALLOWED to change this book in any way, shape or form.

However, you may share this book, but in electronic form only with anyone you wish. This book contains affiliate links. If you’re using the ideas, and training in this book I would appreciate your support in using the affiliate links provided to start your business.

If you have any questions you can contact me at: admin@GenerateYourWealth.com To Your Success, Renie Rutten

Generate Your Wealth

Table of Contents

Preface ............................................................................................................................. 5

Prologue ........................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter One .................................................................................................................... 11

Believe.................................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter Two ................................................................................................................... 14

Building Multiple Streams of Income ....................................................................................... 14

Chapter Three ................................................................................................................. 18

Building Your MSI’s ................................................................................................................. 18

Chapter Four ................................................................................................................... 21

Preparing for Success .............................................................................................................. 21

Building YOU!.......................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter Five .................................................................................................................... 26

Preparing for Your First Campaign ........................................................................................... 26

Chapter Six ...................................................................................................................... 33

Finding Your Product ............................................................................................................... 33

Chapter Seven ................................................................................................................. 40

Marketing Tools ...................................................................................................................... 40

Chapter Eight .................................................................................................................. 46

Putting It All Together ............................................................................................................. 46

Chapter Nine ................................................................................................................... 50

Make Juicy Headlines .............................................................................................................. 50

Chapter Ten .................................................................................................................... 52

One Page Summary ................................................................................................................. 52

BONUSES ........................................................................................................................ 53

Resources ........................................................................................................................ 56

Glossary .......................................................................................................................... 57

Generate Your Wealth


"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."

---Warren Buffett This book is NOT about reinventing the wheel. What I teach I learned from following the lessons

of others who have forged ahead and left a path. I followed Warren Buffett’s advice, and built multiple streams of income. Using the internet and a few proper tools and strategies, it’s not that hard.

This book is about teaching you how to replicate the steps of the truly successful entrepreneurs and make money online. It’s about creating a substantial and sustainable income, month after month. And, about doing it quickly. Here’s a list of a few of my “mentors.” I use that term loosely, because I’ve met some of them personally and others through video and books.

Earl Nightingale Bob Proctor Tony Robins

Russell Brunson Zig Ziglar Jim Rohn

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Congratulations on your interest in building multiple streams of income. This book will teach you how to make money quickly.

Learning how to make money quickly, does not mean it’ll be handed to you free gratis on a silver platter. You will need to invest time and give effort to implement these ideas.

You’ll have to stretch your mind and learn new things. New ideas and strategies come along every day. Our learning never stops.

No doubt you’ve heard a lot of hype about making money using MLM’s. Selling everything from A to Z. Bombarding your friends and family until they run the other direction when they see you coming.

This program is NOT that! This program IS about finding high quality, high in

demand products and promoting them primarily online. You’ll be advertising for quality companies. You’ll be spreading the word about their products or services. When someone buys from your link, you get paid.

It’s the tools you use and the way in which you use them that makes the program work. You’ll learn

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to create viral campaigns that will have you making money quickly.

I don’t know of anyone who starts a business NOT TO MAKE MONEY! Perhaps you are starting a Non-Profit. That I understand and admire, but your intent is to make money to help others or help an organization. So, you still desire to earn money.

So, this book is about making money and how to do it as quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively as possible. If that is not your desire, delete this book and move on to something of more value to you.

Myself, I want to leave this world in a better place than I found it. I want to have money to travel and enjoy the good things in life, as well as share my well-being with others. I want to teach my children, my grandchildren and others how they can make a living online too.

How about you? Do you want some of these same things too? My assumption is YES. That is what this book is about, teaching you the powerful steps to make money quickly.

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The Benefits of

This Program I. Make A Lot of Money II. Work from Anywhere

III. Work Part-time IV. There’s Very Little Equipment

Required A – Laptop or Desktop V. No Inventory

VI. No Employees VII. Low Upfront Investment

VIII. No Degree Needed IX. Easy Training Online

X. No Age Restrictions or Requirements XI. Sustainable, Recurring Monthly


Generate Your Wealth


Let me introduce myself. I’m Renie Rutten, and I’ve been working online for over ten years now. But, here’s the thing, most of those years were trial and error. Mostly error!

I failed and quit so many times, but my entrepreneurial spirit just wouldn’t stop. I’m happy now that I didn’t quit and give up, because once you know “what to do,” it’s not that hard.

