Time to say good bye - God Be With You...Issue 30 October 15 2010 Dear Parents, Students and Friends...

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Transcript of Time to say good bye - God Be With You...Issue 30 October 15 2010 Dear Parents, Students and Friends...

Issue 30 October 15 2010

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of John XXIII College

Time to say good bye - God Be With You Tashia Abeyasinghe Rowan Anderson Lauren Aspley Bronte Atkins Marie Attfield Simone Bache Nicholas Barker Kristen Barry Thomas Beech Jacob Bennett Jonathon Berettieri Daniel Berini Trent Bersan Matthew Bonser Killian Briggs Valentina Brignoli Alexander Bunney Sophie Burke Joel Cadlolo Alison Caldwell Gabriella Camera Helen Carman Matthew Christianson Leticia Clark Braiden Clarke Calum Clarke Brigitte Colbert Louis Connell Elise Connor Matilda Connor Mikaela Cook Jeremiah Coomer David Coote James Court Amelia Cugini Eoghan Curtin James Danckert Jesse Daniels Alexander Davies Andrew Dawson George Dawson Thomas Dawson Jake Day Angela de Broekert Celeste de Saint Jorre Damian Del Pizzo Jordan Diffen Madalynn Dillon Thomas Doherty Nicholas Ehlers Christos Evangel Michael Evans Dylan Fels Georgia Fennell Mark Ferguson Michelle Field Harry Fitzgerald

Christian Forster Michael Franzone Eliza Gerlach Erin Germani Valeria Gorgoglione Kerry Graham Katja Gvozdenovic Freya Hall Edward Hamilton Arabella Harding Samantha Harrison Caroline Hayes Alexander Haygarth Rohan Henderson Ferenc Herczeg Olivia Hosken Madelaine Howard Winifred Howe Man-Ting Hung Jessica Hunt Tess Jacquard Emilia Janca Katherine Johnson Verity Johnston Georgina Jolly Mitchell Jones Jacob Joseph Jae Eun (Maria) Jung Emma Kalotas Anton Karam Kieran-Sinead Kenny Holly Keogh Eva Kierath Dominic Knight William Kohlen Nicholas Kyriakacis Megan Lane Amy Leathersich Michael Leathersich Daniel Leunig Jack Lockwood Nicholas Lord Lyssandra Lumley Jackson Lynch Olivia Lyons Rebecca Mace Kevin Mailoa Hollie Male Peter Mallal Nicholas Malone Anna Mark Zoe Marson Nicholas Martini Jessica Mascione Lachlan Maxwell Catherine Mazza Ella McAuliffe

Alexandra McMahon

Luke Miocevich Elizabeth Monaghan Juliette Moora James Morrison Rhian Munks Georgia Murphy Alexandra Murphy-Jelley Emer O'Connor Timothy O'Hara Kenny Oo Madeleine Ottaviano Lucy Pallett-Jones Katherine Panizza Megan Parrett Connor Patmore Madison Pawle Caitlin Paxton James Pearson Emma Priestly-Swinscoe Elyse Reith Leo Reith Alexander Reynolds Sophie Riethmuller Joseph Rooney Nicholas Ryan Mary Sands Katherine Sandy Mizuki Sato Helena Sauzier Abbey Sawyer Ella Schoeman Ashleigh Scully Chloe Sherrell Megan Simpson Hannah Slevin Hanjun Song Dimitri Stamatis Jack Steele Ruben Stewart Claire Taylor Penelope Thomas Bridget Thwaites Michael Tomic Emma Toro Peter Townsend Megan Tremaine Marcel Tripolone Rachel Truscott Samuel Turner Gladys Watkins Samuel Weber Laura Welch Monica Willett Lewin Williams Veronica Wilson Cameron Wishaw

Jones Millichamp-Parry Benjamin Meredith

Throughout 2010 this group of Year 12’s have demonstrated a group dynamic that Mary Ward described as the virtue of Felicity: Attitude, mind, disposition of the heart which manifests in cheerfulness, good humour, joy, happiness, hope, optimism, friendliness, courtesy, positive thinking, inner peace, self acceptance and courage. Together let us seek justice

Mrs Anne Fry, Principal

On Sunday, October 17, Mary Mackillop will become Australia’s first declared Saint when she is canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter’s Square, Rome. This will be a historic day for the Universal Church, as we recognise Mary as someone who has lived a life of heroic goodness, borne of her closeness to God and her love for the poor and marginalised. Mary MacKillop was born in Fitzroy, Melbourne on January 15, 1842 to Scottish immigrants, Alexander and Flora MacKillop. The family home for Mary and her seven

