Tiger Tracks - Sept. 22, 2014

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Transcript of Tiger Tracks - Sept. 22, 2014

San Jose Christian School | September 22, 2014

Tiger TracksThis Week at SJCS

Mon 9/22 Sports Practice: Cross Country, Football, Softball

Tues 9/23 Softball @ Achiever | 3:30pm early dismissal @ 2:40pm

XCountry @ Montgomery Hill early dismissal @ 2:40pm

Football Practice

Wed 9/24 See You at the Pole | 7:45am SJCS Auditorium Football vs Achiever |4:00pm

Sports Practice: Cross Country, Softball

Thurs 9/25 Sports Practice: Cross Country, Softball

Football @ Legacy | 3:30pm early dismissal @ 2:40pm

Fri 9/26 SJCS 2nd Annual Cardboard Challenge 11am - 3pm !!

Advanced Date !Saturday, October 4, 11 Annual Walk-a-Thon 9am - 2pm

Attendance Line (408) 371-4815

Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are by Mr. Den Boer So What’s the Difference? Part 4 Within A Committed Christian Community !There are many good schools. What makes a school great? Obviously there are many factors, but research consistently shows the most important factor in high achieving schools is parental support of the educational mission. Now imagine a seamless community of believers committed to the wholeness and wellbeing its children and adults, whether students or staff! Imagine a child experiencing a consistent moral and spiritual message from the home, the church and the school. We at SJCS do not need to imagine such a community. We live it. !Yes, we provide exceptional education while engaging with culture. Yes we teach all subjects from a biblical perspective. But our most obvious differentiator, the factor that contributes more to the distinctiveness and success of SJCS than any other, is that we live out our mission together, within a committed Christian community. _______________________________ Post-script Praying for each other is a hallmark of Christian community. Our Moms In Prayer (MIP) group meets regularly to lift up individual students, staff and parents. We would love to have you participate! Please see the Moms-In-Prayer article in this Tiger Tracks. !!!

SJCS Chapel Returns This week Thursday, Dr. Ron Jimenez will address both middle school (8:40-9:10) and elementary (9:30-10:00) chapels on the theme “Love Works” from Ephesians 4:16. “From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” !Our goal is for our students to experience meaningful worship, including paying attention, positive participation, and contributing to an “atmosphere of worship.” Parents, please join us for chapel in the auditorium when you can. Help us instill an attitude of worship by refraining from photography / video during chapel. Thanks! !Lost and Found Missing clothing, PE uniforms, water bottles, books, or anything else? Check out the Lost and Found cabinet located inside the back door of the office (by the bookkeeper and the bathrooms). The shelves are already filling up.

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San Jose Christian School


Tiger Cubs - Tips and Information about Preschoolers! From our Preschool Team

Activities for Pretend Play !As  discussed  in  the  previous  Tiger  Cubs  sec4on,  pretend  play  is  an  essen4al  part  of  early  childhood  educa4onal  development.  The  following  ac4vi4es  are  some  sugges4ons  for  how  to  s4mulate  imagina4ve  play  in  your  child.  One  basic  ques4on  to  ask  yourself:  “In  this  ac4vity,  is  my  child  merely  passively  receiving  the  “entertainment,”  or  is  she  crea.ng  the  entertainment?  !Language:  • Vehicles  and  Animals.  Playing  with  cars,  trucks  and  trains,  and  animals  provides  for  many  new  vocabulary  words  

as  children  learn  the  names  of  each,  what  they  do,  what  they  eat  or  where  you  can  find  them.  Addi4onally,  children  and  adults  can  create  all  kinds  of  scenarios  that  the  vehicles  or  animals  might  find  themselves  in,  providing  for  further  language  and  vocabulary  development.  

• Dollhouse  and  Dolls.  Playing  with  a  dollhouse  or  dolls  allows  your  child  to  re-­‐enact  what  happens  in  her  everyday  

life,  using  the  words  and  phrases  she  hears.  You  are  likely  to  hear  your  own  words  come  out  of  her  mouth  as  she  recreates  events  that  have  happened,  perhaps  with  an  outcome  more  suited  to  her  liking!  

Crea+vity  • Drama4c  Play.  Provide  a  few  props  such  as  dishes  and  play  food,  empty  food  boxes  and  a  cash  register  or  stuffed  

animals  and  a  doctor’s  kit,  and  your  child  will  be  transported  into  a  different  place!  Watch  and  be  amazed  at  what  he  will  come  up  with  as  he  plays.  

• CraQ  Supplies.  Without  a  specific  project  complete,  provide  your  child  with  a  variety  of  craQ  supplies  such  as  

markers  and  crayons,  scraps  of  fabric  or  paper,  empty  boxes  or  containers,  glue,  buTons  and  s4ckers.  Allow  him  to  create  anything  he  likes  and  watch  his  inner  ar4st  emerge!  

Problem  Solving  &  Math  • Blocks.  Playing  with  blocks  provides  for  many  problem-­‐solving  scenarios.  How  can  we  make  it  balance?  How  tall  

can  we  make  this  tower?  Can  we  build  a  castle?  Children  also  learn  some  basic  math  concepts  with  the  various  shapes  and  sizes  of  the  blocks.  

