(.TiCI}CSS...(.TiCI}CSS Univcrsity of calictrt - llcstructtrrctl UG Ctrrriculttltt (2014 adnrission)...

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Transcript of (.TiCI}CSS...(.TiCI}CSS Univcrsity of calictrt - llcstructtrrctl UG Ctrrriculttltt (2014 adnrission)...

U.O.No. 1747/2015/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 20.02.2015

File Ref.No.10138/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU



BA Programme in European Languages - CUCBCSS UG - 2014 Admission - Scheme and Syllabus -

Approved - Implemented with effect from 2014 Admissions - Orders issued

G & A - IV - B

Read:-1. UO .No. 3797/2013/CU dated 07.09.2013 (CBCSS UG Modified Regulations ) (File.

ref.no. 13752/GAIV J SO/2013/CU)

2. UO .No 5180/2014/Admn, dated 29.05.2014 (CBCSS UG Revised Regulations )

(File ref.no. 13752/GAIV J SO/2013/CU)

3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Studiesin European Languages held on


4. Minutes of the meeting of the Faculty of Language and Literature held on

27.08.2014 , item no.d

5. Letter dated 20.11.2014 from the Dean, Faculty of Language and Literature

6. Orders of the Vice Chancellor in file 20148/GAIV -B2/2013/CU dated 23.11.2014

7. Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council held on 15.01.2015, Item no.I (15)


The Modified Regulations of Choice Based Credit Semester System for UG Curriculum with

effect from 2014 admission under the University of Calicut was implemented vide paper read first


The Revised CUCBCSS UG Regulations has been implemented with effect from 2014

admission for all UG Programmes under CUCBCSS, in the University vide paper read second


The Board of Studies in European Languages vide paper read third approved the CUCBCSS

Syllabus of BA European Languages with effect from 2014 Admission. The Faculty of Language

and Literature vide paper read fourth resolved that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of

Studies in European Languages held on 18.06.2014 can be approved only on receipt of the

approved Syllabus from the Chairman.

The Chairperson, Board of Studies in European Languages forwarded the Syllabus of European

Languages CUCBCSS Programme for 2014 admission and vide paper read fifth, the Dean Faculty

Muhammed S

Deputy Registrar

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer

of Language and Literature mentioned that as the Faculty of Language and Literature at its

Meeting held on 27.08.2014 vide item number 'd' has already resolved that the Minutes of the

Meeting of the Board of Studies in European Languages held on 18.06.2014 can be approved only

on receipt of the approved Syllabus from the Chairperson and as the Syllabus has been now

forwarded by the Chairperson, the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Studies in European

Languages held on 18.06.2014 can now be approved with the consent of the Vice Chancellor.

Vide paper read sixth, Vice Chancellor after considering the matter has ordered that the matter

of approval of the Syllabus of European Languages CUCBCSS for 2014 admission be placed

before the Academic Council for consideration.

Vide paper read seventh, the Academic Council considered the matter of approving the Syllabus

of BA European Languages CUCBCSS 2014 Admission and resolved to approve the Syllabus of BA

European Languages CUCBCSS for 2014 Admission.

Sanction has therefore been accorded for implementing the Scheme and Syllabus of BA

European Languages CUCBCSS, in the University with effect from 2014 Admission.

Orders are issued accordingly.

The syllabus is appended herewith.


1. The Principals of all Affiliated Colleges under the University of Calicut

2. PS to VC/PVC/PA to Registrar/CE/EX IV Section/EG Section/Director SDE/DR and AR

BA Branch/SDE/SDE Exam Branch/Library/Information Centres/SF/DF/FC


Univcrsity of calictrt - llcstructtrrctl UG Ctrrriculttltt (2014 adnrission)

DetailedlistofCoursesinFrencly'Gernrary'RussianandSyriacdesigned by BOS in European Languages



Sclttcstcr' - I

I J nnn ,o J 'e skills itr [:rcnch i

i()rr l)l'lr I (;l:ltlA rcsliillsitl(jernratr


07(l) .

illr I It( s ir u skills itt l(ttsstrttt

i r,rii;r rr 1 I

* i svll, lA I ir c sliills irr Sl riac

-.-!itlL- -.Scntcster - 2


l,iI i I ttttL-- l,r titl atlcl ('tltt.tt.t.ttttltcattttn

i o8(l) I I

I r, I (it.l{ I \ otl atlcl ('ott.ttttttt.ttcatl()ll

lnt I I'.\st.Ntl.

(. tltt t'sc( otlc



20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 193)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 194)


'l'i(lc ol lltc ('ttttrsc

I ttst t'tt

ctiortIr o tr rs/\\ cc l(




M a rlis l'ota I



Cou rscCotlc

08(l) in





I rt l:rt.