Around the Primary The Primary School was off with a great start for the final term of 2010. On Friday, the Junior Primary Athletics Carnival took place on the Junior Oval. It lived up to all expectations with beautiful Spring weather and a village carnival atmosphere with a large group of parent spectators cheering their children on. Thank you to Mr John Alderman for organizing this wonderful College event. Could everyone please keep Alice O’Sullivan (PPG) in your prayers over the next few weeks as she undergoes serious surgery and rehabilitation? Holy Communion Today the Year Four children went on retreat for their First Holy Communion. The day began with a visit and tour of St Mary’s Cathedral, the children then returned to school to complete reflective activities before heading to St Joseph’s for a final rehearsal. Please keep the Year Four children in your prayers as they prepare for this special day on their faith journey, on Sunday. Upcoming Events Monday, 18 October: Mary MacKillop Activity Day Mass at 11.15am in the College Chapel Lunch at 12.30pm to 1.30pm Free Dress for a Gold Coin Donation Mary MacKillop activities after lunch

Thursday 21 October: Kindergarten Parent Information Night for 2010 at 7.00pm Friday 22 October: PrePrimary to Year 6 General Assembly. Mrs Liz Gardner Cluster Leader K—2 Ms A Coniglio Cluster Leader 3—6

Condolences Our condolences to the Brook family on the recent passing of Mr Oliver. Grandfather to Juliet Year 8, James Year 6 and William Year 2. May he rest in peace.

siblings was faith-filled, but often turbulent and troubled due to Alexander’s various failed business dealings which created insecurity in the family income. Very early in life, Mary became the main provider for the family, as a governess, as shop assistant in stationers Sands and Kenny and finally as a school teacher in Portland, Victoria. At 18, she moved to Penola, South Australia to work as governess and teacher for relatives, where she met Fr. Julian Tenison Woods and together started a school for poor children. In 1866, the pair became co-founders of the Sisters of St Joseph’s of the Sacred Heart. It was the first Religious Order to be established by an Australian. Over the next several years the Order grew and the Sisters travelled the countryside setting up schools, orphanages for the abandoned or neglected children and other good works for those in need. The Sisters moved freely about the colonies wherever there was a need, a freedom resisted by some bishops and others. In 1871, Mary became the subject of a campaign by some of the priests of Adelaide, who complained to the Bishop about the Order and Mary’s administration and personal conduct. This culminated in Bishop Sheil excommunicating Mary from the Church. But shortly before his death, Bishop Shiel completely exonerated Mary, of any wrongdoing. Then in 1874, Mary made an epic journey by sea from Albany, WA to have the rule of her Order approved by Pope Pius IX, who welcomed Mary as the excommunicated one. She waited in Europe for the approval which she received and Fr Tappeiner SJ was their new Director and in 1888, Pope Leo XIII erected the Institute into a canonical congregation. Despite her growing poor health, Mary’s sisters continued to flourish in their work for the poor and needy in Australia and New Zealand. She died in North Sydney in 1909, aged 67. The Church does not make a saint- it recognises a saint. Canonisation is the act by which the Holy Father declares in a definitive and solemn way that a Catholic Christian is actually in the glory of heaven, intercedes for us before the Lord and is to be publicly venerated by the whole Church. Canonisation is a double statement- about the life of the person and also about the faith of the people who are alive at this moment. They are as much a part of the Canonisation as the person who is being recognised. On this Sunday, we remember with gratitude our 60 Year 4 girls and boys who will be receiving their First Holy Communion at St Joseph’s Church, Subiaco. May these children always live with that same unwavering friendship and confidence in a God who would always loves, cares and provides. Fr Gaetan Pereira - College Chaplain

Year 7 Transition I would like to thank Mr Andrew Landells for his excellent work last term as Year 7 Coordinator supporting the Year 7 students, families and teachers.

This Friday, 15 October, the Year 7 students enter another phase of the Transi t ion process. Homeroom teachers will be using the day to manage the move to the external lockers in D Block. We will provide our students with strategies to learn how to use combination locks, locker security, o r g a n i s i n g l o c k e r s , b u i l d i n g relationships and locating tutor group

meeting places. Monday, 18 October will be the students first day with their Tutor groups and this coincides with the Mary MacKillop Canonisation Para liturgy. It will be the first of many celebrations they will experience with their tutor group. If your son / daughter experiences any difficulty with this Transition process please do not hesitate to meet with the House Coordinator, Tutor Teacher, Homeroom Teacher or Year 7 Coordinator. Mrs Sue Benson - Year 7 Coordinator

Parents of Year 10 and 11 Students There will be an opportunity to adjust your child’s subject selections during week starting 8th November, please do not request a change previous to this week. Subject selections at this point can only be made from a grid, meaning that certain subject combinations may not be available. You are also reminded that some classes may be full. The College will be sending a letter during the week starting 1st November informing you of the subjects we have for your child in the timetable. The letter will also inform you, amongst other details, on how to reorganise your child’s timetable. Sarah Hammond, the College’s Careers Counsellor, is available for subject counselling should you require assistance in the weeks leading up to the 8th November. Please contact her on hammond.sarah@johnxxiii.edu.au.

