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Transcript of Tip.off.Aug.8.2014.Deltawaves

  • 7/24/2019 Tip.off.Aug.8.2014.Deltawaves



    The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast with Elizabeth PeruThe trusted source since 2003

    THE NEXT ..Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast is issued on Friday August 22, 2014.

    Will be available here: http://www.deltawaves.com.au/the-tip-off-access.html

    August 8 21, 2014

    Elizabeths Wrap:The Lion and The Rose

    Within all of nature there exists a known and hidden rule. It is instinctual, unbounded and utilised moment to moment,

    particularly when one is under the possible threat of extinction. This rule of the universe is hard wired into you and all of

    consciousness. To trigger it, one must simply be. Alive and flowing like the breeze through the trees. Just as the lion shelters

    from the midday sun, rests and goes within so does the rose slowly unfurl to meet the light and reveal its central core. Why

    does the lion rest and the rose unfurl when they do? How do they time their most opulent opportunities with such ease and

    grace? Indeed there is intelligence at work within them both and this same intelligence drives you and all of creation. The

    intelligence I speak of is not of the brain. It is not something you can think of. It is a force of nature that aligns with one when

    one is not thinking.

    Natures force is strong within the animals and the flora. Have you noticed how they do not argue with the weather or the

    Earth? They simply move with it, their individual soul at one with natures force. A rose grows towards the Sun and a lion

    hunts where there is food. They do not argue and desire to go the other way, for that would be detrimental to their thriving

    and survival. They move where the force sends them, at one with it. Lifes sustenance is the key to all consciousness. You

    are at one with natures force just like the lion and the rose. You do not have to try and re-connect, you are already flowing.

    Now have you forgotten this? Then remember.

    A dear colleague recently reminded me of the importance of following instinct. Busy indoor lives can take our focus off

    natures force. We can mentally get off track and tend to act against our best interests. We can push ourselves into the

    ground. Sound familiar? Over worked and exhausted we lose touch with the flow and work against life. Like a rose refusing

    to grow or a lion sitting in the blaring Sun because it wants a tan. Now would they ever do that? No way, for natures force

    knows better, it knows life. Are you off track mentally and physically? Do you need to be re-aligned with the force? Have you

    been out in the elements lately communing with your kin and truly living because of it?

    If not, then this is when instinct kicks in. Its like natures override button that re-sets your brain and reminds you that you

    have never left the flow. Instinct gets you to act without thinking and thats the key. Let your instinct lead you to your bliss

    and the flow of life. You are already at one with the universe; you just need to acknowledge this. Its not a fleeting experience

    of unity. Its a permanent connection. It is the elegant rule.

    Welcome to the re-launch issue of The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast. May your heart be ecstatic and your head lightened

    with the words of wisdom set to flow. This forecast aligns you with natures force, which the planets and stars all follow, as do

    you, and is an essential guide to navigate the every-day waters of human life.

    Days to take special note of super energy:Saturday August 9 Sunday August 10 Saturday August 16

    Monday August 18 Wednesday August 20 Thursday August 21

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    Your Daily Global Energy Forecasts for August 8 21, 2014

    Friday August 8 -- FIRE & FLEXIBILITY

    Over this 24-hour period we can expect a constant interplay of questions followed by swift answers. Be ready to act.

    Tip of the Day:Dont wait too long in making decisions. Go with your first gut instinct right now. It is spot on and you will do

    well to take swift and spontaneous action in all areas of life that come up for review. You will feel liberated for it.

    Good day for: Having that important conversation; being a big enough person to not get offended when your way is

    challenged; being open and flexible to the new and easier way you are shown.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    ACTION CAN BE EASY (Friday August 8)

    Do you normally use an excessive amount of energy to get even the simplest things done? Do you huff and puff and stress if

    life doesnt go just your way, the way your head wants? Well if so, then you will just love the influence right now as the

    universe tickles you into a new way. What is the new way? Well it is about being flexible, flowing and simplifying your

    actions. Rather than having a fixed way of approaching even the smallest tasks (like coring an apple) reconsider and ask,

    Can I be doing this more effectively? Soul loves us to undo the complication and embrace the ease and grace. That is your

    natural state beloved. So go ahead and simplify, knowing that simple doesnt mean unintelligent it is actually the height of

    spiritual sophistication.

