Times of Oman - March 29, 2016

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Times of Oman - March 29, 2016

Transcript of Times of Oman - March 29, 2016

Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. | Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certifi ed Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group

085010 1200106March 29, 2016 20 Jumada Al Thani 1437 AH


31 40

On the occasion of the Graduation of the 1st group of students from the Sultan Qaboos University, 1990


The knowledge and expertise you have acquired will qualify you to play a vital part in building a modern Omani society, preserving the gains of the Blessed Renaissance, and achieving greater progress for the present and coming Omani generations, within the framework of the eternal values we all share.

‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’

Desperate patients ‘buying’ organs

HASAN SHABAN AL LAWATIhassan@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Omanis desperate for kidney transplants are travelling abroad to buy black market or-gans and undergo illegal surger-ies says doctors, who warn they are putting their lives at risk.

A shortage of donors and months of waiting for surgery in the Sultanate Omani patients are spending a minimum of OMR20,000 to buy a kidney over-seas, says medics, despite it being illegal across the globe.

Oman is one of the six major organ importers in the world, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), with Paki-stan topping the list of countries exporting organs to the Sultan-ate in 2003, followed by Iran and India. Recently, few cases have been reported in Egypt too.

“Omani patients are being ex-ploited by corrupted dealers who defy laws in countries like Paki-stan and China,” Dr Sadiq Abdul Baqi, senior consultant nephrol-

ogist at the Royal Hospital, told Times of Oman.

According to Abdul Baqi, re-nowned surgeons refuse to be involved in black market surger-ies, so it is done by inexperienced “surgeons” in old houses, base-ments, and even at farms.

“They commit many mistakes which can lead to the death of a patient,” he revealed.

“I have seen many disasters,” Abdul Baqi disclosed, like, “pa-tients with surgical complica-tions like leaking, very bad in-fections due to poor hygienic

measures by the surgeon, kidneys turning black due to lack of blood supply, while many patients have died.” He added that the implant-ed kidneys do not last long ini-tially because they have not been taken from relatives.

In some cases, dealers cash-ing from the donors as well as recipients, trick their patients and undergo fake surgeries without actually implanting any organ, according to Dr Badria Al Ghaithi, senior consultant at pediatric nephrology of the Royal Hospital.

Desperate eff orts by Omanis to get a kidney, from shelling out hefty sums of money to travelling through untrusted agents, can all go in vain in this gruesome un-derground trade, which is thriv-ing, mainly driven by the rise of diabetics in the world.

“We have seen kidneys trans-planted in wrong places, surgical gauzes left in the bodies, surgical scars made, and no kidneys trans-planted,” Abdul Baqi said while explaining that even the medica-tions given post-transplant are not proper. >A3

A shortage of donors

is leading to patients

in Oman travelling

abroad for illegal


VITAL OPERATION: In some cases, dealers cashing from the donors as well as recipients, trick their

patients and undergo fake surgeries. — File picture

OMANOoredoo investments are paying off: CEO

1Ooredoo’s investments have helped the company consolidated its business

growth, its CEO said. >A4

OMANLand, air options for Haj to continue

2Transporting of Haj pilgrims shall continue to the sacred lands by air and

land transport. >A7

WORLDPakistan to launch operation in Punjab

3Pakistan has decided to launch a military operation in the wake of

the Punjab suicide bombing. >A8


A2Oman-made robot arm helps paralysed people

Sultanate toattend key oil group forum

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Oman is planning to attend a meeting of oil produc-ers in Qatar on April 17 to dis-cuss a global pact to freeze pro-duction to support prices, said a spokesman at the Ministry of Oil and Gas.

Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al Ruhmy, Minister of Oil and Gas, will attend the meeting. Opec and non-Opec producers will meet in the Qatari capital Doha next month, following an initial deal in February between Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Venezuela and non-Opec member Russia.

He earlier said that he is confi dent of crude oil prices re-covering after the proposed oil producers meeting to decide on freezing output.

According to Dr Al Rumhy, oil prices might recover by 25 per cent by the end of the year, from the current level of around $37 per barrel for Oman Crude. There are expectations of prices touching $60 or $70 per barrel towards the end of the year.

He noted that Oman’s will-ingness to cut production by 5 to 10 per cent would not infl uence supply much since the country is not a major oil producer.


HM receives thanks cable

MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has received a cable of thanks from His High-ness King Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa of Bahrain in reply to His Majesty’s condolences cable on the death of Sheikha Lulwa bint Mohammed bin Ab-dullah Al Khalifa.

In his cable, HH King Hamad expressed his utmost thanks and appreciation for His Maj-esty the Sultan’s sincere con-dolences and sympathy, praying to Allah the Almighty to rest the bereaved’s soul in peace and protect His Majesty against all harms. — ONA


Air traffi c fee increase to come into eff ect on April 1REJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: A decision to increase air traffi c fee and other payments for airlines could cause problems, say aviation industry offi cials.

Oman’s Public Authority for Civil Aviation (PACA) chief exec-utive offi cer Mohammed Al Zaabi has tweeted on his offi cial twitter handle that the fee increase will come into eff ect from April 1 and will boost authority’s revenue by over 25 per cent.

In a tweet on its offi cial twit-ter handle, the authority has said that the fee change was studied by specialists in this fi eld and inter-national pricing system. A docu-ment uploaded in the ministry of legal aff airs website regarding the fee change decision 51/2016, fee for airlines to use Oman air space, land and depart in Omani airports will be increased.

“Of course, it will increase our expenses. However, we will not be in a position to increase the ticket price independently and pass it on to passengers. If one airline does it alone, then they will be out of market. So, we have to wait and take an appropriate decision consulting with others in the market,” a top offi cial from an Asian country-based airline

operating dozens of fl ights every week to Oman, said. “This move will discourage the airlines to ex-pand their operations and fl ight frequencies in Oman,” the offi cial further added.

Meanwhile, quoting a source at Oman Airport Management Company (OAMC), Oman News Agency, the offi cial news agency of Oman, had reported that fee

changes carried out by the com-pany for airlines will come into force from July 1. Recently, the OAMC had hiked airport depar-ture tax from OMR8 to OMR10 and Oman Air had raised ground handling charges in response to the increased fees levied on the airline across its network.

Another offi cial from a GCC-based airline said that this move will aff ect the aviation industry and other activities in Oman.

“Airlines will not prefer to fl y to Oman if they have to shell out more and more money. This will aff ect tourism prospects Oman,” the offi cial added.

Meanwhile, a travel agent said that any hike in airline fee is going to have a domino action. “Airlines are going to see if it’s worth their while fl ying into Oman. Airlines with more than one fl ight will re-think their strategy. Should they have fewer fl ights to Oman or none at all,” the travel agent said.

On passing on the extra fee to customers, the travel agent said that we can only speculate about it. “But it is natural that airlines pass on some of any additional burden to passengers and this may translate into higher taxes being imposed on tickets, thereby increasing the ticket price,” the travel agent added.



is the current airport

departure tax that Oman

Airport Management

Company had recently

raised to from OMR8


A2 T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Harvard Arab conference promises innovation insightsDEEBA HASANdeeba@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Eleventh annual Harvard Arab World Conference is being held for the fi rst time in Oman on April 2 at the Shangri La Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa in Muscat. Ahmed el Gaili, Presi-dent of the Harvard Arab Alumni Association (HAAA), which is conducting the conference talks to the Times of Oman in detail about the event.

This years’ conference is titled ‘Innovation: Inspiring a New Arab World’, what kinds of out-come you are hoping to achieve from it?This year’s conference will explore a multitude of innovative initiatives emerging out of the MENA region. We promise a day full of learning, debate, network-ing, and intellectual stimulation and hope that attendees will leave with a better understanding of how innovation can be a vehicle of transformation and an indispen-sable tool for building a new and prosperous Arab World. We view the conference as an opportunity

to convene the next generation of thinkers in the region alongside accomplished leaders from a variety of fi elds.

As the president of the HAAA, what is your vision in terms of building a strong network of HAAA and how do you plan to solidify it?HAAA’s vision is to continue to promote and strengthen the “Arab voice” at Harvard and to support our Harvard alumni so that they could have a profound impact on their societies. Importantly, we aspire to increase our “thought leadership” initiatives and to be the forum of choice for discussing is-sues related to the Arabs in both the United States and the Arab World.

What assistance does the HAAA off er Arab students who want to enroll into Harvard? We dedicate a signifi cant portion of our activities to bring more Arab students to Harvard by working closely with the Univer-sity, and by launching our HAAA Scholarship, Harvard’s fi rst alumni scholarship fund, which has supported at least one Arab

student for each of last 5 years. We also organize workshops in diff erent Arab cities to demystify the application process and we are holding such seminar in Oman on April 1, the day before the conference.

Does the HAAA off er support to the Arab students currently studying at Harvard?We work very closely with them, support their activities and col-laborate with the students on campus to organise our fl agship event-the Harvard Arab Weekend, which has become the largest Arab gathering in North America with over 1,300 attendees at the last conference.

Is the HAAA planning to partner with the Ministry of education in Oman or a charity organisation to work in partner-ship with them and solidify its presence in Oman?We are in discussions with some private sector entities about pos-sibly launching a scholarship for Omani students to study at Har-vard and we are hoping to make an announcement at the conference.

Can you elaborate on the fi rst ever HAAA-sponsored startup pitch competition in the Arab World? The startup pitch competition aims to show-case the creativity and persistence embedded within our generation and to support entrepre-neurs on their paths ahead. Startups will pitch for 5 minutes, and answer questions from our high-profi le panel of judges for 5 minutes.

HAAA seeks to promote and strengthen the “Arab voice” at Harvard, how much of that have you been able to achieve in all these years?We have made some important improvements to strengthen the Arab voice – be it within the student body, the curriculum, the faculty, or the research priorities. In addition, by organising the largest Arab conference in North America, we turned Harvard into the Arab intellectual capital of North America and have restored to Arabs in America the right to speak and think about issues relating to the Arab World which were monopolised by non-Arab think tanks.


Oman-made robot arm helps paralysed people

HASAN SHABAN AL LAWATIhassan@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Inspired by Iron man, Omani inventor Omar Al Jabri has crafted a robotic arm, which can help people with paralysed arms to move again.

Omar’s revolutionary technol-ogy recently bagged the fourth place at Kafa’at, an initiative of the Emirates Foundation in Dubai, which hosted around 2,000 teams, along with three local awards from Caledonian College of Engineer-ing, the Higher College of Tech-nology in Muscat and Al Roya Youth Initiative Awards.

The robotic arm consists of two pieces, a ‘master’ and a ‘slave,’ ac-cording to Al Jabri. The ‘master’ artifi cial arm with a built-in mo-tor must be attached to a healthy functioning arm, likewise, the ‘slave,’ which has sensors on, is placed on the disabled arm.

“When a person starts moving the healthy arms, the disabled one starts moving in parallel with the help of the sensor and a cable,” the

26-year-old inventor said, adding that he is planning to modify the arms’ connectivity to make them wireless. The award-winning in-vention is set to go commercial by next year at an estimated price of OMR15,000 according to Al Jabri.

However, there is only one pro-totype so far and it can only fi t a certain measure of arms.

Al Jabri said he has tested his machine on 15 patients suff er-ing from semi-paralysis in one of their arms. “The results were very positive, and some people actually started moving their paralysed arms after two months of thera-py,” he said, adding that, based on

his research, it is possible to re-cover 40 to 50 per cent of an arm’s function after one year of using the Robotic Therapeutic Arm.

“The overall purpose for this project is to design an exoskel-eton arm and wrist that acts as training device for the arm and wrist movement treatment, based on the three degrees of freedom, which is fl exion and extension. Above all, this device must ensure the safety of the device for a stroke patient,” Al Jabri added.

He explained that this project is aimed at helping therapists per-form rehabilitation treatment.

“I made this robot after observ-ing an increase in the number of stroke patients and lack therapist. Besides that, there is no available equipment that is aff ordable in

the market for the therapist pro-cess treatment,” Al Jabri stated.

There are 15 million people worldwide, who suff er a stroke each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which is caused by the interrup-tion of the blood supply to the brain, usually because a blood ves-sel bursts or is blocked by a clot. This cuts off the supply of oxygen and nutrients, causing damage to the brain tissue.

According to the WHO, a stroke is the second leading cause of death for people aged above 60 years, and the fi fth leading cause for death among people aged 15 to 59 years. “Recovering the arm of a stroke patient is important as the hand is a major part in the body, which is used for daily activities, such as eating, bathing and chang-ing clothes,” Al Jabri said.

“Therefore, a scheduled thera-py programme will speed up the recovery process, along with a therapy session, which must be held with proper guidance.”


developed by Omani

inventor Omar

Al Jabri recently

bagged the fourth

place at Kafa’at,

an initiative of the

Emirates Foundation

in Dubai, which

hosted around

2,000 teams HELPING HAND: The robotic arm consists of two pieces, a ‘master’ and a ‘slave’. The ‘master’ artifi cial

arm with a built-in motor must be attached to a healthy functioning arm, likewise, the ‘slave,’ which

has sensors on, is placed on the disabled arm. – Supplied photo

PRIME MOVER: Ahmed el Gaili, President of the Harvard Arab

Alumni Association. – Supplied photo

Visual art-culture relationship in focus at SQU conferenceTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Opening ceremony of the second international confer-ence of the Omani Visual Art Re-search Group (OVARG) organised in association with the Cultural Club was held yesterday at the Cul-tural Centre of the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) under the pa-tronage of Dr. Ali bin Saud Al Bem-ani, the vice chancellor of SQU.

The conference is part of a joint initiative by OVARG in the Arts Education Department at SQU and the Cultural Club, as is part of strengthening cultural, artis-tic and academic ties. The theme of the conference is “Visual Arts and Culture.” In his welcome ad-dress at the opening ceremony, Dr. Wissem Abdelmoula, chair of the conference’s organising commit-tee, said that since ancient times, culture has been for the artist, both a medium, a pool, a space, a refer-ence, and even at times his most important inspiration.

“As a subject of artistic and sci-entifi c thinking, culture was also an aesthetic reference, which, over the ages, allowed the artist to position himself and his work. We thought it was necessary to initi-ate a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary refl ection that engag-es artists, theorists and art critics, sociologists, philosophers, histori-ans, even archaeologists to study this great question of visual arts and culture and attempt to bring about its modest contribution to the understanding of a problem, which has become particularly acute,” he said.

In her address, Dr. Fakhriya Khalfan Al Yahyai, head of the De-partment of Art Education at SQU and head of OVARG, said the group had continued supervising and documenting to serve the arts, and activated communication with re-searchers and artists to go deeper into matters of human creativity.

“After the success of the fi rst in-

ternational conference ‘Contem-porary Crossroad’ held in March 2015, which sought to search the problems in the theory of contem-porary Omani art practice and its future aspirations in particular. We proceed with perseverance and go deeper in the practical and theoretical research of the visual arts during this second interna-tional conference entitled, “The visual arts and culture,” and we meet several parties related to the visual arts and those associated with its cultural aspects,” she said.

Al Yahyai further said the confer-ence “Visual Arts and Culture” had gotten a favourable response from researchers and artists from diff er-ent countries, and this was due to the importance of the relationship between the visual arts and culture fi elds on the one hand, and the need for creative methods within of the rapid changes on the other side.

The four-day conference fea-tures 75 research paper presenta-tions by researchers from more than 20 countries. The event is ex-pected to off er participants the op-portunity to exchange views about art in general, and contemporary artistic practices and cultural challenges in particular. It is a fo-rum for discussing artists’ individ-ual profi les and diverse practices: painters, engravers, designers, and photographers.


Students hone their skills at GCC Universities Theatre FestivalTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Activities of the fourth GCC Universities Theatre Festival for in the Gulf Cooperation Coun-cil (GCC) countries began at the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) Cultural Centre on March 27.

The opening ceremony was held under the patronage of Dr. Salim bin Mohammed Al Mahrouqi, un-dersecretary at the Ministry of Heritage and Culture for Herit-age Aff airs in the presence of Dr. Ali bin Saud Al Bemani, the vice chancellor of SQU and a number of academicians and students.

The fi rst day of the festival in-cluded the opening of fi ne arts exhi-bition, in addition to a theatre show for the Al-Jouf University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

The festival is being organised for the fi rst time in SQU as it includes 10 theatre shows from GCC coun-tries. Commenting on the univer-sity hosting the event, Al Bemani said it is an honour for SQU to host the fourth such festival, which pro-motes the theatrical fi eld.

“Such festivals are an opportu-nity for students to practice their theatrical skills and creativity. In addition, this festival is considered a cultural interaction, which inter-prets the eff orts of the students and supervisors.

“It contributes to the enrichment of the Gulf youth’s talent in the fi eld of theatre and acts as a platform for encouraging them to innovate and excel in the theatre fi eld. Through the festival, the youth manifest their positive thought and maturity

on stage, along with that, they carry the true message of the performing arts. The plays to be performed in the competition are the outcome of creativity and serious and purpose-ful work. We welcome all guests from CCG countries,” he added.

Qualitative additionMinister Al Mahrouqi said the festival represents a qualitative addition to the academic com-munities at the level of the GCC countries, and there is no doubt that the Omani experience is rich and organising such events would make a qualitative addition to the university. “The output of events like this would nourish the annual theatre festival and related events organised at the national level by the Ministry,” he said.

Dr. Yousef bin Salem Al Hinai, dean of Student Aff airs and head of Main Committee of the festi-val, welcomed the participating groups from various GCC univer-sities. “Theatre shows occupy a prominent place in our culture and play a major role in the intellectual and cultural identity. It is good to see that the opening of the thea-tre fest coincides with the World Theatre Day,” he said.

Participating universities are: University of Al-Jawf, Jazan University, Taif University, King Abdul-Aziz University, Imam Mu-hammad bin Saud University, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia), the Uni-versity of Bahrain, Kuwait Uni-versity, Qatar University, and the United Arab Emirates University.




CULTURE SHOW: The festival is being organised for the fi rst time in

Sultan Qaboos Univeristy. – Supplied photo

Dr. Wissem Abdelmoula.

– Supplied photo

The overall purpose for this project is to design an exoskeleton arm and wrist that acts as training device for the arm and wrist movement treatment, based on the three degrees of freedom, which is fl exion and extension.

Omar Al Jabri, Omani inventor


OMANT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Youth advised to go for premarital screening

ERIK PRINS erik@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Young couples who plan to wed are encouraged to have premarital screening tests to determine whether they carry genes that would be passed along to their children as genetic disor-ders, a health expert said during a lecture held at Scientifi c College of Design on Sunday.

The lecture, organised by Azhar Polyclinic, the Omani Women As-sociation in Seeb and the Hillu Nughayyir(‘Change Is Awesome’) youth campaign, aimed at raising awareness among the mostly fe-male audience attending the talk.

Dr Ali Anees Hanoosh, GP and Family Physician at Azhar Polyclinic, called on couples to undergo premarital tests, partic-ularly when cases of genetic dis-orders are known within either of the families.

“Be open-minded and just

consult a doctor and, with strict confi dentiality, the doctor will be happy to explain everything that you need to know. You will be able to decide for yourself what to do with the information you receive,” he said.

According to Dr Hanoosh, fi ve to seven per cent of newborn ba-bies in Oman are aff ected with a genetic disorder, compared to the global average of four per cent. Further, he noted that 37 per cent of newborn deaths and prema-ture deliveries are attributed to genetic causes. Also, 10 per cent of deaths in the fi rst year and 52 per cent of deaths among children under age fi ve are due to genetic disorders.

According to Dr Hanoosh, the main cause of this high preva-lence is due to marriages within families or tribes.

He said that given the enor-mous cost of current treatment programmes of genetic disorders in Oman, avoiding the disorders is preferable. He added that during 2014, OMR45 million were spent on treating genetic blood disor-ders, which account for about 10

per cent of all genetic disorders in the Sultanate.

“It’s costing a lot of money to treat these disorders. It would be much better if we somehow could control or limit them, as much as possible”, he said.

In addition to increasing costs to the health system, people suf-fering from a genetic disorder are also prone to developing other complications, such as heart dis-eases linked to diabetes. “This is going to signifi cantly aff ect the life of anyone suff ering from these diseases,” he said.

Dr Hanoosh noted that al-though it is a sensitive topic in Oman, more couples are showing interest in participating in pre-marital screenings. “I have seen more patients seeking that type of counselling. I’m now having more young people coming to me, away from their families, away from any pressure, to do something about it,” he said.

Dr Hanoosh added that there are plans to off er premarital tests throughout the Sultanate, as “people in rural areas have the same rights to know, as people

here have.”Answering a question from the

audience regarding whether the public will be required to undergo premarital testing, as might oc-cur with diagnosing infectious diseases, Dr Hanoosh said testing for genetic disorders will not be mandatory.

“But this is not the most impor-tant question. I don’t think anyone is going to be willing to have their kids [aff ected by this]. This is not something that aff ects [ just] you in person. It’s going to aff ect your off spring, and that’s something to-tally diff erent,” he said.

Zaid bin Abdullah Al Salmani, head of Hillu Nughayyir, said they organised the lecture as part of their campaign to encourage youths to spread the message about the importance of avoiding genetic disorders.

“Since the Sultanate is known to have a high prevalence of genet-ic disorders due to marriages be-tween relatives, this lecture was chosen to educate society about genetic disorders, their impact and how to treat and avoid them”, Al Salmani said.

Five to seven per cent

of newborn babies

in Oman are aff ected

with a genetic

disorder, compared

to the global average

of four per cent

and 37 per cent of

newborn deaths and

premature deliveries

are attributed to

genetic causes

This is not something

that affects [just]

you in person. It’s

going to affect

your offspring

Dr Ali Anees HanooshGP and Family Physician at Azhar Polyclinic

‘Currently 15,000 patients in Oman are in need of dialysis’

“Their doses are wrong and no proper discharge papers are given to the patient so we even don’t know what happened during sur-gery,” he added.

Despite the fact that a law banning harvesting organs from inmates was passed years ago, some countries still pull body parts from death-row prison-ers, and selling them for roughly OMR40,000, according to an of-fi cial at the Royal Hospital.

Many drawbacksAbdul Baqi told the Times of Oman that illegal transplants have many drawbacks.

“Besides the fact that organ traffi cking is an unacceptable practice religiously, ethically and medically, those who sell their body parts do it because they are frustrated, either fi nancially or socially,” he said while adding

that many of them are drug ad-dicts or alcoholic who are desper-ate for money.

Around 25 children are cur-rently on dialysis and on the kidney transplant waiting list in Oman, according to Al Ghaithi, while many others have chronic kidney disease and will progress to end stage kidney disease in the future. “Some poor children survive on dialysis for years. Di-alysis is not a solution, it should be a temporary bridge till the time of transplantation,” Al Ghaithi said, stressing that many children develop too many complications during dialysis.

In Oman, a child with end stage kidney disease has to be more than a year old and should weigh more than 10 kilograms to under-go transplant surgery.

Al Ghaithi stated that most common causes of kidney dis-

eases among children in Oman are congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, inher-ited diseases and some autoim-mune diseases.

Apart from children, many adult patients are waiting to be transplanted.

“Approximately, one per cent of the Omani population have end stage kidney disease, which means that they need transplant,” Abdul Baqi confi rmed.

There are currently 15,000 pa-tients in need of dialysis in Oman, Oman TV has recently reported.

In the news bulletin which was aired last Sunday, Dr. Ahmed Al Saidi, minister of health, said that there is increasing demand for organs in Oman against shortage of donors.

Times of Oman requested com-ment from the Ministry of Health on this issue prior to publication.




State Council welcomes studentsTimes News Service

MUSCAT: State Council on Monday welcomed students Ahmed Bin Majid and Al Imam Abdul Malik from Sharkiya South and Ibn Al Atheer from North Bathina for a tour of its prem-ises and a question and answer session.

The State Council’s aware-ness programme is dedicated to generating awareness about its work, processes and relevance, and encourages continued and in-

creased engagement between the public and the Council.

The students received a de-tailed explanation from the Council’s researcher, Hanan Saif Al Yazidi, about the functions and powers of the Council, and the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to it and gained a vital understanding of Oman’s parlia-mentary process.

They also toured the State Council, which included a visit to the main meeting hall, where the members meet.

The presentation included de-tailing of the organisation set-up of the State Council, the various organs that comprise it, the re-sponsibilities and the tasks as-signed to it.

Al Yazidi added that the articles stipulate the number of its mem-bers, and the mechanism of their appointment, and the terms of membership of the State Coun-cil, and the diff erence between the State Council and the Shura Council in terms of reference, and the draft law process.


478 workers arrested

for fl outing Labour Law

MUSCAT: Between March 20 and 26, the number of workers found violating the Labour Law stood at 478 including 369 commercial workers, 70 farm workers and 39 housemaids, according to the lat-est report of the joint inspection team at the Ministry of Manpower.

Absconding workersThe inspection teams caught 478 workers including 146 absconding workers, 258 astray workers and 74 workers with other violations.

The Governorate of Muscat witnessed the largest number of workers arrested for violating the law of the Sultanate with 184 fol-

lowed by the Governorate of North Al Batinah where 154 workers were found violating the labour law.

Legal proceduresThe competent authorities at the Ministry of Manpower are taking the legal procedures against them.

215 expat workers deportedOn the other hand, the Manpower Ministry statistics showed that 215 expatriate workers were de-ported for violating the provisions of the Labour Law and the minis-terial decisions executing the La-bour Law. — ONA


WARM WELCOME: Students received detailed explanation from Council’s researcher. — Supplied picture

A4 T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Ooredoo’s OMR124m investments pay off

SALEH AL SHAIBANYsaleh@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Ooredoo’s OMR124 million in investments have tipped the balance as the com-pany consolidated its business growth despite stiff competi-tion, its Chief Executive Offi cer told Times of Oman in an exclu-sive interview.

Ooredoo continues to focus on operations in its core business and the company is successfully building new paths to market in-novations and new solutions.

“As an operator, we continue to invest heavily in telecommunica-tions infrastructure, to expand our network and deliver on our commitment to adopting new and up-to-date-technologies. Now covering almost 99 per cent of the population, we have invested over OMR124 million in terms of net-work modernisation since 2012, which upgrades our network’s capacity in terms of both coverage and capabilities, ensuring that lo-cal communities are connected,” said Greg Young, CEO of Ooredoo.

It was a good year of overall growth and profi ts for Ooredoo

in 2015. It earned a net profi t of OMR41.6 million last year up 9.8 per cent compared to 2014.

“In 2015, Ooredoo had a total of 2.78 million customers of which 2.5 million were prepaid and 206,000 were post-paid. Our cus-tomer base grew by 7 per cent and (gross) revenue increased by 11 per cent. Furthermore, our brand equity reached an all-time high,” Young added.

Healthy upswing2015 also saw Ooredoo achieve 18 per cent market share in fi xed services and 99 per cent mobile service coverage of the popula-tion. We saw too a healthy up-swing in fi xed service customers – up 13 per cent between June and September alone – driv-en by a large take-up of home broadband services.

Ooredoo achieved 18 per cent market share in fi xed services and 99 per cent in the mobile coverage of the population.

The healthy upswing in fi xed service customers was driven

by large subscriptions of home broadband services.

On top of that success, Oore-doo continues to make steady progress in its mission towards becoming the telecom provider of choice to the Government, by sup-porting the Sultanate’s e-Govern-ment strategy and improving data sharing to the public services.

But Ooredoo is not without challenges. Improvement of technology, introduction of new products, innovation of customer experience and to continue in-vesting more money in operations will remain to be a priority.

“Across our industry, the main challenge is determining the op-timum time for the introduction of new products and services. It involves considering consumer readiness and demand and bal-ancing this with a host of other factors including investment cy-cles, availability of devices and supporting services. It requires strategic planning, monitoring of global trends, and close engage-ment with our technology part-

ners and overseas operator peers. I could say it is a science but there are certainly elements of art there too,” the chief executive offi cer explained.

Ooredoo’s next fi ve-year plan includes the modernisation of its network. It will concentrate of ex-panding to the rural areas of the country to cover as many towns as possible. Optimising costs and productivity to cater for the supply and demand of the mar-ket will be the anchor of the next fi ve-year period.

“Boosting coverage in the Sul-tanate’s rural areas will remain an important and ongoing endeavor and we will continue to expand coverage and 3G/4G service, bal-ancing commercial priorities, investment return, and our own social and regulatory responsibil-ities. We will continue to compete aggressively, and will not deviate from our multi-year strategy of setting ambitious but achievable goals, a strategy that has proved highly eff ective to date,” Young concluded.

It was a good year of

overall growth and

profi ts for Ooredoo

in 2015. It earned a

net profi t of OMR41.6

million last year

up 9.8 per cent

compared to 2014,

said Greg Young,

CEO of Ooredoo

Our customer base

grew by 7 per cent

and (gross) revenue

increased by 11 per

cent. Furthermore, our

brand equity reached

an all-time high

Greg YoungCEO of Ooredoo

Oman Air launches Service By Design in exclusive cabinsTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Select Oman Air pas-sengers can now compose their own infl ight meals, thanks to a new initiative launched by the Sul-tanate’s national carrier.

With the slogan ‘Choose your own Chef’, Service by Design enables passengers in Oman Air’s most exclusive cabins to compose their own infl ight meals by visiting the airline’s website at www.oma-nair.com. There they can choose from a delicious range offi ne din-ing menu options to create the perfect infl ight meal.

Service by Design menus can be selected at any time between mak-ing a reservation and 24 hours be-fore departure.

An enhanced range of dishes is available on Oman Air’s website. Each is inspired by the vibrant fl avours of the Middle East and Oman Air’s international destina-tions, and is made with the fi nest of fresh ingredients. Choices include halal, vegetarian and a range of other options to suit all tastes and preferences. Dishes are changed regularly to refl ect seasonal varia-tions and availability.

Unveiling Service by Design at Oman Air’s headquarters in Mus-cat, Abdulaziz Al Raisi, Executive Vice President–Products & Brand Development, said: “Oman Air’s First Class customers expect only the very best and Service by De-sign is an outstanding addition to our exclusive First Class customer experience.

This bespoke dining option of-fers the ultimate in onboard fi ne dining and ensures that Oman Air’s luxurious aircraft cabins and award-winning onboard service are complemented by the perfect, personalised infl ight meal.

“Service by Design is available wherever Oman Air off ers First Class long haul travel.

“Whilst a delicious First Class menu is available infl ight, Service by Design enables out First Class

customers to select a meal that is ideally suited to their tastes, preferences and dietary require-ments. It also allows us to off er more dishes, more choice and greater convenience.

“Furthermore, choices can be altered at any time up to 24 hours before take-off .

“It is a pleasure to launch Ser-vice by Design and I am sure that it will be warmly welcomed by our most discerning customers.”

Service by Design is the latest off ering from Oman Air’s creative infl ight dining team. Their work has previously won acclaim in Saveur magazine’s Culinary Trav-el Awards, with judges singling out Oman Air’s London to Muscat First Class menu for special praise. In addition, refreshments off ered in First Class have won a number of prizes at the Business Traveller Cellars in the Sky Awards.

Oman Air currently off ers First Class bookings on fl ights from Muscat to London, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.


Preparatory workshops for global eventTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Prior to the opening of the 18th International Dental Conference, which will be held on Thursday at the Grand Hayy-at Hotel, several workshops are being conducted, which began on Saturday.

A workshop on the advance-ments in Infection Prevention and Reprocessing of dental in-struments was held at the post-graduate hall of the Al Nahdha Hospital.

Latest developmentsThe dentists and the auxiliary staff that are involved in the fi eld of sterilisation attended the work-shop. The workshop identifi ed the latest developments in the pre-vention of cross infection, based

on the latest research. Moreover, it introduced the participants to the latest equipment available in the market related to the best way of sterilisation.

Another workshop on Rotary Endodontics was conducted at the Armed Forces Hospital’s Den-tal Centre. The workshop dealt with the latest methods and mate-rials utilised in the management of the root canal infections, such as Protaper.

It also introduced the partici-pants to the latest medicaments in vogue and underlined vari-ous mistakes that are commonly made in the treatment of the root canal infections. Furthermore, the workshop explained the rea-sons for the change to the newer mechanical method of root canal disinfection.


UPDATING SKILLS: A workshop on Rotary Endodontics was con-

ducted at the Armed Forces Hospital’s Dental Centre. Supplied photo

Dutch airline KLM deploys Dreamliner on Muscat routeTimes News Service

MUSCAT: KLM has launched its new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner to Muscat, with the fi rst fl ight to Muscat International Airport ar-riving from Abu Dhabi Interna-tional Airport, on March 27.

Muscat is the third GCC desti-nation served by the KLM Dream-liner following the launch of the inaugural fl ight to Abu Dhabi, in November 2015 – the fi rst KLM route to be served by the new aircraft.

KLM now operates a daily ser-vice between Muscat and Abu Dhabi, which then connects the Dreamliner’s 294 passengers into KLM’s global network of destina-tions. KLM’s new, state-of-the-art Dreamliner off ers unprecedent-ed levels of comfort in air travel and a new in-fl ight experience for passengers.

In business class, passengers

enjoy 2.07m long full fl at seats, full privacy and direct access to the aisle. Passengers travelling in economy class will appreciate the new seats, which off er 40 per cent more recline.

All passengers have access to a power socket for recharging mo-bile devices, larger cabin windows, state-of-the-art infl ight entertain-ment system, and onboard Wi-Fi.

Gilles Roche, General Manager for Air France KLM Gulf, Saudi

Arabia, Iran and Pakistan, com-mented: “KLM is delighted to wel-come our third Dreamliner service in the GCC with this new fl ight to Muscat.

“Muscat is a key route and des-tination for KLM, as we develop our services for passengers based in Oman and across the GCC re-gion. The daily fl ight from Muscat to Abu Dhabi and then Amsterdam provides the ideal gateway into our global network.”


KLM’s new, state-of-the-art Dreamliner offers

unprecedented levels of comfort in air travel

and a new kind of in-flight experience for

the Dutch airlines’ passengers

An enhanced range of

dishes is available on

Oman Air’s website. Each

is inspired by the vibrant

flavours of the Middle

East and Oman Air’s

international destinations

AIDABELLA CRUISE SHIP VISITS SALALAH PORTCruise ship ‘AIDAbella’ visited Salalah Port on Monday with 1,908 tourists on board from

various countries as part of its tour programme to a number of ports around the world.

The ship’s passengers toured the most important archeological and historical landmarks

in the Governorate of Dhofar, such as Frankincense Land Museum, Al Baleed Archaeo-

logical Park, frankincense tree sites in Sumahram Archeological Park and Taqah Castle,

besides beaches and traditional markets. The came from Port of Mumbai in India and will

leave for Aqaba Port in Jordan. -ONA

Oman Air’s First Class customers expect only the very best and Service by Design is an outstanding addition to our exclusive First Class customer experience

Abdulaziz Al Raisi, Oman Air Executive Vice President–Products & Brand Development


OMANT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Tweet all

about it


Prestigious music award for former resident of Oman

MOBIN MATHEW BLESSONmobinmathew@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Manjari, a south In-dian playback singer and Hindu-stani vocalist has been selected for this year’s prestigious Sahir and Adeeb Award.

She is the youngest recipient of the award till date.

Manjari spent her childhood in Oman where her parents were pursuing their careers and she is an alumnus of the Indian School Al Wadi Al Kabir.

Every year, the award is given to eminent personalities from the fi elds of literature, arts and cul-ture for their contribution to the Urdu language, while Manjari re-ceived it for promoting the genre of ghazals in the south.

E-mail interview While speaking to the Times of Oman in an e-mail interview, Manjari said “I feel greatly hon-oured and blessed because I am the youngest to get this award and also the only Indian to achieve it.”

“This award is real motiva-tional factor for me at this age,” she asserted.

According to many of Manjari’s well wishers, music is celebrated as a whole, when she sings ghaz-als, which lulls them to another world of emotions.

“I love poetry a lot that’s why I sing ghazals,” she stressed.

In south India, there are many devotees of Hindustani ghazals, but there are only a handful of singers.

Probably, that’s what sets Manjari apart from others. She is probably the only singer who hosts an exclusive ghazal show on a South Indian TV channel called Khayal.

Deep poetry“Through Khayal I am trying to promote ghazals and also conveys what ghazals all about, how deep is the poetry, why it is so intense etc,” Manjari explained.

“I have been trying my best to promote ghazals in its pure form by performing across the globe, mostly in the United States, Unit-ed Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Mid-dle East and more under Khayal,” Manjari added.

“I believe if ghazals are pro-moted the same way as other mu-sic by the media and the industry then the youth would probably be drawn to the genre. “I have been in talks with several platforms, both in India and Pakistan, to help bring more young audiences to ghazal concerts,” she added.

“I am still in touch with my teachers and I am really proud of my school and teachers who gave me lot of support in my singing career,” Manjari added.

According to her, Muscat is always a special place for her be-cause it is a place where she spent her childhood. “My childhood memories are connected with Muscat and I am frequent visitor even now,” Manjari said.

Right now, she is pursuing her higher studies in Hindustani Classical Music in Mumbai.

According to her, music has some kind of magnetic force, which pulls everyone towards it.

“If we really listen to music se-riously it has some kind of mag-netic force that automatically pulls us to it,” she said.

Manjari’s sparkling perfor-mances have earned her fans from all over the world, espe-cially from Pakistan. “Yes, it has reached a lot of people in Paki-stan as well. I am really glad about that because through culture, it contributes to peace between the neighbouring nations. It is indeed a privilege,” said Manjari.

“I have even received an invita-tion from PTV to do a show that is similar to Khayal,” she added.

Recently, she also got a call from Bollywood’s dream girl Hema Malini, who praised her singing.

“The concept of poetry with music always inspires people. Singing about love and hurt feel-ings makes us more human, which is why ghazal has many young admirers,” added Manjari.

In April, she is planning to re-lease a solo album of ghazals.

Manjari was introduced to the world of fi lm music by none other than musical genius, Ilaiyaraaja in the Sathyan Anthikad movie, Achuvinte Amma at the age of 17.

Manjari went on to record numerous songs for prominent music directors in Malayalam, in-cluding more than 40 songs for Il-aiyaraaja, who introduced her in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada fi lm music in the years that followed.

Since her début, Manjari has worked with all major music di-rectors, including veterans in Malayalam with Devarajan Mas-ter, Arjunan Master, Raveendran Master, Johnson Master, M G Radhakrishnan, Ouseppachan, Mohan Sithara, Ramesh Narayan and the younger directors in the industry. She has to her credit over 200 fi lm songs and has also lent her voice to numerous Ma-layalam albums.

Manjari has also worked with numerous directors in other lan-guages, including Tamil, Telugu and Kannada.

