Timecourse microarray analyses reveal global changes in ... et...described in Tomkins et al. (1999)....

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Transcript of Timecourse microarray analyses reveal global changes in ... et...described in Tomkins et al. (1999)....

Planta (2006) DOI 10.1007/s00425-006-0270-8


Nadim W. Alkharouf · Vincent P. Klink · Imed B. Chouikha · Hunter S. Beard · Margaret H. MacDonald · Susan Meyer · Halina T. Knap · Rana Khan · Benjamin F. Matthews

Timecourse microarray analyses reveal global changes in gene expression of susceptible Glycine max (soybean) roots during infection by Heterodera glycines (soybean cyst nematode)

Received: 30 January 2006 / Accepted: 11 March 2006© Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract Changes in gene expression within roots ofGlycine max (soybean), cv. Kent, susceptible to infectionby Heterodera glycines (the soybean cyst nematode[SCN]), at 6, 12, and 24 h, and 2, 4, 6, and 8 days post-inoculation were monitored using microarrays contain-ing more than 6,000 cDNA inserts. Replicate, indepen-dent biological samples were examined at each timepoint. Gene expression was analyzed statistically usingT-tests, ANOVA, clustering algorithms, and online ana-lytical processing (OLAP). These analyses allow the userto query the data in several ways without importing the

data into third-party software. RT-PCR conWrmed thatWRKY6 transcription factor, trehalose phosphate syn-thase, EIF4a, Skp1, and CLB1 were diVerentiallyinduced across most time-points. Other genes inducedacross most timepoints included lipoxygenase, calmodu-lin, phospholipase C, metallothionein-like protein, andchalcone reductase. RT-PCR demonstrated enhancedexpression during the Wrst 12 h of infection for Kunitztrypsin inhibitor and sucrose synthase. The stress-relatedgene, SAM-22, phospholipase D and 12-oxophytodieno-ate reductase were also induced at the early time-points.At 6 and 8 dpi there was an abundance of transcriptsexpressed that encoded genes involved in transcriptionand protein synthesis. Some of those genes included ribo-somal proteins, and initiation and elongation factors.Several genes involved in carbon metabolism and trans-port were also more abundant. Those genes includedglyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase and sucrose synthase. Theseresults identiWed speciWc changes in gene transcript levelstriggered by infection of susceptible soybean roots bySCN.

Keywords Glycine max · Heterodera glycines · Microarray · Gene expression · OLAP · Soybean cyst nematode · Laser capture microdissection (LCM)

Abbreviations EST: Expressed sequence tag · hpi: Hours post-infection · dpi: Days post-infection · LCM: Laser capture microdissection


The soybean cyst nematode (SCN; Heterodera glycinesIchinohe) is the major pest of Glycine max (soybean) andis responsible for an estimated loss of more than one bil-lion dollars per year in the US (Wrather et al. 2001). Thisis more than the soybean loss from all other pests

N. W. Alkharouf · V. P. Klink · I. B. Chouikha · H. S. Beard M. H. MacDonald · B. F. Matthews (&)USDA-ARS-PSI-SGIL, Bldg.006, Rm 118, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD, 20705, USAE-mail: matthewb@ba.ars.usda.govTel.: +1-301-5045730Fax: +1-301-5045728

N. W. Alkharouf · I. B. ChouikhaSchool of Computational Sciences, George Mason University, Manassas, VA, 20110, USA

N. W. AlkharoufDepartment of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742, USA

Present address: N. W. AlkharoufGenome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, Suite 100, 570 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 4S6,

S. MeyerUnited States Department of Agriculture, Nematology Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, 20705, USA

H. T. KnapDepartment of Genetics and Biochemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 29634, USA

R. KhanGraduate School Biotechnology Studies, University of Maryland University College, College Park, MD, 20742, USA

combined. SCN is a sedentary root endoparasite; thesenematodes invade the root and partially reorganize rootcell function to satisfy their nutritional demands for devel-opment and reproduction (Jung and Wyss 1999). AfterSCN hatch from eggs, they invade soybean roots as infec-tive second-stage juveniles (J2). The J2s are equipped witha robust stylet to cut slits in cell walls to facilitate intracel-lular migration toward the diVerentiating vascular cylin-der, where they induce their permanent feeding structure,the syncytium (Jung and Wyss 1999). At 18 h after inocu-lation of roots of soybean cv. Lee, there is a slight enlarge-ment of cells that will form the syncytium (Endo 1991).Within 3 days the syncytium is greatly hypertrophied andseveral layers of cells are included in the syncytium. Themultinucleate syncytium arises from expanding procam-bial cells whose protoplasts fuse after partial cell-wall dis-solution. At the ultrastructural level, syncytia exhibitcharacteristic features of high metabolic activity, asrevealed by hypertrophied nuclei and a remarkableincrease in cytoplasmic density accompanied by a prolifer-ation of cell organelles involved in synthesis, transport,and energy supply (Jung and Wyss 1999). Wall ingrowths,characteristic of transfer cells, are formed where thesefeeding structures contact xylem vessels. The function ofthese ingrowths is eYcient food withdrawal (Grundler andBockenhoV 1997).

The magnitude of the changes undergone by soybeanduring syncytium formation and development suggeststhat a number of genes are involved. Investigators haveidentiWed several genes that respond to nematode infec-tion, including extensin (Van der Eycken et al. 1996), cat-alase (Vaghchhipawala et al. 2001; Niebel et al. 1995),cyclin (Vaghchhipawala et al. 2001; Niebel et al. 1996), �-1,3 endoglucanase (Vaghchhipawala et al. 2001), aldolaseand GTP-binding protein (Hermsmeier et al. 1998).Recent investigations using laser capture microdissec-tions (LCM) of soybean syncytia both isolated genesfrom and demonstrated localized changes in gene expres-sion within syncytia that were extracted from infectedtissues (Klink et al. 2005). Thus, the complexity of thesoybean–SCN interaction suggests that there are evenmore genes expressed during the susceptible response ofsoybean to the nematode infection.

