Times of Oman - June 29, 2016

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Times of Oman - June 29, 2016

Transcript of Times of Oman - June 29, 2016

Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. | Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group

June 29, 2016 23 Ramadan 1437 AH




Dhuhr 12.15pmAsr 3.34pmMaghrib 7.03pmIsha 8.25pm Fajr (Tomorrow) 3.56am




On the Occasion of 7th National Day, 1977


In these days, when the lives and freedom of humanity everywhere are threatened by the ambitions of these ruthless and powerful forces, we must remain constantly on our guard, never for one moment relaxing our vigilance, and ever ready to defend our country.

‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’

A3PwC Oman distributes 200 food packets among needy

OMANThai AirAsia X maiden flight lands in Muscat

2The inaugural flight of Thai AirAsia X arrived at the Muscat International

Airport yesterday from Bangkok, marking the official launch of a new route for the Thailand-based budget airline. Thai AirAsia X will operate three direct flights per week using an Airbus A 300. The new route will boost tourism between the two countries. >A5

MARKETPrivate wealth set to touch $.4t in 2020

3By 2020, private wealth in Oman will rise from $0.3 trillion

to $0.4 trillion, according to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), called, “Global Wealth 2016: Navigating the New Client Landscape.” During the next five years, growth of private wealth in Oman will be driven primarily by equities. >B1

OMANMissing Indian expat worker found dead

1An Indian worker lay dead inside a toilet cubicle for two days before

police found him. Lachaiah Tangallapelly went missing on Friday. His roommates assumed that he might have gone somewhere else. As he didn’t turn up for duty, the police was informed and they found the body lying in a toilet inside the camp. >A3


Brexit won’t hit exports –but a weaker £ might

BABA UMAR /RAHUL DASbabaumar@timesofoman.comrahuldas@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Oman’s exports will not be affected by Brexit, but a weaker pound could create a chal-lenging scenario for the Sultanate.

The country’s direct exposure to the Brexit fallout is “insignifi-cant”, according to the head of the government funded agency responsible for insuring exports.

Khalid Al Jashmi, acting gen-eral manager of Export Credit Guarantee Agency of Oman, (ECGAO) does, however, fear a weaker pound could cause prob-lems with the Sultanate’s existing

trading partners.Less than a week after Britain’s

decision to quit the European Union, financial analysts across the globe have been crunching numbers to assess potential risks and benefits.

Even media baron Rupert

Murdoch has pitched in, believ-ing that a weaker UK currency could put the UK in the driving seat economically.

It’s a view shared by Al Jash-mi, who warns that Oman’s big-gest trading partners might be tempted to exploit the weaker

currency and trade with the UK instead of Oman.

The challenging scenario comes as officials revealed that slowdown of 25 per cent has been witnessed by the policy holders of the ECGAO in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year.

One said: “The problem of fall-ing exports started before the end of 2015. Finance is the main rea-son for the exports falling.”

ConsequencesIf the country’s biggest trading partner, currently China, opts to head west, the consequences for Omani exports could be severe.

The total volume of exports to the UK is a mere 0.16 per cent of Omani export business, according to Foreign Trade Statistics Report 2015, as opposed to 49 per cent in export trade with China.

The UK stands at 34th position in terms of oil and non-oil exports from Oman.

Trading partners“It’s insignificant. Our major trading partners are China, UAE, South Korea and Taiwan. The Brexit poll results and the sub-sequent economic upheaval will have no direct bearing on the Sultanate,” Khalid Al Jashmi told Times of Oman in an exclusive interview. >A7

Financial experts

believe the upheaval

in the EU will have

little impact on Oman

but if China moves

to fill the void, the

country’s exports

could be affected

HASAN SHABAN AL LAWATIhassan@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Majlis Al Shura mem-bers have criticised teachers who inflate results of failed students to help them pass exams in order to maintain the rating of schools.

Khalid Al Farei, head of the Educational Committee at the Majlis Al Shura labelled the act as “odious.”

He blasted school administra-tion that encourage this act during the Shura session on Tuesday.

“We have noticed that the di-rectorate has formed an investi-gative committee after receiving

a notice from a group of teachers about their school administration increasing the marks of failed stu-dents after the exam papers were corrected and also tampered with the results to increase the number of passing students. These acts were done for keeping results from impacting the school’s rating,” the statement read.

Schools in Oman are being ranked annually according to the number of students who success-fully pass their exams and move to the next grade or graduate.

He said this act teaches young-sters bad habits as they follow the bad example of their seniors, who

try to betray honesty and respon-sibility. “This makes youngsters’ minds dependent and irresponsi-ble,” he explained.

Al Farei hailed teachers who refused to take part in such acts and protested. He also praised the officials who had listened to them and formed an investiga-tive committee.

In his statement, Al Farei listed the negative effects of manipulat-ing students’ results.

“This is a prejudice against the principle of equality, justice and equivalence in opportunities, which are approved by the state statute,” he said. >A7


Road accidents killed 54 in May

Cyclone inches closer to Oman’s coastFAHAD AL GHADANIfahadnews@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Fifty-four people died in road accidents in May this year, including 33 nationals and 21 expatriates, according to the National Centre for Statis-tics and Information’s (NCSI’s) monthly report.

However, the report showed a 35.4 per cent drop in the number of road accidents in the first five months of this year, compared with the same period last year.

A total of 2,703 accidents had occurred until May last year, out of the 6,279 recorded for the whole of 2015. This year, 1,745 road accidents were recorded

during the first five months of this year, including 333 accidents that took place in March, 365 in April and 332 in May.

The report also pointed out that among the 54 nationals who died in May this year, two were Omani women.

Meanwhile, 163 nationals and 57 expatriates were injured in 332 road accidents that took place in May, data indicated. Among the 220 injured, 39 were Omani females and five were ex-pat women.

Compared with the first five months of 2015, a drop of 24.8 per cent was recorded in the number of injuries during the same period. >A6

REJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Tropical cyclone 02A is edging closer to the Oman coast, global meteorologist said, while lo-cal meteorologists have predicted thunderstorms.

“Tropical cyclone 02A was located near 20.9N 63.5E, ap-proximately 266 NM East of Masirah island, and had tracked south-southwestward at 04 knots over the past six hours. Maximum sustained surface winds were es-timated at 35 knots gusting to 45 knots,” Joint Typhoon Warning Centre reported.

Meanwhile, Oman meteorol-ogy has predicted thunderstorm

in Yaaloni, Masirah, Sur, Ras Al Hadd, Duqm Airport.

In its forecast, the meteorology department has predicted cloudy skies over the coastal areas of Al Wusta and South Al Sharqiya gov-ernorates with chances of rain.

On Tuesday afternoon, light rain fell in Masirah Island.

“It rained in the afternoon. Skies are still cloudy and windy too. It looks like it will rain again,” Biju MP, a businessman in Masirah, told Times of Oman over phone.

“However, as we have not got any alerts from the authorities, no-body is worried. Last year, when a similar situation occurred, every-one were in a rush to stock essen-tial goods. So far, I have not done.

Let us wait and see,” Biju added.Rain is expected to hit Oman

coast in the coming two days as 02A, a low pressure system, has developed in Arabian Sea and moving towards the country coast.

Jason Nicholls, a senior me-teorologist at Accuweather said that spotty storms are possible in Oman from Tuesday till Thursday.

Meanwhile, the Indian meteor-ological department in its forecast has said that the depression over North Arabian Sea is heading to-wards Oman coast.

“The system would continue to move nearly westwards towards Oman coast and intensify into a deep depression during next 24 hours,” the forecast added.



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Fajr (Tomorrow) 3.56am3.56AM



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Shura against inflating marks for better ratings of schools

MUSCAT: British Ambassa-dor to Oman, Jon Wilks, said that the United Kingdom and Oman relations are excellent and would remain on course to become even more impor-tant to both the countries in the future.

“What will not change is the British traditions of rule of law, democracy, free trade, openness, diversity & engagement with Europe and the world,” he said, while talking about Brexit during the bi-monthly Brit-ish ambassador’s business group meeting.

The British Embassy quot-

ing the ambassador’s tweets said that there would be no change in the UK’s status in the EU for at least two years. “Over that time the new di-rection of the UK will be-come clear,” he said.

He also said that the Brit-ish people have given their opinions and the government is committed to delivering what they have voted for, an exit from the EU. “But UK will remain a strong voice in the UN and NATO and will be working with partners and allies including the EU to promote common interests,” he said. >A7

Brexit won’t impact ties with Oman: British ambassador

TRAGEDY: A file picture of a recent accident in Oman.

A2 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Honey production sees a sharp rise

Staff Reporter

MUSCAT: Oman’s apiculturists have been urged to participate in the sixth Annual Honey Souk.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries say the festival, or-ganised to boost honey produc-tion and sales, will be held for four days and was launched at the Muscat Grand Mall yesterday.

The Sultanate has seen a sharp

rise in honey production and the number of beekeepers, according to government records.

The country produced 414,546 kilograms (kg) of honey in 2014, up from 23,793 kg in 2011, with the number of breeders also rising from 2,681 in 2011 to 4,116 in 2014. The honey’s sale will continue from 10am to 10pm, officials said.

The participants have been told to bottle the honey in new

glasses with proper labelling for the honey market.

The ministry is offering free space for the souk and will have the right to accept products or reject those that do not fulfil the relevant conditions. Apiculturists or honey traders have been asked to register at the regional agricul-tural development centres or at the ministry in Muscat.

Last year, about 40 beekeepers from different governorates of the Sultanate participated in the fifth Omani Honey Market. The price of Omani honey varies according to quality, age, availability and de-mand. Prices begin from OMR60 and can go beyond OMR100. Eid pushes the demand further as local Omanis consume meat and honey, or a local dish called ‘Al Joula’ in which honey is a major ingredient.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

is offering free space at the ongoing sixth

Annual Honey Souk at the Grand Mall

BETTER FONT FOR VEHICLE NUMBER PLATES: ROPNew vehicle number plates in Oman will have a different font, Royal Oman Police (ROP)

said on Monday. However, no changes will be made in the shape or colour of the number

plates. “The new modified number plates will be clearer,” ROP tweeted. They also clarified

that there will be no change in fees. On its official twitter account, ROP also said that it

is not compulsory to change the number plates in use now adding that new plates will

be issued when registering a new vehicle, or transporting one which doesn’t have the

previous plates, or if the number plate of a vehicle is lost.–Supplied photo

414,546 in kilograms was the quantity

of honey produced in Oman in

2014, up from 23,793 kg in 2011


OMANW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Missing construction worker found dead

REJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: An Indian construc-tion worker lay dead inside a toi-let cubicle for two days before po-lice found him.

“Lachaiah Tangallapelly went missing on Friday evening. His roommates assumed that he might have gone somewhere else.

However, as he didn’t turn up for duty on Sunday morning, we in-formed the police and they found the body lying in a toilet inside the camp,” a senior official from the company said.

Lachaiah was missing since June 17 and was found dead in one of the toilets on June 19 by the police team. His roommates and a camp official were taken

into custody by the police, but were later released.

“The body is in such a decom-posed stated that it cannot be embalmed for repatriation. Hos-pital authorities have told us that the body is not in a condition to be embalmed,” the senior official

while adding that they have plans to provide airfare for the family to fly to Oman from India to attend the victim’s final rites.

Manpreet Singh, the Indian embassy counsellor in Salalah, also said that as the body is in bad condition it would be cremated here in Oman.

Meanwhile, Bheem Reddy Mandha, a migrants’ rights ac-tivist from Andhra Pradesh, told Times of Oman by phone that if the body cannot be repatriated it is better to cremate it in Oman.

“Moreover, instead of spending money on airfare to fly the fam-ily to Oman, the company can re-mit the money in the name of the family which can help them. I am in touch with family, the Indian embassy and company officials and will talk to family about the company proposal,” Reddy added.

Lachaiah is survived by his wife and two sons aged 21 and 17.

Lachaiah was missing since June 17 and

was found dead in one of the toilets on June

19 by the police team. His roommates and a

camp official were taken into custody by the

police, but were later released

Lachaiah Tangallapelly

Omani student company creates a jacket to keep outdoor workers coolMODHAHER AL AJMImodhaher@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Omani inventors have created a cooling work jack-et that uses a portable cooling unit and will help labourers fight Oman’s heat.

The process used for cooling the jacket involves using cold wa-ter that is inside a cooling unit, which spreads the water all over the jacket through pipes. This can allow the workers wearing the jacket to feel cool for one hour.

The idea was devised to help workers during hot weather in the Gulf countries. The jacket was on display at the Omani student companies’ exhibition last week, which was organised by Injaz Oman at the Oman Avenues Mall.

Sigma Company is the name of the student company that has created the jacket, which uses “Just Chill” as their slogan. Ac-cording to Saeed Al Sawafi, chief executive officer of the company, “We started developing this idea in January and it was adopted in March after a lot of discussion and planning.”

In addition, the company start-ed negotiating with some facto-ries to manufacture the jacket. The cooling jacket will be on sale in the market in August, with some change in the size of the bag that comes with the jacket. Also, the pipe material has been changed to silicon, which weighs less and cannot break easily.

Al Sawafi added, “The price of

this cooling work is not expen-sive. You can buy it for around OMR10 to 20, depending on the features the customer wants.”

In the future, the company wants to develop this jacket fur-ther. First, they want to remove the portable cooling unit (bag) and want to develop a mechanism that allows the jacket to store water.

Furthermore, they want to ex-

pand the consumer base for this product and diversify it to include people other than workers. At the exhibition, many visitors loved the idea behind the jacket and had asked for a design that is suitable for citizens and normal use.

In addition, they also wanted the cooling period to be increased from one hour to more than six hours in future.


PwC Oman distributes 200 food packets

among needy under annual initiative

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Celebrating the giving spirit of the Holy Month of Rama-dan, PwC Oman provided more than 200 food packets to the less fortunate in Muscat.

This is in continuation of PwC’s annual Ramadan Food Packages Initiative.

Under the programme PwC staff in Oman worked together to provide local families with food packets containing a two-week supply of basic food items, includ-ing flour, rice and coffee.

The packages were hand deliv-ered to the families across differ-ent areas in Muscat, including in Muttrah, Seeb and Al Amerat.

Kenneth Macfarlane, coun-

try senior partner at PwC Oman, highlighted the importance of the initiative, saying, “Ramadan is a time of tolerance, compassion and giving. Our annual Ramadan Food

Packages Initiative allows PwC Middle East to exemplify the spir-it of giving by giving to those truly in need during this holy month.”

All volunteers appreciate the

reward of this initiative and feel motivated to participate again next year. PwC Middle East holds similar Ramadan initiatives across the region.


JUST CHILL: Sigma Company is the name of the student

company that has created the jacket, which uses “Just Chill”

as their slogan. – Supplied photo

HELPING HANDS: Under the programme PwC staff in Oman worked together to provide local families

with food packets containing a two-week supply of basic food items, including flour, rice and coffee.

– Supplied photos

Investment fund rules change gets CMA nodMUSCAT: Amendments to executive regulations on man-agement of investment funds were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) yesterday.

The board held its 2nd meet-ing for 2016 under the chair-manship of Yahya bin Said Al Jabri, Chairman of the CMA Board. Besides approving some amendments on the executive regulation of Capital Market Law to legalise and regularise the management of investment funds, it also discussed several issues related to regularising the capital and insurance market.

The CMA Board also ap-proved trading rules of Muscat Securities Market (MSM). The experience will be assessed six months after implementation. The trading rules regularise the purchase and sale of securities in the same trading session in a bid to enhance liquidity and provide competitive environ-ment for Omani stock investors.

It also reviewed draft control regulation, which aims at en-hancing the legislations in force with relation to acquiring or purchasing 25 per cent or more of the joint stock companies. The Board decided to extend the period for its revision by mem-bers of the Board and to present it at the next Board’s meeting.

Further, the Board approved the re-appointment of Deloitte & Touche auditors as statutory auditor for CMA’s accounts. -ONA


A4 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


The Holy Month in Oman is a time to strengthen social bonds and love through gatherings like the

nightly Iftar dinners that are spent with fam-ily and extended family at home. In addition to breaking the fast together, there are also tradi-

tional times to gather with friends and family after Iftar. One such gathering is Gabqat Ramadan, for which friends and family don traditional dresses and gather after breaking their fasts at Iftar and each individual brings with them different food

delicacy to share. Another nightly gathering is the Althiker circle. After Taraweeh prayers men gather in mosques and women gather in their homes for Althiker circles, where they sit in a circle and recite the Holy Quran and hadiths and share their knowl-

edge with one another.

WHERE TO SPEND YOUR ZAKAT The literal meaning of Zakat is ‘to cleanse’. In the Islamic faith, Zakat means purifying your wealth for the will of Allah by acknowledging that everything we own belongs to Him and as a means of working towards the betterment of the Muslim Ummah (community). Though Zakat is not always financial, and can include everything from volunteering your time to giving an encouraging word to your fellow man, according to Islamic regulations, Zakat is 2.5% of one year’s total cumulative wealth (there are various ways of calculating what should be counted), and when it comes to these financial donations to the less fortunate, it can be difficult to decide which causes speak most to your heart. We hope these charitable spotlights will help you decide.

{ Al Noor Association for the Blind}


Oh my Lord, increase me in knowledge.

(Taha, 20:114)


Ramadan presents a great opportunity to go pray in beautiful houses of worship that you might not otherwise see. Whether for Taraweeh prayers or Dhuhr, this month,

take time to pay a visit to one of Muscat’s architectural monuments of faith.

{ Masjid Al Sahel }

Masjid Al Sahel is a wonderfully designed beachfront mosque opened in 2005 in Souq Seeb, attached to the popular Abna’ Fresh store. Parking might be a

hassle, especially for evening prayers, but it’s worth it to check out the distinctive space, whose beige-

coloured tile exterior is accented by bold yellow and blue stained glass doors and windows. The most

fascinating thing about this mosque is the minaret, an Ottoman-inspired pointy tower.


W H AT T H E Y D O : Al Noor Association for the Blind serves the blind commu-

nity in Oman through social, economic, and welfare sup-port, education, healthcare, training, and job placement,

as well as the teaching of Braille in an effort to improve the living standards of the blind in the Sultanate. They are fully

funded by donations.

W H E R E : Al Noor Association for the Blind was registered in Oman

by the Ministry of Social Development in 1997.

F I N D O U T M O R E A N D D O N AT E : Al Noor Association for the Blind +968 2448 3118, +968 2448 1551




During Ramadan, we are reminded through our temporary deprivation of just how blessed we are. It is important to

recognise our blessings, thanking Allah for all he has given us. Just as important is to ask ourselves if we are fully en-joying these blessings as He intended for us, or if there are better ways to use our health, money, and time. “If you are

grateful, surely I will give you increase.” (14:7).

Al Shahada, or “The Witnessed”, is one of the 99 names of Allah, and the shahada,

derived from the Arabic word shahida, which means to observe or witness, is the Muslim

statement of faith. In essence it is a confirmation of belief in two things: the first, known as the tahlil is

bearing witness that “la ilaha illa’llah (there is no god but God), and the second is bearing

witness that “Muhammadun Rasul Allah (Muhammad is the messenger of God)”.

The five daily prayers include the shahada and it is one of the pillars of Islam. The

importance of this statement is reflected in the fact that reciting the shahada is the only

formal requirement for conversion to the Muslim faith.


{The Testimony }




OMANW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Tweet all about it


Inaugural flightof AirAsia X lands in Muscat

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Inaugural flight of Thai AirAsia X arrived at the Mus-cat International Airport yester-day from Bangkok, marking the official launch of a new route for the Thailand-based budget airline.

Thai AirAsia X will operate three direct flights per week using an Airbus A 300 aircraft.

Commenting on the impor-tance of the new Bangkok-Mus-cat route, General Manager, Com-mercial Operations and Acting General Manager of the Muscat International Airport, Samer bin Ahmed Al-Nabhani said,

“Introducing new routes, new airlines and new destinations is part of the strategic vision of the government to capitalise on the paradigm shift taking place in the transport sector, which supports the government’s push towards economic diversification.

“The government aims to grow the contribution of non-oil sec-tors in the GDP of the country. With this in mind, we are de-lighted to celebrate the inaugural flight of Thai AirAsia X Mus-cat- Bangkok. The new route will contribute to increasing the flow of tourism between the two countries in addition to attract-ing investors from Thailand to

discover investment opportuni-ties in Oman.”

Nadda Buranasiri, chief execu-tive officer, Thai AirAsia X, noted, “Muscat is a long-anticipated destination for our customers and with the great support we have received from our partners in Oman and from the Muscat International Airport, we are sure this new route will prove to be popular among both Thai and Omani travellers, especially with our low fares. Omani passengers can now connect from Bangkok to destinations across Thailand and the region using AirAsia’s ex-tensive network straight from the Don Mueang Airport.”

Thai AirAsia X will

operate three direct

flights per week

using an Airbus A

300 aircraft

More flying options to India from Oman on the horizonREJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Fliers to India from the Gulf could have more options soon as one airline is in the process of reviewing its international expan-sion plans and another is in the process of launching its operations after India eased its aviation rules.

“Currently, we are not ruling out any destination and are in the pro-cess of reviewing our international plans. We will have more clarity once our plans our finalised,” an official from the airline Vistara told the Times of Oman (TOO) when asked whether Oman would also be included in the airline’s expansion plans.

Vistara is a Singapore Airlines’ Indian venture co-owned by In-dia’s Tata Sons.

A Muscat-based aviation in-dustry official said there are ru-mours about Vistara coming to Oman. “There are talks. But nothing is solid. We have not got any official communication. Budget airlines may do well,” Raji Demonte, general manager of Universal Travels, said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet ratified certain pol-icy changes in the aviation sector on June 15, permitting domestic airlines to fly overseas, provided they deploy 20 planes or 20 per cent of their capacity, whichever is higher, on local routes, which has

created hope for airlines to look at expansion abroad.

Earlier, carriers needed to have a minimum of 20 aircraft in their fleet and five years experience in domestic service before being al-lowed to fly internationally.

Counting on the surge in inter-national traffic from the world’s fastest growing and major air-travel market, Vistara Chief Ex-ecutive Officer (CEO) Phee Teik Yeoh told media that the world is their oyster now and they are

spoiled for choice.The carrier’s plans may be the

start of a fresh challenge for Emir-ates Airline and Etihad Airways, which have long been the biggest foreign carriers in India and have, along with Air India Ltd. and Jet Airways India Ltd., dominated the market for offshore travel.

Last year, Vistara had appointed a travel office as its General Sales Agent (GSA) in the United Arab Emirates to handle ticket sales in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Ara-bia and Kuwait.

Meanwhile, a group of non-resident Indians (NRIs) have launched an airline company and are seriously considering plans to launch a route to the Gulf.

“We see huge potential. Our talks are on. We will come out with an announcement very soon,” a Muscat-based NRI, who is playing a vital role in the new airline, said.

“The new airline will be known as Denote Airlines. India easing its civil aviation policy has enabled us to move fast,” the NRI added.

According to reports, the num-ber of international travellers from India is poised to grow 10-fold to 500 million by 2050.

In a statement to TOO, Oman Air, the national airline of Oman, said the dynamic travel industry and forward-thinking aviation sector in India, which is currently valued at $16 billion has made it an important market for the airline.


Private operator to help speed up import clearance

MUSCAT: In an effort to make the process of clearing im-ported goods more efficient, the government intends to use the services of private operators.

This was stated by Eng. Abdul Rahman bin Salim Al Hatmi, CEO of the Oman Global Logis-tics Group on the on the sidelines of the Iftar gathering, which was organised by the group at the Grand Millennium Hotel.

Al Hatmi said that the Gov-ernment intends to have an economic private operator that will carry out, on behalf of the official organisations, all neces-sary measures to clear imported goods and deliver them to the importer. This move aims at facilitating the procedures and ensuring efficient processing of all transactions. The Govern-ment will have a superior role on private operator, which will be announced soon.

As for the railway project, Eng. Al-Hatmi pointed out that this important project, which will save time and cost incurred in transporting goods, is ready for implementation, but it has been delayed for sometimes due to the current economic conditions.

The Iftar gathering, which was attended by Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Futaisi, Minis-ter of Transport and Communi-cations, Chairman of the Group, officials and representatives of the logistic companies in the Sultanate, included a speech by the Chairman of Group on the future of the logistics sector in the Sultanate and the efforts made by the Government to promote this sector by provid-ing it with the all resources re-quired to enhance its role in the Omani economy. -ONA



OMANW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Our presence on social media also gives the Sultanate

the opportunity to be present on a global scale

Haitham Al Ghassani, Assistant Director General of

Tourism Promotion for Tourism & Domestic Events

41,900 new vehicles registered until May

However, the number of deaths caused by road accidents re-mained the same at 264, during the first five months of both years.

The expat injury rate dropped 23.7 per cent, where the number of injuries recorded until May of 2015 was 358, compared with 273 recorded this year. But, the number of deaths among expats in road accidents rose from 85 to 90 during the first five months of this year.

The number of nationals wounded fatally in road acci-dents in May rose from 29 to 33, compared with April.

However, the number of expats dying in April and May remained the same at 21. The report re-vealed that road accidents tak-ing place in Muscat this month dropped by 17 per cent, compared with the same month last year.

The report also stated that 58 per cent of the road accidents took place in Muscat, which oc-curred during the day, while 42 per cent took place at night.

The statistics issued by NCSI also revealed that 41,900 new ve-hicles were registered from the beginning of this year till the end of May. The data also showed that the number of vehicles on the road until the end of May of this year was 1,326,254.

A drop of 30.2 per cent was recorded in the registrations of new motorbikes until the end of May this year, compared with a year ago.




Guidelines for avoiding Crimean-Congo fever

REJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: As Eid Al Fitr is round the corner, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has urged people to adopt preventive measures and fol-low hygiene norms to avoid con-tracting Crimean-Congo Haem-orrhagic Fever (CCHF) while slaughtering animals.

“People should ensure that which have been purchased are free of ticks. They should not touch or crush or remove ticks by hand,” the ministry statement said.

The ministry also added that people should wear protective clothing, gloves and long shoes when handling animals and their tissues.

“Head to the approved munici-pal slaughterhouses, as well as, proper disposal of the slaughter waste by putting it in bags and throw it designated areas,” the

ministry statement added.Crimean-Congo haemorrhag-

ic fever has claimed eight lives in 2016 so far, according to the Ministry of Health.

The ministry has also urged people to seek medical advice if

they notice any symptoms of the Congo fever.

Normally, symptoms appear after 13 days of infection and in-clude fever, muscle aches, dizzi-ness, neck pain and stiffness, back pain, headache, sore eyes and pho-

tophobia (sensitivity to light).There may also be nausea, vom-

iting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and sore throat early on, followed by sharp mood swings and con-fusion, in addition to drowsiness and depression after two to four days. Abdominal pain may con-centrate in the right upper quad-rant with a significant enlarge-ment in the liver.

Liver inflammationOther signs of infection are fast heartbeat, lymphadenopathy and rash or bruises. Usually there are signs of inflammation in the liver.

Patients with serious cases may suffering from rapid dete-rioration in kidney functions or sudden liver or pulmonary fail-ure after the fifth day. The min-istry also added that all health institutions are on the highest de-gree of vigilance and precaution to receive the suspected cases.

Ministry of Health

has issued an

advisory ahead of Eid

Al Fitr with regard

to slaughtering

of animals. In a

statement it urged

people to make sure

animals they buy for

slaughter are free

of ticks PREVENTIVE STEPS: Ministry of Health has urged people to adopt preventive measures to avoid

contracting Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever while slaughtering animals.

Head to the approved municipal slaughterhouses,

as well as, proper disposal of the slaughter waste by

putting it in bags and throw it designated areas

Ministry of Health statement

‘Discover Oman’s beauty’ online contest launchedStaff Reporter

MUSCAT: In a move to increase interest in domestic tourism, the Ministry of Tourism has launched a social media competition.

Three questions are asked on the ministry’s facebook page about the different tourist destina-tions in Oman in the competition and the participants will stand a chance to win a night stay and Iftar at one of the Sultanate’s hotels.

One question is posted in Eng-lish every Tuesday while two Arabic questions are posted every Sunday and Thursday.

The competition is open to residents of Oman and people from abroad.

“Engaging with the residents of the Sultanate is one of our main priorities, and through this compe-tition we would like to encourage our residents to discover the beau-tiful attractions of this country and to promote these destinations.

“Our presence on social media also gives the Sultanate the op-portunity to be present on a global scale,” Haitham Al Ghassani, As-

sistant Director General of Tour-ism Promotion for Tourism & Do-mestic Events, said.

To enter the competition, the participant must answer from their personal Facebook account and answer the questions through the link provided.

The winners are announced at the next day and to receive their prizes they can visit the Director General of Tourism Promotion at the Ministry of Tourism at the end of each week.


PLAN: To enter the competition, the participant must answer from

their personal Facebook account through the link provided.

One question is posted in

English every Tuesday while

two Arabic questions are

posted every Sunday and

Thursday. The competition

is open to residents of Oman

and people from abroad

REJIMON. Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Due to high demand to and from Salalah on June 30, Oman Air will operate an extra Muscat-Salalah-Muscat flight, the airline tweeted on its official twitter handle.

According to the airline, WY3907 will depart Muscat at 19:05 and arrive Salalah at 20:50. Flight No WY3908 will depart Salalah at 21:40 and arrive Mus-cat at 23:25.

11 daily flightsLast week, Paul Gregorowitsch, Chief Executive Officer of Oman Air, said that the airline will run 11 daily flights between Salalah and Muscat with a capacity in-crease of 15,000 seats compared to the previous year.


ATTRACTION: Last week, Paul Gregorowitsch, Chief Executive

Officer of Oman Air, said we are delighted to be expanding

Oman Air’s services to the city this summer, from both Muscat

and Dubai.

The report revealed that

road accidents taking

place in Muscat this month

dropped by 17 per cent,

compared with the same

month last year

Dar Al Atta’a bus library gets a boost with new donationStaff Reporter

MUSCAT: Maktabati, Oman’s first mobile library programme, operated by Dar Al Atta’a, re-ceived a second bus to cover a greater number of schools across the Sultanate.

The customised bus was grant-ed by Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL), to channel funds received from members in support of community projects conceived as part of a new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative be-ing spearheaded by the Society.

Launched in 2007, the Let’s Read Campaign is committed to promoting the love of reading to children in Oman. Maktabati, an offshoot of the Let’s Read Cam-paign, was rolled out in December 2013 as a mobile library service.

A fully-equipped bus oper-ated under the Maktabati initia-

tive currently tours villages and towns across Oman giving chil-dren access to good books at rea-sonable prices.

Signing the collaborative agree-ment, Musallam Al Mandhry, OPAL Chief Executive Officer, said: “OPAL and its members are delighted to have financed the purchase of a state-of-the-art mobile library for the benefit of Dar Al Atta’a Maktabati initiative.

The culture of reading, while an indispensable part of the learn-ing process, also has the potential to change lives, enhance employ-ability and offer new perspectives – positives that are integral to OPAL’s philosophy as well.”

RAY Automotive, a division of prominent Omani Group of com-panies RAY International L.L.C, made a significant contribution towards this effort.


SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Maktabati receives a second bus to

cover a greater number of schools across the Sultanate.

Oman Air to operate an extra flight to Salalah


OMANW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Omani law allows extra marks to students

“This also produces misleading results about the students’ levels in Oman’s different schools,” Al Farei said, adding that such dis-honesty sets unrealistic rates vis-a-vis a school’s work quality.

When contacted, an official at the Ministry of Education said the ministry will issue an official statement regarding the Shura member’s statement.

While teachers’ professional integrity is being questioned, edu-cation experts rooted the problem in the education system.

A number of teachers in Oman admitted manipulating students’ exams results, while blaming the educational system’s “pressure.”

Talking to the Times of Oman, a teacher even admitted rewriting answers to help pupils pass some exams. Another ex-teacher said she has been “forced” to inflate high school students’ results for decades, bowing to pressure from head teachers and pushy school principals.

“To keep up our school’s repu-tation,” said an Islamic Studies

teacher, “we have to minimise the number of students with F grade.”

Most teachers cited head teach-ers as the reason behind indulging in such unprofessional acts.

The lawIn Oman, the law allows giving extra marks to students for their behaviour and perseverance in at-tending classes.

However, it is illegal to manipu-late exam answers.

Al Farei urged the Ministry of Education to punish “whoever be-

trays this country or violates his educational responsibility.”

He also called on the authori-ties to do their job of supervising all classes, and not only the higher diploma students.

It is worth mentioning that Al Farei’s statement was announced during a Shura a session in which Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Shahhi, minister of Regional Municipali-ties and Water Resources was hosted under the chairmanship of Khalid bin Hilal Al Ma’awali, chairman of Majlis Al Shura.




Al Mantheri praises efforts of members

Times News Service

MUSCAT: State Council Chair-man Dr. Yahya bin Mahfoudh Al Mantheri appreciated the members and the Secretariat for working unitedly and delivering results, which ensure national progress and improvement in the quality of national life.

Al Mantheri chaired the 14th Bureau meeting yesterday, in the presence of the members and the Secretary General of the Council.

Al Mantheri welcomed the members, and congratulated them on the upcoming Eid-Al-Fitr, and prayed for goodness for all.

He appreciated the hard work of members and the efforts made

by the Secretariat in organising and conducting plenary meetings of the Council and joint sessions with the Shura Council.

He also valued the outcome of the 11th regular session held on June 20, which approved the draft GCC Veterinary Law.

The members appreciated the Chairman for his capable chair-ing of the regular sessions and enabling the delivery of effec-tive results of the Council dur-ing the first annual sitting of its sixth term.

The meeting viewed the pro-posals submitted by a number of honourable members of the

Council, appreciated and referred them to the relevant committees and discussed a number of mes-sages received from competent authorities, and following this with appropriate decisions.

The meeting progressed as per the agenda and the Chairman briefed them on a number of re-ports submitted by council mem-bers, including those relating to preparation for a seminar on the knowledge-based economy.

The process involved prepar-ing for the seminar, which seeks to promote all economic sectors, as well as highlights the elements of a knowledge-based economy,

which was presented by Dr. Sheikh Khattab bin Ghalib Al Hi-nai, vice chairman of the Council, who explained that the commit-tee is in the process of preparing a comprehensive strategic frame-work for the symposium.

The meeting also reviewed a letter from the President of the Arab Parliament, wherein he thanked Musallum bin Ali Al Maashani and Khamis bin Said Al Sulaimi, for their work in the Arab Parliament. The members observed the report submitted on the participation and valued the efforts made to support the Arab Parliament’s work.

The meeting approved the min-utes of its previous meeting and reviewed the implementation of the decisions taken in the report, along with the follow-up activities of the committees in the past and this meeting.

It also discussed a letter from the Oman Centre for Govern-ance and sustainability of its de-sire to provide an introductory lecture about the Centre to the Council members.

The letter stressed the role of governance in development and enhancing transparency and con-trol for the economic well-being of the country and the importance of the application of the govern-ance system in state institutions.

Al Mantheri

welcomed the

Council members,

and congratulated

them on the

upcoming Eid-Al-Fitr

DISCUSSIONS: State Council Chairman Dr. Yahya bin Mahfoudh Al

Mantheri chaired the 14th Bureau meeting yesterday.

DISCUSSION: Khalid bin Hilal Al Ma’awali, Chairman of Majlis

Al Shura during a meeting yesterday. -ONA

ALAWI RECEIVES UN OFFICIALYousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, Minister Responsible for

Foreign Affairs received in his office yesterday Martin

Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-

General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission

in Libya (UNSMIL), within the framework of his current

visit to the Sultanate. -ONA

Oman’s major exports to the UK include minerals, military grade cables, steel and batteries.

In 2015, goods worth OMR17,417,633 were exported to the UK, according to Foreign Trade Statistics Report 2015.

Export to China, however, stood at OMR5,304,689,889 in 2015. “If it’s political turmoil in, say, India, or China or UAE, then Oman exports will be affected,” Al Jashmi added.

“Indirect” repercussions, how-ever, are already on his radar.

“For example, our leading busi-ness partners in certain areas may want to buy stuff from the UK, since the pound rate has gone down and things will be a little

cheaper. Then it will start ham-pering us,” he added.

Officials also fear payment de-faults may increase during the turmoil. “Hence the role of EC-GAO is important, as the govern-

ment’s credit agency is responsi-ble for promoting non-oil exports through its credit insurance, guar-antee and financing services to exporters,” another senior official of the ECGAO said.

Britain’s exitSome business leaders fear that Britain’s exit from the EU is likely to impact Oman in multiple ways — demand weakness on account of potential slowdown in the EU and the UK, volatility in com-modity prices, currency impact on account of the potential depre-ciation of the euro and the pound, and balance sheet impact on ac-count of exposure to unhedged overseas borrowings.


“UK will remain the fifth largest economy in the world, a great trading na-tion, with many strengths to secure the best future for its people. “As the British Prime Minister has said he will leave it to his succes-sor, who he hopes will be chosen by October, to de-cide the way forward. The right approach is to keep calm and carry on,” he said.



Khalid Al Jashmi, acting

general manager of ECGAO.

UN official praises Oman role in Libya

MUSCAT: Special Representa-tive of the UN Secretary-General Martin Kobler stressed the impor-tance of the Sultanate’s role in en-hancing the convergence of views among all Libyan parties.

Aguila Saleh Issa, Chairman of the Libyan House of Representa-tive met yesterday at with Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General within the framework of the Libyan par-ties meetings hosted by Oman.

The two sides discussed the dif-ficulties facing the conclusion of the Libyan political agreement in its right way, which comes in line with requirements of all the com-ponents of the Libyan people. The meeting also reviewed the current

situation by Libya.He added: “It is important to

use the strong Omani-Libyan re-lations for the return of all state’s institutions to work, particularly in the social and tribal areas”.