+l l0 tt0 4

i I RtrslAI o8(y'

8 I SYR2AL',,r,r't

trnslatitltl lttlil ('()lllllltllllclltl()ll


nlnsl llti()ll lttltl ('o tll tll Llllical'i()ll

r Sr t'ilre

+ -) l0 80 +

Scnrcstcr - 3

4 l0 ti0 4FItt- ]A


[.iteratLrrc irr F rcllch )

+ -)










I itct'lttLtt'c itl (ict'tlllltl

l.itcratLll'c ilr llLrssiarr


5 4 1

4 -) l0 80 4SYR.]A

09Litclatr.tt'e i rt S1 riirc )

Scurcstcr - J

2o i srt






l-iI -) 20 tio 4

RLiS 4At0

( LrltLtrc illlcl ('ir rliz-atiorl ol

[{trssilr(nr e ()tttlllll'ls()lr ri ith l.'ct'allt

cLrltLrlc )





20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 195)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 196)

(lott rsc

CodcI'itlc rtl tltc ( ottt'st

('ottttt-tt-ttlication Ski IIs itl French

I t'ltttsllttiotl lttltl ('tltlltllrttli''lttitltl

08(l) in [:t cttch

Intt'tltl Ltcttlt'r ( ict'tllittl lilr bttsitlcss

1'rcoplc- l .cr e l- I

Ir.ttt'tttlrtctot'r (ict'tlllul lilt' bLtsitlcss

pcoltlu- I cr cl- l('ottrtrtitlicl-rtrorr Sl'ill & I listot'r

trl' Sr riac l.itcrittr-rlc

I nttrslatiotl-(iratlltrlitr&l listorr ol'

Sr riatr ('hristairrs ill Irlclia

I ttstt'ttcl tollhours/neeli



Nl a rks -l'otaI

(' rctlir

C rcdir

IrR[-.]AI ll-i

l0 ttO 4

l0 80

I ..) GLIR l.\07(l)







(ilrttl,\ 0U(l )

S\'I{ I \07(I)

SYR ],\0tt(I )











antl ('irilizatiorr oI i l

( in c()lllParlsollcirlture )

'l- racl itio rrs

u ith Kcrala

(lourscs for l].(lonr itnd l'lLP l)attcrn (li1' l'-r'cnch, (le rtttan ltnd Sr ri:rc lirr tlrc

Scurcstcrs I &2

FItE:l A

\20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 197)


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 198)

N'l it rl.s

'l'illc ol' tltc Cottrsc

I rrsl rttctionhours/rr ee lr

l: r:rnl



l)cscriptioll of l,cttcrs & ncumcrals used in thc (lttursc (lotlc :

A Ctltrtttrtltl Ctlttt'sc


G[:R- Cerntatt


SY R SY t( IA('

( I ) B.A [] Sc Pattct'tr

tl t tirr El.Corlr arlcl l'l{P Pattet'tl







Cott t'sc( odc

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 199)



(Approvcd bv the BOS mceting held on 18/06/2014)


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 200)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 201)






ln 07(l

lA 07(l



Scmcstcr -l

sl<ills in [;rencl-t

skills in Gert'uat-l


4 .SYR



01 Cotltrunicativc skills in Russian

07(1) Communicative skilts in Syriac

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 202)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 203)



L^OUttSE CODE':F'llli lA 07(l)



('rcdit ::lStrcam : BA/ BSc


.,\ inr s :




tlrriliarise the strrderlts uith a nloclertl fbreigrl langLtage''

fanriliarise the stuc'letlts witll the sc'runcls ol Fle nch arld their

srtllbols ,. t ,-... nlrncl

l'o lltrlrililrrisc strtclctlts u ith lrtcrlcll lilr hasic c()lllllltlllle atl()

t'ttrlctiotls itl cr ct'r ciar sitr'tatiotls'

Course Outline

l. ModLrle I

2. Modtrlc ll

.+.ltlljrrlliliar.iscstitclctltsrritllthclrasictll'rrt.ititlusitllplc.tlit.cctsclltcllccs atlcl sllort cottl pttsititltls'

-l Nlotltrlcs

(',r.rc,t trc,rls irr l:r'cttch pt'trtirttlciati()l'l' grtllllllllrr" lcrical

itcttts. cliscortrsc trloclcls-tlt'al atlcl ri rittctl'

: l.itct'ari e tlttttllrttlie ltti.tl iire t'ltt\ l)ilssllllcs' r c'sillclttitltt'

Ir rics lrtlcl llltlslc'

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 204)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 205)


3. MoclLrlc III : ('onrnrt-tt-rication skills in er,crrclal conversi,rtion.

4. Moclrrle IV : I-raining in creative \,\ntrng.'l'ext book :

IIONNI: I{OLil'[i 1[-cssons l-l])VolLrnrc Ibr [)icrrc (iibcrt anrl [)lriliPpc (ircl'lcr[)Lrblishers : l\lliance l'r'rrngaisc. I Iachctte.

l{el'crencc Worlis :

L L-e NoLrreau Sans Irrrtntic\res Vol I PLrb : (lle Iuternational

l. [)anolanra Vol I

-i. ('oLrrs clc langlrc cl clc cir ilisation lr-anqaiscs : \4auqcr (tllcLr)Vol I

1. Malrucr (lloLrge) Vol I

-i. 'l'enrpo Vol I

Internal Evaluation:-l'he intental assessntent content shall be restricted to 20%.. l-lie

conrpouents lbr continLloLls internerl asscsslleltt ate :

,.\ ttc n cla n ce

Assiennrent/scntintrr'/r'ira :-5

'l'est paper :



: 2.0

Schcmc of Ertcrnal ltvaluation - 80 marl<s

'l'lrcrc shall bc lirLrr tr l)cs ()l'rlLlcsll()ns :

l. ot-r.jcctri c- ( I r l6 ) l6 ntalks

2. Shorl ansner: FoLrr bunches ot'tbr-rr each (4x4) [6 nrarks

3. Short essar : Foul to be u,ritten flont an intental choice (4x4) l6 ntarks

4. Long essav : lroul to be written ll'ont an irrtelnal 14x8) i2 rnarks II

rySemester I Common Course -7

Course code : 6ER 1 A 07 (1)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 206)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 207)