Microarrays have been used to study gene expressionchanges during cyst nematode parasitism in Arabidopsis3 days post-inoculation to gain a more detailed under-standing of the molecular mechanisms underlying thebasis of nematode resistance (PuthoV et al. 2003). In thatstudy changes in mRNA levels were examined in Arabid-opsis after infection with two species of nematodes, thesugar beet cyst nematode (BCN; Heterodera schachtii)and the soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Arabidopsis is sus-ceptible to BCN. However, SCN cannot establish them-selves in Arabidopsis. Microarrays have also been used tostudy gene expression in plants under abiotic stress andother treatments, including drought, cold, diurnal cycling,salt, temperature, oxidative stress, small signaling mole-cules such as salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate, andseveral biotic stresses (Reymond et al. 2000; Kiegle et al.

2000; Schenk et al. 2000; SchaVer et al. 2001; Kawasakiet al. 2001; Seki et al. 2001; Oztur et al. 2002). However,no study has attempted to examine the gene expressionchanges of susceptible soybean roots during cyst nema-tode infection over a period of several days.

In this paper, we analyzed gene expression in roots ofG. max cv. Kent, susceptible to SCN population NL1-RHp over seven time-points ranging from 6 h post-infec-tion (hpi) to 8 days post-infection (dpi) by SCN, usingmicroarrays containing over 6,000 cDNA inserts speciW-cally isolated from soybean roots. Our results show thatthe abundance of transcripts of numerous soybean geneschange in susceptible roots when examined during themigration phase of SCN infection at 6 and 12 hpi com-pared to those expressed at 6 and 8 dpi. These later time-points coincide with when many of the nematodes haveestablished their feeding site.

Materials and methods

Plant and nematode materials and RNA isolation

Plant and nematode materials were grown as describedpreviously (Khan et al. 2004). BrieXy, Kent (susceptible)seeds were surface sterilized, and then germinated onwater agar plates for 3 days at room temperature in thedark. Eggs from SCN, H. glycines population NL1-RHp,which infects as Race 3 in diVerential screening, were incu-bated in sterile water at room temperature on a rotaryshaker at 25 rpm to promote hatching. After 2 days thejuveniles were collected and concentrated by centrifuga-tion to approximately 3,000 J2/ml. Using a method similarto Hermsmeier et al. (1998), 20 radicals were excised andplaced in a pinwheel formation with the root tips pointinginward on a circle of sterile Whatman 3 mm paper on topof Gamborg’s B5 media (GIBCOBRL, Gaithersburg,MD, USA) in Petri dishes. Replicate experiments usingdiVerent isolations of J2 nematodes and G. max cv. Kentseeds were repeated in their entirety at diVerent times.Petri dishes, each containing 20 roots, were set up for theexperiments. Each set of 20 roots was inoculated with3,000 J2s in sterile water. The control replicates receivedthe same volume of sterile water. After 6 and 12 hpi, and 1,2, 4, 6, and 8 dpi of exposure to the nematodes, the rootsof both mock-treated and infected roots were rinsed indeionized water to remove any debris and J2s that had notinfected the roots. The tissue was then Xash-frozen in liq-uid nitrogen. The frozen root tissue was ground to a Wnepowder using a mortar and pestle chilled in liquid nitro-gen. Total RNA was extracted using the method of Mujeret al. (1996). The yield was typically 300 �g of total RNA/gof wet tissue.

cDNA microarray clones and microarray fabrication

cDNA clones from four diVerent libraries were usedin assembling the microarray. The Wrst library was

constructed from Peking and PI437654, soybean geno-types resistant to SCN population NL1-RHp. ThePeking Lambda ZAP II cDNA library was made withmRNA from the roots and shoots of Peking plants, 48 hafter the nematode infection, according to the manufac-turer’s instructions (Stratagene; La Jolla, CA, USA). Atotal of 1,000 clones from this library, with an averageinsert size of 1,000 bp, were used in assembling themicroarray. Each clone was sequenced with a vectorprimer at the 5�-end of the insert, and the sequencedetected on an ABI Prism 3100 sequencer.

The second and third libraries were suppressive sub-traction libraries prepared from roots of PI437654 asdescribed in Tomkins et al. (1999). BrieXy, in thoseexperiments, uninfected plants (control) were mock inoc-ulated with distilled water. Root segments, 2–3 cm fromthe elongation zone, were harvested at 34 h after the ini-tial inoculations from both infected and uninfected seed-lings. Isolation of infected and control root mRNA wasperformed using mRNA Fast Track Isolation Kit (Invi-trogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA). For the suppression sub-tractive hybridization procedure, about 2 g root tissuewas used. For the forward subtraction, SCN-infectedseedling mRNA served as a tester. Uninfected plantmRNA formed the driver. Conversely, for the reversesubtraction, uninfected seedling mRNA served as atester and the driver was infected plant mRNA. cDNAsynthesis, adaptor ligation, hybridizations, and PCRampliWcations were done according to the procedures ofthe suppression subtractive hybridization kit (Clontech;Palo Alto, CA, USA). Approximately 2,500 clones fromthose libraries were used in assembling the microarray.

The fourth library contained approximately 2,500clones and was obtained from E.I. Dupont de Nemoursand Co, Newark, DE, USA. These proprietary cloneswere individually selected from several libraries, becausethey were known to have a function in the plant defenseresponse.

Nucleotide sequences and predicted amino acidsequences, for all cDNA clones in the four libraries, werecompared against those in Genbank, EMBL, and SwissProt databases using BLAST tools (Altschul et al. 1997).Although some redundant clones were removed afterbeing identiWed through pairwise comparison of eachclone against the EST database housed at the USDA-ARS-Beltsville Soybean Genomics Microarray Database(SGMD; Alkharouf and Matthews 2004) many clones inthis microarray are redundant.

The conWrmed clone inserts were ampliWed by T3/T7-primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a 96 wellmicrotiter plate using a PTC 225 thermocycler (MJResearch; Waltham, MA, USA) with protocols adaptedfrom Hegde et al. (2000). Excess primers and unincorpo-rated nucleotides were removed by ethanol precipitationin the presence of 2 M ammonium acetate. The ampliWedproduct from each clone was checked on a 1% agarose in1£ TBE gel for the presence of a single band, andbrought to a Wnal volume of 5 �l in 50% DMSO 50% TEsolution.

