Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide · MIBLSI Staff Member Providing PBIS Data...

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Transcript of Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide · MIBLSI Staff Member Providing PBIS Data...

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide

Version 1.2

August 2019

Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI) funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

(IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 2 of 35

Table of Contents Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide ........................................ 4

Common Acronyms ............................................................................................................. 4 Important Contact Information ............................................................................................ 5

District Implementation Team (DIT) .................................................................................... 5 School Leadership Team (SLT) .......................................................................................... 6 MIBLSI Staff Member Providing PBIS Data Coordination: .................................................. 6 MIBLSI Staff Member Providing Reading Data Coordination: ............................................. 6

Important Dates .................................................................................................................... 6 School Leadership Team Meetings: ................................................................................... 6 Training Dates .................................................................................................................... 7

MiMTSS ................................................................................................................................. 7 Check Record in MiMTSS .................................................................................................... 8 Verify Missing Record ......................................................................................................... 8

Enter Name and Contact Information ................................................................................. 9 Select Professional Roles ..................................................................................................10 Enter your Affiliated School(s)/Organization(s) ..................................................................11 Review and Submit ...........................................................................................................11

Update Your Contact and Role Information ......................................................................12 Login to MiMTSS to Update Contact and Role Information .............................................12 Entering PBIS Installation Checklist Data .........................................................................12

Go to School-Level Data Entry ..........................................................................................12 Enter Checklist Progress for the First Time .......................................................................13 Update Checklist Progress ................................................................................................14

Entering Secondary Content Area Reading Model Installation Checklist Data ..............15 Go to School-Level Data Entry ..........................................................................................15 Enter Checklist Progress for the First Time .......................................................................16 Update Checklist Progress ................................................................................................16

EduPaths .............................................................................................................................17 Tier 1 School-wide Content Area Reading Model .............................................................18

Importance of a School-wide Content Area Reading Model ...............................................18

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 3 of 35

Features of a School-wide Content Area Reading Model .................................................19 Teams: Leading the Work .................................................................................................19 Implementation: Content Area Reading Strategies ............................................................20 Resources .........................................................................................................................20 Evaluation of the Model .....................................................................................................20

Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................21 Additional Resources .........................................................................................................21

Citations ............................................................................................................................21 Websites: ..........................................................................................................................21

Tier 1 School-wide Content Area Reading Coaching Service Delivery Plan ...................22 Tier 1 PBIS & Positive School Climate District Coaching Service Delivery Plan ............25 Coaching a School-wide Content Area Reading Model ....................................................28

Introduction .......................................................................................................................28 Four Functions of Effective Coaching ................................................................................28

References...........................................................................................................................30 Secondary Coaches Monthly Focus ..................................................................................31

August/September .............................................................................................................31 September continued ........................................................................................................31 October .............................................................................................................................31 November ..........................................................................................................................32 December ..........................................................................................................................32 January .............................................................................................................................33 February ............................................................................................................................33 March ................................................................................................................................34 April ...................................................................................................................................34 May/June ...........................................................................................................................35

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 4 of 35

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide

This Coaching Guide is designed to be used by individuals providing systems coaching in secondary schools installing and implementing an integrated reading and behavior Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. While this coaching guide is specific to Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading components of the MTSS framework, it is supportive of an integrated model.


Curriculum Based Measurement Check-in, Check-out School-wide Information System Coaching Service Delivery Plan District Implementation team Effective Innovation Functional Behavioral Assessment Intermediate School District Individual Schoolwide Information System Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative MIBLSI Data System Multi-Tiered System of Supports Multi-Tiered System of Supports Coordinator Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory School Leadership Team Scientifically Based Reading Research Secondary Content Area Reading Student Risk Screening Scale School-wide Information System School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

Important Contact Information There is a deliberate infrastructure built to support the integrated reading and behavior MTSS framework. Two important team structures that support the implementation efforts include the District Implementation Team and the School Leadership Teams.

District Implementation Team (DIT) List the members of the District Implementation Team in the space below.

District Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) Coordinator:

One member of the DIT is the MTSS Coordinator. This individual serves a distinct function on the MTSS team. Record the name of your district’s MTSS Coordinator in the space below.