Course Title: Communicotive Skills in 6ermon

lv\orks 100Streom t B.A/B'5c' Credit t 4


Objectives :

1. to fomiliorize the students with o modern f oreign longuoge - German




Course DescriPtion

Module t '-^^^^^nnmmar ond lexicol units' discourse models' orol

Current trends in Germon orthogrophy' Germon grommor (

ond wrttten

Module IICommunicotion potterns' prose possoges' elc

Module III

Communicotion skrlls in everydoy situottons

Module IV

Troining rn creotive writrng in Germon

Text Book prescribedr LernzielDeutsch ( Lessons 1 - 6 only)

lef erence Moteriols

Lernztel Deutsch




20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 208)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 209)



5prochkurs Deutsch

5chu lz-6riesboch

Scheme of Externol evoluotion : 80 morks

Therzsholl be four types of questtons :


Oblective - lx16 = 16 morks

Short onswers - 4 sels of 4 eoch (4x4=16morks)(4 x 4 = 16 morks )

3 Short essoY - + guesrrurr) rv I

r$.3 Short essoy - 4 guestrons 16 6s 665u/e'red


SIIMt.S'flrll-l (lommon course-7: Avs tA 070)

( ()[ IrS[-'l'I'l-L'lr: ( Oi\{N{t]NlCA'l'lVlr SKIL'l'S IN ltl,.'SSIAN

l'rogranrlnc: l]'A/ ll'Sc

('rcclit: -l

Nt:rrlis :100

Sl llabus


l.,lolilnliliariscthelcartrcrsrnithl{r-rssiarlalplrabcts:-prirltedasrvellaS''vrtttetrtortllsol.alllhirbets-thcl{Lrssiarlstlunc]S)Stclll-rovr,eIs:-palataliz-irlgatldt-tot-tpalatalisinLr 'urrcls.



arltl st'tt tt)l'''u'''n'.tt'' Sl llahlcs' u.ltls-

u tlrcl stlcss'


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 210)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 211)

1 [() ilrtr.()clLrec clil.ltrcrrt tr 'cs

.t. I{ussia, i.t..utr..s r'rrth . iic* r.tl rcacl u'd

s;le itl' llLtssiarl cl-tlcicntlr ancl clicctir e l1'

r t. tirrairiarisc * rrh [{Lrssrarr basic e.ra**a' t.r c'ltctir c c.r.r.rrrr-r'icuti.r i'

cr' ctr clar sitttt'ttttlt.ts"


sirlllllcessa\S.thcLtltitllatcainrbcirlgl:..,.]:l:l,.skillstot.ciitlorigrrlirltC\tS.toclcrcl.i-r,f.ii'ir'i,.,,,1r.;lutc urtcl irlrcrpict I{ttssirttr i.t. lr'glish trtrcl ricc-\erslt"

Sr llabus: (.-t \lodulcs)

Nttltlulc l. 20 contact lrotlrs of tc:tclting

r{ussil'r ul'hahcrs ..th qrri.tecl aad r'rrrl-rr ritter rirr.rs: s.rrrrl s\ stctt- r'.rr cls:

rr.ratarisirg u.rl a..-,al.trrlisiru i oiicls. ('.r.rs.r.*rrts: ha'd arrl soli ctrt'ts.liltllts'

SrIlrblcs- *.'tls- \\()'tl sl''c: ()\\u: \ \"\'

ll]]: :iti;ll:;:'ti"'i::il;:::silLtrttiptls: llrltetieitlr: sitllPle i{r,rri,,,, itltotratitlt-t llatterll:tlit'l cre nr tr 1le s o1' sclllcllcc :lcrcttcc t. Nlalar alattr rt orcl

I{cailirrg rlllcl ti liting ol' li'Lt

tt rilcr atlcl s\ llt tl \ '

Nlotlulc 2' 20 contitct httttrs ol'tc:tching

I{ttssiltrlll()Llllsarltlatl.jcctircs:clltsstllclttitrtltlIl(rtssilrtl|l()Llllsitcctlt.tlitlIttirrr.r.rbcr artr scrrcrcr: thr.cc gcaclcr.s u,,.1 ,,-,1a. t. rir'rrr prLr'al r1()L,rs. (,r'rbiruti.r tll'

liirssiarr ,()L*s artl ud.iccrircs i, .i,.,g;i;, t'ti 1|tl1...i''t

ail thc tlrrcc uctrclcrs' I)t'.t.t.Ltrts'

'crs.*al lirtl ,.sscssir c ,1.()a()r,rs. irtcl.l-ogati'c llr()lr()r,rs. crcrrarstratir c pro'oL,s'

r.c,llce tir c 'r().(),us-

car.r1 i.ul ,'.,..,,.'.,1-.,ar.' ,..,-',,..r-it"' t,,'tri'tttr- n,'.,ttht'tt tlil'l crcrrt 1-rllttct'll il['

crlrl.i Lrulititirl tl l' littssilltl I crtrs'