Maybe you’re in the same spot, or perhaps you're new to this entire idea.

Either way, you’ve found the right information that can earn you more money than you ever dreamed possible. I’ve always worked a job, by the hour and by salary, but there was always a cap, a limit to my earnings.

I was not in sales at my regular job, so my income was capped, and I had to be there. I had to be there. Should I say that one more time? I had to be there! UGH! Remember Warren Buffett’s statement in the acknowledgment of this book? Here it is again.

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“You have to learn how to earn money while you sleep, or you’ll work until you die”.

Think about that quote as you read through this training. To master the internet today and learn how to

make money while you sleep is the goal of this book. To accomplish this, you only need to know “what to do.”

Let’s get started, I’ll see you inside.

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Chapter One Believe

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To begin you’ll learn to believe in YOU You’ll come to understand and realize that you

can become successful. Yes, you! You’ll learn about creating a money mindset. In

“The Strangest Secret,” Earl Nightingale compares the human mind to the land.

If a farmer plants two seeds, he explains, one of corn and one of nightshade, both plants will grow.

He goes on to say that the same idea is true for the human mind. We can plant success, or we can plant failure, and both will grow and produce our results.

So, the question is: what are you planting?

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This is the shortest chapter, but please DO NOT underestimate its power to change your life.

Listen to this video every day for thirty days. Then continue to listen to it at least once a week.

Earl Nightingale’s

The Strangest Secret

Generate Your Wealth

Chapter Two Building Multiple Streams of Income

The multiple streams of income (MSI) that I speak of here is NOT having two or more jobs. It’s not stretching yourself between “this project” and “that project.”

Is this what you are doing now? Do you feel something like this image, and on top of it all you still feel like there’s not enough money to go around?

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The MSI’s that I speak of in this book is working with a single core program called ClickFunnels and having other/multiple income streams coming to you as a result of that core product.

You’ll understand more as you get into the book but think of it looking more like this!

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Multiple Steams of Income I decided to jump right in and not waste your

time. I’m starting with three ways to build multiple streams of income with one core product. Then we’ll slow it down a bit and go through the training and details.

First, I must tell you this does not magically happen. Many people will not have the results I’m about to show you. Not at all, they are not typical.

Ethically I have to give you that disclaimer and it’s true. But why it’s true might be the most interesting part. I’ve seen this work, over and over again. And yes, I’ve done it myself, but the statement is still true. I believe its true, because most people will read this book and sit on their duff and not do a thing.

So, most people will not see this kind of income. Can you? That depends on if you’ll follow the instructions, if you’ll invest in the programs you need and if you’ll work at it.

If you make a sincere effort, you can live very well and make more money than most people do working a full-time job. That’s been my experience.

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Read through the book before you start, then decide if it’s right for you. If so, that’s great I’ll help you if you reach out to me. If it’s not for you that’s okay too.

I will provide links and free trials later so wait until the end to make your decision and take advantage of your discounts and bonuses.

Good Luck!

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Chapter Three Building Your MSI’s

Plan One: There are several ways to build MSI’s from this

book. First by building funnels and promoting products as an affiliate. With the basic ClickFunnels plan you can create 20 funnels.

Building 20 funnels and marketing them properly you could make more money than you’ve ever dreamed possible. There are people making a ton of money doing just this.

Let’s do the math and witness the power of multiplication. If you run 20 funnels and make only one sale a day on each funnel this is what can happen.

20 funnels x 1 sale each per day = 20 sales a day 20 sales x 30 days in a month = 600 sales a month

600 sales x a $20 profit per sale = $12,000 a month

What if you sold a product that earned you $40 profit per sale, now you’ve doubled your income to $24,000 a month.

Generate Your Wealth

Play with the possibilities. What if you sold a product that earned you $100 profit per sale, or more?

Plan Two: Another way to build MSI’s is to write a book

similar to this one, teaching people how to make money and including your affiliate links. ClickFunnels, GetResponse and UpViral all offer affiliate programs.

The core product is ClickFunnels, however GetResponse and UpViral are additional tools needed.

By helping others learn to use ClickFunnels as a core product you can earn monthly commissions on all three of these programs. I share my links throughout this book, and whenever I teach online marketing.

Your book could be about quilting, or growing roses. It could be about fishing or bow hunting. That’s right, it could be about anything you enjoy. There are affiliate opportunities in almost every subject.

