Tips for first time travellers

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Tips for first time travellers

Tips For First Time


Yes, travelling is fun and exciting. However, there are things that you should keep in mind especially when it is your first time to venture the great big world. Keep these things in mind for a safe and meaningful travel!

Respect local customs. Remember that you are the one who should adjust when you’re in a different country.

Try to learn the language that people in the country that you are travelling to speak. Bring a dictionary with you all the time.

Be open to learning new things. Try local food, participate in festivals, and practice their local tradition.

Socialize. You can learn many things from locals. Plus, it’s fun to make new friends!

Mingle with other travellers as well. Go on adventures together!

Discover things for yourself. Sometimes, learn new things all by yourself!

Research. Learn as much as you can about the country that you are travelling to.

Do not forget to bring first aid kit. You’ll never know when accidents will occur so it’s important to be prepared.

Do not forget to have a meaningful travel. Leave something remarkable in every place that you step foot


Whenever you book flights and venture a foreign place, remember that something

unforgettable will happen to you. Travel with all your

heart, get out of your comfort zone, and face the amazing

world that is waiting for you. Photo courtesy of

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