He touched on the Sultanate’s peaceful role that support dia-logue in many regional and inter-national issues.

He pointed out that reaching an agreement between the Libyan parties will contribute to up-grading the humanitarian situa-tion and providing the necessary needs for the citizens, such as electricity, education, as well as supporting hospitals, in light of the current circumstances being wit-nessed in Libya. -ONA


CRUCIAL ROLE: The Sultanate’s role in solving many regional and

international issues was praised. -ONA

Sultanate condemns suicide blast in LebanonTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Oman condemned the suicide blasts that has claimed five lives at the Leba-non-Syria border on Monday.

In a tweet on its official twit-ter handle, the Ministry of For-eign Affairs condemned the sui-cide bombings.

According to Lebanese me-dia, a group of suicide bombers detonated their explosives in a northeastern Lebanese village near the border with Syria on Monday, killing five people and wounding at least 15.

The blasts occurred in the predominantly Christian village of Qaa, only few hundred yards away from the border. The me-dia reported that four suicide bombers were involved in the rare multiple attack adding that no group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

L E B A N O N - S Y R I A B O R D E R

UK fifth largest economy



Oman exports minerals, cables, steel to UK


REGIONW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

WAVE OF BOMBINGS: Lebanese soldiers patrol the Christian village of Al Qaa, near the country’s border with war-ravaged Syria,

on Tuesday after two waves of suicide bombings struck the village killing and wounding several people. — AFP/STRINGER

Lebanon fears more attacks after bombings

BEIRUT/QAA (LEBANON): The Lebanese government warned on Tuesday of a height-ened terrorist threat after eight suicide bombers targeted a Chris-tian village at the border with

Syria, the latest spillover of that country’s conflict into Lebanon.

The village of Qaa was targeted on Monday in two waves of sui-cide attacks that killed five people.

The first group of bombers at-tacked before dawn and the sec-ond later at night, two of them blowing themselves up near a church. Security officials believe Is militants were behind the at-tack. There has been no claim of

responsibility.In reference to the number of

attackers, the Lebanese govern-ment said the attack and the “un-familiar way” it was carried out represented a new phase of “con-frontation between the Lebanese state and evil terrorism”.

New wavePrime Minister Tammam Salam “expressed his fear that what hap-pened in Qaa is the start of a new wave of terrorist operations in different areas of Lebanon”, In-formation Minister Ramzi Jreij said in televised comments after a cabinet meeting.

Extremist militants have re-peatedly struck in Lebanon since the eruption of the war in neigh-bouring Syria, where the powerful Hezbollah is fighting in support of President Bashar Al Assad.

Interior Minister Nohad Mach-nouk said the attackers had come from inside Syria, and not refugee

camps hosting Syrian refugees who number more than 1 million in Lebanon, according to the UN refugee agency UNHCR.

Army commander General Jean Kahwaji said militants had started a new phase “but it is not certain that they have a new plan”.

Speaking in Beirut ahead of a meeting with Salam and other se-curity chiefs, he said the bombers included a woman.

Local authorities imposed cur-fews on Syrian refugees in the area following the attacks.

The Lebanese army said it had mounted dawn raids on Syr-ian refugee camps, detaining 103 people for being illegally present in Lebanon.

The majority of Syrian refu-gees have no legal status in Leba-non due to the complications and costs of obtaining or renewing residency rights under rules im-posed by the Lebanese govern-ment, aid agencies say. — Reuters

Interior Minister

Nohad Machnouk

said the attackers

had come from

inside Syria, and

not refugee camps

hosting Syrian


GUARDS: Lebanese Christian

women hold weapons as resi-

dents of the Christian village

of Al Qaa secure the area on


MICHELLE FOR GIRLS LITERACY US First Lady Michelle Obama, third left,and US actress

Meryl Streep, second right, meet with Moroccan young

women following the “Let Girls Learn” Program on June

28, 2016 in the Western Moroccan city of Marrakesh.

US First Lady Michelle Obama began a two day visit to

Morocco to participate in a CNN-moderated conversation

with adolescent girls on the challenges they face in

getting a quality education. — AFP

General Baqeri named chief of Iran armed forcesDUBAI: Iran named Major Gen-eral Mohammad Baqeri as head of the armed forces, state media reported on Tuesday.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, issued the decree naming Baqeri.

It said he has been working in Khatam al Anbia Headquarters (KAA), the engineering arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) that serves to help the IRGC generate income and fund its operations.

The former head of the armed forces, Major General Hassan Fir-ouzabadi, has been appointed sen-ior advisor to the Supreme Leader.

Oil explorationMeanwhile, Iran reappointed a former managing director of its Swiss-based trading company as part of a broader reshuffle aimed at bolstering its oil exploration and exports.

The appointment follows the naming this month of a new boss for the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) as Tehran looks to spur exports and long-awaited deals with international oil firms ahead of its 2017 presi-dential election.

Majid Hedayatzadeh will return as managing director of Swiss-based Naftiran Intertrade Com-pany (NICO), the oil ministry’s Shana news agency reported.

The former diplomat held the job from 2001 until 2008.

“The assignment follows a decree issued by Minister of Pe-troleum Bijan Zanganeh,” Shana said.”The decree orders Hedayat-zadeh to embark on a reshuffle in, and revival of, the role of NICO internationally.”

Saudi AramcoThe NIOC, of which NICO is a part, is looking to better compete with regional state-run rivals such as Saudi Aramco, said Reza Mo-stafavi Tabtabaei, a London-based oil consultant who has worked on projects in Iran.

“NIOC wants to get back its share in Europe.

The plan for the next Iranian year is to focus more on market-ing and to get more organised,” Tabtabaei said.

Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zanganeh this month named ally Ali Kardor as managing director of the NIOC.

On Tuesday, Kardor appoint-ed Mohsen Paknejad as his dep-uty for production affairs, Shana reported.

The oil ministry is working on rewording a contract aimed at at-tracting investment from interna-tional oil firms following January’s lifting of sanctions on Tehran im-posed over its nuclear programme.

However, hardline rivals Presi-dent Hassan Rouhani opposed to the proposed wording of the new Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) have forced the postponement of its launch several times. — Reuters




INDIAW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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AI, Jet flyers can soon check-in from two Delhi metro stations

NEW DELHI: Air India and Jet Airways passengers com-muting to Indira Gandhi Inter-national Airport will have the option to check-in at Delhi Met-ro’s Shivaji Stadium and New Delhi stations, a move aimed at further popularising the pre-mier line connecting the city to the airport.

At present, only Air India passengers can avail the check-in facility at the New Delhi sta-tion of the high-speed corridor, also known as Airport Express (Orange Line).

Upcoming facilityThe upcoming facility will be available to passengers of the two airlines, flying both on domestic as well as interna-tional routes.

The check-in counters at the stations will close two hours before scheduled departure of a flight. “The airport passen-gers can obtain their boarding pass at the check-in counter and check-in the luggage as well. The checked-in baggage will be transferred to IGI Airport’s Ter-minal-3 through a secured Bag-gage Handling System (BHS),” DMRC said in a statement.

Increase ridershipIn a bid to increase ridership on the 23-km-long corridor, DMRC has taken a number of steps including slashing fares by up to 50 per cent and raising train frequency to 10 minutes between 8am and 8pm every-day. The average daily rider-ship of the airport line stands at around 36,000. - PTI

O P T I O N ‘Black money holders urged to come clean by September 30’

NEW DELHI: Offering black money holders one last chance to come clean, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday said in-formation on assets disclosed dur-ing the one-time compliance win-dow will not be shared with any other authority.

Jaitley, who met industry cham-bers, CAs and tax professionals to clear any misgivings about the four-month compliance window provided to domestic black money holders to pay their taxes and es-cape harsher penalties, said there will be no extension of the scheme.

“People who have (undisclosed) income and have stayed outside the income tax net, this is the last chance to declare them and sleep peacefully,” he told reporters after the meet. Black money holders who do not avail of the govern-ment’s offer and continue to hide

wealth will be shown “conse-quences” of doing so, he said.

“There is a... (new black money law) and whosoever comes within its purview will be told about con-sequences (of holding black mon-ey),” he said. The minister said any declaration made under the law will be protected.

“That information is not to be shared with any other authority. It won’t be made public, it won’t be shared with anybody.” The In-come Declaration Scheme or IDS, which opened on June 1, allows domestic black money holders to declare ill-gotten wealth, pay a to-tal of 45 per cent in tax and penalty and escape prosecution.

“The compliance will remain open from June 1 to September 30 and people who have such (un-disclosed) income, which has not come under assessment they can disclose such incomes and legiti-mise by paying 45 per cent tax and

penalty,” he said.The meeting called to popular-

ise the scheme and get best results, was also attended by Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Power and Coal Min-ister Piyush Goyal, Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and Minis-ter of State in Prime Minister’s Of-fice Jitender Singh.

“This is not an immunity scheme. Immunity scheme is one where there is no penalty. In IDS there is penalty,” Jaitley said add-ing the Income Tax Department may come out with a third set of clarifications on the scheme in form of frequently asked questions (FAQ) based on inputs from Tues-day’s meeting.

The trade bodies, he said, have suggested that the tax should be allowed to be paid in installments. “We will consider this and we will come out with FAQs.” “We have nothing to do with any investiga-

tion under any law but any dec-laration made under this law is protected. That information is not shared with any other authority. It won’t be made public, it won’t shared with anybody,” Jaitley said.

“In such disclosures we do not ask for source of income and no enquiry takes place.” Tuesday’s meeting was called by the Rev-enue Department as well as the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) with industry chambers, trade bodies, CAs and tax profes-sionals to discuss the income dis-closure scheme.

“We are taking this as a cam-paign, as a mission mode and the professional bodies and trade or-ganisations, we have taken their suggestions. We will come out with a third FAQ. We expect that anyone who has such income they disclose it and legitimise their in-come and assets,” he said.

Government ministers as well

as CBDT officials will be travelling throughout the country to educate people about the scheme, so that maximum number of people avail of it, he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier this week warned that the black money holders to take advantage of the scheme or face action. “It will be better that you take advantage of the window pro-vided and save yourself from the difficulties that you can face after September 30,” he said.

The four-pronged strategy pre-pared by the CBDT for the suc-cess of the scheme, includes single point contact to ensure confiden-tiality, setting up of facilitation centres across the country, giving wide publicity and monitoring at the highest. Government has promised that there will be no in-quiry into the source of the undis-closed income and assets if decla-ration is made voluntarily.

In order to give wide publicity, the CBDT has also suggested put-ting up posters about the Income Declaration Scheme-2016, at places frequented by potential declarants, like club houses, posh markets, showrooms of high end products.

Last year the government came up with a similar scheme for per-sons having unaccounted black money abroad. Disclosures during that window were charged with a total tax and penalty of 60 per cent.

A total of Rs41.4 billion of undis-closed wealth was declared during the 90-day foreign black money compliance window that ended September 30.

At 60 per cent (30 per cent tax and 30 per cent penalty), the gov-ernment got a net tax of Rs25 bil-lion from the declarations. - PTI

Finance Minister

Arun Jaitley said

black money holders

who do not avail of

the government’s

offer and continue

to hide wealth

will be shown

‘consequences’ of

doing so

PARLEYS: Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, MoS for Finance Jayant Sinha and Revenue Secretary

Hasmukh Adhia during a meeting with chambers of commerce & association of professionals on

income declaration scheme, in New Delhi on Tuesday. - PTI

A10 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


INDIAW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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Congress rubbishes PM’s claims on foreign policy

NEW DELHI: Congress on Tuesday rubbished foreign policy claims made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an interview on Monday, insisting that In-dia’s ties with China has wors-ened and infiltration and terror attacks from across the border

has escalated.Leader of Opposition in the

Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad wondered how can the Modi gov-ernment call its foreign policy successful when more the meet-ings the prime minister has with leaders of neighbouring coun-tries like China, the “more they go against us”.

“As prime minister was try-ing to placate China, the Chinese forces were making incursions in our territory,” he said.

Azad, a former Jammu and

Kashmir chief minister, said ter-rorism had virtually ceased in the valley way back in 2008, but the situation has taken a turn for the worse in the last two years.

“There have been more cease-fire violations in the last two years than the last 60 years and we see terror attacks in Pathankot and Pampore,” he said, lamenting the rise in incidents of ambush of In-dian security forces.

“We have gone back to the violence last seen in the 1990s,” he claimed.

Seeking to dismiss the Prime Minister’s claim that China had turned lukewarm towards India after his grand welcome in the US, he said Rajiv Gandhi as PM had managed to maintain good rela-tions with America, Russia and China at the same time.

“For two years, the prime minis-ter was active in travelling abroad, but what has been the result of these travels?”, he asked.

Azad said the Congress would have been happier if the prime minister had held a press confer-ence as journalists could have asked him questions, Azad said referring to his interview to a TV channel. Opposition parties ac-cused Modi of not having a com-prehensive policy towards Paki-stan, saying diplomacy requires seriousness, gravitas and not “the-atrics”. The government’s foreign policy lacks coherence, clarity and consistency, they said.

The remarks by Congress and Communist Party of India (Marx-ist), CPI(M) came a day after Modi said that India’s efforts for engagement with Pakistan is on with peace as the supreme objec-tive but the forces have “full free-dom to answer back” in whatever manner they have to.

“Nobody is against engaging with Pakistan but what we have

questioned him (Modi) is about not taking the opposition into confidence,” Congress spokesper-son Anand Sharma said.

He said diplomacy does not re-quire theatrics and needs serious-ness, gravitas. CPM leader Brinda Karat targeted the Centre, saying it does not have a comprehensive policy towards Pakistan.

She said it is really a “show-based” policy rather than a serious diplomatic initiative to deal with a neighbour which undoubtedly has been encouraging terrorists groups against India.

“One day you say you are going to bomb Pakistan. The other day your Home Minister (Rajnath Singh) said you are not going to count the bullets that are going to be used against Pakistan,” Karat said, adding that the prime min-ister had gone to Pakistan to meet Nawaz Sharif on his birthday.

Congress leader P. L. Punia ac-cused the government of having a “dual strategy” on the issue of RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan say-ing on the one hand it appreciated his work, but agreed with what Subramanian Swamy said and bid good bye to him.

“Today our economy is passing through such a time that requires stability. There was a need for (his) continuity,” he said. - PTI

Azad wondered

how can the Modi

government call

its foreign policy

successful when

more the meetings

the prime minister

has with leaders

of neighbouring

countries like China,

the ‘more they go

against us’

As prime minister was trying to placate China, the Chinese forces were making incursions in our territory

Ghulam Nabi AzadLeader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha

Three Naxals shot dead in ChhattisgarhRAIPUR: Three Naxals were on Tuesday killed in a gun battle with security forces in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, police said.

The encounter took place after the forces launched an operation to capture a Maoist commander who was said to be in the area.

“The operation was launched collectively by state’s District Reserve Group (DRG), CRPF’s Commando Battalion for Reso-lute Action (CoBRA) and district force under Gadiras Police Station limits,” Sukma Superintendent of Police Indira Kalyan Elesela said.

The exercise was carried out on the basis of information about presence of Bhime, a Maoist com-mander of Badesatti LOS (local or-ganisation squad), in the area.

“We received inputs that Bhime was camping along with 15-20 armed cadres near Bandem since last night. We mobilised our com-posite force towards the region to nab him,” the officer said.

When the security forces reached the forests of Badesatti village — a Maoist hotbed located around 450km from here, armed insurgents opened indiscriminate fire on them, triggering a gun fight between the two sides, the SP said.

“So far, bodies of three Maoists, besides tiffin bombs and other Naxal-related items, have been found,” he said. - PTI


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What the European Union must do nowAnders Åslund

The United Kingdom’s Brexit vote is argu-ably the greatest disaster ever to hit the European Union. Now, the EU must act fast

– not least by ending the post-referendum market turmoil – if it is to survive.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, having lost the referendum, did the obvious thing by re-signing. But the other loser is the European Com-mission, whose president, Jean-Claude Junck-er, did little to change the outcome of the Brexit vote. Not since Jacques Delors was President of the Commission, from 1985 to 1995, has that position been filled by a leader with any vision or political clout. Juncker, like Cameron, should accept responsibility and resign. The EU needs a strong leader again. There are many worthy can-didates, but I recommend former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt.

Before the post-referendum dust settles, the EU should set an ultimatum with clear and onerous principles for the UK’s exit – clarity to minimize the cost, and severity to deter populists in other member states from calling for exit referenda, too. Sensibly, European Commission leaders have al-ready moved in this direction by voiding conces-sions made by the EU to the UK back in February and declaring that there “will be no renegotiation.”

The European Council, for its part, has already called for an immediate summit.

Having failed for six years to resolve the Greek financial crisis, the EU finally appears to under-stand that its very survival depends on swift and decisive action.

But the EU must go further than just Brexit damage control. For the last four decades, Europe’s fundamental problem has been complacency in the face of low economic growth caused by exces-sive taxation and regulation. Europe can no longer afford this standstill.

It must now begin to carry out fundamental reforms: cut unjustified social benefits; liberal-ize services, labour markets, and digital markets; reduce labour taxes; deregulate industry; improve education; and promote research and develop-ment. Current EU rules are clear on the respon-sibilities of EU institutions and national govern-ments, respectively. The problem is that most European governments (especially British Tory governments) tend to scapegoat the EU to mask

their own political myopia. Little wonder that the EU has grown so unpopular. Given that it already receives the blame, the European Commission should now be granted the power to act politically. The EU has a strong case to make for itself, but it needs good-faith leaders to deliver its message to the people.

European populists point to the mishandling of migration issues to justify their cause. So, for start-ers, the EU should establish an orderly migration policy with quotas and criteria, as Australia and Canada have successfully done, and impose proper control over its external borders.

The EU border control agency, Frontex, needs a stronger mandate and more resources to fulfil this crucial role.

Going further, the EU should institute a joint foreign and defence policy to address the under-lying causes of the migration crisis – namely, the conflicts in Libya and Syria. For a quarter-centu-ry, Europe has benefited from the post-Cold War peace dividend and irresponsibly allowed member states’ average defence expenditure to slip to a pal-try 1.4 per cent of GDP. This should be increased to at least the 2 per cent of GDP each NATO member has promised. Today, only five EU countries have defence expenditures at that level.

With good reason, US President Barack Obama has called Europeans “free riders.” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, going much further, openly questions both NATO and US mili-tary expenditures abroad. In the near future, Eu-rope may no longer be able to rely on the US to de-fend it and should prepare for a scenario in which it is forced to fend for itself.

The principle of representative democracy is at the heart of European identity; ironically, only EU non-member Switzerland has a strong tradition of referenda. One of the positive conse-quences of the squalid Brexit campaign is that it demonstrated that referenda and plebiscites are demagogic, not truly democratic. EU members should recognise the risks of so-called direct de-mocracy and tighten the criteria for the passage of referenda. At a minimum, referenda should be required to achieve a supermajority with a high percentage of voter turnout.

The best one can say about Brexit is that it finally may have put an end to European complacency. We will know for sure only if, and when, Europe chooses to save itself. - Project Syndicate‘Class’ categorisation in flights is for extra income

As Eid holiday has already been announced in Oman, airlines and travel agencies try their best to woo the holidaymakers, apparently getting into more of a complex situation while agreeing on a price

of their choice. When enquired about availability of seat one day prior to start of the holiday next week, the fare difference to one of the Indian destinations quoted was OMR87! The explanation given for the increased fare was that the available seat falls in the category of ‘higher class’. This clearly indicates that seats are available for the same date, whereas paying the extra charges never prompt any changes in the seating that has already confirmed to the passenger. As far as passengers are concerned it makes no difference whether it is ‘higher class’ or ‘lower class’ ticket, as the area marked beyond the business class section is common for all the passengers. A date change becomes expensive by all means. The ‘class’ level categorisation in flights is only to help adding some extra income for the flight operators and travel

agencies. The travellers become the ultimate victims of such preset terms and conditions of airlines, and it makes no difference onboard the flights. — Ramachandran Nair, Ruwi

T I M E S O F O M A NW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6A12




Pacts for roads, bridges signedMUSCAT: A number of agreements were signed at the Muscat Municipality yesterday for the construction of dual carriageways, bridges and for the maintenance and development of some roads. Abdullah bin Abbas bin Ahmed, president of the Muscat Municipality, signed the agreement with the managing directors of the executing companies. The agreement of Wadi Adai-Amerat road project was signed with Galfar Engineering and Contracting Company which includes alterations to the Wadi Adai roundabout, improvement works at the entry and exit of Wadi Adai road, completion of 8km dual carriageway from Wadi Adai to Al Amerat roundabout.

1950: President Harry S. Truman authorizes a sea blockade of Korea.

1955: The Soviet Union sends tanks to Poznan, Poland, to put down anti-Communist demonstrations

1970: US troops pull out of Cambodia.

1982: Israel invades Lebanon.




The British vote to leave the European Union has shaken world financial markets. The immediate

and medium-term prospects for economic growth in the United

Kingdom are severely diminished, and the impact on the rest of

Europe will be negative.Some of the obvious political

winners from Brexit are people


One of the most unmistakable and remarkable signs of Pakistan’s new realities in dealing with its security

challenges is the changing landscape of higher education institutions.Where we once had expansive

landscapes and open gates, we now have high walls that block the view

from all sides.


It’s the summer of 2019, three years after British voters stunned the world

by voting to leave the European Union. The UK has regained its

economic and financial footing, as well as its national confidence. A

smaller and more unified European Union now functions in a more

coherent fashion. But the road has been bumpy and, as a result




Businessmen in Oman in favour of 3-day Eid holidays.

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1 Eid holidays announced in Oman


2 Loan sharks in Oman make a killing as people drown in debt


3 Oman weather: Tropical storm to strike Sultanate


4 Morning Minute: Cyclone warning issued in Oman

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5 Oman streets turning into car showrooms


1 Indian construction worker found dead in Oman


2 Oman Air to operate extra flights to Salalah


3 Oman health: Royal Hospital conducts first adrenal gland tumour surgery


4 Oman condemns suicide blast in Lebanon


5 SQU plans dual purpose solar panel cover for parking lot in Oman


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@MohammedAlRahbiThank you @timesofoman for this serious article.Loan sharks in Oman make a killing as people drown in debt




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Photo: Renu Singh


PAKISTANW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

GETTING READY FOR EID AL FITRPakistani tailors stitch clothing in preparation for the forthcoming Eid Al Fitr Festival marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan, at a market in Peshawar,

on Tuesday. For Muslims the world over, Ramadan, held in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a time of worship and contemplation during which a fast

is observed from dawn until dusk. — AFP

Judge’s son kidnappers holed up in Karachi

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has said the kidnapping of barrister Ovais Ali Shah and the killing of prominent Qawwal Amjad Sabri have shaken the confidence of the people in the government which the latter had gained after hectic efforts.

“Now, we have to recover the barrister and arrest the killers of Amjad Sabri to regain that confi-dence and foil terrorists’ nefari-ous designs,” the chief minister said while presiding over a special cabinet meeting on the law and order situation here at the Chief Minister’s House. The meeting was attended by all members of the cabinet.

Restoration of peaceShah said the government had succeeded in restoring peace in the city by crushing terrorists, ex-tortionists, kidnappers and target killers. That had been achieved through the hard work and dedica-tion of law-enforcement agencies (LEA), he added.

Inspector General of Police A. D. Khwaja briefed the cabinet about the circumstances that led to the kidnapping of lawyer Ovais Ali Shah. He said the police have con-ducted a number of raids and have arrested some suspects.

The kidnappers were trying to misguide LEAs by switching on and off the cell phone of Ovais Shah. “We still believe that he (Ovais Shah) has been kept in Ka-rachi and with the help of all agen-cies and using the technology avail-able to us we would recover him safe and sound shortly,” the inspec-tor general assured. - Express Tribune

L A W Y E R ’ S K I D N A P P I N G

All Pakistani cyclists need this ‘intelligent bike helmet’KARACHI: For cyclists, roads are getting scarier than ever with traffic increasing with every pass-ing day. In such a scenario, a smart helmet that alerts riders when a car approaches from their blind spot or activates signals when you apply brakes can prove to be a dif-ference between life and death.

Classon is one such helmet. It is designed by Brooklyness, the com-pany behind CMYK electric bike which is about to come into mass production, following a successful Indiegogo campaign to raise funds.

The campaign for Classon also easily surpassed its desired target of funding, raising $53,359 from 350 backers against the goal of $30,000.

One of the unique features of this smart helmet is blind spot de-

tection. Cameras installed in the front and back of the helmet scan the environment and send the in-formation to a processor. The in-formation is then processed and

riders are informed when cars are approaching using a non-disrup-tive light under the visor blinks in riders’ peripheral vision, helping them make better decisions.

The helmet turns on brake lights automatically as cyclist deceler-ates, helping reduce the chances of collision. Classon also has intui-tive indicator lights. The helmet using gesture sensors reads your natural movements and hand sig-nals to activate turning lights.

The safety features of the helmet seek to minimise the human error involved with cycling as it is most common cause of road accidents.

Apart from these features, the helmet also has an in-built GPS feature which connects to your phone through a Classon app. It al-lows users to get directions, with-

out diverting their attention from the road as the helmet uses lights in the visor to indicate the correct path to take.

The HD camera at the front of the helmet allows users to live stream their ride or save it to share later. The camera can record and save up to six hours of footage onto the helmets’ 4 GB internal memory.

Classon helmet comes in five different colours and three dif-ferent sizes, and is expected to be shipped by early 2017. The es-timated price of Classon will be around $299, however, 50 early backers would get it for $99.

Seeing as the company has al-ready exceeded its funding expec-tation on Kickstarter, it will not be long till we see the Classon helmet in action on the streets. – Express Tribune


Edhi undergoes surgery in Sindh

KARACHI: Social activist and philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi underwent on Tuesday a suc-cessful surgery at Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Karachi.

A member of staff at the Edhi Foundation, Humaira Faiz Mu-hammad, confirms he is well and that his health is in better condi-tion. “The operation was a success. He is still in the ICU, however, he is fully aware of his whereabouts and is being responsive,” Bilquis Edhi said.

“I told him to open and close his eyes and he did so accordingly. So I think he understood well what I was asking him to do,” she added.

Earlier, a member of staff at the Edhi Foundation, Humaira Faiz Muhammad, confirmed he is well and that his health is in better condition. “I just met him a while back. He is doing better and is in his complete senses,” she said.

According to Edhi’s spokesper-son, Anwar Kazmi: “The opera-tion was supposed to be performed on Monday, however, the doctors were not able to reach on time due to the Youm-e-Ali procession.”

Minutes after the surgery com-menced, Bilquis Edhi said “It’s been a while since they took him upstairs to the surgery room of the institute. The best part of the news is he is not running any fever for now and nor is he having high blood pressure.” - Express Tribune

P H I L A N T H R O P I S T Ex-PM Gilani’s son says he was chained for two years

ISLAMABAD: In a heart-wrenching interview, Ali Haider Gilani opened up for the first time about his time in captivity and the dramatic turn of events that led to his release.

The son of former prime min-ister Yousuf Raza Gilani was rescued in a joint United States-Afghanistan forces operation in Afghanistan, having spent three years in Al Qaeda and Taliban cap-tivity. He was kidnapped on May 2, 2013 during an election rally for the Pakistan People’s Party in his hometown of Multan.

Gilani, during an interview with BBC, said his abductors told him the kidnapping was aimed di-rectly at his father. “My father was prime minister when their leader Osama bin Laden was killed. He also started an operation in South Waziristan. They told me they

wanted to take revenge.”Following his abduction, Gilani

was first taken to the industrial town of Faisalabad after which he was moved to North Waziristan. “I was chained for two years,” he said. “I was kept in a small room, not allowed to see the sky for one year and two months. I forgot how the sun felt on my skin.”

His diaryGilani said he had a diary where he tried to keep track of time and jot down day-to-day thoughts: “It kept me sane.” He added, “I prayed a lot. I used to think of my son and say I have to survive for him.”

His son, Mohamed Jamaluddin, was a toddler when Gilani was ab-ducted. He said, “One of the most difficult things about his captivity was knowing that I missed key mo-ments in my son’s life like his first

day of school and his birthdays.”While the Al Qaeda did not

physically torture him, Ali Haider said, “They tried to break me men-tally.” “They’d tell me ‘you’re not a Muslim, your father is not a Mus-lim, you’ll go to hell, your family aren’t doing anything to help you’.” Gilani said that he feared for his life every day. “I was in a war zone.”

“There were drones, tanks, mortar and jet strikes. Drones have a horrible sound, it’s like a huge bee constantly hovering over you. It wasn’t just one drone, there

were three, four or five at one time roaming day and night.” It was a drone strike in January that led Al Qaeda to hand Gilani over to the Taliban. “They handed me over to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan in the Shawal area, in North Wa-ziristan to keep me safe.”

Pakistan armyBut soon after, the Pakistan Army pushed into the area and the Tali-ban militants fled across the bor-der to Afghanistan, taking Gilani with them.

All through that time he was be-ing watched closely by an al Qaeda operative who accompanied him wherever he went.

His living conditions, however, improved with the TTP. “I wasn’t chained, I was allowed to walk, to see the sun,” he said. Gilani added that he was even given a radio: “I used to listen to the BBC, it was my contact to the outside world.” “The Taliban like cricket,” he added.

“One day I asked them for the radio to listen to a cricket match. It was the World Cup and Paki-stan won a match against South Africa,” he said.

The former premier’s son had been in Afghanistan for just over two months, accompanied by two guards, one from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and one from Al

Qaeda when his captors told him they had to vacate the compound because they received information of an expected American air raid.

“We left at night and were walk-ing for three or four hours when I heard helicopters and gunshots,” he said. “I fell to the ground. Then a voice told me to take my shirt off, put my hands in the air and some-one came and tied my hands.

“I said ‘My name is Ali Haider Gilani I’m the son of the former prime minister. They didn’t be-lieve me at first but later they con-firmed I was telling the truth,” he said. “I was just lucky to be there,” he said of his rescue. “It didn’t sink in till I was in the helicopter, the guy (from the US Forces) said ‘Mr Gilani, you’re going home’.”

“I was moved to Bagram Airbase and was met by senior Afghan generals,” he said. The next day he went to Kabul and saw his brother for the first time. “I was still in shock,” he said. “A few hours ago, I was in the hands of the Taliban. I could die any moment. Now, I’m seeing my family.” – Express Tribune

Kidnapped son of Yousuf Raza Gilani was

rescued in a joint US-Afghanistan forces

operation in Afghanistan, having spent three

years in Al Qaeda and Taliban captivity

Ali Haider Gilani

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SMART CHOICE: Cameras installed in the front and back of the

helmet scan the environment and send the information to a

processor. – Express Tribune

Campaign for Classon surpassed its desired target of funding, raising $53,359 from 350 backers against the goal of $30,000


ASIAW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

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UPSIDE DOWN HOUSE — A TOURIST ATTRACTIONTourists walk outside the Kuala Lumpur Upside Down House at KL Tower in Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday. Kuala Lumpur Upside Down House is a two-storey house

and is the latest attraction for tourists arriving to the Malaysian capital where everything inside such as the furniture are placed in an upside down position. — AFP

UN urges Sri Lanka

to rein in military,

prosecute war crimes

GENEVA: Sri Lanka must rein in its military forces, prosecute war crimes committed during the long civil war with Tamil rebels and win the confidence of the Ta-mil minority, the United Nations said on Tuesday.

Witnesses must be protected under an effective transitional justice mechanism that should include international judges, the UN High Commissioner for Hu-man Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hus-sein said in an annual report.

The military and Tamil Tiger rebels - who were fighting for an independent Tamil state in the north and east of the Indian Ocean island - are both likely to have committed war crimes dur-ing the 26-year conflict that end-ed in 2009, the UN said last year. President Maithripala Sirisena’s government, formed in March 2015, has “consolidated its posi-tion, creating a political environ-ment conducive to reforms”, but governance reform and transi-tional justice had lagged, the re-port said.

“The early momentum estab-lished in investigating emblem-atic cases must be sustained, as early successful prosecutions would mark a turning point from the impunity of the past,” it said.

“Continuing allegations of ar-bitrary arrest, torture and sexual violence, as well as more general

military surveillance and harass-ment, must be swiftly addressed, and the structures and institu-tional culture that promoted those practices be dismantled.”

Foreign participationA spokesman for the government in Colombo was not immediately available for comment.

Sirisena has said that foreign participation is not needed for an impartial inquiry. Many Sri Lan-kans oppose foreign involvement and supporters of former Presi-dent Mahinda Rajapaksa believe that UN efforts aim to punish the military unfairly.

The UN Human Rights Coun-cil will debate Zeid’s report on Wednesday when the govern-ment is expected to come under fresh pressure to commit to pros-ecuting perpetrators.

Sri Lanka acknowledged this month for the first time that some 65,000 people were missing from the war.

The United Nations and activ-ists have long urged justice for the families of those who disap-peared, including those alleged to have been secretly abducted by state-backed groups and para-military outfits.

At least 250 security detainees were still being held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, the UN report said. - Reuters

T A M I L M I N O R I T Y Indonesia raises 2016defence budget by 10%

JAKARTA: Indonesian lawmak-ers on Tuesday approved higher defence spending this year to fund, among other things, major upgrades to military facilities in the Natuna Islands, whose nearby waters Beijing says are subject to ‘over-lapping claims’.

Parliament’s approval came just days after President Joko Widodo visited the remote island chain to assert sovereignty over the area, in what Indonesian officials de-scribed as the strongest message that has been given to China.

China’s increasingly assertive actions in the South China Sea, which are worrying Southeast Asian countries, are fuelling an increase in security spending in the region. “(Natuna) needs to be guarded and to do that the mili-tary needs to have proper facilities, they need additional funds,” said Johnny Plate, a member of parlia-ment’s budget committee.

Parliament approved an increase to the Defence Ministry’s budget this year to 108.7 trillion rupiah ($8.25 billion), up nearly 10 per

cent from the initial 2016 budget.Some of the new funds will be

used to upgrade the airbase and build a new port in the Natuna Is-lands to allow for more warships and fighter jets to be based there, Defence Minister Ryamizard Rya-cudu told reporters.

Indonesia’s navy has stepped up patrols around the islands after a series of face-offs between Indo-nesian naval vessels and Chinese fishing boats in the area. Jakarta objects to Beijing’s inclusion of waters around the Natuna Islands

within China’s ‘nine-dash line’, a demarcation line used by Beijing to show its claims.

Beijing last week said that those waters were subject to overlapping claims on ‘maritime rights and in-terests’ between China and Indo-nesia. Jakarta has rejected China’s stance, saying the waters are in In-donesia’s territory.

Despite the objections, Indone-sia is not part of a broader regional dispute over China’s reclamation activities in the South China Sea.

- Reuters

Higher defence

spending is to fund,

among other things,

major upgrades to

military facilities in

the Natuna Islands,

whose nearby

waters China says

are subject to ‘over-

lapping claims’

China threatens WTO case over United States steel dutiesBEIJING: China could file suit at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in order to protect its steel industry, the Commerce Ministry said on Tuesday, after the United States said some steel imports from China were hitting US producers.

The US International Trade Commission said on Friday that imports of corrosion-resistant steel from China and four other countries were harming US pro-ducers, the final step in the imposi-tion of US anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties.

The US Commerce Department had already slapped duties of up to 450 per cent on the steel products from China and duties ranging from 3 per cent to 92 per cent on

corrosion-resistant steel from Ita-ly, India, South Korea and Taiwan.

Anti-dumping dutiesThe ministry said Washington’s large anti-dumping and anti-sub-sidy duties would force Chinese companies to pull this type of steel product out of the US market. “China’s steel industry export in-terests will suffer a serious impact and the Chinese steel industry is strongly opposed to this,” the min-istry said posted to its website.

“With regard to the United States’ mistaken methods that violate WTO rules, China is and will continue to take all measures, including filing suit at the WTO, to strive for fair treatment for enter-

prises and safeguard their export interests,” it said.

Steel mills in China, the world’s biggest producer and consumer of the metal, have raised production and beefed up exports despite the government’s efforts to cut over-capacity. This has escalated trade spats between China and other steel producing nations, such as Japan, India and the United States.

The Commerce Ministry has said that it is deeply concerned about protectionism in the U.S. steel sector. It argues that the dif-ficulties facing the global steel sector have resulted from falling demand, and that trade protec-tionism from the US will intensify conflicts and disputes. - Reuters


Bangladesh charges BNP leader over Italian’s murder DHAKA: Bangladesh police have charged seven persons including a senior leader of the main opposi-tion BNP for their alleged involve-ment in the murder of an Italian aid worker last year, an official said on Tuesday.

The chargesheet was submitted to a Dhaka magistrate court on Monday against seven persons including former Bangladesh Na-tionalist Party (BNP) ward com-missioner M. A. Kayum in the murder of Italian national Ceasre Tavella, Dhaka metro police Deputy Commissioner Masudur Rahman said.

Four suspectsRahman said that except two, all the accused including Kayum are in police custody, bdnews24 re-ported. Four suspects were arrest-ed in October and all of them had confessed to the killing. The fifth suspect, Kayum’s brother Matin, was arrested in November.

Tavella, 50, was shot dead in a high security diplomatic area in Dhaka on September 28, the first attack in Bangladesh claimed by the dreaded IS terror group that had prompted many embassies of Western countries to restrict the movements of their diplomats.

Tavella, who was working for the Netherlands-based ICCO Cooperation as manager of its Profitable Opportunities for Food Security project, was shot thrice from a close proximity in Dhaka’s Gulshan diplomatic zone while he was jogging, police said.