The standard reference design was used for thesemicroarray experiments; the reference (control) samplewas RNA extracted from soybean roots not infectedwith SCN, and the treatment samples were RNAextracted from Kent (SCN-susceptible) cultivars at 6,and 12 hpi, and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 dpi with SCN. Dye swapswere used to correct for diVerences in incorporation andXuorescent properties of two dyes, Cy3 and Cy5. Tworeplicated slides were used for each time-point, one ofwhich is the dye swap, generating a total of 14 slides perbiological experiment. Two biological experiments wereused to account for the inherent variation in mRNAextracted from diVerent plant materials. Six self–self-hybridized slides were also generated for T-test analysis,wherein a pool of RNA was split into two aliquots, onelabeled with Cy3 and the other labeled with Cy5, andthen hybridized to the slide. The complete list of slidesprinted and the probes used in their hybridization arelisted on our web site [http://www.psi081.ba.ars.usda.gov/SGMD/Publications/KentTmeline/].

The PCR products suspended in 50% DMSO/TE at aconcentration of 0.4 �g/ml were arrayed from a 96-wellmicrotiter plates onto silylated Corning CMT-GAPsmicroscope slides. Each clone was printed in triplicate asdescribed previously (Khan et al. 2004) using a Cartesianrobot model PixSys 5500 PA workstation with a telechemprinting head and Stealth quill pins. A total of 6,543 soy-bean cDNA clones were arrayed. cDNAs from alfalfaweevil were printed at concentrations of 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50,and 100 �g/ml to serve as internal controls, and to assessfor labeling and detection eYciencies. The printed arrayswere cross-linked to the slide by UV irradiation at 250 mJusing UV Stratalinker 2400 (Stratagene). The slides werestored in a humidity chamber at 25°C.

Fluorescent probe preparation

Total RNA from each sample was labeled using thereverse transcription reaction as described by Hegdeet al. (2000) with few modiWcations (Khan et al. 2004).Three speciWc control poly (A)+ RNAs (p�11-3; pml-72;Sp3) corresponding to coding sequences from alfalfaweevil, cow, and human DNA, respectively, were synthe-sized by in vitro transcription as described (Khan et al.2004).

Microarray hybridization and analysis

The cDNA used for the hybridizations was obtainedfrom independently run experiments. The arrays wereprehybridized, hybridized, washed, and dried asdescribed (Khan et al. 2004). Microarrays were scannedfor each Xuorophore at a resolution of 10 �m, and aPMT and laser power set to 70, using ScanArray 4000(GSI Lumonics; Meriden, CT, USA).

Fluorescence intensities were extracted from thescanned images using the image processing softwarepackage SPOT which is available at http://www.cmis.csiro.au/ iap/spot.htm. Background subtraction

was performed before calculating ratios. The elementswith either printing or hybridization artifacts wereXagged and discarded before analysis. Only spots with anintensity of at least 1.5 times above the local backgroundin both channels were used for subsequent analysis. ThisWltering process usually removed 5–15% of the elements,the percentage of which varied from slide to slide. Theextracted data from each slide were then log transformed(using log base two) and normalized using the Lowessprint-tip group normalization method (Yang et al. 2002).

Potential artifacts and false positives were eliminatedby selecting for further analysis only those clones thatexhibited similar expression patterns between the origi-nal hybridization and their dye swaps (Yang et al. 2002).These clones were determined by the one-way analysis ofvariance (1-ANOVA) tests, which were used as a tool todetect similar expression levels across replicated slidesand across the two biosamples (Bilban et al. 2002). Onlyclones with an F-value high enough to produce a proba-bility of 0.1 or lower were selected as being similar acrossbiosamples. SQL procedural scripts were written to con-duct such computationally intense calculations for everyclone post-Wltration and normalization. In general therewas little variation between the two biosamples.

T values on log2 expression ratios were calculatedusing Student’s T-test to identify genes with statisticallysigniWcant expression ratios. Self–self-hybridized slideswith equal amounts of cy3- and cy5-labeled RNA fromuninfected Kent (K¡/K¡) were used as control groupsfor the T-test. Most of the clones printed in K¡/K¡show a ratio close to one after Lowess print-tip normali-zation.

T-tests were used to analyze the expression of eachclone in SCN infected Kent versus uninfected Kent (K+/K¡) using background corrected and normalized expres-sion ratios. Genes that had large absolute T-statistic val-ues and positive average expression levels wereconsidered diVerentially induced genes, while genes thathad large absolute T-statistic values but negative averageexpression levels were considered diVerentially sup-pressed genes.

Results of T-tests were used to determine signiWcance(P·0.05) of gene induction and gene suppression. If thegene induction or suppression passed the T-test, then acutoV value of 1.5-fold induction or suppression wasapplied for extra stringency. The high stringency criteriakeep the possibility of false positives to a minimum butat the same time increase the likelihood of false negatives(genes actually induced but are not designated as such).This statistical method takes into account the variabilitywithin slides and between replicated slides as well as bio-logical samples to distinguish gene expression changescaused by treatments from gene expression changesattributable to biological and measurement variability.The use of arbitrary fold changes may be misleading andresult in false interpretations (PuthoV et al. 2003).

The results of the T-test were compared with thosefrom using signiWcant analysis of microarrays (SAM) asdescribed in Tusher et al. (2001). SAM identiWed an aver-

age of 25% more genes diVerentially expressed than ourT-tests using the one class method, which conducts a T-test after calculating a set of data permutations. Theunderlying assumption in the one class SAM method isthat genes have a fold induction of 1 (unchanged) beforetreatment. The self–self-hybridized slides, however, givea better estimate of fold induction before treatment. WeidentiWed a number of genes with fold induction valuesof 1 § 0.25 in the self–self-hybridized slides due to thevariability inherent in microarray experiments. The T-test accounts for this variability but SAM does not.DiVerential genes determined by T-tests were generally asubset of SAM’s diVerential gene list.

Genes were classiWed into functional categories basedon their mapping with the gene ontology (GO) database.The GO database (The gene ontology consortium, 2004)was downloaded and custom SQL scripts were written tomap the putative gene names with that of the GO terms.Genes were subsequently categorized based on whathigher-level molecular function and/or biological processthey best relate.