Plan Three:

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I’m friends with a whole group of people who promote nothing but ClickFunnels and are making $4K to $8K a month and more using their 100 days to retirement training. And you guessed it, it’s entirely free to join and promote.

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Chapter Four Preparing for Success

Building YOU!

I’ll teach you to build you. Read this following example. It explains why so many fail, and why you need to follow the instructions in this book.

Beginners will often make the mistake of jumping into an affiliate program and sending traffic directly to the affiliate site. This is a terrible strategy and will not lead to success. Here’s why.

Let’s say you are planning to market a Yoga program from ClickBank. (More about ClickBank below.) Right now, Yoga is gaining in popularity again so it’s a great choice. So, let’s say you’re in a hurry and just want to send traffic direct to the Yoga site through your affiliate link and not through a ClickFunnels capture page. This is an accurate example of what will happen. I. You spend $100 for 100 clicks through Udimi.

You receive good quality clicks. For each sale you make, your affiliate agreement is that you’ll be paid $40.00.

II. Your campaign is successful! Yeah! The average number of people out of 100 that will buy the

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first time they visit a site is 2 to 3. Your sales were right on point you made 2 sales.

III. The math on the ROI doesn’t look so good however. You made 2 sales, which is average, so you earned $80, but you spent $100. You’ve just lost $20.

IV. End of story, right? Wrong! V. Here’s the backside of the story. The Yoga

company you were affiliate marketing for took the time to collect the emails of the visitors you sent their way.

VI. Then, they continued to send e-mail follow-ups to these prospects and built a relationship with them. According to statistics as many as 70% of those visitors will eventually buy from them or someone in the Yoga field.

VII. Now look at these possible conversions, if you had collected the emails and followed up yourself. It’s possible you could have eventually sold 70 units. Look at the math now. You’ve sold 70 units and you’ve brought in $2800 instead of $40. Your profits from this $100 campaign are now $2,700! Quite a difference in

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your ROI. But that’s not the end of the story either.

VIII. This is the best part. Now you’ve got up to 70 buying customers that you know are interested in Yoga! You’ve built a relationship with them and they’ve already pulled out their credit cards and proved they trust you.

IX. If you continue to email them occasionally with valuable Yoga information, but about every 3 or 4 emails, give them another offer, they’ll likely buy again. Think of a Yogi enthusiast reading a heading like this “Special Program to Build Your Booty.” Or “Yoga Tiny Belly Trick,” see what I mean? Now, keep in mind. These people are on your list, it’s not costing you anything to continue to market to them. Your marketing cost to them is now free.

X. Have you ever heard about people saying they sent out ONE email and made $40K overnight? It’s true they do it all the time, but first they took the time and effort to build a list and a relationship with that list

Let’s get you started building YOU and YOUR list.

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ClickBank is a company that provides a platform for selling digital products. Creators of digital products can post them on ClickBank and affiliates like you and I can earn a commission by selling them.

ClickBank handles the transaction and the delivery of the product. Then, after the sale is complete they pay the creator and the affiliate based on the preapproved agreement.

They have been around for some time and are generally willing to accept new affiliates. They pay commissions only on the actual sale of products.

MaxBounty is another fantastic opportunity to earn commissions on sales. They also offer pay per lead on some of their offers.

However, it’s much more difficult to be accepted into their affiliate program. You will need to fill out the application and complete a phone interview before they make-a-decision on your application.

They too handle all the money and pay you and the other party after a sale or payable lead.

Share-A-Sale is a third company I like to use. They handle transactions like the other two companies mentioned. Share A Shale works with physical products like clothing, lawn chairs, gardening items,

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items for your car and home. You need to be approved by Share A Sale, then by the individual companies within the Share A Sale community.

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Chapter Five Preparing for Your First Campaign

Ingredients to A Successful Campaign

A successful affiliate campaign contains two essential items. Without these two things, your campaign will fail. This is where many people make their second mistake, they don’t have these two necessary pieces to the puzzle.

I. You need an audience, customers, someone interested in the product you’re promoting. You need to be solving a problem for them or fulfilling a desire they have.

II. The second essential item you need is your offer a high-quality product.

Finding Customers I. The trick to finding buying customers is

identifying your niche. Identifying a niche is imperative to quick success. The definition of a niche is this: a distinct segment of a market. Let’s take a look at a few examples of a niche market.