20 contact hours of tcaching

[{trssiiltrCaSCS\stetll:itltrtlclr-rcetlrccitscsit-tthetilllorritlgtlt.tler:l)singrtlar ancl pltrt'al 2; ;t;titiolaf ,case

itt sinqtrlar and plural 3)

singLrlar arlcl plLrral 4) I)ittive casc it-l sirlgtrlar arlcl plr"rral'

N'l.tlurc -t. 20 c.ntact lrottrs of tcaching rsirti.. .1.

lrllller.tL'ctilcrttltl.llcrlcc.tircl.p...l,tl'll{rrssiarlrct.l.rsarlclthcirLlsagC.(.tltl.1t..lirrssiiru rcr.rrs s. r.r strrrrictl: rirr.rruti.. .r'*rrssi.n r:lrsc:: l resctrt' 1-lltst atrcl l'ttttrt'c lctlscs:

sirr,rc urrcl ctrr.. 1-rtr,.,,.,..i


'.u,,r. [clrscs: Irtr..rrrrcirs l{Lrssir-rrr rc'lrs rrl' 'rrtitttr

trith trltlrc

I r,.'clttctltl r Lrsctl lltc li scs: I )i rcct l-ttltl i tlcli t cct s1-lccc h'


i i\'lotltrlc J'

( )1 crall I ictt ol'

nirtttitllttii c cllsc

i.luLLlsltti\ c cl'lsc lll

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 212)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 213)

Itceonrrncrrtlctl tcrt Ilttolis

r rtnc ol'thc lirllori ins lri uilll-rlc tcrt borrl's cltn hc trscrl.)

l. [{Lrssian. br V'.N.\\'aunct'anci Y.(i.Or sicttl'o [.cssotts I to ]5.

l'coplcs I)Lrblishing llousc Ncu [)clhil. llussiun tilr be snlrcrs. br \'.(i.Or sicttlio Lcssotts I ttt l9-

l{ Lrssi an [ -an gLtagc [)tr bl i shcrs. N4 osctttiI I{Lrssilrn lirr er crr boclr. l:rlitccl br V Koslt)ntLlr'()\ [.cssot.ts I to ]0

IlLtssiitn [.anututgc l)Lrblisltcrs. Nltlscoir I ()77

1. [{Lrssiln in crcrciscs. [rr S. Khur roninr.r. .\. Shirochcnskur it

I{ Lrssian Lan I)Lrblishcrs. Nloscou I ()78



20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 214)


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 215)


l.r\lVl'l{Sll\'O[: ( \l l('l. l

SYItlA( l{t:-S I I{t r(' l't.l{t:l) SY l,l. \tll.rS(1. trcler grtttlLtate)

C.otntlon Cotrrse - 7


I St-M : C'gurse ('ode: SYIL lA0T (l) Streatn: B.A/t].Sc ('redit:4 Marks: 100

( )[ricctir cs ol'thc c()Ltt'sc:

[9 Lrptlc;slurrtl t.ltc origin. uf()\\ tlr ltntl ctrtttribtttiotl ol'tlle llttltttitgc.

lo c1evcl61t c()nlrunicatir,c sliills. StLrclents arc c\[)ectc(l to rcalisc that Ihc slLtclr 0l'latlgLtage

is the strrdr ttl'hrlnanitr. Sttrclclts shoir lcl also l-rc a[rlc to tt'acc the cvoltttit'ltl of the larlgLraues

apcl t9 Lrljc;sLLrpcl thc sinrilaritics antl intet-cotttrcctitttt ot'cach latlgLtitsc.

('ottt':c clcsct'i;ttitttt (-1 ttlotlLt lcs)

I. ,\ lltlrahct. Voti cls. l't'tlt'ttlLttlsllLiot.t.

C11ltltar'-N9rrp- (icndcr ancl rrunrbcr. l)rottotttts. Vttca[rtt lar'1 - cl ialogircs

lltrulis (l) SLrrirarl llltaslta l)r'urcsil'a I r. Atrrithttltl lr.otlattLt Nlalparl

(l) Sr rilre (irrtttrtttltt' I hctlclot'c llobllitlsotl

l l. Literar'1 ('onrn.tttnicatiott:-

Velsillcation o1' l)ocnrs( [)octr'y )

Folk storics (Prosc)

I nterl icu s ancl cott r ct'satiotr its a tt.tttclc ol' ctltll tll tttl icatiotl

[]oolis ( l)('ollcction ol'S-rt'iac (ictlls- poctrl.l)oen.ts ( I ) Se lect sccntct'c ot St. Aphrerll

(l) \\ istlotrr .lohtt ol'Mosttll) C'ollection Sr riac Ccrus prosc.

Stories (l)lhestag(2 ) l)r'otligal sort.

, ('onrnttnicativc sliills irt cr"ct'-r tlar('onvcrsatittn-;lhoni nq- Sa Irrtins

'1-ra i rr i n g i rt c relt t i r,c i,t ttcl t'e-ct'cat i ve rr' ri t i lls.

(a) ( rcate - scntcnce rr rititttt. cotttpttsitit'ltl. lcttcr tllaliitlLl(b) Rc-e rcrrtir c - cssar & sltort cssa\ s

llooks( l) S,r ro-('haldaie (it'attrtnat' b1 Rcr'. (labrial C M I

(2) Paradignrs ancl excercises in s-rriac Cranrtnar [r1 -Iheodore H Robbinson. Oxfbrd l9l5

\,larl.s lot'intct'nltl antl crtct'ttal e talttatitttt ir ill bc lts ;lt'cse t'ibctl lirrlltngLragc e()ursc\..