SQL and online analytical processing (OLAP; Coddet al. 1993; Alkharouf et al. 2004) were used to producelists of diVerentially expressed genes in each of the time-points. In addition the clustering function within Analy-sis Services (Microsoft; Redmond, WA, USA) was usedto Wnd distinct expression proWles in the diVerentiallyexpressed genes.


RT-PCR was performed on G. max cv. Kent roots thatwere either uninfected, or infected for either 12 or 196 h(8 days) with H. glycines isolate NL1-RHp. Aliquots ofRNA for the uninfected roots, or roots infected for either12 or 196 h with H. glycines respective to samples used inthe microarray analyses were used as templates for RT-PCR. The cDNA was obtained from separate experimentsas previously mentioned. RNA was converted to cDNAaccording to Klink et al. (2005) using Superscript FirstStrand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen) usingan oligo d(T) as a primer according to the manufacturer’sdirections. Primer pair oligonucleotides designed from thecorresponding EST nucleotide sequences and their ampli-con length can be found in Table 2. Relative quantities ofgene expression were determined using the StratageneMx3000P Real-Time PCR system (Stratagene) using themanufacturer’s directions. DNA accumulation during thereaction was measured with SYBR Green with ROX asthe reference dye. RT-PCR of genes was performed withserial dilutions over a Wve-log range. PCR eYciencies wereequal in each case. The Ct values and relative abundancesof RNAs from our experiments were calculated usingStratagene Mx3000P software Real-Time PCR system. Ascontrols, we compared the expression values to EIF3(CA852991) and S21 ribosomal protein S21 (CF921751).Other controls for RT-PCR had included reactions con-taining either no template or RNA processed with noSuperscript reverse transcriptase. Both gel electrophoresis

and the SYBR Green dissociation curve of ampliWedproducts demonstrated the production of a single productper reaction. DNA for the RT-PCR was dissociated for10 min at 96°C, followed by PCR cycling and tempera-tures set for denaturation for 30 s at 96°C, annealing for60 s at 55°C and extension for 30 s at 72°C. RT-PCR datawere obtained by averaging the normalized expressionratios for both EIF3 and S21 ribosomal protein controls


Whole tissue mount timecourse of H. glycines infectionof G. max roots

During the early time-points (6 and 12 hpi) the SCN pen-etrates the soybean root and migrates toward the vascu-lar cylinder (Fig. 1). At 18 h of infection and beyond, thenematode typically selects a pericycle or endodermal cellas a feeding site that will expand later to merge withadjacent cells and become the syncytium (Endo 1964,1965, 1971, 1991). Because SCN infection and migrationis not synchronous, we refer to 6 and 12 hpi as the earlytime-points wherein SCN penetrates the root andmigrates to Wnd a feeding site. The mid-time-points (1, 2,and 4 dpi) are when syncytia are formed and nematodefeeding begins. At the later time-points 6 and 8 dpinumerous syncytia are already established and continueto expand; nematode growth is evident by the increase innematode diameter (Fig. 1f, g).

Timecourse microarray analyses of H. glycines infectionsof G. max roots

We examined changes in the abundance of gene transcriptsat each of the seven time-points in duplicate biological rep-licates using microarrays that contained over 6,000 cDNAinserts that were selected speciWcally from soybean rootcDNA libraries to target root response. Total RNA wasisolated from roots at 6 and 12 hpi, and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 dpiwith SCN and from uninfected roots, serving as the con-trol, for duplicate hybridizations to microarrays usinginverse labels (dye swaps). Variation within and acrossmicroarray slides after Lowess print-tip group normaliza-tion was examined to ensure correct normalization andconWrm that reproducibility was good. Very little variationoccurred within slides with approximately 85% of theclones having standard deviations of less than 0.5 times themean ratio after Wltration and normalization. Across slidevariation was low and the reproducibility was high whendata from biological replicates and dye swaps were com-pared at 6 and 12 hpi, 1 and 2 dpi (Fig. 2) and at 4, 6, and8 dpi (Fig. 3) as documented by the box plots. Variationand reproducibility was examined in triplicate using aliqu-ots of uninoculated control RNA for self–self-hybridiza-tions, wherein two aliquots of the same RNA were eachlabeled with a diVerent dye, and then hybridized to amicroarray. Therefore, the resulting ratios for each featureon the microarray should be equal to one. Variation from aratio of one reXects diVerences in printing, labeling, hybrid-izing, and other technical aspects of the experimental sys-tem and can be used in T-test comparisons (Fig. 3d).

Fig. 1 Micrographs showingSCN infection progression inGlycine max cv. Kent roots thatwere infected with Heteroderaglycines and grown for deWnedtimes. a 6 hpi, b 12 hpi, c 1 dpi, d2 dpi, e 4 dpi, f 6 dpi, and g 8 dpi

Fig. 2 Box plots showing thevariation between a slide and thecorresponding dye swap forboth biological sample 1 (y-axis1 and 2) and biological sample 2(y-axis 3 and 4) in K+/K¡ foreach time-point. Time-points 6,12 hpi, and 1 and 2 dpi areshown. Note the change in scaleof the x-axis, for b and c

Fig. 3 Box plots showing thevariation between a slide and thecorresponding dye swap forboth biological sample 1 (y-axis1 and 2) and biological sample 2(y-axis 3 and 4) in K+/K¡, foreach time-point. Time-points 4,6, 8 dpi are shown. Also shownin d is the variation in the self–self-hybridized slides (K¡/K¡)for biological sample 1 (y-axis 1,2 and 3) and biological sample 2(y-axis 4, 5 and 6). Note thechange in scale of the x-axis,especially for d

The number of diVerentially expressed genes at eachtime-point after T-tests (P·0.05) is provided in Fig. 4. Thenumber of diVerentially induced genes above 1.5-foldranged from a low of 61 at 1 dpi to 287 at 6 dpi. Approxi-mately 190 genes, on average, were induced at any pointover the timecourse. Similar results were obtained fordiVerentially suppressed genes below ¡1.5-fold, rangingfrom a low of about 128 genes suppressed at 12 hpi and1 dpi and over 243 genes suppressed at 6 dpi.