    SUN ENERGY HELPS US COMMUNICATE (Also on Friday August 8)

    This is a period in which the full force of soul (our heart) is encouraging and pushing us to communicate with one another

    openly and without reservation. Get the picture? No holding back now. You will be heard and you will feel in your power to

    express what you truly mean. Se lets get to it! This type of open and abundant energy doesn't come along everyday. If you

    are normally shy or reserved about expressing then use this universal force to help you along. Speak up and express your

    views and loves on life. Are you ready to do so? Sometimes we need to speak out aloud what and who we are in order that

    we hear ourselves. Indeed listen to what you say and how right now. It will tell you everything about the hidden drives and

    motivations in your life.

    Saturday August 9 -- MEGA ENERGIES

    Over this 24-hour period we can expect to be challenged on many fronts. Have your wits about you. No victims here.

    Tip of the Day: Well what a potentially life changing weekend this is globally. Throughout this weekend we will be feeling the

    influence of Mercury (in particular) pushing us to precision and awareness. We are asked to get clear and precise on how we

    communicate. Youll get plenty of practice, so rather than being overwhelmed and wondering what is wrong, be prepared

    and ready to drill down into your matters and become a positive straight talker.

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    Good day for: Getting clear on all agreements and contracts; meditating upon and receiving insights into your life purpose

    and direction; releasing old habits and creating new healthy ones.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    SWIFT ANSWERS ARE INCOMING (Saturday August 9)

    This period is excellent for open communication. What was previously hidden to you (or not quite clear) will now be as plain

    as day. Are you feeling this? Are you ready for the lights to go on and then to act ASAP on what you find? There are quick

    and sudden breakthroughs coming in. Be alert and ready to open up to them. This information will come in what seems like a

    flash. So you will need to be extra vigilant and aware moment to moment. Have the courage to act on the spot. Lets see

    what rewards come from this. Yes?

    WOUNDS ON DISPLAY (Also on Saturday August 9)

    As the weekend opens you may feel under a barrage of challenges mentally. Is this already occurring for you? Now dont get

    worried, sad and depressed because that wont help you right now, it will only set you back from all the good work youve

    recently done. Instead embrace what you now going to learn about yourself. People may push your buttons and this is

    needed. Why? It will bring out your old wounds, which often sit just under the surface of our skin. We can be very unaware of

    them until they are triggered. When these old limiting beliefs start playing out via your negative language and actions, catch

    yourself in the act and pause. Literally say, Hey I see you, now stop. Then continue on with your day. In this state of

    awareness you can be exposed, liberated and in your power. So you know what to do now, yes? No blaming someone else

    this weekend when they push you. Learn instead what you are being shown about what holds you back. Create a new way

    to respond to your life to take you into a bright future.

    SWIFT DECISIONS (Also on Saturday August 9)

    This weekend we are also under the influence of some very fast moving energy that will call for you to make swift and often

    on the spot decisions. So be ready for this OK? There wont be much time to sit back and mull it over, like may be your usual

    style. So this is great energy for those who normally procrastinate and cant make up their mind. Now the universe gives you

    a big push in the back and says, Come on trust yourself beloved, take that leap, all will work out well.

    FACING YOUR STUFF: OWNING YOUR STUFF (Also on Saturday August 9)

    OK, I know its not always a bed of roses to be growing and advancing spiritually. Some days (or weekends like this) you canfeel under the pump and may wonder when all of this growth will stop? Well as you probably know already, it doesnt stop. In

    fact the more we uncover, the more we find to uncover and so forth and so forth. Now if anything this should encourage you

    to know that every day is an adventure. There will always be something to learn and evolve from right up until the moment

    you go home. Now why am I saying all this? Well this weekend you are asked to humbly acknowledge and own what you

    learn about why you are here on Earth. Yes, you will learn much. Life purpose will be felt strongly and soul (the heart) is

    pushing us to get on purpose. Therefore, do your best to accept and not ignore the signs, feelings, instinctual knowledge and

    intuition that arise about why you are here. Listen to yourself. If you dont acknowledge your wisdom, no one else will. The

    time to act on what you are given will be soon.

