Time saver : Custom views in Excel 2010

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Time saver : Custom views in Excel 2010

CUSTOM VIEWS IN EXCELhttp://CompensationInsider.com

The challenge

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

As HR or Compensation pro, you build files with confidential info about all employees.

You often share partial views of these files with different stakeholders, and spend a lot of time returning to your master file and sorting, filtering, hiding columns and rows to show or give a printout to one manager and then undo and redo another customised view for another one.

If the first manager wants to view the file another time, you have to recreate the customised view all over again…

The risk : not recreating the exact same view The guaranteed : wasting time, many times.

The solution

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

Thanks to my friend and colleague Aroop who found this great, time-saving feature : Custom Views.

As Microsoft puts it, “Save a set of display and print settings as a custom view. Once you have saved the current view, you can apply it to the document by selecting it from the list of available custom views”.

Fantastic ! I recommend to always create a “general” view

to easily return to your initial master file.

Examples of use

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

Prepare the master file for participating to a compensation survey, then attend multiple meetings with managers to validate job matching.

Prepare a master file with internal equity analysis, present it to Directors, rework on it based on feedback then go present final results to them – no need to reformat your file

Prepare salary review suggestions for review with the CEO, and prepare in advance the views for the different cuts of employee population that she will want to check (for example : top management, high performers, proposed promotions, UAE Nationals…) – going back and forth will be a breeze

In View, click on Custom Views to see the pop-up

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

Click Add and create the name of the view. Check print settings and hidden rows, columns and filter settings

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

Switch between views instantly by selecting the one you want to show

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

Want to know more ?

© Sandrine Bardot and CompensationInsider.com 2013

On my blog CompensationInsider.com, I share Excel, social media, presentation and other useful “technical” tips for Compensation & Benefits and HR professionals, every other Sunday.

I also cover C&B topics and career advice the rest of the week. Feel free to check it out and subscribe by email.