13 -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 216)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 217)

Semester 2 : Conrn-rr-rn Course : 8. Coursc'l'itle

l.FRE2A 08(l) :Translation and Communication in French

2. GIIR2A Oti(l) :Translation ancl Cornrnunication in (lcrnran

3. ItU52A 08 (t-) :Tnrnslation antt Conrmunication in Ilussian

4. SYlt2A 08( I ) :Translation anrl Cornnrunication in Syriac

sEN{ES'!-Er{-2 ('ON,lNrO\C()ttrs[_-n - FRE 2A os(r)(lOt ll.Sll'f l'l'l.li : l'lt,\NSl. \1'lON A\l) ('O\{\4t \l('\1.lON I\ FltE\('ll



('redit d \larks:100


l; I tl anrclioratc lhc lcr cl ol'lttngua-sc prolicicncr

I ) I o inctrle atc thc crrltrrlal us1-rcct ol'thc t'csion.

3 ) I o anllr zc ct cr alrrirtc otlrct- tt'itnslittctl lcrt:.

-ll+ -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 218)

t20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 219)

( oursc Otrtlinc: 't Motltllcs

I . Nloclrrlc t : l'ftrnslation as ContnrLrnicatior-r. translation as tt'atlstlr issiott-

stlciltl atlc[ cttltttral litctors.

). N4orlLrlc ll: l.itcr.lrr.r t|ilnslatior.'r. e ornrnc|e iirl tran:luti0tl li'orll s()Lll'cc

lltttgLtilgc to tilrgct latlgttitgc ittltl r icc-r cl'sLt'

I MotlLrlc llt: Anallsis Ol'translatccl tcxts. trciltltlcnt o1'Lccltnicitl tct'tllinologr

i, thc tr.,.sl1tccl tc\1s. (icrrcnrl principlcs lirr tlrc tt'itttslittiotl ol' lici rr ortls

i.ltt(l e Lllttll'c-il)ce illt tcl'l)ls.

l. Moclrrlc IV: []Lrsincss tnrnslution. tt'ittlsllttiorl ol'aclr cl'tise lllcllts.

T'crt llooli:: []onnc l{oLrrc Vol I I}r l)icrrc (iibclt rtrlcl l'llilippe (ircl'lct.

l)Lr[-r. lJr Alliuncc l'rancaisc ancl llacltcttc. l.csstltls 9- 17

Schcrnc ol'Iintl Scrrrcstcr llraltrinltiolt : [i0 nlarks

'[-here shall hc lirttt' tr'1-rcs tll'clttcstitltrs'

I . Olr.icctir c- lx l6 - l(r trtarks

)-. Shttl'tatlsricr': 'lr-l I 6

3. Sltort l.ssltr : -lr J l6

+. [.ortg l:ssitr :'lxft- ]l

Semeste r - 2 common course -8 - 61ER 2A os (r )

Course Title: Tronslotion ond Communicotion in 6ermoni'

Streom : B. A/B.5c Morks : 100Credits : 4


Objectives :

Tronslotion from ond into the torget longuoge (hereGermon ) rs o difficult tosk thot regurres greol

skrll ond proctice After completing one common course in Germon, the student rs expected to be

oble to converse f luently on most stondord topics reloled to doily life' He or she should olso be o

position to comprehend whot o notive speoker soys in ony given everydoy situotion'

Course DescriPtion :


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 220)

Module IIn the course of the syllobus the students come ocnoss situotions in Germon sociol life such osshopprng, buyrng brrthdoy grfts, New Yeor celebrotions, osking directrons, fomily lif e, elc.

By meons of role ploy ond wrrting brtef reports on the situotrons mentioned obove, the studentsocquire the torgeted skills.

Module fIFurther development of olreody ocguired communicotron potterns through the introductron of

srmple Germon texts bosed on dorly hf e rn Germon-speoking countrres such os 6ermony, Austrio ondSwit zer lond.

Module IIIThe rntroduciion of procticol troining in tronslotion from ond into Germon.

Module IV

Further trornrng in creotive writrng tn Germon os well os o brief introduction to commerciol Germonexpress I ons

Text Book prescribed', Lernztel Deutsch ( Lessons 7-IZ )

P.ef erence Moteriols :

Lernztel Deutsch



Wirtschof tsdeutsch


Scheme of Endsemester Exqminotion : 80 morks

Th.ere sholl be f our types of guestrons:

1 Objective - 1x16 = 16 morks

2 Short onswers -4x4 = 16 morks

3 bhort essoy -4x4= 16 morks

4 Long essoy - 4 x 8= 32 morks


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 221)

$20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 222)



ClOtlRSL.- ti: - Ar/5 2-A 06 U )


l)rogranrmc: llA/llSc Scn'tcstc12 ('rctlits- J \larli.s:lOtl

Sr lla hus J \lotlulcs

Nlotlulc (l ) 1() cotltrte t htrLtt's ol'tcachirlr-l

Atltriclit.erisitllltll'bltsicl{rrssiarlgl.allllllalatltletrtllplCtethCtlllCo\ct.ctltrrtlcascs (i, lcrcl_l) likc (ic.ctirc a.cr .-rslrLrrrcrtur c.rscs i. siruLrlu' ,.rl plrr'al'