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    Sunday August 10 -- SEEING THE LIGHT

    Over this 24-hour period we have ample opportunity for moments of bliss and enlightenment. So stay open to magical

    occurrences. In other words, let go of your controlling ways if only for this day. The Super Full Moon ignites us.

    Tip of the Day: Continuing on from yesterday (globally) this is a weekend of great shifts and changes to your life. What you

    uncover about yourself (now) will feed and fuel you for many weeks to come. Therefore, stay alert and aware. Its a good

    weekend not to hide under the covers. Instead face your fears and challenges head on. This way you will benefit greatly by

    receiving reasons to age-old personal questions that have been bugging you.

    Good day for: Healing and journaling; social events that have special meaning to you; allowing yourself to be open,

    expansive and non-restrictive in everything you touch.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    THE SUPER FULL MOON (Sunday August 10)

    This is the biggest and brightest Full Moon of 2014so ensure you are outside soaking up the vibes. This is the second

    Super Moon of 2014 (and the second in a row) with the next Super Full Moon in September. Super Moons are rare in that the

    Full Moon needs to occur when the Moon is also making its monthly closest approach to Earth (as it is this weekend). A

    Super Moon amps up the intensity of the energies already available. We get an extra cosmic push to celebrate and let go of

    whatever we initiated back in February 2014. What were you beginning in early 2014? What new approaches to living were

    you implementing and what seeds did you plant? Have you been acting on them over the last six months? You should seethe culmination of those dreams manifesting now. Wow, woo, how exciting! I invite you to enjoy the riches now fruiting from

    your efforts this year. How sublime.


    The Moon is now at its closest proximity to Earth all month and the closest it will get all year. Its a doozy all right. As such

    the Moon is having a big impact on us. Im sure you are tuning in and can feel this intensity climaxing. Emotions can be high

    and you may be feeling extra sensitive. As you start to take note of the Moons patterns, you can determine if you feel more

    alive when the Moon is full or when it is new. Some people have a preference of one over the other. Simply know that you

    are being asked to make grand gestures right now, as you feel the pulse of your heart beating extra strong.

    EMOTIONS ARE EASILY TRIGGERED (Also on Sunday August 10)

    Be aware that right now our emotional body has great potential to erupt. Only you know if you are normally able to handle

    your emotions, or if they can run away with you. Keeping this in mind it will give you a pretty good indication of how well you

    may navigate this energy. I suggest that you consider wisely before acting out and potentially throwing your body off kilter.

    You are a strong being of the light. Soul is neutral to the emotional state; it is the personality that enjoys expressing this way.

    If you wish to play with your personality right now and let it run the show, then know that this is what you are doing. Be aware

    of it. Choose. Otherwise, when an old emotion arises, look at it and decide right now in this moment if you will let it take you

    over. Maybe you no longer need it? You wont know until you decide here and now what to do with it. Powerful options


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    THE LIGHTS GO ON (Also on Sunday August 10)

    The universe is showering us in multitudes of light. This means open your arms and receive what you are. Some will be

    ready to receive what they already are. Will you be? I urge you to accept your talents and skills of a lifetime. Right now youare getting nudges to be more creative and expressive in how you live your life. This means finding your unique style by

    simply not caving into others demands and instead having the courage to bring through your special way. We all have a

    different way of creating the same thing. None of us is the same in regards to how we manifest what we desire to

    experience. Isnt that great? This gives us variety and light and shade in this physical universe of polarities. So right now it is

    an excellent period to go out on a limb and stretch yourself, your way. Youll be glad you did.

    Monday August 11 -- THE AWARENESS

    Over this 24-hour period we are still riding off the weekends energies. Insights have been received. Actions are required.

    Tip of the Day: The spiritual dimension is easily accessible. You are more open and aware of the subtle energies all around

    you and your unity with the invisible planes. There are wildly oscillating opportunities.

