Tips to Avoid Boredom in Indoor Cats

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Tips to Avoid Boredom in Indoor Cats

Tips to Avoid Boredom in Indoor Cats

Do you own a cat and it is getting bored inside the house? Nuvet is presenting here some amazing ideas to keep your kitty happy and active.

Create A Special Kitty Space in Your House

Cats always like a cozy space in house. You can make a little and fluffy kitty place. Cats also love to look out of the window, so installing a small shelf or box near the window is a great idea to refresh you cat’s mood.

Build an Indoor Catwalk

Cats really love to run and jump down from a high  vantage point. If you have some carpentry skills, you can build an indoor catwalk for your cat. Install them over windows or doorway and let your kitty enjoy the great fun inside.

Provide Toys for Play Keep lots of toys like soft balls, stuffed mice and teaser toys around your cat and engage her in a regular play session. The toys that you choose for your cat must be safe. Nuvet suggests the rotating these toys out is helpful to keep your cat happy and fresh.

Environmental Enrichment Videos

You can entertain your cat by television like human family members. There are videos available in the market just made for cats. These videos contain feature close-up of fish, birds and other creature actions. Cats just love to interact with these videos.

Bring A Scratching Post for Your Cat

Cats usually fond lover of scratching and sometimes they scratch your furniture also. So you can bring a scratching post for your cat. It will help to keep her claws sharp, exercise and stretch muscles.

Feed Healthy and Delicious Food

Indoor cats do not spend their time in gathering food like outdoor cats and therefore sometime they become bored. You can create food puzzle games inside your house and hide some healthy and yummy food at different places. Your cat will enjoy this game and feel fresh.

Nuvet Labs hope these tips will keep away boredom from your cat’s life and help her to live a happy and healthy life.

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