Time Line english class

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Time Line english class


I was born in Colima, Colima in the IMSS on

January 17th 1998.

I Studied in the Maria Tellez Cobian

Kinder Garden where I used to play

dragons with the kids.

Later I moved to "Colegio Inglés" kinder garden

where I had an unpleasant experience because

the girls weren't polite with me.

I still studied in Colegio Inglés until second grade on elementary school.

I moved to "Adolfo Lopez Mateos"

elementary school, where I lived a lot of


-When I was six I used to play to the Power Rangers in the Kiosk, in the middle of the garden.

So I tried to make a cartwheel and I broke my arm's bone.

In other case I was playing near of a closet and I hung of the door, and then the closet fell over me.

When I was seven I had a little horse so I dried it in the garden

and then I was over the floor because I fell it.

When I was 10 I went to the volcano where I felt bad about the pressure.

My younger brother born in March 11st 2009 and this

day I was so exciting, it was nice.

When I was 11 I went to Puerto Vallarta, when I had the

opportunity to travel in a boat.

Later of the elementary school I studied at Enrique Corona Morfin Middle School where sinker some good friends.

It was my rebellious stage, I used to skip some classes. Once I drew a

happy face in the classroom's wall and the teacher saw me so she

punished me painting all the classroom.

I used to go a lot to Manzanillo and in summer vacations my family and I used to go to the Barceló


I started the process for the high school and I was surprised when I saw that I was selected in high school

number 4! But I wanted the high school number 1

The last summer I worked with my uncle in his restaurant like a waitress, where I learned who is the work hard.

In the high school I met 2 of my best

friends Lupita and Carla.

In third semester I Went to a travel to Manzanillo to a hotel where I drank a lot of alcohol with my cousins and we got a lot of fun

running and turning around in the sand on the beach.

¡My life is very nice!

Bachillerato Técnico #4

TEACHER: Marcela Rodríguez.

MEMBERS: Luis Iván Garcia.Mónica Mariana Hernández.Fabiola Torres.

GROUP: 5° semestre, group C.