She is also a trained Arabic singer, which inspired her to learn Urdu poetry. She is also amongst the very few to have won a State Award after her debut.

The south Indian

playback singer and

Hindustani vocalist

has been selected

for this year’s

prestigious Sahir

and Adeeb Award


Radhika’s second solo show to be hosted by Gallery SarahTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Omani-Indian art-ist Radhika Khimji’s second solo show ‘Of Place and Places’ exhibi-tion opens on March 30 at Gallery Sarah in Muscat.

This exhibition brings together Radhika’s photographic collages and sculptural works in order to elaborate on her ongoing research into a place and places.

The photo collages form the be-ginning of a new series entitled, “Across the Tropic of Cancer,” based on research into the Kutchi communities of Oman, the place in India where the artist’s ancestors come from, their heritage and how they fi rst they arrived to Oman.

In ‘Of Place and Places,’ the art-ist has used images of abandoned houses in Kutch, as well as street scenes in Muscat in order to ex-plore resonances and similarities between the two places. There is a sense of lacking, of absence, in both sites, and an emptiness that is in direct contrast to the sculptures present in such close proximity within the same space.

Radhika graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in 2005. Her earlier solo exhibitions include B-Sides at Nature Morte Gallery in India (2009), Safe landings at Bar-ka Castle in Oman (2010), Found Gesture at the Katara art Center in Qatar (2012). Her work was also part of the Jogja Biennale (2013), Fragments 2 at Gallery Sarah (2014), the 4th Ghetto Biennale, Port–Au–Prince, Haiti (2015) and more recently the 6th Marrakesh Biennale, Marrakesh, Morocco (2016) and Art Dubai (2016).

Located in the historical part of Old Muscat and part of the Bait Al Zubair Museum complex, Gal-lery Sarah is a unique contempo-rary art gallery, which opened its doors in 2013.

The gallery exhibits artworks including, but not limited to paint-ings, graphics, calligraphy, instal-lations, sculpture and photogra-phy. Apart from trying to create a strong connection between estab-

lished and emerging Omani artists and the international art world, Gallery Sarah also supports and has an appreciation for work by a wide variety of talented Arab art-ists from around the Gulf and in-ternational artists.

‘Of Place and Places’ will be on display from March 30 till April

20, from 9.30 am till 6 pm, Satur-day to Thursday at Gallery Sarah, in Bait Al Zubair. For more infor-mation about the artist please visit www.radhikakhimji.com and for more information about the exhi-bition and Gallery Sarah activities, please call 22084747 or visit the gallery’s social media pages.

‘ O F P L A C E A N D P L A C E S ’

The photo collages form

the beginning of a new

series entitled, ‘Across

the Tropic of Cancer’,

based on research into

the Kutchi communities

of Oman, the place in

India where the artist’s

ancestors come fromRadhika Khimji

RESONANCES AND SIMILARITIES: In ‘Of Place and Places,’ Radhika

Khimji has used images of abandoned houses in Kutch, as well as

street scenes in Muscat in order to explore resonances and simi-

larities between the two places. — Supplied photo


OMANT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Spotlight on reducing consumption of water

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW ) celebrated the World Water Day, along with celebrations around the world, on March 22.

This year, the celebrations were held under the slogan “Water and jobs” because almost half of the world’s workers—1.5 billion peo-ple—work in water related sectors and nearly all jobs depend on wa-ter and ensuring its safe delivery.

Yet, the millions of people, who work in water-related jobs are of-ten not recognised or protected by basic labour rights.

The slogan for 2016—Water and Jobs—focuses on how enough quantity and quality of water can change workers’ lives and liveli-hoods, and even transform socie-ties and economies.

PAEW participated with the world to celebrate this day through the implementation of activities and leisure and exhibi-

tions that were distributed among its activities in the Sultanate.

It also participated in a Water Nizwa exhibition at the Nizwa Grand Mall and took part in vari-ous activities held at a number of schools in Al Jabal Al Akdahr and schools in the wilayat of Sur.

Coinciding with the World Wa-ter Day, the Authority launched a campaign called “iCommit,” which will continue till the end of December 2016.

The World Water Day campaign

aims to communicate its message to all members of society, in ad-dition to reducing consumption at some government facilities, such as mosques and schools by at least fi ve per cent, and for moni-toring government accounts that consume large amounts of water to study the reasons for an in-crease in water consumption and ways to reduce water consump-tion in coordination with key ac-counts in the Customer Services directorate.

This year, the

celebrations were

held under the

slogan “Water and

jobs” because almost

half of the world’s

workers—1.5 billion

people—work in

water related sectors

KG ‘graduation ceremony’ held at Indian School GhubraTimes News Service

Muscat: Kindergarten (KG) Graduation Ceremony of Indian School Ghubra (ISG) was held re-cently in the Elementary School.

Principal Papri Ghosh, pre-sided over the ceremony. It was a special day for the little ones in the kindergarten department, who will be moving on to a new phase of life.

The children looked impressive with their traditional graduation caps and stood with confi dence and pride as they prepared to en-ter into Grade one. The Principal presented a certifi cate to each of the students.

The rendition of the graduation song “We are happy today” sung by the little ones, expressed their happiness and delight as they looked forward to an exciting year ahead. The ceremony concluded with a splendid performance by the KG 1 children.

Parents Day Indian School Thumrait celebrat-ed Graduation Day and Parents Day on March 18.

The venue glittered with the smiles of tiny tots. Students of all the classes attended the celebra-tion with their proud parents.

The evening was graced by Ras-sal Mohd, president, SMC and Dr. Praveen H., vice president, SMC.

The events of the auspicious evening began with a welcome speech delivered by Principal Dr. S.K.Tiwari, who stressed on the need of the hour—cooperation.

Gifts to all studentsChief Guest Koya Abukacker awarded honorary diplomas and gifts to the UKG (Upper kinder-garten) and Standard 5 students and also presented gifts to all stu-dents, ex-students and staff .

The parents of the students also participated in various fun games and enjoyed the evening.

Leadership programmeA Leadership Programme for HODs and other Academic lead-ers of ISD was conducted by Dr. Amsa Parambil, Vice - President

& Head of Academic Subcom-mittee, SMC on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 9am to 12 noon at the Primary School auditorium. Heads of various departments, Coordinators, Supervisors, As-sistant Vice Principals, Vice Principals and Principal attended the session.

The topic was ‘Leadership and the Diffi cult Conversation’. The area covered under the topic was how a good leader uses com-munication tools to provide eff ec-tive feedback.

Dr. Amsa Parambil highlighted the nuances of good leadership and emphasised on the use of per-sonal powers to infl uence and in-spire people to set goals, achieve dreams and work towards the cause they believe in.


SKILL DEVELOPMENT: PAEW joined the world to celebrate this day through activities and exhibi-

tions in the Sultanate. — Supplied picture

YOUNG GRADUATES: Principal Papri Ghosh, presided over the

ceremony. — Supplied picture

Institute of Public Administration board reviews key issuesMUSCAT: Development projects for the Institute of Public Admin-istration (IPA) were reviewed by the Board of Directors of the In-stitute of Public Administration (IPA) on Monday.

The Board held its fi rst meeting for 2016 under the chairmanship of Sheikh Khalid bin Omar Al Mar-hoon, Minister of Civil Service, Chairman of the Board.

The meeting reviewed the report on following up the implementa-tion of the decisions taken by the Board at its fourth meeting for 2015, as well as the items listed on the agenda of the fi rst meeting for 2016. The agenda included several development projects for the dif-ferent activities of the Institute. On the other hand, the Board discussed the IPA’s performance indicators

during the fi rst quarter of 2016, the training activity report and the eff orts made to meet the training needs of the employees at the ad-ministrative system of the state.

It also reviewed the prepara-tory measures for the Sultanate to host the Euro-MENA Dialogues on Public Management. The con-ference is organised, in collabora-tion with Aix Marseille University

(AMU), Middle East & North Af-rica Public Administration Re-search (MENAPAR) and IPA of Bahrain. The Board also discussed the Institute’s plan to implement the entrepreneurship programme, in coordination with the Public Authority for SMEs Development.

The programme comes in re-sponse to the recommendations of Seeh Al Shamikhat Symposium. It

targets the training of public em-ployees who are dealing directly with entrepreneurs.

The meeting was attended by Sayyid Salim bin Musallam Al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Civil Service for Ad-ministrative Development Aff airs, Deputy Chairman of the IPA Board, Dr Muna bint Salim Al Jardaniyah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of

Manpower for Technical Educa-tion and Vocational Training, Saud bin Salim Al Balushi, Undersecre-tary of the Ministry of Education for Educational Planning and Human Resources Development, Dr Ali bin Huwaishel Al Shu’aili, Assistant Vice-Chancellor of the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) for Administrative and Financial Aff airs. — ONA

F I R S T M E E T I N G F O R 2 0 1 6

Public relations

forum concludes

MUSCAT: Oman Public Rela-tions Conference concluded at under the auspices of Said bin Saleh Al Kiyoumi, Chairman of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) with wide participation of media profes-sionals and academics.

The conference, entitled “Rumour and Media,” included three panel discussions, notably the role of government and pri-vate agencies in Oman. — ONA


1.5bis the total number of people

who work in water related

sectors across the world


OMANT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Majlis discusses Omanisation in tourism sector

MUSCAT: Majlis Al Shura mem-bers held detailed discussions on tourism jobs in the private sector as the Majlis continued yester-day its 11th session of its 1st an-nual sitting 2015/2016 of its 8th term 2015/2019 under the chair of Khalid bin Hilal Al Ma’awali, Chairman of Majlis Al Shura.

The session continued discuss-ing the statement of Ahmed bin Nasser Al Meherzi, Minister of

Tourism as members of Majlis Al Shura have many inquiries on the themes covered by the statement.

The members highlighted is-sues related to tourism develop-ment and planning, Oman Tour-ism Strategy 2040, assessment of the sector’s growth rate, its contribution to the GDP and the proposed projects during the 9th fi ve-year plan.

They also stressed the need of

this sector to enhance the growth of the national economy.

The members had broad dis-cussions on the tourism projects carried out by the Ministry of Tourism at the diff erent wilayats and the services provided there.

The members proposed to sur-vey the citizens’ need for tourism services in their wilayats and sub-mit the outcomes of such survey to the higher authorities in Oman.

They pointed out that the tour-ism potentials in the Sultanate are not properly utilised. As for developing domestic tourism, the Minister of Tourism said that providing public transport ser-vice at aff ordable fares is essential to promote this kind of tourism.

The members had detailed discussions on the available job opportunities with the private sector in the tourism fi eld, the number of jobs occupied by Oma-nis and the Omanisation rate at the senior positions. -ONA

As for developing domestic tourism,

Ahmed bin Nasser Al Meherzi Minister

of Tourism said that providing public

transport service at aff ordable fares is

essential to promote this kind of tourism

DELIBERATIONS: The members proposed to survey the citizens’ need for tourism services in their

wilayats and submit the outcomes of such survey to the higher authorities in Oman. – ONA

Land, air options for Haj to remain AZAN AL HOSNI

MUSCAT: Transporting of Haj pilgrims shall continue to the sa-cred lands by air and land trans-port, preaching and guidance expert at the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Aff airs, Dr. Sultan bin Said Al Hinai confi rmed yes-terday.

The transport service provid-ers transport Haj pilgrims by air and land. A single service pro-vider shall transport Haj pilgrims either by air or land transport and not by both means of transport, he further said.

The Omani Haj Mission at the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Aff airs follows with the Omanis and expatriate Haj pilgims from the time they leave the Sultanate till they complete their Haj ritu-als and return to Oman, he added.

Vice chairman of Haj Contrac-tors Association (under forma-tion), Ayman Al Farsi said that the land transportation for Haj last year cost OMR1,500 to OMR 2,000, while air transport cost OMR2,400 to OMR2,700, de-pending on the services provided during the stay in the sacred lands.


SQU professor gets best paper award

MUSCAT: Dr. Mahmoud bin Ab-dullah Al Kindi, Assistant Profes-sor in the Mechanical and Indus-trial Engineering Department at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) got the best research paper award in the fi eld of decision science at the 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2016) in Malaysia.

The IEOM conference is consid-ered one of the major conferences in the fi eld of industrial engineer-ing. Seven Hundred research pa-pers from about 70 countries were presented in the conference. -ONA




INNOCENT VICTIM: An injured child victim of a suicide blast in a hospital in Lahore on Monday. At least 29 children enjoying an Easter weekend outing were among those

killed when the suicide bomber struck in a busy park. – AFP

Pakistan will launch operations against militants, toll rises to 70

LAHORE: Pakistan will launch a paramilitary crackdown on mili-tants in Punjab, the country’s rich-est and most populous province, after an Easter Day bombing killed 70 people in the provincial capital Lahore, offi cials said on Monday.

Sunday’s suicide bombing on a public park was claimed by the Pa-kistani Taliban’s Jamaat-ur-Ahrar faction, which once declared loy-alty to IS militant group.

The brutality of the attack, Jamaat-ur-Ahrar’s fi fth bomb-ing since December, refl ects the movement’s attempts to raise its profi le among Pakistan’s increas-ingly fractured militants.

At least 29 children enjoying an Easter weekend outing were among those killed when the sui-cide bomber struck in a busy park in the eastern city of Lahore, the power base of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

At the Vatican in Rome, Pope Francis condemned the attack as “hideous” and demanded that Pakistani authorities protect reli-gious minorities.

It was Pakistan’s deadliest at-tack since the December 2014 massacre of 134 school children at a military-run academy in the city of Peshawar that prompted a gov-ernment crackdown on militancy.

Security and government of-fi cials told Reuters that the deci-sion had been made to launch a full-scale paramilitary Rangers operation, giving them powers to conduct raids and interrogate sus-pects in the same way as they have been in the southern city of Kara-chi for more than two years.

The move, which has not yet been formally announced, rep-resents the civilian government once again granting special pow-ers to the military in order to fi ght militants. “The technicalities are yet to be worked out. There are some legal issues also with bring-ing in Rangers, but the military and government are on the same page,” said one senior security offi -cial, speaking on condition of ano-nymity as he was not authorised to share details of the plan.

One other military offi cial and two government offi cials con-fi rmed the decision on condition

of anonymity. Military spokes-man General Asim Bajwa said in-telligence agencies, the army and Rangers had already launched sev-eral raids around Punjab following the attack, arresting an unspeci-fi ed number of suspects and recov-ering arms caches.

ResolvePrime Minister Sharif toured hos-pitals full of victims, promising to bring justice. “Our resolve as a na-tion and as a government is getting stronger and (the) coward enemy is trying for soft targets,” Sharif said, according to a statement from his offi ce.

Jamaat-ur-Ahrar claimed re-sponsibility for the attack late on

Sunday night and issued a direct challenge to the government. “The target was Christians,” a faction spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, said. “We want to send this message to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that we have entered Lahore.”

Rescue services spokeswoman Deeba Shahnaz said at least 29 children, seven women and 34 men were killed and about 340 were wounded, with 25 in serious condition.

Jamaat-ur-Ahrar has claimed responsibility for several big at-tacks since it split from the main Pakistani Taliban in 2014.

While it mostly focuses attacks in its base of the northwestern Mohmand tribal area, it has previ-

ously carried out at least two major attacks in Lahore: one in 2015 that targeted two churches and another at the Wagah border between In-dia and Pakistan in late 2014.

Pakistan has been plagued by militant violence since it joined a US-led campaign against militancy.

While the army, police, govern-ment and Western interests have been the prime targets of the Paki-stani Taliban and their allies, other religious minorities have also been attacked.

Security forces have killed and arrested hundreds of suspected militants under an earlier crack-down launched after the 2014 Pe-shawar school massacre.

Militant violence eased, but groups retain the ability to launch devastating attacks.

Most militants, like the Paki-stani Taliban, are fi ghting to topple the government and introduce a strict interpretation of law. — Reuters

Pakistani Taliban’s


faction claimed

responsibility for

public park bombing

as toll rises to 70

ATTACKS January 9, 2015:

Eight people killed after a bomb rips through a mosque in Rawalpindi.

March 15, 2015: Twin church bombings in Lahore kill 14 worshippers, triggering riots.

December 29, 2015: 23 killed in attack on a government offi ce in the town of Mardan, about 100km northwest of the capital Islamabad.

February 18, 2016: Nine paramilitary personnel killed in two separate attacks on checkposts in the Mohmand tribal area.

March 1, 2016: Two Pakistani US consulate employees killed in roadside bombing targeting vehicle convoy in Mohmand Agency.

March 7, 2016: Suicide bomber attacks court complex in Shabqadar, northwest of Islamabad, killing 10 people.

LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE: Security offi cials collect evidence at the cordoned-off site of the suicide

bombing, in Lahore on Monday. Below: Local residents gather outside the cordoned-off site. – AFP

SOFT TARGETS: Injured child victims of the suicide blast in a hos-

pital in Lahore on Monday. – AFP





W W W.T I M E S O F O M A N . C O M


REGIONT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Yemen prisoner

swap completed

ADEN: A Saudi-led military coa-lition said on Monday it had com-pleted a prisoner swap in Yemen, exchanging nine Saudi prisoners for 109 Yemeni nationals ahead of a planned truce and peace talks aimed at ending the year-long war with Houthi rebels.

The coalition did not say which group the swap was made with, but the Houthi movement said it had exchanged prison-ers with Riyadh as a fi rst step towards ending a humanitarian crisis prompted by the war. Sau-di Arabia received its nationals on Sunday, the coalition state-ment published on Saudi state news agency SPA said. The al-liance “hopes to begin a truce in confl ict areas of the Republic of Yemen” it added. — Reuters


Abadi gets three days to unveil new cabinet

BAGHDAD: Iraq’s parliament on Monday gave Prime Minis-ter Haider Al Abadi three days to present a new non-party cabinet to fi ght corruption or potentially face a no-confi dence vote amid street protests piling on the pres-sure for action.

A fl ash on state television called Thursday the “fi nal deadline” for Abadi, who said more than six weeks ago that he would replace

ministers with technocrats unaf-fi liated with political parties.

Yet other politicians, including some within his own party, have pushed back against a reshuffl e, fearing it could weaken the politi-cal patronage networks that have

sustained their wealth and infl u-ence for more than a decade.

Powerful cleric Moqtada Al Sadr on Sunday launched a per-sonal sit-in inside Baghdad’s heavily fortifi ed Green Zone, which houses embassies and gov-

ernment offi ces. His supporters extended a week-old sit-in just outside the district’s gates, hud-dling in tents and under umbrel-las in heavy rain.

They also demonstrated in the southern city of Basra.

Sadr, who commands the loy-alty of tens of thousands of sup-porters, including militias who helped defend Baghdad against IS militants in 2014, has re-emerged as a leader in matters of state in recent months. “If Abadi does not present his new government by Thursday, then he will be ques-tioned in Saturday’s (parliamen-tary session),” said Sadr bloc MP Yasir Al Husseini. “This will be the start of a number of steps leading to a no-confi dence vote.”

Failing to deliver on long-prom-ised anti-corruption measures could weaken Abadi’s government just as Iraqi forces are gearing up to try and recapture the northern city of Mosul from IS. — Reuters

Sadrist lawmakers

threaten vote of

no confi dence as

Sadr continues

sit-in in Green Zone

Syrian forces battle IS militants after retaking Palmyra cityBEIRUT: Syrian government forces backed by Russian air strikes battled IS militants around Palmyra on Monday, trying to ex-tend their gains after taking back control of a city whose ancient temples were dynamited by the ultra-radical insurgents.

The loss of Palmyra on Sunday is one of the biggest setbacks for the militant group since it de-clared a caliphate in 2014 across large parts of Syria and Iraq. It is also a major victory for President Bashar Al Assad and ally Russia, casting them as a critical to the in-ternational fi ght against IS.

The Syrian army said the city, home to some of the most exten-sive ruins of the Roman Empire, would become a “launchpad” for

operations against IS strongholds in Raqqa and Deir Al Zor, further east across a vast expanse of de-sert. Syrian state media said on Monday Palmyra’s military airport was now open to air traffi c after the army cleared the surrounding area of IS militants.

“Now there is a convergence of interests worldwide about the fact that ISIS (IS) really needs to be confronted. It is a strategic defeat for ISIS (IS)and by default a stra-tegic victory for Assad and Putin,” said Fawaz Gerges, a Middle East expert at the London School of Economics. “It feeds into Assad’s narrative about Syria being a bul-wark against IS.”

There were clashes northeast of Palmyra between IS and forces al-

lied to the government, supported by Syrian and Russian air strikes, according to the Syrian Observa-tory for Human Rights, a Britain-based body which monitors the war. Air strikes, believed to be Rus-sian, also targeted the road run-ning east out of Palmyra towards Deir Al Zor, it said.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking in Amman, said he was “encouraged” that Syrian government forces had been able to drive IS out of Palmyra and that the city’s ancient heritage could now be preserved.

But the Syrian opposition said it feared Assad’s forces were using a fragile cessation of hostilities in the wider confl ict to make territo-rial gains. “I fear one thing: that the

period of the truce will allow the Assad regime to gobble up what re-mains of Syria by liberating areas that are controlled by Daesh (IS) and Nusra,” Riad Nassan Agha, a member of the opposition High Negotiations Committee, told Re-uters by telephone. The truce, ac-cepted by Assad’s government and most of his foes, is the fi rst of its kind since the war began fi ve years ago and has been accompanied by the fi rst peace talks attended by the warring sides. It does not ap-ply to areas held by IS or the Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al Qae-da. The Syrian government is like-ly to use its success in Palmyra to bolster its negotiating position at the peace talks in Geneva, under-lining that it is a necessary partner

in the fi ght against IS.The United States is leading

an international campaign of air strikes against IS in both Syria and Iraq but has refused to cooperate with Assad’s government.

Bashar Ja’afari, the Syrian en-voy to the Geneva talks, said in an interview with Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen TV that it was time for powers including Washington to join Moscow in working with Da-mascus. “We are for the creation of an international coalition against terrorism, but in coordination with the Syrian government,” he said. “We have no objection to working with America as long as it is done in coordination with Syria.”

Russia’s intervention in Sep-tember turned the tide of Syria’s

fi ve-year confl ict in Assad’s fa-vour. Despite Moscow’s declared withdrawal of most military forces two weeks ago, Russian jets and helicopters carried out dozens of strikes daily over Palmyra as the army thrust into the city.

Russia said it would assist with securing and removing land-mines in Palmyra following the campaign, and the Kremlin said on Monday that the Russian air force would continue to help Syr-ian government forces. But Rus-sian forces are still showing signs of their partial withdrawal. Three heavy attack helicopters have left Moscow’s Hmeimim air base in Syria for Russia, Russian state TV channel Rossiya-24 reported on Monday. — Reuters


TIGHT SECURITY: Supporters of Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr

stand guard outside his tent during a sit-in inside Green Zone on

Monday, after he entered the perimeter of the capital’s fortifi ed

zone the previous day to ramp up pressure for reforms. – AFP


INDIA T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

The high court passed a judgement acquitting J Jayalalithaa on May 11, 2015, without jurisdiction and this legal fl aw and blunder was not pointed out in high court by both sides lawyers

Pandit Paramanand Katara, Petitioner

Government notifi es Aadhaar Act for transfer of subsidies and benefi tsNEW DELHI: The Centre has no-tifi ed the new Aadhaar Act which gives the numbers assigned by it a statutory backing for transfer of subsidies and benefi ts to people eligible for them.

The Aadhaar (Targeted Deliv-ery of Financial and other Subsi-dies, benefi ts and services) Act, 2016 will provide for “effi cient, transparent, and targeted deliv-ery of subsidies, benefi ts and ser-vices, the expenditure for which is incurred from the Consolidated Fund of India, to individuals resid-ing in India through assigning of unique identity numbers to such individuals”, said the notifi cation dated March 26.

It will be used for all benefi t that will linked to consolidated fund of India. The Aadhaar Bill for this act was approved by Parliament on March 16. It was tabled in Parlia-ment as money bill.

However, those individuals to whom Aadhaar number has not been assigned, the Act said that they “shall be off ered alternate and viable means of identifi cation for delivery of the subsidy, benefi t or service”.

The Aadhaar number will not be a proof of citizenship or domicile.

“The Authority (UIDAI) shall take special measures to issue Aadhaar number to women, chil-dren, senior citizens, persons with

disability, unskilled and unor-ganised workers, nomadic tribes or to such other persons who do not have any permanent dwelling house and such other categories of individuals as may be specifi ed by regulations,” said the Act.

It has provision that both cen-tre and state government can use Aadhaar for disbursal for benefi ts and subsidies.

Penalty provisionThe Act provides for statutory backing to the UIDAI by pro-viding for establishment of the Unique Identifi cation Authority of India consisting of a Chairper-son (part time or full time) and

two Members (part time). The bill has penalty provision which includes imprisonment in the range of one to three years or penalty in the ranges of Rs10,000 to Rs100,000 for violation of the rules.

Till date 990.64 million Aadhaar numbers have been issued.

Finance Minister Arun Jait-ley had informed Parliament this month that targeted subsidy through Aadhar cards of LPG con-sumers had resulted in over Rs15 billion of savings at the Centre.

Four states which had started PDS delivery by a similar exercise on a pilot basis, had saved more than Rs23 billion. - PTI


BIOMETRIC DATA BASE: A villager has her fi ngerprints scanned

during registration for the Unique Identifi cation (UID) database

system in Pathancheru village, Medak district of Andhra Pradesh,

in this April 27, 2010 fi le photo. The Aadhaar Bill for Aadhaar Act

was approved by Parliament on March 16. - AFP fi le photo

Uttarakhand President’s rule justified, says Jaitley

NEW DELHI: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday attacked the sacked Congress government in Uttarakhand saying the Speak-er was murdering democracy by fi rst declaring a Budget rejected by majority MLAs as passed and then by disqualifying MLAs even after Assembly was put under sus-pended animation.

In a Facebook post titled “A State Without a Budget’, he said the Congress “plunged the state into a serious constitutional cri-sis by continuing a government which should have quit after the failure of the Appropriation Bill”. To further complicate the crisis, “the chief minister started allure-

ment, horse-trading and disquali-fi cation with a view to altering the composition of the House”, he said.

“After the Assembly has been put under suspended animation and the decision has been made public, the Speaker has decided to disqualify some members. The constitutional breakdown has been compounded further by this action,” he said.

The fi nance minister said the Congress government in the state was reduced to minority on March 18 when 35 MLAs in the Assembly voted against the Appropriation Bill and 32 in favour.

These 35 MLAs comprised of 27 from the BJP and the rest were rebel Congress legislators.

“On 18th March the majority was declared to be a minority and vice versa, and on 27th March the composition of the House was at-tempted to be changed in viola-

tion of the Constitution to convert a minority into a majority.

“This is an unprecedented case of a Speaker declaring a failed Appropriation Bill as passed and then failing to certify falsehood. This leaves the state without any approved fi nancial expenditure with eff ect from 1st April 2016,” he said.

EvidenceStating that there was no better evidence of a breakdown of Con-stitution than this, he said, “The Congress Government of Uttara-khand was murdering democracy every day from the 18th of March till the 27th of March. “It is now incumbent upon the central gov-ernment to ensure that steps are taken under Article 357 to author-ise expenditure of the State with eff ect from 1st April 2016” as the state cannot spend in next fi scal without the legislature approving

the Appropriation Bill, he said.Jaitley said Article 356 of the

Constitution, imposing Presi-dent’s Rule in a state, can be in-voked only if the president is sat-isfi ed that there are grounds for believing that the governance of the state cannot be carried on in accordance with the Constitution.

The Congress party in Uttara-khand split after a section of the leadership alleged that they were “dissatisfi ed both with the chief minister and the central leader-ship of the Congress party”.

The split, he said, was on ac-count of reasons internal to the Congress party.

“Nine Members of the Congress party in the Legislative Assembly decided to vote against the Appro-priation Bill which provides for the budget of the State,” he said, adding there was documentary evidence both prior and subse-quent to the Assembly session to

suggest that 35 members voting against it had asked for a division of votes. “The proceedings of the Assembly circulated in writing establish the charge that a divi-sion was asked for and yet it was claimed that the Appropriation Bill has been passed without a vote,” he said.

Stating that there were strong facts to suggest that the Appropri-ation Bill was actually defeated, he said as a consequence, the Gov-ernment had to resign.

“Two further consequences fl ow out of this. Firstly, the Appro-priation Bill sanctioning expendi-ture from 1st April 2016 was not approved and, secondly, if the Ap-propriation Bill was defeated, the continuation of the Government subsequent to 18th March 2016 is unconstitutional,” he said.

The minister said till date nei-ther the chief minister nor the Speaker has forwarded a certifi ed copy of the Appropriation Bill to the Governor.

“Obviously, there is no assent of the Governor to the Appropriation Bill.” All facts surrounding the al-leged discussion and passage of the Appropriation Bill clearly in-dicate its non-passage.

“There is a cloud and a serious doubt about the Appropriation Bill. There is a complete break-down of the Constitutional ma-chinery in as much as the Govern-ment, which should have resigned on the 18th of March with the failure of Appropriation Bill, has decided to continue,” he said.

Jaitley said till Monday there is no Appropriation Bill certifi ed by the Speaker which has received assent of the Governor.

“If it is Speaker’s case that the rebels voted in favour of the Ap-propriation Bill and, hence, it has been passed, then the rebels could not have been disqualifi ed.” - PTI

Jaitley said

Article 356 of

the Constitution,

imposing President’s

Rule in a state, can

be invoked only if the

president is satisfi ed

that there are

grounds for believing

that the governance

of the state cannot

be carried on in

accordance with

the Constitution

If it is Speaker’s case that

the rebels voted in favour

of the Appropriation

Bill and, hence, it has

been passed, then the

rebels could not have

been disqualified

Arun JaitleyFinance Minister

Dhirubhai Ambani, Anupam Kher, Saina honoured with Padma awards

NEW DELHI: A bevy of stalwarts from diff erent walks of life, includ-ing founder of Reliance Industries late Dhirubhai Ambani, former Governor Jagmohan, actors Anu-pam Kher and Ajay Devgn and bad-minton star Saina Nehwal were honoured with Padma awards on Monday.

Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned dancer Yamini Krishnamurthy, former CAG Vinod Rai, folk singer Malini Awasthi, ‘sage of agriculture’ Sub-hash Palekar and celebrated chef Mohammed Imtiaz Qureshi were among the 56 eminent persons who were honoured by President Pranab Mukherjee.

Kokilaben Ambani received the Padma Vibhushan given to her husband Dhirubhai Ambani post-humously amidst loud applause and in attendance of close fam-ily members, including two sons — Reliance India Limited chief Mukesh Ambani and Reliance ADA Chairman Anil Ambani.

Padma VibhushanApart from Ambani, US-based economist Avinash Kamalakar Dixit, former Jammu and Kashmir Governor Jagmohan, one of the greatest exponents of Indian clas-sical dance Yamini Krishnamur-thy and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar were awarded with Padma Vibhushan.

Those who were honoured with Padma Bhushan include re-nowned architect Hafeez Sorab Contractor, Editor-in-Chief of Ajit group of newspapers Barjinder Singh Hamdard, Bollywood ac-tor Anupam Kher, construction tycoon and chairman of Shapoorji Pallonji group Pallonji Shapoorji Mistry, Badminton sensation Saina Nehwal, former Comptrol-ler and Auditor General of India Vinod Rai, renowned scientist

Alla Venkata Rama Rao and chair-man of Asian Institute of Gastro-enterology, Hyderabad, Duvvur Nageshwar Reddy.

The president presented fi ve Padma Vibhushan, eight Padma Bhushan and 43 Padma Shri awards at the Civil Investi-ture Ceremony held at the Rash-trapati Bhavan.

The 43 Padma Shri awardees include Director of ISRO Satellite Centre Mylswamy Annadurai, folk singer Malini Awasthi, President and CEO of Master Card Ajaypal Singh Banga, fi lm maker Madhur R. Bhandarkar, leading harmoni-um player Pandit Tulsidas Borkar, chairman of Interventional Cardi-

ology at Medanta hospital Praveen Chandra and Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn.

Social worker from Assam Ajoy Kumar Dutta, Gujarati folk artist Bhikhudan Govindbhai Gadhvi, cardio-thoracic and transplant surgeon Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale, renowned painter from Telangana Kala Laxma Goud, oph-thalmologist Mahipati M. Joshi, philanthropist from Tamil Nadu Damal Kandadai Srinivasan and vice-chancellor of King George’s Medical University, Lucknow Ravi Kant were honoured with Padma Shri. Archer Deepika Kumari, paediatrician Shiv Narain Kureel, theatre director and fi lm maker

of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Naresh Chander Lal, columnist Ashok Malik, Supreme Court law-yer M.N. Krishnamani, environ-mentalist Mahesh Chander Me-hta, Kerala industrialist Sundar Menon, Odiya poet Haladhar Nag, Gandhian and freedom fi ghter P. Gopinath Nair were given Padma Shri by the president.

The government had announced Padma awards for 112 eminent persons on the eve of Republic Day. The rest of the awardees, in-cluding superstar Rajinikanth, actor Priyanka Chopra and tennis star Sania Mirza, will be given the honour at a separate function to be held next month. - PTI




W W W.T I M E S O F O M A N . C O M

Supreme Court refers plea on Jaya’s acquittal to other bench

NEW DELHI: A plea seeking dec-laration of Karnataka High Court verdict acquitting Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa in a disproportionate assets case as “arbitrary” and “void”, was referred by Supreme Court on Monday to a bench dealing with the matter.

“The matter be listed before the bench hearing the appeal arising out of the judgement of Karnataka High Court,” a bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra said.

The bench, comprising Justice Shiva Kirti Singh, also asked peti-tioner Pandit Paramanand Katara why he had not intervened when the matter was in the high court.

Maintaining that Jayalalithaa was convicted and sentenced for four years with fi ne, he said hence the law required that the revision petition should have been fi led under section 397/401 of CrPC (powers of high court to hear revi-sion petitions) and not a criminal appeal under section 374(2).Kat-ara said that under section 374 of CrPC, the appeal can be fi led if the conviction is seven and more than seven years and not less.

Blunder“The high court passed a judge-ment acquitting J Jayalalithaa on May 11, 2015, without jurisdiction and this legal fl aw and blunder was not pointed out in high court by both sides lawyers,” he said.

He sought that his petition be heard by constitutional bench to decide the substantial question of law and to clarify the ambiguity.

“Issue an appropriate writ or writs and guidelines, proclama-tion or declaration that the ap-peal against the conviction and sentence of four years passed by sessions and Additional Sessions Judge, does not legally lie in high court...,” his plea said. - PTI



INDIAT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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the curve with



India’s economy a bright spot due to good policies: Modi

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that India’s economy was a bright spot in the world due to his gov-ernment’s good policies and not good fortune.

Addressing ‘Bloomberg India Economic Forum 2016’ meet-ing here, he said that the Indian economy was doing well de-spite various problems and bad weather conditions that impacted agriculture.

“We have not been lucky with

the global trade. We have not been lucky with the weather. But the fact remains that the Indian economy is doing well as a result of eff ective management,” he said.

The prime minister took a dig at the opposition parties, without naming any, saying there were people who remained confused as to how this could be possible.

Outlining his government economic policies, Modi said all possible eff orts were being made to achieve higher growth rate in all sectors.

Confi dentThe prime minister said he was confi dent that despite adverse sit-uations, the government would be

able to achieve the desired results.He said investments during the

third quarter of the current fi scal had been a “record” in sectors like agriculture and others.

“This is a concrete evidence that ‘Make in India’ initiative of the government is having a good impact,” he said.

During his speech, which was

shown live in various countries, Modi spoke in detail about India’s rural economy, saying that once it improved it would have a good ef-fect on other sectors as well.

Stressing on good irrigation and quality seeds, Modi said that the central government had its focus on the problems of the farmers.

“We plan to double farmers’ in-come in the years to come, he said, adding that the government was investing in cold storages and try-ing to reduce post-harvest losses of the farmers.

“We will ensure that higher share in profi ts (from farm pro-duce) goes to the farmers,” he said.

“I am sure that we will achieve the target of doubling the in-come of farmers,” the prime minister said.

He also criticised the previous central government for its failure to implement the Food Security Act in totality and not doing much through the Mahatma Gandhi Na-tional Rural Employment Guar-antee Act scheme.

Modi said that his government was performing well in these fi elds. He said he would be able to transform the country with public support.

“There will be diffi culties, but it’s doable and we will do it,” the prime minister added. - IANS

Prime Minister

Narendra Modi

said that the Indian

economy was doing

well despite various

problems and bad

weather conditions

that impacted


ECONOMIC FORUM: Prime Minister Narendra Modi being presented a memento by Bloomberg Editor-

in-Chief John Micklethwait at the ‘Bloomberg Economic Forum 2016’ in New Delhi on Monday. - PTI

Mehbooba may be sworn-in as J&K chief minister on April 4JAMMU: PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti, set to be the fi rst woman chief minister of Indian-admin-istered-Kashmir, is likely to be sworn-in on April four.

Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) sources said the swearing-in is likely to take place on April four once the availability of some senior leaders from Delhi was confi rmed. Mehbooba, who will also have the

distinction of being the fi rst Mus-lim woman chief minister of the country, had met Governor N. N. Vohra on Saturday last and staked claim to form the government with the support of 25 MLAs of the BJP.

PDP has 27 MLAs in the 87-member in J&K Assembly.

That the alliance government would not take offi ce before March 31 became clear when the State

Administrative Council headed by Vohra met here on Monday and approved a Vote on Account for a period of three months.

Fifty-six-year-old Mehbooba has made it clear that focus of her gov-ernment would be peace, reconcili-ation and development of the state. On Saturday, Mehbooba had denied there were any diff erences on the issue of allocation of portfolios be-

tween PDP and BJP, saying “What diff erences would we have on port-folios? It is a coalition government, we are not separate entities.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is leaving for a three-nation tour tomorrow, will be back on April 3. It is unlikely that he would attend the function because of his prior engagements, the sources said. While Mehbooba was unani-

mously elected as the PDP’s legis-lature party leader and nominated as the party’s CM candidate, 25 MLAs of BJP met in the state’s winter capital and elected Nirmal Singh as their leader. Singh will be the deputy chief minister in the new government, a post he had held in the Mufti Mohammed Sy-eed’s dispensation.

PDP and BJP had formed an al-

liance on March one last year with Sayeed as the chief minister.

The two had prepared an Agen-da of Alliance, a broad framework for the coalition under which it would function. The state is still under Governor’s rule, which was imposed on January 8 following the demise of Sayeed after Meh-booba decided against taking over the reins immediately. - PTI


Missing Infosys


confi rmed dead

NEW DELHI: An Infosys em-ployee from Bengaluru, who was missing since the deadly Brussels bombings, has been confi rmed dead in the March 22 terror attack.