District Implementation Team Designee

The DIT has established deliberate linking communication protocols for communicating with various groups and teams within the district. There is an individual that has been identified as the DIT designee for communication with the school-level coaches. Record the name of that individual in the space below.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 6 of 35

School Leadership Team (SLT) List the members of the School Leadership Team in the space below. If you support more than School Leadership Team, be sure to include the information for each team.

MIBLSI Staff Member Providing PBIS Data Coordination: Record the name of the MIBLSI staff member who is assigned to provide PBIS data coordination support to your district. This includes support for School-wide Information System (SWIS) and PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (SWPBIS-TFI)

MIBLSI Staff Member Providing Reading Data Coordination: Record the name of the MIBLSI staff member who is assigned to provide Reading data coordination support to your district. This includes supports for DIBELS Next and the Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (R-TFI).

Important Dates

School Leadership Team Meetings: List the dates for the monthly School Leadership Team (SLT) meetings in the space below.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 7 of 35

Training Dates Please write in the date next to each training topic listed below:

• Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 2 • Coaching Support Session Winter Data Review • Winter Data Review • Coaching Support Session Intervention Systems Day 1 • Intervention System Day 1 • Intervention System Day 2 • Tier 2 Behavior Check-In, Check-Out • Coaching Support Session Spring Data Review • Spring Data Review

MiMTSS MiMTSS is designed to support efficient and effective problem solving and action planning within a Multi-Tiered System of Support s (MTSS) framework for reading and behavior. MIBSLI project staff, MDE staff and participating ISD, District, and School staff are the primary users of MiMTSS.

As a school-level coach, you will have school-level access to MiMTSS. You will be able to log into the system and view your school’s dashboard and enter school-level data to support problem solving and action planning.

In order to have the most up to date training records, we ask participants to check to see if they are already in MIMTSS or not. If a participant is in MIMTSS, we ask them to check the accuracy of the information we have. If a participant is not yet in MIMTSS, we ask him/her to add his/herself to our database.

The web address to login to MIMTSS is: (https://webapps.miblsimtss.org/MiMTSS/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fMiMTSS%2f)

Please record your log-in information in the space provided below:



Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 8 of 35

Check Record in MiMTSS Navigate to the MiMTSS registration website (webapps.miblsimtss.org/MiMTSS/registration)

1. Enter your last name in the search field. 2. Click Next.

Verify Missing Record If your information already exists in MiMTSS, proceed to the directions under the heading “Update your Contact and Role Information.” If no one with the last name can be found in MIBLSI’s records, you will get the message below.

1. Click Next to add yourself and follow the prompts to add your contact and role


Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 9 of 35

Enter Name and Contact Information

1. Type First Name. 2. Type Last Name. 3. Type Email. 4. Click Next.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 10 of 35

Select Professional Roles

1. Check the box next to all applicable roles. Roles highlighted in yellow are

particularly important in MiMTSS due to triggering implementation stage indicators. 2. Click Next.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 11 of 35

Enter your Affiliated School(s)/Organization(s)

1. Type school/organization name select it from the dropdown menu. Click Select.

When you do this, the school/organization will appear below the search field. Add any additional schools or organizations with which you are affiliated.

2. Indicate which school is your primary affiliation. For example, an ISD employee is a coach for schools. The ISD and all schools are listed as affiliated facilitates. The ISD is checked as the primary facility.

3. Click Next.

Review and Submit

1. Review the Summary of information you just entered. 2. Click Submit (or Back if you need to correct something).

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 12 of 35

Update Your Contact and Role Information After searching for yourself:

1. Click on the check mark next to your name.

1. Verify your email address. 2. Click Send Email. You will receive an automated email with a link to update your

contact and role information. Clicking Back will return you to the search screen. Clicking Next will take you to a screen to add yourself with a brand new record.

Login to MiMTSS to Update Contact and Role Information If your information is already in our records and you have been given login access to MiMTSS for entering data and analyzing reports, go to the login page at: (https://webapps.miblsimtss.org/MiMTSS/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fMiMTSS%2f).

Entering PBIS Installation Checklist Data

Go to School-Level Data Entry 1. Go to Data Entry in the top menu.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 13 of 35

2. Enter School Name in the text field and select the school from the dropdown menu that appears.

3. Select School Year. 4. Click Select.

5. Select PBIS Installation Checklist from the main data entry menu. Be sure to

select the correct checklist under Installation Checklists.