    Good day for: Writing intentions and acting on them; exercising; meditating; wrapping up the old; sweeping your slate


    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    TALKING OUT YOUR PURPOSE (Monday August 11)Hot on the heels of the Super Full Moon (and because of what it has given us) we are now triggered to do something with the

    hunches and feelings we received about our purpose this weekend. Remember I said the time to act would come? Well

    hasnt it come round quickly? Got to love that! You will find that you are extra chatty and talkative right now. So much so that

    it may be difficult for you to stop expressing what you need to get on with. Particularly if you have been putting off the plans

    so dear to your heart. My advice is to run with your inspirations and ideas. Let them flow and dont just sit on them, prove


    Tuesday August 12 -- SPARKING OFF

    Over this 24-hour period there is an upbeat energy in the air. You can make great strides ahead if you are ready to go.

    Tip of the Day: We may be very focused on the physical. Give it the attention it deserves. The physical wouldnt exist

    without the spiritual creating it so know that all you see, touch, feel, hear, taste and intuit all around you is created by the

    divine. The physical is divine.

    Good day for: Starting a new exercise or nutrition plan; having a makeover or spa day; re-arranging your closet.

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    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life


    The annual Perseids meteor shower is now peaking for the northern hemisphere. I love meteor showers dont you? We get

    so whipped up from within and I find that dreams and astral travel tends to get heightened when a storm hits. Looking up

    after midnight towards Perseus (and appearing all over the sky) these are often the brightest displays of the year. So well

    worth a look if you can. Even if you cant see them you will feel them and by this I mean we are now extra motivated to follow

    through with our plans from the big weekend just gone. Use this energy to your advantage. The universe is answering your


    SELF IMAGE COMES OF AGE (Also on Tuesday August 12)

    Are you happy with the way you look? Or are you constantly wishing you were different? Beginning now for the next threeweeks we are undergoing a mini makeover of sorts, whether we are consciously wanting it or not. You will find an increased

    desire to tidy up the way you dress, present, stand, talk, behave etc. All factors the personality (head) is concerned with. We

    need to keep the personality happy so it can do the work of the soul (heart). Therefore, my advice is to follow the urge to

    spruce you up if it takes you over. The more in alignment we can be on the outside with the inside the better. This leads to

    authentic humans and that leads to a happy planet.

    Wednesday August 13 -- INTEGRATION

    Over this 24-hour period we are having a little breather (so to speak) and what I call integrating the major shifts and changes

    of the past few days.

    Tip of the Day: Your body may want to move slightly slower. Allow this to happen. Close your eyes and simply place your

    attention on the pause between your breath. This is the point in-between, where your breath appears from and disappears

    into. This practice brings us into stillness, wholeness and the perfection of the soul (no thinking or hard work required). Its a

    perfect day for integrating the head and the heart and for refreshing and re-setting your perspective.

    Good day for: Going with the flow; not pushing or controlling too hard; applying yourself; being open to the new.

    We are under the waning influence of the previous days planetary and energetic influences. Go within.

    Thursday August 14 -- GO THIS WAY

    Over this 24-hour period vital clues and information on your soulful career path and your next steps are revealed.

    Tip of the Day: The energy is high and increasing as the week unfolds. Right now you are being downloaded with potential

    new life direction. This is solid stuff. Trust the signs around you and your intuition and take good note. These are the

    answers you have been praying for.

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    Good day for: Researching your ideas; making enquiries about new ventures; asking questions; being curious.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    THE PATH IS MADE KNOWN (Thursday August 14)

    Its the week for getting your act together and no longer sitting on your laurels. Can you feel it? Theres no more denying

    what needs to change in your life, now you just got to do it. So heres the great news. The universe (thanks to the Suns

    force) gives you a big push today and says, Go this way. Now what way is this way? Well lets just say you will know.

    How? Well you have already been mulling it over for several months and just now you get the blaring confirmation that your

    inner callings were true and correct. So I advise that you get ready for this energy to take you over. Expect it to. Your true-life

    path (and possible new soulful career path) is being revealed to you. It is inspired directly by you. Trust it and take it for real.

    Friday August 15 -- THE BIG REVEAL

    Over this 24-hour period your personality will be leading the show. What does this mean? It means your head will strike out

    with bold moves to follow the consistent urges from your heart.

    Tip of the Day: Get ready to be shook up and made uncomfortable. Now thats great. Boredom and sameness keep us

    stuck and lacklustre. So its best to create situations that require you to step out of your everyday.

