Titel si the

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Titel si the

Michael McClure

Process Statement

Turning the ideas for pictures into miniature stories was a difficult and fun process. The first one revolves around a dating couple making out in the Arboretum on a beautiful sunny day. While going at it an ominous eye stares at them, although it’s unclear who or what the eye belongs to or where it is watching from. The next frame is of the vantage point of the watcher, which happens to be a rubber duck, from the water as it looks up onto the shore as the two lovebirds get back to business. After is the point of view of the guy, who is becoming increasingly aware that someone is watching him as he stops from going at it and looks into the distance beyond the pond in search of this person, as for the first time you barely spot the rubber duck floating in the pond. Next is a close-up of the duck itself as it jollily puts around in the water still faced directly at the couple. Finally, after his girlfriend calls him paranoid he spots a bum wheeling a shopping cart directly behind the duck who was in fact watching them for some time.

The Kelley School of Business students only worsen their already shaky reputation as assholes by never letting cars go as they steadily flow into the crosswalk on tenth street for minutes at a time at peak hours every day. The next scene is from the perspective of a driver who is in a rush but is completely stopped far back in the line of cars waiting for the constant stream to let up. But it doesn’t. The first shot is one looking up the stairs of the Kelley School as a seemingly endless line of people leave classes and are headed right at the crosswalk. The next is a man who is obviously in a car but the outside of his car isn’t visible waiting to cross, followed by a birds eye view of how incredibly far back he is in the line. After that is a shot of him checking his watch incredible frustrated as he obviously has somewhere very important to be. To reaffirm the jam he is in the next shot is him inching up to another person’s bumper but really not going anywhere. The last shot is admittedly a rip-off of Office Space as the already fuming man freaks out more as he see’s a kid on crutches fly by him.

It always has befuddled me how badly girls on Spring Break fiend for beads, as if they held some value beyond their twenty for a dollar purchase price. Regardless, girls go absolutely batshit over them so the next story likens them to currency that can be used to buy everyday things like groceries. The first shot is a girl rich with beads as well as cleavage waiting in line at a grocery store. Following that is her placing her normal every-day items onto the conveyer belt as it moves towards the clerk. After that you see that there are a bunch of girls behind her all with baskets full of goods and a ton of beads around their neck. The cash register shows a price of forty-two beads after that, followed by her handing them over. After that she is left with no beads so she goes back to work of flashing guys to get some.



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