Enter Checklist Progress for the First Time 1. Enter the date of the checklist update. This field will default to the current date. 2. Select ‘Complete, In Progress, or Not Started’ for each item on the checklist. 3. Scroll to the bottom and click Save. You do not have to select a response to

each checklist item prior to saving. Any unanswered item will be counted as ‘Not Started.’

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 14 of 35

Update Checklist Progress 1. Once you have entered data, the summary at the top of the checklist will

populate with a calculation of the percent of checklist items marked as ‘Not Started, In Progress, or Completed.’ In addition, saving the status update on one checklist will trigger the next checklist (of 4) to appear the next time you select PBIS Installation Checklist from the main data entry menu.

2. Enter the date of your status update. This field will default to the current date. 3. For all items not previously marked as ‘Complete,’ you will be prompted with a

dropdown menu to select whether the item is now ‘Complete, In Progress, or Not Started.’

4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 15 of 35

Entering Secondary Content Area Reading Model Installation Checklist Data MIMTSS login page


Go to School-Level Data Entry 1. Go to Data Entry in the top menu. 2. Enter School Name in the text field and select the school from the dropdown

menu that appears. 3. Select School Year. 4. Click Select.

1. Select Secondary Content Area Reading Model Installation Checklist from

the main data entry menu.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 16 of 35

Enter Checklist Progress for the First Time 1. Enter the date of the checklist update. This field will default to the current date. 2. Select ‘Complete, In Progress, or Not Started’ for each item on the checklist.

3. Scroll to the bottom and click Save. You do not have to select a response to

each checklist item prior to saving. Any unanswered item will be counted as ‘Not Started.’

Update Checklist Progress 1. Once you have entered data, the summary at the top of the checklist will

populate with a calculation of the percent of checklist items marked as ‘Not Started, In Progress, or Completed.’ In addition, saving a status update on one checklist will trigger the next checklist to appear the next time you select PBIS Installation Checklist from the main data entry menu.

2. Enter the date of your status update. This field will default to the current date. 3. For all items not previously marked as ‘Complete,’ you will be prompted with a

dropdown menu to select whether the item is now ‘Complete, In Progress, or Not Started.’

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 17 of 35

4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.

EduPaths The link to EduPaths is: https://www.edupaths.org/. Please take some time to set up an account and browse through the options available via the online catalog. Please record your log-in and password below: log-in and password below:



Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 18 of 35

Tier 1 School-wide Content Area Reading Model A School-wide Content Area Reading Model is a multi-tiered structure encompassing:

• data use and analysis • systems to address the continuum of reading needs across the student body • practices designed to improve reading outcomes for all students that involve

active participation by all school staff

(St. Martin, Nantais, & Harms, 2015).

As the title implies, a School-wide Content Area Reading Model is a structure that touches all content or instructional areas in the student’s school day. Core classes such as English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics are included, as well as elective classes such as Physical Wellness or Art.

A multi-tiered structure is used to assist staff in providing a continuum of reading support based on student need. Tier 1 supports are provided to all students throughout the school day, Tier 2 and 3 supports are provided to some students with specific needs in the area of reading. All Tiers are focused on supporting student reading performance in every classroom to maximize potential for students to be career and college ready.

Implementing a model that supports reading in all content areas is no easy task. That is why, in addition to a focus on effective, scientifically-based reading instructional practices, a School-wide Content Area Reading Model includes:

• guidance by a school leadership team composed of school staff • solid implementation of evidence-based instructional practices • increased opportunities for student engagement and response • resources including instructional and systems coaching, and an • evaluation system designed to monitor the effectiveness of the School-wide

Content Area Reading Implementation plan

This handout will provide additional guidance on the features of a School-wide Content Area Reading Model.