A week after the terror assault shook the Belgian capital, also the headquarters of the European Un-ion, the Indian Embassy there and the Ministry of External Aff airs on Monday confi rmed the death of Raghavendran Ganesh.

“The Belgian authorities have identifi ed Raghavendran as one of the victims of the barbaric terror attacks of March 22,” External Af-fairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said. The Indian Embassy in Brussels said the mortal re-mains of Raghavendran are being handed over to his family for being taken to India. “Mortal remains are in process of being handed to family of Raghavendran, to be taken to India from Amsterdam airport,” the embassy tweeted. - PTI


Raghavendran Ganesh

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Oman: Historical gateway of the GulfMohammed Mahfoodh Al Ardhi

When the United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) launched a global appeal

in 1990 to reexamine the ancient Silk Road, the impact it left on ancient and modern civilisations and its infl uence on human communication and the exchange of cultures, values and experiences, Oman also adopted the initiative and His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said put his private yacht under the command of the scientifi c expedition that was sent by UNESCO.

This step was taken 13 years before the launch of the Silk Road initiative and clearly refl ected Oman’s willingness to play a vital role in making it a success.

Historically, Oman was the most signifi cant gateway for the Gulf region and MENA countries. The relations between Oman and China date back to over 2,000 years ago during which trade fl our-ished through land and sea caravans crossing the ancient Silk Road. These caravans carried beauti-ful and high quality handcrafted products in ex-change for Chinese silk.

Oman has been mentioned as a key partner to China in documents that belonged to the Han Dy-nasty, which ruled China between 225 – 206 BC. The Sultanate was a major hub for the Silk Road until the Ming Dynasty. This relationship further developed after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and the Omani Renais-sance that was led by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said in 1971.

In 1980, the Omani ship ‘Sohar’ took off from the country’s shores to reach the Port of Guangzhou in China in 1981. The goal of this trip was to boost trade and diplomatic relations between China and Oman and revive their mutual partnership.

The year 1980 proved a watershed for Oman in other aspects too.

This was when the Sultanate started to enhance its role as a gateway that connects East and West, led by the leadership’s eff orts in conducting eco-nomic and diplomatic mediations. Through this role, the Sultanate was able to initiate a responsi-ble dialogue that could lead to a permanent solu-tion to international disagreements, especially the relations between western powers such as the United States and Britain, and Iran.

Fast forward to present times, and Oman has

convincingly proved its ability to revive interna-tional trade. In 2013, trade between Oman and China reached $23 billion. While this number may not be the highest between China and Gulf countries in general, what is unique about it is that Omani exports amounted to $22 billion, while only one billion dollars’ worth of products were import-ed from China.

Even though these exports originate from oil and gas products, replacing them with nonoil products in the future will have added value in refl ecting the Omani economy’s transformation from an oil-based to a non-oil based economy. We see a posi-tive indicator in the steady, albeit slow growth of our economy, unlike other economies that are wit-nessing rapid but largely fl uctuating growth.

Needless to say, the Silk Road will become the major path for global trade activities amidst the clear international trend for repositioning and relying on new markets, with a special focus on the East.

However in order to boost Oman’s position on the global economic landscape and the Silk Road map we must not lose sight of a number of objec-tives. A key priority would be to maintain our cur-rent state of sustainable stability in the political, economic and social arenas.

Oman’s strategic policy has been outlined by a wise, indepth analysis of the state of the global economy and its growth prospects. It is based on the realisation that security in national markets and economic sectors comes as a result of the country’s key role in stabilising the region as well as the social harmony among its residents, tran-scending cultural and religious backgrounds.

This leads to increased confi dence among po-tential investors, attracting more responsible and sustainable ventures.

On a related note, we must boost our national re-lations with regional players Oman has long been a historical gateway that connects world cultures and civilisations. It has played a key role in ex-changing human experiences and enriching them, and there is no better time than now for us to use our strong ties with our allies to their best poten-tial.- Exclusive to Times of Oman

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People continue to invest in property without thinking This refers to the report ‘Oman property: Check papers before buying a house’ (March 28). As far as property deals are concerned despite policies and practices being in place I wonder the reason

behind increase in cases of frauds. For customers, they mostly rely on agencies that are dealing with real estate businesses and their branding and reputation takes them into confi dence in going ahead with purchases of either land or properties. The most surprising thing is that in this time of austerity - in terms of business job security and earnings - people continue to invest in property without much thinking. While the authorities are there to ensure licences issued to real estate agencies are genuinely involved in their deals with either single or a group of investors without any malprac-tice. However, the report is an eye opener for potential buyers and hopefully they will be more cautious in the future when investing huge amounts of their savings to procure either open land, houses or apart-ments. Meanwhile, if the applicable norms

require more clarity in the dealings of property related assets, it will be a useful for both Omanis and expatriates to be fully convinced of their investment plans. — Ramachandran Nair, Ruwi

T I M E S O F O M A NT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6A12




Oman to attend unifi ed law meetMUSCAT: The Sultanate, represented by the Ministry of Justice, will take part in the second meeting of the experts committee tasked to prepare a draft unifi ed law of procedures, which will be held at the AGCC secretariat general in Riyadh from April 2 to 4. The meeting will be in implementation of the decision by the AGCC ministers of justice at their 12th meeting assigned by the secretariat general.

1867: The United States purchases Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million.

1903: A regular news service begins between New York and London on Marconi’s wireless.

1936: Italy fi rebombs the Ethiopian city of Harar.

1967: France launches its fi rst nuclear submarine.




Donald Trump seems to have grasped much better than pundits

as he accuses China of stealing US jobs, and trumpets a nativism built around lost American glory

and grandeur. And for all his talk of reconstituting US exceptionalism,

Trump’s proposed solution has a clear European pedigree


Strategy is China’s greatest strength, lending credibility to its commitment to structural

transformation. Yet much remains to bring Chinese consumer to life.

De-emphasising that strategic commitment could call into

question a crucial shift now required of China’s core economic identity


Working women in Pakistan face more challenges than working women in developed countries. Pakistan needs to provide equal

health, education and work-related opportunities to all women so their

participation in our labour force increases and our economy prospers

with theirs




Muscat International Airport’s runway to be closed for maintenance on specifi ed schedules.

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1 Oman is losing its competitive edge on foreign investment


2 Oman’s telecom regulator steps in to curb misuse of .om domain


3 ’Demand for exclusive tourist destinations in Oman will continue’


4 Qatar’s Al Jazeera broadcasting network laying off 500 employees


5 Iran-Oman car joint venture to start production within a year

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1 Muscat Airport announces partial closure for maintenance work


2 Omani infant gets a new lease of life in Indiatimesofoman.com/Oman

3 Air traffi c fee to be increased in Omantimesofoman.com/Oman

4 Check papers before buying a house


5 Suicide blast in Pakistan kills at least 65


T I M E S O F O M A N . C O M / O P I N I O N


53,340,590 361,563


@DjTayaKruZzHappy to be back! Oman I missed U! This Friday I’m gonna spin at The Cave club. Don’t miss it!… https://www.instagram.com/p/BDe8l8KQNBS/



SourceNational Centre for Statistics & Information











239,395 240,293

17,409 17,397

Photo: Sharukh Zalam


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New India and

be secure”

All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.JAMES THURBER


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PAKISTANT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Fresh duty on China steel imports to aid companies

KARACHI: Putting an end to the long-standing debate over wheth-er another import duty on steel imports was conscionable – much less economically viable in view of the several construction projects the government alone has on the cards – the authorities ruled in fa-vour of the producers.

A 15 per cent import duty was imposed last week in order to pro-tect the local steel industry from the infl ux of cheap imports, espe-cially from China, taking the over-all duty to 30 per cent.

This is in addition to the 5 per cent customs duty levied on the import of steel products.

Jump in stock pricesAlthough steel imports from China will subside only gradually because of the latest duty, the im-mediate jump in stock prices has given a reason to steel producers to rejoice.

Amreli Steels’ share closed at Rs52.03 on Pakistan Stock Ex-change (PSX) KSE-100 index on Friday, gaining 7.1 per cent over the week. Similarly, Mughal Steel’s share price jumped by 3.6 per cent during the week, closing at Rs70.22.

Both companies were listed on PSX last year and have faced stiff competition from imported Chi-nese rebars since.

Their profi ts were not as good

as investors had initially antici-pated, especially with their dismal performance in recent months, and investor disappointment was refl ected in the lacklustre perfor-mance of the steel stocks.

“Amreli Steels’ last quarter’s results remained below expecta-tions as competition from dumped Chinese substitutes toughened (amongst other reasons), forcing the steel maker to cut back on the price of its (premier) product,” commented a research report by Arif Habib Limited.

Given the relentless dumping of steel products from China – the world’s largest producer and exporter of steel – amid alleged over-capacity, a protective tariff structure was vital for the local in-dustry, the report added.

The newly imposed duty was even better news for making lo-

cal industry competitive in view of the uptick in the international steel rebar prices (up 15 per cent since the end of February, retail-ing at $372 per ton due to com-mencement of peak construction season in China).

All this, it was hoped, would improve the dynamics of the Paki-stani market.

This was not the fi rst time that the government has placed an im-port duty to discourage the import of cheap Chinese steel.

A similar 15 per cent duty was slapped on steel imports in Janu-ary last year (grossing to a total 30 per cent, excluding the 5 per cent customs duty).

“The government should have slapped the duty much earlier … we requested for immediate pro-tection for the local steel industry more than a year ago.

“They took so much time to decide,” a top offi cial of a leading steel company said on condition of anonymity.

The new duty will help local players but it will take a while for the new equilibrium to emerge, he added.

Construction projectsDespite the imposition of new duty, Chinese rebars are still cheap compared to premium branded rebars of Mughal and Amreli, which are commonly used for large construction projects.

The prices of Chinese re-bars, prior to the duty, stood at around Rs62,000 per ton, but the post-15 per cent-duty-prices are expected to go up to Rs66,000-Rs67,000 per ton.

On the other hand, the price of branded rebars was in the range

of Rs72,000-Rs74,000 per ton, informed a leading retailer who deals in both Chinese and local branded rebars in Karachi.

But the retailers and conse-quently, the consumers see this price disparity as neither emanat-ing from under utilisation of local steel industry’s capacity or direct result of a better quality, but as a mere tool to mint money.

“Cheap Chinese rebars have provided a very good alternative to customers because they are of good quality. The government is protecting ineffi cient branded re-bar producers who can’t cut down their costs.

“We want to sell as cheap as we can, it is not our problem if they are ineffi cient,” commented the retailer on condition of anonym-ity because he feared backlash from local players. — Express Tribune

Fifteen per cent

import duty was

imposed last week in

order to protect the

local steel industry

from the infl ux

of cheap imports,

especially from

China, taking the

overall duty to

30 per cent

UNDER PRESSURE: Pakistani labourers prepare a steel pillar at a construction site in Lahore in this fi le photo. A 15 per cent import duty

was imposed last week in order to protect the local steel industry from the infl ux of cheap imports, especially from China. — AFP fi les

Unabated killing

of children in

Peshawar city

PESHAWAR: Killers, without a morsel of sympathy or remorse, seem out for the blood of the city’s children as yet another victim, 12-year-old Mirwas, was found murdered from the fi elds in Mera Kachori area within Chamkani po-lice’s jurisdiction.

The remains of the school boy bore multiple stab wounds all over; he had been beaten with sticks and even shot – a fate few could wish even for their worst enemy.

Mirwas was discovered acci-dently by guests there to attend a wedding. He had gone missing on March 25, only to turn up dead.

Missing children have been turning up dead all over the pro-vincial capital since April 2015, but if there is any link, the police and Child Protection and Welfare Commission seem unwilling to lift their pens and connect the dots.

Talking to The Express Tribune, a town member from the area, Nabi Gul, said the victim belonged to a fi nancially disadvantaged fam-ily and his father was dead.

“This is a brutal act by all possi-ble defi nitions of the word.

“He has been stabbed with dag-gers and knives countless times, beaten with sticks and then shot too,” he said. Gul added the family had no enmities.

Police said the child was found from a deserted area and the body was shifted to the police station.

“His relatives have reached, but a fi rst investigation has yet to be registered in the case,” said an of-fi cial of the local station.

This is far from the fi rst time a child has been found dead in mys-terious circumstances.

In April 2015, a fi ve-year-old was found murdered in Ban-amarhi area.

He was never identifi ed as the body was decomposed and silently buried by the police.

Since then, eight such murders have occurred—and been discov-ered—and this latest case makes it the ninth. Some of the children went missing from their houses and turned up dead days later. In certain cases, the victims had cuts, leading parents to believe that organ theft was involved. Others were never ever identifi ed and bur-ied, while police have been quick to refute any claims of organ theft. However, they remain alarmed by the mysterious disappearances and murders. — Express Tribune


Cambridge boarding school opens doors near KarachiKARACHI: While there are many boarding schools in Ka-rachi and its surroundings, the fi rst Cambridge boarding school opened admissions on Sunday.

An open house of The Hub School, situated in the outskirts of the city with its state-of-the-art architecture, was held on Sunday. The school, which is the fi rst of its kind in Karachi, is all set to begin its fi rst session from mid-August this year.

It has been set up by the Ahmed EA Jaff ar Foundation.

The open house was attended by aspirants and their families who were given a brief overview about the school from Principal Abdul Mujeeb.

With its green, peaceful, se-cure and pollution-free environ-ment surrounded by lush green orchards,

The Hub School is situated near Hamdard University at Hub River Road at a distance of 30 kil-ometres from Karachi.

The huge campus built on 240 acres consists of various blocks; the dormitory has a capacity of 138 beds along with staff apart-ments, an admin block that also includes a medical facility, an academic block with well-fur-nished classes, a library and labo-ratories block.

Open houseWhile addressing visitors at the open house, Mujeeb said along with academics, the school be-lieves in building the character of a student so he or she proves to be a good citizen.

He added that we will empha-sise developing a close relation between students and teachers and that is why we have built a residential block for teachers as well.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Mujeeb said their target is to give admissions to 135 students this year. Responding to security con-cerns, he said their school has a

dual boundary wall with a special security committee, which has developed strategies to face emer-gency situations.

AccommodationJustifying the fee of Rs35,000 per month, deputy principal Wajid Iqbal Rajput said that together with the accommodation, the amount is aff ordable since the usual monthly fee of Cambridge schools is Rs20,000.

Children seemed to like the fa-cilities at the school.

A teenager, Muhammad Jamal, told The Express Tribune that he liked the campus a lot and will have no problem living away from his parents in such a great atmos-phere. — Express Tribune

F I R S T - E V E R

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GLOBAL EYET U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

CHINA: This aerial image taken on Sunday shows a general view of the new Shanghai Disney Resort in the Pudong area of Shanghai. Shanghai Disney Resort, which began selling tickets on Monday for the

theme park, will offi cially open and welcome its fi rst guests on June 16. - AFP

UNITED STATES: Tourists Shidhar Vashist and his daughter Svara, 2, from Chicago look at blooming cherry trees along the Tidal Basin

in Washington, on Sunday. — Reuters

JORDAN: Female taxi drivers pose for a photo in front of their vehicles at Noor Jordan for Transport - Taxi Moumayaz’s (Special Taxi)

parking lot in Amman, Jordan, on Thursday, in this picture released on Monday. The Jordanian taxi company has launched a new ser-

vice run only for women, exclusively by women. These three female drivers are among 10 women taxi drivers who will be working as

taxi drivers for the fi rst time in Jordan, picking up only female passengers and families. The company chairman Abu Al Haj said they

plan to hire another 10 women as drivers, and possibly more if the service expands. — Reuters

VIETNAM: Day-labourers sit waiting for employers to hire them for

the day, along a road in Hanoi, Vietnam on Monday. — AFP

HUNGARY: Girls run as boys throw water at them as part of tradi-

tional Easter celebrations in Szenna, Hungary, on Monday. — Reuters

FRANCE: Members of the Giant Omelette Brotherhood of Bessieres

cook a giant omelette as part of Easter celebrations on Monday in

Bessieres, southern France. — AFP

CHINA: Fishing boats set sail for fi shing as temperature rises in

Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China, on Monday. — Reuters/China Daily


WORLDT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Japan opens radar station close to disputed isles in South China Sea

YONAGUNI (Japan): Japan on Monday switched on a radar sta-tion in the East China Sea, giving it a permanent intelligence gath-ering post close to Taiwan and a group of islands disputed by Japan and China, drawing an angry re-sponse from Beijing.

The new Self Defence Force base on the island of Yonaguni is at the western extreme of a string of

Japanese islands in the East China Sea, 150km (90 miles) south of the disputed islands known as the Senkaku islands in Japan and the Diaoyu in China.

China has raised concerns with its neighbours and in the West with its assertive claim to most of the South China Sea where the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia,

Taiwan and Brunei have overlap-ping claims.

Japan has long been mired in a territorial dispute with China over the East China Sea islands.

“Until yesterday, there was no coastal observation unit west of the main Okinawa island. It was a vacuum we needed to fi ll,” said Daigo Shiomitsu, a Ground Self

Defence Force lieutenant colo-nel who commands the new base on Yonaguni.

“It means we can keep watch on territory surrounding Japan and respond to all situations.”

Shiomitsu on Monday attended a ceremony at the base with 160 military personnel and around 50 dignitaries. Construction of some

buildings, which feature white walls and traditional Okinawan red-tiled roofs, is still unfi nished.

The 30-sq-km (11-sq-mile) is-land is home to 1,500 people, who mostly raise cattle and grow sugar cane. The Self Defence Force con-tingent and family members will increase the population by a fi fth.

“This radar station is going to ir-ritate China,” said Nozomu Yoshi-tomi, a professor at Nihon Univer-sity and a retired major general in the Self Defence Force.

In addition to being a listening post, the facility could be used a base for military operations in the region, he added.

China’s defence ministry, in a statement sent to Reuters about the radar station, said the inter-national community needed to be on high alert to Japan’s military expansion.

“The Diaoyu Islands are China’s inherent territory. We are reso-lutely opposed to any provocative behaviour by Japan aimed at Chi-nese territory,” it said.

“The activities of Chinese ships and aircraft in the relevant waters and airspace are completely ap-propriate and legal.”

The listening post fi ts into a wider military build-up along the island chain, which stretches

1,400km (870 miles) from the Jap-anese mainland.

Policymakers last year said it was part of a strategy to keep Chi-na at bay in the Western Pacifi c as Beijing gains control of the South China Sea.

Toshi Yoshihara, a US Naval War College professor, said Yo-naguni sits next to two potential fl ashpoints in Asia - Taiwan and the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

“A network of overlapping radar sites along the island chain would boost Japan’s ability to monitor the East China Sea,” he added.

Yonaguni is only around 100km (62 miles) east of Taiwan, near the edge of a controversial air de-fence identifi cation zone set up by China in 2013.

Over the next fi ve years, Ja-pan will increase its Self Defence Force in the East China Sea by about a fi fth to almost 10,000 per-sonnel, including missile batteries that will help Japan draw a defen-sive curtain along the island chain.

Chinese ships sailing from their eastern seaboard must pass through this barrier to reach the Western Pacifi c, access to which Beijing needs both as a sup-ply line to the rest of the world’s oceans and for naval power projection. - Reuters

China’s defence

ministry, in a

statement sent to

Reuters about the

radar station, said

the international

community needed

to be on high alert

to Japan’s military

expansionNEW FACILITY: Members of Japan’s Self Defence Force hold an opening ceremony of a new military

base on the island of Yonaguni in the Okinawa prefecture, on Monday. Japan on Monday switched on a

radar station in the East China Sea, giving it a permanent intelligence gathering post close to Taiwan

and a group of islands disputed by Japan and China. - Reuters/Kyodo

Until yesterday, there was no coastal observation unit west of the main Okinawa island. It was a vacuum we needed to fi ll

Daigo Shiomitsu, Lieutenant colonel


WORLDT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Tablet lovers add

us on Google +




Belgium frees man charged over Brussels bombings

BRUSSELS: Belgian prosecutors on Monday released a man they charged in connection with last week’s deadly Brussels bombings, saying they did not have enough information to justify holding him.

The man, named only as Faycal C., had been charged with taking part in the activities of a terrorist group and actual and attempted terrorist murder after being de-tained on Thursday. His home had been searched but no weapons or explosives had been found.

“The evidence which led to the arrest of the man named as Fay-cal C has not been backed up by the ongoing investigation. As a re-sult, the person has been freed by the investigating magistrate,” the prosecutor’s offi ce said.

The announcement was a ma-jor blow to an investigation that had netted half a dozen people charged with lesser off ences in Belgium and others in the Nether-lands, Italy and France, where of-fi cials said the same network had planned another attack.

Belgian media had identifi ed the man as Faycal Cheff ou and a source close to the investigation had said offi cials believed he was the man caught in security camera footage at Brussels airport mo-

ments before two bombs exploded last Tuesday.

Earlier on Monday, police had issued a new appeal for wit-nesses, saying they were seeking to identify the man seen in the video wearing a light jacket, with a hat pulled down over his face and glasses. The suspected sui-cide bombers walking alongside him were dressed in black with

their heads uncovered. Police say one man left a suitcase containing a bomb at the terminal and fl ed while his companions detonated their bombs.

The death toll from the attack on the airport, and a subsequent bombing of a rush-hour metro train, rose to 35 on Monday, ex-cluding the three men who blew themselves up.

A Europe-wide hunt for sus-pects has revealed links with the network that killed 130 people in Paris last November, as well as foiling a new potential attack on France last week, offi cials said. But several suspects are reported to be still at large.

IS militant group has claimed responsibility for both the Paris attacks and those in Brussels, which exposed weaknesses within intelligence services in Belgium, where some of the Paris attackers lived, as well as insuffi cient coop-eration between security services across Europe.

Dutch anti-terrorism police ar-rested a 32-year-old suspect on Sunday in Rotterdam on France’s request, and Italy arrested an Al-gerian on Saturday suspected of

having forged documents for mili-tants linked to the Brussels and Paris attacks.

Germany has also conducted raids but its Federal Criminal Po-lice Offi ce was among European security agencies still hunting for at least eight mostly French or Belgian suspects on the run in Syria or Europe, Die Welt am Sonntag newspaper said.

The US State Department confi rmed four US citizens were among victims of nine diff er-ent nationalities, including Bel-gian. More than 300 people were wounded, many of them seriously.

Belgian Health Minister Mag-gie De Block said more of those wounded in the attacks had since died. “Four patients died in hospi-tal. Medical teams did everything possible. Total victims: 35,” she said in a tweet.

Other foreigners killed were British, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Swedish.

The airport in Brussels re-mained closed on Monday and the metro was running a reduced service in the capital, which was largely shuttered for the Easter holiday.

There was no sign of the na-tionalist protesters who clashed with police on Sunday at the Brussels bourse, where mourners have gathered and placed candles, wreaths and messages for victims.

The State Department has de-clined to name any of the four US citizens killed, citing respect for their families.

Two of them were identifi ed by relatives as Justin and Stephanie Shults, residents of Belgium origi-nally from Tennessee and Ken-tucky who were last seen drop-ping off her mother at the Brussels airport before the explosion in the check-in area.

“The world lost two amazing people,” Justin Shults’ brother, Levi Sutton, said in a post on Twitter.

“It’s not fair.” — Reuters

Belgian police call

for more information

about man on airport

CCTV wearing a light

jacket, with a hat

pulled down over his

face and glasses as

toll rises to 35

Erdogan warns diplomat over‘selfie’ at journalist trial

ISTANBUL/ANKARA: Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan warned a foreign diplomat on Monday over a “selfi e” taken at the espio-nage trial of two journalists, after Britain’s consul-general tweeted a photo of himself with one of the reporters.

Erdogan has harshly criticised Western diplomats after several showed up on Friday to support Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, and his colleague Erdem Gul on the fi rst day of their trial in Istanbul.

The journalists are accused of trying to topple the government with the publication of a video purporting to show Turkey’s state intelligence agency helping to fer-ry weapons into Syria by truck in 2014. The two face life imprison-ment and their case has brought international condemnation and raised concerns about freedom of the press in Turkey.

“The consul general of a certain country went to the trial of a jour-nalist charged with espionage, to support him. Moreover he gets a picture taken cheek to cheek (with the journalist) and had it published,” the state-run Anadolu agency quoted Erdogan as saying, citing the text of a speech to Tur-key’s War Academy.

“And he does not stop at that, on social media he says things like ‘Turkey needs to decide what kind of country it will be’, words that ex-ceed their intended meaning.”

Erdogan did not name the dip-lomat. British Consul General Leigh Turner on Friday posted a photograph of himself with Dun-dar on Twitter before the start of the hearing. Several other ambas-sadors, consuls-general and diplo-mats also attended. Turner tweet-ed: “Key point not comparisons or history but Turkey deciding for itself what kind of country it wants to be.” The British Foreign Offi ce in London made no immediate comment on the matter. — Reuters


ANGER OVER ATTACKS: Right-wing demonstrators protest against the wave of terrorism in front of

the old stock exchange in Brussels, Belgium on Sunday. – Reuters



5,546.24 + 9.52

+ 0.17%


3,266.31- 12.85

- 0.39%

Abu Dhabi

4,278.83- 19.43

- 0.45%

Saudi Arabia

6,291.94+ 35.26

+ 0.56%


5,252.26+ 10.26

+ 0.20%


1,152.72 - 4.70

- 0.41%


10,177.02- 52.00

- 0.51%


US Dollar ................................. 2.58

Euro ............................................2.30

Pound ...........................................1.82

Indian Rs ............................. 173.25

Pak Rs ....................................267.58

Bangla Taka......................200.89* Rates are as of Mar. 28

Source: Bank Muscat

Indian Rs ...................................172.85

Pakistan Rs .............................. 271.74

Sri Lanka Rs ..................................N/A

Bangla Taka........................... 203.46

Phil Peso ................................... 120.48

* Rates as of Mar. 28 Source: Oman UAE Exchange

Muscat 24ct per gm (OMR) .......15.55

Muscat 22ct per gm (OMR) .......14.95

Dubai 24ct per gm (Dh) ............ 147.00

Dubai 22ct per gm (Dh) ............ 138.00

* Rates as of Mar. 28

Source: Malabar Gold & Diamonds

Type ............................Delivery...........Price

Oman Crude ............. (Spot) ........$35.97

Dubai Crude ............. (Spot) ........$35.97

Murban Crude ........ (Spot) ........$38.94

Arabian Light ......... (Spot) ........$34.97

N.Sea Brent ............... (Spot) ........$40.65

West Texas Int ....... (Spot) ........$39.88




Top stories in one minute with our new daily Digest

Sohar refinery maintenancemakes progress

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Oman Oil Refi neries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) said its Sohar Refi nery and polypropylene plant are currently undergoing a major planned turna-round and maintenance activity.

This planned turnaround is un-dertaken every three years to carry out normal equipment cleaning and inspection and also to carry out major modifi cations to key items of equipment.

“This time the scope is larger as Orpic wants to make modifi ca-tions to the existing plant to al-low a full integration of the new units, being constructed under

the Sohar Refi nery Improvement Project (SRIP), due for commis-sioning later in the year,” said a company release.

Explaining the need for the planned shutdown, Ralph Clim, acting COO, Orpic, stated, “Sohar Refi nery maintains Orpic’s daily production reliably as it produces

approximately 60 per cent of our requirements. This is very crucial for us as in the near future it will be linked to SRIP as part of our expansion plans. This shutdown is being used to execute a number of maintenance activities in order to improve the operational perfor-mance of Orpic’s plants. It is by far the most complex one undertaken yet, but we are happy with the pro-gress and hope to deliver on time, on budget and as promised.”

The turnaround has surpassed 1,500,000 man hours with four fi rst aid cases reported and no lost time injuries (LTIs).

The turnaround commenced on February 23, and is still sched-uled to be completed in the 61-day schedule. One of Orpic’s key mis-sion is to ensure that its operations run safely and smoothly at all time.

The turnaround and maintenance started

on February 23 and is still scheduled to be

completed in the 61-day period

Expo helps promote Omani products on global platform MOBIN MATHEW BLESSONmobinmathew@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Oman’s biggest ex-hibition for building, construc-tion and interior design, helps to showcase local products in an international platform, says the exhibitors of the Big Show.

“Basically, it will help us to pro-mote our brand and our name in this exhibition,” Haroon Rasheed of Reema Building Materials told Times of Oman.

“We have all the building mate-rials items with us. especially we are specialised in gypsum ceiling and fl ooring products,” Haroon Rasheed added.

Brands like Greelam- new Mika Miksa, Wonderfl oor- fl ooring so-lutions, USG Boral- Gypsum and Drywall, Visaka- Cement fi bre boards are available with Reema Building Materials.

According to Rasheed, they are in the Omani market for the last seven years. “Exhibitions are always there to showcase the productivity and products of the companies,” another exhibitor said. “But here we have a good exhibition because not only it is equipped well but also the quality of the companies here are excel-lent,” he added.

“Selection of the companies

from diff erent countries is excel-lent and it shows these companies are interested to be in the local market,” he continued.

The 13th edition of the Big Show was offi cially opened by Dr Rasheed bin Al Safi Al Huraibi, chairman of the Tender Board here on Monday. After receiving a record-breaking 15,000 visitors in the 2015 edition, the event or-ganiser Omanexpo expects this number to surpass this year.

According to the organisers, Kuwait has a pavilion for the fi rst time in Oman for any exhibition.

Apart from the Kuwait pavilion, visitors will also see various prod-ucts featured in the Germany, Turkey, Iran, China, Egypt and India pavilions.

According to the German am-bassador to Oman, the selection of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from Germany is excel-lent. “I think the selection of the German companies is exquisite example how SMEs are interest-ed in Oman and they are seeing a future here,” the German ambas-sador told Times Business.

Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), which is participating for the fi rst time, will bring in 25 companies from India. Visitors can get familiar with more than 1,000 products from 250 local and international companies.


OMAN CRUDE RISESOman Crude (May delivery) rose 57 cents to $37.69 per barrel. The average price of Oman Crude (April delivery) was $30.23 per barrel, registering a growth of $2.83 a barrel from March delivery. – ONA

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MARKETT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Japan’s NTT to

buy Dell Systems

for $3.05 billion

TOKYO: Nippon Telegraph & Tel-ephone’s (NTT) unit agreed to buy technology services businesses from Dell for $3.055 billion.

The acquisition would be NTT Data’s largest, helping increase its sales outside Japan, where a shrinking and ageing population has stymied economic growth. Dell, which paid $3.9 billion for what was formerly known as Perot Services in 2009, is selling some assets before completing a record deal — the $67 billion takeover of software and storage systems provider EMC Corporation.

Dell plans to sell the division as part of a wider eff ort to raise as much as $10 billion from the dis-posal of assets that aren’t core to its business.

NTT Data has spent more than ¥72 billion ($634 million) buy-ing companies since 2011, about ¥62 billion of it outside Japan, ac-cording to data. Overseas sales had risen to ¥450 billion by the year ended March 31, 2015, compared to more than ¥208 billion in the 12 months to March 2012.

Global rivals of NTT Data in-cluding Cognizant Technology So-lutions Corporation, Tata Consul-tancy Services and Atos had also previously participated in an auc-tion for Perot Systems that failed to generate a deal, according to the Nikkei. – Bloomberg News

T E C H N O L O G Y Ahlibank to pay 10% dividend

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Shareholders of ahli-bank at its annual general meeting approved a board recommenda-tion to distribute cash dividend of 10 per cent for the year ended December 2015.

The bank’s earnings per share (EPS) for 2015 was 19.5 baisas compared to 17.6 baisas in 2014.

Ahlibank has achieved a net profi t of OMR27.7 million in 2015 as compared to OMR25.1 million in 2014, registering a growth of 10.4 per cent.

The bank’s customer deposits have grown by 20.9 per cent in line with the strategy to build a stable low cost deposit base.

Loan growth of 9.3 per cent has been established within a prudent

risk management framework. The loan book continues to be of a very high quality as refl ected in the NPL ratio of 1.07 per cent at the end of fi nancial year 2015 (2014: 0.97 per cent). In 2015, with the launch of Sharia-compliant Al Hi-lal Islamic credit cards, ahlibank also became the fi rst bank to off er Visa signature Islamic credit card in the Sultanate, based on the true principles of Sharia.

Ahlibank held its annual gen-eral meeting on March 28 at the Inter Continental Muscat, pre-sided over chairman Hamdan Ali Nasser Al Hinai. The sharehold-ers approved the board of direc-tors report, the corporate govern-ance report, auditor’s report and

audited fi nancial statements of the bank for the fi nancial year ended December 2015.

The shareholders ratifi ed the sitting fees paid to the board of di-rectors and board sub-committees for the meetings held during the fi -nancial year 2015 and determined the sitting fees of the board of di-rectors and board sub-committees for the fi nancial year 2016.

Sharia Supervisory BoardThe shareholders approved the board remuneration for the fi nan-cial year 2015 as proposed by the board. The shareholders approved the re-composition of the Sha-ria Supervisory Board and ratifi ed the payments of remuneration

and sitting fees to the Sharia Su-pervisory Board for the fi nancial year 2015 and also determined the sitting fee and remuneration for fi nancial year 2016.

The directors also briefed the shareholders on the Sharia Super-visory Board report for the fi nan-cial year 2015, the related party transactions entered into by the bank. Shareholders approved the appointment of external auditors and external Sharia auditors for the fi nancial year 2016 and their fees.

The shareholders approved the board’s proposal to set aside OMR100,000 as donations for the fi nancial year 2016.

“Ahlibank’s fi nancial perfor-mance in 2015 has been good, and

the bank has been able to main-tain its impressive track record. I would like to thank members of the board for their valuable di-rection that has guided the bank towards such success, said Lloyd Maddock, chief executive offi cer of ahlibank.

“I would also like to thank all my colleagues for their hard work and dedication that has helped the bank in achieving good fi nancial results year on year,” he added.

The bank has

achieved a net profi t

of OMR27.7m in

2015 compared to

OMR25.1m in 2014,

registering a growth

of 10.4 per cent

Daleel Petroleum conductsSME mentorship workshopTimes News Service

MUSCAT: As part of the in-country value development strat-egy, Daleel Petroleum, one of the leading oil and gas producers in Oman, conducted Daleel SME Mentorship (DPSM) workshop on March 22 at the company head offi ce in Al Athaiba.

As many as 10 small and me-dium enterprises (SMEs), operat-ing in the oil and gas industry, and a mentor for each SME, attended the event. The mentees and men-tors participated were assigned through an application process followed by extensive interviews based upon the mentees’ needs and the mentors’ capability to help upgrade their quality and raise their standards by increas-ing their awareness of oil and gas industry and enhance their skills towards business excellence and improvement.

The orientation workshop was the fi rst step in the interaction be-

tween the mentors and the men-tees. It included a series of activi-ties that helped break the ice and introduce mentees and mentors to each other that will help them working hand in hand to start de-veloping their specifi c business goals and priorities to be tackled in the programme over the course of the next 12 months.

Daleel management welcomed the mentors and mentees and ex-pressed their optimism regarding

the programme adding value to the Omani workforce in the oil and gas industry.

They also wished the partici-pants a successful and fruitful mentorship journey that aimed at enriching the oil and gas industry by improving and building the ca-pacity, capability and stability of Omani SMEs in order to secure sustainable commercial benefi ts contributing ultimately to the country’s prosperity.


Etihad Etisalat

assessing off ers

for Saudi Arabia

tower business

RIYADH: Etihad Etisalat is reviewing off ers for its tower business as the Saudi Arabian telecommunications company seeks to become profi table, chief executive offi cer Ahmad Farroukh said.

“We received certain indica-tive off ers,” Farroukh said in an interview in Riyadh on Thurs-day. “If the deal is good for our shareholders, for sure I’ll bring it on the table.”

The second-biggest telecom-munication provider in Saudi Arabia is one of several seeking to sell towers as network qual-ity becomes similar across dif-ferent operators. Digital Bridge Holdings is among the leading bidders for Etihad Etisalat’s tower portfolio, which could fetch as much as $2 billion, ac-cording to people with knowl-edge of the matter. The compa-ny owns about 10,000 towers in the oil-rich kingdom.

Saudi news website Maaal reported in February that ‘high-level negotiations’ were hap-pening to create a company to own the towers of all three tel-ecommunication providers in the kingdom, including Saudi Telecom Zain Saudi is assessing several options for its towers, in-cluding selling them for cash and leasing them back or working with competitors. - Bloomberg News


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The shareholders approved the board of directors report, the corporate governance report, auditor’s report

and audited fi nancial statements of the bank for the fi nancial year ended December 2015. - Supplied picture

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B3T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Oman to helphouseholds generate solar power

MUSCAT: Oman will encourage households to generate electricity with solar panels and feed it into the national grid, Qais Al Zakwani, executive director of the Author-ity for Electricity Regulation, said on Monday.

The policy could put the Sultan-ate in the forefront of Middle East nations promoting widespread use of solar power. Faced with low crude oil prices, the Omani gov-ernment is seeking ways to save money, including a cut in electric-ity subsidies for commercial and industrial users.

Solar roofi ng panelsZakwani said the authority aimed to have a mechanism in place by mid-year for households to gener-ate power using solar roofi ng pan-els, and provide the power to the grid in exchange for cuts in their electricity tariff s.

Zakwani said the new pro-gramme would initially focus on residential units but eventually be extended to commercial entities; “we seek distributed power gen-eration”. He said it was too early to estimate the fi nancial size of the programme. - Reuters

G R E E N E N E R G Y Oil output freeze drive getssurprise support from Iraq

LONDON: Oil ministers from Opec and non-Opec nations are looking hard for a recovery in prices, and are hoping their meet-ing next month will produce an output freeze that can be a fi rst step toward that goal. They’re getting some surprise help from Iraq, the member which added more to supply last year than any other country, and that’s due in large part to a change in fortunes in Kurdistan.

The Kurdish Regional Govern-ment had planned to be oversee-ing production of 1 million barrels a day of oil by now. Instead, it faces declining output, recurring diffi -culties in getting its oil to market and renewed pressure from fed-eral authorities.

The northern region was seen as a bright spot for Iraqi produc-tion in 2016 after Baghdad asked

investors in the south to cut ex-penditure, forcing them to shelve near-term expansion plans.

Sales abroad rose last year de-spite the collapse of an export agreement with the national gov-ernment —- instead of handing the bulk of the crude over to Bagh-dad, the Kurds continued to sell it themselves and shipments from northern Iraq rose above 600,000 barrels per day.