I)ecletlsitlll,..,l.,..,,,,.,lrrlcllriiicctircsitlsitlgrtlttt.arltlllltrrlrlirllrlll|1g.'irei.lSCS.crpt.cssion ol'tintc lcltscs i,, l{..,rri,,n-1'.,t"ra,.,rlllilst ltll(l llttttt'c tcllscs' \i cr'trill atlr ct'bs'

11rr-ticiltle s: c()lllllltl'lltl\ c tlcgrcc- "'1-)t''lt'tit

c tlcgt'cc- r'cllcclir c r ct'hs' citl'tlitlltl lttrtl

orclirtltl tttttllllct's- lli.llllcs tr l' rr ce li tlltr s lttlcl tllotlths'

Nltltl ulc (2) r0 eotltitct hottt's ol tt:tte ltitlu

I{rlrc artr rcrcr lrrce .r'tr.trrsl,titr, - t'r.rrslutit, lls c.r.r.r,rraiclrtirr.r' tra,sllttitltt tls

l't.lltlsttlissitlll tll. Iitltlrr lctlgc bcr.',,-.|.] 1.,,-.|-u.',gc btltttlclilt.ics. tt.l.ttlslllll()ll i-lS ct.tlss cLt ltttritl

irtcr.acti.a bctrrccr.r lrirtr()us a,..,.r 1-,a,rpl.'i t.l-'rslirti.rt i, tlte It'csctlt c.ttlcrt- 1t'ltllslatitltl

llracttccs- trit,slati.tl atlc'l i'-),.l.p't:t^tu"'t " o 1-lt'. lcssiotl' itlstitLttitltls itli tllr'ccl irl

t t'lrtlsl atitltl as il lllcillls il l' cr ltl.t tt t t'ttl I cll Il()ll'

Nlotlulc (3) l0 cotrtttct hortrs ol'tcre Ilirlg

I hcorics or translalion- r inuLristic. litcr.ar-r. cr-rltrr|lrl. untr ctrr.nrnirrricati\ c. r\ pe s ol'

tra.slati.._ litc'rrr. ..r-lite r.,rr. scicrtilrc arrr tcch.ical t'r.slirti.r- kcr c,rccPl's-

ccluir ale rrcc- t.itlitir I tr-irrsllrri.rr. ll'u,- trarisl.titrtt- lttlltl-lti'tLitrtls' s()Lll'e e lllltl till'ge L

objectives ittitrtlttll lcr''cl ot'c()lllpetellcv- '1. lrltrtldLrcirlg Russiatl ils iI s()Llrce larlguage ttl a t.t.t

ttl t-ttlclcrstatlcl thc sot-tt'cc latlgtragc tcxts'

2. LJriclerstancling translatinn o. r lirigLristic- culturnl- ecot.tc'rt.t.tic ancl prol'essional

at clilie rcrlt sphercs o['hlttllatl ae tir itics

al freIds.r,vith its possibilities and lirrlitatiorls'


-\fl -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 223)


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 224)

langLrage peculiarities- critcria fbr goocl ancl reaclablc trattslatiotr. treatlllent oftechpiciil telnrinolog) in target larngLrage- genet'al prillciples tilr tt'atlslatitlll ol'literaIr'

ancl techttical tcsts.


Nlotlulc (J) l0 cotrtact hoitrs ol'tcachirlg

r\nulrsis uncl erllturtittn ol'Lnrnslltterl te\ts- litct'ltt'r. tttltl-litctltt'-t. sciutlcc lllltltccltniclrl tc\ts i-t licl Ltrnslalirln- assessnrcnt antl srt{.lucstiotr Iirt' itlll-rt'tlr irrg thc target

llutgrriruc Lcrt: lr licr tntnslltion-,,\ssiunntunt litr itttct'tlal llsscsslllcllt sclectitltl tlf'

tcrts lirr trlrn:latittn Lrnclcr thc gLr iciancc o1'class tcttcltct'. I'cr ictt ol'thc tt'atlslatccl tcrtip thc clirss-r'otrr.n und strrrlcnts ;tarticil-rittion in t'ct icu irtg tltc Iritttslatiotl- sl'l-ttlcs t.t.tltr

be arilr;cleci as intcrnal i.lsscssntent- litcrar'y tt'anslations clur hc ctlcttttt'agctl arltl thc

transl rrI ions citn [-rc ;rLr [-rl i shccl as col lcgc PLrb I icat I olls.

Itccununclrtlcrl tcrt boolis: ,\rtr onc' ol'thc lirlltlri itlt ltt lillhlc tcrt lrool's crltl be ttsctl .