Importance of a School-wide Content Area Reading Model Secondary schools are charged with ensuring that all students are career and college ready. A critical element to being college and/or career ready involves an individual’s ability to read and understand complex informational text. Thus, in an effort to meet these standards, students should be taught to gather and process information via rigorous text in all content areas. A difficult challenge facing secondary schools, however, is that not all students are able to read at the level needed to comprehend the content being taught.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 19 of 35

Adolescent literacy is complex. The promising news is that research has and is continuing to provide guidance based on a careful look at the impact of instructional practices on student outcomes. Kamil et al. (2008) authored a practice guide summarizing research recommendation that had a positive impact on adolescent student outcomes. The recommendations are:

• provide explicit vocabulary instruction • provide direct and explicit comprehension strategy instruction • provide opportunities for extended discussion of text meaning and

interpretation • increase student motivation and engagement in literacy learning • make available intensive and individualized interventions for struggling

readers that can be provided by trained specialists

Currently, there is a research-to-practice gap in incorporating the above recommendations into standard secondary classroom teaching. It is possible for individual classroom teachers to implement the first four recommendations throughout a student’s day. However, this would be a difficult and time-consuming task for an individual teacher, and may increase confusion for students if multiple teachers were using different techniques. A School-wide Content Area Reading Model is designed to coordinate and support the efforts of all school staff (e.g. teachers, administrators, interventionists, special education, etc.) to effectively and efficiently implement the research recommendations outlined above in a consistent and obvious manner.

A School-wide Content Area Reading Model is important in that it focuses staff on a common plan to implement evidence-based reading practices. A model communicates essential components (who, what, where) and allows teachers to concentrate on providing reading support to assist students in accessing critical content in all core classes.

Features of a School-wide Content Area Reading Model

Teams: Leading the Work Teams are an effective way to implement practices in schools. (McIntosh & Goodman, 2016). Teams are able to survive staff turnover, distribute the work load, and provide access to multiple skill sets. Due to their robust make-up, teams can make better decisions and represent a variety of roles within the school structure.

What are the core activities for the team? These activities include developing and monitoring the School-wide Content Area Reading Implementation plan. This plan details the data, systems, and instructional strategies to promote effective reading

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 20 of 35

instruction within the building. Teams develop measurable objectives for the strategies, monitor the objectives, and communicate the plan to staff and stakeholders.

Finally, the team works along with the District Implementation Team (DIT), to provide professional learning and support for layering on additional content area reading strategies.

Implementation: Content Area Reading Strategies At the heart of the model is the effective implementation of evidence-based content area reading strategies. The initial strategies to be implemented include:

• Survey, Question, Read, Rehearse, Review (SQ3R) • Alternate Reading Practices

Additional strategies, including short writing activities on a frequent basis and explicit vocabulary instruction, will be introduced as the initial reading strategies are being used.

Resources Effective implementation of a School-wide Content Area Reading Model involves many moving pieces. Some of the essential resources needed for successful implementation include screening data provided through Early Warning Indicators, professional learning that is designed to support the implementation of the strategies, coaching that is focused on monitoring the system of support and a mechanism to provide feedback for teachers on their use of the strategies in the classroom.

Evaluation of the Model The initial launch of the reading strategies into classrooms is only the beginning. A School-wide Content Area Reading Model will need feedback on whether the system is producing an improvement in student reading outcomes. Teams will regularly analyze student data through the Early Warning Indicators (attendance, behavior, and course proficiency) as well as historical student data. Teams will also take a careful look at the installation of a School-wide Content Area Reading model by completing a checklist designed to examine each feature of this model (St. Martin, Nantais, & Harms, 2015).

A final critical piece is communication of the model’s evaluation feedback to staff and stakeholders. By creating a custom MTSS Status update, teams can provide current information to school staff, school improvement teams, school board, parents, and any other stakeholder group that is relevant to their context.

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 21 of 35

Conclusion In order to ensure that all students are career and college ready, secondary schools need to organize their efforts around reading instruction. Every opportunity to reinforce evidence-based reading strategies should be used. Common reading strategies, such as SQ3R and Alternative Reading Procedures, used consistently in classrooms will streamline the process for both students and staff. Implementing a well-designed School-wide Content Area Reading Model will assist educators in maximizing their efforts to increase student achievement.

Additional Resources

Citations Kamil, M. L., Borman, G. D., Dole, J., Kral, C. C., Salinger, T., and Torgesen, J.

(2008). Improving adolescent literacy: Effective classroom and intervention practices: A Practice Guide (NCEE #2008-4027). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc.

McIntosh, K. & Goodman, S., (2016). Integrated multi-tier systems of support: Blending RTI and PBIS. New York, NY: Guildford Press.