The putative protein names for all diVerentiallyexpressed genes were mapped to the gene ontology con-sortium database (The gene ontology consortium 2004)for functional categorization purposes as depicted inFig. 5. Even though the majority of the genes, 45–55%,have unknown and/or unclassiWed functions based onthe gene ontology mappings, the results show changes inthe percentage of genes belonging to certain functionalcategories over the measured time-points. The percentinduced genes involved in protein synthesis for instance,is increased at 4 and 6 dpi, while percentage of genesinvolved in signal transduction are increased at 6 hpithrough 1 dpi and then later at 8 dpi. Stress-/defense-related genes increase at 1 and 2 dpi, and genes involvedin cell structure (speciWcally cell wall structure) areincreased at 12 hpi and 1 dpi, corresponding to the timewhen SCN is actively migrating toward the root steleand forming the syncytium. Metabolism-related genesstay fairly constant during the early and mid-time-pointswith a slight dip in the later time-points. Most of theother functional categories do not show much variationacross the measured time-points.

SQL queries and OLAP (Alkharouf et al. 2005) wereused to produce lists of diVerentially expressed genes ateach of the seven time points. These lists were then fedinto the clustering algorithm of Analysis Services, whichships with SQLServer2000 (Microsoft). The clusteringalgorithm was used mainly to graphically view the resultsof OLAP and come up with groups of genes with distinctexpression proWles. Four distinct expression proWlesresulted from this analysis; they are shown in Fig. 6.

The Wrst proWle (proWle 1 in Fig. 6) represents a numberof genes that were commonly induced (P·0.05 and 1.5-fold and above) during the early time-points of infection(6 and 12 hpi; Table 1). In addition, these genes werefound not induced at the later time-points as determinedby OLAP queries. Among these genes were Kunitz trypsininhibitor (KTI), genes encoding stress-related proteins,SAM-22 (a stress-induced PR-10 protein); germin-likeprotein, probable 12-oxyphytodienoate reductase, treha-lose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) homolog, phospholipaseD, and several genes encoding enzymes in the phenylprop-anoid pathway, including 6�deoxychalcone synthase, 4-coumarate CoA ligase, and chalcone reductase.

The second proWle (proWle 2 in Fig. 6) representsgenes diVerentially induced (P·0.05) at the later time-points (6 and 8 dpi). ProWle 2 included transcripts ofgenes encoding proteins involved in transcription, trans-lation, and protein folding, including numerous initia-tion factors, 60S, 40S, 20S ribosomal proteins, calnexin,and peptidylprolyl isomerase. Similarly, transcripts ofgenes encoding enzymes in glycolysis and carbon metab-olism were more abundant, including those elevated andencoding fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, glyceraldehydedehydrogenase, sucrose synthase, fructokinase andmalate dehydrogenase, as well as transcripts encoding asucrose transport protein and a triose phosphate translo-cator. Transcripts of calcium-related genes, calmodulin,annexin, and calnexin, were also elevated (Table 1).

The third proWle (proWle 3 in Fig. 6) included genesthat were diVerentially induced across most or all thetime-points. These included polyubiquitin, metallothion-ein, calmodulin, phospholipase C, lipoxygenase, CLB1,Skp1, and the WRKY transcription factor (Table 1).

The Wnal proWle (proWle 4 in Fig. 6) included genesthat were diVerentially suppressed across the time-points.These included a large number of unknown genes andgenes encoding putative proteins, as well as signal trans-duction gene S-receptor kinase and photosynthesis-related cytochrome P450 (Table 1).

RT-PCR analyses

We wanted to conWrm by an independent means theexpression trends we observed on the microarrays. Weperformed RT-PCR for seven genes. These ESTsencoded homologs of WRKY (BM108156), TPS(DUP06H06), EIF4a (BM108249), SKP-1 (BM108118),CLB-1 (BM108106), KTI (CA852010) and sucrose syn-thase (BM107809). As controls, we used both EIF3(CA852991) and ribosomal S21 (CF921751; Table 2).

Fig. 4 The number of diVerentially expressed genes after T-tests(P·0.05) at each time-point using a cutoV value of 1.5-fold for extrastringency and selecting for clones that have standard deviations ofless than or equal one times the mean expression ratio

Fig. 6 Expression proWles ofgenes diVerentially expressed insoybean roots after infectionwith SCN. The expression ratioswere calculated from normal-ized, rescaled ratios of the Xuo-rescence intensity in the red andgreen channels. Ratios representthe average from the two biolog-ical samples that‘ were used. Er-ror bars show the standarddeviation of expression levels ateach time-point. ProWle 1 repre-sents genes induced at the earlytime-points (6 and 12 hpi). Pro-Wle 2 represents genes induced atthe later time-points (6 and8 dpi). ProWle 3 represents genesdiVerentially induced over time,while proWle 4 represents genesdiVerentially suppressed overtime

Fig. 5 Functional categorization of diVerentially induced genes insoybean roots at each of the seven time-points after infection withSCN. The percentage of induced genes at each functional categorywas calculated based on the number of genes involved in that func-tion over the total number of diVerentially induced genes in the spe-ciWc time-point. Genes were classiWed in their respective categoriesafter being mapped to the gene ontology database as described inMaterials and methods. The number of protein synthesis genes is in-

creased at 4 and 6 dpi, while signal transduction genes are increasedat 6 hpi through 1 dpi and then later at 8 dpi. Metabolism-relatedgenes stay fairly constant during the early and mid-time-points witha slight dip in the later time-points. Stress/defense-related genes in-crease at 1 and 2 dpi corresponding to the time when SCN is activelyburrowing and forming the syncytium. A majority of the inducedgenes, 45–55%, are unknown and/or have no functional classiWca-tion based on the gene ontology mappings

Table 1 Select genes from proWles 1 through 4 in Fig. 6 that showed diVerential expression in soybean roots G. max cv. Kent against SCNinfection. The cut oV value for these genes was a threshold of 1.5 (please refer to Materials and methods section for details). Thus, these genesare threshold of §1.5

a Based on Blast N or Blast X best hits with signiWcant e-values

ProWle, functional category, Genbank ID Putative protein namea Putative functionProWle 1Stress/defense relatedBM107871; BM108178 SAM22 (PR-10) Pathogenesis related CA852010 Kunitz trypsin inhibitor Pathogenesis related BM107847 Germin-like protein Anti-microbial activityBM139851 Stress-induced gene Stress relatedBM108184 Peroxidase (EC precursor Stress relatedBM108004; BM108178 Phospholipase D Stress relatedBM107976 Probable 12-oxyphytodienoate reductase Stress related