ICT Strategic Planning Survey The College has extended the completion date for the important ICT Strategic Planning Survey. So far, we have received over 350 returns. Parents can access the survey at the following links and the new closing date next Friday 22nd October 2010. Parent Survey http://surveys.crox.com/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=94K1nn8 Student Survey http://surveys.crox.com/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=94K24n8

Years 8, 9 and 10 Examinations Parents are reminded that there are examinations for the students in years 8, 9 and 10 during week 19 (6th – 10th December) of Semester Two. Please do not make early holiday arrangements and take your child out of the College during this time. Mr Robert Novacsek Deputy Principal, Studies

Parents’ Association

The Annual General Meeting of the Parents’ Association will be held at 7.00pm on Monday, 25 October in the St Thomas More Exhibition Centre. All parents (Kindy to Year 12) are members of the Association. We welcome your attendance. If you have any questions, Agenda items (Agenda closes Wed, 20 Oct) or funding proposals please contact M a r i e - L o u i s e B e y e r a t marielouisehunt@bigpond.com.

DATES FOR TERM 1 AND 2, 2011 It is important to take early note of the Term dates for Term 1 2011. Term One 2011 will finish for staff and students on the 15th April and resume on Tuesday 3rd May. (This will be different from State and many other Catholic Schools). Please take care-ful note of the dates when booking holidays for next year.

Community Celebration Take advantage of warmer, lighter mornings to join teachers, parents and students for our Community Mass in the chapel on Friday mornings. Just come along and join us - even if you haven't been before. Starts 8:00am and finishes at 8:30am.

Mary MacKillop Festival The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle Campus October 17, 1-7pm On Sunday 17 October 2010, Catholics around Australia, and the world, will celebrate the canonisation of Australia’s first Saint, Blessed Mary MacKillop. As a Catholic university, The University of Notre Dame Australia’s staff and students welcome the opportunity to honour the significance of the occasion by hosting a Mary MacKillop Festival on the streets of the Fremantle Campus. From 1pm - 7pm the Campus will come alive with the story of Mary MacKillop’s life, a variety of street stalls, music, games and the opportunity to watch the canonisation taking place in Rome, streamed ‘live’ into our lecture theatres and halls. The stalls will be in Mouat and Croke Streets which will be closed to traffic. We welcome you all to the Fremantle Campus to celebrate this significant event. F o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s c o n t a c t Mary.Mackillop.Festival@nd.edu.au or 9433 0540.

METROPOLITAN STUDENT INCIDENT WARNING - HIGH ALERT Following an email from the Catholic Education Office, as in previous warnings this is a reminder to encourage all students to be vigilant and alert when travelling to and from school.

Music Events – Term 4 A series of Year Level Music recitals will be held this term on Wednesday evenings in the Gonzaga Barry Lecture Theatre commencing at 7pm. Forms are available from the Music Department and students are reminded that they can book a time with Mr Dockery on Wednesdays and Fridays by entering their name in the accompanist’s timetable book in the Music office.

Year 11 Recital – Wednesday 20 October

Year 10 Recital – Wednesday 3 November

Year 9 Recital – Wednesday 10 November

Year 8 Recital – Wednesday 17 November

Year 7 Recital – Wednesday 24 November

A Reminder regarding Speech Night Music Performances Compulsory Rehearsal Sunday 28 November (afternoon) Groups involved: (selected combined Orchestra/Concert Band) Chamber Choir Jazz Choir, Junior Girls’ Choir, Senior Girls’ Choir, Primary Singers Students who do not attend this rehearsal will not be permitted to perform at Speech Night! Ms Toni Strong - Director of Music

Behaviour Tonics are run-ning the 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Parent Course at their office in Wembley, with a Saturday morning course available to parents of 5-12 year old children. This is a flexible and effective approach to discipline and is rated

highly by participants. Running over 3 x 2.5 hr ses-sions it is full of information, tips and practical strate-gies. (Max 12 participants so plenty of question time). When: Saturday 30th Oct, 6th and 13th Nov. 9am to 11:30am $180 single $340 dbl. To enquire/register call 9382 1182 or go to www.behaviourtonics.com.au

Conf i rmat ion a t St Joseph’s Subiaco The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at St Josephs Church – Subiaco on Sunday 21st November, 2010 at the 10.00am Mass. Children who have been prepared at school and are members of our parish who wish to celebrate this Sacrament at St Joseph`s need to register with our parish office on 9381 0400 on No. 4 prompt for Pastoral. There will be four classes commencing on 26th October 2010 from 4.15pm -5.15pm.

