Time to Get Ready! Gearing Up for the Aspirations Awards Season!

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Transcript of Time to Get Ready! Gearing Up for the Aspirations Awards Season!

Time to Get Ready!

Gearing Up for the Aspirations Awards Season!

Aspirations TeamAmmi Ludwick, Director of AspirationsAmmi.ludwick@ncwit.org

Bridget Quinn, RAM, Aspirations in Computing816-721-1217Bridget.quinn@ncwit.org

Jennifer Manning, Program Manager, AspireITJennifer.manning@ncwit.org

Malia Frederickson, Program Manager, AiC Community & Collegiate AwardMalia.fredrickson@nwit.org

Lauren VonRoenn, Operations & Educator Award ManagerLauren.vonroenn@ncwit.org

Time to Get Ready!

• Timeline for 2014-15 AiC Program Season

• Goals for the new season

• Changes this year (Programs, Affiliate Applications, Educator Award)

• Gearing Up & Getting Started!

• Getting Girls to Apply: Promotion & Publicity

Timeline for 2014-2015 Season

August -Publicize & Promote, Gear Up

Sept 15th - Nov 7th -Affiliate Licensing Agreement / MOU Period

Sept 15th – Nov 2nd -Applications Open!

Nov 2nd – 7th -Parent/Educator Endorsement WRAP-UP Period

Nov 8th – 19th -First Application Review Period

Nov 19th – Dec 3rd -Second Application Review Period

Dec 15th -Affiliate Event Dates Due

Dec 15th – 17th -National Winners Announced

Dec 17th – Jan 31st -Local Winners Announced

Jan – May -Affiliate Award Events Held

2014-2015 Program GoalsRevolutionizing the Face of Technology!

• Increase # of students inducted into AiC

• Increase # of students registered on aspirations.org 

• Initiate outreach to applicants not selected as awardees

• Increase outreach to underrepresented communities & populations

• Increase sponsorship & sustainability of local Aspirations communities

• Increase recognition of all volunteers and community partners

AiC Educator Award

This award recognizes teachers, counselors, & other educators that make a special effort to support girls’ interest in technology

NEW THIS YEAR! To be considered for the award, educators are asked to complete a short, online application and endorse at least one student’s application for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing.

·         Sept 15-Nov 2 *Applications open·         Nov 7  *Student Endorsements Due·         Jan 31  *Announce winners

Winners are publicly recognized at a local affiliate award event and receive prizes including an engraved award for both the educator and educator’s school and $1,000 towards a computing-related professional development activity. Learn more and apply beginning September 15, 2014 at www.aspirations.org/educatoraward.

Updates for this Season

Educator Award

Collegiate Award


Aspirations Website

Affiliate Application

Licensing Agreement

Gearing Up & Getting Started!

*Promote & Publicize!

*Build up your team

*Recruit reviewers

*Get fiscal support / Reach out to fiscal partners

*Select ceremony dates/and event venues (Please tell us your date as soon as possible )

*Utilize the toolkit at www.aspirations.org

• Identify local channels to spread the word

• Schools, School Districts, & Youth Serving Organizations

• Media

• Social Media

• Sponsors &community partners

• Students & AiC Alum

• Colleagues, Contacts & Co-workers

Promotion: Getting The Word Out

Promotion: Getting Girls to Apply!

Schools and Youth-Serving Organizations

•Contact more than one individual at a school – include principal, guidance/career counselors, CS or IT teachers

•Follow up with phone calls

•Put together a list of youth-serving organizations – home-school networks, boys & girls clubs, Girl Scouts, 4H, etc.

•Contact local or regional chapters of the CSTA for help

•Ask to drop by Computing or IT classes to announce the opportunity – enlist help of students or AiC Alum

Promotion: Getting Girls to Apply!


•Announce in a press release – sample in the toolkit

•Recruit a media sponsor - local tv station or paper to help promote the award & ensure coverage

•Invite a local prominent member of the media to participate on your committee or visit schools to talk about the award

Promotion: Getting Girls to Apply!

Social Media

•Use social media sites to spread the word – Facebook, Twitter

•Refer all to the Award for Aspirations in Computing Facebook page

•Follow and invite others to follow @NCWITAIC and @NCWIT on Twitter. When Tweeting about Aspirations from your personal account, tag @NCWITAIC in the Tweets whenever possible

•Please use and encourage use of the hashtag for this year #NCWITAiC15

Promotion: Getting Girls to Apply!

Award Publicity Kit

•Currently being updated

•Labeled ‘recruit_publicity kit’ doc in toolkit

- talking points about the award- press release template- publicity ideas- sample outreach article/letter

Promotion: Getting Girls to Apply!

Other Resources

•More samples, templates and other ideas in online toolkit

•Updated publicity posters will be sent out soon

•Contact us for more information or for help with other promotional ideas

•What are we missing? Share your best practices with each other! - join the Aspirations Award Coord Facebook page

More Ideas For Successful Outreach

•engage the PR department of a sponsoring organizations or committee member organizations to help with press efforts

•Identify media members or writers that specifically cover tech stories

•Don't overlook small community papers

•Don't forget about digital media such as blogs, online magazines, etc.

•Keep your Community webpage updated with the most current information (Aspirations.org website)

Promotion: Getting Girls to Apply!

Thank You!

Contact us at

aspirations@ncwit.org & visit