MetabolismDUP06H06 Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase homolog Trehalose synthesis

Secondary metabolismBM108022 4-Coumarate CoA ligase Ligase activity, involved in

secondary metabolite synthesisBM107806 6�Deoxychalcone synthase Phenylpropanoid pathwayBM108162 Chalcone reductase Phenylpropanoid pathway

Cell structureBM139577 Repetitive proline-rich protein Cell wall structure

ProWle 2Stress/defense relatedBM108262; BM107930 Heat shock protein 90, 70 Protein degradationCA853292 Peroxidase DetoxiWcation

Protein synthesisBM108251; CA853701;

BM108211; BM107991; CA852078; CA852610; BM107813

60S, 40S, 20S ribosomal proteins Translation

CA853657 Peptidylprolyl isomerase Protein foldingBM108249 Initiation factor 4A-15 TranslationCA852991 Translation initiation factor 3 Translation

MetabolismBM108246; CA852009 Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase Sugar metabolismBM108242 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Sugar metabolismBM107809; CA853158 Sucrose synthase Sugar metabolismCA853806 Fructokinase Sugar metabolismCA851978 Malate dehydrogenase Sugar metabolismBM107917 Calmodulin Calcium relatedCA853555 Annexin Calcium relatedBM107760 Calnexin Calcium related

TransportBM108083 Sucrose transport protein Sucrose transportBM108309 Triose phosphate translocator

ProWle 3Stress/defense relatedBM108088 Phospholipase C Synthesis of antifungal phytooxylipins BM108224 Calmodulin Defense responseBM108228 Metallothionein Membrane channelingBM108011; BM108233 Lipoxygenase Wound response, jasmonic acid biosynthesisBM108156 WRKY transcription factor Defense responseBM108106 CLB1 Membrane channeling and signalingBM108118 Skp1 Protein degradation

Secondary metabolismBM107806 Chalcone reductase Phenylpropanoid pathwayBM107798 4-Coumarate CoA ligase Ligase activity, involved in

secondary metabolite synthesisProWle 4Unknown\unclassiWedCA850695; CA850508;

CA851253; A851269Unknown protein Unknown

Signal transductionCA853083 S-receptor kinase Kinase activity

PhotosynthesisBM107683 Cytochrome P450 Electron transport

Using uninfected roots as our reference tissue for RT-PCR, we observed increases in expression for WRKY,TPS, EIF4a, SKP-1, and CLB-1 between uninfectedroots and roots infected for 12 h (Fig. 7). We then com-pared those same genes by RT-PCR between the unin-fected roots and roots infected for 196 h (8 dpi) showingthat those genes become even more highly expressed(Fig. 7). However, the decreases in expression that wereobserved on microarrays between the 12 h and 8 dpisamples for WRKY6 and TPS appeared as increases onRT-PCR experiments. For both KTI and sucrose syn-thase, RT-PCR demonstrated initial increases in expres-sion between uninoculated roots and roots infected for12 h (Fig. 7). However, RT-PCR revealed that KTIexhibited a dramatic decrease in expression between12 hpi and 8 dpi, conWrming our microarray data. RT-PCR demonstrated that sucrose synthase levels experi-enced a slight decrease in expression between 12 hpi and8 dpi. Our RT-PCR data corroborate the relative expres-sion trends of the respective genes obtained by ourmicroarray analyses.


Timecourse microarray analyses of H. glycines infectionof G. max roots provide a useful database of global geneexpression

We analyzed gene transcript levels in susceptible soybeanroots at 6, 12 hpi, and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 dpi after infection

of soybeans by the SCN. These analyses provide exten-sive data on the expression of a large number of soybeangenes during critical periods of infection, wherein SCNmigrates through the root and establishes a feeding site.More detailed information concerning these genes can befound at our web site [http://www.psi081.ba.ars.usda.gov/SGMD/Publications/KentTmeline/]. Our data conWrmgene expression data of numerous other researchersexamining gene expression in roots at single time-pointsduring the nematode infection. (Mahalingam et al. 1999;Vaghchhipawala et al. 2001, 2004; Gheysen and Fenoll2002; PuthoV et al. 2003; Khan et al. 2004; Klink et al.2005). Our data extend their observations by measuringexpression of these and thousands more genes at numer-ous time-points during the cyst nematode infection andfeeding, rather than at one or a selected few time-points.Our analyses extend our understanding of root infectionby expanding the microarray analysis to include time-points at 6, 12, and 24 h, times prior to syncytium initia-tion. However, while the microarrays developed for thisstudy were not composed of cDNAs obtained from G.max cv. Kent tissues, all of the mRNA used for theexperiments were obtained from Kent. Our RT-PCRexperiments that do not rely on hybridization to non-Kent cDNA are consistent with the microarray data.Similar microarrays generated from multiple soybeangermplasm sources have been shown to provide usefuldata that is suYciently reliable to compare isogenic linesthat diVer with respect to a mutant phenotype (Vodkinet al. 2004). Thus, those microarrays from heterologoussources were able to deWne a small list of candidate genesthat may correspond directly to that mutant phenotype

Table 2 PCR primer pairs usedfor RT-PCR EST Amplicon length (bp)


The Genbank match is providedin parentheses beside each geneand the amplicon length is pro-vided in base pairs. The primarysequence of the gene data foreach amplicon was obtained byre-sequencing the DNA se-quence from cDNA. From thosedata, PCR primers were de-signed and used for RT-PCR

(Vodkin et al. 2004). Therefore, we believe that the use ofnon-Kent cDNAs to construct our microarrays probablydo not adversely aVect the hybridization outcome inmost cases and are revealing the expression trends occur-ring within the infected Kent root tissue.