    Good day for: Extending yourself; going for a job interview or leaving work; booking travel; making an impression.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    GRAND PLANS (Friday August 15)

    Now there is some potentially tricky energy to navigate. After the releasing week weve had you could easily feel like all of

    the shackles have fallen off at once and you just want to run away to the circus (so to speak). Sound familiar? Now before

    you do, a word of advice. Under this influence get rich quick schemes and offers that seem too good to be true, could lure

    you in seductively. Be aware that you need to consider your integrity, values and be grounded before you go in head first to a

    big commitment. Perhaps you want to take it one step at a time. Yes? For in each step we are in the process of life and

    already on purpose. See how you go. Youll make the right move for you.

    MAY THE TRUE YOU BE EXPOSED (Also on Friday August 15)

    Well there are some spectacular opportunities to no longer hide your raw talent from the world. And why would you want to

    do this anyway? Do you honestly think that by you dulling yourself down its going to make me feel better about myself? I

    sense a lot of people are acting less than what they are at present. Many are too worried to stand out in the crowd and be

    who they truly are for fear of being ridiculed or dare I say from being a success? Now if this is you, welcome the heads up

    that the planets are aligning to expose the truth of whom you are. Get ready to be revealed. Now its not going to hurt, it will

    feel so good and take far less of your precious energy to be out than it was to be hidden. So lets goShowtime.

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    Saturday August 16 -- THE MENTAL BUILDER

    Over this 24-hour period the energy is fast paced and rather demanding on our heads.

    Tip of the Day: Eat well and drink lots of filtered water to keep your brain hydrated and out of meltdown mode. You will be

    processing so much information from soul (the heart) that you will need to keep the water levels up to avoid headaches and

    potential self doubt and uncertainty.

    Good day for: Any tasks that require concentration and patience; going over important documents; writing; drafting and

    making plans.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    22 MASTER NUMBER DAY (1+6+0+8+2+0+1+4 = 22) (Saturday August 16)

    Its the day of the master builder and with extra mental energy in the air (thanks Mercury) we can expect to be pushed and

    driven to go above and beyond in detail and form. What does this mean for you? It requires that you not miss a thing.

    Precision, clarity and directness are called for in whatever you are building up. This may be a personal project that is close to

    your heart and important to you. Today you give it an extra boost of power. There are fifteen 22 Master Days spread out over

    a five month period from April to October in 2014, when there will be no 11 Master Days. This is an extra long run of 22

    Master Days in 2014. Children born on these days will be the peacemakers and change bringers into the new generation.

    Today is a very significant event as far as master number days are concerned. The 22 energy is unpredictable and

    potentially explosive if people are not ready for it. 22 is the vibration of double peace, incredible strength and loyalty to a

    cause. It nurtures stability and longevity. Under this influence it can be important to shake up the status quo in order to get to

    peace and truth. The vibration of today signifies building something great, solid and long lasting in your life. It is a culminating

    energy for whatever you have been working on. Its a very opportune day to complete or celebrate long-lasting, growth. So

    what or who will you build up today? We are each of us, master builders in the making. There is magic in the air and lots of

    opportunity ready to be delivered. So stay aware and very much in receiving mode.

    CRITICAL THINKING IS GO (Also on Saturday August 16)

    From now for the next two weeks our mental, logical and practical thinking process is turned onto supernova speed. Arent

    you going to love that? Now it will be especially for good for those people who normally brush over the detail. Youre going to

    be forced to eloquently and exactly express your viewpoint to others. The art will be to do so without going into hypercritical

    mode. Focus with clarity and ownership of your words and thoughts. It will help eradicate fuzzy heads and bring greater

    power to your life.

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    Sunday August 17 -- VALUING YOU

    Over this 24-hour period its best to go a little slower and be in appreciation mode. Soul is giving you messages about your

    next steps.

    Tip of the Day: Go with your flow. Try not to push too hard to gain any outcomes, youre better off leaving it and waiting.

    This is a nurturing day.