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a. “Music.” Music is too broad. A niche would be picking one of these specific areas within music.

i. Piano ii. Violin

iii. Obo If you were a parent looking for a piano teacher

for your child, what would you search? Music or Piano?

Obviously if this parent saw two ads, one for a “music teacher” looking for students and one for a “piano teacher” looking for students, which ad do you think they would click on?

b. “Sewing.” Sewing is also too broad. A niche would be quilting, sewing wedding dresses, or children’s clothes.

Which ad would you click on if you were a bride looking for someone to make a dress for your special day? “Professional Sewer!” or, “I Create Beautiful Wedding Dresses for Your Special Day!”

Likewise, if a mother were looking for someone to make children’s clothes for her new addition, she’d likely click on the ad specifically geared toward children’s clothing rather than just a seamstress.

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See how drilling down into a niche can be so powerful?

Focusing on a niche like in these examples, makes it much easier to compete. You’ll earn money faster, because searchers quickly find exactly what they are looking for. Consumers are laser focused when entering keywords into search engines.

Finding Your Niche Keywords Consumers type into the search box exactly what

they are looking for. They do not search for board terms. This is the reason niche areas are so much more profitable.

II. Finding your niche with Google Keyword Planner. Google has a keyword tool called AdWords. Set up your free AdWords account, then you can use the search tool at no cost.

III. Enter your search term. This screenshot is the result I received from AdWords when I searched “lose weight.”

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As you can see, on the left are keywords that Google is suggesting for you. Look over the report, and you can see how many searches each of the suggested keywords has per month. Weight loss has between 100K and 1M searches. Weight loss is extremely broad, it isn’t specific to men or women. Not too young or old. It’s also ranked high in competition.

Easy ways to lose weight has 10K to 100K searches per month. Again, it’s not at all specific to a certain

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market. The competition is ranked as low, which is good, but I’d go a step further into a specific niche. Look what happens when I search “weight loss after menopause.”

Now you’ve found five fantastic keywords that are specific to weight loss after menopause. I say five because I’ll eliminate the one keyword ranked as high competition.

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Using this tool, you can determine if the type of product you are interested in promoting is in high demand.

Do this same exercise with your product idea. Now that you know your product has interested customers, it’s time to choose the actual product you will promote.

If you’ve created your own product, eBook, cd, or a course, that’s awesome, and you can certainly promote that. However, you DO NOT have to create anything. Many wealthy affiliate marketers use products from ClickBank and MaxBounty. You can also give away free products from ClickFunnels and earn a commission on repeat customers directly from ClickFunnels. (More on that later.)

A second option for keyword research is using Ubersuggest. Here’s a link to their site. www.ubersuggest.com

Here’s the screenshot from Ubersuggest, using the term lose weight. There were 851 suggestions in all.

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The third place I look when doing keyword

research is Google Trends they can be found here. www.googletrends.com. I like to check the trends of the keywords I’m considering using. I want to make sure that interest is increasing or at least steady and NOT dropping.

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Next let’s take a look at ClickBank, and MaxBounty.

Chapter Six Finding Your Product

ClickBank as I mentioned earlier is a platform for selling digital products. They are a third party handling the transactions between the product owners or creators and affiliates who are promoting these products. ClickBank is free to join.

The transaction works like this; you become an affiliate and make a sale. ClickBank collects the money. Then, they distribute it back to the creator of the product and to you as an affiliate at the agreed upon rate.

This is how to find your offer. I. Finding your offer if you don’t have one.

II. Go to www.clickbank.com you’ll need to set up an account there, it’s free so no worries.

III. On the “marketplace” page type your keyword into the find products search bar. In this example, our search term was weight loss. Here’s what I found in ClickBank.

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IV. Now, go through the options and decide

which product you want to promote. The thing I do next, and this is NOT a requirement. But, I purchase the product I want to promote.

a. By owning the product, I know its quality and it’s something I WANT to promote.

b. The second reason I buy is once I buy the product I’ve got all the literature about the product and can promote it

Generate Your Wealth

more efficiently. I also get all the follow-up emails from the company.

c. I don’t “copy” these emails, but rather use them as an outline for my autoresponder emails. These emails have been professionally created so I know they have valuable content.

d. Here’s a list of other popular subjects I’ve discovered using AdWords and ClickBank.

i. “Raising teenagers.” ii. “Building abs.”

iii. “Freshwater Fishing.” iv. “Stop Leg Cramps.” v. “Rose Gardening.”

