Tips & Advice **Team Thierry** On Action Tip 01 – Use List Builder To

Post on 25-May-2015

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There are several marketing options available, and with time you will need to explore them all. Some will take time, or be cost prohibitive initially.

Transcript of Tips & Advice **Team Thierry** On Action Tip 01 – Use List Builder To

Action Tip 01 – Use List Action Tip 01 – Use List Builder to AdvertiseBuilder to Advertise

TIPS & ADVICE From; **Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**

Action Tip 01 – Use List Builder to Advertise

Now that you have set up the basics, it’s time to start driving traffic to your online business. There are several marketing options available, and with time you will need to explore them all.

Some will take time, or be cost prohibitive initially. However one that seems to get results, and is reasonable in price, is a List Builder account.

Without going into volumes of detail, a List Builder simply lets you send a single (solo Ad) to the members of the list. These members are opted in, and through the list builder you can advertise to them via email without being accused of spamming.

With **Team Thierry** this is included for all members as we do the advertising , emails for you;

There are two major List Builders, Viralurl and **Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**. Of these two Viralurl seems to get the best results at times while **Team Thierry MLM Worldwide** get the best results over the long run with clients for longevity. You can join both, and use them to advertise.

Their members will send out lots of non spamming e-mails, and if you take the time to on them, you will earn your rewards. You can then use their system to send your advertisement through e-mail,

about once a week. Like everything else, the free method is not Very effective. With little or no results or conversions.

What my suggestion is, join ViralUrl, and **Team Thierry Xplocial Worldeide** as a paid member. This will cost you $159, for Platinum Membership per month and you receive goodies & bonuses. For this membership, You pay a further $150 per month and they will send out 3000 e-mails with your ad, to their paid members every three (3) days. For one month Experience has shown, this will result in 4-8 leads coming to you.

It may not sound like much, but 4-8 leads times 10 per month, of people wanting to know more about your opportunity, will get you some business at an affordable price. Remember no single marketing method will get you all the business you want. It will be the combination of several, which will get the results you are looking for. With **Team Thierry** you also have the option to upgrade, and send out 6000 e-mails every (3) days.

If you join Viral and **Team Thierry Xplocial Worldwide** focus on sending out your e-mails, and avoid spending much time for all kinds of other options or offers they present. Doing so, is a very easy way to get distracted, and lose focus.

You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…

Wishing you absolute success

**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide** Get the best results over the long run with clients for longevity.

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