Tips For Turning Your Blog Readers Into Paying Customers

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Tips For Turning Your Blog Readers Into Paying Customers

Workshop: Turning Your Blog Readers Into Paying


Wilson PengCo-founder at YesInsights - Simple Customer/User

feedback survey tool


Why blogging works?

- Helps build your brand

- Successful entrepreneurs and companies use content as marketing

- Builds trust and expertise knowledge

- Build an early list of passionate followers/advocates

- Kissmetrics and Unbounce is a fantastic example

- GrooveHQ is another awesome example

- Allows you to engage with your audience early on

MAKE SURE You Have Quality ContentOne of the most important thing when it comes to content marketing and blogging is to be consistent.

- Set yourself a goal (post everyday, once a week, 2x a week etc.) and stick with it

- Make sure the content is high quality and share worthy

- Have a story behind your content. Famous food bloggers do this all the time!

You successfully attracted a new visitor with a relevant topic that your readers love, but in order to get your audience to subscribe, you have to publish content that people want to come back and read.

Types of High Quality Content That Work

- How to Guides - actional, step-by-step instructions on how something works. An example could be, “How to get your first 10 paying customers”

- Videos - Videos tend to convert higher than written content because it doesn’t require a lot of time to watch the video and it’s more engaging.

- Lists: List provide information that other people can’t find elsewhere.

- Case studies: These work because people always want to learn about how other people value your product.

Engage and Talk To Your Audience/SubscribersYou can be writing a new blog post every single day and trying your best to promote it, but you won’t achieve maximum results if you don’t talk to or engage with your customers

If you’ve been blogging for a while, then you should already have a decent sized email list and you can reach out to them about your new product.

Ways To Engage - Education with latest blog postOne of the best way to engage with your readers in the beginning is by sending them regular emails with your latest blog post updates.

Helpscout’s email ->

Ways to engage - TALK TO YOUR AUDIENCE Sending your audience your most recent update is a great way to attract readers back into your blog. Just keeping your audience up to date isn’t enough. You have to talk to your audience. You must engage with them.

One of the hardest things about blogging is that most of the time you don’t know what you should be writing. You won’t know what your audience wants to read if you don’t ask them.

Talking to your audience - SurveysA great way to do this is by sending them surveys asking them about their thoughts.Lacey was spending way too much time

blogging about topics that their readers did not enjoy reading.

They were writing articles that they thought their readers wanted to read. That resulted in a much higher bounce rate.

Lacey decided to stop guessing and actually start asking their customers what they want to read by surveying them and asking them what they really want. Create surveys - YesInsights

One-click surveysThere are 3 big advantages of using inline email surveys:

- It feels like a natural part of your email content

- Customers can respond painlessly with one click

- You don’t have to send extra emails asking leads to take a survey

It’s literally the most scalable, yet non-intrusive way to get customer intel.

And if you ask the right questions, you can actually get people to recommend your product even if they never convert to a paid customer. It’s very powerful.

Piktochart that uses YesInsights to create one-click surveys.

- 80% response rate- 25% additional comments- Able to figure out where to

market the product and the majority of the people to market to

Use Drip Emails A drip email campaign is a series of emails that your audience receives after they’ve subscribe to the blog. You can automate this with any email marketing platform that you are using (Aweber, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Drip etc.)

Send a series of educational drip emails to your subscribers. These could be emails containing your top most resourceful articles. Your goal in these emails should be to drive conversions.

This can be done and created as a free course acting as a lead magnet.

- Offers a free course in drip email format- Provides excellent content- Drips out the user everyday to increase trust and engagement- Builds the hype up- Convert the user into the community- Continues to add value after the user joins for more referrals

This works because the emails in the beginning will build a great amount of trust. Most people won’t buy your product right away, but they will have a higher chance of purchasing after they’ve learned enough about the values of your product.

- Allows us to narrow down our customers pain point with a simple question- Provide them with answers so that they don’t have to think (effortless)- Learn more about the value they’ll gain after using us- 60% response on all email opens

YesInsights Onboarding Email (Our very own!!)

Ask why they’re not buying and why they opt outUsers opt out of email subscriptions all the time or they end up going through all your materials, but still won’t buy. It’s time to talk to them and ask them why.

1.Segment all users

2.Use the 9 word email trick

3.Ask them why they opt out with a one-click survey

4.Ask them why they’re not buying


RetargetingRemarketing or retargeting enables you to create ads that essentially follow your visitors as they browse the web. Basically, you can use a tool like Perfect Audience, ReTargeter or simply Google AdWords to set up retargeting.

As they see your ads on other sites, they will be drawn back to your site. I like to think of retargeting as a friendly reminder for the people that visited your site but did not subscribe or forgot about it.

Tests from Quick Sprout found that when you remarket to your blog readers, you will get a click-through rate of 0.2%. Out of all those visitors, 3.58% will convert into customers.

Build a communityA community allows you to engage with your readers. Facebook groups, Slack groups, forums, membership sites are all great communities.

Offer Giveaways And DiscountsEveryone loves free stuff. One of the best way to engage with your readers is by offering a giveaway. From doing a blog post that offers readers a special discount, or a bundled deal like how Groove did it with their “Small Business Stack” tends to work really well.

Groove offered a bunch of discount codes for startup software products to their readers in exchange for an email. This is a double win because your readers will love the discount and you added another potential customer to your list.

Another way you can offer a giveaway is by asking your audience for a simple favor and in return offer them a discount for your product/service.

“Thanks for giving us feedback!” People love feeling appreciated, so this is a great way to generate another double win.

Questions to ask

- What’s the single biggest problem that you’re struggling with now?

- Which topic are you most looking forward to from this course?

- What are you looking to accomplish from this product?

- How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend? (NPS question)

- How disappointed would you be if you could no longer use us?

- Where did you hear about us?


- One click and NPS Surveys- Website widget- Customer feedback- Integrates with Zapier, Leadpages, ConvertKit, Mailchimp, Aweber, Intercom,

Infusionsoft, Drip, you name it!- Start talking to your customers and getting their feedbacks- Starts at $20/month-

Wilson Peng (co-founder @YesInsights)