• Puzzles.  When  trying  to  make  puzzle  pieces  fit,  children  are  gaining  important  math  and  problem  solving  

experience.  Learning  a  bit  about  sizes  (is  the  piece  too  big  for  that  spot?)  and  shapes  (does  the  shape  of  the  piece  look  the  same  as  the  hole?)  You  can  encourage  this  learning  by  engaging  in  conversa4ons  as  your  child  plays.  Your  child  will  also  gain  an  important  sense  of  accomplishment  as  her  prac4ce  leads  to  a  completed  puzzle  in  the  end.  

Gross  Motor  &  Fine  Motor  • Stringing  Beads  and  Lacing.  Giving  children  beads  and  plas4c  4pped  laces  provides  a  fun  way  to  work  on  fine  

muscle  control.  Your  child  can  create  a  beau4ful  necklace  while  strengthening  the  fine  motor  muscles.  Lacing  cards  or  child-­‐safe  needles  and  burlap  will  also  provide  fun  “sewing”  projects  for  young  children.  

• Balls  and  Balance  Beams.  Kicking  balls  and  walking  on  balance  beams  can  help  your  child  become  more  

coordinated.  Get  outside  and  kick  a  ball  around;  create  a  goal  area  to  make  it  a  game.  Any  4me  you  see  a  narrow  brick  wall  or  wooden  plank,  give  your  child  some  assisted  prac4ce  at  balancing.  

Tiger Tracks

Attendance & Absences If your child is sick and unable to make it to school, be sure to call the attendance line by 9am. The number is (408)371-4815.

If you are planning an absence for your child in advance, please fill out an advanced absence form in the office.

Like and Follow SJCS! SJCS is taking to social media to get the word out about all of the great things happening in our school community. Include us in your Twitter feed by following @sjcs_tigers. Visit our homepage and click on the Facebook icon and like our page to get status updates, pictures, and posts from SJCS and share them with your friends. Instagram users can get to our page by clicking on the Instagram icon and follow us from there.

Softball Last Monday, the softball team did great both offensively and defensively against Baymonte Christian. Playing at home with a vibrant group of fans helped the girls bring their “game-day” spirit to the field and notch an 8-6 victory.  Nice job Tigers!

The girls will continue their season tomorrow in a game against the Achiever Christian Eagles.

Flag Football The boys flag football lost their season opener in a thrilling overtime game against Baymonte, Overall, great job from all the boys. Keep up the hard work!

Cross Country Our Cross Country team has their first meet on Tuesday at Montgomery Hill. We look forward to hearing their results.



Practice 3:15pm - 4:45pm

@ Achiever 3:30pm Dismiss @ 2:40pm

Practice 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Practice 3:15pm - 4:45pm !---

Flag Football

Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm

Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm

vs. Achiever Christian Home | 3:30pm

@ Legacy Christian 3:30pm


Cross Country

Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm

XCountry at Montgomery Hill Dismiss @ 2:40pm !Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm

Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm


!Mon !Tues !Wed !Thurs !Fri

Tiger Tracks


CardBoard Challenge Kids are some of the most creative and innovative human beings on the planet. The Cardboard Challenge seeks to

utilize that creativity and innovation while building community and having fun.

On Friday, our first through eighth grade students will be participating in the second SJCS Cardboard Challenge. Using cardboard, tape, and other random supplies, student teams will construct their own unique arcade game. Each student should bring something random from around the house to possibly contribute to his/her team's creation. Parents, if you'd like to help with a team, please contact Ms. Diephouse (rdiephouse@sjchristian.org).

Finally, make sure to attend this year's Walk-A-Thon on October 4 for a look at these amazing creations!

Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School.

This year's fifth grade class has willingly embraced this year's classroom challenge to be positive Christian role models to the younger students on campus. In class, we've talked a lot about the responsibility that comes along with being "The big dogs on campus." We've brainstormed how we can lovingly serve within our school community and talked about what that may look like. Through these discussions, the fifth graders have been busy putting our "Love Does" theme into action. Here are some examples of the great things we have seen happening: • Fifth graders are expanding their relationships with students in other classes on the elementary playground. Playground monitors have reported seeing fifth graders teaching (and patiently re-teaching) playground games to younger students. While playing games together, the fifth graders are modeling how to show good sportsmanship. • Fifth graders are paired with students in Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten every Monday. Together, 5th graders assist their buddies with art projects, technology mentoring, and story reading. Last week, 5th graders helped the kindergarteners with their letter friend project. In Mrs. V's JK class, JK students drew pictures while the 5th grade students recorded in writing the thoughts from their buddy. This activity is called "dictated stories.” • 5th grade students have also had the opportunity to join their buddies on the JK/K playground during recess. Mrs. Bost has enjoyed watching the leadership among the fifth graders. She was pleased to see a group of fifth graders encouraging their buddies to finish their lunch food before playing together. Here's what a few fifth graders had to say about the JK/K recess time with 5th graders:  !"It's joyful to work with the kids. It leaves a warm feeling in your heart to know you are being a role model for them. When they're older, they can be good examples to other kids and this can pass on and on." -Kevin !"It's fun to go over to their playground because you get to play with them and take care of them." -Ella !"I like that I can help them have fun and play soccer and other games with them. -Colin !"It's fun to get to know them, and I like to play with them (especially my little brother). It's not something you get to do everyday; it's special." -Micah !When we asked a few JK and K students what they liked about playing and learning with the fifth grade students, they said: "I like going on the big slide with my buddy." - Tatiana !"I like doing computers with my buddy. She's nice and she plays with me." - Emma !"My buddy helped me make my letter friend project." - Nathan !"I like when my buddy plays soccer with me." - Ethan !"I like when she reads to me." - Alexandra

Tiger Tracks