See how these topics are specific subjects? Not raising kids, but teenagers, not building muscles, but abs. Not fishing, but freshwater fishing. Cramps specific to legs and gardening specific to roses.

Think about subjects that interest you, there is no limit to the products you can choose to promote.

The average sale amount shown on the right of my screenshot is the amount of money you will

Generate Your Wealth

make each time someone purchases this product from your affiliate link.

To get your link, you’ll click on the “promote” button and copy the link that ClickBank creates. Be sure you are logged into your account before you create any links.

This is the screenshot after you click “promote and create” to create your affiliate link.

Marked with the red arrows are your affiliate

links. The top one you can attach to text or pictures. The bottom one is for an HTML box if you are promoting on a website, or better yet a ClickFunnels page.

Flip - Flop ClickBank Hack

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If you’re not sure what type of product you want to promote, you can use ClickBank to get ideas on what products are favorites on their site. Using the “find products” search box on

ClickBank; don’t enter a keyword. Instead, click on the magnifying glass, and ClickBank will return a variety of their most popular products.

Pick out a few of the products that interest you. Now, go back to Google AdWords and see if enough people are searching that topic.

Continue doing your research until you find a product you’ll be proud to promote.

MaxBounty is another fantastic option for affiliate marketers. It’s harder to get accepted into their program, but some of the companies within MaxBounty do pay significant dollars per lead.

A program that pays per lead can sometimes make turning a profit happen quicker.

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Stop for a breather and congratulate yourself! You

deserve it. Maybe a scoop of ice-cream or a hot cup of coffee is in order before you continue.

You’ve found your customers, and you’ve decided on your offer. You’ve researched your keywords and checked the trends.

You’re leaps and bounds ahead of the dreamers, who aren’t taking any steps forward.

Have you started listening to Earl Nightingale? This video can be used to train your mind for money consciousness.

It will change your life if you listen to and follow his instructions!

Enjoy it!

Generate Your Wealth

Chapter Seven Marketing Tools

So far, you’ve gotten the product you intend to promote. You’ve researched AdWords and know that there’s a demand for that product, AKA customers, someone you can help with your product.

The next step is marketing your product, and this is the most critical part. In order to make this work properly and create MSI’s coming to you day and night, you need to automate the process.

Once you have everything set up with automation, it’ll run by itself and you will be in that group of people making money while you sleep. So, take your time, get this right and make it look professional.

To run a business, you need tools. If you want to work in construction you need an education or training and tools like a hammer, a level, saws, drills and so on.

To run a dentist office, you need a college education and medical training specific to the dental profession.

Generate Your Wealth

If you want to own your own business online, you need tools too. The first two listed you need immediately upon startup. I’ll get you free trials to get started. However, I recommend you use UpViral also. It will pay for itself. These three tools WILL BE the basis of all things online.

Marketing with a ClickFunnel sales funnel is the most effective way to generate sales. It’s a must have. Why? Because, as we discussed earlier consumers do not generally buy a product the first time they see an offer.

A sales funnel takes your visitor step by step encouraging them through the buying process. When they don’t initially buy, you will send automatic email follow ups to them via your autoresponder. These emails will be designed to offer value and soft selling which nurture your prospects from interested persons to buying customers.

As your prospects receive your valuable emails they will become more and more comfortable with you. If you did your preliminary work properly the prospects clicking on your ad are what we call pre-qualified. They should be interested and seeking

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information on what you have to offer. Over the span of 1 to 7 emails, your targeted niche customer will often buy.

The third tool is UpViral. It’s a program designed to create “viralocity,” of your offer. By using UpViral your advertising budget should be almost nothing, because your site will be shared through social sharing!

In a nutshell those are the three main tools you’ll need. Now, we’ll dive into each one a bit more.

Time to Get YOUR Tools ClickFunnels Russell Brunson the creator of ClickFunnels was

fascinated with junk mail as a teen. He studied each piece learning exactly how the marketing process worked. He continued to learn and study and shortly after graduating from college he made his first $1,000,000.

He offers a 14-day free trial, and his basic plan, which I recommend for beginners runs $97 a month. You can have up to 20 funnels with this plan. Using this plan, you’ll need an outside autoresponder like GetResponse, this is what I use.

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This outside service will be a about $15 a month and integrates easily into ClickFunnels.