Our data analyses identiWed many genes elevated dur-ing nematode migration even before feeding began. Ourstudy has identiWed genes expressed at later time-pointsduring infection when feeding sites are established. Asurprising outcome was an apparent global suppressionof gene expression occurring after 24 h of infection forgenes of proWles 1, 3, and 4 (Fig. 6). The plant is clearlysensing the presence of the nematode within the Wrst 6 hof infection as shown by a rapid increase in gene expres-sion. Rapid stimulation of genes involved in defense isnot uncommon in soybean (Droge-Laser et al. 1997;Park et al. 2004b) and these processes can account for asmuch as 1% of new transcripts within the Wrst 15 min ofinfection (Durrant et al. 2000). Transcript proWles withsimilar topology to our proWles 1, 3, and 4 were observedin Arabidopsis roots infected with the gall forming nema-tode Meloidogyne spp. (Jammes et al. 2005). However,their time-points only investigated 7, 14, and 21 dayspost-infection with the decrease in expression observedin proWles (clusters) I, V, VII occurring at 14 days post-infection. However, the diVerence in plant material(G. max vs. Arabidopsis), time-points used and nematodetype (syncytium forming vs. gall forming) complicatecomparing the studies.

We believe that the decrease of genes in proWles 1, 3,and 4 observed at 1 dpi may be the result of the plant sens-ing and reprogramming itself to somehow cope with thenematode infection as the infection progresses beyond1 day. Our use of this global analysis of gene expressiondatabase during the timecourse of SCN infection allow usto identify genes commonly increased in expression acrossall time-points, and identify those genes speciWcallyexpressed higher at particular stages of infection.

Timecourse microarray analyses identify genes with sus-tained elevated expression levels

The SCN wounds the root tissue as it migrates to thestele, pierces an endodermal or pericycle cell and cre-ates its feeding site. Further damage occurs later as itexpands while feeding. We identiWed a number of genetranscripts that were elevated at every time-point in ourstudy and that have been reported as associated withthe wounding response. Transcripts of genes encodingWRKY6 transcription factor (BM108156), CLB1(BM108106), Skp1 (BM108118), lipoxygenase(BM108011 and BM108233) and several genes ofunknown function were elevated at every time-point inour microarray study. We then conWrmed some of themicroarray expression data using RT-PCR forWRKY6 transcription factor (BM108156), CLB1(BM108106), Skp1 (BM108118), TPS (DUP06H06),and EIF4a (BM108249). WRKY genes encode tran-scription factors that control the plant response to sev-eral stresses and are involved in the defense response(Robatzek and Somssich 2001, 2002; Dong et al. 2003).TPS is involved in trehalose synthesis which has beenshown to be required at diVerent stages of plant infec-tion by pathogens such as Magnaporthe grisea (Fosteret al. 2003). CLB1 has some identity with the Ca2+-dependent lipid-binding domains of several proteins(Kiyosue and Ryan 1997). Ca2+-dependent lipid-bind-ing domains have been associated with membranechanneling, signaling, and other cellular processes(Clark and Roux 1995). Our RT-PCR analysis demon-strated CLB1 mRNA accumulation during SCN infec-tion. SKP1 is associated with polyubiquitination, whichlabels proteins for degradation (Takahashi et al. 2004).In Lycopersicon esculentum, SKP1 interacts with theFusarium oxysporum gene FRP1, a gene that is essentialfor its pathogenicity (Duyvesteijn et al. 2003). EIF4a isthe translation factor that interacts with ATP during

Fig. 7 RT-PCR of genes diVer-entially expressed in soybeanroots after infection with SCN.We performed RT-PCR of ho-mologs of WRKY, TPS, EIF4a,SKP-1, CLB-1, KTI, and su-crose synthase. RT-PCR datawere obtained by averaging thenormalized expression ratios forboth EIF3 and S21 ribosomalprotein controls. We used unin-fected roots as our reference tis-sue and compared expression toroots infected for 12 h or 8 days(refer to Materials and methods)

protein chain initiation (Seal et al. 1983). Why SCNenhances the accumulation of transcripts of genesinvolved in protein synthesis is not clear. However, itmay be important for SCN pathogenesis or be attrib-uted to the load that SCN imposes on the plant as asink for amino acids.

Timecourse microarray analyses identify proteins relatedto defense and stress

Our microarray analyses revealed an increase in theabundance of several transcripts encoding proteinsrelated to defense and stress, including calmodulin(BM108224), phospholipase C (BM108088), metallothi-onein-like protein (BM108228), chalcone reductase(BM107806) and 4-coumarate CoA ligase (BM107798)throughout most of the time-points studied. Calmodulinparticipates in signal-transduction mechanisms associ-ated with the defense response. Reymond et al. (2000)noted an elevation of transcripts encoding calmodulin inArabidopsis in response to mechanical wounding andinsect feeding. Lee et al. (1995) isolated Wve isoforms ofsoybean calmodulin (SCaM1-5) with SCaM-(1–3) pro-tein sequences being almost identical to each other. Heoet al. (1999) demonstrated that speciWc soybean calmod-ulin isoforms (SCaM-4 and SCaM-5) are induced uponexposure to fungal elicitors isolated from Fusarium solanior Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae. SCaM-4/5overexpression in tobacco decreased the numbers oflesions caused by P. parasitica (Heo et al. 1999). SCaM-4/5 transduces the defense-signaling network into plantresistance through Non-immunity1 (Nim1/Non-expres-sor of PR genes 1) in transgenic Nim1 mutants ofArabidopsis (Park et al. 2004a). Subsequently, Park et al.(2004b) demonstrated binding of a GT-1 like transcrip-tion factor on a GT-1 box within the promoter of SCaM-4 during Pseudomonas syringae pv glycinea attack of soy-bean W82 suspension culture cells or exposure to saltstress. Our calmodulin isoform (BM108224) that was anincomplete sequence and exhibited an increase in expres-sion on microarrays was identical to SCaM-(1–3) andnot the pathogen induced SCaM-4/5. Like calmodulin,phospholipase C activity is dependent upon calcium.Phospholipase C is associated with membranes (Arz andGrambow 1994). Phospholipases are involved in a vari-ety of roles, including the synthesis of antifungal phy-tooxylipins (Ongena et al. 2004) and jasmonic acidsynthesis (Agrawal et al. 2004). Thus, like calmodulin,phospholipase C participates in signal-transductionmechanisms associated with the defense response. Rey-mond et al. (2000) also noted the elevation in transcriptsencoding metallothionein in Arabidopsis in response tomechanical wounding and insect feeding. An increase intranscript abundance for metallothionein was alsoreported by Potenza et al. (2001), when studying theearly response of susceptible alfalfa to infection by Melo-idogyne incognita. Furthermore, they reported increasesin transcripts of 4-coumarate:CoA ligase and chalconesynthase, two genes in the phenylpropanoid pathway. At