DownturnIraq’s oil output, including the contribution from the Kurds, increased by almost 1.4 million barrels per day between July 2014 and June 2015, according to fi gures. But output stagnated in June, and the downturn that start-

ed last month is likely to continue.The Kurds had planned to add

around 150,000 barrels per day to supply in 2016, but now could see output drop by around 50,000 barrels. Add to that the 150,000 barrels a day the Baghdad govern-ment is holding back rather than exporting through the region, and the expected increase becomes a 200,000-barrel-a-day decrease.

The trouble started in mid-Feb-ruary, when the Kurdish pipeline to the Ceyhan export terminal on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast was shut for repairs.

The line is the only route to move large volumes of oil from northern Iraq to the world mar-ket after IS over-ran the old route that passed close to Mosul. Before

the shutdown, the pipeline was carrying around 450,000 barrels a day of Kurdish oil and a further 150,000 barrels per day from fi elds operated by the Baghdad-controlled North Oil Company .

The pipeline has reopened so its closure, although damaging, was at least temporary.

But the region was dealt a more signifi cant blow when key foreign investor Genel Energy slashed estimates for reserves at its Taq Taq fi eld by 48 per cent. The revi-sion came after the reservoir was found to be less porous than previ-ously estimated, meaning that the oil it contains cannot fl ow as easi-ly through the rock and ultimately be extracted for sale.

Importantly, Genel said the

downgrade was not price-de-pendent, suggesting there is lit-tle chance that the estimates will increase again, even if oil prices recover. But it helps explain last year’s unexpected 37 per cent fall in output from the fi eld and fore-casts of further declines to come.

Tawke fi eldTaq Taq is not the only project to have struggled — output from the Tawke fi eld has disappointed. Norway’s DNO slashed invest-ment there as prices fell and payments from the regional government became erratic. Its investment plans for 2016 will only return output to last year’s average level.

Kurdistan’s complicated poli-tics are adding to its diffi culties. No sooner was the pipeline to Tur-key repaired earlier this month than the Baghdad government banned its use to move North Oil Company’s crude.

Shipments will only resume af-ter new settlements are reached with the Kurds, Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Face-book. Given the long history of mistrust and failed agreements between the two sides, this could take a long time. Meanwhile, the oil will remain in the ground. The oil market rebalancing is underway — it’s just not coming from where everybody thought it would. – Bloomberg News

Kurdish government

had planned to

be overseeing

production of 1m

barrels a day of oil by

now. Instead, it faces

declining output,

diffi culties in getting

its crude to market

PRODUCTION STAGNATED: Iraq’s oil output, including the contribution from the Kurds, increased by

1.4m barrels a day between July 2014 and June 2015. But output stagnated in June and the down-

turn that started last month is likely to continue. – File picture

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Fairfax to acquire$322m stake in Bangalore airport BANGALORE: Indian airport operator GVK Power & Infra-structure said it sold a stake in its Bengaluru Aerodrome to Fairfax Financial Holdings, helping cut debt. The shares rose.

Fairfax will buy 33 per cent of Bangalore International Airport for Rs21.49 billion ($322 mil-lion), GVK said in a statement to the Mumbai stock exchange on Monday.

GVK, which also operates pow-er plants, said the deal will help it reduce debt by Rs20 billion, apart from saving interest costs of Rs3 billion a year. The transaction is likely to be completed by the middle of this year, the company, also the operator of the airport in Mumbai, said in the statement.

Shares of GVK jumped as much as 10 per cent to Rs7.40,

the highest intraday level in more than a month.

GVK to retain 10% stakeThe company, which will retain a 10 per cent stake in the airport in Bengaluru, previously known as Bangalore, will sell the stake through Mauritius-based units of Fairfax, headed by Prem Watsa.

Watsa, 65, founded Toronto-based Fairfax in 1985. He’s mod-eled his investment style and strategy after value investor War-ren Buff ett. Fairfax gained from the 2008 fi nancial crisis when

Watsa bet on declines in the creditworthiness of United States banks and insurers. This year, he’s been investing in infl a-tion-linked securities and short positions on stocks and markets.

– Bloomberg News


Rupee recovery helps India’s forex reserves climb by $2.54b in a week MUMBAI: India’s foreign-ex-change (forex) reserves climbed to a record as the rupee heads for its big-gest monthly advance in two years.

The currency stockpile rose by $2.54 billion in the week through March 18 to an unprecedented $355.95 billion, a Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India’s central bank, statement showed on Friday.

That capped a third straight week of increases.

The rupee has jumped 2.7 per cent in March as India’s govern-ment stuck to its fi scal goals in last month’s budget and investor sen-timent toward emerging markets improved amid eff orts by global central banks to support growth. That’s helped pare the Indian cur-rency’s 2016 drop to 0.7 per cent, Asia’s worst performance.

The rise in reserves provides RBI governor Raghuram Rajan more ammunition to shield the re-gion’s third-largest economy from capital outfl ows amid the possi-

bility of further interest-rate in-creases by the United States Fed-eral Reserve and any risks from the slowdown in China.

A gauge of the rupee’s expected price swings has dropped 69 basis points this month and Edelweiss Financial Services says a stable cur-rency will aid central bank eff orts to control infl ation and give it more room to lower borrowing costs.

“With record reserves in hand, the RBI is in a much more com-fortable position to counter any bouts of volatility,” said Ankur Jhaveri, co-head of currencies and rates at Edelweiss Financial in Mumbai. The central bank will cut the benchmark repurchase rate by 25 basis points at its April 5 meet-ing, he said.

The rupee was little changed

from March 23 at 66.63 a dollar in Mumbai, according to prices from local banks. Indian markets were shut on Thursday and Friday for public holidays. The currency’s rally this month follows a 0.9 per cent decline in February and a 2.4 per cent slide in January.

The central bank has “taken the opportunity to re-accumulate reserves when sentiment turned positive toward the rupee,” said Khoon Goh, a senior currency strategist at Australia & New Zea-land Banking n Singapore. The RBI had also taken action during January-February, when the rupee was under depreciation pressure, resulting in a decline in reserves for the period, he said.

The rupee sank to an all-time low of 68.85 a dollar in August 2013 after the Fed’s signal to with-draw monetary stimulus led to an exodus of foreign funds from emerging markets. It has since re-bounded 3.3 per cent. - Bloomberg News


REDUCING DEBT: Indian airport operator GVK Power & Infra-

structure, which also operates power plants, said the deal will

help it reduce debt by Rs20 billion, apart from saving interest

costs of Rs3 billion a year. - Bloomberg News


MARKETT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6



REGULAR MARKET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

OM0000003125 ............GLOBAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ................ 489,342 ........... 84,961..................... 22 ............0.166 ........... 0.174 ...........0.166 ............0.174 ............. 0.159.............0.015 ............. 9.434 ................0.174 .............. 0.174...................0.000 ..................34,800,000 ........0.100

OM0000003521 ............GALFAR ENGINEERING AND CON. .................. 6,670,783 .......514,671...................205 ............0.075 ........... 0.079 ...........0.075 ........... 0.077 .............0.072 ........... 0.005 ............. 6.944 ................0.079 ..............0.079...................0.000 ..................22,328,509.........0.100

OM0000002820 ...........GULF INVESTMENT SERVICES ......................... 945,591.............99,767..................... 56 ............0.102 ........... 0.107 ...........0.102 ........... 0.106 .............0.100 ........... 0.006 ............. 6.000 ................0.107 .............. 0.107...................0.108 .................... 6,237,381 ..........0.100

OM0000001145 ............PORT SERVICES CORPORATION ........................ 54,000 ...............9,683........................8 ............0.180 ........... 0.183 ...........0.178 ............0.179 ............. 0.173 ............ 0.006 ............. 3.468 ................0.180 .............. 0.178...................0.180 ................... 17,012,160 .........0.100

OM0000002200 ...........AHLI BANK .................................................................... 396,349 ........... 73,886......................15 ............0.190 ........... 0.190 ...........0.185 ........... 0.186 ............. 0.180 ........... 0.006 ............. 3.333 ................0.185 .............. 0.181...................0.185 ..................265,056,723 ........0.100

OM0000001681 ............OMAN AND EMIRATES INV. HOLDING ........... 235,785............ 24,297......................17 ............0.103 ........... 0.104 ...........0.101 ........... 0.103 .............0.100 ........... 0.003 ............. 3.000 ................0.103 ..............0.103...................0.104................... 12,553,125 .........0.100

OM0000001087 ............OMAN UNITED INSURANCE ............................... 496,650 .........132,930..................... 34 ........... 0.268 ........... 0.270 ...........0.266........... 0.268 ............. 0.261............ 0.007 ............. 2.682 ................0.270..............0.269...................0.270 ..................26,800,000 ........0.100

OM0000002366 ...........AL BATINAH DEV. INV. HOLDING ...................... 411,520............ 32,560..................... 38 ........... 0.079 ...........0.080 ...........0.078 ........... 0.079 .............0.077 ........... 0.002 ............. 2.597 ................0.079 ..............0.079...................0.080 ...................2,370,000 ..........0.100

OM0000002374............UNITED FINANCE ..................................................... 1,719,164 ....... 271,194..................... 24 ............0.159 ........... 0.162 ...........0.156 ............0.158 ............. 0.154............ 0.004 ............. 2.597 ................0.156 .............. 0.156...................0.160 ................... 49,100,861 .........0.100

OM0000001160 ............NATIONAL GAS ........................................................... 106,406 ...........34,044......................13 ........... 0.320 ........... 0.326 ...........0.318 ........... 0.320 ............. 0.312............ 0.008 ............. 2.564 ................0.326..............0.322...................0.326 ..................16,000,000 .........0.100

OM0000001525 ............OMAN INVESTMENT AND FINANCE .............. 1,789,158 ....... 383,726..................... 89 ............0.214 ........... 0.216 ........... 0.211 ........... 0.214 .............0.210 ........... 0.004 ............. 1.905 ................0.214 .............. 0.213...................0.214 .................. 42,800,000 ........0.100

OM0000003661 ............VOLTAMP ENERGY ..................................................... 13,330 ...............5,846........................6 ........... 0.432 ...........0.440 ...........0.432........... 0.438 .............0.430 ........... 0.008 ............. 1.860 ................0.438 ..............0.432...................0.438...................26,499,000 .........0.100

OM0000002796 ...........BANK MUSCAT ............................................................ 2,667,658 ...1,021,928................... 107 ........... 0.380 ........... 0.386 ...........0.380........... 0.384 .............0.378 ........... 0.006 ............. 1.587 ................0.386 ..............0.384...................0.386..................958,560,099 .......0.100

OM0000002549 ...........BANK DHOFAR ............................................................ 252,203 ............71,321......................18 ........... 0.280 ........... 0.286 ...........0.280 .......... 0.283 .............0.279 ........... 0.004 ............. 1.434 ................0.286..............0.286...................0.289 ................. 437,158,179 ........0.100

OM0000003968 ...........OOREDOO....................................................................... 846,135 ......... 638,745..................... 79 ............0.748 ........... 0.764 ...........0.748 ............0.756 ............. 0.748............ 0.008 ............. 1.070 ................0.760 .............. 0.748...................0.760 ..................492,113,838 ........0.100

OM0000001772 ............AL ANWAR HOLDING............................................... 2,323,859 ......450,895................... 110 ............0.194 ........... 0.196 ...........0.190 ........... 0.194 ............. 0.193.............0.001 ............. 0.518 ................0.196 .............. 0.195...................0.196 ................... 29,114,550 .........0.100

OM0000001418 ............RAYSUT CEMENT ........................................................ 77,536 ............ 73,065......................12 ........... 0.940 ...........0.964 ...........0.940 .......... 0.944 .............0.940 ........... 0.004 ............. 0.426 ................0.948..............0.948...................0.964 .................188,800,000 .......0.100

OM0000004735 ...........SEMBCORP SALALAH ..................................................3,000 .................. 768........................ 1 ........... 0.256 ........... 0.256 ...........0.256........... 0.256 .............0.255 ............0.001 ............. 0.392 ................0.256 ..............0.257...................0.270 .................244,370,419........0.100

OM0000001533 ............OMINVEST ..................................................................... 80,000 ............ 41,600........................2 ........... 0.520 ...........0.520 ...........0.520........... 0.520 .............0.520 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.520..............0.520...................0.530..................287,488,054........0.100

OM0000001962 ............AL MADINA INVESTMENT ................................... 178,000 ............11,080..................... 10 ........... 0.063 ........... 0.063 ...........0.062........... 0.062 .............0.062 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.062.............. 0.061...................0.062 ..................12,843,386 .........0.100

OM0000002028 ...........GULF INTERNATIONAL CHEMICALS ............ 301,126 .............97,958..................... 46 ........... 0.322 ........... 0.328 ...........0.322........... 0.326 .............0.326 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.322..............0.322...................0.326 ...................6,846,000 ..........0.100

OM0000003026 ...........OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION ........................ 100,583 .........154,904......................13 ............1.540 ........... 1.550 ...........1.540 ........... 1.540 ............. 1.540 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................1.540 ..............1.520...................1.540 ................ 1,155,000,000 ......0.100

OM0000003398 ...........BANK SOHAR................................................................ 570,414.............89,125..................... 29 ............0.156 ........... 0.157 ...........0.156 ............0.156 ............. 0.156............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.156 .............. 0.156...................0.157 ................. 224,864,640 .......0.100

OM0000004768 ...........AL MADINA TAKAFUL ............................................. 676,230 ........... 48,586..................... 48 ........... 0.072 ........... 0.072 ...........0.071 ........... 0.072 .............0.072 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.072 .............. 0.071...................0.073...................12,600,000 .........0.100

OM0000004925 ...........AL BATINAH POWER .................................................. 10,998 ...............2,277........................ 1 ........... 0.207 ...........0.207 ...........0.207........... 0.207 .............0.207 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.207..............0.207...................0.215 .................. 139,701,698 ........0.100

OM0000004933 ...........AL SUWADI POWER ..........................................................142 .....................29........................ 1 ........... 0.207 ...........0.207 ...........0.207........... 0.207 .............0.207 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.207............. 0.000...................0.207 ................. 147,882,112 ........0.100

OM0000005005 ...........ALMAHA CERAMICS ..................................................14,884 ................5,511........................9 ........... 0.370 ........... 0.372 ...........0.370 ........... 0.370 .............0.370 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.372 ..............0.372...................0.376 ...................19,425,000 .........0.100

OM0000002440 ...........AL SHARQIA INVESTMENT HOLDING ........... 231,000 ............25,156..................... 27 ............0.112 ........... 0.112............0.107 ........... 0.109 ............. 0.110 ............-0.001 ........... -0.909 ...............0.107 ..............0.108................... 0.110 .................... 9,810,000 ..........0.100

OM0000003224 ...........RENAISSANCE SERVICES ..................................... 260,000 ........... 48,978......................15 ............0.187 ........... 0.189 ...........0.187 ........... 0.188 ............. 0.190 ...........-0.002 ............-1.053................0.189 .............. 0.186...................0.189 ...................54,642,392.........0.100

OM0000002176 ............AL JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS ......................... 26,400 ............... 3,775........................4 ............0.143 ........... 0.143 ...........0.143 ........... 0.143 ............. 0.145............-0.002 ............-1.379................0.143 .............. 0.143...................0.145 ................... 17,860,408 .........0.100

OM0000001483 ............NATIONAL BANK OF OMAN ................................. 733,207 ......... 185,647..................... 38 ........... 0.250 ........... 0.257 ...........0.250........... 0.253 .............0.268 ...........-0.015 ........... -5.597 ...............0.256 ..............0.256...................0.257.................. 373,119,663 ........0.100

OM0000002226 ...........AL JAZEERA SERVICES .......................................... 379,907 ......... 104,414..................... 27 ........... 0.285 ........... 0.285 ...........0.270........... 0.275 .............0.296 ...........-0.021 ............-7.095................0.280..............0.276...................0.279................... 16,831,175 .........0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 23,061,360 .....4,743,325 ............1,124 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ......32........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

PARALLEL MARKET ................................................................................................................................................................................. OM0000002564 ...........AL HASSAN ENGINEERING.................................. 529,941 ............36,515..................... 45 ........... 0.066 ........... 0.070 ...........0.065 ........... 0.069 .............0.064 ........... 0.005 ..............7.813 .................0.070..............0.069...................0.070.................... 5,189,352 ..........0.100

OM0000001590 ............MUSCAT FINANCE ...................................................... 19,950 ...............2,349........................7 ............0.117 ........... 0.118............ 0.117 ............0.118 ............. 0.115 ............ 0.003 ............. 2.609 ................ 0.118 ...............0.117...................0.120 ...................31,472,438 .........0.100

OM0000001566 ............OMAN FISHERIES ..................................................... 325,336 ............19,207..................... 27 ........... 0.060 ...........0.060 ...........0.059 ........... 0.059 .............0.058 ............0.001 ............. 1.724 ................0.059 ..............0.058...................0.059.................... 7,375,000 ..........0.100

OM0000004511 ............ALIZZ ISLAMIC BANK.............................................. 1,123,706 ..........68,106..................... 42 ............0.061 ........... 0.061 ...........0.060........... 0.061 .............0.060 ............0.001 ............. 1.667 ................0.061 ..............0.060...................0.061 ...................61,000,000 .........0.100

OM0000001301 ............DHOFAR CATTLE FEED .......................................... 235,000 ............53,479........................9 ........... 0.225 ...........0.230 ...........0.225........... 0.228 .............0.225 ........... 0.003 ............. 1.333 ................0.230..............0.228...................0.230 .................. 17,556,000 .........0.100

OM0000001368 ............CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IND. .................. 1,535,565 ........ 50,802..................... 36 ........... 0.034 ........... 0.034 ...........0.033 ........... 0.033 .............0.033 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.034..............0.033...................0.034 ...................2,805,000 ..........0.100

OM0000001723 ............OMAN ORIX LEASING ............................................. 350,000 ...........44,450........................5 ............0.127 ........... 0.127 ...........0.127 ............0.127 ............. 0.127............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.127 ..............0.126...................0.127 ................... 30,655,773 .........0.100

OM0000005963 ...........PHOENIX POWER ...........................................................7,102 ...............1,030........................6 ............0.145 ........... 0.145 ...........0.145 ............0.145 ............. 0.145............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.145 ..............0.144...................0.145 ..................212,077,212 ........0.100

OM0000001053 ............OMAN TEXTILE HOLDING .....................................50,030 ............. 17,010......................11 ........... 0.340 ...........0.340 ...........0.340 .......... 0.340 .............0.348 ...........-0.008 ........... -2.299 ...............0.340..............0.320...................0.338....................2,040,000 ..........1.000

OM0000004420 ...........BANK NIZWA ................................................................ 8,364,426 .....629,267....................161 ............0.075 ........... 0.076 ...........0.073 ........... 0.075 .............0.077 ...........-0.002 ........... -2.597 ...............0.075 ..............0.074...................0.075 ..................112,500,000 ........0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 12,541,056 ....922,215...................349 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ......10........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BONDS AND SUKUK MARKET ......................................................................................................................................................................OM0000004867 ...........BANK MUSCAT C C B 4.5 .................................................394 .................... 40........................2 ............0.102 ........... 0.103 ...........0.102 ........... 0.102 .............0.102 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.103 ..............0.103................... 0.110 ...................32,603,553 .........0.100

OM0000005971 ............B.MUSCAT COMPL. CONVR. B.B.3.5 .......................... 200 ..................... 18........................ 1 ........... 0.090 ...........0.090 ...........0.090........... 0.090 .............0.090 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.090..............0.090...................0.100................... 29,174,545 .........0.100

.............................................SUM: ..........................................................................................594 .....................58........................3 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ........ 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ISIN ......................................SECURITY NAME .................................................................. VOLUME ..... TURNOVER ............TRADES ......OPEN PRICE ......HIGH ............. LOW ........ CLOSE PR. ...PREV. CLOSE...DIFF (RO).........DIFF % ............. LAST PR .....LAST BID .............LAST OFFER ........MARKET CAP .PAR VALUE


INDICESIndex .................................................High .................Low ..................... Value ............... Prev . Value.......... Diff ...............Diff %MSM30 Index ........................................5,566.17 ............... 5,530.11 ...................5,546.24 ................... 5,536.72 ....................9.52 ................... 0.17Financial Index .....................................7,072.28 .............. 7,000.27 ................... 7,029.34 ................... 7,003.18 ..................26.16 ................... 0.37Industrial Index ................................... 6,676.34 .............. 6,642.03 ................... 6,676.34 ...................6,642.03 ..................34.31 ................... 0.52Services Index .......................................3,120.70 ............... 3,110.37 ................... 3,120.68 ....................3,116.84 ....................3.84 ................... 0.12MSM SHARIAH INDEX....................... 847.16 .................. 842.11 .......................845.72 .......................847.79 .................. -2.07 .................. -0.24

Trading SummaryVolume ................ Turnover ..........Trades .............. Market Cap............. Up ............Down ............. Equal .........Sec. Traded35,603,010 ................. 5,665,599 ..................1,476 ................16,507,953,517 ................23 ........................7 .................... 14 .........................44

MSM index ends higher

MUSCAT: Sustained buying from local institutions pushed the MSM30 Index to 5,546.24 points, up 0.17 per cent. The MSM Sharia Index gained by 0.24 per cent to close at 845.72 points.

Bank Nizwa was the most ac-tive in terms of volume while Bank Muscat led in terms of turn-over. Global Financial Invest-ment, up 9.43 per cent, remained the top gainer while Al Jazeera Services was the day’s top loser, down by 7.09 per cent.

As many as 1,476 trades were executed on Monday, generat-ing turnover of OMR5.6 million with 35.6 million shares changing hands. Out of 44 traded securi-ties, 23 advanced, seven declined and 14 remained unchanged.

Omani investors were net buyers for OMR652,000 while foreign investors were net sell-ers for OMR603,000 followed by GCC and Arab investors for OMR49,000 worth of shares.

Financial Index advanced 0.37 per cent to close at 7,029.34 points. Global Financial Invest-ment, Gulf Investment Services,

Ahli Bank, Oman & Emirates and Oman United Insurance gained by 9.43 per cent, 6 per cent, 3.33 per cent, 3 per cent and 2.68 per cent, respectively. NBO, Bank Nizwa and Al Sharqia Invest-ments declined by 5.60 per cent, 2.60 per cent and 0.91 per cent, respectively.

Industrial Index ended at 6,676.34 points, up 0.52 per cent. Al Hassan Engineering, Galfar En-gineering, Voltamp Energy, Oman Fisheries and Dhofar Cattlefeed increased by 7.81 per cent, 6.94 per cent, 1.86 per cent, 1.72 per cent and 1.33 per cent, respectively. Oman Textiles and Al Jazeera Steel declined by 2.30 per cent and 1.38 per cent, respectively.

Services Index gained 0.12 per cent to close at 3,120.68 points. Port Services, National Gas, OIFC, Ooredoo and Sembcorp Salalah gained by 3.47 per cent, 2.56 per cent, 1.90 per cent, 1.07 per cent and 0.39 per cent respec-tively. Al Jazeera Services and Renaissance Services declined by 7.09 per cent and 1.05 per cent, respectively. – United Securities

Global Financial Investment, up 9.43 per cent,

was the top gainer while Al Jazeera Services

was the day’s top loser, down by 7.09 per cent

Malaysia's palm production to worsen over eff ects of El NinoKUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s palm oil production will slump more than previously forecast as the lingering eff ects of El Nino curb output in the world’sw second-big-gest producer, according to Godrej International’s Dorab Mistry.

Production will drop by 2 mil-lion metric tonnes in the year through September, Mistry said in remarks prepared for a confer-ence on Monday in Beijing. That compares to a 1.5 million tonnes decline predicted earlier this month. Malaysian output will be “well below” 19 million tonnes this calendar year, while it will to-tal 31 million tonnes in top grower Indonesia, he said.

Palm oil, used in everything from biscuits to lipstick and bio-fuel, surged to a two-year high this month as the strongest El Nino in two decades hindered growth of fresh fruit bunches in Indone-sia and Malaysia, which make up around 86 per cent of world supply.

Mistry maintained a forecast for prices to climb to 3,000 ringgit ($744) a tonne. Futures on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives traded at 2,752 ringgit by the midday break, up 11 per cent this year.

“This El Nino is doing what all big El Ninos do – lowering pro-duction and boosting prices,” said Mistry, who’s traded palm oil for more than three decades. “I shall not be surprised if the defi cit for fi rst half 2016 as compared to fi rst half 2015 will be in excess of 1 million tone.”

Falling stockpilesMalaysian palm oil stockpiles fell to an eight-month low of 2.17 mil-lion tonnes in February, accord-ing to Malaysian Palm Oil Board data. Production slumped to the

lowest level since February 2007, the data show. Inventories may drop to 1.5 million tons toward the end of the second quarter, Alan Lim, an analyst at MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd., said in a March 25 report.

“World stocks will be drawn down dramatically,” Mistry said, raising his forecast for the gap in incremental supply and demand in 2015-16 to almost a record 4.3 million tons from almost 4.2 million tons forecast earlier this

month. “We are already seeing this happen in palm oil in Malay-sia and will see this soon happen in Indonesia. Stocks in consum-ing countries like India and China will also thin down.”

Biodiesel programmeIndonesia’s biodiesel program me is “working well,” with about 200,000 tonnes of biodiesel be-ing produced from palm each month, Mistry said. Indonesian palm oil exports were forecastto

fall to a one-year low of 1.95 mil-lion Malaysia Palm tonnes in February as the world’s largest palm grower used more of the commodity in biodiesel.

Soybean oil will continue to take market share from sunfl ower oil and to some extent palm oil, especially if palm prices narrow their discount to soy, Mistry said. Soybean oil’s premium over palm was around $61 a tonne from an average of $104 over the past year, according to data. – Bloomberg News


Sensex sheds 371 points; rupee risesMUMBAI: Sensex fell 371.16 points to revisit its 24,000-level on profi t-booking in higher lev-els in key bluechips of metals and healthcare sectors broader Nifty dropped below the crucial 7,700-level ahead of expiry of de-rivative contracts of March series this week.

After consecutive four session gains, the trading started with a gap-up note amid higher Asian cues was soon succumbed to prof-it-booking in recent outperform-ers as well as caution due to settle-ment week.

Absence of defi nite cues as most European markets closed today for an extended Easter Holiday, against the background of some members of US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) tak-ing a hawkish tone for more in-terest rate hike as well as a batch of US economic indicators to be released this week also aff ected in-vestors sentiment.

The unveiling of the much-awaited Defence Procurement Policy by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar was sidelined as across the sprectrum profi t-booking was witnessed led by met-als, healthcare, realty, consumer durable, telecom, capital goods and Industrials sectors followed by shares of midcap and smallcap companies. News specifi c sell-ing was seen in healthcare sectors shares of Natco Pharma nosedived nearly 15 per cent after the 483 observations from the USFDA in-spection of two facilities.

The 30-share Sensex opened higher at 25,417.11 and hovered between a high of 25,432.94 and a low of 24,895.49 before ending at 24,966.40, showing a fall of 371.16 points, or 1.46 per cent.

Meanwhile, the index had gained 660.19 points or 2.68 per

cent in its previous four session trade. The 50-share Nifty too ended lower at 7,615.10, dropping 101.40 points, or 1.31 per cent.

Rupee extends gains The rupee extended its gains for the second day today against the American currency, moving up by another 7 paise to close at 66.57 per dollar on fag-end selling of dollars by banks and exporters in view of persistent foreign capital infl ows.

The rupee resumed sharply low-er at 66.90 per dollar as against last Wednesday’s closing level of 66.64 at the Interbank Foreign Exchange (Forex) market here on initial dol-lar demand from banks and im-porters on the back of higher dollar in the overseas market.

However, it recovered after-wards to 66.56 per dollar on fresh selling of dollars by banks and exporters in view of good foreign capital infl ows before ending at 66.57 per dollar, showing a gain of 7 paise or 0.11 per cent. It has gained by 14 paise or 0.21 per cent in two trading days. It hovered in the range of 66.90 and 66.56 per dollar during the day.

Foreign funds continued their buying spree as they bought shares worth Rs 976.91 crore on last Wednesday as per the provisional data of stock exchanges.

Meanwhile, the dollar index was down 0.02 per cent against a basket of six currencies in the late afternoon trade. However, the dollar rose amid thin trading vol-ume, as Japanese importers and institutional investors bought the currency ahead of their March 31 book closing.

The dollar was also supported by recent remarks from Federal Reserve policy setters that reig-nited expectations for an early interest-rate increase. - PTI


PAML OIL SURGES: Palm oil, used in everything from biscuits to lipstick and biofuel, surged to a two-

year high this month as the strongest El Nino in two decades hindered growth of fresh fruit bunches

in Indonesia and Malaysia. – Bloomberg News

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Endowed with end-less natural beauty and breathtak-ing landscape, Sultanate of Oman has captured the imagination of the outside world. People are now choosing the country to hold their most cherished events here. Tour Oman, a big name in tourism man-agement, makes them even more memorable with its matchless ex-pertise in making big events big-ger and, well, extra special.

Oman’s leading Destination Management Company (DMC) and the inbound tours division of Travel Point, Tour Oman has become the fi rst DMC to put the Sultanate of Oman as a dream destination on the map for Indian weddings. With its strong networking in the Indian market, Tour Oman has success-fully handled all seven destination weddings from India that took place in Oman between 2014  to 2015.

Paying a tribute to the Tour Oman’s professional services, Zi-nal Gandhi of 361 Degree Events, wedding planner for Bajaj Rawal wedding, said: “Thanks a lot for all the help extended during Samarth Bajaj and Sasha Rawal’s wedding, which was a hit because of the fabulous Tour Oman team.”

Commenting on the resound-ing success of Tour Oman, Sunil Prabhakar, CEO, Travel Point, said: “We are immensely happy to be able to promote the Sultanate of Oman in such a colourful man-ner to the Indian market. When we received these queries, we brought the clients here on a rec-ce, and they instantly fell in love with Oman’s impeccable natural beauty. Visiting another destina-tion was never an option once they visited Oman. That visit was fol-lowed by a number of other trips to fi nalise accommodation, event venues, décor and logistics which has been a thoroughly rigorous yet exciting challenge for us.”

“Tour Oman envisions all-year round tourism for Oman as against the current seasonal pattern. This goal has become the primary fac-tor to venture into the destination weddings business zone, starting from India, whose large segment of lucrative business in this sec-tor remains unexplored, and is in demand the entire year. India’s big fat $38 billion wedding market is fast rising and is looking to sur-pass America’s $50 billion in the next couple of years, to become the largest wedding market in the world,” he added.

Tour Oman is currently work-ing on 15 more destination wed-ding queries from India, which are likely to take place in the Sultan-ate between October 2016 to Feb-ruary 2017. Tour Oman team has set up a dedicated team to handle destination weddings to cater to the ‘Big Fat Indian Dream Desti-nation Wedding’ concept that is gaining rapid momentum in India among the niche segment.  With the Oman government investing heavily in tourism projects to-wards Vision 2020, bringing such large groups of tourists like those for Indian weddings will only im-prove the spend within the coun-

try and create a source of revenue for the tourism of the Sultanate.

Praising Tour Oman for its sup-port, Karn Bhardwaj of The Holi-day Company, hospitality partner for Sood Bar wedding, said: “From a quick turnaround on process-ing the Oman Visas for over 500 guests, to managing all on-ground transportation including airport coordinations, guest pick-ups and drops and sightseeing. The team was continuously involved with guest relations, they managed all local requirements for the wedding and worked with various wedding partners seamlessly. Team work was the key to the success of the wedding. What’s more, we had a great time working together.”

With the unstinting support rendered by the Ministry of Tour-ism towards such   projects, Tour Oman has embarked on a journey that will be a positive step towards bringing prestigious events such as these to Oman. The hotels and resorts in Oman have always been welcoming and have spared no

eff ort in ensuring that all the re-quirements of the Indian wedding clients are met to fulfi l the dream of the bridal couples, in terms of facilities, arrangements, rooms and even pricing as well. 

“Thank you for all your eff orts. Your support was integral to mak-ing this wedding a success. Not enough words can thank what level of involvement and commit-ment you have shown to make this happen smoothly,” commented Saurabh Nahar, bridegroom, at Nahar wedding event.

 “Oman is in close proximity to India and off ers convenience, ex-quisiteness, amusement and so much choice. It is teeming with unexplored potential. Tour Oman maintains that the primary ele-ment which makes Oman so po-tent for destination weddings is the fact that it has over 15 fl ights per day from India which are short haul fl ights, lasting for not more than two and a half hours. Further, the accommodation options in Oman are diverse and range from

small hotel apartments to luxuri-ous resorts and hotels, befi tting each client’s requirement. In ad-dition to this convenience, the lo-cation off ers visitors a range of at-tractions and incredible activities, including shopping, water-sports, adventure tours, golfi ng, short-time sightseeing, and more. Tour Oman’s expertise in ground han-dling, logistics and destination management, 24/7 emergency support and dedicated customer service team only adds to every customer’s delight,” said a Tour Oman offi cial.

Explaining further, he said: “Tour Oman’s credo is 'No one shows you Oman like we do'. Fully subscribing to it and with a zeal for innovation egging them on, we are keen to diversify the destina-tion wedding segment globally, keeping pace with the eff orts of the Ministry of Tourism to show-case Oman as a high quality tour-ism destination in its own right.”

Talking about challenges faced by them at prime tourism loca-tions, Prabhakar said: “Clients are curious to explore various picturesque locations of Oman to celebrate their weddings, but demand for accommodation in those locations has limited the event venues to resorts in Muscat. We’re looking forward to the vari-ous hospitality projects that are in the pipeline in Oman. We’re sure that with the buzz that these sev-en weddings will create for Oman, the new resort and hotel projects will complement the demand and

help take Oman to newer heights on the tourism front.”

“It is a prestigious project for Tour Oman and we have given our best to justify our reputation for service quality as well as uphold Oman’s fame for its warm  hospi-tality,” said a Tour Oman offi cial.  

“We’ve received a very positive feedback from the host family as well as the guests and have been able to confi rm more bookings for Oman not just for weddings, but the MICE sector as well through these projects,” he added.

According to Anand Davda of Events n More, wedding and event manager at Virani wedding, “When it came to ground han-dling and visa formalities, Tour Oman helped us out thoroughly. They made special arrangements to welcome each guest from the airport and assist them in the im-migration process and luggage handling, vehicles were ready to transport the guests immediately, and their help was more than we had expected. I have travelled a lot, and I would defi nitely rate them as a top notch agency with whom I look forward to working with in the future as well.”

Oman’s unique old-world charm famed as Arabia’s best kept secret for its brilliant landscapes, makes it a one-off destination to celebrate weddings which are both intimate as well as grand in size. With this forte, Oman is sure to witness a lot more pomp and color of the Indian “Band, Baaja and Baarat” in the days to come!

B5T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

ROUND-UPLove us on




Shangri La Barr Al Jissah, Muscat

November 26 – 29, 2014

2.  Approx. 1100 Pax

Shangri La Barr Al Jissah, Muscat

January 23 – 27, 2015

3.  Approx. 200 Pax

Shangri La Barr Al Jissah, Muscat

March 20 – 22, 2015

4.  Approx 360 Pax

Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah, Muscat

December 7 - 9, 2015

5.  Approx. 85pax

Shangri-Ls Barr Al Jissah, Muscat

December 7, 2015

6. Approx 200 Pax

Millennium Resort, Mussanah

January 7 – 9, 2016

7. Approx 476 Guests

Al Bustan Palace Hotel, Muscat

January 29 – February 1, 2016


The signifi cant events included and any

major artists/performers for the weddings

of 2015 and Sood Bar

Virani Wedding• • Gujarati musical event, performed by

Osman Mir and other Indian singers,

scintillating performance from an Indian

Idol fi nalist, Rahul Vaidya

•• Entertainers and drummers from Russia,

DJs and rappers peaked with a jubilant rain

dance event

• • A galaxy of India’s well known stars

like Vishal-Shekhar, Mouni Roy, Aarti

Chhabria and Mansi Parekh with a special

performance by Dia Mirza

The British Baraat Band for the Baraat

Bajaj Rawal Wedding• • A-list Bollywood in attendance:

Sonam Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor, Sunita and

Harshvardhan Kapoor, Jackie Bhagnani,

designers Arpita Mehta and Shehla Khan,

Samyukta Nair and GVK head honcho

Sanjay Reddy

• • Ameya and his team from The Art of

Living creating the perfect moment with

the melodious chanting of the wedding


Sood Bar wedding• • Micah and Reuben, world famous

musicians doing a brilliant fusion


• • Bhavya Pandit’s melodious renditions

of some of the best of 70s, 80s and 90s

Bollywood songs

• • DJ-on-a-cart-with-a-cliff -backdrop. DJ

Gaurav, India’s best DJ from Delhi, was

spinning a mix of the most epic Punjabi,

EDM and Bolly tracks




Virani wedding: Family that runs

a trans-continental diamond business.

Bajaj Rawal wedding: Bride, sister of

Bollywood’s leading fashion designer Kunal

Rawal and  groom, son of a prominent

business family from Hyderabad.

Sood Bar wedding: Father of the bride,

managing director of India’s largest steel

manufacturing company. Mother of the

bride: Managing director Letoinde Dazzling

Jewels Pvt. Ltd., jewellery designers in

India. Bride: Nazuk Bardeja, director,

Letoinde Dazzling Jewels Pvt. Ltd.

Father of the Groom: Managing director, Eros

Group and owners of Shangri La in Delhi.

Having already handled all seven high profi le weddings from India between 2014 and 2015, Tour Oman, the pioneer of destination weddings in Oman, has 15 more lined up until 2017

B6 T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Renault Captur now comes with benefi ts

MUSCAT: Suhail Bahwan Auto-mobiles, the exclusive importer and distributor of Renault vehicles in Oman, unveiled the Renault Cap-tur, its fi rst urban crossover, which is agile, dynamic and elegant, both inside and out.

Drawing on Renault’s exper-tise, it explores new territory in terms of design, comfort, equip-ment and pleasure. Captur now comes with unmatched benefi ts, says a press release.

Off er highlights Customers will be entitled to receive assured cash gift of OMR1,000 on the Renault Cap-tur 1.2L PE, SE and LE models and other benefi ts include free registration, six years unlimited mileage warranty and two years/

30,000km free service (whichever is earlier). Customers will also re-ceive free AAA/road assistance card for the fi rst year only and as supported by AAA Oman. The scheme is applicable for all cus-tomers purchasing Renault vehi-cles for personal use only.