Considering price and time to you as an affiliate; a sales funnel program is much cheaper and easier to get going than a full-fledged site. The most powerful, easy to use and highly respected sales funnel program I’ve found is ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels is the leader in this arena. In the book DotCom Secrets Russell Brunson teaches the how-to of sales funnels. Here’s the link to pick up a free copy.

In the book, Russell teaches the benefits of all the different types of sales funnels. He does ask you to help pay shipping costs, but that’s almost nothing and the best few dollars investment you can make in your future. Get your book ordered right away, then continue on here and when your book arrives you’ll be ready to rock and roll!

I can’t stress enough how valuable of a tool this book is for you to have. It will teach you so much about working online. If you want success this book will help you get there. It’s amazing.


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GetResponse GetResponse is the autoresponder I use and

recommend. It’s easy to use, inexpensive and easy to integrate into ClickFunnels and UpViral. It’s been around for many years and one of the most popular programs available.

If you already have an autoresponder, then use it. No need to change, ClickFunnels and UpViral integrate with many other autoresponders.

GetResponse FREE TRIAL LINK UpViral UpViral is the last of the basic programs I

recommend you use. It’s been shown to increase signup rates by 50%. Everyone has different experiences depending on how you run your UpViral campaign, but it’s a great tool.

ClickFunnels, UpViral and GetResponse are a perfect trio. The programs are high quality and offer different tools that complement each other, and for that reason I use all three. You can watch an UpViral training video here free, and here’s a link to a free book from ClickFunnels. I highly recommend you take advantage of both of these free offers.

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UpViral boosts your marketing efforts through social media. Using UpViral and changing up my lead pages per their recommendations I’ve doubled my sign up rate.

UpViral Link NO Free Trial Available

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Chapter Eight Putting It All Together

Now that you’ve gotten your tools, logon to each site and watch the free training videos.

ClickFunnels offer a “ClickFunnels Game,” that will teach you everything you need to know about building funnels. Have fun, tear one of the practice funnels apart examining each piece. Learn everything about it. Remember, once you’ve got your sales funnel set up, it runs pretty much on autopilot. That means you do the work once correctly and in detail and you’re pretty much done!

ClickFunnels will be your biggest learning curve. But, don’t wait to be an expert before you start building and using funnels.

Next, watch your autoresponder beginning videos.

The following picture is a visual of how the sales funnel process works and what it looks like in picture form.

Lastly, move onto UpViral. Watch their videos to get an overview of the process.

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The following image is a visual of what the sales funnel and your autoresponder look like in action.

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Let’s take a look at the image. Your ad is the first

part of your sales piece in the sales funnel marketing plan. Next is your squeeze page/landing page and finally the sales page.

After someone clicks on your ad, your Facebook post, or whatever marketing tool you use, they’ll be directed to your sales funnel squeeze page.

All a sales funnel or squeeze page is, is a page that tells your prospect what you are going to do for them. For example, help them lose weight. Stop their leg cramps. Help them make money. Then, the

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only other thing on the page is a place for them to put their email.

Now, you’ll notice in the picture that there’s more going on. Once your prospect enters their email, two things will happen. First, behind the scenes, their email will go directly to your autoresponder. And, second, they’ll be directed to the product you’re promoting. If this customer is one who buys quickly that’s awesome.

If they don’t buy immediately and most don’t your autoresponder is vitally essential. You’ll use it to continue to lead your prospect through the buying process.

Later you’ll be able to market other products in your niche to your prospects.

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Chapter Nine Make Juicy Headlines

Make your headlines juicy and attractive in your marketing, you’re competing for the attention of prospects online much like a commercial on TV. However, never lie, or make up false statements to make a sale. You don’t need to do that.

If the person who’s come to your sales funnel is serious about losing weight or stopping leg cramps, or whatever it is that you’re promoting they will enter their email to get more information.

So, a Sales funnel is the doorway or gateway to your product. The email your prospect enters goes to your autoresponder. You'll use those emails to

follow up and for future marketing.

Think About Yourself

How often do you find a product online and think maybe I’ll buy that, but you

don’t pull out your credit card right away do you? Not usually. Usually, you have to think about it a

Generate Your Wealth

day or two. Well, if that is what you do, then you are in good company because that’s what most people do.

In fact, in marketing, it’s been proven that most people must see an offer up to 7 or even 10 times before they buy. So, what you’ll do is set up 7 to 10 follow up emails that will automatically go to anyone who signs up for your offer.