In a statement, the IS claimed that it killed Tavella. - PTI


GETTING ACQUAINTED: Indonesian President Joko Widodo, centre, walks on the deck of the Indone-

sian Navy ship KRI Imam Bonjol with some members of his cabinet in the waters of Natuna Islands,

Riau Islands province, Indonesia. – Reuters

MASSIVE DUTY: The United States Commerce Department had already slapped duties of up to 450 per

cent on the steel products from China. – Bloomberg News


WORLDW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Europe seeks speedy Britain exit

LONDON/BRUSSELS: Europe-an leaders told Britain on Tuesday to act quickly to resolve the politi-cal and economic chaos unleashed by its vote to leave the European Union, a move the IMF said could put pressure on global growth.

British Finance Minister George Osborne, whose attempt to calm markets had fallen on deaf ears on Monday, said the country would have to cut spending and

raise taxes to stabilise the econ-omy after a third credit ratings agency downgraded its debt.

Firms have announced hiring freezes and possible job cuts, de-spite voters’ hopes the economy would thrive outside the EU.

European countries are con-cerned about the impact of the uncertainty created by Britain’s vote to leave on the 27 other EU member states.

There is little idea of when, or even if, the country will formally declare it is quitting.

“The process for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union must start as soon as pos-sible,” French President Francois

Hollande said.”I can’t imagine any British government would not re-spect the choice of its own people.”

European Commission Presi-dent Jean-Claude Juncker sent a similar message as he prepared for talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron before an EU sum-mit in Brussels, although he did not expect an immediate move.

“We cannot be embroiled in lasting uncertainty,” Juncker told the European Parliament, which he interrupted to ask British members of the assembly who campaigned to leave the EU why they were there.

Cameron, who called the ref-erendum and tendered his res-

ignation when it became clear he had failed to persuade Brit-ain to stay in the EU, says he will let his successor declare the country’s exit formally.

His Conservative Party has been split for years into pro- and anti-EU camps and the opposi-tion Labour Party sank deeper into chaos on Tuesday.

Corbyn refuses to quitLabour lawmakers passed a vote of no-confidence in party leader Jeremy Corbyn by 172 to 40, ac-cusing him of failing to win over traditional supporters during the referendum campaign.

The lawmakers fear that a simi-lar failure at the next general elec-tion, due in 2020, will lead to La-bour suffering a near wipe out as it suffered in Scotland last year.

However, the confidence vote does not automatically trigger a leadership election and Corbyn, who says he enjoys strong grass-roots support, refused to quit.

“I was democratically elected leader of our party for a new kind of politics by 60 per cent of La-bour members and supporters, and I will not betray them by re-signing,” he said.

Arriving for the EU summit, Cameron said: “I’ll be explaining that Britain will be leaving the Eu-ropean Union but I want that pro-cess to be as constructive as possi-ble, and I hope the outcome can be as constructive as possible.

Holding out hope of maintain-ing good relations with other Eu-ropean countries, he said Britain wanted “the closest possible re-lationship in terms of trade and cooperation and security. Be-cause that is good for us and that is good for them.”

His party says it aims to choose a new leader by early September.

But those who campaigned for Britain’s leave vote have made clear they hope to negotiate a new deal for the country with the EU before triggering the formal exit process. European leaders have said that is not an option.

“No notification, no negotia-tion,” Juncker said.

After Cameron has addressed EU leaders on Tuesday evening, they will meet the next day to dis-cuss Brexit without him.

Leave campaigners in Britain including Boris Johnson, a likely contender to replace Cameron, suggest the country can retain ac-cess to the European single market and curb immigration -- but those goals are mutually incompatible under EU rules.

Cherry-pickGerman Chancellor Angela Mer-kel said Britain would not be able to “cherry-pick” parts of the EU, such as access to the single market, without accept-ing principles such as freedom of movement when it negotiates its exit from the bloc.

“I can only advise our British friends not to fool themselves.. in terms of the necessary decisions that need to be made in Britain,” she told parliament in Berlin.

EU lawmakers want Cameron to trigger the exit process at a dinner on Tuesday, but an EU official said that was unrealistic given the po-litical chaos in London.

The European Parliament jeered when Nigel Farage, the leader of Britain’s eurosceptic UKIP party, said in a scathing speech that Europe had deceived its population and Britain would be its “best friend” if it agreed to extend a tariff-free trade deal.

Germany’s financial market reg-ulator delivered a double blow to the City of London, saying it could not host the headquarters of a planned European stock exchange giant after Britain leaves the EU, and could not remain a centre for trading in euros.

Sadiq Khan, the mayor of Lon-don, where a majority voted to stay and people fear job losses if the city declines as a global finan-cial centre, said access to Europe’s market was vital.”On behalf of all Londoners, I am demanding more autonomy for the capital - right now,” he said.

Scotland, where people also vot-ed strongly to remain in Europe, is weighing a possible second ref-erendum on leaving the United Kingdom given the vote to leave the EU. — Reuters

The process for the

United Kingdom to

leave the European

Union must start as

soon as possible. I

can’t imagine any

British government

would not respect

the choice of its

own people, French

President Francois

Hollande said

AGHAST: Demonstrators gather for an anti-Brexit protest in

Trafalgar Square in central London on Tuesday. — AFP

Eastern EU states want powers to return to capitalsBRUSSELS: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Repub-lic called on Tuesday for the powers of the European Com-mission to be reined in after Britain voted to leave the EU, with Warsaw calling for the dis-missal of Jean-Claude Juncker, the executive’s head.

Last week’s referendum alarmed governments in the for-mer communist eastern region of the EU who had seen London as their main eurosceptic ally in efforts to reduce centralised con-trol from Brussels.

“We are asking if this... leader-ship of the European Commis-sion... has...a right to continue functioning, fixing Europe,” Po-land’s Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said.

“In our opinion, it does not...New politicians, new commis-sioners should undertake this task, and first of all we should give new prerogatives to the Eu-ropean Council, because it con-sists of politicians who have a democratic mandate.”

Warsaw has clashed with the Commission over its controver-sial attempt to curb the pow-ers of the constitutional court, which led Brussels to launch an investigation into the rule of law in Poland.

Tension between the Brus-sels executive, which drafts and enforces EU legislation, and member states, which ex-ercise their authority collec-tively in the EU Council, has been a permanent feature of the bloc over six decades.

But the Commission led by Luxemburger Juncker has par-ticularly irritated the eastern states with its efforts to im-pose fixed quotas on taking in some the 1.3 million refugees and migrants who reached Eu-rope last year.

“We need to change the overall functioning of the EU and I think it is needed to change the func-tioning of the European Commis-sion,” said Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka.

“Member states should be the engine of positive changes in the EU... I would be very glad if the Commission were more helpful in finding compromises within the EU. I would like the Commis-sion to respect more decisions of the European Council.”

His foreign minister, Lubomir Zaoralek, said over the weekend Juncker was the wrong man for the job. The eastern countries, known together as the Visegrad group, see Brexit as a strategic blow also because the bloc’s com-mon budget — of which all four are net beneficiaries — would shrink should the UK stop paying its contributions. Sobotka said

Brexit could take several years and urged no rush to kick UK out.

Poland’s Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who heads the ruling party and is the main powerbroker, went even further.

“Our idea today envisages ef-forts to have the United King-dom return to the EU,” Polish media quoted Kaczynski as say-ing on Monday.”But the EU must change radically.”

He said the EU needed a new treaty to return more power to national capitals.

Poland in particular sees Lon-don as its key ally in the bloc.

Both are outside the EU’s single currency zone and War-saw - fearful of Russia - benefits from having a powerful ally who is hawkish on sanctions on Mos-cow over Ukraine and enjoys very close ties with Washington.

About 800,000 Poles live in Britain, the country’s second-largest overseas-born popula-tion, and there has been a spate of racially motivated hate crimes against them following the Brexit vote in which immigration was a key factor. The Visegrad four joined the EU in 2004 but have grown increasingly eurosceptic in recent years.

In a joint statement on Tues-day, they said that the voice of na-tional parliaments must be heard more in the EU.

“The institutions of the Euro-pean Union need to stick to their missions and mandates...

The European Union will nec-essarily have to focus on topics that unite us,” their statement read. “Topics pulling the Eu-ropean Union institutions, its Member States or even individ-ual societies apart are contrary to the goals of Union of trust and action.” — Reuters


The eastern countries,

known together as the

Visegrad group, see

Brexit as a strategic

blow also because the

bloc’s common budget

— of which all four are

net beneficiaries —

would shrink should

the UK stop paying its


WASHINGTON: Congressional Republicans on Tuesday accused the Obama administration and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of failing to protect US diplomats in the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attack that killed four Americans.

In an 800-page report that Democrats have derided as a political vendetta, Republicans also accused Clinton, now the presumptive Democratic presi-dential nominee, and her staff of a “shameful” lack of response to congressional investigators look-ing into the tragedy and assailed Clinton’s use of a private email server for official business.

The findings are sure to fuel at-tacks on Clinton on the presiden-

tial campaign trail, where she fac-es the Republicans’ presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, but they do not reveal any new substantial evidence of Clinton’s culpability with regard to the attack.

Clinton’s campaign dismissed the report as a partisan effort to derail her candidacy, arguing that the committee had not found any-thing that had not been discovered by previous congressional probes.

“After more than two years and

more than $7 million in taxpayer funds, the committee report has not found anything to contradict the conclusions of the multiple, earlier investigations,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement, adding that “this com-mittee’s chief goal is to politicize the deaths of four brave Americans in order to try to attack the Obama administration and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

At a news conference on Capitol

Hill, Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, the Republi-can chairman of the special panel, outlined what he said was a dis-connect between the unfolding violence on the ground in Beng-hazi and the perception among top Obama administration officials that “the fighting had subsided” at the US diplomatic compound.

Gowdy said the panel uncov-ered “new information on what happened in Benghazi,” including

details contained in emails from then-Secretary Clinton that were handed over to the committee.

Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the U.S. House of Rep-resentatives, did not mention Clinton by name in a statement he released but said committee’s report “makes clear that officials in Washington failed our men and women on the ground when they were in need of help.”

The lack of a mention of Clinton

may have been aimed at rebutting Democrats’ claims that the probe was politically driven.

Representative Kevin McCa-rthy of California, Ryan’s lieuten-ant, last year suggested that the panel was established, in part, to stall Clinton’s political momen-tum. Trump has regularly blamed Clinton for the death of Chris Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya, and three others in attacks in Benghazi by militia groups on September 11, 2012, and said the incident undercuts her argument that she is the stronger candidate on national security.

Did nothingTrump’s campaign had no imme-diate comment, but Reince Prie-bus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said Clin-ton’s actions as secretary of state were “disqualifying.”

“Hillary Clinton was in charge, knew the risks, and did nothing” to protect personnel on the ground in Libya, he said.

According to a website main-tained by committee Democrats, the investigation cost more than $7.1 million, a figure that excludes money spent on investigations by the seven other congressional committees that investigated the attacks on the US diplomatic and CIA posts in Benghazi.

The Gowdy committee investi-gation lasted 782 days, longer than congressional probes of Pearl Har-bor, the Kennedy assassination, the Iran-Contra scandal and Hur-ricane Katrina.

Since it was established in May 2014, the Gowdy committee held four public hearings, according to its website, which said that it in-terviewed 107 witnesses, mostly behind closed doors, including 81 who never appeared before the other committees that investi-gated the attacks.

It reviewed about 75,000 pag-es of previously unexamined documents. — Reuters


WORLDW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Tablet lovers add us on Google +

dd +


GOP-led panel accuses Clinton department of Benghazi lapsesThe findings are

sure to fuel attacks

on Hillary Clinton

on the presidential

campaign trail,

where she faces

the Republicans’


nominee, Donald

Trump, but they

do not reveal any

new substantial

evidence of Clinton’s

culpability with

regard to the attack

DEBACLE: A protester reacts as the US Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest by an armed group said to have been

protesting a film being produced in the United States on September 11, 2012. — Reuters/Esam Al Fetori/File Photo



5,761.32- 2.50

- 0.04%


3,283.92- 1.84

- 0.06%

Abu Dhabi

4,407.16- 27.07

- 0.61%

Saudi Arabia

6,475.40+ 10.56

+ 0.16%


5,375.21+ 9.07

+ 0.17%


1,114.11+ 1.42

+ 0.13%


9,816.75- 26.10

- 0.27%


US Dollar .................................2.58

Euro ............................................2.32

Pound ...........................................1.93

Indian Rs ..............................175.78

Pak Rs ....................................267.52

Bangla Taka.......................201.29* Rates are as of Jun 28

Source: Bank Muscat

Indian Rs ...................................176.40

Pakistan Rs ............................. 271.80

Sri Lanka Rs ..................................N/A

Bangla Taka........................... 203.50

Phil Peso .................................... 122.10

* Rates as of Jun 28 Source: Oman UAE Exchange

Muscat 24ct per gm (OMR) .......16.95

Muscat 22ct per gm (OMR) .......16.25

Dubai 24ct per gm (Dh) ............158.25

Dubai 22ct per gm (Dh) ............. 148.75

* Rates as of Jun 28

Source: Malabar Gold & Diamonds

Type ............................Delivery...........Price

Oman Crude ............. (Spot) ........ $44.47

Dubai Crude ............. (Spot) ........$44.27

Murban Crude ........ (Spot) .........$47.29

Arabian Light ......... (Spot) ........$44.62

N.Sea Brent ............... (Spot) ........$48.40

West Texas Int ....... (Spot) .........$47.64




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Private wealth in Sultanate set to touch $0.4 trillion in 2020

Times News Service

MUSCAT: By 2020, private wealth in Oman will rise from $0.3 trillion to $0.4 trillion, accord-ing to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), called, “Global Wealth 2016: Navigating the New Client Landscape,” re-leased on Tuesday.

During the next five years,

growth of private wealth in Oman will be driven primarily by equities (5.8 per cent), followed by cash and deposits (4.1 per cent) and bonds (2.2 per cent).

This 16th annual study by BCG outlines the evolution of private wealth from both a global and re-gional perspective, addresses key industry trends, and explores evolv-ing client needs—particularly those

of the underserved, non-traditional segments, such as female investors and millennials, whose investment goals are not necessarily well-ad-dressed by the standard, net-worth-based service approach.

Segmentation approaches“Segmentation approaches, based mainly on the wealth level con-tinue to be used by a majority of wealth managers, and neglect what clients are truly willing to pay for,” said Markus Massi, part-ner and managing director of BCG Middle East’s Financial Services practice. “Such approaches no longer allow wealth managers to capitalise on the full potential of the market.”

Massi added: “Local asset man-agers still provide a standard product programme with limited differentiation. International as-set managers have embarked on a journey designed to tailor their

offerings around specific custom-er segments, leveraging increas-ingly digital opportunities. They use technology to offer additional communication channels and ser-

vices to their customers and tap into big data to generate customer insights—so they can further cus-tomise their offering and make it more personal. Local wealth man-agers in the GCC (Gulf Coopera-tion Council) are only now start-ing to recognise this opportunity, which could become a source of true differentiation.”

Over the next five years, wealth in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region is set to reach $11.8 trillion—and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Ku-wait’s contribution will account for 22.7 per cent of that total.

Spotlight on OmanIn terms of wealth distribution, private wealth held by ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) households (those with above $100 million) in Oman is expected to grow by 7.2 per cent in the next five years.

In addition, by 2020, private

wealth held by the upper HNW seg-ment (those with between $20 mil-lion and $100 million) is projected to increase at a rate of 8.8 per cent. Interestingly, over the next five years, this specific segment will be witnessing the highest growth.

Lower HNW segmentAt the same time, private wealth held by the lower HNW segment (those with between $1 million and $20 million) will go up by 8.6 per cent. And lastly, looking ahead, the total number of millionaire households (those with more than $1 million in net investable assets) in Oman is set to grow by 2.1 per cent by 2020.

The findings of BCG’s report also revealed that, in 2015, for MEA wealth booked offshore, Switzerland (30 per cent) was the destination of choice, followed by the U.K. (23 per cent) and Dubai (18 per cent).

Private wealth held by upper high-net-

worth (HNW) households in Oman projected

to increase by a healthy 8.8 per cent over

the next five years, latest report of Boston

Consulting Group reveal

Central Bank of Oman issues treasury bills worth OMR20 millionMUSCAT: A tender of Govern-ment Treasury Bills, issue num-ber 563, was held at the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) this week.

The total value of the allot-ted Treasury bills amounted to OMR20 million, for a maturity period of 364 days, from June 29, 2016 until June 28, 2017.

The average accepted price reached 98.720 for every OMR100, while the minimum accepted price arrived at 98.680 per OMR100. Whereas the aver-age discount rate and the aver-age yield reached 1.28352 per cent and 1.30018 per cent, re-spectively. The Treasury Bills are short-term highly secured financial instruments issued by the CBO on behalf of the Govern-ment, which helps the licensed

commercial banks to gainfully invest their surplus funds, with added advantage of ready liquid-ity through discounting and re-purchase facilities (Repo) offered by the Central Bank.

Furthermore, Treasury Bills promote the local money market by creating a benchmark yield curve for short-term interest rates. Additionally, the Govern-ment (MOF) may also resort to this instrument whenever felt necessary for financing its recur-rent expenditures. The interest rate on the Repo operations with CBO is one per cent for the pe-riod from June 28, 2016 to July 4, 2016, while the discount rate on the Treasury Bills Discounting Facility with CBO is 1.75 per cent, for the same period. — ONA


Real estate sector grows

MUSCAT: The Sultanate’s real estate sector registered a signifi-cant growth by the end of April, with a total traded value surging to OMR5.64 million registering an increase of 244.3 per cent over same period last year.

According to statistics issued by the National Centre for Statis-tics and Information (NCSI), the fees collected from legal actions related to real estate dealings touched OMR25.1 million by the end of April, as against OMR16.1

million in 2015. The traded value of sales contracts declined by 3.5 per cent to OMR378 million.

Sales contracts fallHowever, the number of sales contracts declined by 5.8 per cent to 26,883. Significantly, the trad-ed value of mortgage contracts witnessed a huge 324.1 per cent rise to OMR5.26 billion.

Barter contracts also saw a fall at 40.9 per cent, with figures of OMR277 million. — ONA


OMAN CRUDE PRICES FALLOman Crude (August delivery) declined by 26 cents to $45.28 per barrel, said Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME). The average price of Oman Crude (July delivery) stabilised at $44.33 per barrel, $4.93 higher than June delivery. – ONA

Markus Massi. — Supplied picture

Central Bank of Oman. – Times file picture


MARKETW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6



REGULAR MARKET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OM0000001160 ............NATIONAL GAS ........................................................... 298,440 ..........157,588..................... 42 ............0.516 ........... 0.536 ...........0.516 ........... 0.528 ............. 0.516 .............0.012 ............. 2.326 ................0.536 ..............0.536...................0.540 ..................29,040,000 ........0.100

OM0000001087 ............OMAN UNITED INSURANCE ............................... 654,651.......... 163,353........................9 ........... 0.250 ...........0.250 ...........0.248........... 0.250 .............0.247 ........... 0.003 ..............1.215.................0.248..............0.241...................0.248 ..................25,000,000 ........0.100

OM0000002176 ............AL JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS ..........................27,000 ............... 5,319........................7 ............0.197 ........... 0.197 ...........0.197 ............0.197 ............. 0.195............ 0.002 ............. 1.026 ................0.197 .............. 0.198...................0.200 ..................24,604,898.........0.100

OM0000003026 ...........OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION ..........................68,190 ...........110,866......................17 ............1.615 ........... 1.630 ........... 1.615 ............1.625 ............. 1.615 .............0.010 ............. 0.619 ................1.625 .............. 1.625...................1.630 ................ 1,218,750,000 ......0.100

OM0000003398 ...........BANK SOHAR................................................................ 269,346 ........... 46,458..................... 10 ............0.171 ........... 0.173 ........... 0.171 ............0.172 ............. 0.171 .............0.001 ............. 0.585 ................0.173 .............. 0.172................... 0.174 ..................275,973,887 ........0.100

OM0000002028 ...........GULF INTERNATIONAL CHEMICALS .............. 16,052 ...............3,945......................11 ........... 0.245 ...........0.246 ...........0.245........... 0.246 .............0.245 ............0.001 ............. 0.408 ................0.246..............0.245...................0.246 ................... 5,166,000 ..........0.100

OM0000001418 ............RAYSUT CEMENT ........................................................65,000 ............84,500......................14 ............1.300 ........... 1.300 ...........1.300 ........... 1.300 .............1.300 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................1.300 ..............1.300................... 1.315 ................. 260,000,000 .......0.100

OM0000001517 ............HSBC BANK OMAN .................................................... 482,800 ............47,454......................16 ........... 0.098 ........... 0.099 ...........0.098........... 0.098 .............0.098 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.098 ..............0.098...................0.099..................196,030,653 ........0.100

OM0000001525 ............OMAN INVESTMENT AND FINANCE .............. 173,718 .............33,835........................8 ............0.193 ........... 0.195 ...........0.193 ............0.195 ............. 0.195............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.195 ..............0.194...................0.195 ...................39,000,000.........0.100

OM0000001681 ............OMAN AND EMIRATES INV. HOLDING ........... 330,000 ........... 43,560......................17 ............0.132 ........... 0.132 ...........0.132 ........... 0.132 ............. 0.132............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.132 ...............0.131...................0.132 ................... 16,087,500 .........0.100

OM0000001749 ............OMAN CEMENT ...............................................................1,059 ..................500........................ 1 ........... 0.472 ........... 0.472 ...........0.472 ........... 0.472 .............0.472 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.472 ..............0.426...................0.472.................. 156,171,919 ........0.100

OM0000002226 ...........AL JAZEERA SERVICES .......................................... 709,000 ......... 154,562..................... 37 ............0.218 ........... 0.218 ...........0.218 ........... 0.218 ............. 0.218............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.218 ..............0.210...................0.218 ...................13,342,532 .........0.100

OM0000002440 ...........AL SHARQIA INVESTMENT HOLDING ........... 894,352 ......... 116,460..................... 63 ............0.130 ........... 0.132 ...........0.129 ........... 0.130 ............. 0.130............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.132 .............. 0.132...................0.133 ................... 11,700,000 .........0.100

OM0000002820 ...........GULF INVESTMENT SERVICES ...........................10,000 ............... 1,120........................ 1 ............0.112 ........... 0.112............ 0.112 ............0.112 ............. 0.112 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.112 .............. 0.112...................0.120 ....................6,590,440 ..........0.100

OM0000002846 ...........GULF INV. SER. PREF SHARES ............................ 129,622 ............ 13,610........................4 ............0.105 ........... 0.105 ...........0.105 ........... 0.105 ............. 0.105............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.105 .............. 0.105................... 0.110 .................... 9,596,032 ..........0.100

OM0000003141 ............ACWA POWER BARKA .................................................... 900 .................. 637........................ 1 ............0.708 ........... 0.708 ...........0.708 ........... 0.708 ............. 0.708 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.708 ..............0.680................... 0.712 ..................113,280,000 ........0.100

OM0000003281 ............TAAGEER FINANCE .........................................................370 .....................47........................ 1 ............0.126 ........... 0.126 ...........0.126 ........... 0.126 ............. 0.126............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.126 .............. 0.118...................0.126 ...................31,952,340 .........0.100

OM0000003711 ............SOHAR POWER ................................................................ 1,060 ...................319........................2 ........... 0.300 ...........0.302 ...........0.300 .......... 0.300 .............0.300 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.302..............0.282...................0.302 ..................66,303,000.........0.100

OM0000003968 ...........OOREDOO....................................................................... 254,120 ......... 185,944..................... 28 ............0.728 ........... 0.732 ...........0.728 ........... 0.732 ............. 0.732............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.732 ..............0.732...................0.736 .................. 476,491,176 ........0.100

OM0000004735 ...........SEMBCORP SALALAH .................................................. 5,000 ...............1,200........................2 ........... 0.240 ...........0.240 ...........0.240 .......... 0.245 .............0.245 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.240 ............ 0.240...................0.245 .................233,870,128 ........0.100

OM0000001533 ............OMINVEST ......................................................................55,865 .............31,764........................8 ........... 0.564 ........... 0.570 ...........0.564........... 0.568 .............0.570 ...........-0.002 ............-0.351................0.568 ............. 0.000...................0.570..................361,129,224 ........0.100

OM0000001483 ............NATIONAL BANK OF OMAN ...................................92,700 .............22,173........................5 ........... 0.240 ...........0.240 ...........0.237 ........... 0.239 .............0.240 ...........-0.001 ............-0.417................0.237 ..............0.237...................0.240 .................352,472,725 ........0.100

OM0000002796 ...........BANK MUSCAT ............................................................ 2,175,895 ......822,143..................... 70 ........... 0.380 ...........0.380 ...........0.376 ........... 0.378 .............0.380 ...........-0.002 ........... -0.526 ...............0.376 ..............0.376...................0.378..................943,582,598 .......0.100

OM0000001772 ............AL ANWAR HOLDING............................................... 882,209 ......... 150,385..................... 67 ............0.165 ........... 0.173 ...........0.165 ........... 0.170 ............. 0.172............-0.002 ............-1.163 ................0.172 ...............0.171...................0.172 ................... 29,750,418 .........0.100

OM0000004768 ...........AL MADINA TAKAFUL ............................................... 77,307 ...............5,520..................... 10 ........... 0.072 ........... 0.072 ...........0.071 ............0.071 .............0.072 ...........-0.001 ........... -1.389................0.071 ..............0.070...................0.071 ...................12,425,000 .........0.100

OM0000003521 ............GALFAR ENGINEERING AND CON. .................. 255,068 ............ 27,161......................19 ............0.108 ........... 0.108 ...........0.106 ........... 0.106 ............. 0.108 ...........-0.002 ........... -1.852................0.107 .............. 0.107...................0.108 ................... 30,737,948 .........0.100

OM0000002200 ...........AHLI BANK .................................................................... 512,618 ............92,420......................15 ............0.186 ........... 0.187 ...........0.178 ........... 0.180 ............. 0.185............-0.005 ........... -2.703 ...............0.178 .............. 0.178................... 0.181 ..................256,506,506 .......0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 8,442,342 ......2,322,845 ...............485 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ......27........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

PARALLEL MARKET ................................................................................................................................................................................. OM0000002580 ...........OMAN EDU. & TRIN. INV. ..........................................10,000 ............... 1,720........................ 1 ............0.172 ........... 0.172 ...........0.172 ............0.172 ............. 0.157 .............0.015 ............. 9.554 ................0.172 .............. 0.162...................0.000 ..................12,040,000 .........0.100

OM0000004420 ...........BANK NIZWA ................................................................ 1,939,292 ...... 145,447......................19 ............0.075 ........... 0.075 ...........0.075 ........... 0.075 .............0.074 ............0.001 ..............1.351 .................0.075 ..............0.075...................0.076..................112,500,000 ........0.100

OM0000001368 ............CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IND. .................. 922,116 .............27,699......................14 ............0.031 ........... 0.031 ...........0.030........... 0.030 .............0.030 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.030..............0.030...................0.031 ....................2,550,000 ..........0.100

OM0000002382 ...........SALALAH BEACH RESORT ............................................326 .................. 450........................ 1 ............1.380 ........... 1.380 ...........1.380 ........... 1.380 ............. 1.380............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................1.380 ............. 0.000...................0.000 ...................8,625,000 ..........1.000

OM0000005963 ...........PHOENIX POWER ........................................................70,690 ............. 11,017......................11 ............0.155 ........... 0.156 ...........0.155 ............0.156 ............. 0.156............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.155 .............. 0.155...................0.156 ..................228,165,828 ........0.100

OM0000002564 ...........AL HASSAN ENGINEERING...................................... 8,270 .................. 638........................5 ........... 0.077 ........... 0.078 ...........0.077 ........... 0.077 .............0.078 ...........-0.001 ........... -1.282 ...............0.077 ..............0.077...................0.078.....................5,791,016...........0.100

OM0000004511 ............ALIZZ ISLAMIC BANK.............................................. 120,224 ..............6,906........................7 ........... 0.058 ........... 0.058 ...........0.057 ........... 0.057 .............0.058 ...........-0.001 ............-1.724 ................0.057 ..............0.056...................0.057...................57,000,000 .........0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 3,070,918 ...... 193,877..................... 58 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ........ 7........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BONDS AND SUKUK MARKET ...................................................................................................................................................................... OM0000004628 ...........BANK SOHAR BONDS 4.5 ................................................650 .....................65........................ 1 ........... 0.100 ........... 0.100 ...........0.100 ............0.110 ............. 0.110 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.100 ..............0.100................... 0.114 ....................5,243,334 ..........0.100

OM0000005971 ............B.MUSCAT COMPL. CONVR. B.B.3.5 ........................7,425 .................. 750........................ 1 ............0.101 ........... 0.101............0.101 ............0.101 .............0.102 ...........-0.001 ........... -0.980 ...............0.101 ..............0.097...................0.102 ...................32,740,323 .........0.100

.............................................SUM: ...................................................................................... 8,075 ...................815........................2 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ........ 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ISIN ......................................SECURITY NAME .................................................................. VOLUME ..... TURNOVER ............TRADES ......OPEN PRICE ......HIGH ............. LOW ........ CLOSE PR. ...PREV. CLOSE...DIFF (RO).........DIFF % ............. LAST PR .....LAST BID .............LAST OFFER ........MARKET CAP .PAR VALUE


INDICESIndex .................................................High .................Low ..................... Value ............... Prev . Value.......... Diff ...............Diff %MSM30 Index ........................................5,768.34 ............... 5,757.09 ....................5,761.32 ................... 5,763.82 ..................-2.50 .................. -0.04Financial Index .....................................7,235.86 ............... 7,213.63 ....................7,219.86 .................... 7,227.11 ...................-7.25 .................. -0.10Industrial Index ................................... 7,260.34 ............... 7,255.74 ....................7,256.16 ...................7,260.09 .................. -3.93 .................. -0.05Services Index .......................................3,225.77 ...............3,219.28 ................... 3,225.77 ...................3,220.36 .................... 5.41 ................... 0.17MSM SHARIAH INDEX....................... 881.18 ..................880.03 ...................... 880.95 .......................879.15 .................... 1.80 ...................0.20

Trading SummaryVolume ................ Turnover ..........Trades .............. Market Cap............. Up ............Down ............. Equal .........Sec. Traded11,521,335 ...................2,517,536 .....................545 ............... 16,964,085,766 .................. 8 ..................... 10 .................... 18 .........................36

MSM index ends lower

MUSCAT: The MSM30 Index closed on a stable note at 5,761.32 points. The MSM Sharia Index ended at 880.95 points, up 0.20 per cent. Bank Muscat was the most active in terms of volume and turnover. The top gainer was Oman Education & Training, up 9.55 per cent while top loser on Tuesday was Ahli Bank, down 2.70 per cent.

A total number of 545 trades were executed, generating turno-ver of OMR2.5 million with 11.5 million shares changing hands. Out of 36 traded securities, eight ad-vanced, 10 fell and 18 remained un-changed. At the session close, Om-ani investors remained net buyers for OMR469,000 followed by GCC & Arab Investors for OMR210,000 while foreign investors were net sellers for OMR679,000 worth of shares. Financial Index declined 0.10 per cent to close at 7,219.86

points. Bank Nizwa, Oman United Insurance and Bank Sohar gained 1.35 per cent, 1.21 per cent and 0.58 per cent respectively. Ahli Bank, Al Izz Bank, Al Madina Takaful, Al Anwar Holding and Bank Muscat slid 2.70 per cent, 1.72 per cent, 1.39 per cent, 1.16 per cent and 0.53 per cent respectively.

Industrial Index had marginal loss of 0.05 per cent to end at 7,256.16 points. Al Jazeera Steel and Gulf International Chemi-cals increased 1.03 per cent and 0.41 per cent respectively. Galfar Engineering and Al Hassan En-gineering decreased 1.85 per cent and 1.28 per cent respectively.

Services Index closed at 3,225.77 points, up 0.17 per cent. Oman Education & Training, Na-tional Gas and Omantel gained 9.55 per cent, 2.33 per cent and 0.62 per cent respectively.

— United Securities

The top gainer was Oman Education &

Training, up 9.55 per cent while top loser on

Tuesday was Ahli Bank, down 2.70 per cent.

Muscat Securities Market. – Times file picture

Stimulus taps opening wider in Asia amid Brexit risksHONG KONG: Days after the sur-prise UK vote for Brexit started roiling global markets, prospects for greater monetary and fiscal stimulus are becoming clear in Asia, even as the region’s relative growth dynamism offers it resil-ience. While Nomura Holdings saw financial contagion and a blow to confidence as the main dan-ger for Asia, Credit Suisse Group identified trade flows as the top risk. They ended with the same conclusion: more monetary easing is in store should risks to growth materialise. Taiwan may be the first cab off that rank, with most economists surveyed by Bloomb-erg predicting an interest-rate cut at Thursday’s scheduled central bank meeting.

While the region’s stocks sold off Friday, the picture was more mixed on Monday, with some Asian stock benchmarks, includ-ing in the Philippines and Japan, advancing. A surge in the yen has made further Bank of Japan action more likely, while the emerging Asian currencies took a hit from the Brexit uncertainty.

From India to China to the Phil-ippines, the region’s economies still have the benefits from ur-banisation and swelling middle-class demand for consumer goods and services.

Most nations are also led by governments championing infra-structure investment, something China is keen on funding through its new Asia Infrastructure Invest-ment Bank.

Outside of Japan, central banks have positive interest rates pol-icy makers can lower to prop up growth, while fiscal stimulus is already on the cards or under way in China, Japan and the Philip-pines. Analysts differ on which lever would be relied upon across the region.

“In the scenario where Brexit triggers a more generalised weak-ening of global growth, we think Asian economies by and large will use monetary policy easing as a first line of defense to support growth,” Credit Suisse analysts including Santitarn Sathirathai wrote in a note.

Their counterparts at Morgan

Stanley said that aside from liquid-ity injections and potential cuts to banks’ required reserve ratios, “if growth headwinds persist, we ex-pect policy makers to respond first with fiscal easing, particularly if the capital flows situation remains volatile; central banks may be con-strained in cutting interest rates immediately as that could add to depreciation pressures.”

Here’s is how a Brexit spillover

could potentially play out for the main Asian economies:

ChinaThe world’s biggest trading nation and No. 2 economy, China sent 16 per cent of its total exports to the EU in 2015, including 2.6 per cent to the UK Any notable slowdown in Europe would add to a growth headwind for China at a time when policy makers are already battling

to assure their minimum 6.5 per cent expansion target for gross domestic product. A one percent-age-point drop in EU GDP growth could lower gains in Chinese ex-ports to the region by 7 percentage points and shave 0.2 percentage points off China’s GDP growth, ac-cording to Bloomberg Intelligence. A renewed slowdown could also trigger fresh capital outflows.

JapanSafe haven inflows into the yen since the Brexit results have sent it to the strongest against the dollar since 2013 — hurting prospects for Japanese earnings and undermin-ing the case for domestic invest-ment and faster wage gains. The Bank of Japan is forecast by most analysts to step up monetary stim-ulus at its next scheduled meet-ing, in late July, if not before. The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has previously pledged to assemble a fiscal package later this year.

With Japanese-made products and components accounting for a significant share of the 15 per cent

of Asian exports that go to Europe, officials haven’t ruled out inter-vening to sell the yen.

IndiaBrexit comes at a delicate time for India. Central bank Governor Raghuram Rajan surprised mar-kets earlier in June by announcing plans to leave the post in Septem-ber, posing significant uncertainty for policy making in the near term. Brexit adds another complication and could prolong market volatil-ity. Over the medium term, ana-lysts say India should weather the Brexit storm, having reduced its current-account deficit and bol-stered foreign investment. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has made clear it stands ready to sup-port orderly markets.

South KoreaThe government on Tuesday an-nounced a 20 trillion won ($17 billion) fiscal package designed to bolster growth as policy makers undertake a restructuring of the nation’s big manufacturers.

— Bloomberg News


REDUCED CAD: Over the medium term, analysts say India should

weather the Brexit storm, having reduced its current-account defi-

cit (CAD) and bolstered foreign investment. — Bloomberg file picture

B3W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


US plans to hold talks with UAE, Qatar on airline subsidyWASHINGTON: The US will hold informal talks with Qatar and the United Arab Emirates over claims they wrongly subsidised three Gulf airlines, stopping short of a request by US carriers for for-mal discussions on whether avia-tion treaties were violated, people familiar with the matter said.

US airlinesState Department officials met with the US airlines and their backers June 24 to discuss the decision and will meet with repre-sentatives of the Gulf carriers on Wednesday, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified be-cause the meetings were private. Official sessions with the govern-

ments of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are set for July, the people said.

The decision caps more than a year of squabbling among the air-lines that began when American Airlines Group, Delta Air Lines and United Continental Holdings complained that Emirates, Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways have received more than $40 billion in government support, providing an unfair competitive advantage.

The three Gulf carriers re-peatedly denied receiving gov-ernment support. “What you’re seeing with this middle ground approach is they’re saying, ‘We’ll have informal talks and see how it goes,’ ” said Paul Mifsud, a for-

mer vice president of govern-ment and legal affairs for the KLM unit of Air France-KLM Group. “This is a way to split the baby.”

Operational impactThe decision doesn’t affect opera-tions by the three Gulf carriers in the US.

The US airlines argued the sub-sidies and other benefits, outlined in a 55-page investigative report, allowed the three Gulf airlines to buy new fleets of international wide-body aircraft and fly routes regardless of their profitability.

The US industry has largely pulled out of certain areas such as the Middle East and India, saying

it couldn’t compete. Delta blamed heavy competition

from the Gulf airlines for its deci-sion last fall to cancel a route from Atlanta to Dubai.