St. Martin, K., Nantais, M., & Harms, A. (2015). Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory Secondary-Level Edition. Michigan Department of Education, Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative.

Websites: The Meadows Center for Preventing Academic Risk https://www.meadowscenter.org

MIBLSI https://miblsi.org

RTI Action Network http://www.rtinetwork.org

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 22 of 35

Tier 1 School-wide Content Area Reading Coaching Service Delivery Plan Monitoring Plan: The District Implementation Team will monitor the adherence to the coaching concepts outlined in this Coaching Service Delivery Plan three times per year. This will occur by speaking to the school’s coaches to understand how the coaching concepts or skills are contextualized based on the school’s outcome and fidelity data.

Table 1. Coaching Concepts or Skills by Stage of Implementation and listed in order of priority.

Exploration Installation Implementation

1. Assess need and context

2. Relationship development

3. Promote buy-in and readiness for a School-wide Content Area Reading Model that includes the components of the IES recommendations for Adolescent Reading and Big Ideas of Adolescent Reading

4. School Leadership Team (SLT) formation – team is already formed from Positive School Climate (PSC) work; however, it is good to confirm member selection after understanding more about the reading components of an MTSS model the SLT will work to support implementation

1. School Leadership Team (SLT) development (e.g., roles & responsibilities, meeting notes, action plan) – make any refinements since the reading components of an MTSS model are being layered-on to the existing SLT structure formed during the PSC installation period

2. School-wide Content Area Reading Model Fluency: a. IES Practice Guide

Recommendations for Adolescent Reading – content area reading strategies

b. Big Ideas of Adolescent Reading

c. EWI data interpretation and R-TFI training

d. Selection and use of common content area reading strategies within core subject areas

3. Development of School-wide Assessment System a. Critical assessments used

across the district b. General parameters for

using these data to make important decisions

1. Data support: a. Reading Tiered

Fidelity Inventory Secondary Level Edition

b. Early Warning Indicators (EWI)

2. Data-based problem solving (school-level, grade level) a. On-going use and

adjustments to the Content Area Reading Plan

b. On-going adjustments and use to the Department Instructional Plans

c. On-going adjustments to training and coaching supports

3. Use and refinements of communication protocols

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 23 of 35

Exploration Installation Implementation

4. Development of the Content Area Reading Plan

5. Communication protocol development and use: - make any additions / refinements now that the reading MTSS components are being layered-on a. SLT to DIT b. Coach coordinator (if size

of district warrants this role)

c. School work groups / teams

d. Other stakeholders (e.g., families, Parent Teacher Group, Board of Education)

6. Development of Department Teams

7. Development of Department Level Plans

Table 2. Additional components of the Coaching Service Delivery Plan

Component Description of Activities or Resources

Coaching Supports

Continuum of coaching supports that will be used to support SLTs depending on the prioritized concepts the coach is focusing efforts:

• Observations • Product reviews • Teaching (professional learning) • Modeling • Co-facilitation with SLT member • Fluency building • Prompting team and / or specific team members • Assistance with adaptation with local context • Providing feedback (verbal and written)

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 24 of 35

Component Description of Activities or Resources

Coaching Frequency / Schedule

Coaches will participate at a minimum in the following: (Participation can mean a variety of things like direct involvement or observation of the SLT.)

• SLT professional learning sessions • Monthly SLT meetings • At least 3 SLT events (e.g., presentations to school staff or

other stakeholders) Coach Preparation

Coaches will need to allocate time to adequately prepare to support the district in their implementation efforts by:

• Reviewing concepts / skills provided during SLT professional learning sessions

• Allocating time to review products prior to meetings / trainings • Allocating time to prepare for an observation of the SLT by

identifying “look fors” to share with the team prior to the observation and / or creating a tool to frame observations and feedback

Mechanisms to Provide Feedback

Coaches will provide feedback (recognition and suggestions for continuous improvement) during SLT meetings and other SLT events either verbally or in written form to the team or specific team members

• Feedback to be provided (e.g., from observations, product reviews): - during SLT meetings - during training meetings (e.g., group reflection) - meetings with individual SLT members

Timeline for Written Feedback

• When written feedback is required (e.g., product reviews, response to questions, following SLT meetings), it will be provided within 5 business days of the meeting / event

Coaching Effectiveness Measure

• Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (R-TFI) Secondary Edition • Student outcome data (EWI data) • Staff Satisfaction of Coaching Surveys (twice per year)

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 25 of 35

Tier 1 PBIS & Positive School Climate District Coaching Service Delivery Plan Monitoring Plan: The District Implementation Team will monitor the adherence to the coaching concepts outlined in this Coaching Service Delivery Plan three times per year. This will occur by speaking to the school’s coaches to understand how the coaching concepts or skills are contextualized based on the school’s outcome and fidelity data.