It is a crossover packed with a turbocharged engine for those oc-casional bursts of controlled fun. The engine producing 120 BHP and 190 Nm of torque is mated to a 6-speed automatic gearbox. Made in Spain, the Renault Captur stands out from the crowd by delivering the best of three diff erent worlds: The expressive styling and driving position of an SUV, the cabin space and modular interior of an MPV and the agility and driving enjoy-ment of a compact saloon car.

Since its launch in Oman last year, the Captur has gained con-

siderable popularity and is a rave among auto enthusiasts.

It is a good option for those wanting small hatchback dimen-sions and costs, but with a shadow of thrill. It off ers much greater personalisation with its ‘themed collection’ - The adventurous and exciting ‘Arizona’ collection, the vibrant blue ‘Miami’ collection and the urban inspired ‘Manhat-tan’ collection. Each of the three themes is then split into four packs – colour, exterior gloss, interior touch and style – off ering abun-dant personalised possibilities ac-cording to each customer’s prefer-ence and interest.

The Captur draws on Renault’s extensive expertise and long last-ing history in car manufacturing, which is apparent through its su-perb design, functionality and the latest in terms of technology. The

Captur has an attractive design, including an original two-tone paint, giving it a strong personality. Its compact size with high ground clearance, large wheels and un-derbody protection allows you to explore all facets of everyday life.

At almost 1,100kg, the Renault Captur is a relatively light car. De-spite its SUV looks, all models are two-wheel drives. Add in the tur-bocharged petrol engine and the Captur is a monster to reckon.

All models are well equipped, with air conditioning, cruise con-trol and hill assist as standard, while the top-of-range models add a TomTom-based sat-navi-gation system, larger wheels and heated seats. Furthermore, the Captur is equipped with a high-end audio and navigation system, Bluetooth phone and MP3 player connectivity plus removable and washable seat covers and a full keyless go option.

In terms of safety, the Captur earned a fi ve-star crash test rating from Euro NCAP, and was award-ed very high percentage scores for adult and child occupant protec-tion, as well as a better score for its safety systems.

SBA is largely committed to sup-porting Renault Oman’s growth in the Sultanate through major emphasis on customer satisfac-tion and by providing world-class after-sales services in Oman.

Customers will be

entitled to receive

assured cash gift of

OMR1,000 on the

Renault Captur 1.2L

PE, SE and LE models

Kims Oman to host visiting general surgery consultant MUSCAT: Kims Oman Hospi-tal is hosting Dr Stephen Anga-muthu, visiting consultant gen-eral surgeon, to be part of Kims Oman Hospital’s medical team from today till day after tomor-row, and will be available to pro-vide his services at Kims Oman Hospital on a monthly basis.

Coming from Royal Bahrain Hospital, Dr Stephan is an expert general surgery consultant, who has more than 10 years of pro-fessional experience in general surgery, and has conducted skil-fully and safely more than 1,500 laparoscopic and advanced lapa-roscopic colectomies surgeries. Moreover, Dr Stephan has spe-cial interest in performing bari-atric surgeries.

“Obesity always leads to a number of other chronic health conditions, which are called co-morbidities. Some examples are cardiovascular diseases, hyper-tension, type II diabetes, pulmo-nary dysfunction, osteoarthri-tis, gall bladder disease, cancer (breast and colon), and many others,” said Dr Stephen.

“Bariatric surgery has been shown to help improve or resolve many obesity-related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more. Frequently, individu-als who improve their weight fi nd

themselves taking less and less medications to treat their obesi-ty-related conditions,” he added.

Dr Hussam Akoum, chief oper-ating offi cer of KOH, commented on Dr Stephen’s visit by saying, “Kims Oman Hospital has invit-ed Dr Stephen Angamuthu for his distinguished expertise in vari-ous general surgery specialities. This invitation comes as part of the hospital’s commitment in providing our patients with the best practitioners.”


Omasco opens Panasonic’s fl agship brand showroom in SoharSOHAR: Omasco has announced the opening of Panasonic’s fl ag-ship brand showroom in Sohar’s business district.

The new showroom will serve as a one-stop destination for customers housing an expansive range of Panasonic products, says a press release.

Commenting on the occasion, Hussain Al Lawati, managing di-rector – Omasco, said: “We are extremely delighted to open our Panasonic fl agship showroom in Sohar. We wish to provide our customers a truly spectacular and

unique shopping experience and with the same plan we have rede-signed the showroom. This will be the fi rst Panasonic showroom in Oman to showcase the entire range of consumer products along-side a wide range of B2B products.”

He added: “We are confi dent the new Panasonic showroom will of-fer the very best in retail shopping and will help us strengthen our po-sition in the market.”

Shinichi Wakita, managing di-rector - Panasonic Marketing Mid-dle East and Africa, said: “With the strong support of Omasco, we

are happy to announce the open-ing of our revamped brand show-room in Sohar. As a customer centric brand, we have designed this showroom to serve as an ideal destination where customers will have access to the wide range of products from Panasonic. This ex-clusive brand showroom will give every customer a comprehensive insight into our complete lineup of products that cater to every seg-ment of society as well as a variety of verticals.”

Explaining further, he said: “Customers can now touch and feel

our products through live demos and activities that will further add to the excitement of a unique shop-ping experience. We plan to open such brand showrooms across the Middle East region.”

The new Sohar showroom is a refl ection of Panasonic’s com-mitment to outline the company’s increased focus on enhancing showroom display as the key strat-egy for the region. In addition to it, Panasonic has 5 other showrooms and 4 shop-in-shops across Oman.

The showroom is located on So-har High Street.


Al Rawabi set to expand production, increase market reach in 2016DUBAI: The UAE’s locally based dairy producer Al Rawabi said that it is planning a new investment of AED 80 million in 2016 to enhance production and to enter new ex-port markets in the region.

Addressing a press conference to unveil the company’s growth plans in the context of the recent elevation of Dr Ahmed El Tigani as the CEO of the company, offi cials said that the new investment fol-lows last year’s AED 25 million in state-of-the-art cold storage infra-structure, says a press release.

Congratulating Dr El Tigani on his new role and commenting on the company’s consistent growth milestones over the years, Abdal-lah Sultan Al Owais, chairman, Al Rawabi Dairy Company, said: “In 2015, we grew by 15 per cent com-pared to an industry average of 7 per cent. This achievement is the result of strategic thinking, phased investments over the years, inno-vation and commitment of Dr El Tigani and his team to the brand.”

“We have an ambitious road ahead and our mission is to be a Mena brand by 2020 with pres-

ence in key markets across the re-gion,” he said, adding that the com-pany is confi dent that it will grow by 15 per cent in 2016 also.

As part of streamlining process-es, Al Rawabi will also centralise operations of stores for more ef-fective supply chain management and increased productivity.

The chairman said that this year Al Rawabi will add a new modern state-of-the-art automated facility which will help the company in-crease output to 70 per cent from the current 30 per cent.

Currently, Al Rawabi produces 175,000 litres of fresh juice prod-ucts and 325,000 litres of dairy products daily. The company had invested AED 125 million to ex-pand farm facilities and dairy cat-tle in 2013 and another AED 22 million in 2014 in new third gen-eration fi lling and pasteurisation lines as part of its strategy to be-come a regional leader.

Emphasising the focus on prod-uct diversifi cation, Abdulla Al Qubaisi, vice chairman of Al Raw-abi Dairy Company said that 2016

will be one of the most innovative years for Al Rawabi. “This year we are looking at enhancing our port-folio with an unparalleled range of new value added products. These products will also seek to address key lifestyle-related concerns of our society like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and Vitamin D defi ciency.

He said the company will ex-pand its range of fresh juices and is also working on reducing sugar content in fruit juice without com-promising on taste.

In the dairy products category, Al Rawabi is also looking at intro-ducing a range of cheeses and to expand into new category of prod-ucts, including ice creams.

Highlighting the company’s fo-cus on enhancing its footprints across regional markets, Dr El Ti-gani, said: “In the next three to four years, we will be present in all GCC countries, apart from increasing the brand’s visibility in more Afri-can countries. The aim is to double the turnover from 2015 levels by 2020 and reach a customer base of over 15,000 stores by the end of 2016 from the current 12,500.”


Inter-school elocution competition held at SIS

SALALAH: The annual inter school English and Arabic Elo-cution competition, ‘War of Elo-quence’ was conducted recently at Salalah International School (SIS), under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Dho-far, says a press release.

The invitation to the competi-tion was cordially welcomed and the response from the schools was overwhelming. Participants teemed in from 10 schools name-ly, Al Marif Pvt. School, Marooj Dhofar Pvt. School, Al Dhiya Bi-lingual Pvt. School, World School, Jawaharah School, Al Manahel Pvt. School (Boys), Al Manahel Pvt. School (Girls), Salalah Pvt. School, Ajial Pvt. School and Re-dan Bilingual School. Around 100 budding orators arrived at SIS, the venue, with competitive spir-its and remarkable confi dence.

The event began with the in-auguration ceremony in which S. Radhakishnan, the principal, proposed the welcome address. Kafah Ali Al Ghassani, from Air Traffi c Management: Public Au-thority for Civil Aviation was the chief guest of the occasion.

The overall championship trophy for the best school in the inter-school English elocution competition was bagged by SIS for the second consecutive year and in the inter-school Arabic elocution competition, Salalah Private School bagged the trophy.

The competition was an apt plethora for the participants from diff erent schools to interact with fellow students and expand their social web. It provided them an exposure of a greater level in developing their profi ciency in literary skills.


B7T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Nestle Toll House Café by Chip opens new outlet

MUSCAT: A delight for the sweet-toothed, Nestle Toll House Café by Chip, recognised as a pre-miere dessert and bakery café, has made its way into the hearts of the people in Oman. The roar-ing success of fi rst two outlets in Muscat demanded a third branch be opened soon.

To the joy of the people in and around Qurum, Nestle Toll House Café by Chip inaugurated its third store recently in the Ocean Mall,

adjacent to the popular Sabco Cen-tre, says a press release.

Introduced to Oman under the Mustafa Sultan Enterprises um-brella, the offi cial launch of this unique concept store witnessed a grand ceremony with key individ-uals such as Shawnon Bellah, COO of Crest Foods Inc (Nestle Toll House) and Ziad Dalal, CEO and founder of Nestlé Toll House along with the directors of Mustafa Sul-tan Enterprises who addressed a much enthused media eager to cover the event.

“We take immense pleasure in saying that the Nestle Toll House Café by Chip has been well-re-ceived by the Oman market. Re-ciprocating to this demand, we have been able to open yet another

outlet in such a short time,” said Satish Moorjani, Group CEO - Mustafa Sultan Enterprises.

“Nestle, as a brand, speaks of the highest quality of food products. Our Nestle Toll House Café by Chip menu includes the fi nest des-serts and other bakes, which we see our customers from all ages, enjoying with equal love.”

A pleasant sunny morning that saw the inauguration of the Nestle Toll House Café by Chip also wit-nessed an eventful day following the cookie breaking ceremony and opening of the concept café.

With a host of fl avours to sati-ate every undying sweet-craving, the Nestle Toll House Café by Chip serves a rich assortment of bakery products, ice creams, cookie cakes,

savoury items, frozen fl avoured yoghurts, real fruit smoothies, cof-fee and other beverages to go with the desserts. One can’t deny giv-ing in to the soft whiff s of coff ee which blend into the subtle aroma of the freshly baked cookies that linger in the air as the doors to the café open invitingly.

The soothing ambience, mel-low music and comfortable individual seating area, gives customers the opportunity to un-wind and sink into their favour-ite Nestle desserts. Nestle Toll House Café by Chip is a favourite among youngsters, be it for casual get-togethers or a place to catch up on some studies. Owing to its strategic location, it also becomes a convenient option for a quick business meeting.

“When we create each of our delicacies, we ensure the fi nest Nestle ingredients go into the making of these divine products. All our outlets worldwide follow the same ambience that focuses on instilling a positive vibe in who-ever that walks in. It is therefore no surprise that this concept des-sert destination has received an overwhelming welcome across the globe from the United States and Canada to the Middle East,” said Ziad Dalal.

Nestle Toll House

Café by Chip,

recognised as a

premiere dessert

and bakery café,

inaugurated its third

store in the Ocean

Mall, adjacent to the

popular Sabco Centre

Double win for Jaguar

at ‘2016 Wheels Car

of the Year’ awards

MUSCAT: Luxury automotive manufacturer Jaguar was the proud recipient of two awards at the 2016 Wheels magazine’s Car of the Year 2016 awards ceremony.

The new Jaguar XE was named ‘Best Executive Saloon of the Year’, reaffi rming this vehicle as the true driver’s car in its seg-ment. Jaguar’s latest saloon car, the all-new Jaguar XF, received Jaguar’s second award for the night claiming the title of the Wheels Car of the Year - Reader’s Choice 2016’, says a press release.

The winners were announced at the awards ceremony which took place at the Address Hotel Dubai Mall.

Commenting on Jaguar’s vic-tories, Bruce Robertson, manag-ing director at Jaguar Land Rover Mena, said: “Our vehicles are

built to off er drivers a rewarding experience with no compromise on performance, comfort, safety, design and dynamics.

“It is truly an honour to see two of our most prized vehicles, the new Jaguar XE and the all-new Jaguar XF, receive such prestig-ious accolades from Wheels and their readers against a very com-petitive set of established vehi-cles in their segments.”

With innovative vehicle dy-namics, ground-breaking perfor-mance, unmatched ride comfort and refi nement, the Jaguar XE continues to make an impact since its launch. Representing an innovative step-change within the business segment, the all-new Jaguar XF brings an unrivalled blend of design, luxury, technology and effi ciency to lead the segment.


Malabar Gold donates Dh10m fund to Al Jalila Foundation

DUBAI: Malabar Gold & Dia-monds, one of the world’s larg-est gold and diamond jewellery retailer, donated Dh10 million to Al Jalila Foundation to support research in genetic diseases and disorders, as part of the compa-ny’s strong corporate social re-sponsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Malabar Gold & Diamonds operation is spread across nine countries in the world. As a CSR strategy, they spend 5 per cent of their earnings from the business back to the same society. In the UAE, as the basic necessities are taken care of by the government, the group sees the need is in the fi eld of medical research, says a press release.

The contribution for research will ultimately reach the entire world population, in particular to the developing countries as the genetic diseases are more severe in these countries.

M. P. Ahammed, chairman of Malabar Group, handed over a cheque of Dh10 million to the Board of Trustees of Al Jalila Foundation at a ceremony.

“It gives me immense pleasure to announce our small and hum-ble contribution of Dh10 million ($2.72 million) to Al Jalila Foun-dation to support research in ge-

netic diseases and disorders in the United Arab Emirates – a na-tion that has developed so much in such a short time,” Ahammed.

“The move refl ects our grati-tude to the United Arab Emirates – a great nation of great people that are blessed with visionary leadership. As a major retailer in gold and diamond jewellery, Malabar Gold & Diamonds has benefi tted from the world-class infrastructure, ease in doing busi-ness, safety and security provided by the government of the UAE. Needless to say that we are also blessed with and inspired by the vision of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai – who has created a safe haven for businesses and people to live and work in harmony regardless of their cultural, religious and social diff erences.”

Genetic diseases and disor-ders, coupled with rare diseases are a major cause of concern for mankind. More than 350 million people worldwide – that is more than the total population of the Middle East and higher than the US population – suff er from rare diseases, 80 per cent of which are linked to genetic disorders.

According to globalgenes.org – a web portal, 80 per cent of rare diseases are genetic in origin, and thus are present throughout a person’s life, even if symptoms do not immediately appear.

“Approximately 50 per cent of the people aff ected by rare dis-eases are children and 30 per cent of children with rare disease will not live to see their 5th birthday. These diseases are responsible for 35 per cent of deaths in the fi rst year of life,” a report says.

Dubai is a melting pot of cul-tures, societies and religions, Ahammed, himself a visionary en-trepreneur, said. “This is our way of saying a big ‘thank you’ to our brothers and sisters of the UAE – who have remained so hospitable to us. The contribution is part of our corporate culture of sharing and caring with our stakeholders – the customers and the society – and our continuous eff orts in giv-ing back to the society,” he added.

Al Jalila Foundation, a glob-al philanthropic organisation dedicated to transforming lives through medical education and research, was founded by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak-toum to position Dubai and the UAE at the forefront of medical innovation.



ROUND-UPT U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Bank Muscat fetes winners of al Mazyona Children’s Account

MUSCAT: Coinciding with the Mother’s Day, Bank Muscat, the fl agship fi nancial services pro-vider in the Sultanate, hosted al Mazyona Children’s Savings Account monthly prize draw at celebrations held in Marah Land amusement park.

The two-day family event, which attracted a large turnout of children and parents, included fun activities, entertainment and competitions aimed at motivating children to de-velop the savings habit from child-hood, says a press release.

By maintaining a monthly bal-ance of OMR50, al Mazyona Children’s account holders get a chance to win 20 monthly prizes of OMR100 each, in addition to another 10 birthday prizes of 100 each every month. The birthday prize draw is targeted at children whose birthday falls in a particu-lar month. al Mazyona children’s account holders are also eligible

for other al Mazyona prizes by maintaining a minimum balance of OMR100. For every OMR100 balance in al Mazyona Children’s Savings Account, the children have two chances to win prizes.

Reaching out with a powerful call for savings, Oman’s fl agship al Mazyona savings scheme off ers high value prizes totaling OMR10

million for diff erent segments, in-cluding women, children, youth and high saving customers. Add-ing excitement to festivals and national celebrations, the 2016 savings scheme rewards custom-ers with special prizes, besides aspirational prizes of OMR1 mil-lion at the end of year.

As on date, al Mazyona sav-

ings scheme guaranteeing more for everyone to share is the big-gest prize money in Oman and the region with prizes ranging from OMR1,000 a week to OMR10,000 a month, OMR100,000 every quar-ter and OMR500,000 at the end of year. al Mazyona continues to be the only savings scheme to recog-nise and reward loyalty for cus-tomers based on their association with the bank.

A special prize draw off ering OMR10,000 each for winners from 14 regions will be held in cel-ebration of Eid Al Fitr in July. An exclusive draw for Zeinah women customers coinciding with Omani Women’s Day is another highlight in which 10 customers will be re-warded with OMR10,000 each. On the occasion of the National Day, a special draw will be held off ering OMR10,000 each for 10 winners.

al Mazyona has lined up high value monthly, quarterly and year-

end prizes for the Premier banking segment. The exclusive prizes for asalah Priority banking custom-ers include two monthly prizes of OMR50,000 each, two quar-terly prizes of OMR250,000 each and the year-end jackpot prize of OMR500,000 for one customer. The bank also off ers special prizes to Al Jawhar Privilege Banking customers, including two monthly prizes of OMR25,000 each and two quarterly prizes of OMR50,000 each. Premier banking customers can also participate in all other al Mazyona weekly, monthly, quar-terly and special prize draws.

The double-your-salary scheme is another attraction of 2016 al Mazyona savings scheme. The scheme entitles customers main-taining a salary account with the bank to win a free bonus salary every month. The prize scheme is open to all customers with a mini-mum monthly salary of OMR500.

The two-day family

event, which

attracted a large

turnout of children

and parents, included

fun activities,


and competitions

aimed at motivating

children to develop

the savings habit

from childhood

Bank Nizwa sponsors Oman Economic ForumMUSCAT: Bank Nizwa served as the platinum partner for this year’s Oman Economic Forum, an event organised by the Ministry of Com-merce and Industry and Al Iktis-sad Wal Amal Group.

Held recently, the forum focused on harnessing Oman’s potential as a facilitator of Asian investment in the GCC and the business oppor-tunities awaiting investors in Iran, says a press release.

More than 500 senior govern-ment offi cials, policymakers, and regulators from across the region attended, joining delegations from China, Japan, Turkey, Iran, other Asian countries, and global investment funds.

Under the patronage of Dr Ali bin Masoud Al Sunaidy, Minister of Commerce and Industry, the two-day forum also included pres-entations and keynote speeches by Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Futaisi, Minister of Transport and Communications; Eng. Mo-hammad Reza Nematzadeh, Ira-nian Minister of Industry, Mines & Trade; Miki Yamada, Japanese Parliamentary vice-minister for Foreign Aff airs; Qian Keming, vice

minister of Commerce, China as well as His Highness Sayyid Faisal bin Turki Al Said, director-general of Investment Promotion at Ithraa.

As the Sultanate’s leading full-fl edged Islamic Banking institute, Bank Nizwa took part in ‘Financ-ing the Future’ discussions, where Asad Batla, AGM Retail highlight-ed the growing role of the Islamic fi nance industry.

Comprising a panel featuring

several other global banking ex-perts, the session focused on the role of fi nancial institutions in fa-cilitating economic development.

Commenting on the Forum, Dr Ashraf Al Nabhani, general man-ager for Corporate Support said, “The forum was an opportunity to deepen cooperation between the GCC, Asia, and Iran, as well as identify investment opportuni-ties, and nurture economic ties.

Indeed, every aspect of the event was meticulously planned to be in-depth, informative, and foster a spirit of collaboration that will bring benefi ts to us all.”

He went on to say, “Our objec-tive as one of Oman’s leading Is-lamic banks, was to showcase the positive role Islamic fi nance is playing in the development of the country and the wealth of oppor-tunities the industry has brought the nation.

“Islamic fi nance has rapidly emerged as a viable and effi cient model of fi nancial intermediation over the last 30 years and it was important that we spotlight its ability to promote economic devel-opment and champion the growth of fi nancially secure lifestyles.”

The event featured a number of expert panels and interactive dis-cussions, with some of the most decorated business executives in the GCC and Asia participating. The forum, panels were developed to support the government’s de-velopment plans, highlighting the need to harness Oman’s role as a centre of international trade and transportation among continents.


Huawei presents second edition of Arab Fashion WeekDUBAI: For the second con-secutive edition of Arab Fash-ion Week, Huawei and the Arab Fashion Council brought togeth-er the region’s leading designers, professionals, movers and shak-ers of the fashion industry for a four-day fashion extravaganza at the opulent St. Regis Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Arab Fashion Week held re-cently hosted designers from all around the world, showcas-ing their fall-winter 2016/2017 ready-couture collections.

The region’s renowned de-signers including Dani Atrache, Hamda Al Fahim, Jamal Taslaq and Rani Zakhem showcased their collections to an audience of guests, media and VIP attend-ees. International talent such as Laura Mancini, Cristiano Burani and Alberto Zambelli featured their latest designs for the fi rst time here in the region, says a press release.

Renowned Lebanese Singer-song writer Nancy Ajram inau-gurated Arab Fashion Week. She walked the red carpet and attend-ed a special edition of the ‘Hua-wei Show’ where Italian designer Laura Mancini presented her Ready-Couture collection. Ajram, who made her fi rst appearance at an international event for Hua-wei, was sported with the Huawei Lady Watch Jewel.

Nancy was wearing the jewel edition featuring Swarovski Zir-conias bordering the 1.4-inch sized sapphire crystal screen. With premium 18mm wide Ital-ian leather watch straps and rose gold-plated stainless steel case, the Huawei Watch Jewel made its fi rst ever global appearance at Arab Fashion Week.

This is a testament to the strong union between fashion and technology and refl ects the regions importance as a creative hub for the world.

The Arab Fashion Council and Huawei co-hosted a gala din-ner for designers, partners, VIP guests and media. Huawei picked up the award for ‘Fashion-ology’, the brand that best showcased how technology, art and style are integrated.

Jiao Jian, president of Huawei Consumer Business Group in the Middle East spoke of Hua-wei’s sponsorship saying, “We are very proud to have presented

Arab Fashion Week for the sec-ond consecutive edition with the Arab Fashion Council. Over the past four days we have seen ex-ceptional, cutting edge designs and handcrafted creations. Hua-wei just signed another year long partnership with Arab Fashion Week and are confi dent this is the perfect platform to share a new tone of voice with our audience highlighting the synergy between fashion and technology.”

This year the Arab Fashion Council introduced the Kidswear collections with renowned Ital-ian brands such as Grant Pink Pallino and Blu Marine showcas-ing their collections. Going fur-ther, the Arab Fashion Council and Huawei will work together to redesign the retail structure in order to better understand the market’s expectations and sup-port buyers in the region.

“The second edition of Arab Fashion Week has been a great success,” said Jacob Abrian, CEO of the Arab Fashion Council. “We are grateful to our partners and extend our sincerest gratitude to Huawei as without them, Arab Fashion Week would not have been possible. Together we are working to take the standards of fashion to the next level and look forward to the coming editions,” Abrian continued.


Huawei just signed another

year long partnership with

Arab Fashion Week and

are confident this is the

perfect platform to share a

new tone of voice with our

audience highlighting the

synergy between fashion

and technology

Jiao JianPresident, Huawei Consumer Business Group in Middle East

Don’t litter a beautiful

country like OMAN.

Ensure proper disposalof garbage.



SECTIONC T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6








Kohli ‘fi nisher for all time’

NEW DELHI: Hailing Virat Kohli as the “fi nisher for all time”, former Australia captain Ian Chappell said the aggressive Indian batsman has surpassed legendary West Indian Brian Lara when it comes to “place-ment of shots”.

“Of modern players, Brian Lara, I thought was the best placer of the ball. I think I have got Brian in the second spot now,” Chappell said, after Kohli took India to the semifi nals.

“This is the best T20 innings I have ever seen. He is the fi nisher for all time. He had built a repu-tation out and today he just ce-mented that. It was exhilarating,” Chappell was all praise for Kohli.

“I hate to remind Mahela (Jayawardene) that I had the pleasure of watching Virat chase down 300 plus score (321 in 36.4 overs vs Sri Lanka at Ho-bart). I never thought someone could better that while chasing.”

Chappell said that he has seen some great batsmen gifted with supple wrists but not someone with such enormous power. “I have seen wristy players like Azharuddin, VVS (Laxman) or had the pleasure of playing against Zaheer Abbas. Zaheer had rubber wrists but Virat does it with power. He hits the ball hard with that wrist-work. There were times when I thought the ‘Predictor’ had gone wrong but then I realised that I was mad and ‘Predictor’ was right.” - PTI

W O R L D T 2 0

South Africa bow out with victory

NEW DELHI: South Africa brought curtains on their World Twenty20 campaign with a com-fortable eight-wicket win over de-fending champions Sri Lanka in an inconsequential Super 10 Group 1 match here on Monday.

Put into bat, Sri Lanka frittered away a solid start to be bowled out for 120 in 19.3 overs as left-arm spinner Aaron Phangiso opened the gates for their capitulation with his twin-strike in the fi fth over.

Openers Tillkaratane Dilshan (36) and stand-in skipper Dinesh Chandimal (21) had provided Sri Lanka their best start in the tournament with their quick-fi re 45-run stand but Phangiso sent back Chandimal and Lahiru Thiri-manne (0) in successive balls and Sri Lanka could never recover from the setback.

Leg-spinner Imran Tahir also contributed with his tight spell in which he dismissed Chamara Kapugedera, giving away only 18 runs in his four overs. Farhaan Be-hardien (two for 15) and Kyle Ab-bott (two for 14) chipped in with two wickets each as they also ben-efi ted from the pressure created by the spinners.

South Africa chased down the modest target without any fuss with ever-consistent Hashim Amla scoring a well-calculated 56-run knock off 52 balls and skipper Faf du Plessis contributing 31 off 36 balls.

They raised a 60-run partner-ship for the second wicket, which was broken when paceman Suran-ga Lakmal trapped the rival cap-tain off the last ball of the 13th over. South Africa had lost Quinton de Kock (9) early through a run-out.

Close to 17,000 fans had gath-ered at the Feroze Shah Kotla ground to watch hugely popular AB De Villiers in the dead rubber and the chants of ‘AB’ ‘AB’ rever-berated at the ground when he made his way to the crease after

Du Plessis’ dismissal.The big-hitting batsman made

20 off 12 balls as he entertained the crowd with two sixes, the sec-ond one fi nishing the match in the 18th over.

Amla had hit the fi rst six off the innings in the 16th over and with that shot he completed 1000 runs T20 internationals.

Amla’s knock was packed with fi ve fours and a six.

Sri Lanka, enduring a very tough transition phase, now have lost 13 of their last 17 matches. They badly missed skipper Angelo Mathews, who did not play due to a hamstrung injury sustained in the last game.

South Africa were slow but steady in their chase, reaching 50-run mark in 9.2 overs and had the luxury of wickets in hands. Amla and du Plessis mostly relied in ones and twos and found an odd boundary in between. Sri Lanka persisted with spinners but had too low a total to defend.

Earlier, Phangiso led South Af-rican attack in choking Sri Lanka after inviting them to bat fi rst.

Sri Lanka were off to a decent start with Tillkaratane Dilshan (36) and stand-in skipper Dinesh

Chandimal (21) playing with a lot of positive intent.

It was Phangiso who tilted the balance in favour of the Proteas with his double strike that pegged the Sri Lankans back. Introduced in the fi fth over, Phangiso dis-missed Chandimal and Lahiru Thirimanne (0) in the last two balls and Sri Lanka could never re-cover from the setback.

Adding to the Sri Lankan’s trou-bles was Imran Tahir’s dismissal of Chamara Kapugedera. Farhaan Behardien (two for 15) and Kyle Abbott (two for 14) chipped in with two wickets each as they also ben-efi ted from the pressure created by the spinners.

Styen was the only bowler who struggled, leaking 33 runs for one wicket from his four overs.

Dilshan was again not at his best but played a fi ghting 36-run knock with four fours and six while Chandimal was the next best with 21 off 20 balls.

Sri Lanka openers chose Steyn, playing only in his second match of the tournament, to attack. The paceman looked rusty and Dilshan had no hesitation even playing a scoop while Chandimal hooked him for a six in the third over.

Chandimal, leading the side in absence of injured Angelo Mathews, was comfortable when Steyn pitched it on the middle and off as he comfortably found bound-aries using his wrists.

Sri Lanka were off to a decent start but Phangiso caused a fl ut-ter in the rival camp by dismissing Chandimal and Thirimanne off successive balls.

This was after he was hit for a four ad a six by Dilshan.

Phangiso extracted turn with faster deliveries that went through the defence of the Lankans.

Tahir was equally impressive as they bowled in tandem to stop the run fl ow.

The good thing for Sri Lanka was that Dilshan was still there and Milinda Siriwardana (15) made a confi dent start. However the latter was run out in a mix up.

In came Sehhan Jayasuriya but he did not last long as Behardien scalped him and also removed dangerous Dilshan by trapping him when he attempted a sweep and missed the line.

By then, Sri Lanka had lost the plot. Much depended on experi-enced Thisara Perera but he also disappointed as he hit straight to Behardien in cover region off Steyn. The tail-enders helped Sri Lanka cross the 100-run mark with Dasun Shanka playing a cru-cial unbeaten 20-run cameo. - PTI

Put into bat, Sri Lanka frittered away a solid

start to be bowled out for 120 in 19.3 overs.

South Africa chased down the modest target

without any fuss with ever-consistent Amla

scoring a well-calculated 56-run knock

off 52 balls and skipper Faf du Plessis

contributing 31 off 36 balls

SRI LANKAL. Chandimal b Phangiso 21T. Dilshan lbw Behardien 36L. Thirimanne b Phangiso 0T. Siriwardana run out 15S. Jayasuriya c du Plessis b Behardien 1C. Kapugedera b Tahir 4T. Perera c Behardien b Steyn 8D. Shanaka (not out) 20R. Herath c de Kock b Abbott 2J. Vandersay b Abbott 3S. Lakmal run out (Wiese) 0Extras (b-4, lb-2, w-2, nb-2) 10Total (all out; 19.3 overs) 120

Fall of wickets: 1-45, 2-45, 3-75, 4-78, 5-85, 6-85, 7-96, 8-109, 9-120.Bowling: D. Steyn 4-0-33-1, K. Abbott 3.3-0-14-2, A. Phangiso 4-0-26-2, Imran Tahir 4-0-18-1, D. Wiese 1-0-8-0, F. Behardien 3-0-15-2.SOUTH AFRICAH. Amla (not out) 56Q. de Kock run out 9F. du Plessis lbw Lakmal 31AB de Villiers (not out) 20Extras (lb-2, w-4) 6Total (2 wickets; 17.4 overs) 122Did not bat: D. Miller, F. Behardien, D.

Wiese, D. Steyn, K. Abbott, A. Phangiso, I. Tahir.Fall of wickets: 1-15, 2-75.Bowling: S. Jayasuriya 1-0-9-0; S. Lakmal 3.4-0-28-1; R. Herath 4-0-21-0; J. Vander-say 4-0-25-0; D. Shanaka 2-0-17-0; L. Perera 2-0-15-0; T. Siriwardana 1-0-5-0.Man of the match: A. Phangiso (South Africa)Umpires: S. Ravi and R. Tucker (Australia)TV umpire: P. Reiff el (Australia)Match referee: J. Crowe (New Zealand)Reserve umpire: C. Gaff aney (New Zealand)

FINAL BOW: South Africa’s Hashim Amla, right, and AB De Villiers shake hands with Sri Lanka’s

Tillkaratane Dilshan and Rangana Herath after their ICC World T20 match at Feroz Shah Kotla ground

in New Delhi on Monday. – PTI


Phangiso celebrating with skip-

per Faf du Plessis. – Reuters


SPORTST U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Calmer Kohli should not lose his aggression, says Indian skipper

MOHALI: India captain Mahen-dra Singh Dhoni hailed yet another masterclass knock of Virat Kohli, saying that the combination of his inherent aggression and gradually developed calmness is working wonders for the 27-year-old star.

Batting at the other end, Dhoni had the best seat in the house as Kohli single-handedly powered In-dia into the ICC World T20 semi-fi nals with an unbeaten 82 off 51 balls against Australia in a must-win group match on Sunday night.

“It was an incredible innings. Especially the fact that the wicket was not easy to bat on, it was dif-fi cult to hit back of a length deliv-eries. The good thing is that they didn’t bowl too many spinners. He (Kohli) had a partnership with Yuvi (Yuvraj Singh), who twisted his ankle and they could not con-vert those one and a half runs into twos. It was tremendous batting eff ort by him, super batting. Espe-cially the areas you want to score runs, there also he was very good and so was his running between the wickets,” said Dhoni.

Kohli scored the bulk of the runs in the unbeaten 67 runs stand off 31 balls with Dhoni, showing ex-emplary temperament in trying circumstances to get his team over

the line. Asked how diffi cult it is to bat like Kohli did when the crowd gets completely into the game, Dhoni said the innings spoke volumes about the right-hander’s character.

“You are in the best position to enjoy. When everyone is having fun, celebrating the success, you want to click a picture of it in the mind. You won’t really repeat it. You would ob-viously celebrate it in the dressing room, it is a team sport after all. It is a responsibility that the individual takes and gives you more chance

to prove yourself for the team and country. It is a good thing to have and where it has also helped him, that when the game goes into the last over, a lot of things pop into your head,” Dhoni said.

“When you are calm it helps you take the right decision. It is a good quality to be calm but at the same time, he will always be an ag-gressive cricketer ready to take on challenges.”

“That is what I think is great. He is heading in the right direc-tion and he should not lose his

own character (aggression), that is what his strength is. He is batting amazingly well. He is fi t, he he can fi eld anywhere and at same time he runs hard,” said the skipper.

‘Kohli must pay me’The running between the wickets from Kohli and Dhoni was also ex-ceptional and the captain thinks a fast runner in the team is always an asset.

“He still needs to pay me. I was running his runs,” Dhoni quipped before explaining the value of a

good runner. “In the middle overs, if you are a good runner, it takes the pressure of you and puts pres-sure on the fi elders and bowlers. I am not somebody who is great. I just play unorthodox cricket, push it for two and hit a six if it is in my area. I am not someone like Virat who can hit anywhere.

“Quite a few middle order bats-man who have been good, they have been good runners too. One example of that is Michael Bevan. You have the opportunity of push-ing the fi elder, especially the faster

bowlers. Every team has fi elders who are the not the quickest or fi elders who are quick but they don’t have a strong shoulder. So that is why you have to eye them,” he said.

Yuvraj was struggling with his ankle while batting with Kohli be-fore getting caught at extra cover.

Asked what was the talk in the dug out in that scenario, Dhoni said: “It is an easy decision when two individuals like Yuvi and Vi-rat are batting. Virat is the vice captain and Yuvi has played more than 250 ODIs for India. You have to leave it to them to take the best decision.”

Talking about possible changes in the playing eleven for the semi-fi nal against the West Indies, Dhoni said it would depend on the wicket.

“I don’t know whether we should make changes but it is pos-sible, depending on the wicket. We have to see Yuvraj’s injury as well. We would defi nitely like to have a replacement ready if the physio says it is bad,” he said.

The bowlers did well to limit Australia to 160 after they raced to 53 in four overs. Ashish Nehra was the pick of the bowlers again and Jasprit Bumrah bounced back after being hit for four fours in his fi rst over by Usman Kha-waja. And Dhoni was all praise for his pacers.

“I think the self confi dence mat-ters a lot in executing what your strength is. As I have said, if you can bowl yorkers you can easily fall back on it.

“People talk about Lasith Malin-ga. If you see his strength, he swings the new ball but when somebody goes after him, he starts bowling yorkers. He has a diff erent action, similar to Bumrah and he watches the batsman right till the end. It really counts on a wicket like this. I thought it was a very good eff ort from the bowlers,” he said.

“In Nehra’s case, I think the ex-perience counts and he knows his body. He is not someone who is 22-23. When you are 35 plus, you have to know your body. He is somebody who still loves to bowl in the nets but at the same time he knows when to not bowl a single delivery. Experience helps, as well as execu-tion. He knows what he wants to bowl and more of than not he ex-ecutes well,” Dhoni added. - PTI

Batting at the other

end, Dhoni had

the best seat in

the house as Kohli


powered India into

the ICC World T20

semi-fi nals with

an unbeaten 82 off

51 balls against

Australia in a must-

win group match

on Sunday night

NEW DELHI: Indian great Sachin Tendulkar remains the gold standard of batting in the post-Bradman era but Virat Kohli’s latest masterclass in Sunday’s World Twenty20 shootout against Australia has prompted comparisons with his famous compatriot.

Not for the fi rst time in the tournament, it took Kohli’s masterly knock to get India across the line in a virtual quarter-fi nal against the reign-ing 50-overs world champions.

Kohli remained unbeaten after a sublime 82, burnishing his reputation as arguably the best chaser in limited-overs cricket with a knock that reminded many of Tendulkar’s 143 against Australia in a 1998 one-dayer at Sharjah dubbed “desert storm”.

Shane Warne was at the receiving end of Tendulkar’s wrath in that match and 18 years since the contest, the Australian spin great saw Tendulkar’s shadow in Kohli’s latest knock.