Gulf airlinesThe Gulf airlines countered that the three largest US airlines are engaging in protectionism, and that they have received their own government subsidies, including debt forgiveness in the bankruptcy process. The spat occasionally has turned nasty.

Qatar Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said his airline’s new Doha-to-Atlanta route would “rub salt in the wounds” of Delta.

— Bloomberg News


MAKINGA POINT: Akbar Al Baker, chief executive officer of Qatar

Airways Ltd. — Bloomberg file picture

US economic growth slows in first-quarter

WASHINGTON: US economic growth slowed in the first quarter but not as sharply as previously estimated, with gains in exports and investment in software par-tially offsetting weak consumer spending. Gross domestic prod-uct (GDP) increased at a 1.1 per cent annual rate, rather than the 0.8 per cent pace reported last month, the Commerce Depart-ment said on Tuesday in its third GDP estimate.

First-quarter GDP growth has now be revised higher by six-tenths of a point since the ad-vance estimate was published in April. The economy grew at a rate of 1.4 per cent in the fourth quar-ter. Economists polled by Reuters had expected first-quarter GDP growth would be revised up to a 1.0 per cent rate.

There are signs the economy has regained momentum in the second quarter, with retail sales and home sales rising in both April and May, even though busi-ness spending continues to strug-gle and job growth has slowed.

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen told lawmakers last week

that data pointed to “a notice-able step-up” in GDP growth in the second quarter. The Atlanta Federal Reserve is currently esti-mating second-quarter GDP ris-ing at a 2.6 per cent rate. When measured from the income side, the economy grew at a 2.9 per cent rate in first quarter and not the previously reported 2.2 per cent pace, reflecting upward revisions to corporate profits.

Economic growth in the first quarter was constrained by a strong dollar and sluggish global demand, which crimped exports. Output was also hampered by businesses’ efforts to reduce an inventory overhang, with a fur-ther drag coming from lower oil prices, which have sparked deep spending cuts on equipment.

Economists also believe the model used by the government to strip out seasonal patterns from data is not fully accomplishing its goal. The economy has underper-formed in the first quarter in five of the last six years.

The government said early this month its review found incon-sistencies in the manner in which

monthly source data are utilized in the compilation of quarterly GDP estimates. It said the review had also uncovered issues related to revision policies and practices “that prevented the most recent seasonal adjustments from being applied to historical time series.”

The government said begin-ning in mid-2018, it planned to produce estimates of GDP and its major components that are not seasonally adjusted. These will be released together with the sea-sonally adjusted GDP estimates.

In the first quarter, business spending on software, research and development was revised to show it rising at a 4.4 per cent rate instead of falling at a 0.1 per cent rate. Business spending on equipment fell at an 8.7 per cent pace as opposed to the 9.0 per cent rate reported last month. Overall, business spending sliced off 0.58 percentage point from first-quar-ter GDP instead of the previously reported 0.81 percentage point.

Export growth was revised to show a 0.3 per cent rate of in-crease instead of the previously report 2.0 per cent pace of con-

traction. With imports subdued, that resulted in a smaller trade deficit, which added 0.12 percent-age point to GDP growth.

Growth in consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of US economic ac-tivity, was revised down to a 1.5 per cent rate from a 1.9 per cent. The downward revision reflected weak spending on services such as transportation and recreation.

But with household incomes and savings rising, there is room for consumer spending to accel-erate. Savings were revised up to $796.7 billion from $782.6 billion.

There was a minor revision to inventory investment. Businesses accumulated $68.3 billion worth of inventory, instead of the $69.6 billion estimated last month.

After-tax corporate profits in-creased at a 2.2 per cent rate in the first quarter, rather than the pre-viously reported 0.6 per cent pace. Profits tumbled at an 8.4 per cent pace in the fourth quarter, when they were held down in part by a $20.8 billion transfer payment re-lated to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. — Reuters

First-quarter GDP

growth has now

been revised up by

six-tenths of a point

since the advance

estimate was

published in April.

The economy grew

at a rate of 1.4% in

the fourth quarter

South Korea proposes

$8.4b extra budget

shield against Brexit

SEOUL: South Korea will propose a supplementary budget of around 10 trillion won ($8.44 billion) to parliament soon, the govern-ment said on Tuesday, as it tackles Brexit turmoil in financial mar-kets, weak exports, and a corporate overhaul of the country’s shipping and shipbuilding industries.

President Park Geun-hye called on all government ministries to have the supplementary budget ready as soon as possible.

“Unrest in global financial mar-kets has been growing from Brexit. Uncertainties over the Chinese economy and geopolitical risks from North Korea are still pres-suring our economy,” she said at a meeting of economy-related of-ficials and lawmakers. “The eco-nomic situation inside and outside our country is more serious than ever. If we do not take extraordi-nary measures there are concerns growth and employment will con-tract in the second half of the year,”

The supplementary budget will be spent on stimulus measures in-cluding a big retail spending drive, rebates on appliances, a tax incen-tive to replace older diesel cars, and additional unemployment benefits for shipbuilding workers.

The extra budget will be mostly funded from a surplus in tax rev-enue for the first half of the year, avoiding the need to sell more treasury bonds and run up addi-tional government debt.

Equities cautiously inched up after the announcement as an extra budget had been widely ex-pected, given South Korea’s soft economic growth. Shares were up 0.4 per cent while the won rose 0.8 per cent against the dollar helped partly by offshore factors. “This looks like the finance ministry just pushed the ball over to the Bank of Korea again,” said Stephen Lee, an economist at Samsung Securities.

“What I’m a bit concerned about is that tax revenue going forward might not be as great as it was in the first half of the year...We might

face some difficulties later if the Brexit aftermath on exports and capex is worse than expected.”

Lee said the Bank of Korea may face pressure to cut interest rates again after it lowered them to a record low 1.25 per cent to bol-ster economic growth earlier this month. Finance Minister Yoo Il-ho said last week a supplementary budget would have to be ratified before mid-July to have maximum effect. Lawmakers in both ruling and opposition parties favour the extra budget.

Reflecting more difficult condi-tions inside and outside the coun-try, the finance ministry lowered its growth forecast for this year to 2.8 per cent from the 3.1 per cent projected in December last year.

Inflation for 2016 was also downgraded to 1.1 per cent from 1.5 per cent forecast previously.

The extra budget comes as the latest buffer against possible fall-out from the corporate restruc-turing of the country’s struggling shipping and shipbuilding firms. Earlier this month, the govern-ment and central bank said they would create an 11 trillion won fund to support two state-run banks most exposed to these in-dustries. — Reuters


GDP GROWTH: Gross domestic product increased at a 1.1 per cent annual rate, rather than the 0.8 per

cent pace reported last month, the Commerce Department said on Tuesday in its third GDP estimate.

— Bloomberg file picture

Park Geun-hye. — Bloomberg file picture


FEATUREW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6B4 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Photo-sharing app Instagram is grow-ing up. The number of users has dou-bled in the past two years to 500 mil-lion, and Facebook has turned on the advertising spigot. More marketing

messages are popping up in between photos, and shopping functions are in the works.

It’s a delicate moment for Facebook if it’s to turn Instagram into a major revenue gen-erator. The risk is that, egged on by growth hungry investors, the companies push more ads too fast — wrecking the vibe that attract-ed users in the first place. All social networks face this dilemma: Look at Snapchat, which is just tiptoeing into advertising, or Twitter, whose user growth has stalled. How these young social networks manage this issue will go far to determine which ones will survive.

Facebook is essentially asking investors to take it on trust that it will navigate this path to monetization successfully. But a com-pany known for relentlessly tracking user behavior is being too reluctant to share that intelligence with investors. More disclosure on advertising and engagement would help build confidence. Remember that this is an industry which has irritated a huge chunk of its users, as the growth of ad blocking soft-ware shows.

At the ad industry’s annual confab in Cannes, France, Facebook and Instagram executives promised they would get the balance right, and cited their regular use of control tests, where the company compares the behaviour of users exposed to ads with those who aren’t. But they wouldn’t provide details.

The need for that is critical. Instagram, with its photos and videos, is the digital mar-keting showroom with perhaps the most po-tential, apart, perhaps, from Facebook itself. Fashion brands like Asos and Dior love the app and have much staked on its expected ex-pansion into e-commerce via a “Buy Button.”

Facebook doesn’t say how much of its $19 billion of advertising revenue in the year through March came from Instagram (which only started taking ads from all comers in September). About 200,000 businesses ad-vertised on Instagram as of February, up from hundreds in the prior six months. Re-search firm eMarketer estimates Instagram will generate $1.3 billion, or 15 per cent, of Facebook's US mobile ad revenue in 2016. From a cursory glance at the app, it’s clear Instagram has increased the number of ads between photos of your niece’s birthday and shots from Beyonce’s latest concert. It’s not clear, though, how much more room there is to increase the so-called ad load. Over at Facebook, the percentage of ads in a user’s feed has hit 10 per cent, and it’s unlikely that growth will continue. Instagram will one day reach that saturation point, too.

For now, Instagram says isn’t worried by ad overload and there are no signs users are spending less time on the site or posting few-er selfies and the like.

But it’s hard for outsiders to tell if they should be reassured by that. Facebook con-tinues to add users and the company says people spend more than 50 minutes a day using its main social network, Instagram and Messenger. Yet 80 per cent of Instagram’s new users in the past year came outside the US — meaning growth in its biggest market wasn’t that much better than Twitter.

The only social network enjoying similar love on mobile is Snapchat. But one wonders if its youthful audience posting ephemeral videos with oddball filters is merely enjoy-ing the honeymoon before ads come ruin the fun. Snapchat users spend roughly 10 min-utes a day with the app, according to Cantor Fitzgerald, compared with Instagram’s 6.4 minutes. Advertisements will do that to you. — Bloomberg News


B5W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

ROUND-UPLove us on Facebook


‘Waffer Ma Kia’ offer to conclude on July 7

MUSCAT: Kia’s big savings offer, ‘Waffer Ma Kia’ is offering some incredible deals to customers.

“We are offering 0% interest for two years loan and 2.99% interest rate for more than two years to five years deals to customers, and lots more,” said a spokesperson.

However, the offer is going to end soon, on July 7, to be precise.

“I would say that those who wish to make the most of this of-fer should grab their favourite Kia from the showroom closest to them,” the spokesperson re-marked. “Apart from the above mentioned benefits, there is a cash gift up to OMR1,600 on every Kia purchased along with a 30,000km service package. A full year’s com-prehensive insurance for Oman is available on the vehicle, which can also be opted in a different pack-age. Every customer also gets a chance to win in a grand raffle of

OMR5,000 in cash. “In addition to all this, there are

four raffles of OMR1,000. And fi-nally there is the ‘Cash for Fuel’ or the assured Scratch N Win coupon of total worth of OMR26,000,” the spokesperson concluded, while reiterating “We should make the most of it by going for it early.”

The personal touch given by Kia is to offer a toll free number to customers 22-31-41-51. If anyone gives a missed call on this number, they will be told all they need to know about ‘Waffer Ma Kia’ offer. There will be no charges.

“The offer is truly something to get excited about,” said an enthusi-ast, “It means that I will be able to

save big, so as to spend more with my family.”

A world-class brand which is also the fastest growing, Kia has been chosen from amongst Top 50 Global Green Brands by Inter-brand. It is fitted with fuel-efficient engines that offer an ECO mode drive for optimum fuel efficiency. Kia has also been declared No.1 in Quality by none other than JD Power IQS study 2015 (amongst Mass Brand, US & Autobuild, Ger-many) & Ranked with 5 Star Crash Safety Ratings Globally.

Hence, a golden opportunity beckons everyone to make the most of the incredibly powerful of-fer from Kia - such an opportunity

may never come their way, again.Kia Motors Corporation (www.

kia.com) – a maker of quality ve-hicles for the young-at-heart – was founded in 1944 and is Korea’s oldest manufacturer of motor ve-hicles. Over 3 million Kia vehicles a year are produced in 10 manufac-turing and assembly operations in five countries which are then sold and serviced through a network of distributors and dealers covering around 150 countries.

Reliable International Automo-tive (RIA), the distributor for Kia in Oman provides a rewarding ownership experience for custom-ers. Excellent product attributes and unmatched facilities easily ensure their absolute satisfaction, every mile of the way.

No wonder then that Reliable International Automotive has been ranked amongst the top Kia distributors worldwide and has been honoured with prestigious accolades including the ‘Good Partnership award, ‘Family Like Care’ Service award’, and ‘Kia ‘Dis-tributor of Distinction’ award.

The prestigious ‘Kia Award for Overall Excellence and Outstand-ing Performance’ amongst Kia dis-tributors worldwide was bestowed most deservingly.

“You can like us on www.face-book.com/kiaoman and follow us on @kiaoman Twitter for the lat-est happenings on Kia in Oman,” invited the spokesperson.

A golden opportunity

beckons everyone to

make the most of the

incredibly powerful

offer from Kia

RCC, Bahja association implement ‘Iftar Saem’MUSCAT: RCC, in association with Bahja Omani Association for Orphans, implemented ‘Iftar Saem’ by the widows at the Ram-adan tent of Bahja association.

This project is one of the aims achieved by the continuous ef-forts made to enhance the role of RCC as a socially responsible in-stitution and it seeks to support various categories of the society, says a press release.

‘Iftar Saem’ is considered as a form of social solidarity. It reflects

the interest and keenness of the company to support the human programmes and charity projects.

This project aims to support the widows and orphans, help these families improve their style of living, spread the culture of free business and self-depend-ence, create source of income for the families and for the people ca-pable of working, who search for establishing productive projects and contribute in supporting de-velopment process.


Blood donation driveMUSCAT: Muscat Gujarati Samaj (MGS), Gujarati wing of Indian Social Club, conducted annual blood donation drive re-cently at Temple Hall, Darsait.

Central Blood Bank of Oman visited the premises and collected blood from the 115 donors who came voluntarily to donate blood for the noble cause, says a press release.

Chandrakant Chothani, the convener, said this kind of social service is being done by the Sa-maj for last four decades. He also expressed his sincere thanks to one and all who had participated in the event and extended special thanks to the committee mem-bers for their efforts to arrange this annual event.


Berger Paints focuses on energy efficient practicesMUSCAT: Improving energy ef-ficiency is all about incorporating small and simple changes in the daily routine but its significance shines through when the corporate sectors decide to follow that route.

As part of its corporate social responsibility, Berger Paints has been taking steps to involve its employees to think of ways to con-serve resources.

Recently, Berger Paints organ-ised a two-day energy conservation event at its mega-sized Sohar facil-ity that covers an area of around 50,000 sq. metres. The objective was to increase awareness, moti-vate the staff to conserve energy and increase their involvement in Berger Paint’s ‘E-save’ initiative through interaction and group ac-tivities, says a press release.

During the interactive session, many employees were surprised at what they could do on a day-to-day basis that could influence their energy costs to a large extent. One such example is that using a laptop rather than a PC can save up to 50 per cent of energy. To ac-

commodate the employees’ ideas, a suggestion box was made from a reused jet pump. Four of the com-pany’s employees were picked up for best e-save suggestions to im-prove performance at the factory.

Among these were Issa Al Jabri and Shafiqul Islam, both of whom suggested that the chilling line should be turned off while ma-chines are not in use. Further sug-gestions that showed merit were submitted by Ahmed Al Salhi and Gangadhari, who proposed that machines be turned off during break time and that air blowers be rationalised in Effluent Treatment Plant (used to safely discharge dirty water).

The E-Save initiative aims pri-marily at the sensitive use of en-ergy in various aspects.

Eliminating energy wastage can be done as simply as switching off appliances when not in use, or by setting air conditioner tempera-tures to 25 degrees, which studies have shown preserves up to 20 per cent of electricity than when set at lower temperatures. Transi-

tion from CFLs to LED bulbs also greatly reduces wastage due to its superior longevity.

While sharing saving tips, Berger Paints itself focuses on driving energy savings in their factory through optimisation of equipment and lighting specifi-cations. The Energy Conserva-tion Pledge was also taken by the company and trees were planted around the factory.

When asked about the idea be-hind this project, P. K. Raj, the general manager of Berger Paints stated, “Needless to say, energy conservation is a worldwide con-cern. We, at Berger Paints, decided to dedicate time to focus on this aspect as any step that reduces the environmental footprint makes good business sense. Our goals are not very ambitious but if we can get the staff into the habit of mak-ing some changes, we have made a start.” Having taken the first initia-tive, Berger Paints hopes to make this an annual practice, continu-ing to reduce carbon footprint and work towards a better future.


Izki’s Al Ahli sports team distributes Ramadan boxes from KR GroupMUSCAT: Al Ahli sports team from the Wilayat of Izki took the opportunity to reach out to the most needy people, less privileged members of the community dur-ing the holy month of Ramadan.

To address this needs achieve this initiative, every year the team volunteers to distribute Ramadan food supplies provided by Khimji Ramdas (KR) Group, says a press release.

Mahmood Al Tobi, chairman, Al Ahli sports team, said, “Our aim is to provide active continued support to the Izki community through various social activities around the year. We take pride in reaching out to families and members of our community in the different areas of the wilayat particularly in special times like the holy month of Ramadan.”

“Khimji Ramdas has been our strong supporter during Rama-dan. We wish them well and look forward to their commitment to building a strong future for the

people of Izki,” he added.Large companies like Khimji

Ramdas have shown interest and commitment to playing a signifi-cant role in adopting and develop-ing the communities in various wilayat including Izki through their constant contributions to social initiatives.

From supporting Al Ahli sports team to organising and hosting the Izki Festival to con-

tributing in spreading joy dur-ing special events like the holy month of Ramadan, KR has shown keenness to develop and integrate the capabilities and competencies of people through its structured social responsibil-ity initiatives. Each year the KR Group initiates various support channels for the Izki community that spans a wide cross-section of socio-economic sectors.


CCE organises annual IftarMUSCAT: CCE organised its annual Iftar ceremony at Al Hail campus, through which the col-lege aims to exchange Ramadan cultures and traditions among the different Muslim communities in the college.

Each community participated presenting different traditions related to the holy month through the traditional uniforms and vari-ous Ramadan dishes from each country, making Iftar a unique cul-tural forum, says a press release.

CCE organises Iftar for staff of the college every year, in addi-tion to other various charitable activities undertaken by the col-

lege during the holy month. The college through this aims to cre-ate an affection, intimacy and fellowship atmosphere among all the employees, which in turn will strengthen their relation-

ships and inform staff of different nationalities and religions on the importance of holy month as one of pillars of Islam and learn about other faiths and traditions of Is-lam and Muslims.


B6 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

ROUND-UPSubaru launches host of exciting Ramadan offers

MUSCAT: Increase your happi-ness manifold this Ramadan as Subaru brings you the offer of a lifetime for the blessed month of sharing happiness and joy.

With Subaru, happy surprises never come small, and for the 2016 Ramadan offer, the brand, going by its logo – the cluster of six stars; packs six irresistible offers prom-ising joy and peace of mind for six long years. The Subaru Ramadan promotion offer is valid until July 31, says a press release.

Go with any of the iconic Sub-aru models; the Impreza, Legacy, XV, the Outback or the Forester and you get 6 years free 1GB mo-bile internet per month, 6 years in-house finance plan @ 3.29 per cent flat per annum interest, six years/100,000km periodic main-tenance services, six years unlim-

ited mileage extended warranty, six years free roadside assistance as well as six years vehicle regis-tration for free.

In addition to these benefits, the Subaru Ramadan promotion also offers free insurance, up to OMR500 cash-as-gift (that can be used as part of down payment), exchange bonus up to OMR200, guaranteed trade-in buy backup to 45% of the value within 3 years, along with guaranteed trade-in buy back bonus of OMR200.

Anil Dua, managing director of OTE commented: “Built to add joy to your life, Subaru cars are made avant-garde in every aspect: from design, to safety and technology. Our Ramadan promotion now makes it easier

for fans of Subaru to own the car of their dreams. This is the best time to buy your Subaru.”

The Forester is a compact SUV designed with an active lifestyle in mind. Right from the re-designed interior, every featureof the For-ester is thoughtfully placed to be right where you need it, and when you need it. With high-quality ma-terials and durable design, the For-ester is set to make tasks simpler, and driving more comfortable.

For the ultimate urban lifestyle, is the XV; a smaller SUV with an exciting new look, a confident con-nection to the road, and lively driv-ing feel that you can only find in a Subaru. There’s little that can get in your way with the XV.

The Outback is a good option for

families, especially those who en-joy the occasional outdoor adven-ture. With Spacious and comfort-able interior with generous cargo capacity; excellent visibility; good off-road ability; many advanced safety features available, and top safety scores, the station wagon is for those who seek fun in every walk of life.

In the world of family sedans, Subaru Legacy has gone from be-ing a niche player to a genuine con-tender. Roomy, comfortable and efficient, the Legacy scores over others by offering all-wheel drive as standard. An appealing design wrapped around a voluminous interior peppered with the latest infotainment and driver-assist technology, Subaru’s Legacy sedan for 2016 is the consummate fam-ily 4-door. The Legacy’s 4-cylinder engine is both peppy and fuel ef-ficient, and then there is also the smooth and even powerful 6-cyl-inder for those who prefer potent passing power.

The most ultimate hatchback, Impreza melds family-car func-tionality with the rough-weather capability of standard all-wheel drive. With a confident driving experience, technology that keeps you connected, and a striking ap-pearance, the Impreza makes it all look easy, on good days and bad.

The OTE Group represents Subaru in the Sultanate of Oman and is supported by a nationwide network of showrooms and ser-vice centres for its customers. The models currently available in Oman are Impreza, Legacy, XV, Forester, Outback and WRX, in a wide range of variants.

For the 2016

Ramadan offer, the

brand, going by its

logo – the cluster of

six stars; packs six

irresistible offers

promising joy and

peace of mind for

six long years

Eint Automotive to

be sole distributor of

Emtrac Plus batteries

MUSCAT: A leader in automo-tive aftermarket, Eint Automo-tive, a successful division of WJ Towell group, has an ongoing mission to bring to Oman prod-ucts that are always a notch high-er than all others in the market.

Eint Automotive has partnered with the Indian battery manu-facturer and brings Emtrac Plus Batteries and will be the sole dis-tributors for Emtrac Plus Batter-ies in Oman, says a press release.

Emtrac’s high performance battery with its patented Sil-venX alloy confidently allows an extended warranty period of 18 months to its users unlike the conventional 12 months war-ranty by its competitors. As op-posed to the standard warranty of just 12 months by other industry players in Oman, Emtrac gives an additional 6 months warranty protection thereby also becoming a value for money alternate.

Along with being long lasting, these zero maintenance batter-ies have a host of other advantag-es. Emtrac batteries fare high on heat tolerance and vibration re-sistance which means they work flawlessly even in the harshest climate, roughest terrain and

other extreme conditions like in the Sultanate. Emtrac also boasts of the highest cranking power as well as the highest re-serve capacity as compared to other batteries. Extremely low corrosion with time enhances the battery’s ability to go longer. Emtrac batteries also work to lower water consumption.

Emtrac’s credentials are vali-dated by the brand being pioneers in various segments in their in-dustry. Their success is due to their unrelenting focus on inno-vative engineering, a deep-rooted commitment to research & de-sign and the promise to deliver customer-focused products.

“The secret is that the Emtrac Batteries, are the only type of bat-teries that contain the patented SilvenX alloy; and as the baseline goes, that’s what gives it the pow-er to ‘last long,” said Shajahan Azeez, Business Unit head, Eint Automotive, PLB Division. “We are confident that our custom-ers will find this battery highly beneficial and are also pretty cer-tain that Emtrac will very soon become a preferred choice in the market due to its long life and ex-tended warranty.”


Grand Iftar in Sohar promotes harmonyTimes News Service

SOHAR: One of the blessings of Ramadan is increased interaction between communities, leading to better understanding and com-munal harmony, which was the highlight of the grand Iftar dinner hosted by Chaudhary Muham-mad Aslam, managing director of Shaheen Al Jabal Co. and founder chairman of Pakistan School So-har’s governing body, at Royal Garden Hotel.

Chaudhary Shaukat Ali, Coun-sellor at Embassy of Pakistan, was the chief guest while senior journalist Shahzad Raza and Mian Muhammad Munir, chairman of Pakistan Social Club Oman, were the guests of honour.

Shaukat Hussain, PSC director and chief organiser of PSC Rama-dan Cricket Tournament 2016 in Sohar, was invited as a special guest. A local Omani dignitary, Sheikh Issam bin Salim bin Mar-hoon Al Mamri and A. H. Raja, vice-chairman of PSC were also present among the guests.

The proceedings started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Prominent Urdu poet Qamar Riaz paid homage to Prophet Muham-

mad (peace be upon him) by recit-ing his beautiful Na’at, followed by Zafar Iqbal Butt, who presented a Na’at in his melodious voice.

The host Chaudhary Muham-mad Aslam, who is a well-known Pakistani industrialist and has been in Oman for the past four decades, welcomed the guests. In his speech he highlighted the role played by community members in promoting social and cultural causes.

Special mementos were pre-sented to Chaudhary Shaukat Ali, Shahzad Raza, Mian Muham-

mad Munir, Shaukat Hussain and Qamar Riaz in recognition of their meritorious services to Pakistani community in Oman.

The chief guest also addressed the gathering and thanked the hosts for organising a well-man-aged and memorable grand Iftar dinner. He appreciated the organ-isers for inviting a large gathering of Pakistani and Omani guests from various parts of Oman.

The event was conducted by Fa-had Nawaz Cheema. The organis-ing team of the event was headed by Chaudhary Shehzad Aslam.


Muscat Finance makes Ramadan

donation in aid of Muttrah charity

MUSCAT: In keeping with its longstanding tradition of sup-porting charitable causes during the holy month of Ramadan, Mus-cat Finance – the Sultanate’s first non-banking finance company – made a donation of OMR1,000 towards the activities of the Mut-trah Charity Team, a group of young volunteers well-recognised for their philanthropic activities directed at underprivileged fami-lies in the wilayat.

A cheque for this amount was presented by Faisal Mohammed Al Yousef, chairman of Board of Directors of Muscat Finance to Sayyid Ahmed bin Hilal Al Bu-saidi, Wali of Muttrah.

Welcoming the gesture, the wali applauded Muscat Finance’s sense of responsibility towards the local community in the form of funding support for charitable initiatives, says a press release.

The contribution builds on an energetic corporate social responsibility programme that characterises Muscat Finance’s commitment to the upliftment of communities in which it op-erates. Beneficiaries of past gestures by the reputable non-banking finance company have included recognised charities and aid organisations, social or-ganisations, sports centres and educational institutions.

Commenting on its most recent gesture, Faisal said, “This Rama-dan we decided to reach out to a charity that is doing some incred-ible work in aid of economically disadvantaged families in the Wilayat of Muttrah.

“The contribution closely aligns with our commitment to the wider community under our annual CSR programme.

“Our budgetary allocation to CSR has been ramped up this year to help aid a number of worthy causes, including the early detec-tion and treatment of cancer and funding support for youth sports clubs, among other charities across the Sultanate.”


GAC sponsors Mitsubishi Cup Football Tournament 2016MUSCAT: In its most recent show of support to sports, and in order to continue promoting a healthy and social lifestyle during the holy month, General Automotive Company (GAC), the official dis-tributors of Mitsubishi vehicles in Oman, has for the third consecu-tive year sponsored the Mitsubishi Cup Football Tournament 2016.

The month-long tournament, organised by the Shat Al Arab Team from the Wilayat of Seeb, will be held at the Wadi Al Awami Football Field and will see 20

teams from Seeb and Bausher vie for top honours. The final match will be held under the auspices of Hilal Al-Sarmy, member of the Shura Council as the representa-tive of the wilayat of Seeb, says a press release.

Manoj Ranade, GM of General Automotive Company said, “At GAC we have always focused our efforts towards driving awareness and pro-moting sports in the country. We also place great emphasis on youth development, having sponsored sev-eral sport events and youth teams

across the country in the past. Fur-thermore, sponsoring a tournament for a sport as popular as football not only helps further promote the sport but also helps us engage with fans and the community on a more per-sonal level. As such we are honoured to sponsor this tournament and on behalf of GAC I would also like to commend the Shat Al Arab Team on successfully organising a tourna-ment of such scale.”

The tournament, which kicked off early Ramadan, is currently in its group stages with each of the

20 teams split into four groups of five teams. The top two teams in each group with the most points at the end of the group stage will then move on to quarterfinal stage.

“Each of these teams are ex-tremely talented and I believe it’s going to be a tough fight all the way to the top. On behalf of GAC, I would like to wish all the teams and players participating in the tournament the very best of luck in their upcoming matches and we are looking forward to a very entertain-ing finals in July,” added Manoj.


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New Mercedes-Benz SL now even more dynamic

MUSCAT: The new Mercedes-Benz SL is a top performer in a wide variety of disciplines, says a press release.

“For more than 60 years now, the Mercedes-Benz model range with the “SL” acronym has enthralled sports car fans around the world. The new Mercedes-Benz SL is a top performer in a wide variety of disciplines: an elegant roadster for relaxed, comfortable cruising or a dynamic coupé for sporty trips on winding roads. Few cars can draw on six decades of heritage with such a clear eye to the future,” said Dirk Fetzer, vice president & director of Sales and Marketing at Mercedes-Benz Cars Middle East & Levant.

Exterior designThe Mercedes-Benz SL has al-ways been athletic and aesthetic at the same time. A particularly eye-catching feature of the new SL is the revised front end: the standard, unique diamond radia-tor grille extends downwards. Two power domes accentuate the long, drawn-out bonnet. Adding to the unmistakable new appearance of the SL is the new standard-fit LED Intelligent Light System with headlamp housing extend-ing far to the outside. The sporty silhouette is emphasised by the enlarged cosmetic air outlets with wing-like chrome inserts in the dynamic, broad vehicle wings and the exterior mirrors positioned on the beltline.

The rear end points to the high driving dynamics of the SL. The basis for this is the sense of width created by the large track gauge, accentuated by the AMG rear apron with side air intakes.

Brilliant blue and designo sel-

enite grey magno are available to choose from by way of new colours, plus the range of light-alloy wheels in the size 48.3 cm (19 inches) has also been extended significantly.

Interior designThe lavishly appointed interior covers every wish: the standard scope includes sports seats in nappa leather with optimised lat-eral support and model-specific upholstery layout, multicontour function and seat heating. Carbon-fibre trim and the analogue clock in IWC design highlight the high-performance roadster’s special standing. Comprehensive indi-vidualisation of the interior is pos-sible with the broad selection of leather finishes and trim elements. The colour saddle brown is new in combination with nappa leather and exclusive nappa leather.

The three-spoke sports steering wheel has a magnesium structure and features an ergonomic grip area and a high-quality finish. The wheel rim has a flattened bottom section, and silver-coloured steer-ing wheel shift paddles enable manual gear changes to be made.

Lovingly designed details such as the analogue clock adorn the centre console. Its new graphic design is based on the instrument cluster. Depending on the trans-mission mode selected by dynamic select, the media display presents dynamic driving data: longitudinal and lateral acceleration (in a G-force cross) or torque and output.

Intelligent Drive As standard in the SL 500 comes the active brake assist, known as collision prevention assist plus in other model series. In addition to radar-based proximity warning and braking assistance by adap-tive brake assist, this active brake assist system carries out autono-mous braking to reduce the danger of rear-end collisions. If the driver

fails to act when a risk of a colli-sion is detected, despite the warn-ing lamp in the instrument cluster and the intermittent audible alert, the system will initiate automatic braking. This significantly reduces the vehicle speed.

At low relative speeds, this in-tervention may be sufficient to prevent a rear-end collision with slower-moving or stationary vehi-cles. Also as standard in the SL 500 is the driving assistance package with stereo camera and in some cases new as well as improved functions. For optimum visibility on country roads and motorways, when cornering and on bends, the standard-fit LED intelligent light system automatically adapts to all light and driving conditions. The five functions of the LED intelligent light system include motorway mode, cornering light function, camera-based active light function, roundabout light function and also the enhanced fog light function.

Comfort furnishingSL fans also appreciate the sports car icon on account of its high suit-ability for everyday use. With the facelift, comfort furnishing have been improved even further. These include operation of the electrohy-draulic vario-roof. If when open-ing or closing the roof the vehicle has to move off due to the traffic conditions, the process which was started when at a standstill can be continued up to a speed of ap-prox. 40 km/h. Equally new is the automatic boot separator. If the separator is in the upper position for increased boot capacity, it au-tomatically moves down when the top is opened.

Conversely, the automatic boot separator returns to the upper po-sition as soon as the boot flap is opened. A further practical detail in the boot is the loading setting - the roof stowed in the boot can be

swung upwards by approximately 25 degrees at the press of a but-ton. The Keyless-Go Convenience package includes remote closing of the boot lid as well as Hands-Free Access. With this, the lid opens or closes automatically after making a kicking motion with the foot be-neath the rear bumper.

When it comes to ambient light-ing, Mercedes-Benz has opted for LED technology and has extended the colour range: in addition to solar red, the colours polar blue and polar white can also be cho-sen. One of the highlights is ambi-ent lighting with projection of the brand logo.

Alternatively there is another option available in the guise of Ac-tive Body Control with curve tilt-ing function. ABC reduces body movements when moving off, braking and cornering. The spring struts of the ABC suspension are adjusted to the respective driving conditions via so-called plunger cylinders. The dampers only have to eliminate wheel vibrations and can be set up in such a way as to ensure comfort without losing any of the sportiness.

Lighter and stiffer The latest generation of the Mer-cedes-Benz SL takes the meaning of the well-known abbreviation “SL” – Super-Light – literally at its word. Here for the first time Mercedes-Benz has implemented an all-aluminium bodyshell as part of large-scale series production. Only relatively few components are made using other materials.

High-strength steel tubes are integrated in the A-pillars to in-crease the safety.

The aluminium bodyshell weighs around 110kg less than if it had been produced using steel technology. The aluminium struc-ture is not only lighter, but also superior in terms of rigidity, safety and comfort.

A particularly eye-

catching feature of

the new SL is the

revised front end:

the standard, unique

diamond radiator

grille extends


Lulu celebrates QaranqashowMUSCAT: Lulu Hypermarkets in Oman celebrated Qaran-qashow across all its outlets with great fervour in the middle of the blessed month of Ramadan, says a press release.

Qaranqashow, a time-hon-oured Omani custom celebrated on the 14th and 15th day of the holy month of Ramadan, not only marks the middle of the blessed month, but is also a unique prac-tice to motivate and encourage young children to observe fasting.

The event is one of the tradi-

tional Omani heritage activities that children celebrate by go-ing around the village and sing-ing special rhythms for sweets or money.

In the past, children used to carry shells and beat them against each other while singing. Qaranqashow is said to resemble the sound of the clashing shells.

For Lulu, Qaranqashow was a small step to keep alive Oman’s culture and tradition with the active participation of children and families.


Haya Water presents gifts to children at Royal HospitalMUSCAT: Haya Water, as part of its initiatives towards society, has recently carried out ‘Let us make them happy’ campaign.

This campaign simply aims at visiting sick children in Royal Hospital and present gifts to them. It also included some ar-tistic and cultural events that brought happiness and joy to children admitted in the hospital, says a press release.

Eng. Hussain bin Hassan Ab-dulHussain, CEO of Haya Water and the team in-charge of the campaign distributed in-kind gifts, eidia (small amounts of money given to children during

Eid holiday) to admitted children in different wards such as the cancer ward, internal medicine and surgery.

Hanan bin Yousef Al Balushi, Corporate Communication man-ager commented on this event by saying that Haya Water always dedicate time and efforts to en-rich communication with vari-ous groups of society. Haya Water also appreciates the tangible and intangible support to this cam-paign that was devoted by its staff which has contributed to the suc-cess of this event. This humani-tarian initiative aims to bring happiness and joy to children.

‘ L E T U S M A K E T H E M H A P P Y ’ C A M P A I G N


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Perfect time to own a Lexus with a bouquet of Ramadan benefits

MUSCAT: Lexus enthusiasts have much to cheer about with Lexus announcing the much awaited Ramadan offer – free ser-vice six years / 60,000km (1 year / 10,000km service interval), 6 years unlimited mileage warranty and free insurance (conditions apply. Visit showroom for details).

The perfect time to own a Lexus is now! Across the Lexus range you will witness the next level of tech-nology, design, performance and safety and when combined with a highly personalised and prompt service delivered by the friendly Lexus staff, you will certainly de-

light yourself with one of life’s most fulfilling experiences, says a press release.

“At Lexus we are constantly fo-cusing on the needs of our custom-ers and addressing them with suit-able offers,” said a representative from Saud Bahwan Automotive. “As you will see 6 years / 60,000km free service is an offer element introduced for the first time ever. Our customers are well aware of the lengths Lexus goes to for cus-tomer satisfaction and this is just one example. We are confident that with an outstanding offer like this many customers will have a huge reason to cherish Lexus lux-ury for a long time.”

In Oman Lexus has 12 vehicles for enthusiasts to choose from. They include the IS, ES, GS, GS F, LS, CT200h, NX, RX, GX, LX, RC and RC F.

The pulsating Lexus IS200t is powerful. Powered by a new 2.0-li-tre petrol turbo engine – with in-novative D-4ST fuel injection technology for both fuel economy and instantaneous torque – the Lexus IS 200t sports sedan deliv-ers 207 hp @ 6,400 rpm and 25.7 kg-m/4800 rpm torque.

The Lexus ES is equipped with a lot that many would want out of their luxury vehicle. It is quiet,

has a well-crafted cabin, a plush ride and commendable perfor-mance from a powerful, nearly silent engine.

The GS200t sports an excep-tionally smooth 2.0-litre turbo-charged teamed with an eight-speed automatic transmission.