Table 3. Coaching Concepts or Skills by Stage of Implementation and listed in order of priority.

Exploration Installation Implementation

1. Assess need and context

2. Relationship development

3. Promote buy-in and readiness for PBIS / Positive School Climate (PSC)

4. School Leadership Team (SLT) formation

1. School Leadership Team (SLT) development (e.g., meeting structures, roles & responsibilities, meeting notes, action plan)

2. Defining school-wide expectations (broad expectations and behavior matrix)

3. Teaching lesson plans 4. Monitoring behavioral

expectations 5. Acknowledgement System 6. Development of School-

wide Assessment System a. Critical assessments used

across the district b. General parameters for

using these data to make important decisions

c. SWIS installation activities 7. Correction procedures

(continuum of responses to behavioral errors)

8. Communication protocol development and use: a. SLT to DIT

1. Data support: a. SWPBIS Tiered

Fidelity Inventory b. Critical Features

Checklist c. SWIS office

discipline referral data

2. Data-based problem solving (school-level, grade level, training, and coaching supports) a. On-going use

and adjustments to the School-wide PBIS Plan

b. On-going adjustments and use to the Grade Level Instructional Plans

3. Use and refinements of communication protocols

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 26 of 35

Exploration Installation Implementation

b. Coach coordinator (if size of district warrants this role)

c. School work groups / teams

d. Other stakeholders (e.g., families, Parent Teacher Group, Board of Education)

9. Class-wide PBIS practices: (defining class expectations, developing procedures for classroom procedures, acknowledgment system, correction procedures, student engagement)

Table 4. Additional components of the Coaching Service Delivery Plan

Component Description of Activities or Resources

Coaching Supports

Continuum of coaching supports that will be used to support SLTs depending on the prioritized concepts the coach is focusing efforts:

• Observations • Product reviews • Teaching (professional learning) • Modeling • Co-facilitation with SLT member • Prompting team and / or specific team members • Assistance with adaptation with local context • Providing feedback (verbal and written)

Coaching Frequency / Schedule

Coaches will participate at a minimum in the following: (Participation can mean a variety of things like direct involvement or observation of the SLT):

• SLT professional learning sessions • Monthly SLT meetings • At least 3 SLT events (e.g., presentations to school staff or

other stakeholders)

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 27 of 35

Component Description of Activities or Resources

Coach Preparation

Coaches will need to allocate time to adequately prepare to support the district in their implementation efforts by:

• Reviewing concepts / skills provided during SLT professional learning sessions

• Allocating time to review products prior to meetings / trainings • Allocating time to prepare for an observation of the SLT by

identifying “look fors” to share with the team prior to the observation and / or creating a tool to frame observations and feedback

Mechanisms to Provide Feedback

Coaches will provide feedback (recognition and suggestions for continuous improvement) during SLT meetings and other SLT events either verbally or in written form to the team or specific team members

• Feedback to be provided (e.g., from observations, product reviews): - during SLT meetings - during training meetings (e.g., group reflection) - meetings with individual SLT members

Timeline for Written Feedback

• When written feedback is required (e.g., product reviews, response to questions, following SLT meetings), it will be provided within 5 business days of the meeting / event

Coaching Effectiveness Measure

• School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (SWPBIS-TFI) • Student outcome data (e.g., reduction in Office Discipline

Referrals) • Staff Satisfaction of Coaching Surveys (twice per year)

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 28 of 35

Coaching a School-wide Content Area Reading Model

Introduction What is coaching in the context of systems coaching? If you are asked to coach a School-wide Content Area Reading Model, what does that involve? Coaching a system, such as a School-wide Content Area Reading Model, varies from instructional or cognitive coaching. The systems coaching role is to support the implementation of a multi-tiered structure for reading encompassing:

• data use and analysis • systems to address the continuum of reading needs across the student body • practices designed to improve reading outcomes for all students that involve

active participation by all school staff (St. Martin, Nantais, & Harms, 2015).