MEDICATION: If a parent requests the nurse administer medication to their child, they must complete a Medication Request Form, this is available from the nurse. The medication must be in its original container or packaging and clearly labelled with the following: 1. Name of medication 2. expiry date 3. Childs name 4. dose and time to be given If a student is required to carry and self-

administer medication while at school, only a single measured dose for one school day can brought onto the College premises. Medication must be carried on the student or locked in that student’s locker.

Students with asthma must carry their reliever medication with them at all times.

Students who have anaphylaxis are advised to have their epipens with them at all times.

Students who have documented anaphylaxis and are involved in after school activities eg, sport, drama etc, must carry their epipens with them.

Students who have other medical conditions requiring medication or treatment and are involved in after school activities, eg, sport, drama etc must ensure they have their medication/treatment with them at all times.

HEAD LICE: As a preventative measure could parents please check their child/ren’s hair regularly for head lice. Please inform class teacher or nurse if your child has head lice. For information about head lice, go to www.health.wa.gov.au/headlice. YEAR 7 VACCINES The Community Nurses will be visiting the College on Tuesday 19 October to administer the final dose of Gardasil (HPV) vaccine to year 7 female students. Jenny Hill (College nurse)

Hairdressing Apprenticeships A number of these are available in the local area for students wishing to begin their apprenticeship now. Please contact Ms Hammond for more details. Hairdressing Short Course – 6 weeks Year 11 or 12 students considering hairdressing as an option may like to consider the 6 week full time short course offered by WA Group Training Scheme. Several competencies from the Certificate II in Hairdressing are taught and it is a great introduction to the basic skills. Tax File Numbers – Apply through school Students entering University and intending to defer their Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) fees – previously called HECS fees – must have a Tax File Number in order to do so. It is easiest to arrange a TFN through the school – but Year 12s will only be permitted to do so until the WACE examinations b e g i n . P l e a s e e m a i l hammond.sarah@johnxxiii.edu.au and a TFN application form will be sent out to you. Students in Year 10 and 11 could think about this now and see Mrs Reith at Student Reception for the form. Reminder of TAFE closing dates and offers for first semester 2011 TAFE applications for courses requiring a portfolio close absolutely on 15 October but applications for all other courses will remain open up until 26 November. Applications received by the 26 October will be considered for the first round. Applications received after the 26 November will only be considered for the second round. The closing date for the second round is as late as January 7, 2011. Offers are made on the 14 January, if not made instantly on application. Second round offers will be available on the 24 January 2011. UK University applications Applications close 15 October for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science, and for all courses at Oxford and Cambridge. For other courses/universities applications will remain open until 15 January, but early application is advised. For more information go to http://www.ucas.com/ . Australian College of Holistic Medicine Course information evening 29 October. Find out about the huge range of courses available in Natural therapies offered in online, short course or full time mode . Fo r more i n fo rma t ion see www.aihm.wa.edu.au.

Ms Sarah Hammond - Careers Counsellor

Canteen Roster - Week 2 Year 7s Monday 18th October Sharn Tuesday 19th October No volunteers Wednesday 20th October Jillian Wilson Thursday 21st October No volunteers Friday 22nd October

The canteen has Now gone online. Parents and Students can now order and pay on line at a secure site.

Click onto www.ouronlinecanteen.com.au and follow the links. Please keep the College informed of your experiences whether negative of positive. You can still order your lunches though the class room boxes as usual. Maureen Taylor - Canteen Coordinator

The Lynn Scholarship The Lynn Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students in the Archdiocese of Perth who might be deprived of an upper secondary education in a Catholic school because of the economic or social circumstances of the family. To be eligible, the student must currently be completing Year 10 at a Catholic School and intend to complete years 11 and 12 at a Catholic school. The value of the scholarship will be up to $500 per annum and is payable for two years. Please contact Bernadette at the College on (08) 9383 0404 for a copy of the conditions of the Lynn Scholarship, and an application form. Each application will also include a Principal’s Statement. Applications should be received at the Catholic Education Office no later than Friday 12 November 2010


Many communications to parents are NOW sent by email. It is important to keep these details correct and up to date. Please contact reception (9383 0400) if your email has recently changed.