    Good day for: Going slower and coming up with new ideas; gardening; cooking; napping; being in nature.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life


    Just on a week ago it was the Full Super Moon and what a doozy it was. Yes? How have you been traveling since? Are you

    feeling expanded and renewed for it? Now the Moon is at its last quarter and we are feeling a pull towards centre, being

    more quiet and introspective. Its an awesome period to reflect and contemplate. You are honouring and giving thanks for

    everything in your life right now. Use this energy to practice gratitude. It is how we increase our abundance by focusing on

    the riches already here. And there are plenty. Open up to them.

    REFLECTING ON YOUR VALUE (Also on Sunday August 17)

    Further in tune with the current energies, over the next 24 hours Venus is delightfully encouraging all of us to dream big

    about our value and worth. Do you ever consider your value to the world? Are you reflecting on what you think you are

    missing out on? Or are you reflecting on what you are capable of and how you can utilise that ability to reach great heights?

    We serve no one by playing smaller than what we know we are. You help all others (especially you) when you live up to your

    full potential. You do know what that potential is. Yes you do. It is what you keep avoiding. So on days like this one listen to

    your inner urges. Acknowledge and accept. Over the next week you will have ample opportunity to apply yourself. For now

    consider and feel good about what you are.

    Monday August 18 -- BRIGHT LIGHT

    Over this 24-hour period you are being showered in high vibrations signaling chance meetings, answers flowing and brilliant

    sparks of inspiration.

    Tip of the Day: Go for it. Say, Yes. The universe is delivering what you have been working towards. Accept with open


    Good day for: Stepping outside the box; making big moves; considering your transition to a soulful career; enrolling in a

    new line of study; investing; large purchases; organising travel plans.

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    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    VENUS & JUPITER BRIGHTEST PARING OF THE YEAR (Monday August 17)Its a super special energy right now. Can you feel it? The brightest planets in our solar system Venus and Jupiter are

    making the closest conjunction of the year. Theyll look almost side-by-side. This is excellent news for us. Why? It is

    super positive (expansion, abundance, career and life purpose) energy being shone on Earth. For the past few days we have

    felt the inner urge to act up our true worth and live on purpose. The universe has been preparing us. Have you noticed this?

    Now you have the green light and go ahead to make those moves which will see you making your living from a soulful career

    (in particular). If you are a bright light and healer to the is planet (no matter what your profession) then this is the day to forge

    ahead and cement your reality. You can do it. We are all there with you, cheering you on.

    Tuesday August 19 -- INTENSE, INTENSE

    Over this 24-hour period the global energies are super intense. There are many crossing lines of energy and anything can

    shift and get activated on a universal level.

    Tip of the Day: Stay alert, aware and be ready to act when required. You will be tested as we move into midweek. Be wary

    of getting into aggressive conflict. Be a diplomat and achieve more with less.

    Good day for: Uncovering the truth; getting out of a rut; changing direction; powerful meetings.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    COMMUNICATION OVERLOADS (Tuesday August 19)OK everyone, this is it. You better walk, speak and live your talk today or else its going to get mighty uncomfortable and

    difficult to keep up that illusion you have been living under. Have you been living under some illusion? Particularly in relation

    to how authentic you are? In other words, are you portraying the same person on the outside as you are on the inside? Or

    are you pretending to be someone you are not? Why pretend? It takes far more energy to keep up a bad act than it does to

    strip back, surrender and just let the true you go. You will be shown what you can no longer hide and you will be asked to

    communicate the real you with clarity and strength. The truth comes out, so go with it. You are being given a gift a freedom

    today to just be you. Do so and you will know how loved you are.

    Wednesday August 20 -- ENERGY BURSTS

    Over this 24-hour period anything and everything can happen. You may not know if you are coming or going, so be


    Tip of the Day: Get grounded; eat root vegetables and drink lots of filtered water; exercise and be out of doors when you


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    Good day for: Progressing your exercise routine; having bold conversations; cleaning the house or re-decorating; spiritual


    Todays planetary and energetic influences on your life

    MEGA MENTAL ENERGY (Wednesday August 20)

    There are so many crossing lines of planetary energy right now, that I will keep this very general. I feel each one of us will be

    affected slightly differently. Firstly try not to panic. This influence will pass and the best way to navigate it is to be physically

    present. By this I mean get into your body by looking after your body. Our brains may feel like they are over-processing too

    many thoughts and may go into meltdown mode. So help yourself out by drinking copious amounts of fresh water and be

    outside. The excellent news is that this energy is breaking you free of old constraints. You will not be able to stay stuck under

    this tone. The universe gives you a good shake up so accept it with a smile and be glad you are identifying your limiting


    Thursday August 21 -- NOT AFRAID OF THE DARK

    Over this 24-hour period we will face internal struggles and challenges. Its all about you and not the other person. Be very

    aware of this and stay in your power.