A graduate student was interested in what constitutes good systems coaching and what kind of impact good coaching could have on a school’s implementation of School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS). She noted:

Too often we think of coaches as cheerleaders providing encouragement as we work our way toward improving and sustaining our implementation. While encouragement is part of the coach’s role, it doesn’t fully describe the heart of what good coaching entails. When coaches delivered four key functions for effective coaching, all schools sustained their SWPBIS implementation between years one and two and, in some cases, significantly improved upon it.

This document will discuss the four key functions of effective coaching (i.e. prompting, fluency building, performance feedback, and adaptation) and apply the functions to coaching a School-wide Content Area Reading Model.

Four Functions of Effective Coaching


Prompting is the action of encouraging or reminding someone to do something. A critical feature of coaching is to encourage your team to use the knowledge they have within the context of the school to accomplish the work.


• Email the Data Coordinator to ensure that the reading data and all reports are ready for team meetings

• Schedule and/or remind the team to complete the Reading – Tiered Fidelity Inventory (R-TFI) in a timely manner

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 29 of 35

• Remind the team to review the “What to Bring” letter prior to attending MIBLSI trainings

• Ensure that reading data is summarized and shared with staff and stakeholders

Fluency Building

The second key function of effective coaching is defined as fluency building. Fluency building is a term that describes the opportunity for coaches to build skills within the team, such as analyzing student reading data, through practice and repetition.


• Use standard agendas in team or department meetings • Schedule monthly team or department meetings for the year • Provide staff and teams with the opportunity to practice analyzing reading

data and developing objectives • Provide teams with the opportunity to evaluate systems data (e.g. R-TFI)

and make changes as needed

Performance Feedback

Performance feedback may be best understood by using a sports analogy. When a tennis coach provides frequent feedback to her player, both positive and corrective, she is giving feedback on the player’s performance. In coaching a School-wide Content Area Reading Model, the coach is not giving feedback on a tennis serve but on the team’s performance in running the system.


• Provide feedback on how the team used a problem-solving model • Offer positive and perhaps corrective feedback on the team’s use of data

to make decisions for groups of students and individual students • Remind team members of skills and research presented in trainings when

opportunities to apply those skills arise


Adaptation is a critical function of coaching. Adaptation is the modification of a new skill to the local context.


• Work with the team and administration to adjust the school schedule to incorporate time for reading intervention

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 30 of 35

• Use data to provide recommendations on staff training needs in the area of reading

• Work with the team to complete assignments from the MIBLSI training

References St. Martin, K., Nantais, M., & Harms, A. (2015). Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory

Secondary-Level Edition. Michigan Department of Education, Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 31 of 35

Secondary Coaches Monthly Focus


� Review “School Leadership Team Responsibilities” document from DIT training content with any new team members

� Ensure you are registered for the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Support Session via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Prompt at least one teacher of Social Studies, Science, and Special Education from the lowest grade-level and the principal to register for the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Strategy training via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team Meeting � Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area

Reading Day 1 training � Attend the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 1 training � Work with SLT to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area

Reading Day 1 training prior to Day 2 � Support your team in completion of Tier I of the School-wide PBIS TFI with the

identified PBIS Assessment Coordinator � Work with the MIBLSI PBIS Data Coordination Provider prior to the start of the

current school year to check the accuracy of the SWIS account users � Meet with the Principal and the SWIS Facilitator to:

� Review the SWIS dashboard within two weeks of initial data entry

September continued

� Review the SWIS data integrity report � Determine communication to staff around the consistent use of SWIS

� Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Coaching Support Session for Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading

� Attend the Coaching Support Session for Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading � Prompt School Leadership Team to update the PBIS Installation Checklist in

MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed � Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area

Reading Day 1 � Actively participate in the monthly School Leadership Team Meeting


� Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Strategy training

� Attend the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Strategy training

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 32 of 35

� Work with your school to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Strategy training

� Actively participate in the monthly School Leadership Team Meeting � Meet with the principal and SWIS Facilitator to:

� Review the SWIS Dashboard � Check the data integrity report � Practice summarizing trends � Prepare communication with staff