What will you say in those emails? That’s easy. Most offers on ClickBank have an affiliate page. There you can find testimonials, more in-depth information, and the like. I go to the website and pull out any good comments from previous customers. I also look for the frequently asked questions section and use this information to create my emails.

It’s fun once you get started, and you’ll get the hang of it quickly. In the emails you create you’ll make each of them link back to the original offer that your prospect initially showed an interest in purchasing. And when they do, YOU GET THE COMMISSION!

Generate Your Wealth

Chapter Ten One Page Summary

____Listen to inspiration every day. Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, anyone who inspires you. Go to YouTube and search you’ll find a bunch of options. Start to listen to one video a day and find out who inspires you.

Get your tools: _______ ClickFunnels _______ GetResponse _______ UpViral _______ Pick 3 to 5 Topics that you are interested in. Prepare your first campaign-keywords & niche product _______ Research the best fit for you. _______ Keywords _______ Are there enough customers interested in this topic? _______ Zero in on your niche. _______ Pick your product, from ClickBank _______ Create Your Funnel in ClickFunnels _______ Create Your List in GetResponse _______ Write 7 to 10 Follow-up emails _______ Connect GetResponse to your funnel _______ Set up your campaign in UpViral _______ Connect UpViral with ClickFunnels _______ Create Juicy Advertising Headlines _______ Advertise your funnel. _______ Collect the cash. Watch the videos and training provided for each of your tools. Use YouTube if

desired for even more descriptions on how to integrate. ASK ME FOR HELP! Seriously I’m not here to SELL you. I’m here to help you. I’ll

help anyone who is willing to put in the work. I use each of these programs on a daily basis, so I can generally answer

questions pretty quickly. Reach Out to me! To Your Success, Renie

Generate Your Wealth


I love bonuses, don’t you? Well here’s an awesome one. This is a custom-built funnel for a Bitcoin Capture Page. Open your ClickFunnels account, and make sure you’re logged in. If you haven’t opened your free trial yet here’s the link again.

Now that you’ve got your account open, copy the link below, (it’s in red) and put it into a new URL and it will automatically import into your ClickFunnels account.


Here’s a quick video from YouTube if you want to watch exactly how it’s done. https://youtu.be/M3FhhbvH4h4

Generate Your Wealth

IMPORTANT: Now you need to replace the affiliate links and other information in the funnel with YOURS! The link is a shared funnel, so my links are automatically in place. Make certain that you put YOUR LINKS in.

I. Settings: Home Page a. Integrations – change this to your email

autoresponder. b. SEO – Put in your descriptions and

keywords. c. Tracking Code – okay to be empty. d. Custom CSS – don’t change unless you’re a

design pro. e. Background – design only change as you like

or leave. f. Typography – design only change as you like

or leave. g. General – No change on home page h. Be sure and SAVE

II. Settings: Thank You Page a. Integrations – nothing b. SEO – Put in your descriptions and

keywords. c. Tracking Code – okay to be empty.

Generate Your Wealth

d. Custom CSS – don’t change unless you’re a design pro.

e. Background – design only change as you like or leave

f. Typography – design only change as you like or leave.

g. Put your ClickBank referral link here for the Bitcoin product you decide to promote.

Now, test this funnel. Settings often change, you are responsible for making sure you’ve made any necessary change. TEST and TEST one more time. Make sure your autoresponder and your link for ClickBank is working properly before you promote. If you have problems, contact me and I’ll help you through, or help you test it.

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Generate Your Wealth


These are the programs I use most and recommend to you.

ClickFunnels - To create your sales funnels Dreamstime – Free and paid photos. GetResponse – This is my autoresponder Fiverr – Here people work for you. Doing

professional services super inexpensive. OR you can hire out to do services writing or tech services for others.

Morguefile.com – This site has free images for commercial use. (follow the rules)

ShareASale – Earn affiliate commission from them

UpViral – To make my advertising efforts to viral on social media.

Udimi – This is my go-to advertising source for solo ads.

Generate Your Wealth


AdWords – A search tool that finds the popularity of words.

Affiliate - A person or company who markets for another person or company.

Autoresponder – A tool used to automatically correspond with your prospects and customers.

Keyword – a word used to classify or organize digital content, or to facilitate an online search for information.

MLM – Multi level marketing. A referrer gets paid commission for downlines.

Money Mindset – The belief that you can earn large sums of money.

Niche – A distinct segment of a market MSI - Multiple streams of income. ROI - Return on investment.