    Tip of the Day: Do your best not to blame anyone else. Look in your own backyard first and grow in power as you do so.

    Good day for: Being honest to yourself; having open and fair heart to heart conversations; releasing; healing; crying;

    surrendering to the truth.

    Today sees the following planetary and energetic influences on your life

    LOVE YOUR DARK SIDE (Thursday August 21)I just love this weeks energy. How about you? Say, Yes. We surely are being given golden nuggets of information about

    our limiting old ways or what we can call your dark side. You are being called to be a big person now and take it all on the

    chin. Remember if someone pushes your buttons and points out where you can improve, its for your own good. And that can

    be happening right now, even if its coming from within you. The last thing you want to do is feel all hurt and go into blame

    mode, making out its everyones fault around you that you are not forging ahead. Stop. No more victims. You are being

    helped. I strongly advise that when you go to internally blame someone else for how you feel, that you pull your head in and

    say, No. Take responsibility for the way you feel and use what comes up as a learning experience to grow from. Decide if

    you want the emotion or feeling that you may call your dark. I suggest you love your dark side and use it more often. Its

    where your hidden strength can be accessed. Today gives you good practice at this. So no more hiding under the covers

    (literally). Spring up and face life heart and head on. Lets go!

  • 7/24/2019 Tip.off.Aug.8.2014.Deltawaves




    PLUTO RETROGRADE - (April 14/15 until September 23)

    Pluto the very small planet (or very large asteroid - depending on your views) is currently moving backwards relative to

    Earth. This means that from our perspective here on Earth we appear to lead Pluto in our orbit around the Sun. What this

    means for you is that we are in a five month period of deep contemplation. We can be shown which parts of our life we have

    been hiding away in the dark. There are wonderful opportunities for old wounds to be opened, cleaned and healed. Get the

    picture? Issues of past shame, hurt and victim hood can all arise during this period. We can understand, accept, forgive,

    release and ultimately be healed. Use this period to nudge out your secret past. Allow your hidden secrets to rise up so you

    can be cleared and whole. This way you have nothing to hide from yourself and therefore potentially fear. You will own all of

    your past actions and then life becomes a clean slate and an open book. This is a sure path to personal freedom.

    NEPTUNE RETROGRADE - (June 10 until November 16, 2014)

    Neptune the stunning blue planet which aligns with our inner reality moves backwards relative to Earth for a long, self-

    reflective journey until November. Neptune is associated with everything illusive, hidden and oh so contrary to control and

    order. Wonderful isn't it? So you get the idea of what this means for us? We will be taking a long, slow trip within to find our

    deepest spiritual meaning. We are searching for and finding our spiritual connection to source and learning how soul best

    expresses itself through our human lives. This is a fantastic period to find you. Be aware that over these five months it will

    also be easy to be 'seduced by spirituality'. By this I mean it will be appealing to get caught up on spiritual highs. You may

    become ungrounded. The lesson is to integrate soul fully through your physical life. Work on aligning head and heart daily by

    walking your talk. Practice this over the next five months and you will come out of this transit in November much strongerand more able to thrive on Earth. You will have a good understanding of how to use your spiritual gifts in your everyday life.

    CHIRON RETROGRADE - (June 19/20 until November 22/23)

    There is a subtle, yet deep and profound influence upon us as the large asteroid Chiron is in backward motion relative to

    Earth for the next five months. When Chiron is activated in our life old wounds within our memories and energy field get

    activated. This is why Chiron is known as the wounded healer. Chiron brings up our old hurts, angers, shames and guilt. It

    shows you what you are holding onto from your past. So over the next five months we have a great opportunity to identify,

    release and heal the wounded parts of our personality. If you are holding onto any old pains and are continually stuck in old

    patterns, then this is the period in which to be brave enough to change your patterns and step into your power. Positive

    action is called for.