The turbo engine delivers 241 hp and 35.7Kg.M of torque, giving the GS200t outstanding all-around performance and efficiency. The GS200t is equipped with the latest features and technologies that will enhance your every drive.

The GS F is a four door sports

sedan. A near perfect blend of distinctive luxury with sports car values, the Lexus GS F has a 5.0L V8 Engine, unique bodywork and a chassis tuned for high perfor-mance. This luxury sports perfor-mance sedan is endowed with su-perior power and performance to surpass expectations.

LS is complemented with many exceptional improvements includ-ing three world firsts, no less than 15 Lexus firsts, and a host of tech-nical innovations and features. The LS line-up is equipped with a 4.6L, V8 engine and come with 8-speed automatic transmission.

The CT200h broke new ground for Lexus, introducing the brand to a younger generation of highly discerning customers. They, too, quickly discovered the refinement and driving pleasure that charac-terize the progressive luxury in-herent in every Lexus.

The turbocharged NX combines the expertise of racers within the engineering team and the im-peccable touch of Lexus luxury through an exciting and sporty de-sign to set a new benchmark in the automotive world.

The five-seat Lexus RX350 is a midsize luxury crossover SUV equipped with that’s offered in one well-appointed trim level.

The Lexus GX460 is perfect for families who seek no-holds-barred adventure on their days off, yet also desire an easy-driving, com-fortable and versatile luxury SUV for the work week.

The LX570 possesses under its hood a 5.7-litre V8 engine that de-livers the punch and towing power demanded in this segment.

The RC is truly a unique high-performance machine that em-phasises the attraction of a luxury two-door vehicle. Producing power output per litre second only to the LFA supercar in the Lexus range, the RC signals the next evolution of Lexus powertrain engineering.

The RC F has an all-new 5.0-lit-er 32-valve V8 engine that pro-vides maximum power at higher engine revolutions than previous-ly possible. The engine is Lexus’ most powerful V8 engine, with 12 per cent more power than the IS F engine on which it is based.

Lexus enthusiasts are encour-aged to visit the Lexus showroom to make the most of the Ramadan offer. In Oman every Lexus vehicle comes with special benefits and privileges such as 6 years unlim-ited extended mileage protection and Lexus Prestige Club Card that offers 24 hours on-road assistance from AAA.

In Oman Lexus

has 12 vehicles for

enthusiasts to choose

from. They include

the IS, ES, GS, GS F,

LS, CT200h, NX, RX,

GX, LX, RC and RC F

Bank Muscat Tadhamun CSR initiative reaches beneficiary homes in DakhiliyahMUSCAT: Bank Muscat’s Tad-hamun corporate social responsi-bility (CSR) initiative coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan reached beneficiary homes in the governorate of Dakhiliyah.

Reiterating the bank’s dynamic ‘Let’s Do More’ vision and values of accountability and partnership, the Tadhamun convoy of vehicles carrying the bank’s employees and volunteers distributed basic elec-tronic home appliances to ben-eficiary families identified by the Ministry of Social Development. The distributions will be carried out across Oman through the holy month along with Eidiyah provid-ed to beneficiary families as a gift from the bank’s employees, says a press release.

Bank Muscat has lined up a se-ries of programmes under the ban-ner of ‘Ramadan Al Kheir’ to ben-efit different segments of society during the holy month of Rama-dan. In the third leg of the Tadha-mun programme, basic electronic home appliances and Eid gift were distributed to beneficiary homes in the wilayats of Nizwa, Bahla, Al Hamra, Adam, Samayil, Bid Bid, Izki and Manah in the governorate of Dakhiliyah, providing them with

an opportunity for a better quality of life. The objective of the CSR initiative is to address the require-ments of beneficiary homes which do not have basic home appliances.

The Tadhamun initiative is a

fine example of the public-pri-vate partnership launched by the bank in association with the Ministry of Social Development to strengthen the hands of ben-eficiaries. Through the Tadha-

mun programme, the bank seeks to reiterate its dynamic vision, striving to reach out to different segments and ‘doing more’ for so-ciety as a whole.

Committed to sustainable de-velopment, the bank utilises every opportunity to reiterate partner-ship in building the nation by cre-ating opportunities for individu-als and communities to grow and prosper. The bank works closely with local communities with the aim of improving living standards in a manner that complements the national economy.

Bank Muscat is a pioneer of CSR activities in the banking sector in Oman. Over the years the bank has implemented several initiatives benefiting various segments of so-ciety. The Tadhamun programme underscores the bank’s commit-ment to complement the govern-ment’s efforts in social responsi-bility and thereby strengthen the hands of low-income segments across Oman. Reflecting the cor-porate ethos, the bank seizes every available opportunity to channel resources for creating sustainable, positive changes in communities by investing in their welfare to equip them for a better life.


Lulu announces 4th

Dream Drive winners

MUSCAT: In continuation with its objective of surprising and re-warding customers, Lulu Oman announced the fourth set of win-ners of its popular ‘Dream Drive’ promotion. The draw results were announced by the officials of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the presence of the Lulu management at the Salalah outlet. The next draw will be held on July 4, says a press release.

The fourth draw saw Kaula Salim Al Gajeri drive home the fourth of the 6 brand new Land Rover Discovery Sports SUVs. Other winners also took home amazing gifts products from Ikon. Sreenivas B.V was lucky to win the cooking range, An-iamma Daniel won the washing machine, Aseela Mohd Ahmed won the air cooler, Adil Moham-med Al Maghraby took home the smartphone and Fatima Al Saad won the 3D Air Fryer.

Under the promotion, which will run till July 13, customers re-ceive a coupon for every OMR10 purchase at any Lulu store across Oman. With every coupon, shop-pers will have the opportunity to win a grand prize of six Land Rov-er Discovery Sports SUVs and a range of other exciting home es-sentials from Ikon.

Commenting on the win, one of the winners said, “I’m lost for words as this is the first time that I’ve ever won anything.

For me, this reward from Lulu is an ideal way to start the festival season. Lulu has always been our family’s preferred shopping des-tination because of its customer-friendly approach, unmatched quality of products and services and the unique shopping experi-ence it provides. When it comes to hassle-free shopping for us, it’s only at Lulu.”

Speaking on the promotion, Shabeer K. A., regional director – Lulu Oman said, “It’s always a pleasure to see some very happy faces, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

We have launched this offer as part of our constant endeav-our to recognise and reward our valued customers with the best for shopping experience at Lulu. We congratulate all the winners

and thank them for making the contest a huge success. With two more draws left, Lulu aims to keep the excitement going alive throughout the holiday season.”

Lulu has become a symbol of quality and trust and a part of everyday life in Oman, which certainly sets it apart from the rest. With about 16 outlets in Oman, Lulu has become the pre-ferred shopping destination for customers seeking a whole new shopping experience.

Lulu caters to the needs of nu-merous customers everyday, of-fering an exceptional shopping ambience that integrates every conceivable need of consumers under one roof. For Lulu hyper-markets, this promotion is anoth-er way to reveal its commitment towards building a world-class shopping experience.


BankDhofar inaugurates integrated branch for customer services training

MUSCAT: In line with its cus-tomer-oriented business approach that focuses on providing best banking experience to customers across Oman, BankDhofar recent-ly inaugurated a full-functional mock branch to train staff on the best global banking practices.

Dr Khalid Salim Al Hamadani, head of Learning & Development at BankDhofar said: “The mock branch is a real bank branch that we transformed into a practical learning venue for our staff. It is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge tech-nology to provide a semi realistic

learning environment, based on real life scenarios, cases and simu-lations that replicate the day-to-day branch operations.”

Meanwhile, the bank cele-brated the graduation of the first batch of trainees at the new venue where they learnt different tech-niques and acquired necessary knowledge on world-class cus-tomer service practices.

The comprehensive programme was divided into theoretical and practical parts including in-class sessions and on-the-job assign-ments, says a press release.

“We at BankDhofar strongly

believe in continuous training and talent development through-out staff career cycle in order to achieve our organisational goal. Our vision is to be the best bank in the Sultanate and the Gulf in terms of customer experience, and we can only achieve it through en-hancing our staff performance at all levels,” added Dr Al Hamadani.

Staff learning and develop-ment is one of the key pillars in the bank’s operational strategy. The combination of a clear vision of bank’s executive management, the comprehensive operational strategy that revolves around best

international banking practices, the commitment to community development and the contribution to the growth of the national econ-omy placed BankDhofar on top of the list of best banks in the region.

Aspiring to be the best bank in the Sultanate and the Gulf, Bank-Dhofar is committed to provide customers with the best bank-ing experience through a diverse range of unique products and ser-vices. Today BankDhofar is one of the fastest growing banks in the Sultanate, with a strong presence in corporate and retail banking, in-vestment and project finance.


I’m lost for words as this is the first time that I’ve ever won anything. For me, this reward from Lulu is an ideal way to start the festival season. Lulu has always been our family’s preferred shopping destination because of the unique shopping experience it provides

A winner





BELGIUMBelgium’s tournament began with a 2-0 defeat by Italy, which prompted almost immediate recriminations, which included a round of clear the air talks between coach Marc Wilmots and his players. Since then they have begun to live up to expectations with the midfielders Kevin de Bruyne, Eden Hazard and Axel Witsel shining in recent games. Striker Romelu Lukaku, who bore much of the criticism after spurning chances against Italy, has continued to lead the attack and looked sharp.Toby Alderweireld and Thomas Vermaelen have marshalled a defence that has not conceded in their last three games with the impos-ing Thibaut Courtois largely untroubled in goal. Yannick Carrasco had been the first choice for the right-hand side of the attack but lacked impact and was replaced for the last game against Hungary by Dries Mertens. Midfielder Mousa Dembele has battled with injury but could yet make his mark as Belgium, helped by a kind draw, look a strong bet to go all the way to the final. FRANCEThe French team has made it through to the last eight thanks in a large part to the performances of two of its key forwards -- Dimitri Payet and Antoine Griezmann. Two late goals in his first three tournament matches propelled Payet into the limelight and a solid performance against Ireland in the last 16 shows that he remains vital in orchestrat-ing Les Bleus’ play. Despite scoring a goal in the group stage, Griezmann appeared lost and jaded after a gruelling season at Atletico Madrid. However, two goals and a man-of-the match performance against Ireland after being pushed closer to striker Olivier Giroud gives him a launch pad potentially to become the star of Euro 2016. France’s biggest concerns remain at the back. Patrice Evra has struggled at left back and the makeshift centre-back partnership of Laurent Koscielny and Adil Rami, while not really tested, has also not convinced. Sevilla man Rami has been shaky in particular and his suspension for the quarter-finals could actually be a positive for the hosts. The absence of midfield dynamo and newcomer N’Golo Kante may also hurt Didier Deschamps’ defensive unit after he filled the holding role over the first four games as if he had been playing at international level for many years. GERMANYCentral defenders Jerome Boateng and Mats Hummels have delivered despite suffering injuries late in the season, with Hummels missing the start of Euro 2016. The German defence has now kept four clean sheets, and they are the only team not to have conceded a goal in the tournament so far. Toni Kroos is capping a Champions League-winning season with Real Madrid and has taken over the playmaking role from the injured Bastian Schweinsteiger. He is the first port of call for defenders and beautifully distributes the ball across the entire pitch, reading the game like no other player in the Germany team. The frontline has been a disappointment with neither Mario Goetze nor Thomas Mueller finding the back of the net so far. Defenders Boateng and Shkodran Mustafi have scored and coach Joachim Loew deployed his only out-and-out forward, Mario Gomez, midway through the group stage. Gomez has scored scored twice to repay his manager’s trust. Youngster Joshua Kimmich at right back and Julian Draxler on the wing have laid claims for regular starting spots with their outstanding performances so far. ICELANDAfter coming second in their group and pulling off the shock of the tournament by sending England crashing out in the second round, Iceland are performing well beyond the expectations of everyone but themselves. Whatever weaknesses they may have are kept well-hidden and their high-energy defence, led by Ragnar Sigurdsson, has been rock solid, with a lot of credit also going to those further forward for what is truly a team effort. Winger Birkir Bjarnason has also caught the eye with his tough tackling, precise passing and tireless running, and he is

often a key outlet when Iceland need to hold on to the ball late in the game. The star of Iceland’s show, however, is undoubtedly Swedish coach Lars Lagerback, who has infused his side with a level of organisa-tion and self-belief that will have convinced them that they can com-plete another upset when they face hosts France in the next round. ITALYA hallmark of Italy’s national teams over the years has been their sturdy defence and that has been the case at Euro 2016 where they have conceded just one goal so far in the tournament. The chemistry and understanding between the Juventus quartet of keeper Gianluigi Buffon and defenders Andrea Barzagli, Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini, has made them almost impenetrable at then back. Coach Antonio Conte has also brought out the best in players such as forward Eder, who had scored one goal in 14 league appearances after join-ing Inter Milan on loan from Sampdoria in January, but has looked transformed for the national team. He scored a magnificent solo effort against Sweden that ensured Italy finished top of Group E and it was his free kick that led to their opener against Spain in the last 16.Italy have also been boosted by the performances of AS Roma’s expe-rienced midfielder Daniele De Rossi, with the 32-year-old rolling back the years to pull the strings against Spain. POLANDPoland’s route to the last eight has been down to a robust defensive effort with their misfiring strikers posing little threat upfront. Adam Nawalka’s team have let in just one goal all tournament, an outrageous bicycle kick by Switzerland’s Xherdan Shaqiri in their last-16 tie which they eventually won on penalties. It was only the second game this year in which they have conceded. But at the other end, hitman Robert Lewandowski, the leading scorer in Euro 2016 qualifying with 13 goals, has only mustered two attempts on target in the tournament, both in the last match. Poland’s captain did coolly dispatch the first penalty in the shootout though, and the scintillating form of Kamil Grosicki on the left flank should provide more chances for the striker to break his duck in open play. Poland, who have found the net three times in four matches, have scored two goals fewer than any other of the quarterfinalists. PORTUGALPortugal’s campaign has centred around Cristiano Ronaldo who has been both hero and villain and often seems to be an overbearing pres-ence on his team mates. Ronaldo rescued them in their final group game against Hungary, scoring twice to earn them a 3-3 draw and also set up the late winner over Croatia in the second round. But his insistence on taking every free kick has caused them to waste precious attacking opportunities. The Portuguese have yet to put in a really convincing performance and all four of their games have been drawn after 90 minutes. Yet, with Nani showing flashes of inspiration, the un-predictable Ricardo Quaresma playing the joker’s role and a very kind draw, they could yet go all the way to the final, just as coach Fernando Santos has predicted. WALESWales have been propelled into the last eight on the shoulders of the world’s most expensive player Gareth Bale, whose three goals helped them top their qualifying group and made him the tournament’s joint top scorer. It was also Bale’s superb low cross that was turned into his own net by Gareth McAuley to secure a 1-0 win over Northern Ireland in the last 16. The midfield axis of Liverpool’s Joe Allen and Arsenal’s Aaron Ramsey have also performed an excellent job in providing a stable foundation and feeding Bale. The only doubt remains whom manager Chris Coleman chooses to lead the forward line with Sam Vokes, Hal Robson-Kanu and Jonathan Williams having all started matches at the tournament.


With eight teams remaining at Euro 2016, below is a guide to the form of the quarterfinalists, looking at their strengths and weaknesses...

Thursday, June 30

Friday, July 1

Saturday, July 2

Sunday, July 3

L A S T E I G H T S C H E D U L E ( A L L O M A N T I M E )

NO TRAUMA about Italy, says Loew

EVIAN: Germany’s dismal re-cord against Italy in major tour-naments is not a source of trauma for the world champions, who will face their international nemesis in the Euro 2016 last eight, coach Joachim Loew said on Tuesday.

The Germans, who are four-time world champions and have also won three continen-tal crowns, have always lost to Italy in World Cups and Euro knockout rounds, including in the 1970 World Cup last four, the 1982 World Cup final, a 2006 World Cup semifinal and a Euro 2012 semifinal.

The 2012 defeat was under Loew and was especially bitter, with the Germans, favourites at the time, exiting the competition following a 2-0 loss to the Italians.

“We have never beaten them in a tournament but we have no Italy trauma,” Loew said. “I do not rate the past too much.

“They are now a different team. That’s all cold coffee. A fresh espresso is better and I hope it tastes better on Saturday,” he said, taking a sip from his own coffee.

Italy advanced to the last eight

with a 2-0 victory over holders Spain on Monday.

Loew, who led Germany to the 2014 World Cup title, said his players, who beat Italy 4-1 in a friendly in March, would be fully fit and rested when they faced the Italians in Bordeaux.

“We don’t fear them. We know what we can do and if we do it then we have a good chance to win it,” said the coach.

Germany went through to the last eight with a comfortable 3-0 win over Slovakia but Loew said not too much should be read into that victory. “I think emotions from the outside are running pret-ty high. We were almost written off after our 0-0 (group match) against Poland. Then we win 3-0 and eve-rything is great. Okay, we did it well ... but with all due respect for our opponents, I don’t think that this victory was the measure for win-ning the tournament.

“What we need now is humil-ity and modesty. Let’s keep the bar low, the ball on the ground. I have a good feeling for the week-end but we need to improve. What we have been playing is not enough to win this tourna-

ment; we have to get better.”

Golden goalGermany coach Joachim Loew will not be celebrating the 20th anniversary of his team’s golden goal over the Czech Republic in the Euro 1996 final, having heard the story far too many times from its scorer Oliver Bierhoff.

Asked whether there would be any celebrations or even a cake for current Germany team manager Bierhoff, who scored both goals in their 2-1 victory over the Czechs, Loew was quick to say: No, no. There won’t be.

“I will be happy if I don’t hear that story on Thursday as he con-stantly keeps telling it,” Loew said on Tuesday, amid loud laughter from reporters. “I will be avoiding him on that day.”

The short-lived golden-goal rule that ended any extra time once a goal had been scored in the additional 30 minutes gave Ger-many their third and last of three European titles in England 20 years ago on June 30.

The golden goal was aban-doned after two editions of the tournament. - Reuters

The Germans, who

are four-time world

champions and

have also won three

continental crowns,

have always lost to

Italy in World Cups

and Euro knockout

rounds, including in

the 1970 World Cup

last four, the 1982

World Cup final, a

2006 World Cup

semifinal and a Euro

2012 semifinal

TALKING STRATEGY: Germany’s coach Joachim Loew and players during training. – Reuters

FULL OF CONFIDENCE: Germany’s head coach Joachim Loew

addresses a press conference. – AFP

Lukas Podolski critical of ‘stupid’ expanded formatPARIS: Germany forward Lukas Podolski has criticised the new 24-team format for the European Championship, labelling it ‘stu-pid’ as it created a great deal of confusion among the players.

European soccer’s govern-ing body UEFA have added eight places to the finals tournament since it was last hosted in 2012, when only the top-two sides from the four groups advanced straight into the quarter-finals.

The expansion means four of the best third-placed teams joined the top-two from each of the six groups in the Round of 16 and Podolski believes sides have

been forced to wait too long to dis-cover who their opponents were in the knockouts stages.

“The group stage was a little bit strange, because UEFA did some stupid things with the system. It’s not about the smaller teams, it’s about the decisions. Some teams waited three days in the camp for a decision,” Podolski told report-ers in France. “You lose the first two games and you still have a chance to get through to the next round. So it is a bit confused but for us, it doesn’t matter.”

Germany, face Italy in a mouth-watering quarterfinal showdown in Bordeaux on Saturday. - Reuters


Lukas Podolski.

C2 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Pogba yet to live up to France’s expectations

PARIS: The day Euro 2016 kicked off, Paul Pogba’s youthful face fea-tured on the front page of L’Equipe, flanked by pictures of France’s all-time greats Michel Platini and Zinedine Zidane.

It was the French sports daily’s way of illustrating just how much the host nation was expecting from the 23-year-old midfielder — maybe too much.

A couple of weeks later and Pogba has shown only glimpses of his tal-ent on the pitches of France, with some people starting to wonder whether he was worth all the hype.

“Is Pogba the world’s most over-rated player?”, former Eng-land captain turned pundit Gary Lineker tweeted after Pogba again looked ordinary in France’s la-boured 2-1 win over Ireland for a place in the quarter-finals.

It was a different story at the start of the year when Pogba hum-bly took his mother, Yeo, to a glitzy FIFA gala. Wearing a flashy, gold-flowered jacket, the Juventus play-er looked proud to feature in the governing body’s World XI along-side players such as Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Pogba was fresh from a scin-tillating season in which he had scored 10 goals to help Juventus win a domestic double and go all the way to the Champions League final, his heroics earning him the right to be granted the number 10 shirt once graced by Platini.

“I have played with some great young players but Pogba is the best

young player I have ever seen,” for-mer Juventus and Italy midfielder Andrea Pirlo said at the time.

Unlike Platini or Zidane, Pogba in not a true playmaker, and nor is he a genuine defensive midfielder. Similar in many ways to Patrick Vieira, fondly remembered by France and Arsenal fans, he needs space to express his rare mix of athleticism and skills to the full.

Rarely convincingHighly successful at club level with four Serie A titles under his belt, he has rarely been entirely convinc-ing for France since earning the first of his 35 caps in a 3-1 win over Georgia in March 2013, even if he was named the 2014 World Cup’s best young player.

“Paul, of course, can play better than that,” France coach Didier Des-champs said after substituting Pogba in his side’s opening 2-1 win over Ro-mania at this tournament. “I’m not going to be too hard on him but his potential is such that he can contrib-ute more than he showed tonight.”

Deschamps, who dropped Pogba to the bench for Les Bleus’ second game against Albania, still has to figure out what is the best position for his versatile player, recent out-ings suggesting it could be on the

left side of midfield.It is not only Deschamps who

is frustrated with Pogba, so are the French fans who have never had a chance to watch him at club level since he was only 16 when he left the renowned Le Havre acad-emy for Manchester United before moving to Juventus in 2012.

Lineker’s comment suggested Pogba’s agent, Mino Raiola, was being greedy to ask for more than 100 million euros for his player, who is reportedly be-

ing courted by both Manchester United and Real Madrid.

With a quarter-final tie against Iceland approaching on Sunday, Pogba has little time left to stamp his authority on Euro 2016 the way Platini and Zidane did at the 1984 European Championship and 1998 World Cup respectively.

“I’m not worried,” said France goalkeeper and captain Hugo Lloris. “Great players often wait for important moments to show their class.” - Reuters

Deschamps —France’s best weaponPARIS: France’s ultimate weap-on at Euro 2016 is probably not the scoring instinct of Antoine Griezmann nor the set-piece art-istry of Dimitri Payet but rather the obsession with winning of a diminutive grey-haired man with a twangy voice.

Les Bleus have yet to deliver an entirely convincing performance in the tournament but coach Di-dier Deschamps has done every-thing right so far, making shrewd tactical changes and raising that famous voice with perfect timing.

“I had to shake the trees,” De-schamps said when asked what he had done at halftime to wake up his sluggish team for a 2-1 win over Ireland in the round of 16.

Deschamps’s masterstroke was to bring on speedy winger Kings-ley Coman for holding midfielder N’Golo Kante at the start of the second half, pushing Payet fur-ther wide and Griezmann closer to Olivier Giroud up front. The re-sult was a Griezmann double for a place in the quarterfinals.

It was not the astute coach’s first telling move in the competi-tion. When France laboured in a 4-2-3-1 formation in the first half of their group game against Alba-nia, he was quick to react, sending on Paul Pogba and reverting to a 4-3-3 formation which eventu-ally wore down Albania’s defence for a 2-0 last-gasp win.

Deschamps, whose pragmatic approach is not unlike that of 1998 World Cup-winning coach Aime Jacquet, was decisive even before the tournament, carefully handling a tricky situation.

The coach left out Karim Ben-zema after the Real Madrid striker was embroiled in an alleged black-mail scandal and did not even

consider Franck Ribery after the Bayern Munich forward hinted he could be willing to come back.

“My aim was not to pick the best 23 players but to go for a group ca-pable of going very far in the tour-nament together,” Deschamps said after naming his squad.

Tireless midfielderDeschamps’s influence on the team has a lot do with the resume of his playing career. Neither exceptionally talented nor par-ticularly glamorous, the tireless midfielder with leadership quali-ties captained France to their 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000 triumphs.

“My game was never spectacu-lar so I had to compensate with other things,” said Deschamps, who also wore the armband when Olympique Marseille won the Champions League in 1993, not to mention a lot of other silverware.

As a coach, Deschamps has some way to go before collecting as many trophies but he has al-ready demonstrated he could be successful in that role as well.

“The fact he has won every-thing going is the advantage that he brings us,” said Payet.

Deschamps, who has kept tinkering with his squad since the finals started, faces another headache before Sunday’s quar-terfinal against Iceland with defender Adil Rami and holding midfielder Kante both serving suspensions.

Sunday’s game will determine whether the tournament is a success or a failure for France, French Football Federation (FFF) president Noel Le Graet having set a place in the last four as the minimum goal. - Reuters


layer I have ever seen,” for-ventus and Italy midfielder Pirlo said at the time.e Platini or Zidane, Pogba true playmaker, and nor is

nuine defensive midfielder. in many ways to Patrickfondly remembered by

and Arsenal fans, he needs o express his rare mix of ism and skills to the full.

convincinguccessful at club level withie A titles under his belt, he

ely been entirely convinc-France since earning theis 35 caps in a 3-1 win over in March 2013, even if he

med the 2014 World Cup’s l

It was a different story at the start of

the year when Pogba humbly took

his mother, Yeo, to a glitzy FIFA gala.

Wearing a flashy, gold-flowered

jacket, the Juventus player looked

proud to feature in the governing

body’s World XI alongside players

such as Lionel Messi and

Cristiano Ronaldo

Unlike Platini or Zidane, Pogba in not a true playmaker, and nor is he a genuine defensive midfielder. Similar in many ways to Patrick Vieira, fondly remembered by France and Arsenal fans, he needs space to express his rare mix of athleticism and skills to the full

C3W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


There’s one thing I wish to say before talking about the

Euro championships in France: I deeply regret the news that Lionel Messi has declared he no longer wishes to play for Argen-tina’s national team. My only explanation is that something must have hap-pened, otherwise you don’t simply stop playing for your country at the age of 29. In any case, it is a shame, also for the many fans who will no longer see him playing for Argentina, and even though his presence in the team never was enough to win a title.

Turning to the European championships, things have developed in a way that I hoped would not. We, the highly-touted Germans, must play Italy in the quarterfinals on Saturday. We have never had any luck against them in the big tournaments.

Four years ago, in the Euro semifinals, we were beaten 2-1. Goalkeeper Oli-ver Kahn said at the time: “You can lose against Italy without even noticing it.” That’s the way it happened this time in the Final 16 round for Spain, who four years ago had beaten Italy 4-0 in the final.

The hulking defender Giorgio Chiellini shocked the Spaniards with a quick goal to take the lead. And by all appearances Italian trainer Antonio Conte surprised his colleague Vicente Del Bosque with his offensive strategy.

The same players who previously had mainly played defensively sudden-ly became attackers. And I was amazed that Italy, as the oldest team in the tour-nament (average age of over 31 years), was able to keep up the pace to the very end and that they even made it 2-0 in the final minute on a goal by Graziano Pelle.

I feel bad for the Span-iards. After a series of two European titles (2008 and 2012) and the World Cup title (2010), an era is com-ing to an end.

The FC Barcelona players looked tired and burned-out, even though they started the tourna-ment strongly and Andres Iniesta seemed to be in his best form ever. But the signs of fatigue were already starting to show in the 2-1 loss to Croatia, and were even more apparent against Italy.

Germany’s advantage is that the team is younger and appears to be much fresher. This time, despite our poor tournament re-cord against Italy, I believe the Germans will win out against the experienced

Italians.There have been a num-

ber of surprises elsewhere. Probably nobody was betting on a quarterfinal matchup between Poland and Portugal. The Poles so far have not been really convincing, not even count-ing the penalty shoot-out victory against Switzer-land. It’s different with the Portuguese, who knocked out Croatia, one of the favourites.

Even though they were somewhat lucky with the 1-0 winning goal shortly before the final whistle. But no matter: If all the other players alongside Cristiano Ronaldo can raise their game, then they can beat Poland.

Nobody thought Wales would make it through thanks only to an own-goal by the rather harm-less Northern Ireland. The Welsh team is riding along on the momentum produced by their super-star Gareth Bale. But in the quarterfinal against Bel-gium, I expect a clear vic-tory for the Belgians, who keep improving from match to match and who have two of the best players of the tournament in Eden Hazard and Kevin De Bruyne.

Iceland, meanwhile, has achieved more than just mere victory. Their 2-1 win over England is the greatest sensation in the history of the Euros! I had not ex-pected England, with their young team, to play a great tournament, but this loss is a debacle, a humiliation for the English.

The resignation that trainer Roy Hodgson in all fairness announced afterwards will have further repercussions. By contrast, the Iceland players will remain heroes forever back home. In 100 years’ time people will still be talking about this match.

All the same, I believe that France, Iceland’s next opponent, remains the top favourite in this tourna-ment with their home field advantage.

I have rarely seen such a perfectly-executed header such as that of Antoine Griezmann of Atletico Madrid.

That equaliser against Ireland was world class, and his goal a few minutes later to put France ahead was virtually the logical consequence. I expect to see France in the semifinals -- despite Iceland’s enthusi-asm which, as we have seen, can move mountains. - dpa

Iceland’s win over England was the greatest sensation

C O M M E N T A R Y ‘Never wake me up!’

REYKJAVIK: Underdogs Ice-land scored a new triumph at Euro 2016, generating an enthusiastic roar from thousands of fans in the North Atlantic country’s capital.

A huge screen showing the match was set up at the Arnarholl venue, a hill in the centre of the capital Reykjavik that boiled and bubbled like one of the coun-try’s many geysers after the final whistle, with Iceland winning 2-1 over England.

“We are going to Paris! I can’t believe my own eyes. Never wake me up! Never wake me up from this crazy dream! Boo like you want, Englishmen! Iceland is go-ing to Stade de France,” gushed football commentator Gudmun-dur Benediktsson.

“France versus Iceland. You (England) can go home! You can leave Europe! You can leave to wherever you want! England 1-Iceland 2 in Nice, and the ad-venture continues. And this ad-venture will probably never end,” he continued.

England might have underesti-mated Iceland, analysed defender Ragnar Sigurdsson, one of Ice-land’s goalscorers.

“We were confident all the time but they thought it would be easy. I felt that they looked down on us,” he told Siminn sport after the win.

England’s exit was painful con-sidering that Iceland is a country of 330,000 people — about the population of Premier League champions Leicester City.

The upset means that Iceland extended their stay in France.

Iceland fans scrambled to book flights to the upcoming match against the French hosts.

The online site of budget airline Wow Air crashed late Monday amid twice as visits compared to last week when Iceland qualified to the knock-out stages after de-feating Austria.

Meanwhile, carrier Icelandair said it was pulling out the stops to fly as many customers as possible to Paris. “We have three flights a day but they will probably be full shortly. Then there are other ways,” Icelandair spokesman Gud-jon Arngrimsson told the online edition of the daily Morgunbladid. A fan told public broadcaster RUV: “Everyone wants to go to France to support our lads, it’s that simple.”

Iceland coach, Lars Lagerback, a Swedish national who took over Iceland in 2012, extended his im-pressive run against England, a team he has never lost to also as

long-serving coach of Sweden.“Our defence was really good. It

was well-organised, everyone did their job, read the game. They used their heads and ran. Everyone was in the right position,” he summed up.

Co-coach Heimir Hallgrimsson said on Siminn sport that Iceland “grabbed the unique opportunity we got, and this will change our lives and take Icelandic football to

the next level.”Goalkeeper Hannes Halldors-

son said the win was “epic.”“Now we have to get ourselves

back to the ground and prepare for the game against France. We want to go further and we go into every game seeking to win,” he said.

Although fireworks are banned in Reykjavík — and are barely vis-ible due to the light summer nights

this time of year on the northern latitudes — some fireworks ex-ploded in the evening skies after Iceland’s victory. “A kind plea to the police — don’t arrest anyone, today it’s OK,” urged TV commen-tator Thorsteinn J Vilhjalmsson.

Come Sunday, it remains to be seen if more fireworks will be set off — in Reykjavik and on the field at Stade de France. - dpa

Iceland’s national

football team take

what is likely their

biggest scalp ever

after eliminating

England and setting

up a quarter final tie

against France

SMILES SAYS IT ALL: The celebration mood of Iceland fans reflects the ecstatic atmosphere. – Reuters

LONDON: England’s news-papers reacted with outrage to the country’s 2-1 defeat to Ice-land at Euro 2016, condemning the performance as “clueless” and “confused” and pouring scorn on departed manager Roy Hodgson.

“They lacked leadership from Roy Hodgson here. They lacked composure. They lacked guile. They lacked a Plan B and Plan A was hardly inspiring,” wrote Henry Winter in The Times on Tuesday.

“The lacking were deserv-edly sent packing by a more in-telligent, committed, organised Iceland. Europe will not miss this England.”

Goals from Ragnar Sigurds-son and Kolbeinn Sigthorsson in Nice on Monday were enough to lead tournament debutants Iceland to a quarter-final clash with hosts France, with the loss costing Hodgson his job.

British media held back nothing on Tuesday with the headlines proclaiming the loss as not only “embarrassing” but also “the ultimate humiliation.”

The Daily Mail’s Martin Samuel said Monday’s display was “as confused and ineffectu-al as any England have delivered at a major tournament to date,” and was more humiliating than the 1-0 World Cup defeat to the United States in 1950.

In the Daily Telegraph Paul

Hayward blamed Hodgson for his muddled team selection, condemning the inclusion of Raheem Sterling, a player whose confidence, Hayward said, was “shot to bits”.

“At no stage did Hodgson seem clear about his best start-ing XI. Bringing on the eager and lively Marcus Rashford for five minutes at the end against Iceland was his final question-able act on a very long list,” wrote Hayward.

The failure of England’s players to even carve out a second-half chance was highlighted, with The Guard-ian picking out a woeful effort from Harry Kane, one of the players of the season in the Premier League.

“One moment typified England’s inadequacies

midway through the second half. England had a free kick 40 yards out and Kane insisted on shooting from an almost implausible distance, aiming his effort harmlessly wide and, again, attracting voluble dissent from the fans packed behind the goal,” it said.

The Sun was characteristi-cally irreverent, describing the team as “Ice wallies” and criti-cising the performance of Joe Hart, who conceded his second soft goal of the tournament.

“It was Hart’s left hand which failed to keep out a Gareth Bale free kick and once again, same hand, same result,” wrote Charlie Wyatt.

The BBC’s chief soccer writer Phil McNulty said the players would need to take a look at themselves under a new manager. “The ultimate responsibility lies with the manager but, make no mistake, he was badly let down by play-ers capable of so much better,” McNulty wrote.

“Hodgson will take the blame and has paid the price but these highly paid Premier League players should not escape criticism.”

Harry Redknapp, the former Tottenham Hotspur manager, wrote in the Daily Telegraph that he had no faith in the Foot-ball Association to appoint the right successor. - Reuters

British media decry ‘clueless’ England

The headlines

proclaimed the

loss as not only

‘embarrassing’ but

also ‘the ultimate




Murray downs fellow Brit Broady as Wawrinka wins

LONDON: Second seed Andy Murray showed no mercy to fel-low Britain Liam Broady as he launched his Wimbledon chal-lenge with a straightforward 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 victory on Tuesday.

The day after British qualifier Marcus Willis, the world number 772, made the front and back pag-es by reaching the second round, 235th-ranked Broady was given the Centre Court spotlight but played a subservient role as Mur-ray gave a masterclass.

Murray, the 2013 champion, had not faced a fellow Britain in 56 previ-ous Wimbledon matches while two home players had not squared off at the All England Club for 15 years.

Murray admitted beforehand that it had felt ‘weird’ but it was business as usual once play began as he broke twice to pocket the opening set in 25 minutes.

Erratic WawrinkaStan Wawrinka met stiff resist-ance from American teenager Tay-lor Fritz before he finally asserted his dominance in a 7-6(4), 6-1,

6-7(2), 6-4 first-round victory.The Swiss fourth seed was far

from his best, with his ground-strokes uncharacteristically er-ratic, but his fearsome one-handed backhand and experience were enough to see off the 18-year-old making his tournament debut.

Wawrinka, who will play Argen-tina’s Juan Martin Del Potro in the next round, said he and other play-ers needed to get used to grasscourt conditions. “I know if I can start to win few matches, I can be danger-ous to go far,” he told reporters.

Easy for SerenaSerena Williams is intent on de-fending her Olympic titles in Rio and finds it sad that several ath-letes will miss out on an “amazing” experience because of worries about the Zika virus.

The 34-year-old American, who won singles and doubles titles at London 2012, beat Amra Sadiko-vic 6-2, 6-4 in the first round.

“My experience has been really amazing at the Olympics. I really loved going out there and compet-

ing...standing out there and being an Olympic athlete,” Williams told reporters.

On Monday top Romanian ten-nis player Simona Halep said she might not make the trip to Rio, but had yet to make a final decision.

Williams, 34, and her older sis-ter Venus, 36, are aiming for a fourth doubles gold in Rio af-ter winning in 2000, 2008 and 2012. Venus also won singles gold in 2000.

In another women’s singles match Russian Svetlana Kuznet-sova, the women’s 13th seed, beat Denmark’s Caroline Wozniacki 7-5, 6-4 under a closed roof on Centre Court as weather threat-ened to play spoil sport with some matches cancelled.

Kyrgios powers throughAustralian 15th seed Nick Kyrgios outmanoeuvred Radek Stepanek in four sets on Tuesday, saying he could imagine a professional part-nership developing with his oppo-nent once the gritty Czech veteran finally hangs up his racket.