“Great knock by @imVkohli Reminded me of one of your many special innings buddy,” Warne tweeted to his great rival Tendulkar after Kohli secured India a place in the semi-fi nals on Sunday.

Kohli bejewelled his knock with two sixes and nine bound-

aries and sprinted tirelessly between wickets in a fl awless display of limited overs batting under tremendous pressure.

He middled every ball, timed his shots with surgical preci-sion and found gaps with eerie regularity to stamp his class.

“Of the modern players, I’ve always thought that Brian Lara was the best placer of the ball,”

former Australia captain Ian Chappell told www.espncricin-fo.com. “I think I have got Brian in second spot now.”

Lara’s praiseThe West Indian batting great was also bowled by what he saw and requested videos of Kohli’s early days, hailing the Indian as the “best timer of a cricket ball”

that he has seen. At 27, Kohli stands on the brink of batting greatness with 36 international centuries against his name and averages of 44 in tests, 51 in one-dayers and 55 in Twenty20 matches.

It has been a fascinating transformation of a Delhi cricketer perceived initially as yet another brash brat from the streets of a city long accused of inculcating aggression in its youth.

Since Kohli’s international debut in a one-dayer against Sri Lanka eight years ago, Mahen-dra Singh Dhoni has closely watched the tattoo-wearing, blunt-speaking, heart-on-his-sleeve youngster transform into a mature match-winner.

Kohli hates the idea of an on-fi eld confrontations that doesn’t include him and Dhoni argued it suits the player who succeeded him as India’s test captain.

“He will always be the same,” Dhoni said after the victory in Mohali. “He will be an aggres-sive character who will be ready to take on challenges and he will be aggressive on the fi eld.

“But he will also improve. He is shifting in the right direction but he is a tremendous char-acter. He should not lose his character because that’s what his strength is.” - Reuters

Kohli masterclass prompts Tendulkar comparisons

MOHALI: Australia captain Steve Smith, while tipping his hat to a brilliant innings from India’s Virat Kohli, was left ruing his team’s middle overs malaise af-ter their sixth attempt to win the World Twenty20 came up short in Mohali. Kohli’s magnifi cent 82 not out from 51 balls helped India overhaul Australia’s 160 with fi ve balls to spare on Sunday, sending the hosts into the semi-fi nals as Group 2 runners-up and Smith’s men home.

Smith was quick to pay tribute to Kohli’s “seriously unbeliev-able” knock but said Australia had contributed to their failure to sus-tain a challenge for the one major international trophy they have never won. Dismissing criticism of Australia’s preparations and the make-up of the squad, Smith said it had been in the execution of their skills that the players had fallen short.

“You have to try and fi nd your best 15, particularly in these conditions, and I think we had

the right 15, we just let ourselves down in key moments,” he told reporters in his post-match news conference. “Obviously we haven’t done as well as we’d have liked in this format but hopefully we’ll continue to improve.”

The “conditions”, slow pitches which favour spin bowling, were a recurring theme throughout Smith’s postmortem of the cam-paign but it was the batting in the middle overs that he pinpointed.

“We probably let ourselves down in the middle overs again ... losing a few wickets in clumps, not being able to get that partner-ships together to get the score above par to 170-odd, so that was a bit disappointing,” Smith added.

“But I think the players will learn a lot from this tournament, playing in these conditions again, it’s very valuable and hopefully we can con-tinue to learn and get better.”

Smith paid tribute to all-round-er Shane Watson, who took 2-23 and a stunning diving catch to dismiss Yuvraj Singh in his last

match as an international crick-eter before retirement. “Obvi-ously there’s no real fairytales in sport very often,” Smith said of his 34-year-old team mate. “Shane gave his all as he did every game for Australia, I thought he bowled beautifully and looked like he was 25 again taking that catch.”

Smith was in mood to complain about his own dismissal despite television pictures indicating he had been unfortunate to be given out for two. He said the founda-tions for Australia’s demise had been laid in their opener against New Zealand.

“I think we let ourselves down against New Zealand, we prob-ably should have won that game,” Smith said. “To lose that game by eight (runs) was quite shatter-ing. And we were always chas-ing our tail from there. We had to win every game we played and in Twenty20 cricket that’s quite hard. It’s quite a fi ckle game and all it takes is one player going off to take the game away.” - Reuters

W O R L D T 2 0

Australia rue middle over woes, fi ckle game and Kohli genius


SPORTST U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

The image of a dazed, scared fl ight at-tendant sitting on

a bench waiting for help at Zaventem airport with her smart uniform torn revealing her undergarments and blood trickling down her cheeks after the March 22 Brussels international airport attacks and the picture of Australian skipper Steve Smith standing alongside Indian captain MS Dhoni singing praise of Virat Kohli after the Mohali match on Sunday have something in common.

They defi ned the tragedy agonizingly. They summed up the helplessness of the victims, as well, disturbingly. Neither the bleeding lady nor the humbled man had a choice to turn their back on the cam-era after the pain and horror they had just gone through.

Not sure if the retired Aus-tralian fast bowler Mitchell Johnson had watched the post-match chat Sanjay Manjrekar had with the two captains where Smith ended his every reply with “Virat played an unbelievable knock and he’s done it for a long time”. Johnson’s tweet a day before the match about Kohli, “Love it!! Went missing in WC semi last year when it counts”, sounded silly even before a ball was bowled in the Mohali match, but after the dust settled down on Sunday night and as Smith struggled to say a few words without mentioning the name of Kohli, the banter from the retired fast bowler who didn’t count the Indian vice-captain among the best fi ve batsmen in the world reeked of pure, insane hate. Chances are that Johnson may have switched off the TV at the end of the 19th over when Kohli left the simple task of scoring just four runs off six balls to Dhoni, after plundering 32 (off 11 balls) runs — of the required 39 from 18 balls — all alone.

After two famous run chases, even the unrivalled master of hot pursuits hints at frustration building up within him. You don’t like these situations too much, he says, but is anyone in the In-dian dressing room listening?

Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan have now failed more regularly than they succeeded in giving India a good start which would have made Kohli step in and enjoy his game. One of them would have been already sitting out had India’s win-loss record in the Asia Cup or in the ongoing T20 championship not been just as good as it was, despite

the top order virtually falling apart almost always. Dhoni doesn’t favour the idea of chopping and changing, but he would have been forced to look for options then.

Another player who owes his place in the team to the success of Kohli is Suresh Raina. He looks horribly out of form, and despite luck smiling on him now and then in the form of dropped catches and mishits landing just short of fi elders, he seems to be helpless to swim out of trouble. He is not a great deep fi elder with a strong shoulder, and even his close-in skills are now diminishing.

Yuvraj almost got Kohli out on Sunday when his twisted ankle forced him against responding to calls for quick runs, forcing Kohli to try risky shots. When the team lose wickets early in a match, the last thing an in-form batsman needs to cope with is having a guy struggling to get himself back in form and starting to limp and stumble for company.

Guys like Dhawan and Raina have enjoyed the goodwill of the team for long, and it’s now time to give them some rest, perhaps. It’s not a good idea to wait for Kohli to fail to do the simple fi x that could avert a disaster. The increasing burden Kohli has now been carrying without grumbling on his shoulders match after match could soon have a negative impact on the greatest gift, after Sachin Tendulkar, to Indian cricket.

What we heard at the post-match chat at Mohali, that “you don’t’ like these situations too much”, is a hint of helplessness being felt by Kohli. Now that Dhoni has worked out the number—“we are batting at 65 percent, barring Virat” — it’s interest-ing to watch out how and if the Indian captain would do something to make things happen, or just wait for some-thing to happen.

Under the circumstances, fl ipping the coin banking on the old belief that logically the chances are equal might not be wise.

The writer is a freelance contribu-tor based in India. All the views and opinions expressed in the article are solely those of the author and do not refl ect those of Times of Oman

Virat Kohli hints at frustration, and it’s time Dhoni got serious


Zaheer Khan to lead Delhi DaredevilsNEW DELHI: Former India pac-er Zaheer Khan was on Monday named the captain of Delhi Dardev-ils for the 2016 Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket tournament. It will be Zaheer’s second succes-sive season as a player with the Dardevils franchise. The left-armer will take over captaincy from South African all-rounder J.P. Duminy. The ninth edition of the IPL will be held from April 9 to May 29.

Speaking about the appoint-ment, the team’s mentor Rahul Dravid said in a statement: “Za-heer has been a leader for a very long time. Anyone who has fol-

lowed Indian cricket will know the impact Zak has had. He has always proven himself to be one of the leaders.”

“Zak has a big personality, but it is the steel, focus and drive behind the outward confi dence which I think he will bring to the captain-cy. And that, I am sure, will inspire the rest of the team. He has the re-spect of the dressing room and the franchise is proud to have him as our captain.”

Zaheer retired last year from international cricket, after play-ing 92 Tests and scalping 311 wickets. He also claimed 282 One-

Day wickets in 200 matches and appeared in 17 T20 Internation-als, taking as many wickets.

Zaheer was delighted with his new role. “It is a huge honour to captain Delhi Daredevils. To get this responsibility is a way for me to give back to the game. I fi rmly believe that with the players cur-rently involved we have the mak-ings of a very good side, a young side that can surprise people. The potential of this group of players is immense and it is now up to us as players to turn that potential into consistent performances,” the 37-year-old added. - IANS

I P L 2 0 1 6

Zaheer Khan

Lopez Caro’s Oman eye full points against Iran

MUSCAT: With one victory un-der his belt as Oman coach, Juan Ramon Lopez Caro is hoping for an error-free game from his wards as the Sultanate squad tackle Iran in a make or break joint World Cup/Asian Cup qualifi er in Teh-ran on Tuesday.

The fi nal Group D match, scheduled to be played at Azadi Stadium in Tehran, will kick off at 6.30 pm Oman time.

Iran are currently on top of fi ve-team group with 17 points while Oman are second on 14 points.

The hosts, thanks to their su-perior goal average of 26 against the visitors’ six, will advance to the next round of 2018 World Cup qualifi ers even if they lose to Oman on Tuesday.

With eight group toppers and four best runners-up assured of berths in the next round of World Cup qualifi ers and the fi nals of 2019 Asian Cup, Oman need an outright victory to ensure their berth.

Lopez Caro’s reign as Oman coach began with a narrow 1-0 home victory against Guam on

Thursday and the Spaniard, speaking in Tehran during the match-eve press conference on Monday, declared his boys readi-ness to take on Iran.

According to information received here, Lopez Caro ex-pressed the hope that the players fulfi l their roles and perform to their full potential.

“It’s a very important match. Each player has to play their roles to perfection and avoid the mistakes as we are facing a very strong team,” he said.

Ready to fi ghtWhile congratulating Iran team for booking their berth in the next round, Lopez Caro said: “The match is very vital for us. We are well prepared and we know Iran is the best team in Group D but we will do our best to win the match.”

“We’ve analysed Iran well and are ready to beat them,” Lopez Caro was quoted as saying by the Iranian media.

Meanwhile, experienced mid-fi elder Ahmed Mubarak ‘Kanu’ said the Sultanate squad are ready for the battle.

Ahmed Mubarak, who scored Oman’s lone goal against Guam last week, said: “All the players are ready to fi ght for full points. It’s going to be very strong and tough match.”

Iran hungryIran coach Carlos Queiroz, on the other hand, described Oman as a good team but said his players are ready to win the match. “Oman has quality players and they will play for their pride against us. But our players are very motivated to defeat Oman. We are hungry for victory,” Queiroz said.

“Oman is a good team but we also are the best Asian team. We are going to win the match and also to fi ght until the end of the match. We want to prepare our-selves for the next stage,” the Por-tuguese added.

Lopez Caro, whose reign as Oman coach

began with a narrow victory against Guam,

is hoping his players fulfi l their roles and

perform to their full potential against Iran

READY TO BATTLE: Oman’s coach Juan Ramon Lopez Caro, right, speaks during a press conference on the eve of their fi nal Group D

World Cup/Asian Cup qualifi er in Iran on Monday. – Supplied photo

SYDNEY: Australia coach Ange Postecoglou has dismissed re-venge as a motivation in Tues-day’s crunch World Cup qualifi er against Redknapp’s Jordan.

After thrashing Tajikistan 7-0 on Thursday, the Socceroos need only a draw from their fi nal Group B fi xture to progress to the third stage of Asian qualifi -ying, from which four countries will secure tickets to Russia in 2018. The Jordanians, who trail Australia by two points, infl ict-ed the only defeat of the cam-

paign so far on Australia.Postecoglou has previously

said that avenging that defeat would be a spur but a grumpy Australia coach performed an about-turn. “It’s not about revenge, it’s about fi nishing strongly. If we win, it’s not go-ing to erase what happened in Jordan, that’s not the way foot-ball works. Revenge is best left to the movies, mate, this is real life. We just want to fi nish this group off strongly, I think we’ve got stronger.” —Reuters


Revenge is for the movies, mate, says Australia coach


SPORTST U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6



Passage to India, Assarain post convincing victories

MUSCAT: Passage to India re-corded an easy six-wicket vic-tory over Enhance CT in a Muscat Pharmacy and Stores-sponsored Premier Division match played

at the Ministry of Sports Aff airs ground. Batting fi rst, Enhance CT scored 163 for the loss of fi ve wick-ets in 20 overs.

Unnikrishnan G. top scored

with 47. Aamir Kaleem was the most eff ective bowler for PTI. In reply, Passage to India scored 169 for four in 19.5 overs with Benja-min top scoring with 68. Nester

Dhamba claimed three wickets for Enhance CT.

Brief scores: Enhance CT 163/5 in 20 overs (Unnikrishnan G. 47; Aamir Kaleem 2/24) lost to Passage to India 169/4 in 19.5 overs (Ben-jamin 68; Nester Dhamba 3/20). Points: Enhance CT – 0, Passage to India – 2.

Sinha lose In another Premier Division match, Assarain eased to an eight-wicket victory over Sinha.

Batting fi rst, Sinha were all out for 193 in 48.1 overs. Prabath In-dika top scored with 47.

Zeeshan Maqsood and Arif Hus-sain claimed three wickets each for Assarain.

In reply, Assarain scored 195 for two in 25 overs. Arun Poulose top scored with 87.

Brief scores: Sinha 193 in 48.1 overs (Prabath Indika 47; Zeeshan Maqsood 3/21) lost to Assarain 195/2 in 25 overs (Arun Poulose 87). Points: Sinha - 0, Assarain – 3.

In Oman Cricket’s

Premier Division

matches, Passage

to India defeated

Enhance CT by

six wickets while

Assarain eased to

an eight-wicket

win over Sinha

Classic CT clinch Al Hail cricket titleMUSCAT: Classic CT defeated Bisiya Lions by fi ve wickets to clinch the title at Al Hail Day/Night Cricket Tournament organised by Al Hail Cricket Team here recently.

Bisiya Lions captain Nadeem won the toss and elected to bat fi rst. Bisiya Lions went on to score 66 runs for the loss of four wickets in stipulated eight overs.

Adnan top scored with 21 runs while Nabeel and Nadeem scored 19 runs each.

For Classic CT, Sachin took three wickets giving away 19 runs.

In reply, Classic CT achieved the target in the last over losing only fi ve wickets.

Sachin was declared man of the match for his fi ne bowling eff ort that fetched three wickets while

Matiullah of Classic CT was ad-judged as man of the tournament.

Suhail of Bisiya Lions was ad-judged as best bowler of the tour-nament and his teammate Nadeem

was declared as best batsman.Abdul Ghani Al Balushi, senior

board member of Al Hail CT, pre-sided over the prize-giving ceremo-ny and handed over the trophies.

The organisers thanked the sponsors Cricket Cottage Oman, Oasis Water and Pocari Sweat for their valuable support in success-fully organising the tournament.


ASSARAIN STARS: Arun Poulose, and Zeeshan Maqsood. – Supplied photo

Al Jazeera Team gets desalination equipment from Bank Muscat

MUSCAT: Aimed at supporting the development of football fi elds and sports infrastructure in areas facing problems of water salinity, Bank Muscat, the fl agship fi nan-cial services provider in the Sul-tanate, presented the fi rst water desalination equipment as part of its Green Sports initiative to Al Jazeera Sports Team in the wilayat of Al Musannah.

Abdullah bin Mohammed al Balushi, Majlis Ash’shura mem-ber from the wilayat of Al Musan-nah, was the guest of honour at the ceremony attended by digni-taries and senior bank offi cials.

In 2015, the bank widened the scope of Green Sports initiative off ering four options for sports teams to green football fi elds with natural or synthetic turf, or avail support for fl oodlights or water desalination equipment to facilitate greening of fi elds in areas facing problems of water salinity. The move was aimed at providing wider representation to teams to build sustainable sports infrastructure in all parts of the Sultanate.

Saif bin Said Al Filaiti, Re-gional Manager — South Batinah, said: “The fi rst water desalina-tion equipment presented to Al Jazeera Sports Team marks a major milestone, reiterating the bank’s commitment to develop green football fi elds across the Sultanate.

“We congratulate Al Jazeera Sports Team for utilising the opportunity to benefi t from the greening initiative, thereby set-ting a fi ne example for other teams in Oman to promote Oman as a sporting nation.”

The Green Sports initiative launched by Bank Muscat in 2012 has gained momentum with a total of 49 teams across the Sultanate benefi ting from it till date. Marking the fi fth year of the unique CSR initiative, the bank will soon announce 15 sports teams selected for support to develop football fi elds in 2016

in line with the ‘Let’s Do More’ vi-sion and partnership to promote Oman as a sporting nation.

Humaid bin Ali Al Balushi, President of Al Jazeera Sports Team, said: “The water desalina-tion equipment presented to Al Jazeera Sports Team is a big boon for the development of sports and the game of football in Oman. We thank Bank Muscat for this laud-able gesture.

“The unique initiative is a big support for the country’s youth and we are confi dent that many youngsters will benefi t from this programme and become sporting heroes for the country.”

The football fi elds developed as part of the Green Sports initia-tive are also serving as a meeting place for children and youth to be engaged in gainful activities. The fi elds are used to host vari-ous activities such as Ramadhan nights, group weddings and other celebrations. Such community activities are helping children and youth develop strong positive character traits.

Bank Muscat is committed to its ‘Let’s Do More’ vision for the economy, community and envi-ronment and is proud to have led the way in contributing to sus-tainable development in Oman with various initiatives.

As the nation’s leading fi nan-cial institution, Bank Muscat aims to provide the momentum for youth to excel in all arenas and thereby contribute to the de-velopment and progress of Oman.


Germany will need friendly fi re vs Italy

MUNICH: Germany’s commit-ment in friendlies will be under scrutiny when they host Italy on Tuesday after the world cham-pions slipped to a 3-2 home de-feat by England at the weekend.

Forward Thomas Mueller raised eyebrows when he said the team’s display against Eng-land on Saturday was “typical of a friendly match”.

“One has the impression with us that we fall short of 100 percent when we are playing friendlies,” he added after Ger-many squandered a 2-0 lead.

Assistant coach Thomas Sch-neider, facing a news confer-ence on Monday, praised Muel-ler for his openness. “It’s to his credit that he expressed himself so honestly,” said Schneider.

“Every two years we are in the same situation,” said Sami Khedira. “It’s not as if we don’t care, if it had ended 2-2 or if we had won then the discussion would not be as big but it’s good that it has opened our eyes.

“It shouldn’t happen because it’s an international game and you want to win. But if two or three percent is missing the op-position take advantage of that.

“There are a lot of players who want to get themselves no-ticed and I hope that’s what we see tomorrow.” - Reuters



DiningSECTIONC L I F E STY L E T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

FISH KEBABSFish kebabs are a fantastic way to woo your guests. This recipe needs just 1tbsp of oil and the grill for the entire batch.

Ingredients • 4 boneless fi sh fi llets (hammour

or cod)• 4 small potatoes (about 300g)• 1 inch ginger• 4 garlic cloves• 1 green chilli• 1 handful fresh coriander• 1 tsp salt• 1 tbsp oil + 1 tsp

Preparation• Steam the fi sh with salt for about

10 minutes or if you are using frozen fi sh, cook it as per the in-structions on the packet.

• Next, boil the potatoes, peel and fi nely grate the ginger and garlic, and fi nely chop the green chilli and coriander. In a large mix-ing bowl, add all the ingredients except the oil. With your hands, combine the whole lot together well. Place in the fridge for 20 minutes.

• When the time is up, take the ke-bab mix out of the fridge and turn the grill on to 200 degree centi-grade. Line with foil a baking tray and smother the tablespoon of oil all over it.

• Then grease your palms with the teaspoon of oil. Take a ping-pong ball size amount of fi sh in your palms, roll into a ball and then fl atten to get a disc shape and place on the tray. Continue until all are done.

• Then place under the hot grill for 20 minutes, turning over careful-ly using a fl at wooden spoon half way through cooking.

• Don’t worry if it falls apart a bit — just pat it back in place with the spoon or your fi ngers.

• Serve this hot with tomato ketch-up spiked with chilli powder.

MEXICAN SHRIMP COCKTAILAn authentic and refreshing recipe of Mexican shrimp cocktail with plenty of spicy fl avours serves as a perfect starter or a light meal. Serve it chilled with tortillas.

Ingredients • 2 cups medium shrimp, raw or

cooked• Salt• 1 cup chopped red onion• 1 cup peeled, diced cucumber• 1/2 cup chopped celery• 1 jalapeño, minced• 1 can whole peeled tomatoes,

chopped or 1 1/2 cups of freshly chopped tomatoes with their juices

• 1/2 cup tomato ketchup• 1/4 cup chopped cilantro• Juice of a lime, about 2 tbsp• Hot sauce (Tabasco) to taste • 1 avocado, cut into chunks

Preparation• If you have pre-cooked, peeled

and deveined shrimp you can skip to the next step. If you are working with raw shrimp, peel and devein them.

• If you have a little extra time and want your shrimp to be extra good, put the shells in 6 cups of cool salted water, bring to a boil, then strain the shell stock into a separate pot and cook the shrimp in that liquid.

• If you want to skip that step, just bring a medium pot salted water to a boil (a tbsp salt for 2 quarters of water), add the shrimp, and cook for 2-3 minutes, until just cooked through. Reserve a cup of the cooking water and chill it.

• Cut half of the shrimp into large chunks, leaving the other half whole (for a more attractive presentation).

• Put the chopped shrimp in a bowl with the chopped onions, cucum-ber, celery, jalapeño, tomatoes, tomato ketchup, cilantro, lime juice and hot sauce. Gently stir to combine, and chill.

• Once the cooking water has cooled, add a little at a time to the shrimp cocktail, until the shrimp cocktail is the consistency you want (use clam stock or lightly salted water — a third of a tea-spoon of salt dissolved into a cup of water — if you are start-ing with already cooked and peeled shrimp).

• To serve, add salt and more hot sauce to taste and gently mix in the chopped avocados. Dip the whole shrimp in the cocktail and arrange them on top.

• Serve in parfait glasses or in small bowls with tortillas on the side.

TUNA QUICHEWith a tin of tuna and ready made pas-try sheets, you can make this cheesy quiche in no time. A perfect and quick snack that is enjoyed by all.

Ingredients• 1 (375g) sheet puff pastry• 1/2 tsp mustard• 2 tins (about 350g) tuna, drained• 1 tsp lemon juice• 4 eggs• 250ml single cream• 250ml milk• 50g gruyere or cheddar cheese,

grated• Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation• Preheat oven to 180 degrees C .• Line a pie tin with puff pastry.

Prick with a fork and spread a thin layer of mustard onto the dough. Crumble over the tuna and sprinkle lemon juice.

• Whisk the eggs, cream, milk and grated cheese in a bowl. Stir un-til smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the mixture over the tuna. Bake for 35 minutes, or until golden brown on top.

BAKED SALMON CAKES with TARTAR SAUCEBaked in muffi n pans and served with sauce on the side, these cakes are ideal starters.

Ingredients• 3-4 salmon fi llets • 1-1/2 cups soft whole wheat

breadcrumbs• 1/2 cup fi nely chopped pepper• 2 eggs• 3 green onions, thinly sliced• 1/4 cup fi nely chopped celery• 1/4 cup minced fresh coriander• 3 tbsp fat-free mayonnaise• 1 tbsp lemon juice• 1 garlic clove, minced• 1/4 tsp hot sauceFor tartar sauce• 1 cup mayonnaise• 2 tbsp fi nely chopped onions• 2 tsp lemon• Salt and pepper as per taste

Preparation• In a large bowl, combine all the

ingredients and make into a coarse paste. Place the salmon mixture into eight muffi n cups coated with cooking spray. Bake at 200°C for 10-15 minutes.

• Combine the sauce ingredients and serve with the salmon cakes.

Kick off your dinner party with a selection of fi sh starters. From salmon cakes and tuna quiche to shrimp cocktail and fi sh kebabs, it’s a fi shy aff air this week.

Fish is the DishRecipes Oneza Tabish

FIND-IT-ALLC6 T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Dhuhr 12.17pm

Asr 3.44pm

Maghrib 6.26pm

Isha 7.37pm Fajr (Tomorrow) 4.46am



Emergencies and inquiries: 9999

General Directorate of

Passport and Residence 24569603

Directorate General

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Public Relations Admin 24560099


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Yemen 24600815


Round the clock

Al Hashar Pharmacy, Ruwi 24783334

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24782666

Muscat Pharmacy, Ruwi 24702542

Salalah 23291635;

Atlas Pharmacy, Ghubra 24503585

Muscat Region

Apollo, Al Hamriya 24787766

Muscat, A Seeb Market 24421691

Muscat, Al Khuwair 24485740

Muscat, Al Hail South 24537080

Dhofar Region

Muscat, Al Nahdha Road,

Salalah 23291635


Al Amal Medical & Health Care

Centre 24485052

Atlas Hospital

Ruwi 24811743/

Ghubra 24504000

Al Musafir Specialised

Medical Clinic 24706453

Hatat Polyclinic LLC,

Ruwi 24563641

Azaiba 24499269

Sohar 2683006

Al Raffah Hospital 24618900/1/2

Al Massaraat Clinic &

Laboratory 24566435

Al Makook Medical

Coordinance Centre 24499434

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24787766, 24787780

Capital Polyclinic 24707549

Badr Al Samaa Polyclinic,

Ruwi 24799760/1/2

Capital Clinic, Seeb 24420740

Ceregem National Raak 24485633

Dr Harub’s Clinic 24563217

Elixir Health Centre 24565802

Emirates Medical Centre 24604540

1st Chiropractic Centre 24472274

Lifeline Hospital Salalah 23212340

International Medical

Centre LLC 24794501/2/3/4/5

Kims Oman Hospital 24760100

24 Hrs Emergency 24760123

Lama Polyclinic, Sohar 26751128

MBD 24799077

Al Khuwair 24478818

Magrabi Eye and

Ear Hospital 24568870

Muscat Private Hospital 24583600

Welcare Diagnostic and Treatment

Centre, Al Khuwair 24477666

Al-Hayat Polyclinc LLC 22004000


Muscat Airport Flight information

(24 hours) 24519456/24519223

Aeroflot 24704455

Air Arabia 24700828

Air France 24562153

Air India 24799801

Air New Zealand 24700732

Biman Bangladesh Airlines 24701128

British Airways 24568777

Cathay Pacific 24789818

Egypt Air 24794113

Emirates Air 24404400

Ethiopian Airlines 24660313

Gulf Air 80072424

Indian 24791914

Iran Air 24787423

Japan Airlines 24704455

Jazeera Airways 23294848

Jet Airways 24787248

Kenya Airways 24660300

KML Royal Dutch Airlines 24566737

Kuwait Airways 24701262

LOT Polish Airlines 24796387

Lufthansa 24796692

Malaysian Airlines 24560796

Middle East Airlines 24796680

Oman Air 24531111

Pakistan International

Airlines 24792471

Qatar Airways 24771900

Qantas 24559941

Royal Jordanian 24796693

Saudi Arabian Airlines 24789485

Singapore Airlines 24791233

Shaheen Air 24816565

SriLankan Airlines 24784545

Swiss International

Airlines 24796692

Thai Airways 24705934




Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


15:00 Quriyat 16:30 Daily

15:00 Sur 18:00 Daily

15:00 Jaalan 19:30 Daily


06:30 Sohar 08:50 Daily

06:30 Buraimi 11:00 Daily

08:00 Buraimi 14:30 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 15:45 Daily

13:00 Buraimi 17:40 Daily

16.00 Sohar 18.35 Daily

16.00 Buraimi 20:20 Daily


17:30 Sinaw 20:50 Daily


14:30 Nizwa 16:50 Daily

14:30 Yanqul 19:30 Daily


08:00 Nizwa 10:20 Daily

08:00 Al Araqi 12:30 Daily


07:30 Sur 12:00 Daily

14:30 Sur 18:45 Daily


06:30 Fahud 10:30 Daily

06:30 Yibal 11:15 Daily


07:00 Salalah 20:00 Daily

10:00 Marmul 20:30 Daily

10:00 Salalah 23:30 Daily

19:00 Salalah 07:40 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:50 Daily


15:00 Dubai 07:00 Daily


06:00 Sohar 08:30 Daily

06:00 Dubai 11:30 Daily

13:00 Sohar 15:30 Wed,Thur

13:00 Dubai 18:30 Wed,Thur

15:00 Sohar 17:35 Daily

15:00 Dubai 20:55 Daily


07:00 Fujairah 11.45 Daily

07:00 Sharjah 13.30 Daily

07:00 Dubai 14.00 Daily


Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


05:30 Sur 06:45 Daily

05:30 Quriyat 08:30 Daily

05:30 Ruwi 10:00 Daily


07:00 Sohar 08:55 Daily

07:00 Ruwi 11:40 Daily

13:30 Ruwi 20:20 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 14:55 Daily

13:00 Ruwi 17:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 19:20 Daily

17:00 Ruwi 22:15 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 10:25 Daily


06:00 Nizwa 08:40 Daily

06:00 Ruwi 11:00 Daily


15:40 Nizwa 17:55 Daily

15:40 Ruwi 20:20 Daily


06:00 Ruwi 10:45 Daily

14:30 Ruwi 19:00 Daily


12:30 Fahud 13:15 Daily

12:30 Ruwi 17:30 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 19:50 Daily

10:00 Marmul 13:15 Daily

10:00 Ruwi 22:30 Daily

19:00 Ruwi 07:30 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:30 Daily


15:00 Salalah 07:00 Daily


07:30 Sohar 10:50 Daily

07:30 Ruwi 13:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 16:15 Thur-Fri

13:00 Ruwi 19:10 Thur-Fri

15:30 Sohar 18:45 Daily

15:30 Ruwi 21:35 Daily


16:00 Sharjah 16:30 Daily

16.00 Fujairah 18.15 Daily

16.00 Ruwi 23.00 Daily

CITY CINEMAContact (10 am to 6PM) 24567664 | 68 www.citycinemaoman.netfacebook.com/citycinemaoman

SHATTIBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice – 3D (Action, Adventure, Fantasy) PG12Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 9:00 & 11:30PMBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice – 2D (Action, Adventure, Fantasy) PG126:30PMThe Invitation (Horror | Thriller) 15+Cast: Michiel Huisman, Logan Marshall-Green11:55PMMy Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (Comedy) 15+Cast: Nia Vardalos, John Corbett7:00PMKung Fu Panda 3 – 3D (Animation) PG2:45 & 5:00PMThe Wave (Action | Drama | Thriller) PG12Cast: Kristoffer Joner, Thomas Bo Larsen3:00PMSolace (Crime | Drama | Mystery) 12+Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Colin Farrell4:30 & 11:30PM Triple 9 (Action | Crime | Drama) 15+Cast: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor9:15PM

MUSCAT GRAND MALLBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice – 3D (PG12) Action, Adventure, FantasyCast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams12:00, 2:50, 5:45, 8:45, 11:45 PMGold Class – 2:30, 5:20, 8:15, 11:15 PMRocky Handsom – 2D (12+) Action | ThrillerCast: John Abraham, Shruti Haasan9:00 PMKung Fu Panda 3 – 3D (PG) Animation Voice Overs: Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman1:00, 5:00, 7:00 PMZootropolis – 3D (PG12) Animation | Action| 3:00 PMTriple 9 – 2D (15+) Action | Crime | Drama

Cast: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor11:30 PM

PANORAMA MALLBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice-3D (Action, Adventure) (PG12)Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams2:45, 6:00, 8:45, 11:30 PMBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice-3D (Action, Adventure)(PG12)-VIP LOUNGECast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams3:15, 6:00, 8:45, 11:30 PMBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (Action, Adventure) (MX4D) (PG12)Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams3:00, 5:45, 8:30, 11:15 PMMy Big Greek Wedding 2-2D (15+)Cast: Nia Vardalos, John Corbett5:45 PMRocky Handsome -2D (Action, Thriller)(12+)Cast: John Abraham, Shruti Haasan8:45 PMLondon Has Fallen-2D (Action, Crime) (PG12)Cast: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman4:45, 9:45, 11:45 PMTriple 9-2D (Action, Crime)(15+)Cast: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor

3:45, 11:15 PMKung Fu Panda 3-3D (Animation) (PG)Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston2:45, 6:45 PMSolace-2D (Crime, Drama) (12+)Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Colin Farrell7:30 PM

AZAIBA Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2D) (Action |Adventure | Fantasy) (PG12) Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams6:00 PMBatman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (3D) (Action |Adventure | Fantasy) (PG12) Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams3:00, 8:45, 11:45 PMTriple 9 (2D) (Action |Crime | Drama) (15+) Cast: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor3:45 PMKung Fu Panda 3 (2D) (Animation) (PG) Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston5:00 PMKung Fu Panda 3 (3D) (Animation) (PG) Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston3:00, 6:45 PMRocky Handsome (2D) (Hindi) (Action) (TBC)

Cast: JohnAbraham, Nishikant Kamat2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15, 11:30 PMKapoor and Sons (2D) (Drama) (PG12) Cast: Alia Bhatt, Siddhart Malhotra8:45, 11:00 PMMaheshinte Prathikaaram (2D) (Mal) (Drama | Comedy) (PG12) Cast: Fahadh Faasil, Soubin Shahir,6:30, 8:45 PM

RUWIScreen 1Rocky Handsome (Action/ Thriller) –12+Cast: John Abraham, Shruti Haasan3:30, 9:30 PMKapoor & Sons (Drama / Family) –PG12Cast: Sidharth Malhotra, Alia Bhatt6:30 PMScreen 2Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Action/Adventure) –PG12Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams3:45, 6:45, 9:45 PMScreen 3Kapoor & Sons (Drama / Family) –PG12Cast: Sidharth Malhotra, Alia Bhatt3:45, 9:45 PM

Kung Fu Panda 3 (2D) (Animation) –PGVoice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston6.45 PM

SURBatman Vs Superman 3D ( Action | Adventure | Fantasy ) ( PG12) 3:30, 6:00, 8:45, 11:45 PMThe Invitation ( Horror | Thriller ) ( 15+ ) Cast : Michiel Huisman, John Carroll Lynch8:30 PMKung Fu Panda 3 (3D) ( Action ) (PG) Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston3:45, 6:30 PMRocky Handsome (Drama) (TBC) Cast: John Abranam, Shruti Haasan10:30 PM

SOHARBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice– 3D (Action, Adventure, Fantasy) (PG12)Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30PMBatman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice– 2D (Action, Adventure, Fantasy) (PG12)Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams6:30PMSolace – 2D (Crime | Drama | Mystery) (12+)Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Xander Berkeley, 2:45PMKung Fu Panda 3 – 3D (Animation | Action| Adventure) (PG)Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston2:30, 4:30PMKung Fu Panda 3 – 2D (Animation) (PG)Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston7:30PMThe Invitation– 2D (Horror, Thriller) (15+)Cast: Michael Huisman, Logan Marshall-Green, John Carroll Lynch11:45PMEvery Secret Thing -2D (Crime, Drama, Mystery) (PG12)Cast: Diane Lane, Elizabeth Banks, Dakota Fanning3:00, 11:45PMMy Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 – 2D (Comedy) (15+)Cast: Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Michael Constantine6:30PMRocky Handsome – 2D (Action, Thriller) Cast: John Abraham, Shruti Haasan, Nishikant Kamat8:30, 11:30PM

London Has Fallen – 2D (Action| Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman4:45PMMaheshinte Prathikaaram– 2D (Comedy / Drama) (PG12)Cast: Fahadh Faasil, Soubin Shahir, Aparna9:15PM

BURAIMIKung Fu Panda 3 (Animation |Action|) (PG) Voice Overs: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston5.15, 7.15PMEvery Secret Thing (Crime | Drama) (TBA) Cast: Diane lane,Elizabeath Banks4.30, 9.45PMRocky Handsome (Action/Thriller) Cast: John Abraham, Nishikant Kamat.7.30, 11.30PMThe Invitation (Horror/Thriller) (15+) Cast: Michiel Huisman, John Carroll Lynch9.00, 11.30PMBatman VS Superman 3D (Action) PG 12 4.45, 6.15, 9.00, 11.45PM


Batman Vs Superman (3D) (PG12) (Action) Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams2:45, 5:35, 8:30, 11:30PMBatman Vs Superman (2D) (PG12) (Action) Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams1:05PMKung Fu Panda 3 (3D) (PG) (Animation) 1:00, 2:50, 4:45PMEvery Secret Thing (2D) (12+) (Crime)Cast: Diane Lane, Dakota Fanning1:00, 3:55PMThe Invitation (2D) (15+) (Horror | Thriller)Cast: Michiel Huisman, Logan Marshall- 10:00PMMy Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2D) (15+) Cast: Nia Vardalos, John Corbet (Comedy) 5:45PMTriple 9 (2D) (15+) (Action | Crime | Drama)Cast: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor6:35, 11:55PMRocky Handsome (2D) (12+) (Action)Cast: John Abraham, Shruti Haasan8:45, 11:15PMMaheshinte Prathikaaram (2D) (PG12) (Mal) (Comedy / Drama)7:45PM



Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 3D (Action/Adventure) –PG12Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams12:00, 2:50, 5:45, 8:45, 11:45 PMGold Class – 2:30, 5:20, 8:15, 11:15 PM

The Invitation (Horror | Thriller) 15+Cast: Michiel Huisman, Logan Marshall-Green11:55PM

BAHJA CINEMAFilm information 24540856 / Advance Booking 24540855Website: www.albahjacinemaoman.com

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Action / Adventure / Fantasy)Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams12.45, 3.30, 4.30, 6.15, 7.15, 9.00 & 11.45 PM CP No: 375 (PG12

The Invitation (Horror / Thriller)Cast: Logan Marshall-Green, Emayatzy Corinealdi, Michiel Huisman2.30, 10.00 & 11.45 PM CP No: 376 (15+)

The Wave (Action / Drama / Thriller)Cast: Kristoffer Joner, Thomas Bo Larsen, Ane Dahl Torp12.30 PM CP No: 371 (PG12)

STAR CINEMAFilm information 24791641 / 24786776

Website: www.isurf.co.om

Maheshinte Prathikaram (Mal) (Comedy & Drama) Cast: Fahad Faasil and Anusree 3:30 & 9:30 PM Cinema Main\ 6:30 PM Cinema-2 Action Hero Biju (Mal) (Act\ Comedy) Cast: Nivin Pauly and Anu Emmanuel 3:30 & 9:30 PM Cinema -2\ 6:30 PM Cinema MainRocky Handsome (Hindi) (Act) Cast: John Abraham and Shruti Haasan 3:45, 6:45 & 9:45 PM Cinema-3Kapoor & Sons (Hindi) (Drama\Rom) Cast: Sidharth Malhotra, Alia Bhatt and Rishi Kapoor 6:45 PM Cinema -4 Kadhalum Kadhandhu Pogum (Tamil) (Com\ Drama) Cast: Vijay Sethupathi and Modonna Sebastion 3:45 & 9:45 PM Cinema-4 Next Change: Thozha (Tamil); Oopri (Telugu); Vettah (Mal)

Programmes are subject to change


Rocky Handsome (Drama) (TBC) Cast: John Abranam, Shruti Haasan10:30 PM








Send us a colour photograph of the child (below 17 years) whose birthday you are celebrating, along with his/her full name, date of birth, address, telephone number and parents’/your name to Times of Oman, With Love, PO Box 770, PC 112, Ruwi or through e-mail to lifestyle@timesofoman.com


LIFESTYLEC7T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

I t is said a good quiche can be the centre of attraction of any meal, be it lunch or dinner. And the best part is that it does not require

great culinary skills to make a per-fect quiche. A scrumptious quiche with any vegetable, meat or seafood can be made with no frills or fancies.