City of Nedlands Update “I Imagine 2030...” children’s art competition Illustrate your vision of 2030 for this exciting competition. For 5-8 and 9-12 year olds $100 cash prize for each category plus other prizes. Entries to be submitted to City of Nedlands administration 4pm Friday 19 November. Free Children’s Art Workshops Be inspired in the workshops for the I Imagine 2030... art competition. Saturday 30 October 5 to 8 year olds: 10 am – 12 noon 9 to 12 year olds: 1 – 4 pm Workshops will be held at Point Resolution Occasional Childcare (PROCC), 53 Jutland Pde, Dalkeith. Pick up a flyer at school or contact Tarn at the City of N e d l a n d s o n 9 2 7 3 3 5 7 9 o r treynolds@nedlands.wa.gov.au for more information and register your place for the workshops. A new walking group for parents and carers of little ones…the Pushers and Prams Walking Group This group will meet at the Nedlands Library every Tuesday at 9am Come and join this free group for an hour’s walk through beautiful streets and parks of Nedlands.

Swanbourne Cricket Club Competitive cricket in WASTCA Competition Saturday afternoons 3 turf teams

2 astro turf teams

Vibrant Social club

Excellent playing and

training facilities

Student discounts

Cricket by the sea

Email us: admin@swanbournecricketclub.com OR Phone: Simon Mallabone - 0400 008 794 Location and Training Times: Allen Park, Swanbourne, Tuesdays 5pm – 7pm Thursdays 5pm – 7pm

Vietnam Pilgrimage - 2010 Each year John XXIII students venture on pilgrimages to various parts of the world.

One of these destinations is Vietnam where they met up with Sister Trish F r a n k l i n , Director of the Loreto Australia V i e t n a m Project. T h i s y e a r students were

part of the “Touch of friendship” project aimed at providing disadvantaged children and their families with financial assistance for the purchase of essential items. $1,100 raised from the various stalls and activities run on John XXIII day was donated for the p u r c h a s e o f hearing aids for a 4 year old boy, Hieu V a n N g u y e n . Hieu and his family live in Ho Chi Min City. His parents both work and survive on little more than $4 a day. As a result, Hieu was the only student in his class not to have hearing aids. Year 11 Andrew Pham (Head Boy for 2011), presented Hieu’s mother with the donated money along with a “Touch of friendship” certificate. The College also donated various practical items for the local orphanage as well as making a donation to a hospitality school for disadvantaged students which teaches students from 16 to 19 years of age the basic skills required to work in hospitality.

Sports Gear for Schools Program TICK! TICK! It's a race against the clock. Coles Sports for Schools finishes on 31 October so we've only got a few more weeks to collect as many Sports for Schools vouchers as we can, and get some great sporting gear for school. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Coles are offering not one, but two vouchers for every $10 you spend in-store. Please place your vouchers in the collection boxes located in the front office and outside Pre-Primary.

Dive and Try Swim Meet Come down to Challenge Stadium on Saturday, 23rd October at 10am and participate in a fun swim meet hosted by West Coast Swim Club, against other novice swimmers from around the metro area. If you are between 6 and 14 years of age, just fill in the entry form (attached) or download one at www.wa.swimming.org.au (follow the links > Development > Dive and Try). Get the entry form to us before 19th October and come down for a great morning of racing fun. You will receive a swim cap, certificate and official race time. For more information contact the Meet Director, Paulette on wcsc@people.net.au.

St Louis - Class 1960 Golden Jubilee 50 year reunion Wednesday 1 December 2010 6.30 Mass John XXIII College Chapel 7.00 Dinner Circle of Friends Cafe John XXIII College John XXIII Drive Mt Claremont $90.00 ticket (includes beverages, 3 course meal) Payment may be made by cheque (to: John XXIII College), on line www.johnxxiii.edu.au or by calling 9383 0520 Dress attire: Jacket & tie RSVP 19th November 2010 Enquiries Peter Fitzpatrick peter@crusadermanagement.com.au Or Alumni Development Officer Anna Gingell nee Muir (Class 1978) gingell.anna@johnxxiii.edu.au

Condolences and prayers to; Elizabeth Summerhayes and family on the recent death of Geoffrey Summerhayes (Loreto Primary Alumni & College Architect) September 2010 Bill, Delia and Becci White on the death of Penny Why (nee Hanrahan) (Loreto Nedlands Alumni) on 8 October 2010.