I. l{Lrssir.sr hr !'.\.\\''u1-lncl lntl \".(i Orsicnlio I cssot.ts l6 to -10- l)coplcs I)trblishirlg

I IoLrsc Ncrr [)clhi

l. l{Lrssiun lirr' lreginnct's br Y.(i.Ovsicnko I.cssorrs 20 to ]1.I{Ltssiltn [.itrtgitagc l'Lrblishcl's. N4ttscotr

.l I(Lrssiun in cre lcisg5 l'rr S l., llti t'ottittlr. '\ Shit'()clrcrlsl\ll\ ilI{ttssir.tn I ltnl-ltr,tltc l'Lrblisltct's- \'1 oscorr l()78

l. .,\ lingrristic thcorr o1 tlanslation..l.(..('atlirrcl Orlirrcl ['nircrsitr I)l'ess

-\. l'hc tltcorr rncl plricticc ()l'lrurslittion. NicllL I:irgirt itrtcl ('ltallcs'Iltbcl'(r. Irunslirtion ancl llanslltin. l'ltcolr uncl l't'ltcticc. []cll l(oLlcr'. l'. itttcl ('hristophcr N

( arrtllirr I 9ll9\\\\\\\

-12 _


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 225)

[]NlVlrl(Sl I \' OF' ( Al.l(.[] I

Sr riac S-r llabus-( UnderqradLrate )

Marlis: 100

Obicctive: l.Irrrclc;stapt]inq traltslatiorr as a lineLr istic. cttltttral. ectlntltnic and prtlf'essional

itctl\'lt\.2. l.ralrrating arrcl inter'1'rreting translations at cl il'tcrent sllltcres of.httltratr

activitics lil'c' I itcrirtLtrc ctc.

-j. [:arniliarisirrs Sr riac litclatLrt'e alrcl ctt ltLtl'e ltl others'

l. I ranslatiotts:

a) l)e tinition. I Iistorr ancl [)r'agtlratics

b) Sltall sLrrye) ot'thc tralslation 6['S-r ;iac bg6ks to Malar alarll.

I l. ['heories olTratrslatiotl:

a) li pcs ol'translatir.rrls ((ie net'al StLrdr )

b) licr conccpLs ((icrtcral Sttrcll )

lll . {nallsis rtncl [.ralLratitltls- lt'allslatccl tcrts.

'l'ranslation " Scr.nron on the N,lount" llolr Biblc St.Mathcrv c'h. -5.6.7.

lV. I lanslatiot.t iltttl \4oclct'tl 'lcchrrologies.

Modern lae ilitics lilr tt'arlslaliott tltl Sr riac tcrts.

Bool's:I . Srrrir arri llIaslt1 l)t'at esika. l]t'.i\brahatll Kgttatttt Malparl

2. Srriac langtrage attcl literatLrrc - Rcr.llollletl -l'horlras ('Ml

-i. l)uracligrtts ltttcl cret'ciscs itl S-i aric gt'att.ttller- 'l heodore Robbinst'rtt

.1.-l rapslatiop strrclic.s l{ttrrtletlgc. L.otlclotr - Basstlett. SLlsalr

-i. ('o1te llpttrarr translrrtion thcol'ics- llctrtlcclge. L.rltlclotl (letllzcr. Eclrv irr

\,lar1's lirr.iptcr.nuI antl ertcrnllcrantinutions riill bc as prcse rilrccl lirI ttthcr rttlclcr- -st'lrtlrtltte a $l:rrro1-lcittl lllttuLtltgc c()UCSC\. \ov



- lq I

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 226)

I. FRE 3A 09

2. GER 3A 09

3.RUS 3A 09

4.SYR 3A 09

Scmcstcr -3

- Literature in French

- Literature in Cernlan

- Literature in Rtlssian

- Litcr:rturc ilr SYriac


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 227)

stiMt,ts'l'til-3 COMMON COtrt{SE :l - FRE 3A oqClOtrllsIr 1'11'l.l! : l.l'l'ElLAl'trltll IN Irl{LNCI I

Sv lla bus

('ltlrDl I : 4

Sfl{liAlvl : l},\'llScNlarlis :100


l ) to introclLrcc thc sltrclcnts into thc lcalnr ol' l't'cnch litct'atin'c.

2) to lirntiliarizc thc stLrclerrts u'ith the Irrench cultirrc & cir iliz-ation.

l ) r\lso. accluisition ol'i ociihLrlirr\ so as to Lrnclerstancl thc langLrage' better.

(loursc Outlinc: -l motlulcs

1. MoclLrle I: Reaciirrg ot'ccrttrin c()ntcnrpontt'r Iitet'atLtt'c.

l. NlodLrlc II: I-itcrarr a;r;.rt'cciation. litcritrr stttcl-t

-1. I\,loclLrlc Ill: (icne nLl slLrclr ol'litct'ittLtt'e .

+. N1oclLrIe I\': r\;rprcciatiort ol'ciIrcnLt,'l.hcatt'c.


'l'cxt Book: IIONN I-. I{Ot r l l ..Vol I ( I.cssons- l lt-l-i )

[]r [)ielrc (iibcrt anrl l)hilippc (ircl'lct - l)Lrh. Alliancc l rurncaisc ancl lllLchcttc

Schcruc ol' Llrtl-Scnrcstct' l',ranrinatiun : 80 rtt:trlis-l

here shall bc toLrr tl pes ol'clucstiotts


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 228)

Otr.iccrir c: lr l(r l(r tlrltt'l's

Shot't ltnsrr e r': -lr-i I (r tllltt'l's

Sirtirt cssar: -{rJ l(r tllltt'lis

Lonu cssar : JrlJ= il trtltt'ks

Semester -3 Common

Course Title: Literoture in

Course _) -hea 3Aoq

Germon (Selected reodings)

Streom ', B.A/ B.Sc Credits', 4 Morks :100 morks



AfIer undergoing one Yeor's longuoge course rn Germon the students would hove ocguired

enough fomrlrority wrth the Iorget longuoge thot they con reod ond comprehend bosic

everyday Germon communicotion os well os simple literory texts They wrll be

oble to communicote in most everydoy situotions with notive speokers An oesthetic

sensibility would olso be developed which help them in gornrng comporotive rnsights rnto the

sociol ond culturol volue system of the Germon socrety

Course Description

- 2L -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 229)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 230)