This open-faced pastry crust with a fi lling of savoury custard with cheese, meat, seafood, and veg-etables can be had any time of the day with any meal — heavy or light, entrée or appetiser, holiday treat or as a weekend dinner.

While quiche can be had both hot and cold, a warm slice of quiche along with green salad is a perfect meal. But

how to make a quick quiche at home?First and foremost it is impor-

tant to get the pastry right. Either use short crust dough. Roll out the pastry in a circle on a lightly fl oured surface and then drape over the tart case.

Push the pastry into the tin and trim the edges neatly by rolling it along the top of the tin. Gently press the pastry up the sides so that it comes slightly over the top. Keep it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Line the tart case with a large circle of greaseproof paper.

Fill with baking beans and bake the tart for around 20 minutes. Re-move the paper and beans, then continue to cook for around 5-10

minutes until biscuit brown. While the tart is cooking, make the fi lling by beating the eggs, cream and sea-soning in a jug. Fill the pastry case with your chosen fi lling and pour over the egg mixture. Bake until set and golden brown. Leave to cool in the case, trim the edges of the pas-try, then remove from the tin. — lifestyle@timesofoman.com

Catfi sh QuicheIngredients•• 2 Catfi sh fi llets cooked and fl aked•• 1/2 cup mayonnaise•• 2 tablespoons fl our•• 2 large eggs, beaten•• 1/2 cup whole milk•• 1/4 tsp salt

•• 1/4 tsp ground black pepper•• 1 cup Swiss cheese, grated•• 1/2 cup green onion, thinly sliced•• 1 9-inch unbaked pie crust or 8

mini pie crusts

Preparation•• Preheat oven to 180 C.•• In a large bowl, beat together may-

onnaise, fl our, eggs, milk, salt, and pepper.

•• Fold in catfi sh, cheese, and onion.•• Pour into pie crust. Bake in mid-

dle of oven for 40 minutes, or until a knife inserted near the centre comes out clean.

•• Cool on wire rack 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with thinly sliced green onions if desired. — NewsUSA

A Quiche for Every Occasion

Grapes The perfect fi nger fruitWHEN YOU give kids a chance to create their own meals, they’re more likely to eat them. It’s also true that kids don’t often make the wis-est choices. That’s why parents are grateful for fruit. Naturally delicious and notoriously healthy, fresh fruit is the perfect ingredient for getting kids to the table. It’s a smart food that tastes like a treat. The perfect fi nger food, grapes can also be the centre-piece of an appetiser plate, the sweet

addition to savoury snacks, and the fun ingredient in unexpected places. Green, red and black grapes provide endless inspiration for kids of all ages to be creative and enjoy.

Here are a few ideas to inspire.•• Grapes and cheese cubes on pret-

zel skewers.•• Grapes as the centre of cheese

sunfl owers with a celery stem.•• Grape turtle with an apple slice as

the body.•• Frozen grape caterpillars with

mini chocolate chips for eyes.•• Grape salsa as a topping for tacos

or baked brie.•• Roasted grapes tossed in grain

salads and layered in yoghurt-granola parfaits.

•• Halved grapes tucked into grilled cheese sandwiches.

•• Heart-shaped cookies decorated with grapes. — NewsUSA


LIFESTYLEC8 T U E S DAY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

MarinadeGrind green tea leaves in

a coff ee grinder. Add this to the spices and herbs that are used as a rub for meats, tofu, or tempeh. The leftover brewed tea can also be used as a marinade for meats

or an addition to sauces or gravies. Also minced or fi nely chopped tea leaves can be added to fl our or bread crumbs and used as a

coating for meats and vegetables. Tea-smoked duck is a famous

dish in China. BakeWhile making cookies, muffi ns,

scones, quick breads, and cakes, add tea leaves to them. It enhances the fl avours. Use a dark tea and grind

it into a fi ne powder. Incorporate a tablespoon or two while making a tea cookie. If you want a strong tea

cookie, cut back on the fl our by a tablespoon or two.

Stir Add tea leaves to vegetables

while cooking or, once brewed, chopped and added to salads or

stirred into eggs before scrambling or making an omelette. Steep white

tea in chicken stock for up to 10 minutes before using in a recipe.

Soup In China, tea as a food is used

in savoury dishes, especially to cut back on greasy ingredients.

A chicken soup can be fl avoured with a pinch or two of green tea. Traditional Chinese medicine

claims tea makes for a less greasy, more restorative soup. Tea goes

well with onion, garlic, and ginger.

Dessert If your smoothie recipe asks

for an ice blend replace that ice with frozen cubes. Brew your tea and add on fruit smoothies. The

subtle sweetness of tea add to the fl avours. Tea can also be used in

custards and ice cream. Steeping leaves in hot dairy for an hour or

two, and then straining, results in a wonderful balance of sweet and nutty fl avours that also make the

custard taste better.

TEAA wonderful way to relax and recharge is with tea —the most loved beverage

of the world. But apart from sipping your favourite drink have you ever thought

you can actually add it in your food too? Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? So if you

are willing to give cooking with tea a try, here are some recipes for you.








T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6



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D2 T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Rooms for rent in Al Khuwair near

Muscat Holiday Hotel. #95724975

3 Rooms, 2 Toilets Flat for Rent. 18

November Street. Near Mars Hyper-

market and The Chedi. Ghobrah -Good

for Commercial or Residential use.

OMR 295/- month. Call 94477222

Conditioned room with toilets in Al

Khuwair. #92620858 /92605500

2B/R with 3 toilets directly from

owner, near Dolphin Complex

Bausher. Contact 92158031

2 BHK fully furnished fl at at Ruwi

MBD area. #93211557 / 24814853

4 BHK, 2 bathroom private terrace

at Ruwi opposite Oman Express

Restaurant rent 360/-PM , 2 BHK

one toilet, one bathroom separate at

Darsait walkable to ISM rent 200/-

pm. Contact : 99354975 / 99065900

Flat in Wadi Al Kabir 2 bedrooms, 1

living room, 1 family hall, kitchen & 3

bathrooms. Contact: 99277787

Modern offi ce space for rent at

MBD area, near Atlas Hospital

with full local support by Omani

if required. Contact 92882029 /

98825806, info@rns-group.com

3 BHK fl ats and shop in Ruwi near

KM Trading rent 350/- pm each.

Contact: 99350946

2 bed rooms for family with split

units with car parking shaded at Al

Hail North. Contact: 92676707

Apartment for rent at Amerat

phase one with A/Cs, 3 bedrooms

& bath rooms, big kitchen 220/-

OMR. Contact: 9778228

Luxury fl at of 3 BHK in Al

Watayah. RO 500/-#91776665

Flat in Al Khuwair opp grand mall

4 room 3 toilet + hall kitchen in 3

fl oor 400. Contact 99420346

2 BR, 2 bath, a kitchen, a yard

, with AC, separate enterance,

AlKhuwair near ibis hotel. PDC. RO

250 .. Call 97056443

Readymade offi ce space for rent

(240sm) in Bank Melli Iran Build-

ing, MBD area, Ruwi, opposite

Center point. Contact: 99011352

House for rent, 2 bedrooms, 1 toilet

& kitchen. Contact: 96968104

Flat of 3 BHK in Al Ghobra South

opposite Royal Hospital. RO 380/-.

Contact – 91776665

Clean fl at of 2 BHK in Al Khuwair

33. RO 330/- Contact – 91776665

2BHK available in Ghubra near

Al Maha Hotel and Mumtaz area

Ruwi. Contact: 99269751

1 BHK fl at with 1split and 1 win-

dow AC, next to Indian School Ghu-

bra for rent at RO 270/-. Contact:

98867658 / between 4pm - 10pm

Villa at Azaiba 7 rooms with at-

tach bath on 18th November road.

Contact: 99224748 / 99332297

Amazing fl at of 2 BHK in Remal

Building. RO 550/- #91776665

Shops / fl ats available in Honda

Road, Ruwi & Mabellah Indus-

trial area. Contact 24833972/

24833974/ 99367448

House for rent in Mawallah near

City Center, 2 bedroom, (2) toilets,

hall & kitchen. Contact : 96968104

Flats for rent in Wadi Kabir. Con-

tact: 99376454

5 fl oor building for rent in Al Khu-

wair near Muscat Dunes hotel each

fl oor, 3 fl ats each fl at with 2 BHK.

Contact : 93223324

3 BHK, 1BHK fl ats for rent new

building with A/C, behind Muscat

Bakery at Wadi Al Kabir. Contact :

92103604 / 99338133

3500 & 2700 sq mtrs industrial

land + accommodation & store for

sale in Wadi Kabir. #99792181

Villa in Al-Khuwair 33. Quality Fin-

ishing. Consist 5 Bedrooms, 1 Liv-

ing room, 3 Lounges, All with A/C,

Kitchen and storage . #90665135

2,200 sq mtr factory area & 800

sq mtr store with 8 accommoda-

tion rooms and 10 offi ce cabins

available for rent in Barka indus-

trial area. Contact 91398381 / 80 /

78, email - agsan2005@gmail.com

3 storey villa at Mawaleh 7

bedrooms + 6 attached, toilets + 2

Kitchens. Contact: 93697325

Furnished offi ce (61M2) for sale

/ rent Al Khuwair near Zawawi

Mosque. Contact: 95611569

Cold storage available for rent at

Nizwa, capacity – 40 ton. #99371732

or nfi llc77@omantel.net.om

Flat for rent in South AlGhubrah

3 rooms, hall and 3 toilets, kitchen

rent 450/-. Contact: 99335580

Flats, shops and basement in

MBD area and Honda road.

Contact: 92433127/96291778/


2 BHK fl ats /offi ce & shops avail-

able in a new building at Honda

road .Contact: 91165807

Commercial land in Ghala 2500sqm

for rent #93506187 / 97684266

2 BHK & 1 BHK Flats for rent

Muttrah near Oman house S/ AC.

Contact: 97007934 / 92629232

02 BHK residential fl at opposite

to Al Nahdha hospital.

Contact: 99342733 /99795241

New fl ats for rent at Darsait near

to Ministry of Sports, Mumtaz area

the fl ats includes, 1 living room, 2

bedroom, kitchen, 3 toilets, every

rooms with split A/C high quality

fi nishing rent per fl at is R.O 340/- .

Interested candidates please Con-

tact : 00968 92225523

1 Bed room, sharing K& T, R.O 100,

2 bedrooms , sharing K& T R.O

200/- in AL Khuwair. #95154331

Flat for rent 2 BHK 2 split A/C, 2

toilets, Wadi Kabir near Kuwaiti

Masjid. #97007934 / 92629232

Two bedrooms fl at in Al Ghobrah

near Oman Oil of 18 November Street.

OMR 330 Monthly. #99333479 or

95215360 or 97509955.

2 BR fl ats with 2Baths Kitchen

Al Amerat Aster Hospital


2 BHK fl ats with split Ac available for

rent at Al Khuwair 33. #94057023

Luxury villa of 5 BHK in Al Khuwair

33 RO.650/- contact 91776665

Warehouse at Wadikabir - total

area 3500 sqm - covered ware-

house (500sqm), offi ce,

accommodation (1000sqm), open

area (2000sqm) please

contact: 99273774 - 99202278

3BHK in Qurum P.D.O high 350/-

Monthly. Contact: 99342661

2 BHK – modern & spacious fl ats

with split ac for rent in Qurum near

PDO gate no. 2. contact 94057023

Store with cold store in Wadi

kabir. Contact: 99374977

OFFICES FOR RENT AT AZAIBAPrime location on service road (previously occupied by A'Saffa Foods) near Al Turky and Mazda showroom.

- 2 BHK flat available directly from the owner, at Azaiba.

Contact: 99229263, 93221054, 95215289

FOR RENTStore space in Al


99382489 / 99263443

Running Automotive Workshop with Equipments & Tools (approx. area 3,000 SQM) and Accommodation with 13 Rooms available for Rent at Ghala.

Contact: 9944 0518 - 99230118

2 B/R Luxury Fully Furnished @

Al Khuwair 33 1 B/R Luxury Fully

Furnished @ Al Khuwair

5 B/R Fully Furnished villa @ Ma-

dinat Al Ilam 5 B/R Fully Furnished

villa @ Madinat Al Ilam. For Daily,

Weekly, monthly or Yearly contract.

Please Contact: Atlas Real Estate

& Rent a Car LLC 99249069 /

994617563/92888376 / 24834888E

mail: info@alshahiintl.com

Commercial fl ats of 3 & 2 BHK

in Al Ghobra North 18 Nov street

RO.650/- & 450/- contact


DAILY GUIDET U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6 D3



Ice Cream Juice shop prime

location Ruwi for sale suitable for

beauty parlour. Contact: 92150455

Furniture and other treatment

items for Ayurvedic clinic. Contact:


Dental chair and mobile dental X

Ray for sale. Contact: 92737149

Shop for sale at Ruwi center. Con-

tact: 98787853

600 sq mtrs residential land in

Maabela Phase 4 Block 3 OMR 65

Thousand.CONTACT 99333479 or


600 sq mtrs residential land in

Maabela Phase 4 Block 4 OMR

65 Thousand. Tel: 99333479 or

95215360 or 97509955

Excavators 3 nos (Hitachi

240/350, 2008/2013 model),

Tipper 1 no. (Astra 2011 model).

All are in good condition, sell on

the maximum off er.#98999503 /

99782930 / 98981112


Buying cars for cash. CONTACT


Bobcat available for rent. CONTACT




Picking and dropping any time.

Contact: 97403088


Ayurvedic treatment for joint

pain, backache, paralysis, mas-

sage, steambath, obesity, spondy-

litis. Ideal Care Ayurvedic Clinic,

18 November Street, Azaiba.

Contact: 99639695 / 97397320

Ayurvedic treatment for backache,

paralysis, arthritis etc & mas-

sage, All Season (Vaidyaratnam).

Contact:24475280 / 95371664 /

92504980 www.siddhayur.com

FREE INFORMATION ABOUT ISLAM. If you would like to know

more about Islam, please call:

99425598, 99250777, 99353988,

99253818, 99341395, and

99379133. For ladies: 99415818,

99321360, 99730723




Party & Wedding equipment rentals.

Full line, from Tables, Linen & Skirt-

ing, Chairs & Chair covers, Cutlery,

Crockery, Glassware, Chafi ng Dishes,

Ice Sculptures, to Large Sound

Systems and spectacular lighting.

Call Andrea 9606 2222 for Catering

and Croyden 9623 5555 for Sound &

Light. ww.tunesoman.com,

E-mail: info@tunesoman.com



Furnished Bedroom with attached

bath and kitchen separate entrance

for Executive bachelor for R.O

150/- per month all inclusive in a

villa, opp. Star Cinema.#99314807

Sharing accommodation avail-

able behind Honda showroom,

Wattayah for Executive Bachelor /

single lady. Contact: 96390334

2 bedrooms fl at near Kuwait Mas-

jid Wadi Kabir. Contact: 97608564

/ 98498823

Single room B/K sharing Mumtaz

area. Contact : 95212017

Small old house for rent in Al

Ghoubra. Contact : 97165972

Room available for Executive

bachelor at Al Hail. #96234708

Furnished apartment for rent, two

rooms, majlis, hall, kitchen. Near

Carrefour al-mawalah. Contact


Room with attached bathroom for

a family in Wadi Kabir. CONTACT


Room with kitchen available

at Ruwi.CONTACT 91214897 /


Room for rent with furniture.

Al Bustan village.#93687466


Grader, roller, bobcat, JCB 3CX, JCB 4CX with breaker & water

tanker for rent. contact 93218705 /



IELTS Coaching (academic) required

nearby wadi Kabir area. Please call

on mobile or msg on Whats up. Mo-

bile no: 92927880/99012165


Mumbai settled Muscat based

Christian born again Keralite girl,

28 yrs, working school in Muscat

looking for suitable alliance. Con-

tact: 99074180 / 97671730

Nair boy 31 /175 cms working in

Muscat Pooram star wants suitable

bride. Contact : 95501263

Malankara Catholic Male Nurse (28) from Thiruvalla working in

Nizwa Private Co. Alliance invites

parents/nurses working in Oman.

#968 98267338, 0091 9287215726

Indian male Roman Catholic 40yrs divorcee working in Muscat.

Seeks suitable alliance from widow/

divorcee/ single. #96059801.


Housing in a well developed area

for sale in Mangalore 100 meters

from Main road at: Malaraya

Temple Road, Chilimbi Near Urva

stores, Mangalore -Karnataka,

India Land: 181.60 Sq.mts, House

built in the year 1986 consisting

of ground fl oor and fi rst fl oor. Total

build up area around 2000 Sq.ft

with car parking. Separate water

and electricity connections. Con-

tact: Anil Kumar: +91 97418 85128

(between 12 noon till 10 pm).

Flats villas land for sale in Pune

Contact: 95272138/


FOR SALE Used Concrete Pump

Sany43 Meter,Model

2011 in very good

condition @

100000/-Riyal Omani.



Four bedroom two fl oors luxurious

and spacious residential villa in

Al Hail North, near to the sea and

Oman oil. Each room has its own

bathroom. It has splits A/C’s and

shaded car park. OMR 750 month-

ly. Tel: 99333479 or 95215360 or


2BHK split A/C 200/- Monthly

& 1BHK spilt A/C 150/- monthly

new building good location Barka

Market. Contact: 99342661

For rent and investment Land

industrial shops in Rusayl.

Contact: 99323957 / 95490842

600 M2 showroom or offi ce in

Bousher in front of Dolphin complex.

RO.3.5 per m2. Contact 91776665

Brand new 4 BHK villa in Al Fai

compound Al Khoud. RO.475/-

Contact – 91776665

Villa of 3 BHK and sitting area in

Al Ghobra North. RO.525/-

Contact – 91776665

Luxury and brand new semi

furnished 2 BHK fl at in Remal-

bowsher. RO.550/- #91776665

Spacious 1 BHK fl at in Al Wattaya

with all split A/C’s and parking.

RO.300/-Contact – 91776665

Flats available for rent 1 BHK & 2

BHK good condition with split AC

Al Khuwair near Muscat Holiday.

Contact: 94227178

1BHK at Al-Hamriya, B-2397,

Way-5935 near Muscat Pharmacy.

Contact: 99224748 / 99332297

2BHK Big Size Flat Behind Bank

Muscat, Wadi Kabir. Near ISWK.

97826454, 24815012.

Zanzibari coff ee shop for rent or

sale in Barka Souq road, at Prime

location. Contact: 99814411

2 storey villa, 5 rooms with at-

tached bath,1 hall & kitchen at

Madinat Sultan Qaboos under

fi nishing. Contact 99778773

Single colorful Bed and Sofa

for Sale at Al Khuwair.CON-

TACT 92881849 /What`s up No


Steel Scrap materials for immedi-

ate sale CONTACT 99273774/


Almost new beach/ garden

lounge chairs /bar stools/ counter.

Photos can be sent 95865457

400 sq mtrs Commercial/Resi-

dential land in Mabela Phase 5

Block 2. OMR 165 Thousand.

CONTACT 99333479 or 95215360

or 97509955

A well running pharmacy for

sale at prime location. Contact-

99627621, 93240949

Space for printing press available

at wadikabir with or without

machinery. Contact 99328430

Shop for sale near Oman House,

Muttrah. Contact 99024362.

Urgent sale of steel scrap only

serious buyers kindly contact

+968 96725423 for viewing the


HD Scaff oldings, Shuttering

Jacks, Wooden Planks, Shuttering

wood assorted, Tower hoist (lift),

Concrete Mixer, Bending Machine,

Steel Fabrication Machinery

(Searing/Cutting, lathe & Welding)

including tools for immediate sale:

Contact 99273774/ 99202278

Furnished room attached bath

for Indian bachelor, Al-Falaj

Ruwi & lady Wadi Kabir near

Mars hypermarket. CONTACT


Furnish bedroom with attach

bathroom for executive bachelor.

Contact: 97704794

Room with attached bathroom and

sharing kitchen available for

Executive bachelor or small family

at wadikabir Contact 93049849

Room available in Mumtaz area

1 room, 1 Bathroom, Kitchen & 1

room, common bathroom. Interest-

ed please # 92680041 Mr. Altaf

Transportation pick and drop

with Nissan Sunny 2012 model

A/C. Contact: 97224035

Transportation. contact


Transportation. Contact


Transportation. contact


Transportation available Ruwi

to Al Khuwair, Ghubra & Azaiba.

Contact: 91103909

DAILY GUIDED4 T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6




Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifi eds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624





Required urgently a Legal Consultant/ Lawyer for reputed

law fi rm in Sohar, Muscat. Can-

didates should have 5-7 years

experience as a Legal Consultant/

Lawyer with good knowledge of

Computer & should be fl uent in

English both written & spoken.

Email C V to shejaanil66@gmail.

com or Contact 99153620

between 8am to 1pm & 2pm to

5.30 pm on Sunday to Thursday



ACCOUNT. & FINANCELooking for a young dynamic Ac-

countant with knowledge of AX

Package for a multinational shipping

company. Email your CV to: shipping-


Required Accounts Offi cer- en-

sure accurate processing of

revenue data into ERP systems

and invoicing module. Posting of

invoices to customer SAP portal

and delivery to customer offi ces

and interface with country man-

ager/ reporting to regional CEO.

Qualifi cations: BSc accounting.

Relevant experience & knowledge

on online accounting systems

especially the customer

SAP system. Submit CV to:


Accountant with gulf experience

in construction fi eld preferred with

Oman driving license. Interested

candidates send CV to:

Email: omanhari@yahoo.com

Gsm: 95892831/95197615

Wanted house boy for an Indian

doctor family. Interested may con-

tact 94765020.

Looking for a part-time cook-cum-housemaid in Azaiba.

Call 92450197.


Required candidates for following

posts: Accountant, Storekeeper, Foreman Building Maintenance, Van-salesman (water), Helpers. Can-

didates with Omani driving license

preferred. #99273774/99202278

Required Draftsman for Consul-

tancy offi ce. 3-5 years experience

in Architectural Structural Drafting.

Email careerssabla@gmail.com

Wanted driver. Contact : 91025698

Part or full time Driver Required call

us 91120552

Urgently required Lab Teb Tech

Omani PRO, male Receptionist

cum Insurance Coordinator &

Radiologist. Contact 95220350,


Wanted someone who is interest-

ed to run a 25 year old well run-

ning clinic in Amerat. #99874336

Required for a reputed Medical

Center in Al Khuwair, Medi-

cal Marketing Executive with

experience. Please send CV :

absmc2013@gmail.com FAX:


Wanted Staff Nurse for

a dermatology clinic in Muscat .

Must have MOH license and NOC.

Attractive salary off ered. Email:


Required gynecologist GEN: practitioner lady lab Technician and pharmacologist immediately

for a clinic in Suwaiq. #95081010

Email: umchealthcare@gmail.com

GP doctor needed for reputed clin-

ic. Preferably with MOH license or

with Datafl ow & Paramatics pass

Contact: 95388934




An Art Gallery located in Qurum Area is looking for an Art

Gallery Manager to temporary run the place during the entire

month of June of this year.

Requirements for the jobs:- Omani female.

- Respectable, punctual, hard-working and good

communications skills.

- Fluent in speaking, reading and writing English.

- To have some experience in the field of Sales

- Have basic knowledge in using a computer.

- Having a degree in Fine Arts or History of Arts is an


- Able to provide own transport

CVs are to be sent to the following e-mail account: roxanesimpao22@yahoo.com

For further information, please call 24566130

Wanted A Sales person

with valid GCC D/L,

experienced in project

selling of Ceramic tiles &

sanitary ware. Contact

with contractors &

consultants would be an

added advantage.

Email CV to – sanitarymuscat@gmail.com



Medical/Engineering Entrance

coaching: Teachers for Chemistry,

Maths & Biology required urgently

call 91396893 or email :


Required Bachelor of Civil Engi-

neering for Supervision for Consul-

tancy offi ce. 5 years experience in

Supervision PMC duties in Oman

preferred. Email : careerssabla@


Urgently required a Marketing Executive with 2 years experience

and driving license (GCC) for a re-

puted building material & electrical

showroom in Al Khoud. Please send

CV to – startradingmuscat@gmail.

com. Contact - 94320909

Wanted a Salesman & Sales lady

for a new lifestyle store opening

shortly in MGM mall. Send CV :


Required Sales Executive : 2-3

years of outdoor sales experience

in spare part., Indian, Male 25 to

35 year age. Diploma holder in

any discipline “ mechanical en-

gineer preferred”. Email: moham-


Tel: 24509477 Fax: 24509312

Proactive Sales & Marketing pro-

fessionals with Oman D/L, own car

required for leading IT & Media So-

lutions enterprise. Fresh MBAs also

can apply: jobs@interacoman.com

Urgent required Salesman with

minimum 2 years of experience in

Sales & marketing for gift articles

shop. Contact: 96917952 Email:


Urgently Required a Self mo-

tivated sales person for a lead-

ing Printing & advertisement

Co. Minimum 5 Yrs exp with

valid Omani/GCC Driving License.

Contact: 99412020, 95728453,


A reputed organization requires an

experienced expatriate lady Sales

Executive with valid Oman D/L for

marketing luxury products. Contact:

24212307 or send CV with a cur-

rent passport size photo to Email:

awadiest@omantel.net.om Note: Only

candidates who have NOC can apply.

Required Salesman, tailor and barber.

Contact: 91114884

Urgent required Salesman with

minimum 3 years of experience in

building materials (tiles & sanitary

wares) with valid GCC license.

#96917952, swapneelbhatt@


Required Sales staff 2 NOS Having

experience in Cosmetics Sales.

Send your updated CV to

james_kunju@yahoo.com GSM


LABOR WANTED!Wanted experienced

masons for a reputed

construction company,

handsome package is



Contact number:-

95739143Email :-



A well reputed building material &

contracting Company in Oman is look-

ing for staff : Project Manager (more

than 10 yrs experience), Engineer

(more than 5 years of experience),

Purchase Manager (more than 10 yrs

of experience). Contact: 99808868

Email: amtcbarka@gmail.com

Diploma in Automobile Engineer-ing / Mechanical Engineering with 10 years of relevant experi-

ence preferably Gulf returned.

Only preferable for possessing

NOC / Release letter. Candidate

should have good controlling /

leadership / good communication

skills. Interested candidates send

resume to hr@aljood-oman.com

Fax: 24437007

Decoration Company looking for

Interior Design Engineer with

experience in 3D and Supervision.

Send your CV with the design

which you have done and after the

implementation. Email: alrih16@


A Leading construction company

in Muscat urgently requires expe-

rienced Civil Engineer to work as

Project Manager / Advisor ( Omani

Nationals only) for full time or part

time. Send C.V to hr.azatllc@gmail.

com Whatsapp 98437450

Civil Engineer with minimum 5/8

years experience with valid Oman

driving license. Contact Interested

candidates send CV to:

Email: omanhari@yahoo.com

Gsm: 95892831/95197615

Indian male good experienced in

Accounts, ERP Tally 9 & Admin in

India & Oman, presently on visit

visa, looking for suitable placement.

Contact 94834687

Indian male 25 yrs, Graduate in com-

merce, overall 5 yrs exp in accounts/

fi nance fi eld. On visit visa. Immedi-

ately available. CONTACT 92836216 /


28/male/MBA - fi nance/B.Com -

Accountant with 4 years of Dubai/

India experience looking for a

suitable placement. #90187483


Indian male, 24 yrs, Graduated with

specialization in Accounting 2 years

experienced C.A.CPT completed.

#94628086 / 97315091

Indian female 32, MBA Finance, 7

yrs of experience in one of the lead-

ing bank in India in Treasury(in FX,

derivatives and money market), Risk

and Asset Liability Management ,

with valid Oman D/L seeking suit-

able placement contact 92206513

Post Graduate with experience in

accounts Upto Finalization, Valid

GCC Driving License, Immediate

Joining Possible. Mob.92432748

Male/25-ACCA & B.com fi nalist,

advance diploma in accounting

with 5 years experience in audit and

accounts. Good command in Tally,

peach tree and SAP, looking for suit-

able placement. #97190575,email


Indian male:25 Yrs. MBA HR ,BBA

with 6 Months Exp seeking for suit-

able placement. Now on visit visa

Contact 90653362

Indian Female recently pass out

BBA+MBA (Dual degree) Interna-

tional Business and Finance, looking

for suitable opportunities, presently

in Muscat on family Visa. Contact no.

+968-95907828. Email Id:


24 years, male Indian MBA com-

pleted seeking job opportunities for

suitable placement. #95061789

Asst. Finance Manager (Indian male)

MBA Finance, CIMA with 9 yrs expe-

rience, 6 yrs Oman experience. Seeks

placement with NOC. call:97694976



Male 36 MBA 7 yrs GCC exp. Quick-

books tally ERP, looking for accounts

and admin post. Valid driving li-

cense. Contact 96763275/ 91992367


Indian female,26 MA Economics on

family visa seeking suitable position

in Accounts/Finance, HR/Admin

Contact: 91473174

Indian male 27, MBA, B. Com with

6 years experience in Finance and

Accounting upto fi nalization seeking

suitable position. Contact 98035831

Require Sales Executives

The candidate should be a

graduate with 2-3 years sales

experience in security and safety

service, preferably in Oman/GCC,

capable of handling clients

independently, computer literate

with valid Oman/GCC D/L and

transferable visa.

Send resume to: jobvacancyat2016@gmail.com

A Leading chain of International Franchise Restaurant Requires:Operation Manager: An Operations Manager will

oversee all aspects of operations including but not

limited to managing, staffing, planning, budgeting,

procuring & training, responsible for revenue,

profitability & maintaining quality goals laid down by

the company.

Accountant cum Admin: A qualified accountant has

experience in accounts, cost controls, inventory,

procurement & finance upto finalization and general

administrations. Excellent knowledge of Tally ERP-9.

Store Keeper: Store keeper keeps track of food stock,

food rotation & ingredients checklist with expiry

monitoring, follow up with suppliers for supply,

accounting knowledge will be an added advantage.

All positions require 5 to 7 years of experience in F& B,

has valid Oman D/L, good ERP knowledge, MS Office,

good communication skills & transferable visa are


To apply, please send your CV to email – rawafidllc@gmail.com

Clinic Manager / Clinic Administrator needed

immediate vacancy- Well experienced

- Speaks and writes English &


- Likes to work in a team

- Respectful, caring & friendly

- Takes criticism well

- Has good professional attitude

Please send CV to: hds_accounts@yahoo.com


- For Hotel Staff, Construction Staff, Medical, Gas

& Oil Staff.

- Free recruitment - free tickets, accommodation,

work visa, contract for 2 (two) years.

Contact : 93392630 Send CV on



Required an experienced Store

keeper for a leading building ma-

terial trading & fabrication com-

pany in Ghala. Send CV to Email:


A well reputed building material

& contracting Company in Oman is

looking for staff : Project Manager

(more than 10 yrs experience), En-

gineer (more than 5 years of expe-

rience), Purchase Manager (more

than 10 yrs of experience). Contact:

99808868 Email: amtcbarka@


Urgent required Salesman with

minimum 3 years of experience

in printing line with valid GCC

license. Contact: 96917952 Email:


Required Sales and Marketing

Manager must possess excellent

communication skills. Fluent Eng-

lish speaking, Arabic speaking is

preferred. Minimum of 2 years of

professional experience. Candi-

dates are requested to send their

CVS to polyplas@omantel.net.om

A leading company in the sale of

heavy machines in the Sultanate

of Oman looking for job promoter

commercial and salesperson

to conduction. Send your CV to

Email: 184059738@qq.com #+968


Urgently Required Steel Fabri-cated Products Salesman with

an experience in steel fabrication,

MUST have Oman driving license,

and immediately join. Apply,

fax 00968–24605955, emails




Electrician cum Plumber, Maintenance Supervisor with

D/L, Building Material Salesman,

C.C.T.V Technician. #99383044.

E mail: helplinellc123@yahoo.com



We, the storm shield in the talented candidates for the below

positions (Indian only): Maintenance Technician (male -1) should have knowledge of new

mobile devices & 3 years Oman

experience # 94441111 Send CV to

email: gshield9@gmail.com

Required for a software develop-

ment fi rm (1) Software Developers

- experience in ASP. NET and / or VB.

NET (2) Software Support Executive

- experience in software / hardware,

support knowledge of ASP. Net will

be an advantage. Email: CV to soft-


Accounting fi xed asset inventory

reconciliation software installation

support service. Contact: 97703143

Data entry, MS Word, Excel, Ac-

counting Installing software and

windows, also know repairing

system 1 year and 6 months work in

sports in Pakistan language, Urdu,

English, Spanish, bachelor of arts BA.

Contact 94879732

10 yrs of Oman experience capable

of handling large accounts, looking

for suitable placement in senior

sales / business development posi-

tion. Contact : 98987654

Indian female 24 B.Com M.Com

having 1 year experience as Cus-

tomer Relation Executive seeks for

suitable placement. #95128242

Email: naiji143@gmail.com

Accountant available with NOC,

7 years experience in Oman.

Ready to join immediately. contact


Indian male 7 yrs Oman exp, Tally

ERP 9, Accounting, inventory con-

troller / asset supervisor & IT sup-

port, marketing seeking suitable

job. NOC available B.Com ,PGDCA ,

location Sohar having Oman D/L.

Contact 98317698, Email:


Male Accountant M.Com Accounts

& fi nance, 3 yrs exp in accounts

looking for suitable job on visit visa.

Contact: 94648575

Indian CA fi nalist, 7 yrs exp having

driving license with visa looking for

fi nance / accounts position Email:

rameesnm@gmail.com, 98097009

B.Com Graduate, Indian male 24

yrs, 3 yrs exp in Oman looking for

Accounting, Sales, suitable jobs.

NOC Available. Contact:90615814.

Mail : adhilrahman.a@gmail.com

Fresher 24, ACCA Affi liate, Advanced

diploma in Accounting and Business

seeking suitable placement in Ac-

counts, Finance or Audit with Oman

driving license.#- 92430152

Email - raju.rd619@gmail.com

ACCA member with 6 yrs of expe-

rience in Oman looking for a suit-

able job in fi nance. #99284193

Indian male 28 yrs MBA fi nance/

marketing and graduate in com-

puter experience 3 yrs seeking

suitable job, now family visit visa.

Contact: 93195378

Email: faisalme.beg677@gmail.com

Required Temporary

Instructorfor summer camp

For further details kindly contact Mr.babu 99380374

or fax 24593277

Babylon Medical Services L.L.C, a leading medical services company

in Oman is looking for the following staff for its newly opening branch

1. Gynecologist 2. Pediatrician3. Physician 4. Dentist5. General Practitioners 6. Female Nurse7. Male Nurse 8. X Ray Technician9. Lab Technician 10. Pharmacist11. Insurance Coordinator 12. Accountant

Interested candidates kindly send CV to athira@babylon-om.com,

info@babylon-om.com, Fax: 24486147

Urgently requiredA leading Electro

Mechanical & Civil

Contracting Company in

Oman urgently required

an Assistant General

Manager with minimum

8 to 10 years experience.

Send CV : recruitmentmuscat2015@gmail.com

Following staff required Immediately at various location around Muscat to be based at site


Interested Candidate may forward their updated CV to – somesh786@gmail.com /

sandeep.svgo@gmail.com call # +971566699815 / +96895323264

Send your CV before 01st April, 2016

DAILY GUIDET U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6 D5






ACCOUNT. & FINANCE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERIndian male 30 years, having 5 years

of experience in industrial automation and utility

maintenance in India (MRF Tyres), holding valid Oman D/L.

Contact - 92789995Email: akhilabrahamlktr@gmail.com

ITIndian History graduate with diploma in Safety with

valid Oman Driving licence seeks suitable placement.

Contact-93361624, Email-dheerachpadikkala@gmail.com

Indian male, MCA (Post Graduate) fresher seeking

suitable placement

anywhere in Oman, now on

visit visa.

Contact 92319677, Email :


ARCHITECTURESyrian Architect with 3 years of

experience in Design and Supervi-

sor in Oman. Contact : 97915193


Female B. Ed English teacher, 7 yrs

exp seeking suitable placement. Con-

tact : 99739415 / 92091528

Indian female 29 yrs MSc, MED sci-

ence on family visa 2 yrs experience

in teaching fi eld looking for a suit-

able placement. Contact : 93717403

Email: sharipanidcer08@gmail.com

Indian Female, MSc Maths from a

Central University, B.ED qualifi ed

with over 6 yrs into teaching. Distinc-

tion holder and passion for teaching,

currently on family Visa.#91360147.

iffi _ftm@yahoo.co.in.