Kyrgios controlled much of the match as he moved Stepanek around with three quarter-pace groundstrokes fired deep into the corners.

But after faltering in a mara-thon third set tiebreak in which the Czech saved two match points, the Australian admitted he was re-lieved to come through in four.

“That’s a nightmare first round for anyone at Wimbledon. No one wants to play Radek here,” he told reporters after his 6-4, 6-3, 6-7(9), 6-1 win.

French duoHoping for a sporting clean sweep, Richard Gasquet and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga carried the French flag into the Wimbledon second round with straight-sets wins over Brit-ain’s Aljaz Bedene and Spain’s Inigo Cervantes.

Seventh seed Gasquet used his trademark backhand to good effect to see off the British number two 6-3, 6-4, 6-3, although both play-ers pulled off strokes that were at times things of beauty during their

baseline rallies.Tsonga, back in action for the

first time after retiring from the French Open with a groin injury, shook off the cobwebs of a close first few games to beat the Span-iard, ranked 75th in the world, 6-4, 7-6(5), 6-4.

France started the tournament with 16 men in singles action, the most of any country and an Open Era record.

With the men’s final at Wim-bledon and the climax of soccer’s European Championship in Paris both on July 10, the French will be hoping to scoop all the sporting sil-verware a week on Sunday.

Among the other Frenchmen gunning for a deep run on the grass, Jeremy Chardy overcame crowd pleaser Gael Monfils in a five-set epic on Monday.

Nicolas Mahut beat British wildcard Brydan Klein in straight sets, Gilles Simon defeated Ser-bia’s Janko Tipsarevic in four and 26th seed Benoit Paire overcame Croatian qualifier Franko Skugor in a marathon five-setter. — Reuters

Kyrgios, Serena

and Kuznetsova

advanced into the

second round with

contrasting verdicts

at Wimbledon as

some other matches

stood suspended due

to bad weather

Royal Challengers, OEC in semifinalsMUSCAT: Royal Challengers and OEC reached semifinals of the NMC Cup MRI Ball Ramadan Cricket Tournament organised by the Oman Ind0-Pak Friends at the Azaiba Cultural Sports ground.

In the first match, Royal Chal-lengers beat Sialkot XI by 5 wick-ets. Batting first Sialkot XI 53 for 4 in 8 overs (Waseem 25, Azeem 10, Sachin 2 for 17, Somu 1 for 8).

Royal Challengers in reply

scored 57 for 5 in 7.5 overs (Somu 24 not out, Nitin 10, Wasif 2 for 17). Somu Poojary was adjudged the man of the match.

In the second match, OEC beat Rajastan Royals by 6 wickets.

Rajastan Royals, batting first were all out for 27 with Zaheer of OEC scalping 3 wickets for 5 runs. OEC replied with 28 for 4 in 4.2 overs. Zaheer of OEC was named the man of the match.


Improved fitness has made me a better fielder, says India Test captain KohliNEW DELHI: India’s Test cap-tain Virat Kohli says his whole out-look towards fitness changed after IPL 2012 and a healthier body has not only made him a better bats-man but also an improved fielder.

Kohli is arguably the fittest Indi-an cricketer and as captain, he ex-pects his teammates to cut no cor-ners on their physical well-being.

At an event here today, Kohli re-called how he started paying more attention to his fitness.

“It was after the IPL in 2012. Till then I did not focus much on the physical aspect. I never got into the minute details of fitness, things like what I need to eat from morning to night, how much I need to work out, how much I need to train. After that IPL, I started listening to my body,” said Kohli, whose next challenge is the tour of the West Indies starting next month.

The batting star said with his supreme fitness levels, he feels he can do anything on the field.

“I made a lifestyle choice (back in 2012). I wanted to explore a new side of my body to take me to the next level because I never wanted to be average. I wanted to best in

the world. So I always had that mindset but never had the physi-cal ability (before 2012).”

The level Kohli has taken his fitness to was summed up aptly by India’s fitness trainer Shankar Basu. “Virat wants to be

the best athlete in the world,” he had said recently.

Kohli insists improved fitness has immensely helped his field-ing and not just his exploits with the bat.

“When you become fit, you feel

you can do anything. I will give you one example. I was never a quick fielder. I was never willing to field in every position. But after becom-ing fitter, lighter and stronger, I overcame all those doubts I had (about fielding). Now it (staying fit, eating right) has become sec-ond nature to me,” he said.

His world has changed ever since be became a “fitness freak” and Kohli now wants the younger generation of India to pay more at-tention to health and fitness.

“If you look at some of the statis-tics (rising health problems in In-dia), it causes fear in your mind. So I want to create awareness on fit-ness, the importance of staying fit and healthy. You would be able to do what you want to do only when you are feel fit from inside.

“I have never been as fit as I am today. It has worked beautifully for me. It has become a lifestyle choice for me. Even in off time, I watch what I eat. In fact, I get more excited about fitness, feeling good, being healthy than anything else. That is probably because by body realises that fitness is what I would need after my professional career is done,” Kohli added. - PTI


FITTEST INDIAN PLAYER: Virat Kohli at the launch of Stepathlon Kids, a company on building a healthy lifestyle for children. – PTI

HURRAH: Serena Williams reacts after winning against Switzer-land’s Amra Sadikovic. – AFP

WINNING START: Andy Murray in action against against fellow Brit Liam Broady. – AFP


SPORTSW E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Messi must carry on, says Maradona

BUENOS AIRES: World Cup winner Diego Maradona has called on compatriot Lionel Messi not to abandon international foot-ball after the Argentina captain announced he was quitting the national side following Sunday’s Copa America final defeat.

Maradona, captain of his coun-try in the their second World Cup triumph in 1986, was among many leading personalities to speak

out in support of Messi, who ap-peared badly affected by the penalty shootout loss to Chile in New Jersey.

The 29-year-old Messi, a multi-ple trophy winner with Barcelona, has now been part of four final de-feats with the national team, three in the Copa America and at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

“Messi must carry on in the national team... because he still has a lot to give, because he’ll get to (2018 World Cup hosts) Rus-sia with chances of being world champion,” Maradona was quoted

as saying in the Argentine daily La Nacion on Monday.

“He has to lean more on the lads who can help him take the team forward and less on those who say he should leave,” added Maradona, who played in two World Cup finals.

“Messi was abandoned and I don’t want to abandon him. That’s why I want to talk to him, to fight against all those who abandoned him,” said Maradona, who coached Messi and Argentina at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

A dejected Messi, who had said he

would swap his five world player of the year awards for one title with Ar-gentina, told reporters after the match he was leaving the national team.

“In the dressing room I thought that this is the end for me with the national team, it’s not for me,” he said.

“I tried so hard to be champion with Argentina. Now I am leaving without having managed it,” he said after the defeat at the tourna-ment hosted in the United States to mark the centenary of South America’s flagship competition.

There was a strong show of sup-port for Messi when the team re-turned to Buenos Aires, with fans displaying banners at the airport saying: “Without you we’re noth-ing, don’t go Messi” and “Stay Messi, you’re the best”.

A call went out on social media for a demonstration to be held on Saturday at the Obelisco monu-ment in the centre of Buenos Aires, a traditional spot for celebrating sporting victories, to urge Messi to reconsider.

President Mauricio Macri, a for-mer chairman of Boca Juniors who was pictured watching Sunday’s match wearing an Argentina shirt, joined in the show of support for Messi with a message on Twitter.

“More than ever I feel a great pride in our national team. I hope the joy of seeing the best in the world will continue for many more years,” he wrote. - Reuters

Maradona, captain of

his country in the their

second World Cup

triumph in 1986, was

among many leading

personalities to speak

out in support of

Messi, who appeared

badly affected by the

penalty shootout loss

to Chile

FROM THE FILES: Lionel Messi with Diego Maradona in this picture

from the past.

BUENOS AIRES: As Lionel Messi collapsed to his knees and planted his forehead into the MetLife Stadium turf, it was hard not to feel some compas-sion for the Argentine forward. Minutes earlier, the 29-year-old had missed a penalty in the shootout defeat to Chile in the Copa America Centenario final, reports Xinhua.

“For me, the national team is over,” Messi said, head bowed. “I’ve done all I can. It hurts not to be a champion.”

This was a reminder that for all his seemingly superhu-man qualities on a football pitch, the Barcelona talisman is in fact a mortal being.

The difference for Messi is that pressure means carrying the hopes of a nation of 41 mil-lion people, and that criticism is strewn relentlessly across news portals and social media feeds, or shouted at him whenever he steps out in public. Before the final, the normally taciturn

Messi was sufficiently riled to post a message on Insta-gram in which he described the AFA as a “disaster”. In addition, Messi has had to endure constant and unfair comparisons with Argentina legend Diego Maradona, who recently said the Barcelona forward did “not have the personality to be a leader.”

In his brief exchange with journalists Messi hinted that Maradona’s comments had contributed to his decision.

“I think there’s a lot of people who want this, who obviously are not satisfied, as we are not satisfied reaching a final and not winning it,” Messi said. But is it fair to label Messi a choker? That would seem harsh in the extreme.

Two years remain until the next World Cup in Russia, when Rosario’s most famous son will still only be 31. Should he return, Messi still has time to rewrite his legacy. - IANS

Has Lionel Messi turned his back on Argentina for good?

Tely FC beat Al Nahla to win Al Rehwan TPL football pennantMUSCAT: Tely FC lifted the Al Rehwan Thalessery Premier League (TPL) football trophy beating Al Nahla 2-1 in the final at . Bousher Club.

After a goalless first half, Sar-farz of Tely FC found the net in the 20th minute of the game . But minutes latter Al Nahla found the equaliser when their star player Ajmal scored for them.

While it looked the match will proceed to penalty shootout, an error from the Al Nahla defence ended in a penalty kick for Tely FC

which was coverted by Jhamsi.The TPL organised by the Sta-

dium Brothers was played over the weekends for the last three weeks. The matches was officiated by Hussain Abdullah Al Hasani, while Salih Thacher kept the stadium alive with his electrifying com-mentary. There were exhibition football matches for the under-15 boys and girls too.

Earlier in the semifinals, Aj-mal scored a beautiful goal for Al Nahla to beat UTSC 1-0, while Tely FC beat Ponmanichi Sports Club

by similar margin. The quarterfi-nals saw Al Nahla beat Teleboys 1-0, UTSC beat QFT 1-0, Tely FC beat Azaiba FC 3-1 and PSC beat Stadium Brothers 2-1.

Siraj Abdullah, Managing Di-rector of Al Rehwan Contracting was the Chief Guest. Abdul Nas-sar, Area manager of Asia express, Zubahir, operation manager of Asia Express, Ranjan of Air Arabia and Dr Mujeeb of Amana Medical Centre were the guests of honour during the prize giving ceremony.

Afzal of Tely FC won the man of

the final, while Shahul of Smashers won the promising player award.

The other award winners were Shibili of Tely FC (top scorer), Harish of UTSC (Best Goalkeeper), Jhamsi of Tele FC (Man of the tournament), Ajmal of Al Nahla (man of the match in first semifinal) and Afzal of Tele FC (man of the match in second semifinal 2). The fair play award was presented to Cosmos team.

The sponsors were Al Rehwan Contracting, Asia Express, Food Lands, Air Arabia, Transfast, Print Plus and Amana Medical Centre.


CHAMPIONS: Tely FC celebrating triumph with guests. – Supplied photo

Mixed fortune for Oman Engineering MUSCAT: Bombay Blues, Chee-ma XI won their matches in the MRI category, while Oman En-gineering had mixed experience in the Omantel Ramadan Cricket Tournament organised by Pa-kistan Social Club at the PSM ground. Oman Engineering, while losing to Cheema XI in MRI cat-egory got the netter of Asfandyar XI in the Tape Ball Category.

Brief scores: MRI category: Bombay Blues 98 for 2 in 8 overs (Ravi 81 not out) beat Infoline 50 for 6 in 8 overs (Mohsin 2 for 3, Manoj 2 for 5) by 48 runs. Man of the match: Ravi of Bombay Blues.

Cheema XI 73 for 5 in 8 overs (Ifrat 29, Khurram 26) beat Oman Engineering 69 for

6 in 8 overs (Qamar 24, Imran 2 for 11) by 4 runs. Man of the match: Imran of Cheema XI

Tape Ball category: Asfandyar XI 47 for 2 in 6 overs (Jamshed 21, Murtaz 2 for 9) lost to Oman Engineering 48 for 1 in 3.2 overs (Sufiyan 26 not out) by 9 wickets. Man of the match: Sufiyan of Oman Engineering.


UM SALAMA CHAMPIONSUm Salama Pharmacy won the Underarm Cricket Tour-

nament organised by Sakan Saka Cricket Club. In the

final, Um Salama Pharmacy beat Wadi Kabir Big Baldiya

Camp by 16 runs. Man of the final was Shoaib Kaka. The

other awards went to Imran Kawchali (best batsman)

and Shoaib Kaka (best bowler). — Supplied photo


LeisureSECTIONC L I F E S T Y L E W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Tired of the security reg-ulations, long queues at the airport, and the erratic performance of the airlines on a short business visit and re-turn from Dubai? For a short one hour flight

from Dubai to Muscat, you need to be at the airport before two hours and have to be in the frustrating traffic for another two hours. For the business and high end leisure travellers, a new option has ar-rived as Seawings has launched its air taxi service to Muscat from its various locations in Dubai. Now you can choose a flight charter at your own convenient time where you and your companions will be treated to VIP service and a level of convenience and privacy not avail-able anywhere except on a charter flight. You can take off from Mus-cat and land at a number of city locations in the UAE including water bays.

An aircraft charter gives you complete flexibility and conveni-ence to fly when, where, and how you want. Seawings, the UAE-based seaplane operator, has launched an air taxi service in which you can charter flights be-tween the business and leisure destinations in the UAE to Muscat and Qatar. Chartering a Seawings air taxi is very much like a tradi-tional taxi. You can choose the pick up point, the departure time, and the destination. The only dif-ference is you are travelling by air. Across the Middle East there are 27 landing locations to choose from, ensuring you travel city to city without getting delayed, ac-cording to the Seawings. With the ability to land on water, the seaplane can offer direct flights to various city locations in the UAE such as Abu Dhabi Corniche, Dubai Creek or Dubai Marina.



Call +971 4807 0708Email reservations@seawings.ae

For more details log on toseawings.ae

According to the company, an air taxi isn’t subject to the same la-borious processes as traditional aviation. You don’t need to arrive two hours before departure. There are no queues to get past security. When the seaplane takes off the water, the airport is usually just a jetty. So you won’t spend 20 min-utes having to navigate through a huge airport in search of the ter-minal gate. “Flexibility is one of our prime USPs as a traveller who is on a tight schedule would like to travel at his own pace. Easy access to the cities within a short span of time would be a close second. To wrap up the entire experience the seaplane journey itself is a unique proposition that is not available to the regular traveller as they are treated to the scenic beauty of the region while flying with us,” said Mithu Agarwal, commercial manager, Seawings.

Air Taxis can be booked online or over phone with the company’s sales team. Seawings operates a fleet of Cessna 208 Caravan air-craft. According to the company, these have been specially cus-tomised into amphibian aircraft, providing the flexibility to land on the water. Unlike the noise from a helicopter propeller, flying in a seaplane is serene, just a soft whirl coming from the engine. In terms of the flying experience, it’s very similar to travelling in an execu-tive standard jet. Each air taxi ser-vice has space for nine passengers plus luggage, with spacious leather seats that provide padded comfort. Bose headphones and blankets come as standard. “We land on wa-ter, so you can disembark directly into your destination. Whatever the reason for travel, a seaplane ensures you quickly and sublimely connect the dots,” said Agarwal.

You don’t need to be at an air-port in the UAE for a flight to Muscat. You can take off from the waters of Dubai, the marina of Abu Dhabi, or dozens of other locations across the UAE.

The destinations include water landing locations in all the Emir-ates, for example Dubai Creek, Abu Dhabi Emirates Palace, Ras Al Khaimah Al Hamra, and Zighy Bay in Musandam. In addition, the company connects to most of the region’s airports, including Doha, Muscat, Bahrain, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi.

However, currently Seawings flies to only Muscat International Airport in Oman besides Zighy Bay in Musandam. There’s no need to check in two hours before depar-ture, no queues at security, and no waiting. Embark on the seaplane as it lulls in a harbour and travel by air to Muscat in under 90 minutes. All charters are fully individual-ised and can operate anytime dur-ing daylight hours. According to Agarwal, the prices are completely dependent on the route being cho-sen by the guest. “An interested in-dividual can send us an enquiry of the locations he wants to fly from and to and we will get back with the necessary quote of the travel enquiry. A traveller can choose any of our locations as we have fly-ing approvals to all the mentioned destinations,” Agarwal said.

“Our rates to travellers are in-clusive of all travelling and han-dling charges. We also have the facility to add road transfers, hotel accommodations and excursions in case guests would like a com-prehensive holiday to be created. We are definitely looking at in-creasing our operations in Oman as this region has a high potential for tourism in addition to the busi-ness traveller,” Agarwal added.— shafeeq@timesofoman.com

S E A ’ S T H E L I M I TSeawings has recently been given permission to land seaplanes at Muscat International Airport,

creating direct and flexible air transfers from Muscat to the UAE’s city waterfront destinations

FIND-IT-ALLC7 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


Emergencies and inquiries: 9999

General Directorate of

Passport and Residence 24569603

Directorate General

of Customs 24521109

Traffic violations inquiries 24510228

Public Relations Admin 24560099


Afghanistan 24698 791/4

Algeria 24605 593

Bahrain 24 605 074/133

Bangladesh 24 698 660

Brazil 24640100

Brunei 24 603533

China 24 696782

Cyprus 24 699815

Egypt 24 600 982/411

France 24681 800

Germany 24835000

India 24684500

Indonesia 2469 1050

Iran 24 696 944/7

Iraq 24603642

Italy 24693727

Japan 24 601 028

Jordan 24692760/1/3

Kazakhstan 24 692418

Kenya 24 697664

South Korea 24 691490

Kuwait 24 699628

Lebanon 24 693208

Libya 24603466

Malaysia 24698329/643

Morocco 24696152/3

Nepal 24696177

Netherlands 24603706

Pakistan 24603439

Palestine 24601312

Philippines 24605335

Qatar 24 691 153/2/4

Russia 24602894

Saudi Arabia 24601705

Senegal 24694139

Somalia 24697977

South Africa 24647300

Spain 24691101

Sri Lanka 24697841/2

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Tunisia 24603486

Turkey 24697050/1/2

UAE 24400000

United Kingdom 24609000

United States 24643400

Yemen 24600815


Al Hashar Pharmacy, Ruwi 24783334

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24782666

Muscat Pharmacy, Ruwi 24702542

Salalah 23291635;

Atlas Pharmacy, Ghubra 24503585

Muscat Region

Apollo, Al Hamriya 24787766

Muscat, A Seeb Market 24421691

Muscat, Al Khuwair 24485740

Muscat, Al Hail South 24537080

Dhofar Region

Muscat, Al Nahdha Road,

Salalah 23291635


Al Amal Medical & Health Care Centre


Atlas Hospital

Ruwi 24811743/

Ghubra 24504000

Al Musafir Specialised

Medical Clinic 24706453

Hatat Polyclinic LLC,

Ruwi 24563641

Azaiba 24499269

Sohar 2683006

Al Raffah Hospital 24618900/1/2

Al Massaraat Clinic &

Laboratory 24566435

Al Makook Medical

Coordinance Centre 24499434

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24787766, 24787780

Capital Polyclinic 24707549

Badr Al Samaa Polyclinic,

Ruwi 24799760/1/2

Capital Clinic, Seeb 24420740

Ceregem National Raak 24485633

Dr Harub’s Clinic 24563217

Elixir Health Centre 24565802

Emirates Medical Centre 24604540

1st Chiropractic Centre 24472274

Lifeline Hospital Salalah 23212340

International Medical

Centre LLC 24794501/2/3/4/5

Kims Oman Hospital 24760100

24 Hrs Emergency 24760123

Lama Polyclinic, Sohar 26751128

MBD 24799077

Al Khuwair 24478818

Magrabi Eye and

Ear Hospital 24568870

Muscat Private Hospital 24583600

Welcare Diagnostic and Treatment

Centre, Al Khuwair 24477666

Al Hayat International Hospital, Al Ghubra

22004000, 94267068/97049520

Al Hayat Clinic, Al Hail 22009455


Muscat Airport Flight information

(24 hours) 24519456/24519223

Aeroflot 24704455

Air Arabia 24700828

Air France 24562153

Air India 24799801

Air New Zealand 24700732

Biman Bangladesh Airlines 24701128

British Airways 24568777

Cathay Pacific 24789818

Egypt Air 24794113

Emirates Air 24404400

Ethiopian Airlines 24660313

Gulf Air 80072424

Indian 24791914

Iran Air 24787423

Japan Airlines 24704455

Jazeera Airways 23294848

Jet Airways 24787248

Kenya Airways 24660300

KML Royal Dutch Airlines 24566737

Kuwait Airways 24701262

LOT Polish Airlines 24796387

Lufthansa 24796692

Malaysian Airlines 24560796

Middle East Airlines 24796680

Oman Air 24531111

Pakistan International

Airlines 24792471

Qatar Airways 24771900

Qantas 24559941

Royal Jordanian 24796693

Saudi Arabian Airlines 24789485

Singapore Airlines 24791233

Shaheen Air 24816565

SriLankan Airlines 24784545

Swiss International

Airlines 24796692

Thai Airways 24705934




Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


15:00 Quriyat 16:30 Daily

15:00 Sur 18:00 Daily

15:00 Jaalan 19:30 Daily


06:30 Sohar 08:50 Daily

06:30 Buraimi 11:00 Daily

08:00 Buraimi 14:30 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 15:45 Daily

13:00 Buraimi 17:40 Daily

16.00 Sohar 18.35 Daily

16.00 Buraimi 20:20 Daily


17:30 Sinaw 20:50 Daily


14:30 Nizwa 16:50 Daily

14:30 Yanqul 19:30 Daily


08:00 Nizwa 10:20 Daily

08:00 Al Araqi 12:30 Daily


07:30 Sur 12:00 Daily

14:30 Sur 18:45 Daily


06:30 Fahud 10:30 Daily

06:30 Yibal 11:15 Daily


07:00 Salalah 20:00 Daily

10:00 Marmul 20:30 Daily

10:00 Salalah 23:30 Daily

19:00 Salalah 07:40 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:50 Daily


15:00 Dubai 07:00 Daily


06:00 Sohar 08:30 Daily

06:00 Dubai 11:30 Daily

13:00 Sohar 15:30 Wed,Thur

13:00 Dubai 18:30 Wed,Thur

15:00 Sohar 17:35 Daily

15:00 Dubai 20:55 Daily


07:00 Fujairah 11.45 Daily

07:00 Sharjah 13.30 Daily

07:00 Dubai 14.00 Daily


Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


05:30 Sur 06:45 Daily

05:30 Quriyat 08:30 Daily

05:30 Ruwi 10:00 Daily


07:00 Sohar 08:55 Daily

07:00 Ruwi 11:40 Daily

13:30 Ruwi 20:20 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 14:55 Daily

13:00 Ruwi 17:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 19:20 Daily

17:00 Ruwi 22:15 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 10:25 Daily


06:00 Nizwa 08:40 Daily

06:00 Ruwi 11:00 Daily


15:40 Nizwa 17:55 Daily

15:40 Ruwi 20:20 Daily


06:00 Ruwi 10:45 Daily

14:30 Ruwi 19:00 Daily


12:30 Fahud 13:15 Daily

12:30 Ruwi 17:30 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 19:50 Daily

10:00 Marmul 13:15 Daily

10:00 Ruwi 22:30 Daily

19:00 Ruwi 07:30 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:30 Daily


15:00 Salalah 07:00 Daily


07:30 Sohar 10:50 Daily

07:30 Ruwi 13:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 16:15 Thur-Fri

13:00 Ruwi 19:10 Thur-Fri

15:30 Sohar 18:45 Daily

15:30 Ruwi 21:35 Daily


16:00 Sharjah 16:30 Daily

16.00 Fujairah 18.15 Daily

16.00 Ruwi 23.00 Daily

CITY CINEMAContact (10 am to 6PM) 24567664 | 68 www.citycinemaoman.netfacebook.com/citycinemaoman

SHATTINow You See Me 2 (2D) (Action | Comedy | Thriller) (PG12) Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson11:30 PMThe Crew (2D) (Action | Adventure | Drama) (PG12) Cast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey Shakurov9:00, 11:45 PMThe Call Up (Action | Sci-Fi) (12+) Cast: Morfydd Clark, Chris Obi, Parker Sawyers9:45 PMThe Asian Connection (Action) (15+) Cast: Michael Jai White, Steven Seagal, Pim Bubear11:30 PMThe Code of Cain (2D) (Action) (12+) Cast: Sally Kirkland, Natasha Alam, Eric Roberts9:30 PM

MUSCAT GRAND MALLUdta Punjab - (2D) (Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh9:00PMThe Call Up - (2D) (Action | Sci-Fi) (PG12)Cast: Morfydd Clark, Chris Obi, Parker Sawyers11:45PMThe Crew - (2D) (Action | Adventure | Drama) (PG12) GOLD CLASSCast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey Shakurov9:00 & 11:30PMThe Crew - (2D) (Action | Adventure | Drama) (PG12)Cast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey

Shakurov9:15PMThe Asian Connection - (2D) (Action) (15+)Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Jai White, Pim Bubear11:45PM

PANORAMA MALLThe Jungle Book - (3D) Adventure | Drama| Family) (PG) MX4DCast: Neel Sethi, Bill Murray, Ben Kingsley10:00PMThe Crew - (2D) (Action | Adventure | Drama) (PG12) VIP LOUNGECast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey Shakurov10:30PMThe Crew - (2D) (Action | Adventure | Drama) (PG12)Cast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey Shakurov9:15 & 11:45PMNow You See Me 2 - (2D) (Action | Comedy |Thriller ) (PG12)Cast: Michael Jai White, Steven Seagal, Pim Bubear11:30PM

The Asian Connection - (2D) (Action) (15+)Cast:Steven Seagal, Michael Jai White, Pim Bubear9:45 & 11:45PMUdta Punjab - (2D) (Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh9:00PMWarcraft - (4D) (Action| Adventure | Fantasy) (PG12)Cast: Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster9:15PM

AZAIBA Albert (Eng) (2D) (Animation) (PG) Voice Overs: Alfred Bjerre Larsen, Oscar Dietz, Asta Nordby10:45 PMKammati Padaam (Mal) (2D) (Crime | Drama) (12+) Cast: Dulquer Salmaan, Vinayakan Tk, Shine Tom Chacko10:45 PM7 Hours To Go (Hindi) (2D) (Thriller) (12+) Cast: Sandeepa Dhar, Shiv Pandit, Vipin Sharma9:15, 11:30 PM

Udta Punjab (Hindi) (2D) (Crime | Thriller) Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh, Kareena Kapoor Khan9:00, 11:35 PM (PG12) Houseful 3 (Hindi) (2D) (Romance | Comedy) (PG12) Cast: Akshay Kumar, Jacquline Fernandes, Ritesh Deshmukh, Abhishek Bacchan11:45 PMOka Manasu (Telugu) (2D) (Romance | Comedy) (TBC) Cast: Niharika Konidela, Naga Shourya, Niharika Konidela9:00 PM

RUWIScreen 1Udta Punjab - (2D) (Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh10:00PM

Screen 2Housefull 3 (2D) (Comedy / Drama) –PG12Cast : Akshay Kumar, Ritesh Deshmukh, Nargis Fakhri, Jacqueline Fernandez10.00 PM

Screen 3Te3n (2D) (Hindi | Thriller ) (PG12)Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Vidya Balan10:30PM

SURThe Crew ( Action | Adventure | Drama) Cast : Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudute, Sergey Shakurov9:15, 11:45 PM (PG12)The Asian Connection ( Action ) ( 15+ ) Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Jai White, Pim Bubear9:45 PMUdta Panjab ( Hindi | Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast : Shahid Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Diljit Dosanjh, Kareena Kapoor Khan11:30 PM

SOHARThe Crew - (2D) (Action | Drama) (PG12)Cast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey9:00 & 11:45PMThe Asian Connection - (2D) (Action) (15+)Cast:Steven Seagal, Michael Jai White, Pim

11:45PMUdta Punjab - (2D) (Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh11:15PMThe Call Up - (2D) (Action | Sci-Fi) (PG12)Cast: Morfydd Clark, Chris Obi9:30PMKammati Paadam - (2D) (Mal| Crime) (12+)Cast: Dulquer Salman, Shaun Romy10:00PMOka Manasu - Telugu (2D) (Romance | Comedy) (TBC)Cast: Niharika Konidela, Naga Shourya, Niharika Konidela9:00 PM

BURAIMISchool Bus PG (Malayalam) (Family | Drama)Cast: Kunchacko Boban, Jayasurya, Aparna Gopinath10:15 PMThe Call Up PG12 (Action | Sci-Fi)Cast: Morfydd Clark, Chris Obi, Parker Sawyers9:30 PM Udta Punjab PG12 (Crime | Thriller)Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh11:15 PMThe Code of Cain 12+ (Action)Cast: Sally Kirkland, Natasha Alam, Eric Roberts9:30 PMThe Asian Connection 15+ (Action)Cast: Michael Jai White, Steven Seagal, Pim Bubear11:30 PM

SALALAHThe Call Up (PG12) (Action | Sci-Fi) Cast: Morfydd Clark, Chris Obi, Parker Sawyers9:30 PMThe Asian Connection (15+) (Action) Cast: Michael Jai White, Steven Seagal9:15 PMUdta Punjab (PG12) (Thriller | Crime) Cast: Shaid Kapoor, Alia Bhatt11:15 PMKammati Paadam (12+) (Mal| Crime) Cast: Dulquer Salman, Shaun Romy11:00 PMThe Crew (PG12) (Action |Drama) Cast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey9:00, 11:45 PM


BAHJA CINEMAFilm information 24540856 / Advance Booking


Website: www.albahjacinemaoman.com

The Asian Connection (Action)

Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Jai White, Pim


9.30 & 11.45 p.m

CP No: 1265 (15+)

The Call Up (Action/Sci:Fic)

Cast: Morfydd Clark, Chris Obi, Parker Sawyers

11.45 p.m.

CP No: 1266 (PG12)

Albert (Animation)

Voice Overs: Alfred Bjerra Larsen, Oscar Diets,

Asta Norbdy

9.30 p.m.

CP No: 1267 (U)

STAR CINEMAFilm information 24791641 / 24786776

Website: www.isurf.co.om

Kammati Paadam (Mal) (Act\Drama)

Cast : Dulquer Salmaan & Vinayakan

9:30 Pm Cinema Main

Udta Punjab (Hindi) (Act)

Cast: Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor & Alia Bhatt

9-30 PM Cinema-2

Oka Manasu ( Telugu) ( Drama\ Comedy)

Cast: Naga Shourya & Niharika

9-45 pm Cinema-3

Jacobinte Swargarajyam (Mal) (Drama)

Cast: Nivin Pauly & Renji Panicker

9-45 pm Cinema-4

Next Change: School Bus ( Mal);

Jackson Durai ( Tamil)

Programmes are subject to change


The Crew - (2D) (Action | Adventure | Drama) (PG12) GOLD CLASSCast: Vladimir Mashkov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey Shakurov9:00 & 11:30PM


The Code of Cain (2D) (Action) (12+) Cast: Sally Kirkland, Natasha Alam, Eric Roberts9:30 PM


Udta Punjab - (2D) (Crime | Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Dosanjh10:00 PM


7 Hours To Go (Hindi) (2D) (Thriller) (12+) Cast: Sandeepa Dhar, Shiv Pandit, Vipin Sharma9:15, 11:30 PM








Send us a colour photograph of the child (below 17 years) whose birthday you are celebrating, along with his/her full name, date of birth, address, telephone number and parents’/your name to Times of Oman, With Love, PO Box 770, PC 112, Ruwi or through e-mail to extra@timesofoman.com


LIFESTYLEC8 W E D N E S DAY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Shat in Dhofar has the most dramatic and beautiful

cliffs in entire Oman. Dare beyond the boundaries of

the cliff to the dangerous steep descent through the

wilderness. Continue by the woods and you will end up

at this secluded beach far away down. The turquoise

waters, sea birds, rounded pebbles, sugary sand with

huge hills in the background, remind us of the beach in

the DiCaprio flick ‘The Beach’. It is out of this world.

-Mohammed Shafeeqe


Location: 16°47’22.1”N 53°40’22.9”E

Breathtaking Beach

There’s no better place for families this season than at Yas Waterworld in Abu Dha-

bi, as the waterpark gears up for a memorable summer packed with Eid festivities, as well as special shows, games and entertainment for guests of all ages to enjoy.

Kicking off the celebrations with the Eid Al Fitr holiday, the Emirati-themed waterpark is set to host fami-ly-friendly activities during weekends

throughout the summer months, and ending with the Eid Al Adha holidays. Little ones are sure to be delighted as characters from IftahYaSimsim, the popular Arabic version of Sesame Street, stop by to meet their biggest fans. The summer party then contin-ues with live music from DJs, along with a number of interactive games for the entire family to take part in such as ping pong, a limbo competi-tion and a number of ‘minute to win

it’ timed contests. The park will also feature traditional Arabic drummers during the Eid holidays, adding an-other touch of Emirati culture to the festivities. Another reason for fami-lies to rejoice is the new Family Pass available throughout the summer.

This pass allows families of four or more to visit Yas Waterworld for only AED180 per person, while nan-nies and children under three years old can enter for free.

Together with its world-class features and amenities that include 45 exhilarating rides, slides and at-tractions, the award-winning mega waterpark is certainly the place to be for the entire family, as well as groups of friends to share and spend Eid and summer holidays together.

For more information or to pur-chase tickets online, please visit yaswaterworld.com—lifestyle@timesofoman.com

There’s something for everyone this season at the mega waterpark, with family-friendly games

and activities taking place every weekend from Eid Al Fitr until Eid Al Adha

Celebrate Summer with Your Loved Ones at Yas Waterworld


Emirates enhances its service to Dakar, Senegal

DUBAI: Emirates has announced that its service between Dubai and Dakar, currently operated by an Airbus A340-300, will be re-placed with a Boeing 777-300ER from September 2, 2016.The change to the larger Boeing 777-300ER aircraft will offer an enhanced onboard experience for Emirates’ Senegalese cus-tomers and those travelling to Dakar from across the airline’s network. The aircraft will be in a three-class configuration with eight private suites in First Class, featuring automated slid-ing doors for privacy, and fully inclined seats; 42 lie flat seats in Business Class; and due to its bigger size, 310 spacious seats in Economy Class. Passengers can discover the updated ice Digital Widescreen, offering over 2,500 channels of on-demand audio and visual entertainment including the latest movies, TV shows, music, audio books and games. Customers will also continue to enjoy the famous on-board hospitality from Emirates’ multi-national cabin crew, including Senegalese nationals, as well as gourmet regionally inspired dishes with complimentary bever-ages. Emirates flight EK 797 departs Dubai every Sunday, Tues-day, Wednesday, and Friday at 0750hrs and arrives in Dakar at 1400hrs. The return flight EK 798 departs at 1745hrs and arrives back in Dubai at 0745hrs. — lifestyle@timesofoman.com

Singapore Air to challenge Gulf carriers’ dominanceWITHIN WEEKS of India easing aviation rules, Singapore Air-lines Ltd’s local venture is charting a course to take on carriers from the Middle East. It’s counting on a surge in international traffic from the world’s fastest growing major air-travel market.

Vistara, in which the city-state’s flag carrier owns 49 per cent, is considering buying or leasing wide bodied aircraft for long-haul routes and will seek funds from its owners to finance the purchase, the company’s Chief Executive Officer Phee Teik Yeoh said in an interview on June 24. Vistara, which has 11 planes in its fleet and is co-owned by India’s Tata Sons Ltd, needs at least nine more to fly abroad under the relaxed policy. The number of international travellers from India is poised to grow 10-fold to 500 million by 2050, according to a CAPA Centre of Aviation study that was commissioned by Vistara. The carrier’s plans may be the start of a fresh challenge for Emirates Airline and Etihad Airways PJSC that have long been the biggest foreign carriers in India and have, along with Air India Ltd and Jet Airways India Ltd, dominated the market for offshore travel. —Bloomberg






W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


*Classified Advertisement space booking with text, should be done till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication.

* Subject to space availability

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461


D2 W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6


*Tourist visa arranged

Spacious 4BHK with split A/C’S, 4

bathrooms & storeroom, near Church

roundabout, Mumtaz area.

Rent:R.O 575, Contact:99349672

Office for rent in Al Ansab near

bank Muscat. Contact: 99466173

3 Rooms, 2 Toilets Flat for Rent.

18 November Street. Near Mars

Hypermarket and The Chedi.

Ghobrah -Good for Commercial or

Residential use. OMR 295/- month.

Call 94477222

One bed room flat for rent near

Indian School Darsait. Contact:


1BHK Darsait 200/- R.O.

Contact: 99342661

Store in Mabela industrial area

100m2. Contact: 99342661

2 BHK near Oman House Muttrah.

Contact: 99233116

10 studio apartments & 12 fully

furnished executive apartments

ready for occupation - location at

Falaj Al Qabail -

Contact 22092638 /94532131;

Email: nitsohar@gmail.com

Room for rent one bed room with

separate toilet Qurum, Mars hyper

market building.

Content: 96570147

I BHK Flat -3 Nos at Hamriya – R.O.

