Tips to Improve Your Medical SEO Programs to Attract New Consumers

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Tips to Improve Your Medical SEO Programs to Attract New Consumers

Tips to Improve Your Medical SEO Programs to Attract New Consumers In the present world, most individuals rely on the internet for any

information, even healthcare. It is therefore important for every medical

business to optimize their website to improve online presence and drive

more customers. Although retaining customers is important, it is also

essential to concentrate on new visitors. A professional medical SEO service

provider can assist in optimizing medical websites and help attract targeted


A recent report from Webloyalty and Conlumino points out that average

consumers consult at least five channels before making a purchase. This shows

that people converting are mostly returning visitors. Therefore knowing the

right content, keyword or phrases and the right off-site targets etc are

important for improving your business.

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Following are some key elements to keep in mind when improving your SEO program.

1. Keywords or service themes

With advancements like voice search, growth of mobile and increasing

customer research time, keyword strategy has become a crucial element for

any website. The keyword strategy should concentrate on customer journey

till post purchase queries. Tools like and FAQFox help in

evaluating review sites and scouting social media for product and competitor


2. Customer reviews and support

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Customer reviews have a huge impact on the purchasing decision of the

visitor. Many studies show that 90% of buying decision of consumers is

impacted by online reviews. It is important to ensure that customer support

is also optimized. Businesses sometimes use third party support platforms to

optimize them for search; the site should have FAQs, click to call options etc.

This will help potential customers to make their purchase decision quickly.

3. Content marketing

Creating quality, reliable content about your healthcare practice, expertise

and services can help draw new patients to your website, while also

reminding existing patients of your sustained value. Good content helps to

boost your SEO efforts, enables you to create content for sharing on social

media, and brings valuable content for consumers to read and associate with

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your organization. Content forms include blog posts, articles, videos, photos,

user-generated content, eBooks, whitepapers, SlideShare presentations,

guides and studies.

4. Earn links from relevant websites

While backlinks are important, earned links from high-quality, relevant

websites have become more important. Such links are earned from the value

you provide and the willingness of a third party to mention your content. The

increased importance of earned links has increased the importance of public

relations in creating, optimizing and placing content that would rank high in

search engine results.

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5. Focus on Local SEO

Local SEO is very important now. Whatever be the size of your medical

practice, focusing on local is vital when it comes to gaining more exposure

and patients. Google has improved its algorithms in such a way that when

someone searches for “pain management centres,” they want results specific

to their area. Since implementing local SEO requires some knowhow and

effort, it is best to utilize medical SEO services. When you focus locally, you

can concentrate on indexing well in that area where it is most important.

Your practice will appear in front of local consumers who are most likely to

become your patients.

6. Take advantage of social media

Popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and

LinkedIn can help to spread word of mouth about your healthcare services.

So make sure that you create a business profile for your organization on each

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appropriate channel. Don’t forget to listen to the feedback from your patients

because that is what will help you improve.

7. Your practice’s identity should be distinct from your


The identity of your practice should be clear and distinctive. Develop an

image or logo for your medical practice that can attract more patients to your

practice. All your websites, blogs, pamphlets and other content used for

marketing purposes should convey the same messages and services you

offer. Also, align your messaging and communications with your goals and


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8. Focus on patients

Publish content that focus on the interest of the patience and not content

about your medical practice. For instance, many patients tend to search for

terms like “how diabetes can affect eyesight” instead of what makes a

medical practice best. So optimize your content to suit the need of the

patients. You can mention about your awards and accreditations too but the

focus should be on the patient needs.

9. Offer value while eliminating patient’s risk

The offers that you provide should be valuable to your patients; you can also

provide educational resources such as eBooks about how to deal with

physical exam or prepare for surgery etc.

10. Track all your results and change your SEO strategies


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Keep checking the results of your marketing efforts and SEO strategies. This

will help you to understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and make

necessary changes accordingly.

All of the above measures can help medical businesses enhance their value,

improve online presence and increase revenue. A reliable digital marketing

company would stay abreast of the latest SEO trends, and ensure that their clients

rank high in all leading search engines and improve traffic.