Electrical Engineer, 7 years exp,

NOC, GCC driving license looking

for suitable jobs in MEP services,

O & M of high voltage systems,

FMS. Contact: 96137008

Civil Engineer 6 years experi-

ence, 4 years in Oman, with driving

license available. Contact 92553263

Electrical Engineer, 8 years ex-

perience GCC with driving license,

seeking jobs, can join immediately,

have knowledge of all kind of MEP

projects. Contact 96535204

Indian B.E Civil Engineer, 25

years experience in Gulf looking for

a suitable job. N.O.C & driving license

available. Contact: 94867039

B.Tech Mechanical Engineer, on

visit visa looking for job, who has

done certifi cation courses in quality

control, basic pipeline engineering,

ASNT NDT level II , also good knowl-

edge in HVAC. Contact:94743373

Email: akasharavind1@gmail.com

Site Engineer Education BSc Civil

Engineer experience 1 year AutoCAD

primavera P8.1, MS Excel Google

sketch up can use having Engr visa

to Oman having 2 yrs validity.

Contact : 94561195

Indian female, 25 yrs M.Tech

Structural Engineer 3 yrs experi-

enced in Analysis design & RCC

structures seeking for suitable

placement. # 97163040 / 96357196

Job Site Supervisor 11 yrs experi-

ence 7 years of Oman Education

Diploma in Civil Engineering driving

license of Oman (LTV) Oman experi-

ence building and road structure.

Contact : 96972527

Instrumentation Engineer 11 years

experience B.Tech, Oman driving

license seeks job. Contact 95041595

/ wilfridjacob@gmail.com

Indian male (23), completed B.E

Electrical and Electronics Engineer-

ing have no experience and studied

MEP, E-CAD AutoCAD P6 now on

family visa looking for a desirable

job. Contact: 98209070 Email:


Civil Engineer, 6 yrs experience

with Omani driving license, local re-

lease available. Contact: 91693008

Civil Engineer with 9 years experi-

ence 7 years in Gulf with oil and gas

fi eld experience valid Oman D/L.

NOC available seeks suitable place-

ment. Contact: 91195257 Email:


Indian male, Post Graduate (Instru-

mentation) seeks suitable place-

ment. Contact 0091 – 9633718099/

Email : rajithmr@yahoo.com

BE Mechanical Engineer having 6

years exp in piping and structural

work in India and Oman. Release

available. Contact: 96115463 Email:


Sudanese Civil Engineer holding

bachelor with 2 years of experience

in Oman have valid driving license

and residency with NOC looking for

job. Contact: 94393880

Associate Engineer with 5 years on

EHT, HT, LT underground cable test-

ing, good communication skills, NOC

available. Contact: 92342124

A Young Mechanical Engineer with

PGDM in Marketing and Operations

(Rajagiri Business School) looking for

suitable job placement in a reputed

company, currently working in a

startup (food- tech industry in India)

handing diverse roles of the business

(visit visa). Contact 96961635 Email:


BE CS, 23 yrs male, Indian looking

for suitable job. Contact 90658834

Indian male M.SC in Structural

Engineering (U.K) B.Tech in Civil

Engineering (India), currently in

Oman on visit looking for a suitable

job. Contact : 93699710 Email:


Indian male, 29 yrs, B.Tech (EEE)

with 5+ yrs of experience from reput-

ed fi rms in the fi eld of Electrical Site

Execution & Project Coordination in

HL, LT for various EPC Projects, now

on visit, seeks suitable placement in

related industries.#92310762, email

: write2man@gmail.com

B.Tech Mechanical Engineer, on

visit visa looking for job, who has

done certifi cation courses in quality

control, basic pipeline engineering,

ASNT NDT level II, also good knowl-

edge in HVAC.Contact:94743373


Engineer with 5 years technical

sales experience among leading

brands in Oman construction market

D/L. Contact : 93985140

Male QC Inspector Mechanical,

NDT 20 years experience valid

Oman D/L, NOC available. contact


B.Sc Civil Engineer 27 yrs Oman

exp as project manager, struc-

tural engineer looking for suitable

placement. NOC/local transfer

available. Contact: 99349578.


Pakistani male, 2.5 yrs experience

in AutoCAD Electrical design, esti-

mation, installation commissioning,

operation maintenance of switch-

gear panels MV, LT, MCC, HVAC, Gen

Set, fi re alarm panels, available on

visit visa before 2nd April 2016 look-

ing for suitable placement. Contact

92012760, Email :


B.E Electronics & Instrumentation

Engg, certifi cation in Industrial

Automation having 2 yrs G.C.C exp

in power plant (termination & com-

missioning) having Omani driving

license. Contact: 95862110 Email:


Civil Engineer with 9 years experi-

ence seeks suitable placement, NOC

available. Contact : 91195257 Email:


Indian male, 27 yrs, Electronics

Engineer (B.Tech) & MBA, Project

Management with 5 years experi-

ence in electronic security system,

optical fi ber, project planning instal-

lation. Contact 94819139,


B.Sc in Civil Engineer having 10

yrs experience in structural designer

in RCC structure & steel structure in

Dubai having Municipality approval

& Dubai driving license looking for

suitable position. Email : engr.masud.


BE Mechanical & Diploma with 4

yrs experience in India looking for

suitable job. Contact 90542737

Male Dip.Civil Engineer, having 20

yrs exp (building & road) looking for

suitable job. Contact: 94720782

Indian male 35yrs BE - Engg 15 yrs

exp in UAE Site Manager looking

for job. Contact 95802614, Email :


Pakistani male Diploma Civil En-

gineer 4yrs exp in Oman bulling &

mega projects, valid license Oman.


Procurement Engineer (27 years

single male with Oman Driving

License) having 7 years experience

(UAE 2, Oman 3) with expertise in

MEP, Water, Electromechanical,

Instrumentation seeking suitable

placements. Contact 95852033,

mail: hemal1988@gmail.com

Indian female, 31 yrs, 7 yrs expe-

rienced as AutoCAD civil drafts-

man (2 yrs experience in Oman)

currently in Oman seeks suitable.

Contact 96789441

Email: simi5304@gmail.com

Sr. Electrical Engineer with17+ yrs

of exceptional exp in spear head-

ing strategic planning and project

management initiatives & execut-

ing various high rise residential

& commercial building as well as

roads and highway project with

profi ciency in installation, seeking

a challenging position in a dynamic

organization. contact 96570891

Network Engineer CCNA-MCSA

exp computer science with NOC.

Contact : 92346191

Indian male,24 yrs, Electronics

& Telecom, Graduate, Mumbai

University (2015 batch) looking for

entry level job in Engg.com having

good knowledge at telecom, net-

working ,fi ber optic, Oraclellg- SQL,

PLSQL, now in Muscat on 3 months

visit visa. Contact : 91868936 /

93101922. Email:


Male, NDT, QA/QC Supervision

Mechanical 10 yrs experience

seeks suitable placement.

Contact 96954202, Email :


Diploma in Mechanical Eng pip-

ing system in AutoCAD work, 21+

years experience with Driving

license. Contact: 95267113

Email: rkakkaryil@gmail.com

Structural Engineer, 8 yrs expe-

rienced in fl at slab, post tensioned

& slab-beam multi story building

design & supervision with driving

license. Contact: 98256860

Electrical Engineer with 18 years

exp in UAE. Contact: 98148034

Email: shassalih66@gmail.com

Civil Engineer 6 yrs Exp in Oman

with license. Contact: 98975518

Sri Lankan Engineer (27 Years

old) – B.Sc Engineering (Hon)

Mining / Geotechnical Presently

in Muscat, 1.5 years experience.

Contact 91295802


Mechanical Engineer M.Tech

2 years experience HVAC design

& site Engg revit MEP Auto CAD.

Contact: 90150913 Email:


Indian female civil engineer

B.Tech having 3 years experience

sound knowledge of software,

REVIT STAD PRO structural detail-

ing currently on family visa seeks

suitable placement #95345591

Civil Engineer (BE) having total

5 years experience in building

construction looking for a suitable

placement. D/L available#94450270

Bachelor Civil Engineer 6 Years

in Oman experience Valid Driving

License seeks suitable placement

Phone 97619722

Email – golamrob@yahoo.com

Road and Construction Engineer with 5 years exp in Oman.

Contact: 97667113

7 Yrs Exp. PM in Mech. Engg in

the fi eld of Building Const. Oil &

Gas Seeking Job.94625598

Mechanical Engineer with 3 Yrs

experience in international Oil &

Gas company looking for job Con-

tacts: Tel: 90164236 Email:


Indian Electrical Engineer Btech,

female 24 seeking job, presently

in oman having 2 year experience

in design and estimation of Ht &Lt

projects. Contact 968 97436557,

Mail id : sibinanoop1@gmail.com

Sudanese Telecom Engineer, 5 years experience, 3 years in Oman

PMP certifi cate. contact 93391008

Email: momen.awadallam@gmail.com

Indian Male 23 years B.Tech Civil

having 2 years experience in quan-

tity survey and site management

looking for suitable placement.

Contact:- 95042656


Qualifi ed and experienced

Indian female Manager, 28 yrs

with 12 years experience in B.P.O

Insurance and banking looking

for a suitable placement. Contact

: 95166496

Purchase/Planning & Logistics Manager MBA (Finance), 14yrs.

Oman Exp. with D/L, NOC avail-

able, looking for suitable posi-

tion.#93826090, jskanchan01@


The Business Development Man-

ager, Iraqi, Experience 15 Years

Inside and outside Oman follow-

ing activities: construction(Very

strong and qualifi ed to bringing

business for civil work Or any

type of the construction work for

many million per year with a good

experience in pricing and collect

payment and cash management of

the company & marketing projects

& investments& tenders & real

estate. Contact 92385033

Building Site Supervisor with

Oman D/L working in Oman

since 2010 looking for suitable

placement. Contact: 91507828

15 years Oman experienced

procurement manager with

good knowledge of material and

market. Contact 96549399

Operations & Accounts Manag-

er Indian 18 years experience in

Oman fi nance, purchase, sales,

HR, Admin looking for Senior

position. Contact : 99044724

Production Manager 9 years

experience in Oman manufac-

ture and development factories

.GRB. GRC. GRG rubber molds

and false ceilings, fi berglass

and executive at site emadad-

ly2000@yahoo.com 96149081

The Business Development Manager, Iraqi, Experience 15

Years Inside and outside Oman

following activities: tenders&

real estate& construction & mar-

keting projects& investments

& transportation & Marine

services& companies man-

agement& develop business.

Contact: :- 92385033

Indian male, with experience

in operations management,

information security, purchase

& stores mgmt, hold UAE driv-

ing license, on visit visa, seeks

suitable job. #91904541

Email: naushers@yahoo.com


Omani National looking for a suit-

able placement in Sales or Adminis-

tration. Contact: 94700691

Male BBA 25 administration of-

fi cer, accounts, purchaser with valid

NOC. Contact 91329571

B.Com 3 years business process

outsourcing. Contact: 94657273

Indian male 26 yrs MCA, 2 yrs ex-

perienced in System Admin & data

base controller. Contact: 92835125

Female MBA – HR professional, 5

yrs experience in teaching & admin-

istration, have fl air in areas of man-

agement, on visit visa. #95905163,

Email : manhan17@gmail.com

Indian Male – MBA (HR) & En-

gineering graduation with total 9

years of experience in HR & Admin

( 3 yrs of Oman Exp.) along with

hands on experience in technical

bid submission for all Government

& PDO tenders ready to join im-

mediately with NOC. #@ 91240251/

Email; kvaradhan@hotmail.com

Indian Female, MBA-HR having 8+

experience in Administration/HR,

Customer Support, Offi ce Coordina-

tor with good Computer skill, Now

on Visit Visa,looking for suitable

position. Contact: 90196235

Indian male MBA 33yrs having 10

yrs of exp seeking full time suit-

able placement in Administration/

HR/ Operations/ Coordination/

Logistics. Holding valid D/L.

Contact 99054786

Indian male MBA- UK 18 yrs Gulf

exp in Administration/ HR & Public

relationship. Fluent in Arabic/

English with D/L. Looking for suit-

able position. Contact - 99897280

Young Omani male have experi-

ence 12 years as P.R.O, CLERK

Helper Supervisor Admin Supervi-

sor, H.R Manager have diploma in

H.S.E, IT and P.D.O license, looking

for H.R position or P.R.O part time

or full time. Contact: 95933288

Filipino male with 13 years HR and

Administration managerial experi-

ence. MBA & CIPD holder. Currently

looking for job in Oman. Interested

employer Contact - 97728418.

Indian, 26 yrs , female , 5 yrs exp

in HR/ Admin with valid Oman

D/L seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 98236033

Indian female, Masters in HR,

having 4 + years Oman experience

in media management and HR,

looking for openings in HR, Educa-

tion, Admin, Corporate communi-

cations. Contact 98252030

Family driver available. Contac:


Light duty driver seeks job. Con-

tact: 94182497

Looking job for light driver. Con-

tact: 94435912 / 94802988

Pakistani male light vehicle driver

with 5 years experience looking

for job. Contact: 92171166

Looking for light driver. #99753474

Light duty driver, 3 years driving

experience of Oman, staying in

Oman from last 8 years. #96731603

Light car driving. #99578213

Looking for light driving job 2

years exp. Contact: 91625977

Driver. Contact : 94087276

Pakistani male light Vehicle Driver

with car looking for job. contact


Pakistani male light vehicle driver

looking for job. Contact: 99521033

Indian Male, IT System Engineer

having 4 yrs of experience in system

administration.CCNA,MCSE, Linux.

Looking for suitable job.#:91272867

Sudanese Network Engineer holding

IT Bachelor with 1 year experience

CCNA, CCNP, MCSA certifi ed have

valid driving license. #92394485

Male, 31 years, M.I.T, CCNA, 9

years exp in Qatar as assistant IT

manager, network administrator,

server management and knowl-

edge of developing website. Qatar

D/L and available in Oman on visit

visa. Contact:00968-98179462.

0097477237607, Email:


Indian male 27 yrs master in

computer applications currently

in Muscat with Oman driving li-

cense seeking suitable placement.

#93191800 Email: vijilraj60@



M.C.A seeking for suitable jobs. Con-

tact: 91409481 / 97308719


3 YR EXP, PH : 97947921

INDIAN male, pursued

bachelor’s of computer science

having experience in desktop En-

gineer, looking for IT job, on visit

visa, seeking suitable placement.

#98784174 ,email :


Indian female, B.Tech graduate,

with one and half years experience

as ‘web developer’ interested in web

development and has experience

working in HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,

JavaScript and Photoshop. contact

9592 7075 e-mail id:


Indian female, B.Tech graduate,

with one and half years experience

as ‘web developer’ interested in web

development and has experience

working in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap,

JavaScript and Photoshop.

Contact : 9592 7075, e-mail id:


Indian Male Accountant 10yrs Exp.

in OMAN Retail & Furniture Co. (Re-

lease Available)#92564955

Indian male 34 Yrs, Dual MBA

Finance and marketing with IT

skills, 7+ yrs of experience,

Looking for suitable placement.

Contact : 94879615,Email-



13yrs experience, 6 yrs Oman in

manufacturing, trading & contract-

ing Cos, capable of handling all

accounting, fi nance, banking, L/C,

import, export & fi nalization seeks

placement. NOC Available.




Finance-Indian with 7 years experi-

ence in Finance & Accounts up to fi na-

lization. Currently employed in Oman.

Having D/L & NOC. #94122464,

Email: cammk13@gmail.com

Chief Accountant 25 years experi-

enced looking for part/full time ac-

countant job. #95598477/98803439

Indian male 25 B.Com (graduate) 2

years experience as accountant in

country club India with ERP

oracle r12, tally knowledge. On visit

visa immediately available.

Email: shabi.hyd@gmail.com

Contact- 9042-1161

Indian female 25 yrs, MBA HR &

Marketing, with one and half years

experience as accountant and

6 months experience in teaching,

now on a visit visa, seeking suit-

able position. Contact: 99624044,

mail: np.neethu1@gmail.com.



Housemaid (overseas) Indian fam-

ily looking for job. #99531802

3D & Multimedia Designer look-

ing for job, currently using family

visa. Contact : 95844940 Email:


Revit, autocad, 3d max , diploma

civil engg, certifi cate attested, sal-

ary exp : 250 OMR. #92279784

AutoCAD Civil Draughtsman look-

ing for job (12 yrs Oman experi-

ence). Contact: 99830785

2D autocad Drafting (free lancer /

part time) arch, MEP, Shopdrawing.

Contact : 97103168

CAD Technician Looking for Job

Diploma holder. experience: 5.5

oman+Total12 years. #96534071

Revit, Autocad D/man, expected

salary 200 OMR PH :92279784

Indian Female, Bsc Fashion De-

signer with Oman driving Lisence,

looking for any good job.

Contact 98757582

Interior Designer Seeking suit-

able job. On visit visa in Oman.

Contact - 92166130

AutoCAD draftsman experience 2

years. Contact: 93738335 /95809393

Email: mammoosing@gmail.com


Cooks (Arabic Indian) gulf exp

looking job. Contact: 99531802

An Iraqi civil with more than 30

years experience in (Iraq and G.C.C)

looking for a job, (N.O.C) available.

Contact: 96561306

Email: iq.bgd.mnsr@gmail.com

Civil Engineer 11 yrs exp in con-

struction fi eld having Oman driving

license & NOC. Contact – 94194399 /


Engineer has 10 years local &

international experience in ready

mix concrete also in Oil & Gas fi eld

also in marketing & sales fi eld , has

Omani driving license. #92534098

Indian male, Mechanical

Engineer having 1year experi-

ence, on visit visa looking for

suitable job. Contact:97416564,


Civil Engineer diploma, 4 yrsexp

seeks suitable position ina reputed

company. NOC available. #96789711

Civil Engineer 8 years experience

in Oman as a project engineer for

governmental & private projects.

Contact – 90164912

Civil Engineer 8 years experience

Structural buildings marine. Avail-

able NOC release. Contact: 92451323.

Email: zubairali134@yahoo.com

Civil Engineer (B.Tech), Indian

male 24 years with 1+years Indian

experience,(Certifi ed in Staad

Pro/ Quantity Survey/ Auto Cad).

Looking for a Suitable position.

Available In Sultanate of Oman

(Muscat) on Visit Visa.

Contact: 92835952. E-mail:


Indian male Electrical Engineer, having 6 years gulf experience in

designing, assembling, commis-

sioning execution etc having valid

GCC license too looking for a suit-

able. Contact: 00968-98052942

Email: azamjeelani78@gmail.com

HSE Engineer (B.E Mech+Diploma

Safety+NEBOSH+OSHA) over

10yrs. Exp, (Visa Release Letter

(NOC) available), seeking suit-

able placement, Mob:97061817,


DAILY GUIDED6 T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifi eds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624


Karate and self defense classes

at Azaiba 18 Nov Street. RO 10 per

month twice a week Monday and

Tuesday 6. 30 TO 7. 30. PM.

CONTACT 98294551

Spoken Arabic class for Non Arabic Speakers & English

class for Malayalam Speakers in Azaiba and Ruwi

• Learn in two months• Satisfaction guaranteed

Tel: 95244310

Any time available transportation

solution for house offi ce shifting,

TV fi xing, carpenter all type of

maintenance.#Indian person :

95194801 / 96594592 Whatsapp







WEB, ERP and Business Intel-

ligence (BI) creation and man-

agement at rock bottom price.

Contact: http//webviewoman



Indian MBA Graduate having

4 years in Sales & Marketing

in Oman having Oman driving

license. NOC also available seeks

suitable placement. CONTACT

94193313 Email: nvshameem123@


10 yrs exp in procurement, ten-

ders, importing, marketing and

sales, organizing events. Have car

NOC available. #94123939

Young Indian male, 24 yrs, having

03 yrs marketing experience in

Oman, looking for suitable place-

ment. Holding valid D/L. NOC

available. Contact: 93172979

Indian male, looking for sales &

marketing job with Qatar experi-

ence & driving license. Contact

0091 8297578893, Email : moh-


M.B.A (Marketing) With experi-

ence in FMCG & Other Sales, Valid

GCC Driving License. Immediate

Joining Possible Mob.92432748

Indian male 33 yrs, 11 yrs exp

of Oman in Sales and hospital-

ity looking for suitable with NOC.

Contact: 91607889

Indian male, 45 yrs, 15 years

Saudi experience, 1 year Qatar ex-

perience as driver / salesman with

valid Qatar D/ License, currently

in Oman on visit visa, looking

for suitable placement. Contact :

90653714 / 99881264

MBA, Executive Post, Omani Driv-

ing Licence,14 years Experience

in Multinational Groups in Sales &

Marketing. M.Z. 91685048

Indian male 30 years, Gulf

exp. GCC license looking for job

sales Administration. Contact :

94423288 Email:


B.Com, specialized in market-

ing, SAP - FICO, Tally ERP 9 2 yrs

exp in sales and accounting ph :


Pakistani male, fresh Graduate

& Diploma in hotel management

& tourism, computer literate,

interested in Sales & Marketing,

Accounts, available on permanent

visa, seeks placement with visa.

NOC available. Contact 91439870,

Email : waqaxmooxa@gmail.com

Warehouse Manager of 4 years

experience in South Africa (retail,

sales & marketing) and teaching in

Maldives, on visiting visa looking

for suitable placement in Muscat.

Contact : 94745292 Email:

sabusoniairiff y@gmail.com

Computer Sales and Service man

(Indian) with Diploma in Electron-

ics and Communication with more

than 2 years experience available

in Oman. CONTACT 97017866 /


Indian male MBA having 12 years

of Sales experience in Oman

seeking suitable position, good in

Arabic and having valid D/L. NOC

can be obtained (as per new rule).

Contact : 98908634

Indian male having 10 years of

exp in sales & customer service

also worked as IT Technician

CCNA Certifi ed. Graduate seeks

suitable placement. #92490127

An experienced sales & market-

ing person having several years

experience in GCC with valid D/L.

Looking for a suitable position.

Contact – 92124669

MBA graduate having 6 years exp

in Sales & Marketing, 4 years with

PEPSI, India, having international

driving license permit seeks suit-

able placement. #: 95308167,

Email : samir.pag@gmail.com

Sudanese B.Sc in business

administration, exp 8yrs in sales,

marketing & accounting. CONTACT


Indian Male 28 MBA Marketing

with 4 years of experience in sales

with good communication skills

now available in Muscat on visit

visa. GSM 95840153 /

Mail akbarshareef786@gmail.com

Indian sales marketing profes-

sional highly experienced in busi-

ness development in ME India and

Africa seeks suitable placement.

Contact: 97897611

B.Com male 2 yrs experience in sales

Computer knowledge, seeking suit-

able placement. #98371144

email: nabilnazar22@gmail.com

Indian male, MBA Marketing

having 2.5 years Sales experience

immediately looking for a suitable

position. Contact: 91415145,

Email: shariqs88@gmail.com

Male 38 yrs Graduate 07 years

experience indoor / outdoor

electronic fi eld with D/License &

NOC available (as per new rule).


Indian Female on a visit visa

having master degree seeking

suitable placement in any fi eld, 1

,5 year experience in HR .Contact :

+968 91467576.

MBA Marketing, 10 years in mar-

keting, consulting strategy, cor-

porate communications, content

management, UX , Product launch,

digital marketing. Indian female

on visit. Contact : 95431357

Indian 32 years passed M.A. Eng-

lish , M.Sc Psychology and B.Ed in

English having 4 years experience

in teaching searching suitable job.

Contact: 99869535 Email: sahad-


Indian male,16 years Oil & Gas

experience ( Down Hole Tools ),

3 years in Oman, Dip. Mechanical

Engineer, Having D/L and NOC.

Email – jajisuni@yahoo.com, Mob :

965 956 18.

Bangladeshi Male, University

MA, Working as Store In-charge

cum Logistic Manager in

Muscat; searching better job.

Phone:91997605. email: moham-


8 plus years of experience in

Events /Marketing Communica-

tion /conferences / Trainings /

Media representation. Having UAE

D/L. seeking Suitable Placement:

Contact: 95792820. suheal.ma@


Software Engineer Indian, 31 yrs,

8.5 years experience (IBM, Em-

phasis, cognizant), Oman driving

license looking suitable place-

ment. Contact: 93221395

Indian male, 19 years Oman exp

in purchase, Material control in

building construction & factory

production have good computer

skills & D/L & with NOC, looking

for suitable placement. Contact:

99008101 Email: mr.victor2015@


Physiotherapist with MOH license

looking for suitable placement.

Contact: 92617235

Engg/ Tech/ Mech, ME. Mechani-

cal Engineer Indian male, 24 years

looking for suitable job, area of

interest Unconventional machin-

ing process, transmission system

used in automobile quality control.

Contact: 90444038 / 96736912,


Indian Male,Kerala,B.COM & B.PE

having 13Years of Physical Educa-

tion Teacher experience. Currently

on visit visa Looking for a suitable

job. Contact:- 968 94106834.


25 year old male B.Com and

insurance graduate with 6 year

experience looking for an opening

in accounts, fi nance or operations

related only. Driving license and

NOC available. Contact-lilommca@

gmail.com and 95236312.

14 year experience in 5 star hotel

as sales manager in UAE & INDIA

on tourist visa looking for suitable

opportunity please contact mobile

# 91305978

Admin Assistant. Having 5 years

experience in admin department

in reputed companies, presently

working in Muscat (NOC Avail-

able). GSM. 00968-98404122,

Email - panduru.jeevankumar@


BS in Electrical Engineering, Experience: 5 years(Power Plants).

Contact: 92475206

Email: zahaibzafar007@gmail.


Filipino Male, 24 Years Old..

looking for job, have experience

in Cargo & Logistics/ Rent a Car/

Real Estate/ Finance & Accounts/

customer service and as Travel

Agent. Hard working and with

good computer and communica-

tion skills. GSM: 95370052

Indian Female on a visit visa hav-

ing master degree seeking suitable

placement in any fi eld, 1 and half

year experience in HR .Contact :

+968 91467576


Indian Female, 24 MA Eng. Litr

with 2 yrs experience in teach-

ing & 14 months in Administra-

tion cum Secretary, Currently

on visit visa, seeks suitable job.

Contact: 92613704/99260702,


Sri Lankan Male 34 BSc. (Physics)

5 years experience as a site man-

ager and administration supervisor

in Oman with valid D/L looking

for a suitable position. Contact

99153061 or v.chandramohan@


Female Junior Architect Graduated

from School of Planning & Archi-

tecture, Vijayawada. Excellence

in Autocad, Sketching & Model-

ling. Internship - KHAM Designs,

Bangalore. Presently with Atulya

Architects & Associates. Email


Contact 00968-94057427.

2 years experienced male seeking

job related to safety. M. Tech in

HSE, MSc in Environmental Sci-

ence and IOSH certifi ed. Contact :


Indian male 37 YEARS, BSC


than 8yrs of experience with well

exposure in PDO, DALEEL & OXY


PORT ENGINEER. Seeking suitable

placement. Contact rangaraj_vck@

yahoo.co.in / 968-99758320

Indian Female Electronics System

Eng. UK Graduate. Programmer Mi-

cro Controller Robot, Eng. Analysis,

Instrumentation & Control, Eng.

Projects, Integrated Circuit Eng.,

Electrical and Fluid Drives, Ana-

logue Electronics, Wireless Sys-

tems. Seeking suitable post. Con-

tact: 97848075, s.dinesh1508@



nance Indian female[29Years]

MBA. On family visa, Seeking

suitable placement-93908191,


32year Indian Male MSC,MBA-HR

having 8yrs Exp(HR / Payroll /

Admin) with Oman valid DL. Seek-

ing suitable opening in Human Re-

source, Payroll & Admin/ backend

jobs. Contact:00968-99322978

Experienced B.Com graduate +

IATA Diploma holder looking for

Accounts/Admin/Travels related

job. Mob. 91142997. NOC available.

Electrical Engineer Indian male

23 yrs, 2 yrs experience HV/LV

Design experience in Oman based

projects experience in HV testing

(220/110/11kv) presently on visit

visa. Contact : 99729860 Email:


Indian female B.C.A, B.E.D, IELTS

experience in Oman teaching

primary & secondary looking for

job. Contact : 97384206 Email:


Indian female, having 10 years

experience in logistics and sales

coordination, exp in SAP, MS Offi ce

valid D/L currently on visit visa

looking for suitable placement.

Contact : 95251911

Accountant 31 years Indian male,

6 years experience in Dubai &

Bahrain with driving license good

computer skills seeking for suit-

able position. Contact : 92791218

Email: vmp2485@gmail.com

MCA, Indian female, experience

in IT & Administration. Contact :

94133849 Email: abpraveena16@


Sudanese male, 5 years experi-

ence in warehouse management

and logistics services CONTACT


Sr Material controller, having

13 years experience in material

controlling in reputed companies.

Presently working in Muscat (NOC

Available). CONTACT 00968-

92944026, Email


Indian/male (25)/ MBA/2 years

experience in channel sales and

distribution management. on visit

visa. available for immediate join-

ing. Contact: 96914068, E mail:


Indian, BE Mechanical Engi-

neering with 1 yr exp as service

Engineer, looking for suitable po-

sitions. Contact-90637918, E mail:


Senior Accountant, 5 yrs Oman,

10 yrs UAE experience in manu-

facturing & construction valid

D/L immediately available. Email:


call: 95389018


Mason, SH / carpenter, steel fi tter

gulf & Indian exp looking job.

Contact: 95175192


Graduate, computer literate, experi-

enced in sales, credit control,

accounts, Omani D/L , seeks suit-

able placement. Gsm 98805474

Indian female on visit MBA

(International Business- Market-

ing & Logistics), BE (Computers &

Science Engg.) Trained in SAP-BI/

BW with 1 year experience

seeking for job Contact: 90228586


A lady entrepreneur with BF Tech

1st Class (Fashion Technology)

since 2006 in Kerala like to make

change for better. Specialized in

designing, Production Management,

Fashion Art, Grading, Surface orna-

mentation, Garment Construction.

Email: prettyjinu08@gmail.com

Mobile: +919539397097.

Bangladeshi male, University

M.Com, Working as an Accountant

& Administrator in Oman; search-

ing better job. Phone: 94864966

Email: sunrisetoiqbal@gmail.com


Indian male with 1 year experi-

ence in food and beverage service

as Steward / Guest Associate look-

ing for suitable job in hospitality

/ hotel organization, presently on

visit visa. Contact: 94130103

Hospitality/Hotel/ Restaurants

Dynamic result oriented hospital-

ity professional with 20 years of

international exp. MBA in Hotel

Management, specializing in

Hotel/Restaurant start ups, con-

cepts & Franchise development

with proven records. Seeking for

Challenging positions in reputed

groups as GM/COO/CEO/Business

Head. (NOC available) #96059470


Indian Male more than 10 years

gulf experience in Offi ce / Sales

Coordinator, Admin, Secretarial and

purchase with good computer skills.

Holding Oman Driving license.

Looking for suitable placement.

Contact 99709336

Lady Secretary / Sales Co-coordi-

nator 12 years experience in Oman

in reputed companies, seek imme-

diate Employment. Call: 95244761


5 years of Experience in Digi-

tal Sales/Research Engines and

Patient Experience Executive at

Reliance Hospitals India, Pvt. Ltd.

Looking for any suitable vacancy,

currently on a visit . #90503494

email : lasradomelwyn@gmail.com

Indian female (MSC – Microbiolo-

gist) seeking suitable job. Contact:

96791162 / 90618567

Indian female dentist with MOH

license having 3 years experi-

ence seeking immediate place-

ment.NOC available Contact:

96678476/90343750, Email:


Indian Bsc Female Nurse with

6.5 years exp, 4 years in KSA.

Passed Oman Pro Metric with 69%,

completed data fl ow. Presently in

Muscat in visit visa looking for a

suitable placement.

Contact 94744900, 94742834,


Male GP Doctor with NOC 6 yrs

experience in Oman for perm/locum

job. Contact : 97746074

An experienced Sudanese female Dentist with MOH license looking

for job. #96436517 /97396088

Male GP Doctor with NOC 6 yrs

experience in Oman for perm/locum

job. Contact : 97746074

An experienced Sudanese female Dentist with MOH license looking

for job. #96436517 /97396088

Indian male with 1 yr exp looking

for job in I.T as Web developer,

presently in Muscat on visit visa.

Contact: 92312978

Indian Male ,MBA Finance &

Marketing 28 yrs,6+ Exp, with

oman D/L & NOC, Hospital ,Pharma

,Herbal ,FMCG, F&B Markeing ,con-

struction A/c & sales , 93379044

HSE Engineer, Indian male, 4

plus years experience in oil & gas,

working in shclumberger Nebosh,

ISOH & NDT certifi ed, M. Tech in

HSE. contact-krish.569@gmail.

com mobile- +91 9867016808

BE Mechanical Engineering

with one year experience now

on visit visa, looking for suitable

positions. CONTACT 90637918 /

99335742,email: aquasharath@


Indian/male (25)/ MBA /2 years

experience in channel sales and

distribution management. on

visit visa. available for immediate

joining. Contact: 96914068, email:


Indian male, 8.5 yrs experience,

B.Com Graduate with GCC exp &

valid driving license looking for

better job opening in Muscat. Con-

tact: 92609935 / 94771365

Indian male network cabling tech-

nician (19 years Gulf experience),

seeking for suitable placement.

Contact : 0091-8089909265 (In-

dia), Email: mohithavp@gmail.com

Indian male, Kerala B.Com & B.PE,

looking for suitable Job in Sales,

Accounts, Admin etc. #93301023

email:- sajith3969@gmail.com

B.Com Graduate with 4 year expe-

rience as an Accountant in Oman.

Also have Oman Driving License.

Best fl uency in English, Arabic,

Hindi& Malayalam. Looking for

Job. Currently in Oman. Cont: +968

93943448, murshid4u@gmail.com

Commercial or Operation Manager

18 yrs in Oman – fi nance, purchase,

sales, HR & Admin exp. Contact:

99044724. E mail: srjobsinoman@



Indian , presently on visit visa

Graduate and IATA certifi ed seek-

ing a job in travel and tourism.

Contact: 97066058

Indian female BA IATA, 7 yrs exp

in travel industry knows SABRE

AMADEUS GALILEO on family visa

seeks opportunity in Oman. Contact

93531170. E mail:


Filipinas lady having exp in

ticketing and preservation, call

center, secretarial and real estate

is now looking for job please


DAILY GUIDET U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6 D7





25 - 50 seater bus with PDO &

BP specifi cation for monthly rent

& small car with driver. Contact



Dolphin Watch, Dhow Cruise with Buffet, & Land Tours Al- Ainain Marine Tours contact 98029602, 92808636

We arrange tours & accommodation at all the beautiful places in Oman. Contact 99839898



Contact Saleh: 96723485

Public relation services (PRO), Formation new

companies, LLC companies, investor visa, business setup,

prepare business & companies accounts, legal

services, representing you and your company.

Driver available with car.#96728056

RENT A CARBest Rates for Saloon

Contact: 97869042 / 95730550


*Classifi ed Advertisement space booking with text, should be done

till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication. * Subject to space



Looking for a villa in Amerat area.

Contact : 95405033

Required single room for an

executive lady (non cooking) in

Darsait, Ruwi, Wadi Kabir.

Contact - 98591132

Accommodation required with

food for 1 month, bachelor for

March month. Preferably Al Ghob-

rah area. Contact: 99335742


Furnished apartment required im-

mediately for one month. Contact:


looking for a villa in Amirat area

Contact : 95405033

*Classifi ed Advertisement space booking with text,

should be done till 12.00 noon

for next day’s publication. * Subject to space


Investment RequiredMinimum OMR 500,000 to transfer

5 Excavators big + 5 Tippers 2015

Astra, working on good profitable

Excavation projects. Assured

income 36 %.

98867530 / 99120532engrfaheem@hotmail.com MANPOWER

D8 T U E S D AY, M A R C H 2 9, 2 0 1 6

DAILY GUIDEEmail: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifi eds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624


SERVICESWe Provide Cleaners,

Offi ce boys, Cleaning Contracts, General cleaning etc.

Al Mudakhir Nati onal Est. LLC Contact : 94277020

Window & split unit A.C servicing &

repairing. Contact: 99557080

Split & window unit A.C servicing &

maintenance. Contact: 96236476

Split & widow unit A.C servicing &

maintenance.contact 93769089 /


Split & window A/c servicing & main-

tenance. #93769089 / 95323517

GUARANTEED CLEANING: Carpet & sofa shampooing,

Contact 99314807/24792998

A/C maintenance & servicing,

fridge, washing machine & dish

washer repairing, painting & clean-

ing services, electrical & plumbing.

#99447257 / 97014234 / 24504281

A/C Technician, cold store, freez-

er, chiller all kinds of A/C & re-

frigeration installation & service.

Contact: 92279370 / 92459357

Water proofi ng ABUQABAS-

Contact 99320217/24788722

House shifting & transporting.

Contact 92490422

Pest control treatments, Ocean center LLC CONTACT


MARBLE CRYSTALLIZATION restore the original shine of your

marble. #24793614/ 99314807

House shifting packing.

Contact: 99657644 / 98518013

House shifting. Contact: 99708138

Marble crystallization & grinding, cleaning & carpet shampooing.

Ocean center LLC.#99344723

Al farzdaq Al Fedi Trad and Cont

Maintenance services electric,

plumbing and A/C. Contact:

96524904 /94285064

Pest control & Building cleaning all kinds of pest control building. Cleaning ti les /

Marble polishing monthly/ Yearly contracts available.

Contact: 98814733 /98814740 Al Husn Cleaning L.L.C

Split A/C servicing R.O 10 only.

Contact: 94217681 / 99210141

Carpet Shampoo, marble & tile

polishing, pest control & anti-ter-

mite treatment, general cleaning

painting,Plumbing, Electrical,

shifting. Contact Mundhir

Al-Rizaiqi trading. L.L.C.

Contact: 24810137, 99450130

Fixed asset verifi cation inventory

control software installation sup-

port services. Contact: 97703143

Marble Restoration, Mosaic tiles

polishing, carpet shampooing,

maintenance. Contact ABU QABAS-

99320217 /24788722

Marble crystallization & grinding, Ocean center LLC .#99344723


Toyota Corolla, 1.6 Ltr, 2009

Model, Automatic, 110,000Kms -

RO.3,200/-. Contact: 92769735

Doctor used Nissan Sunny 2012

new model for sale Indians pre-

ferred. Contact : 95991809



Indian male at a Managerial posi-

tion having 12 yrs exp in sales &

marketing, Property Management

looking for a suitable position,

MBA qualifi ed with Oman driving

license. NOC available. #98125226


Mohammad Rejiul has lost Bang-

ladeshi Passport No. AC1698750.

Finder please handover to ROP