175/-3 Bed Room/ 3 Bath room/

Very big sitting area/ kitchen

- Villa 1st floor with A/C at Al

Khuwair Near Rayyan Residence.

R.O 360/-For families. Contact:

94934353 - 9 am to 7 Pm.

Email – forrentksd@gmail.com

1 BHK near Oman house Muttrah.

Contact: 99233116

Shop for good location on main

road behind whole sale Al Amerat

Space 11 MT long, 4 MT wide.

Contact: 92877449

Room with attached bathroom,

sharing, kitchen for executive

bachelor / lady or couple in Wadi

Kabir near Kuwaiti Masjid, Please

Contact: 96510226/98404827

2 BHK flat at Darsait behind KIMS

hospital. Contact: 92141514

2 bed rooms flat in Wattaya

OMR 300/-. Contact: 99202602

Villa for rent at Azaiba, near al

Meera hypermarket. 4 Bedrooms,

3 toilets, kitchen, sitting room and

dining room. This will include

curtains and air conditioners.

Sharing is allowed ro.500/-.

Please call 99469203

2 Bed room, 2 bath room, 1 hall and

kitchen behind Bank Muscat for

rent. Contact: 99313533

New flats for rent Muscat

Al Zafarania, split units AC , all

rooms & bed room R.O 200/-,

3 bedroom R.O 300/- negotiable.

Contact: 93393755

House in Darsait, 3 rooms,

1 bathroom, kitchen with A/C.

Contact: 95522405

Rooms for rent single rooms with

A/C & bath attached available at

Rex Road Indian bachelor and

family (couple) from 1st July 2016.

Contact: 99116286

Large building with 14 rooms &

big open shed in a compound in

Ghobrah near Mars hypermarket.

Good for staff accommodation and

stores. Please call 98048207 /


1 BHK fully furnish flat in Hamriya

for short terms. Contact – 99792181

1 BHK flat in Al Khuwair for

2 months. Contact – 99792181

1 Room for sharing accommoda-

tion in Al Khuwair.

Contact - 99792181

3 & 5 BHK villa staff accommoda-

tion in Al Khuwair.

Contact - 99792181

Flats, shops & store for rent in

MBD area Ruwi, Mumtaz area.

Contact: 97293708 / 92433127

New villa for rent Al Hail north

neat to Ramez near to Main road

open sitting room with washing

area 3 family hall, dining room

, kitchen with store , laundry

5 BR with bathrooms. Contact:

93387732 / 99259977

Single room flat near Jibroo

roundabout on Road Muttrah:

99373290, 24815012

2 BHK sea view flat Darsait.

Contact: 95311488

2 BHK specious flat behind Bank

Muscat Wadi Kabir near Indian

School: 99373290, 24815012

Flats in Darsait. Contact 94051789 / 97201688

Ghubra & Al Khuwair, 1 bed room,

hall. Contact: 90991079

Flats in Muttrah. Contact

94051789 / 97201688

Flats for rent in Mumtaz,

2 bedrooms , hall Way no 3352

building no. 3447 & 3668.

Contact: 90991079

Two bedrooms flat behind Ger-

man Embassy near to Al Nahda

Hospital. Contact: 99209354

Wadi Kabeer Industrial 80 sm

show rooms for rent 400/- R.O.

Contact: 99879939

Fully Furnished apartments in

Boucher (35). Contact 94051789 /


Offices and flats in Ghala.

Contact 94051789 / 97201688

2000 sqft land with p/cabin,

toilets at YETI. Contact 99221683

/ 92830110

Offices & Showrooms in Al Khood.

Contact 94051789 / 97201688

Flats in Qurum. Contact 94051789

/ 97201688

Flats in Ghobrah. Contact

94051789 / 97201688

Brand new villas in Al Ansab.

Contact 94051789-97201688

Flats in Al khuwair. Contact 94051789-97201688

Villa in Al Khuwair, 6 rooms,

living room & hall.

Contact: 91153933

Flat for rent in Darsait 1BHK.

Contact: 99357586 / 97500025 /


Villa for rent at Azaiba, near Al

Meera hypermarket, 4 bedrooms,

3 toilets, kitchen, sitting room

and dining room, this will include

curtains and air conditioners.

RO 520/-. Contact 99469203

Flat for rent 2 BHK in Darsait

North near Indian School about

200 mtrs, rent RO 300/-.

Contact: 94101134

3 BHK flat at Azaiba, Opp. Sultan

Centre. Contact 99261522

Shop for rent at Wadi Kabir Indus-

trial area. Contact: 99888390

Flat for rent in South AlGhubrah

3 rooms, hall and 3 toilets, kitchen

rent 450/-. Contact: 99335580

1 B/R Fully Furnished Luxury

Apartment @ Al Khuwair 33, 2

B/R Fully Furnished Luxury

Apartment @ Al Khuwair 33, 4

B/R Unfurnished Apartment with

attached Split A/C @ Azaiba. For

Short Term or Long Term lease.

Contact: Atlas Real Estate & Rent A

Car LLC : 99249069 / 94617563/

99436312/ 92888376,

Email: info@alshahiintl.com

2BHK split A/C 200/- Monthly

& 1BHK spilt A/C 150/- monthly

new building good location Barka

Market. contact 99342661

Flat in Al Khuwair opp grand mall

4 room 3 toilet + hall kitchen in 3

floor 400. Contact 99420346

2 BHK flat at Wadi Kabir behind

Pioneer Hotel apartment.

Contact: 99857332 /99261522

Rent flat near Ruwi Badar Al

Sama, 2 bed rooms, attach bath-

room, big hall, and big kitchen.

Contact - 99345137

Rent flat in Wada Adai, one bed

room with toilet, big kitchen, hall

with A/C. Contact 99345137

3000 Sqr mtrs compound land in

Misfah. Contact 99792181

1700 sqr mtrs open Land + small

store + garage for Rent in Ruwi.

Contact 99792181

Deluxe two bedroom flat at

Mumtaz area, two bathrooms, good

size living/dining room, modern

kitchen and a guest bathroom.

Contact 99310375

3BHK, 2BHK and 1BHK flats with

split air conditioners are available

for rent in new building in AL Qurum,

near Rose garden. Interested persons

may content on Phone Nos. 95133331

/ 96722449

1 BHK near medical Darsait, Mut-

trah house R.O 180/-

. Contact: 95076261

Villa for rent in South Mabellah,

3 bedrooms, sitting room, family

Lounge, kitchen, three Toilets Contact

92212212 between 10 AM to 5 PM.

Ruwi office space for rent,

Saravana Bhava Building.

Contact: 95729549

2 BHK with Split A/C in MSQ, Bareeq

Al Shatti, Al Ghobrah near Indian

school. Content: 96708000

1 BHK Flats are available near Lulu

Darsait (Opp. to Min. of Defense)

Contact: 93202733 / 94771769

DAILY GUIDEW E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6 D3

2 bed rooms flat with hall,

2 bathrooms in Darsait near

Muscat Municipality.

Contact: 92584715/ 24700120

Flat for rent 2 BHK 2 split A/C,

2 toilets, Wadi Kabir near Kuwaiti

Masjid. Contact: 97007934 /


2BHK Big Size Flat Behind Bank

Muscat, Wadi Kabir. Near ISWK.

97826454, 24815012.

House in North Al Hail with 3

rooms, living room, hall, 4 toilets

300 RO. Contact 99738881 /


Warehouse at Wadikabir - total

area 3500 sqm - covered ware-

house (500sqm), office, ac-

commodation (1000sqm), open

area (2000sqm) please contact:

99273774 - 99202278

1BHK at Hamriya near Muscat

Pharmacy & 2 BHK at Mawaleh

near Mosque Sadiq Al Amin.

Contact: 99224748 / 99332297


Dental chairs for sale sparingly

used dental units for sale.

Contact Mr. Ansari 92616343.

Kumar 99570284

Shop for sale and electronic Ruwi

high street main road side shop

exit in good reputed building.

Contact: 95238577 / 95178297

Well running computer shop for

sale in Al Seeb Souq near Ooredoo

showroom 30Sqm, 2 shutters.

Contact: 92501276

Dental chair for sale in Salalah.

Contact – 99082092

Laundry / empty shop near

Camellia Café, CBD, Ruwi.

Contact: 92868123 /92841089

Tender Board Construction

Company for lease / Run.

Contact: 92868123 / 92841089

HD Scaffoldings, Shuttering

Jacks, Wooden Planks, Shuttering

wood assorted, Tower hoist (lift),

Concrete Mixer, Bending Machine,

Steel Fabrication Machinery

(Searing/Cutting, lathe & Welding)

including tools for immediate sale:

Contact 99273774/ 99202278

Luxury Apartments in Boucher

(35) / Ghala / Qurum. Contact

95056808 / 97201688

Shop for sale opp Towell Service

Center, Wadi Kabir.

Contact 99221683

1No brand new containerized

package type STP 100 m3/ day

with blower equipments (suitable

for camps). Serious Buyers may.

Contact: 99445367

Book Shop in a busy shopping

mall for sale, interested parties

please contact 99851255

Single colorful Bed and Sofa for

Sale at Al Khuwair.

Contact 92881849 /

What`s up No 97290565

Steel Scrap materials for im-

mediate sale. Contact: 99273774/


Space for printing press avail-

able at wadikabir with or without

machinery. Contact 99328430

Almost new beach/ garden

lounge chairs /bar stools/ counter.

Photos can be sent 95865457

Restaurant for sale heart of Ruwi.

Contact 92346306

Shop for sale at Ruwi high street.

Contact: 98787853

Urgent sale of steel scrap only

serious buyers kindly contact

+968 96725423

for viewing the items.

Shop for sale near Oman House,

Muttrah. Contact 99024362.



SIZE : 4’ X 8’ X 18MM




Nissan Pathfinder 2013 No-2 lady

driven KM 50.000 power sterns

auto transmission power window

R.O 6500/- Contact: 99157377

Mitsubishi Outlander 2008 model

4 cylinder, 2.4lt, Metallic grey ,

135000km , excellent condition ,

expat driven , single owner Price

R.O 3.500/- Neg.

Contact: 99330486


condition,Colour White, Make

2004, Automatic Transmission,

Done 236000 Kms. #93667236

Audi Q3. Expat lady Dr driven

(Ibra). Excellent condition, Silver

color, done 69000kms.New tyres.

Extended warranty and free ser-

vicing up to feb2018. OMR 9500.

Contact - 97609733

Izuzu 3 ton vehicle model 2013 &

Izuzu 4 ton vehicle model 2008.

Contact: 99719124 /24454550

Mazda Portege 323, 2002 model

for sale. Contact: 99719298

Toyota Corolla, 2010 Model,

134000 Km, good condition at

RO 3350. Call 95230586

Toyota Corolla 1.8xli Automatic

2007 July 113000Kms Expat driv-

en excellent condition RO.2750

Contact: 98924106

Mazda 6, model 2005, company

maintained excellent condition.

Price RO 1250/- Mazda 2, model 2014, 45,000km, for sale.

Price RO 2950/-

Call: 95244761

Mazda6, 2.5L (classic model,

2014) expat driven, excellent

condition , 80.000km , mulkiya till

march 2017, RO 5.700 ( Negotia-

ble). Contact: 99415861

Toyota Prado, 2009 model,

6 cylinder, single expat owner

used, white pearl color, km 287k

Contact- 99318152

Nissan Qashqai 2013 Kms 30,000 VGC comprehensive

Insurance UAE / Oman.

Contact: 96995430




Partner / investor 20% - 30%

share transfer running building

construction company.

Contact 93163157

Urgently required looking to

immediately buy used Grit blast-

ing & airless spray equipment 1

No each. Contact: 968 24810930

/ 93203772 / 93203773 /


IELTS Coaching (academic)

required nearby wadi Kabir area.

Please call on mobile or msg on

Whats up.

Mobile # 92927880/99012165


Party & Wedding equipment rent-

als. Full line, from Tables, Linen

& Skirting, Chairs & Chair covers,

Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, Chaf-

ing Dishes, Ice Sculptures, to Large

Sound Systems and spectacular

lighting. Call Andrea 9606 2222 for

Catering and Croyden 9623 5555

for Sound & Light. ww.tunesoman.

com, E-mail: info@tunesoman.com

Furnished apartment for rent,

two rooms, majlis, hall, kitchen.

Near Carrefour al-mawalah.

Contact 99336776

Two rooms near khimji supermar-

ket (Darsait). Contact: 92147907

2 BHK villa for rent 600 meters

behind Carrefour / city center

Seeb. Contact: 99311979 (Francis)

Sharing room at Ruwi for R.O 50/-.

Contact: 99385287

One single room available for

executive bachelor at CBO area

fully furnished and WIFI available.

Contact 92779732

Sharing accommodation avail-

able for bachelor / family at Ruwi.

Contact: 99008436

Furnished room with TV, A/C

fridge at Hilat, Al Saad near main

road. Contact: 95714202

Furnished room available with

attached bath and balcony, near

MBD area. Contact: 97636432

Single room executives Wadi

Kabir. Contact: 99336206

Accommodation available in a

villa for south Indian family, one

bedroom, hall, kitchen north

Ghobrah. Contact: 99209160

2 Rooms (furnished) toilet, kitch-

en for small family or bachelor,

Hamriya. Contact: 98335050

Room for rent with sharing, kitch-

en in Al Khuwair behind Burger

King. Contact: 92994415

2 BHK available Mumtaz area

Ruwi. Contact: 99269751

Fully furnished room available

for executive bachelors opp. Star

Cinema. Contact 92886715

Independent room in Qurum /

Hail. Contact: 96229522

Room, bath room for executives in

Wadi kabir. Contact 99336206

One room available in 2BHK in

Al Falaj area for Executive bach-

elor only. Contact 99131742.

Furnished room attached bath

for Indian bachelor, Al-Falaj

Ruwi & lady Wadi Kabir near

Mars hypermarket. Contact:


1 BHK appartment for rent in Al

Khoud Shabiya near mazoon mosque

for rent (next to alkhoud medical

center and squ) MOB: 93913224

Sharing Accommodation avail-

able for working ladies opposite

Al Nadhah Hospital. Preferably

Indians. Room with seperate toilet

and sharing kitchen.RO.90.

Contact 96524717

Room with attached bathroom for

a family in Wadi Kabir.

Contact: 97167857

Furnish bedroom with attach

bathroom for executive bachelor.

Contact: 97704794

Room available in Mumtaz area

1 room, 1 Bathroom, Kitchen &

1 room, common bathroom.

Interested please contact

92680041 Mr. Altaf

Room available for Executive

bachelor at Al Hail.

Contact: 96234708

Room with attached bathroom

and sharing kitchen available for

Executive bachelor or small family

at wadikabir. Contact 93049849


Used office house furniture

& electronic items. Contact:

99834373 / 96642500

Bobcat available for rent.

Contact 97623299

Buying cars for cash.

Contact 90202090

We, Kolathappully Narayanan Reghu (name of father as per the

passport, holder of Indian Passport

No. K4640000) and Deepa Reghu

(name of mother as per the pass-

port holder of Indian Passport No.

L 3322222) having permanent

address in Kolathappully House,

Potta P.O., Chalakudy, Thrissur -

680722 (complete postal address

in India) and presently residing at

the following address in Ghubrah,

Oman P.B. No. 30, PC- 111, Sultanate

of Oman, hereby solemnly affirm

and declare to change the name

of our child, Master Govind Reghu

(name as per passport) holder of

Indian Passport No. K1060035

date of issue 26-04-2012 issued at

Cochin. The name of our child will

be henceforth known as Harigo-

vind Reghu (new name) for all

purpose. Any objection towards

change of name of our minor child

may please be communicated to

Embassy of India, Muscat, Diplo-

matic Quarters, Al Khuwair, P.Box

No. 1727, Postal Code 112, Ruwi,

Sultanate of Oman.

I Cholayil Abdul Latif (holder of

Indian passport No. Z 2432978)

Son of Konthalam Hassan having

permanent residence in India, 95

A/15 Subah , Karikode, Thodupu-

zha ( complete postal address in

India ) and presently residing in

Oman , P.B .No 10 P.C 111 Muscat

(complete postal in Oman) intend

to change my name from Cholaayil

Abdul Latif (old name) to Abdul

Latif Kontalam Hassan ( new

name) for all practical purpose.

Any objection towards my name

change may please be communi-

cated to Embassy of India, Muscat,

diplomatic Quarters, AL Khuwair,

P.Box No, 1727 postal code 112,

Ruwi , Sultanate of Oman.



Please contact – 95213273Email:

muscatcoff eeshop@gmail.com

For a successfully Catering Restaurant

Investor cum Partner is required.

Investor with fi xed returns also welcome.



Public Relation Service (PRO)

Document Clearance,

Business setup,

Formation new Companies,

LLC Companies,

Investor Visa, Legal Services.

Contact Saleh:


WEB, ERP and Business Intel-

ligence (BI) creation and manage-

ment at rock bottom price.

Contact: http//webviewoman

New flat for rent separate prop-

erty in Al Mawaleh South 3, 3 bed-

rooms , 3 bathrooms , hall, Kitchen

& store. All are with A/C split unit.

Contact: Whatsapp 98575157

Flat for rent in Al Mawaleh South

3, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hall,

kitchen & store with air condition.

Contact 98575157

2 BHK one bath one toilet sepa-

rate near ISM Darsait close to Al

Noor hypermarket and Muscat

pharmacy. Contact: 99354975 /


Villa available –Built up 300m2,

3 bedrooms, sitting, family lounge,

kitchen, 3 toilets, near 100 meters

from Indian School Sohar-

Contact: 26843530, 95856630

2 BHK flat in AL Ghobrah near

Indian school. Contact: 95933961

Studio & 1 BHK flats in Al Khuwair

rent 170/- & 200/-.

Contact: 97616158

3 bedroom well maintained flat

(villa type only 2 flats in one bldg)

in Al Khuwair, behind Al Aktham

restaurant villa no 1839, Way no

3922 block 239.

Contact: 99462980

Home for rent (4 bed room), Ruwi.

Contact: 95178248

2 BHK, 1 hall and Mawaleh north

Masjid Sadiq Al Amin. Contact:

99224748 / 99425665

5 Rooms, 2 hall villa 18th Nov

road north Azaiba.

Contact: 99224748 /99425665

2 BHK, 1 Hall & seating room

Athaibah. Contact: 99224748 /


Two bedrooms flat behind Ger-

man Embassy nearer to Al Nahdha

hospital. Contact: 99203954

2 Bedroom, 1 sitting room, 1 toilet,

1 kitchen at Darsait.

Contact: 99022487

3 BHK Al Khuwair. R.O 375/-.

Contact: 97799175

1BHK Ghobrah R.O 250/-. Contact:

97799175 /92144045

1.2.3 BHK flats & villas. Contact:

92144045/ 97799175

Flats for rent near Indian school

in Wadi Kabir.

Contact 99777122

Flat for rent in Al Khoud, 2 rooms

& hall. Contact: 91763665

2BHK split A/C for rent Muttrah

near Oman House.

Contact: 97007934 / 92629232

1 Bed room, sharing K& T, R.O

100, 2 bedrooms , sharing K& T

R.O 200/- in AL Khuwair.

Contact 95154331

Flats in Wadi Kabir. Contact

94051789 / 97201688

02 BHK residential flat opposite

to Al Nahdha hospital.

Contact: 99342733 /99795241

Flat for Rent 2 bed room Near

ISM muscat Indian Scoole

Darsate Tel : 00 968 95158570

Plot at Barka next to Germany

College & next to Aramex Com-

pany, next to Bahwan Warehouse,

next to Omasco warehouse 37,074

SQM2 required 0.250 Baiza per

SQM. Contact: 99888390

Labor Camp available with all

facilities near Sohar Port.

Contact: 98050654 / 99015826

5 BHK Villa in Al Khuwair,

for Staff Accommodation.

Contact 99792181

2 & 3 BHK Flat in Al Khuwair &

Ghubra. Contact 99792181

4 BHK Villa in Bowsher Heights.

Contact 99792181

Furnished office (61M2) for sale

/ rent Al Khuwair near Zawawi

Mosque. Contact: 95611569

Nurul Islam has lost Bangladeshi

Passport No. AF 4888155 . Finder

please handover to ROP

Hari Lal has lost Bangladeshi

Passport No. AF 0328271 Finder

please handover to ROP

Sharing accommodation

near ISD. Contact: 99657340



DAILY GUIDED4 W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6



Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624


















Tailor shop requires Master Cutter & hand embroidery.

Contact – 99359700

Required Indian Mason – 5 nos., eligibility (minimum 5 yrs experi-

ence in road construction field).

Contact: 99882127

Email: georgymv@yahoo.com

Required Shop Sales man + Hard-ware Technician for IT Company

with minimum 2 years experience.

Contact: 98825806 / 98825806,

Email: info@rns-group.com

House maid cooking cleaning

experienced with babies required

immediately. Contact: 95584060 /


IMMEDIATE - Housemaid wanted for an Indian Family - husband, wife

and 2 girls. Visa, accommodation and

all other requirements will be pro-

vided. Please call me on 92725141.

House maid for Omani family.

Contact: 99773100

Wanted service Technicians for

diesel generators and diesel air

compressors for a fast growing

rental company persons having

thorough knowledge with Perkins

/ Cummins engines,

ELGI compressors with Oman

driving preferred.

Contact: 95443350/95041935

Urgently Require BE civil En-gineer with 2+ years experience

and Omani driving license must ,

Salary R.O300/- Send CV to

nctp@nctp786oman.com or

Contact: 24565337

Testing / Protection Engineer with minimum 05 years of experi-

ence and should have Oman DCRP

license, Interested candidates

send resume to


Electrician with qualification

and experience.

Contact: Fax: 24727481

Email: alsatrading14@gmail.com

CCTV & Burglar alarm Techni-cian. Urgently looking for an

Expatriate with minimum 5 years

experience with NOC. Email your

CV with recent Photograph to:


A medical centre is looking to hire immediately a talented Nurse to join our successful team,

required 3 years of experience,

Oman prometric, data flow. Send

your CV to- issalibi@gmail.com or

Whatsapp - 91254820

Wanted staff nurse with MOH

license, immediate appointment,

to work in a private clinic. Perma-

nent post or locum. All Nationals

can apply. Salary negotiable, free

accommodation available.

Contact – 99048170/ 94870029

Urgently required Pharmacist for a Pharmacy in Barka.

Contact 99452755

Required GP Doctors, gynecology, X ray tech staff nurses. Contact: 99681325 Email:


Wanted for Ibra clinic lab Tech-nicians gynecologist physician lady medical officer MOH license

and NOC needed or prometric with

high score and dataflow.

Contact - 99373493


GP doctor needed for reputed clin-

ic. Preferably with MOH license or

with Dataflow & Paramatics pass

Contact: 95388934

Required outdoor Sales/ Market-ing Executive with experience

in selling Technical- Mechanical

products/ building materials &

hardware/ auto parts. Graduate

with Oman license preferred.

Apply to: jobalkent@gmail.com or

fax to: 24799615

Advertising & interior company required Sales Executive with

driving /L send CV to


Require Salesman with D/L for

construction, Ind materials,

hydraulic hoses & fittings.

Contact 99221683 / 92830110

Required smart, young, dynamic Sales & Marketing Executive hav-

ing 2-3 years sales experience for

a reputed manufacturing company

in Oman, having its Head Office in

Ruwi. Experience in building mate-

rials is an added advantage. Omani

Driving License and NOC is a must.

Attractive remuneration package.

Apply with photograph to

E-mail: salesjobds@gmail.com

Required female person to work

at the retail shop/Marketing.

Please send your CV on e mail:


Urgently required south Indian cooks with NOC, having suitable

experienced. Contact: 94268319


Email: ashok.k55@yahoo.com

Shawarma / grill / Salad / Chi-nese, Cook. Contact: 96229522

Shawarma / grill / Salad / Asian Cook. Contact: 95529970

WANTED Female Gynaecologist,

Female GP- Two Female Staff Nurse (From India or Pilipino)and One

Female Dental Assist and

Female Lab Technician. With MOH Licence and Data Flow for

Al Saadi Specilised Medical Centre, Musanna.Contact # 92025033,

Email : dr.srininvas76@gmail.com

A foodstuff distribution company in Muscat is looking for an Accountant. The candidate should

have good communication skills,

in depth knowledge of MS office

application & tally. Email us at


A leading cosmetic company in

Muscat is looking for an

Accountant – Email: us on


An Omani Audit firm is seeking audit partner to join the firm, the

candidate should be completed any

certificate course CIA,CPA, CA, ACC,

and 4 years’ experience, interested

candidates to submit their CVs to :


Part time Accountant available to

handle all accounts up to finaliza-

tion and audit work.

Contact: 95804210

Indian male B.Com graduate

looking for suitable placement in

accounts, office Administration &

marketing, 12 years experience,

NOC available Oman D/L.

Contact: 95804210

Part time Accountant up to finali-

zation auditing available after

4 pm. Contact: 91126314

Sudanese GIS Analyst hold mas-

ter in RS & GIS Resident have an

experience in accounting & store

management. Contact: 97943738

Indian 20 years well experienced

accounts & finance professional

looking for immediate placement

NOC available. Contact: 94546455

Email: salahuddin8@gmail.com

Young Indian male (25) with

B.Com degree on visit visa with

D/L and N.O.C for simple opportu-

nities preferably in accounting.

Contact : 96324484

7 Years experience as Financial

Analyst, MBA in finance. Respon-

sibilities- research contributor,

financial statement analysis,

generating MIS & efficiency report,

managing TAT, business & clients.

On visit visa in Muscat.

Contact- 90191628 / 96175780

Part Time Accounting, Audit

Preparation, Internal Audit, Monthly

Reports, Accounting set up for new

companies, GSM: 96975454,

email: ibfc.gcc@gmail.com

Part time accounting workers up

to finalization, on monthly basis &

yearly finalization works.

Contact : 96247295

ACCA qualified professional lady with 5 years experience in finance

management accounts is looking

for a suitable placement NOC can

be Contact: 94521899

Accountant Indian male, 6 years

experience up to finalization in tally

with reporting knowledge & good

knowledge of payroll, having Oman

D/L, NOC. Contact: 92540313

Accountant , female , 1 &half

years experience up to finalization

in tally, good knowledge in report-

ing, pursuing ACCA, valid D/L.

Contact: 95373751

28/male/MBA - finance/B.Com -

Accountant with 4 years of Dubai/

India experience looking for a

suitable placement. # 90187483


Indian female 28 yrs B.Com 4 yrs

experience in MNC’s currently in

Muscat seeking suitable placement

in Finance / Admin. #94743790

Construction Company looking for Architect with experience in

Oman. Contact 97192707

Required Beautician for Beauty

Saloon at Ghobrah. Clearance / visa

available. Contact no. 95924910

Urgently required a Gulf experi-enced professional hair dresser cum beautician (lady) for a

reputed beauty salon.

Immediate appointment.

Contact: 99816262 / 98557585

Fax: 24796211 Email:


Beauty salon needs lady for

henna. Contact: 93336061

Indian male 31 chartered account-

ant with 2 years Oman experience

looking for suitable placement NOC

available. Contact: 96357827

Email: ubasikeeran@gmail.com

Indian male B.COM, MBA 4 years in

Larsen & Toubro total 26 years gulf

experience English, Arabic speaking

driving license NOC available.

Contact: 95588565

Accountant Having 5 Years expe-

rience in reputed companies.

Currently working in Muscat


Email Shahid0717@gmail.com

Indian/MBA/male Chief Accountant 18Yrs Experi-

ence, MIS, C.Flow, Budgeting,

ERP, Cost accounting &Liasing

with auditors. NOC available.

Contact: 92254691/97826674

email: khader2305@gmail.com

Indian (Male) having 17+years

Experience in Trading & Health-

care seeking senior Position in

Accounts (11 years GCC Experi-

ence)currently on Resident Visa

(NOC Available) and has a valid

Omani Driving Licence. Contact:

91335026; skumartp@gmail.com



Indian male age 26, Accountant

one year experience in accounts

looking for suitable job. Contact -

Email: Anishkhan991867@gmail.

Com Mobile: +968 9565 9415

Qualified and experienced MBA

post graduate with proven work

exposure in Middle East & India,

having more than 5.5 years of rich

experience in accounts , project

coordination and administration in

(3.5 years UAE experience) oil and

gas projects is currently looking for

suitable job. Contact 93953613,


Indian male 25 yrs, Graduate in

commerce, overall 5 yrs exp in

accounts/ finance field. On visit

visa. Immediately available.

Contact 92836216 /


Indian male 31 chartered Accountant having 2 years Oman

experience looking for suitable

placement in finance and audit

field NOC available.

Contact: 96357827 Email:


Urgently required a Graphic designer with 2 years experience

in graphic designing, Photoshop,

illustrator. Send CV to

email: hr@cityvago.com

Advertising and signboard making company required fresh or

experience Graphic designer send CV to


Accountant available with NOC,

7 years experience in Oman.

Ready to join immediately.

Contact 98263394

Well experienced Account M.Com

available with NOC, Tally & ERP.

Contact : 99035707

Indian male 34 yrs, M.Com –

Finance with 5 yrs experience in

Accounts in India, presently in

visiting visa looking for a suitable

placement. Contact: 93671785

Email: jeyan903@gmail.com

Indian male 34 Yrs, Dual MBA

Finance and marketing with IT

skills, 7+ yrs of experience,

Looking for suitable placement.

contact 94879615,Email-


Sudanese Accountant, Alexandria

University Graduate bachelor of

commerce Diploma of Marketing

professional photographer worked

in PR and social media for 2 years

looking for a job in public relations

media, social media or marketing.

Contact: 96976240

ACCA member with 6 yrs of experi-

ence in Oman looking for a suitable

job in finance. Contact: 99284193

Accountant 8Years Experience

with D/L and NOC. # 97712084

Indian, Kerala Male B.COM & B.PE,

Currently on Visit Visa. Looking for

a suitable job in Accounts, Store

Keeper, Sales etc. Ready to join as

early as possible. # 96988923

email:- sajith3969@gmail.com

Urgently required a Purchase Manager to handle all the pro-

curements for a reputed Ready-

mix concrete Company, having

its branches all over Oman. The

candidate should possess required

experience, product knowledge

and excellent communication

skills. Interested candidates may

send their CV to sndakshin@gmail.

com / Contact: 99256757

Wanted a experience Driver for Capital and Interior work.

Gsm : 942-888-63

Required Omani Driver

for a restaurant. Contact 95929911

Looking for a full time driver with

valid Omani license. # 95454033

Required urgently driver, experience Omani or expat drivers

with P.D.O. license.

Contact: 98242478

Light driver job exp 4 years, know

Hindi, English, Arabic, Education

B.A. Contact: 98522914

Light Driver / Supervisor Fluent in

English & Arabic, Well knowledge

of Muscat Areas Looking for

suitable placement.

Contact Tariq: 97950869

Driver light duty (house or com-

pany) valid Gulf D/L looking job.

Contact- 95175192

Pakistani driver with car Subaru

2004 model. Contact: 99667817

Driver with Electrician 4 years

experience looking for job.

Contact: 97456062

Pakistani driver with 3 years

experience, seeking for placement

familiar with Batinah & Sharqiyah

regions. Contact 99832706

Looking for driver job.

Contact: 99035942 /97383016

Looking for job driver. Contact: 94158238

Six years experienced light duty

vehicle driver looking for a suit-

able placement. Contact: 96362871

Driver with light duty license 10

yrs exp. Contact: 94566432

Driver with car. Contact:93346085

13 years experience driver.

Contact 95068976

Bangladeshi driver looking for job.

Contact: 97418036

Experience driver 12 years experi-

ence in GCC, seeks suitable place-

ment. Contact: 93722881

Required marketing / PR manager

for a modern restaurant group in

Oman , proficient in illustrator &

Photoshop charismatic , proactive ,

creative & flexible excellent writing

/ Editing skills degree in relevant

area fluent in English. Send CV to


Architect and 3D visualize three

years experience 1.5 in Oman flu-

ent in Arabic and English have Om-

ani driving license looking for job

with consultancy office or interior

design firm. Contact: 94673937

Architect Engineer seeking for

suitable job, 8 years experience.

GSM : 96075000, Email :


Indian female diploma architect

6 years exp in Oman Engineering

consultancy, valid Oman driving

license. Contact: 96683293 /




Interior design supervisor 6 yrs

experience valid Oman license NOC

/ release available. # 92508926

URGENTLY REQUIREDBuildings construction

qualifi ed & experienced male Projects Manager

with Civil Engineering B.SC & quantity survey knowledge 10- 15 years experience. For a Muscat based well known

construction company. Email - alfayafy@outlook.com

Fax - 24479675

Indian male age 24, B.Com.

Accountant having 2 year experi-

ence and currently in Muscat.

Looking for suitable placement in fi-

nance or Audit. Contact: 90766307

Email: shhaazz.007@gmail.com

Indian Male 22 , Graduate , Spe-

cialized in Tally ERP 9.0, SAP B 1&

Professional in Indian & Foreign

Accounting (CPIFA) with 1 year

work experience , on visit visa in

Muscat , Contact no:91782545


A leading chain of franchise restaurant requires


Send your

Urgently required experienced and trained kindergarten Teach-er for a well reputed bilingual

school in Mabela area Muscat

interested and suitable candidates

must reply to

Email: anitasuresh11@yahoo.com

Required English, computer and science female Teachers up to

grad 4. Contact - 95054916,


contact time after 5PM MISCELLANEOUS

Advertising company required Graphic designer knowledge of

designing, Photoshop, illustrator,

coral draw & Salesman with D/L. Send CV to


Contact No: 94771366/ 95338210

Looking for Female Journalistic or advertising & media back-

ground. Contact- 99342237 /

9394 6622/

Email: ali.matani2@gmail.com

Required candidates for following

posts: Accountant, Storekeeper, Foreman Building Maintenance, Van-salesman (water), Helpers. Candidates with Omani driving

license preferred.

Contact 99273774/99202278



Required gynecologist GEN: practitioner lady lab Technician and pharmacologist immediately

for a clinic in Suwaiq. # 95081010

Email: umchealthcare@gmail.com

Wanted Staff Nurse for

a dermatology clinic in Muscat .

Must have MOH license and NOC.

Attractive salary offered. Email:


Indian female 33 years with 9.5

years experience (1yr in Oman) as

Executive Secretary, Administra-

tion, Sales Coordinator, and HR

coordinator seeks suitable place-

ment. Contact 97985059


Indian Female, MBA-HR having

8+ experience in Administration/

HR, Customer Support, Office Coor-

dinator with good Computer skill,

Now on Visit Visa,looking for suit-

able position. Contact: 90196235

With 15 years of gulf experience in

HR- Admin logistics looking for suit-

able position fluent in Arabic & Eng

NOC available. Contact: 95824598

Indian male 21 yrs Graduate in

business administration (BBA)

with computer knowledge (hard-

ware & software) seeks suitable

employment immediately.

Contact: 98085633 / 98898504

Indian female, MSC more than 6

years Oman experience in office

coordination, administration &

managerial, clerical jobs looking

for a suitable position.

Contact: 91303124

Indian female, 27, MCA, 2 yrs

experience in Administration and

HR in India & Oman. Currently in

family visa seeking suitable jobs

preferably in Muscat.


Indian/ 23yrs female/ 5yrs GCC

experience with NOC looking for a

suitable position in HR/Admin

/ Accounts/ BD.

Contact +96890656997

Indian female with nearly 10 years

of Oman experience in Administra-

tion & HR, seeking suitable place-

ment. NOC available.

Contact: 99242841

Branch Manger required to

manage entire Business.

ftt@futuretarget.net 99110080

IT Engineer, min 4 years experi-

ence in Biometric Attendance Sys-

tem and CCTV camera, preferably

with D/L. Apply to hr@unitedsys-

temsit.com or call 99423442.

Qualified and experience Technician required for the kitch-

en restaurant equipments. Who

can repair hot and cold equip-

ments will be preferred. Contact:

Email: alsatrading14@gmail.com /

Fax: 24727481

Care Medical Centre Al Seeb

requires Gynecologist and General Practitioner. Mail CV to:


Urgently required experienced female Lab Technician, with knowl-

edge of histopathology & cytology,

with MOH release, for a well-known

laboratory in Al Khuwair.

Contact: 95271561/98893034

Filipino HRD especialist /

material controller supervisor with

18 yrs experience looking for suit-

able job in Oman. Contact: (+968)

98037142 / (+968) 92659817

Indian female MBA / HR, 2.5

experience seeking suitable job.

Contact: 99257214

Indian female MBA fin & HR now

on visit visa looking for suitable

placement. Contact: 92097764

Indian Male MBA (UK), 9 years experience in Dubai/London/Mumbai in Management Consulting,

Sales & Marketing, Business Development for Real Estate/Banking

seeks similar placement with D/L.

Contact: 95168205

DAILY GUIDEW E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6 D5







years experience in construction at

Oman seeking suitable position -

NOC available - Contact 94427535


Diploma in Mechanical Engg, 10 years exp in steel fabrication

site work with valid Oman driving

license. Contact: 94696192

B.Sc Civil Engineer 7 years gulf

experience total experience 9 years

having GCC D/L seeking for suitable

replacement local release available.

Contact: 98628515/ 98289234

Email: sofiq.sohel02@gmail.com

B.E Electrical Engineer, Age 28 yrs.

5.5 yrs experience. 2 yrs in OMAN

as site supervisor/ site engineer,

with valid GCC license.

NOC available. Contact: 95527936

Email: pksg07@gmail.com

Civil Engineer diploma, 4 yrsexp

seeks suitable position ina reputed

company. NOC available.

