Time Management

Post on 29-Jan-2015

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A Presentation on Time Management highlighting importance of prioritizing, planning and delegation in good time management ; and touching upon seven good practices which help in managing time better.

Transcript of Time Management

by Dr Surinder Kumar

Time Management

Image by Grant Cochrane/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


↑ Creativity

Reduces stress

↑Job satisfaction

↑ Leisure time



Time Management

of good Time Management

Two great friends

Master isolated images/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Prioritization & Planning

Important & Urgent•Crises•Pressing Problems•Deadline-driven projects

Important but not Urgent•Planning/Prevention•Training & Self- development•Relationships/Networking

Not Important but Urgent•Telephones/mails•Reports•Meetings•Interruptions

Not Important & Not Urgent•Some mail/some phone•Petty talk/politics•Time waster/pleasant activities

1. Prioritization

Image: Nuttakit/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

2. Planning


y the



e a Plan



• Specific & Well defined

• Make them measurable

• Ensure they refer to an action

• Keep them realistic

• Fix a deadline

a. Identify Objective

Image by Winnond / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

b. Write a Plan

• Break an objective into smaller objectives; set milestones

• Fix a dead line for each milestone

• Explore the means

Image: Master isolated images/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

c. Act

d. Review

• To evaluate the progress

• New insights

• Make mid-course correction

If a plan fails• Fault in the plan—inadequate or

unrealistic• Fault in you—execution• Fault in others—non-cooperation,

misunderstanding, change in environment

of good Time Management

Two bitter enemies

Master isolated images/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

1. Procrastination2. Failure to delegate

1. Procrastination - Reasons

• Unpleasant jobs

• Indecisiveness

• Perfectionism

• Laziness

• Unpleasant jobs are part of life

• Only way to get rid of it is, to do it

• Any unpleasant job is unlikely to become pleasant/easier in future

Change your attitude towards unpleasant jobs

Image: David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


• Decide to do, only way to make a decision is to make it

• Do not wait for the perfect information to arrive, or for the perfect moment

Image: Artemisphoto/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

2. Failure to delegate

• One of the toughest One of the toughest thing to dothing to do

• Vital to succeedVital to succeed

• Crucial business skillCrucial business skill

How to delegate?

• Define and explain the task properly

• Prepare plan with objectives and milestones

• Review periodically

which help in Time Management

Seven Good Practices

Image by Grant Cochrane/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

1. Be Proactive

Anticipate and take appropriate step

2. Listen Carefully

Take notesImage: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

3.Make Lists3.Make Lists

Make lists; use them


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4. Keep things in order

• Keep papers/documents in appropriate and labeled files

• Arrange your mails & computer files in easily identifiable folders

• Get rid of clutter

Image: Kittisak/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

5. Have Patience

6. Keep the big picture in mind

7. Reflect

Thank you

For Transcript visit: www.surinderkumar.com

Images’ Credits

• Clock - Grant Cochrane/FreeDigitalPhotos.net• Planning - Nuttakit / FreeDigitalPhotos.net • Dart - : winnond / FreeDigitalPhotos.net • Chess board - artemisphoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net • Graph: Master isolated images / FreeDigitalPhotos.net• Ant: Deadstar0 via Wikimedia Commons • Bored student: David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net • Rochambeau DC by Timault via Wikimedia Commons• Umbrella man :Dealmaker by Alex, Wikimedia commons. • Book shelf: Kittisak / FreeDigitalPhotos.net • Gentleman taking notes: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net• Thoughtful woman: Roberto Terracini, Wikimedia Commons• Forest: SU03Ai via Wikimedia Commons• Earth via Wikimedia Commons• Pocket watch: Isabelle Grosjean ZA via Wikimedia Commons