most time-points we observed elevated transcript levelsof chalcone reductase and 4-coumarate CoA ligase of thephenylpropanoid pathway. This supports observationsof Reymond et al. (2000) indicating an increase in tran-scripts encoding phenylalanine ammonia lyase, chalconesynthase, cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, cinnamoyl-CoAreductase, and O-methyltransferase 90 min after wound-ing of Arabidopsis rosette leaves with forceps. In a recentreview, Gheysen and Fenoll (2002) identiWed genesencoding chalcone synthase and isoXavone reductase ashaving increased transcript levels upon the nematodeinfection, as well as transcripts that encoded lipoxygen-ase, metallothionein, and WRKY transcription factor, aswe noted earlier.

In contrast to the aforementioned genes that areinduced at most time-points, some of these defense- andstress-related genes were induced primarily at speciWcpoints during infection. At 6 and 12 hpi transcripts thatencoded SAM22 (BM107871), Phospholipase D(BM108004 and BM108178) and 12-oxophytodienoatereductase (BM107976) were induced. Phospholipase Dwas found to be activated upon wounding of castorbean leaves (Ryu and Wang 1996). Phospholipases and12-oxophytodienoate reductase are members of theoctadecanoid pathway that lead to jasmonic acid syn-thesis.

Timecourse microarray analyses identify elevated levelsof genes involved in transcription and translation

The nematode infection and feeding causes numerouschanges in the plant root and promotes root metabolism.At 6 and 8 dpi, we identiWed elevated levels of transcriptsencoding a number of genes involved in transcriptionand translation supporting this view. We observe ele-vated gene transcripts for ribosomal proteins and initia-tion factors. These genes include 60S ribosomal proteinPO (BM108251), L15 (BM108302), RL15 (BM108302),40S ribosomal protein (BM108211 and S10 (BM107991),ribosomal protein S20, eukaryotic initiation factors 4A-15 (IEF-4A-a5; BM108249), EIF-3 (CA852991), andnumerous others. Furthermore, transcripts of severalsugar-related genes were elevated, including those encod-ing glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GAPDH; BM108242), fructose-bisphosphate aldolase(BM108246), sucrose synthase (BM107809), and sucrosetransport protein (BM108083). These may be used forenergy metabolism, cell wall rearrangements, and mayplay many other roles in the plant cell upon SCN infec-tion. Using diVerential display, Hermsmeier et al. (1998)also identiWed aldolase transcripts from samples of sus-ceptible soybean root 1 dpi with SCN. GAPDH isinduced in potato upon infection with Phytophthora infe-stans and is stimulated by salicylic acid (Laxalt et al.1996). In peppermint, GAP has been identiWed as a pre-cursor of isopentenyl diphosphate, used by plants to syn-thesize isoprenoids, which function in a variety of roles,including communication, defense, hormones, pigments,structural components (Lange et al. 1998).

Timecourse microarray analyses identify elevated levelsof unknown genes

Numerous other genes were also induced at some or alltime-points, many with no known function. Furthercharacterization of these genes is needed to obtain a bet-ter understanding of the susceptibility of Kent towardsSCN. However, during SCN infection of soybean roots,transcripts of genes involved in the wound response,signal transduction, transcription, translation, and sugarmetabolism are induced.

IdentiWcation of elevated levels of genes involved inDNA replication early and later during infection

Another observation made from our experiments was anincrease in expression of genes involved in DNA replica-tion. It can be argued that the increases that we observedearly and later during infection may be attributed toendoreduplication. Our current understanding is thatendoreduplication occurs in syncytia (Gheysen andFenoll 2002). Experiments aimed at showing cell cycleactivity in syncytia have shown increases in cdc2aAt,cdc2bAt, CycB1;1, and CycA2;1 promoter activity insyncytia (Niebel et al. 1996; de Almeida Engler 1999).However, while their expression may be high, it does notnecessarily predict endoreduplication activity. Experi-ments investigating this demonstrate that a stable associ-ation of cyclinB/Cdc2 to DNA replication originsactually prevents endoreduplication in the Wssion yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe (Wuarin et al. 2002). Cebo-lla et al. (1999) found that Medicago cells exhibiting thehighest levels of the mitotic inhibitor ccs52 were diVeren-tiating and undergoing endoreduplication. Conversely,antisense suppression of ccs52 decreased the number ofendocycles and the volume of the largest cells found inroot nodules that typically would undergo endoredupli-cation. Thus, the complexities involved in DNA replica-tion may warrant a more thorough investigation beforeit can be stated conclusively that endoreduplication isoccurring in syncytia.

Experiments using LCM have isolated syncytia fromspeciWc stages of development (Klink et al. 2005). The useof LCM can be used as a means to obtain synchronizedpopulations of syncytia (Klink et al. 2005) and will likelyaid in our understanding of the localized events occur-ring, as syncytia develop into the mature feeding cells ofSCN. The use of LCM may also allow us to diVerentiatelocalized expression levels occurring within syncytia fromexpression occurring throughout the root as it perceivesand responds to the nematode infection. We willundoubtedly reveal the intricacies that underlie the nema-tode infection of root tissue as we further explore the useof the technical advancements currently available.

Acknowledgements The authors thank Kris Pilitt and Ann Deiterfor their technical support. The authors would also like to thankNathan Uhlmann, Antoni J. Rafalski, Julie M. Vogel, Feng Han,Carl Simmons, and Guihua Lu from Dupont Inc. for their ampliW-cation and identiWcation of the Dupont clones mentioned in this

study. All data, raw and normalized, are stored in the Soybean Ge-nomics and Microarray Database (Alkharouf and Matthews 2004)and are available through the web site [http://www.bldg6.ars-usda.gov/benlab/]. This work was supported by the United SoybeanBoard under grant 3214 and USDA CSREES National ResearchInitiative grant 99-35302-8189. Mention of trade names or commer-cial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of provid-ing speciWc information and does not imply recommendation orendorsement by the United States Department of Agriculture.


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