Tips to nurture a healthy heart

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Tips to nurture a healthy heart

Coronary heart disease has been increasing over the years.

There are many people suffering from severe heart diseases albeit several medications and advancements in treatments are happening.

So what we know today about our heart matters a lot to open the key to longevity.

These are the six deadly risk factors which should be checked to avoid heart attacks:

Excess body fat Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Chronic Inflammation Metabolic syndrome Oxidative stress

Excess body fat: Check your weight and measure your waist. Check your BMI.

Cholesterol: Take up a blood test to know the cholesterol level.

Blood pressure: Digital blood pressure monitors detect the BP level in your body.

Chronic inflammation: Can be detected by taking a blood test

Metabolic syndrome: Detect them by undergoing a glucose tolerance test

Oxidative stress: can be detected by witnessing a change over lifestyle, low diet plan, over weight, smoking etc.

Have the following in your menu:

Proteins like meat, fish, eggs, pork, beans and pulses for two to three servings

Good fats like olive oil, nuts for one to three servings

Fruits and vegetables in frozen or dried juices for two to five servings a day

Whole grains like barley, wheat, brown rice, high fibre cereals and porridge oats for two to four servings a day

Dairy foods like skimmed or semi skimmed milk, low fat yogurt, reduced fat cheese can be consumed twice or thrice.

Besides a healthy diet plan your attitude plays a major role in helping you own a healthy heart. Check if you follow the below:

Being optimistic and having the power to face situations in life.

Enjoying and laughing out loud also cures severe heart disease

Relaxing with meditation and yoga helps you get out of stress

Drinking lots of water will help you to be kind to your heart to make it function better

Create a beautiful ambience with fresh aroma and natural flowers to reduce the risk of heart disease

Share your thoughts and ideas and this way you can find more happiness and the path to a healthy heart.

Sleep for 8 hours a night and have complete rest to cope up with your daily schedules.

Music is another powerful tool to reduce stress, lower anxieties and thereby reduce blood pressure.

Supplements are critical for a healthy heart in case your daily activities and eating plan lags behinds to reach the line of perfection.

Listed below are the supplements which will guide you to a beneficial heart:

Multivitamins will help reduce cardiovascular disease

Fish oil : The omega – 3 fatty acids in fish oil will help reduce the risk of heart attack.

Soluble fibre: like oatmeal will help in reducing your cholesterol level and thereby controls it.

Phytosterols supplement which is present in soya beans , wheat will help in removing unwanted cholesterol.

Coenzyme Q10 in form of tablets/capsules will help the cells to produce more energy in heart.

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