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the PBIS Installation Checklist in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Installation Checklist One in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 1

� Actively participate in the monthly School Leadership Team Meeting


� Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 2 training

� Attend Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 2 � Participate your team in completion of Tier I of the Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory

Secondary Level Edition (R-TFI) prior to Winter Data Review � Actively participate in the monthly School Leadership Team Meeting � Work with your school to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content

Area Reading Day 2 training � Meet with the principal and SWIS Facilitator to:

� Review the SWIS Dashboard � Check the data integrity report � Practice summarizing trends � Prepare communication with staff

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the PBIS Installation Checklist in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 1 & Day 2

� Actively participate in the monthly School Leadership Team Meeting


� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 33 of 35

� Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Coaching Support Session for Winter Data Review

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the PBIS Installation Checklist in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 1 & Day 2

� Meeting � Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area

Reading Day 2 training � Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Coaching Support Session for Winter

Data Review � Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Winter Data Review � Meet with the principal and SWIS Facilitator to:

� Review the SWIS Dashboard � Check the data integrity report � Practice summarizing trends � Prepare communication with staff � Practice developing precise problem statements using SWIS data


� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team Meeting � Attend Coaching Support Session for Winter Data Review � Attend Winter Data Review training � Meet with the principal and SWIS Facilitator to:

� Review the SWIS Dashboard � Check the data integrity report � Practice summarizing trends � Prepare communication with staff � Practice developing precise problem statements using SWIS data

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Day 1 & Day 2

� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team Meeting


� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team Meeting

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 34 of 35

� Ensure you are registered for the Coaching Support Session for Intervention System series via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Prompt School Leadership Team members via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Prompt SLT members and other identified staff to register for Tier 2 Behavior Supports Check-in, Check-Out via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Attend Coaching Support Session for Intervention System Day 1 � Attend Intervention System Day 1 training � Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Tier 1 Secondary Content Area

Reading Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed

� Work with your team to complete assignments from Secondary Intervention System Day 1

� Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Secondary Intervention System Installation Checklist One in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed


� Actively participate in the monthly School Leadership Team meeting � Attend Coaching Support Session for Intervention System Day 1 � Attend Intervention System Day 2 training � Work with your team to complete assignments from Secondary Intervention System

Day 1 and Day 2 � Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Secondary Intervention System

Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed


� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team Meeting � Support the SRSS Coordinator in training the SLT and the school staff in the

administration and scoring of the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) � Work with the SRSS Coordinator and the SLT to develop a plan for the collection

and analysis of data from the SRSS � Ensure you are registered for the Coaching Support Session for Spring Data Review

via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Work with School Leadership Team to complete Tiers I & II of the SWPBIS TFI prior to the Spring Data Review Coaching Support Session

� Prompt School Leadership Team members to register for the Spring Data review via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Attend Tier 2 Behavior Supports Check-in, Check-out training

Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Coaching Guide (August 2019) Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education Page 35 of 35

� Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Check-In, Check- � Work with your school to completion of the Check-in, Check-out Installation

Checklist in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed � Work with your team to complete assignments from Secondary Intervention System

Day 1 and Day 2 � Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Secondary Intervention System

Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed


� Actively participate in monthly School Leadership Team Meeting � Actively participate in monthly Tier 2/Tier 3 Systems Team Meeting

� Plan for the implementation of Check-in, Check-out in the fall � Support the collect of the SRSS data school-wide � Review the “What to Bring” letter prior to the Coaching Support Session for Spring

Data Review � Attend Coaching Support Session for Spring Data Review � Attend Spring Data Review training � Work with the SLT and staff to plan for the SWPBIS Kick-off for next fall � Work with your team to complete assignments from Tier 1 Check-In, Check-Out � Work with your school to completion of the Check-in, Check-out Installation

Checklist in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed � Work with your team to complete assignments from Secondary Intervention System

Day 1 and Day 2 � Prompt School Leadership Team to update the Secondary Intervention System

Installation Checklist One and Two in MiMTSS until 100% of items are completed � Ensure you are registered for the Coaching Support Session for Fall Data Review

via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)

� Prompt School Leadership Team members to register for the Fall Data review via Wisdomwhere (https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/MiBLSi/RegistrantLogon.aspx)