Contact 96789711

B.E Mechanical Engineer, age 24

with almost 1 year experience as

Production Shift Engineer, has

achieved training on HVAC

Engineering design and has good

hands on software like AutoCAD

and HAP.Currently in Oman on a

visit visa, looking for a suitable

placement.Contact: 95065955

email: mjs.jazeb@gmail.com

Mechanical diploma, Indian male

26, 4 years experienced MEP

supervisor seeks suitable openings

NOC / Release available.

Contact: 97901559

Civil Engineer 8 years experience

Structural buildings marine. Avail-

able NOC release. Contact: 92451323.

Email: zubairali134@yahoo.com

Indian male Electrical Engineer, having 6 years gulf experience

in designing, assembling, com-

missioning execution etc having

valid GCC license too looking for a

suitable. Contact: 00968-98052942

Email: azamjeelani78@gmail.com

Civil Engineer (B.Tech), Indian

male 24 years with 1+years Indian

experience,(Certified in Staad

Pro/ Quantity Survey/ Auto Cad).

Looking for a Suitable position.

Available In Sultanate of Oman

(Muscat) on Visit Visa.

Contact 92157694. E-mail:


An Iraqi civil with more than

30 years experience in (Iraq and

G.C.C) looking for a job, (N.O.C)

available. Contact: 96561306

Email: iq.bgd.mnsr@gmail.com

Indian male, Mechanical

Engineer having 1year experi-

ence, on visit visa looking for

suitable job. Contact:97416564,


Mechanical Engineer with one

year’s experience as Asst. Piping

Engineer having good knowledge of




ing for suitable opportunity. Contact:


Fresh Engineering graduate M-

Tech in mechanical Automation

and automobile Engineering now

in Oman on visit seeks suitable

placement. Contact: 95853514 /


Fresh Engineering graduate

B.Tech mechanical engineer-

ing now in Oman on visit seeks

suitable placement. Contact:


Electrical Engineer: Indian male

30 years, having 5 years of experi-

ence in industrial automation &

utility maintenance in Indian,

holding valid Oman D/L.

Contact: 92789995 Email:


Indian male BE Mechanical with

11 years experience in Automo-

tive Engineering and Industrial

Maintenance in Oman with valid

driving license seeks suitable job.

On release in Oman-92880593

Civil Engineer B.Tech with 6+

years in supervision designing

planning and QC expert in Mech,

civil software. Contact: 90719263

Project co-odinater & AutoCAD

draftsman Indian male, 8 yrs exp

in Oman in civil, interior, precast-

ing with D/L & NOC.

Contact: 92188496, Email:


Quantity surveyor (B.E Civil) 5+

years experience in buildings and

mosque N.O.C available ready to join

immediately. Contact: +97826597 /


Email: sai.praba.777@gmail.com

For preparing Civil / MEP Auto CAD drawings.

Contact -93480346.

Email: cadjobsoman@gmail.com

Civil Engineer 7 years experience,

Driving license, NOC available.

Contact- 98078095

Electrical Engineer B.Tech, Indian

available in Oman, 2+ years Oman

exp (MEP) Light D/L.

Contact - 93832935

Civil Engineer (QS) 2 yrs exp

seeking job UAE D/L.

Contact: +96895641991

Indian male MBA Finance & Marketing 25 yrs

having 1.9 years of experience Finance & Marketing

Contact: 95206140/ 96992013 Email:



B.E Mechanical Engineer, age

33 with 6+ years experience in

GCC in MEP building construc-

tion field (execution and design of


with D/L, NOC available

Contact 96978380,

Email: prajithks@gmail.com

Construction Machinery repairs

Engineer, 5 years, driving license,

Contact - 94001961

Agriculture Engineer 2 8rs, with

5 yrsexp in the field of agriculture,

landscaping & irrigation. Since 2

yrs working in different projects.

Having valid UAE driving license.

Currently in Oman (Salalah) on

visit visa. Contact – 94120190 /


Architectural Draftsmen diploma

in construction technology with 6

years experience in drafting and

detailing as per British standard

in Oman with valid Omani license

looking for suitable opportunity

Noc available. Call 94375897.

Autocad works freelance, MEP, Civil

works, Interior, 2d/3d, BOQ etc.

Contact 97103168

Revit, Autocad D/man, expected

salary 200 OMR PH :92279784

Filipino Senior Revit/AutoCAD

Draftsman with 20 years profes-

sional experience is looking for suit-

able job in Oman. Please Contact:

96489798, (+974) 66653780.




SAP Business Objects / Data

Warehousing professional. 10

years experience with top IT

global companies (HP and Accen-

ture) in team leading roles. Oman

Family visa. Looking for jobs in

Muscat. Contact: 91487199

Indian male ERP Consultant 15

yrs exp, 11 yrs in gulf looking for

IT management jobs, local release,

Oman D/L. Contact: 94618761

Indian female, MCA currently on

family visit visa skills in ASP ,

NET , DBMS, AutoCAD civil seeks

suitable placement NT, Interested

in teaching. Contact: 90417133

Email: renjitharose04@gmail.com

Indian male 22 years B.A. Anima-

tion & Graphic Adobe suites and

Maya, seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 90930015 Email:


Female, 31, B.Tech- ECE/CCNA/

GSM, 5 yrs Oman experience in IT

support (AD, exchange, TMG, UNIS

Server admin, In-house apps sup-

port, project placement, Transfer

NOC available. Contact: 95742398

Indian Male, MCA Graduate, 15

yrs exp in ERP, CSM Certified,

seeking suitable role.NOC Avail-

able. Contact : GSM : 90189284

Email: meetlibran@gmail.com

Indian female M.Sc Computer

Science seeking suitable place-

ment in Muscat area.

Contact 98660672

SAP Business Objects / Data

Warehousing professional. 10

years experience with top 5 IT

global companies (HP and Accen-

ture) in team leading roles. Oman

family visa. Looking for jobs in

Muscat. Phone: 91487199

Indian male 31yrs old with hotel

management degree, 3 yrs experi-

ence in F&B services at 5 star hotel

Dubai, 05 yrs in American 06 star

cruise liner has butler. Has Oman

driving license. Contact- 99859150.

Diploma Civil Engineering (certifi-

cate attested) 6 years Oman experi-

ence as interior work site in charge

/ quantity surveyor NOC/ Release

available.Contact: 93120433

Civil Engr. Diploma 8 yrs exp in

construction & consultancy with

auto cad. D/L.Contact: 93060770

Email: vinodpmani@gmail.com

Civil Engineer, Indian male 4

Years experience in Oman & India.

Looking for Permanent Placement

in Oman. NOC Available, Contact:


Civil Quantity Surveyor with 3yr

UAE experience seeking job.

UAE driving license holder.

Email: javad.ahamad@gmail.com

+96895641991; +971557969671

Electrical Engineer 5 years

experience substations oil & Gas

water projects fluency in Arabic &

English & English driving license

available. Contact: 99525856

Indian male Civil Engg. 11 years

experience having Omani driving

license, NOC available.

Contact: 95797286

Email: nasim.anzar@yahoo.com

Chemical Engineer with MBA &

experience looking for job.

Contact: 94908977

Mechanical Engineer, B.Tech (Post

Graduate) looking for suitable

placement. Contact: 99576846

mail: rajeevt@modern-irrigation.com

Mechanical Engineer 7 years

experience plumbing firefighting

water pipeline projects fluency in

Arabic and English driving license

available. Contact: 91117089

Architect Engineer seeking for

suitable job 4 years experience

currently working in Muscat, NOC

available. Contact: 99823368

Electronics & telecommunication

BE Indian male having skills in

electronics communication, net-

working , embedded having 2 years

experience looking for suitable po-

sition available in Oman on family

visit visa. Contact: 93051918 Email:


Indian male, Structural Engineer

looking for job in structural design

field. Having 6 years of experience

in design field. Residing in Muscat.

Contact: 91176187

Email: syam036@gmail.com

Civil Engineer 8 years experience

in Oman as a project engineer for

governmental & private projects.

Contact – 90164912

Young Indian, Engineering in

Bio-technology, Bio-chemical and

Chemical, looking for a challenging

placement in Oman.

Contact 97607000. Email:


Mech. Engineer 10 years GCC

exp automobile / oil & gas / const

project / plant, equip machinery in

charge with driving license NOC.

Contact: 95774585




Indian male B.com MBA 4 years in

L &T total 26 years gulf experi-

enced English & Arabic speaking

driving license with NOC.

Contact: 95588565

Indian candidate with 15 years

experience in Facility Manage-

ment (Soft Service) looking for

part time assignments / Consul-

tancy Opportunities.

Contact- 98469311/96179737

27, Indian female B.com gradu-

ate with 4 years experience in

procurement and purchases on

family visa looking for immediate

and suitable placement.

Contact: 95828986

Sudanese 27 yrs BSC in IT having

Omani driving in resident visa

experience in Administration P.R.O

general account and tourism

language Arabic and English.

Contact: 94907717

Email: momazoon@gmail.com

Indian looking for a job in the

trade 27 years of age for a friendly

college degree.

Contact: 96424192

Sudanese male bachelor geology

and mining with 3 years experi-

ence in MUD logging and training

in soil investigation.

Contact: 92956848

BS in Electrical Engineering, Experience: 5 years(Power Plants).

Contact: 92475206 Email:


Indian male 28yrs Bcom 3yrs

exp. in warehouse operations

(including pharmaceutical). Well

knowledge in WMS & ERP, looking

for suitable job. Ph. 95576686,

E: sijofranz@gmail.com (UAE visa

holder, currently in Oman)

Indian male, 28, post graduate,

6+ yrs exp in Oman in sales (back

office) & credit control with valid

Oman D/L looking for suitable lace-

ments. NOC available.

Contact 92066 523

Indian Female, 25 Years - MSc

Biotechnology, 1yr exp. in Clinical Mi-

crobiology & 6 months working exp.

in international crop reserch

institute of semi arid crops (ICRISAT)

Looking for suitable job.

Contact 92619048,

Email: anusreeg1991@gmail.com


Indian Male with 13 Years Oman

Experience as Assistant Pharma-

cist with Valid MOH License and

Oman D/L is looking for a Suitable

Job in Muscat Area. NOC available.

Please Contact: 92121414

Sri Lankan female qualified in UK

with BSC (Hons) pharmacology and

MSC pharmaceutical science with

management studies having one

year experience in Sir Lanka, look-

ing suitable placement in regulatory

affairs, clinical research / trials,

Pharmacologist, pharmacovigilance

and research. #99550318

Indian female dentist specialized

Endodontist, looking for suitable

placement. Parametric completed.

Contact: 96410448


Chief Accountant/Finance Manager

– Indian male, CA Finalist, having

20 years’ experience in Finance,

Accounts, Audit, Finalization of Ac-

counts, preparation of Project Reports

etc., looking for immediate placement.

12 yrs. in Oman in Construction and

Consultancy co., have Omani D/L,

knows Tally. Contact 94041048,

email: jobmuscat49@gmail.com

Indian male - 8 yrs exp as HSE of-

fice/supervisor -on visit visa- seeks

suitable opening in Sohar - Contact

94532131 / 98317698;

Email: jaseerhse@gmail.com

8 Years experienced camp boss

worked in SAOG CO. Looking for

suitable position. NOC available.

Contact - 94298945

B.Tech Civil Engineer 2 years

experience on visit seeks urgent

placement. Contact: 98233199

Electrical Engineer with 16 years

experience in switchgear / trans-

former / over head lines & trading,

looking for sales / procurement &

project planning & Execution with

NOC & D/L. Contact: 95994727

Email: qurm340@gmail.com

Mechanical Engineer (B.Tech)

Indian male with 1 year experience

on visit visa looking for job,

qualification in QA-QC, HVAC&

piping engineering.

Contact: 90510800 Email:


Indian mechanical supervisor (diploma) 17 yrs experience in pet-

rochemical construction (fabrica-

tion erection) in all steel structural

and mechanical jobs, on visit visa

seeks suitable placement.

Contact: 90924467

Email: pnpraveen@yahoo.co.in

Indian male 24 ,B.E ( E.C.E ) grad-

uate with 3 years of experience in

the fields of BMS and Low current

systems and has good knowledge

about Electronic Security Systems,

currently working in Oman, NOC

Available. Contact:-94737033/


Electrical & Electronics Engr,

knows autocad & revit.

PH: 93837973

Pakistani male Diploma Civil

Engineer 4yrs exp in Oman bull-

ing & mega projects, valid license

Oman. Contact: 98921022

Sr. Electrical Engineer with17+ yrs

of exceptional exp in spear head-

ing strategic planning and project

management initiatives & execut-

ing various high rise residential

& commercial building as well as

roads and highway project with

proficiency in installation, seeking

a challenging position in a dynamic

organization. Contact 96570891

Quantity Surveyor / Site Engineer

6 years experience in Omani have

valid driving license release avail-

able looking for immediate place-

ment. Contact: 96394948

Indian female 25years M.E (pow-

er electronics) 3years experience

in teaching profession looking for

suitable job. Contact no 97003267

& 94214909

Email: laliped106@gmail.com

Indian female dietician with 3

years experience in India seeking

a suitable placement preferable in

Muscat. Contact: 99104209



Female B. Ed English teacher, 7 yrs exp seeking suitable

placement. Contact 99739415 /



Indian, 20 years experience in

Oman as personal assistant / office

manager / executive secretary /

administrator / business develop-

ment asst. seeks job change. Release

available. Contact 99168054.

Lady Secretary / Sales Co-coor-

dinator 12 years experience in

Oman in reputed companies, seek

immediate Employment.

Call: 95244761

Looking for part time job Secre-tarial / Data Entry / Documenta-

tion available every day after 5:00

pm Friday / Saturday full day area

preferred Ruwi/ CBD/ MBD /

Al Khuwair. Contact: 90414827

Indian female BE, 3 years office

assistant experience, seeking


Mechanical Engineer (B.Tech)

Indian male with 2 year experience,


Work on Oil Rigs, Work as an QA/QC

inspector, Ultrasonic testing,

Radiographic testing.

Contact: +91 9567526566

Email: adujohnson10@gmail.com

Indian Female, 25 Years - MSc

Looking for suitable job.

Mobile: 92619048,

Email: anusreeg1991@gmail.com


Electrician, plumber, helper, In-

dian & gulf exp looking job.

Contact - 95175192

Mason, sh/carpenter, steel fitter,

with medical. Contact- 95175192 or

mail, oman.manpower@yahoo.com

Mechanical Engineer (Sudanese)

3 years experience : Fire fighting,

HSE, Design, Production.

Contact: 93642704

Email: mohamedfdl87@gmail.com

Civil Engineer (Indian male)

5 years experience in Oman with

valid Omani driving license & NOC

looking for suitable opportunity.

Contact: 93101283

Sr. Quantity surveyor B.Tech (Civil

Tech) above 8 years (7 years in

Oman) having driving license NOC

available. Contact: 92324791

Civil Engineer, young Indian

having almost 2 years experience

looking for a challenging position

seeks suitable position in Oman/

GCC. Please contact 92718490,

Email ID: uvais.pk82@gmail.com

Senior Land Surveyor 23 yrs Oman,

UAE & Egypt GPS, T.S

Construction roads infrastructure oil

feed electric works OHL, UGC grid ,

primary substation processing data.

Contact: 95326927 / 92928981

Email: sdsda802@gmail.com

Indian male B-tech 8 years expe-

rience as senior electrical project

engineer / QC engineer on visit

visa seeks suitable placement.

Contact 94094543

Email: anwar425@gmail.com

Site Supervisor, Diploma in

Civil Engg (cert attested) knows

autocad revit, salary exp: 250

Ph : 92279784

IT Support Engineer, Exp 3 years

in Oman 2 years in India.

Contact: 94672759

Indian male 4 years experience in

IT as Programmer / Web Support/

CCNA/ Network on visit visa seek-

ing placement. Contact: 93069694

Email: mrabrar14@gmail.com

3 years experience in IT Software

field, seeking suitable jobs.

Contact: 96350234, Email :



Indian female 29 years Post Grad-

uate with computer Knowledge 2

years of Oman experience in coor-

dinator & 5 years of experience in

customer service, client relation

officer with excellent communica-

tion skill seeks suitable placement.

Contact: 95337665

Oil &gas experienced Indian lady

with 6 years in sales & market-

ing to PDO and having valid

Omani driving license. Contact


Indian male 1 yr exp in sales

automotive (TBL) looking for best

opportunity , NOC available.

Contact: 97793879

Email: shyampkn@gmail.com

Indian Male, 26 M.Com with

4 yrs of Experience in Accounting

& Administration in a Financial

Company in India, seeks suitable

job, Currently in India.

Contact India:-+918907212253

Akhil:-93626288, Email:


Indian male Graduate with 18

years of Marketing experience

presently in Oman on family visit

visa, looking for best opportunity.

Contact: 96168687

Email: dhibupaul@gmail.com

Sales 2 years B.Com male 24 yrs,

Indian. Contact: 00968 94212636


DAILY GUIDED6 W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624



Indian male graduate, 10 years ex-

perience Oman seeks job in Sales &

Marketing. Contact: 92133277

Indian male 3.5 yr experience in

Oman sales and purchase having

valid Oman driving license seeking

for suitable job. Contact 91076676

Sales representative with 7 years

experience and valid Oman driving

license, NOC or release avail-


Indian male 26 years of experi-

ence of sales & marketing in surgi-

cal and laboratory equipments.

Looking for good replacement.

Contact – 92015894 / 95774854

Indian female, MBA Marketing

with 4 years experience with

4 years experience with Oman

experience, NOC and D/L looking

for suitable opening with visa.

Contact: 92460623

Indian female, BSC, Bed, MBA

(Marketing) 3years experience,

seeks suitable in the marketing

section. Contact: 95041134

Email: divya.vini@gmail.com

Indian Male, MBA marketing 5 yrs

exp. in sales & 4 yrs in FMCG

sector, looking for best opportunity.

NOC available.

Contact: 96001877

Indian male 33 having 6 yrs exp in

Oman & 4 yes exp in Qatar having

valid Oman D/L seeks opportunity

in sales & business development.

Contact: 98260607 Email:


Indian male 24 B.com, 2years of

experience in sales & admin &

proficient in M.S Office, Excel.

Contact: 98613373

Email: syedismailnoor@gmail.com

Indian male MBA 5 yrs experience

in Oman and India seeking suit-

able position in marketing & sales

NOC available. Contact: 93059175

Email: pranodsathyan11@gmail.



Filipino Male, 28 years Old. Looking

for job, Have experience in Rent

a Car/ Cargo & Logistics / Real

Estate/ Customer Care Executive /

Sale Executive & Marketing/ Shop

In- Charge. Hard working w/ good

computer and communication skill.

GSM: 97761075

Indian male 37 years MBA gradu-

ate in marketing with 9yrs of

experience in UAE in field of brand

promotions & marketing with UAE

D/L on a visit seeking suitable

position. Conatct 95792820

Indian Male MBA, 5 years Build-

ing Materials Project Sales experi-

ence in Oman, NOC available,

seeking for placement.

Contact - 90655903,99325544

Indian Male, Experienced in

FMCG & other kind of Sales,

looking for suitable placement in

Foodstuff/FMCG Industry with

valid GCC license.

Immediately available.

Contact: 94625495.

35 years male, Lebanese hold-

ing British passport, 10 years

of experience in procurement,

Omani Government tenders, setup

marketing plans & strategies,

importing, Organizing events,

management, have car, NOC avail-

able. Contact 94123939

Email: 002015r@gmail.com

B. Com 2 years experience in

Sales Marketing Logistics

Accounts and Front office

Contact 95506048


MISCELLANEOUSIndian Male, B.Com + Dip. Logis-

tics 2year experience looking for

a job in Accounts/Logistics Field.

Presently on Visit Visa

Mobile: 93884951/


4years and 7months experienced

Female seeking job related to Of-

fice Job, Data Entry and Desk-

top Administration. Completed

diploma in Computer Science.

Contact: 94653264

Master in Aeronautical engineer-

ing (PhD) having 4 years experi-

ence. Seeking job in universities,

colleges, schools and industries.

Contact 98259462



Karate and self defense classes

at Azaiba 18 Nov Street. RO 10 per

month twice a week Monday and

Tuesday 6. 30 TO 7. 30. PM.

Contact: 98294551

Spoken Arabic class for Non Arabic Speakers & English

class for Malayalam Speakers in Azaiba and Ruwi

earn in two monthstion guaranteed

Tel: 95244310

Indian male (B.E) Quality Control-

ler and Supervising. 3 year good

working experience. Better knowl-

edge in quality control technique.

Searching for suitable job. Mail:


Contact: GSM : +91 9786418033 /

968 91894487

Indian female 23 ORACLE ERP

Technical consultant 2+exp skills:

oaf, forms reports and bipublisher.

Contact - 91156571 email:


Indian Male 30 year GCC driving

license and past experience as

project coordinator looking for a

suitable position. Project coordina-

tion, Sales executive, marketing

executive or any other suitable

post. Contact -97070427

Indian Male 24 years, HSE , 3

years Experienced as WELDING



level II, per SNT-TC-LA (Radio-

graphic Testing (RT)Penetrate

testing (PT) Magnetic Particle

Testing(MT)Ultrasonic Testing

(UT)RTFI, looking for a suitable job.

Contact 99334770

Master in Aeronautical Engineer-

ing (PhD) having 4 years experi-

ence. Seeking job in universities,

colleges, schools and industries.

Contact 98259462


Mechanical Engineer 3 years of

experience in HVAC mechanical

engineer one year experience in

Auto Cad B.E (mechanical engi-

neering) revit mep, auto cad, stcw,

huet.mobile: +97430384909

email: kijomonc@gmail.com

Indian male 21, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com ) having 2 years of

experience in cash counter (Na-

tional trading & spare parts)look-

ing for a suitable placement on a

visit visa. Contact:+968 95919647

/+968 94245753/


Indian candidate with 15 years

experience in Facility Management

(Soft Service) looking for part time

assignments / Consultancy Oppor-

tunities. Contact- 98469311

Indian Male, 23, BBA Graduate,

fresher, no D/L, looking for a suit-

able job. Contact: 94032041; Email:


Part- Time Accountant, well expe-

rience senior accountant, doing all

type of accounting works, Finaliza-

tion, Budgeting available.

Contact: 98803439

Qualified banking & Accounts

management profesional seeking

suitable job opportunities. Current-

ly working in India with ICIC Bank.

Email: sheemoljohn@rediffmail.com

Contact# 919755550181

Filipino Male: 35 yrs, with 3yrs

Technical & Customer Service,

2yrs Online Ad Serving, 1yr dmin-

istrative work experiences looking

for suitable job. Contact 97852816

Project Engineer, Mechanical In-

dian Male, 26 years 3 Years experi-

ence in Projects of Tanks, Boilers

and Steel structures Aware of int.

Standards B.Tech in Mech engg


com Mob-00917350860889

25, Indian female (BCA- Com-

puter Application). 1yr experience

as teacher and graphic designer.

Knowledge in Photoshop, illustra-

tor, in design. Looking for suitable

job in office administration, teach-

ing and graphic designing.

Contact - 98426509

Filipino Cabin steward / Linen

vallet is looking for suitable job in

Oman. Contact: +968 91065438 or

email: blonglive@gmail.com

Indian male Administrative

officer Four years experience in

same field. Well known MS office

tools, Specialization in handling

back office operations, inter of-

fice correspondence, confidential

mails, Quotations, Monthly billing.

Searching for suitable job in Oman.

Contact: +91 9750572088/ E-mail

id: vijaypmk99@gmail.com

Indian Driver, with Oman driving

license having 10 years experience

in Oman, looking for suitable posi-

tions. Contact-91519047

Indian male network cabling tech-

nician (19-years gulf experience)

seeking for suitable placement.

Contact: 0091-8089909265 (In-

dia) email: mohithavp@gmail.com

Mechanical Engineer, Indian,

(B.E.) on visit visa, seeking suit-

able post. Contact no: 99534733

email: rajesh92prince@gmail.com

HSE Engineer, Indian male 5 years

experience in Oil & Gas. Working

in Shclumberger, NEBOSH, IOSH,

& NDT Certified, M Tech in HSE.


+91 9867016808

Indian male MBA, 24 yrs having

experience in Sales & marketing

seeks suitable placement.

Contact GSM: 93833563

email: arundulala@gmail.com.

Indian male, 24 yrs, B. Com Graduate

more than 1 year experienced in ac-

counts planning to come for a family

visit in oman seeking for a suitable

placement. Contact 99334770/


Indian male 33 years, B.Com, hav-

ing 6 years experience in Oman.

Tally & ERP looking for suitable

placement. Mobile no :98492921

Indian Male, 22, Experienced,

Looking for job in sales (no DL).

Contact: 90801420; Email:


Female Architect on visiting visa,

two years’ experience, graduated

from School of Planning and Archi-

tecture (under MHRD). Proficient

in AutoCAD, Google Sketchup and

creative visualization. Email


Contact 00968-94057427.

Indian Architectural Engi-neer with 2.5 yrs experience in

architectural consultancy firms,

currently on visit visa, looking for

suitable placement Contact no:



Economist: Female, MA & M. Phil/

PhD_ in ECONOMICS. 10 years

experience Banking/Lecturer/Cus-

tomer Service/Trainer, currently

looking for job contact: 97457248

Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 2 years of

experience in purchase (supply

chain management) looking for a

suitable placement presently on

a visit visa. Contact: 93979084 /

97351786 / E-mail:


Indian Female 23 Years, Post

Graduated in Sanskrit (language),

Seeking for Suitable Jobs, (Teach-

ing or Clerical), Knowledge in MS

Office, Good Communication Skill

#96141317, 94614317, E-mail:


Indian male electrician (EEE),

2 years good working experi-

ence searching for suitable job.

Gmail id ; antonyajin15@gmail.

com, Contact; 918148336160 /


Indian male Electrician(EEE)

2 years good working experi-

ence searching for suitable

job. mail ; antonyajin15@gmail.

com, Contact;918148336160 /


Indian male 33 yrs, MBA - HR, worked on


Omanisation and development

plans of nationals ,10 yrs exp.

Seeking a job.NOC avl. # 94179499


Indian Male, 23, BBA Graduate,

Fresher, on visit visa looking for

job in sales/marketing.

Contact - 94032041; Email -


Sudanese male. Bachelor geology

and mining with 2 years experience

in MUD LOGGING & Training in Soil

Investigation. Tel: 92956848

Indian female, B.Tech Computer

Science with 3 years experience

seeking full time job in IT support,

Teaching, HR. Contact: 95933507

/ 97485997

Indian male 25, Graduate in

commerce (B.com) having 4 years

of experience in Office Admin-

istration (admin) looking for a

suitable placement presently on

a visit visa. Contact: 93979084 /

97351786 E-mail:


Indian male, 30.System admin-

istrator/desktop support profes-

sional.5 years of GCC exp.

Visa status: visit (Dubai)

mob: 00971565598176/


Indian male 27 yrs, MBA finance

with 4 years experience currently

in Muscat on visit visa seeking suit-

able placement in finance / admin.

Contact: 90921724

Indian male 43 yrs accountant pres-

ently on tourist visa looking for suit-

able placement in a company 18yrs

experience in managing finance in

Indian and abroad.

Contact 90190648

Indian female having D/L with 12

years experience in corporate / retail

sales & B/D. Looking for a suitable

job in training / IT / Education com-

panies. Contact: 91751077

Email: alamelusara@hotmail.com

Indian male Accountant 2.5 years

exp in Oman with valid D/L NOC

available. Contact: 98870112

Sales & Marketing executive

MBA with 3 years exp , 6 months exp

in Oman with NOC , ooking for suit-

able placement. Contact: 91345727

Sales & Marketing Executive Indian

national with valid Omani D/L with

good command of languages, 18 yrs

exp in Middle East. Looking for suit-

able placement. Contact - 98103829

Indian male 1.5 yrs exp a sales &

merchandising in Oman looking

for best opportunity NOC available.

Contact: 93039342

Indian male 5+ years of experience

as a sales & marketing executive

with valid Oman D/L. #95434902

Indian male 4 years experience in

IT as programmer / Web support /

CCNA / Network on visit visa seek-

ing placement. Contact: 93069694

Email: mrabrar14@gmail.com

Indian female MCA having 3 yrs

experience in teaching looking for

any suitable job in reputed organic

station on visit skilled in program-

ming language VB, JAVA ,C,C,TT &

also WEB development. Contact


DAILY GUIDEW E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6 D7




25 - 50 seater bus with PDO &

BP specification for monthly rent

& small car with driver. Contact


Al Ibtisama rent & leasing. Contact: 91374879 / 96627562/

99382001/ 24751177/ 24751188


Dolphin Watch, Dhow Cruise with Buffet, & Land Tours Al- Ainain Marine Tours contact 98029602, 92808636

We arrange tours & accommodation at all the beautiful places in Oman. Contact 99839898




TRANSPORTATIONTransportation. Contact: 91703829

Transportation available Ruwi to

Al Khuwair, Ghubra & Azaiba.

Contact: 91103909

Transportation available Al Khu-

wair, Ghobrah, Azaiba, Al Hail & Al

Khoud. Drop & pick.

Contact: 95250161

Gulf link rent car get the best rate

daily weekly monthly & long term.

Contact: Tel: 24348106 G.S.M:

98265073 /96023931

Email: gulflink403@gmail.com


New Volvo Trailor available for

rent to UAE every alternative days,

50 ton capacity with reasonable

rent contact.99318152/

email- Ahastco @gmail.com

Transportation required from

Qurum to WadiKabir at afternoon

only 1 PM. Contact - 99012165

Transportation. Contact:96538078

Transportation. Contact 99508282

Transportation. Contact 92015894

Transportation. Contact94510847

Indian male, 26 years 3 Years’

experience in Projects of Tanks,

Boilers and Steel structures

Aware of int. Standards, B tech in

Mech Engg. Contact-



Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 4 years of

experience in same field looking

for a suitable placement pres-

ently on a visit visa. Contact :

93979084 / 97351786, E-mail :


Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 2 years of

experience in same field looking

for a suitable placement presently

on a visit visa. Contact : 93979084

/ 97351786, E-mail :


Indian male 26 yrs (MBA) Spe-

cialized in Marketing have 2 yrs

heavy equipment sales experi-

ence, have GCC driving license

looking suitable job in Oman.

Contact 99180369

Email: khajaaftab@gmail.com

5 years experienced (Front office

& Banking), Indian Male (28 years.

Hotel Management graduate),

searching for suitable position.

English, Hindi, Malayalam,

Arabic fluent.

Noc available. Contact: 91383167

Indian male Electrician(EEE ).

Two years good working experi-

ence searching for suitable job.

Gmail id ; antonyajin15@gmail.

com, Name; Antony Ajin.

G : 918148336160 /918300136160

Economics Specialist: Female ,

MA & M.Phil/PhD_ in ECONOMICS .

10 years experience Banking/Lec-

turer/Customer Service/Trainer

currently Looking for job Call:


Sudanese male, 5 years experi-

ence in supply chain (warehouse

management, logistics and pro-

curement) Contact : 90644186

Transportation. available.

For ladies Contact 92430239


Land for Immediate sale 19 cents

residential land at Bakery J

unction near valsala hospital,

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,

India, for sale. Tar road frontage

with lorry access.

Contact: 98469311/96179737

Ready to occupy just completed

3 BHK in Chennai -Pallikkaranai

:1600sqft ,builders lcs city makers

,high quality construction ,

woodwork done, part of 64 apts all

3bhk in 4 blocks gated community

with swimming pool/gym/com-

mon hall/2 car parking. Genuine

buyers call rag @99235815 or

email: sairaj_2k@yahoo.com

NRI Property for Sale: 774Sq .

2 BHK flat with OC ready at Palava

City Casa Rio, Dombivili, Mumbai

Contact : 97003326, 96791085


Urgently required Villa with 8

rooms near Bausher/Ghala/Al

Ansab area for accommodation of

Staff from a reputed company in

Oman. Interested party may

contact - Mr. Pramith 99694150


FREE INFORMATION ABOUT IS-LAM. If you would like to know more

about Islam, please call: 99425598,

99250777, 99353988, 99253818,

99341395, and 99379133. For ladies:

99415818, 99321360, 99730723


Ayurvedic treatment for joint

pain, backache, paralysis, mas-

sage, steambath, obesity, Spondy-

litis, Ideal Care Ayurvedic Clinic,

18 November Street, Azaiba.

Contact: 99639695 / 97397320

Ayurvedic treatment for back-

ache, paralysis, arthritis etc

& massage, All Season (Vaid-

yaratnam). Contact:24475280 /

95371664 / 92504980




Female Architect on visiting visa,

two years’ experience, gradu-

ated from School of Planning and

Architecture (under MHRD). Profi-

cient in AutoCAD, Google Sketchup

and creative visualization. Email


Contact 00968-94057427.

Indian female, 31 years (B.A., D.Ed)

having 6 yrs of teaching experi-

ence in CBSE schools in India well

versed with electronics devices

teaching, good computer knowl-

edge presently on visit visa look-

ing for suitable job. #97135319

Email: nk.lucky1@gmail.com Indian female , M.B.A, 8 Yrs of

Experience in Oil and Gas industry,

Trading & contracting companies.

working as an Unit Manager for

MNC, HR Coordinator and Office

admin for local companies. seek-

ing suitable placement immedi-

ately. Contact 99179709.

Indian male, 44 Years, Plumbing

Supervisor, holding Omani Driving

license, having 14 Years of experi-

ence in Oman and 8 years in India.

Looking for suitable placement.

Contact - 95154414

D8 W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 9, 2 0 1 6

DAILY GUIDE Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624




Al farzdaq Al Fedi Trad and Cont

Maintenance services electric,

plumbing and A/C. Contact:

96524904 /94285064

A/C Maintenance & Servicing,

Fridge, Washing machine & Dish

washer repairing, Painting & Clean-

ing services, Electrical & plumbing.

Contact 99447257 / 97014234 /


Water proofing ABUQABAS-

Contact 99320217/24788722

Split unit A/C & window unit A.C

servicing & maintenance.

Contact: 96236476

Split unit & window unit A.C ser-

vicing & maintenance.

Contact: 93769089 / 95323517


Cleaning services sofa shampoo,

carpet shampoo, new house, old

house. Contact: 92179395

Marble crystallization & grinding, Ocean center LLC

Contact: 99344723

Marble crystallization & grinding, cleaning & carpet shampooing.

Ocean center LLC.

Contact 99344723

Pest control treatments, Ocean center LLC

Contact 99344723


Window & split unit A.C servicing

& repairing. Contact: 99557080

House shifting & transporting.

Contact 92490422

MARBLE CRYSTALLIZATION restore the original shine of

your marble. Contact 24793614/


Split & window A/C servicing,

repairing, installation ducted, pack-

age etc. Contact Abbas : 98667326

GUARANTEED CLEANING: Carpet & sofa shampooing,

Contact 99314807/24792998

Pest control Gulfa international.

Contact: 92326955

House shifting. Contact


Carpet Shampoo, marble & tile

polishing, pest control &

anti-termite treatment, general

cleaning painting,Plumbing,

Electrical, shifting. Contact Mun-

dhir Al-Rizaiqi trading. L.L.C.

Contact: 24810137, 99450130

House shifting packing. Contact: 99657644/98518013

All Maintenance and services

electric, CCTV Camera, Plumbing

A/C service and gas installation,

painting tiles. Contact: 96524904 /


CAD drawings Archi/ MEP

CAD – comply BIM.

Contact: 91233975

Marble Restoration, Mosaic tiles

polishing, carpet shampooing,


Contact ABU QABAS- 99320217



Parent of Palakkad based Hindu

Nair / Menon boy aged 29 star

pooram, under graduate presently

working in Oman seeking alliance

from parents undergraduate /

graduate nair / menon girl age 21-

23 Contact: 99312383 after 7 pm

Christian Evangelical girl, 27, 150

cm. ICWA, M.Com, working in a

MNC Trivandrum. Seeks suitable

proposals. Contact – 96040125/


Parents of 28 yrs, Indian Boy

from Mumbai, ACCA working as

a senior accountant in Muscat,

seeks alliance from an Indian

Sunni Muslim family. Contact-

(parent): 96408642 email id:


Maternal uncle of Indian Sunni

Muslim girl aged 21, beautiful, tall

and pursuing M.Sc, Urdu speaking

hailing from Chennai seeks

suitable alliance. Contact: 97047811

Christian divorce, male 40.

Contact by Whatsapp: 91346321

Parents of 28 yrs, Indian Boy

from Mumbai, ACCA working as

a senior accountant in Muscat,

seeks alliance from an Indian

Sunni Muslim family. Contact

no. (Parent): 96408642 email id:


Ezhava male, 31yrs, height 5.6,

star Magham, B. Tech aeronauti-

cal, administrative professional,

parents in Oman, native Aluva

(ekm). Mob-99550870

Parent of Thrissur based Hindu

Ezhava girl aged 20, Slim,Atham

star, Studying for B. Pharm seek-

ing alliance from well employed

Graduates, preferably in Engineer-

ing Contact :96425102

Ezhava male, 31yrs, height 5.6,

Star Magham, B-Tech Aeronauti-

cal, administrative professional,

parents in Oman, native Aluva

(Ekm). Contact 99550870

Indian male Roman Catholic 40yrs divorcee working in Muscat.

Seeks suitable alliance from

widow/ divorcee/ single.

Contact 96059801.

Malankara Catholic Male Nurse (28) from Thiruvalla working in

Nizwa Private Co. Alliance invites

parents/nurses working in Oman.

Contact 968 98267338,

0091 9287215726


Manpower available: cleaning

male/female staff, loading unload-

ing and helpers staff available on

contract basis. Contact- 94636086

*Classified Advertisement space booking with text, should be

done till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication.

* Subject to space availability

Home service available, (Threading, facial, waxing,

head massage) R0. 20

Contact 99619409