Module IGrommor ond Strukturen only from lessons 13to 16 inLernziel Deutsch IModule IISelect ed prose reod ings

1 Der Fernseher'. Hermonn Klier, AUSLESE, P 602. Ich rufe ous Amerrks s6: BurghtldHolzer, AUSLESE, P. 39

3 Dos Brot: Wofgong Borchert, DeutscheGegenwort4 Rotkcippchen: f rom Deutsche Mcirchen und Sogen

Module IIISelected poems

1. Ern Glerches ', Goethe, f rom Echtetmeyer von Wiese, P 234?. Fomilienleben', Monf red Ershorn, f rom AUSLESE, P.51

3 Der Schneider von Ulm: Bertolt Brecht, AUSLESE, P 36

Mbdule IV'Comprehension ond onolysrs of selecled literory texts Addrtronol exerdses on

vocobulory burldrng con olso be done to enoble lhe leorners to wrrte short texts ondsimple verse in lhe torget longuage

Text Books:

o. Lessons 13to 16 in Lernziel Deutsch T (see module I)b. Selected prose ond poems grven in modules II & III

Reference moteriols

Lernziel Deutsch IThemen



Echlermeyer vonWtese; Deutsche Gedrchte von den Anf ongen bis zur Gegenwort


Deutsche Gegenwort

Deutsche Mcirchen und Sogen

-2-3 -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 231)

Scheme of Endsemester Exominotion : 80 morks

There sholl be four types of questions :





Oblective - lxl6 = 16 morks

Short onswers - 4 sets of 4 eoch

Short essoy - 4 guestions to be onswered



=16)=16 )

= 32)essoy - 4 guestrons lo be onswered

SEMl,.S'l'l,.lt -3 ('OMMON (l()trltsl'.-9' AyS 3A o 1('O t I ltS 1,.'l'l'l'l.l.l: Literature in llussian ( Sclcctcd l{catl in gs)

I'rogrammc: llA/llSc('r'cdit- J

Nlarks: llX)

Sr llatrus

( ) h.ie ctivcs:

I tnitiirtion into anulr sis ol'litcralr tcrts itl llLtssil-ttr

I Rc'ittlirrg ol'tilc te rts itl orisitlitl

i\lgdult l: 'l'hc lirllou ing te rts lt'c l)rL'scrihcd lirr tlctailcd slttilr itl [ltrssilttr.

I('(icorbr ,/ tll'e Ii .bk

/ g.irri xelrit vLrridtvbt



20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 232)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 233)

V'7. Ktgr,.il'h.icl : (it'hec

Y . D. U.i u.il< : Iby t k

K.Y.N.jkcn.jc1 : (i.ickt<fkl-

A.S. I'}Lrshkin

I errnorttor. M.Y


I .(j.Xt[.id : Ir'tktit :' N.ikcnscl b N.ll nrrbcl

T'lrc follou,ing te xts arc prcscribcd lbr gcneral rcading in Iinglish

: C'aptain's l)uLrshter

. llcro of oLtr tirnc (Marirn Maxinror ich)

: 'l'he lnspcctor

'l rrr-ucner' : Fathcrs ancl Sons

l)ostocr sli.\ . ('r'irnc arttl l)ttnishnrcnt

( rlrrk\ : l\ltltlte t'

Nlotlulc 2: Apprcciation of Litcraturc (in llussian)

a ) Apprcciation trnd C'ritical anulr sis ol'short p()e nrs ol' l'ushkin- [ ct'r'rtot'ttor .

[r1 i\ppree iution anrl critical anirlrsis ol'shttrt storics ol'(iosrrl. ('ltr-khor.

c ) Applcciation uncl criticul anulr sis ot'llction I olstor .

Nlotlulc 3: (lritical thinliing and u aluation ol'Litcraturc (in l.,nglish)

a) Ei alLration and plesentation o1' shtrrt nor cls ('haracterisation. thcnrc. criticalanaIr sis (I)LrshIi.in. l.clnr()nt()\ ).

bi lrr alLration lnci 1-rrcscntution ol'l)r'urnr-r t(iogol).

c ) l:r alLurlion anrl plcscntlrtion ol'nor cls ( I rrrge ncr . l)oslocr skr . ( iollil )

- z-f -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 234)

N{odule.l: Ma.lor litcrar\ nlovcmcnts in llussian litcrnture (in Ilnglish)

a ) Neo-classicisnr - [{()lc ol' I lcclial<oYsl<r atlc] I oltl0tlosttr '

b r Sctltitlletrtalisrll Kttritlllz-itl'

c) l)rc-r.0ntatrtic rnttr cn.lcnL irt l{trssiltrl p()ctl'\ /.hLtktlr slir

cl t I{otllatrtic lllovelllL'llt atrcl l)ttshkttl'

- l'ltc liisc 9l'thc r.rot cl. thc plosc rtl'l'Ltshl'ill atlcl I crtllotltor .

c ) NatLrralistll atlci Ciosol'

t') I{calisrlr tror e lists. p()cts' ;llar u rights'

g.) Sr tllbtrlist ittlcl l)osL-sr ttltrolist lll()\ clllcllts:

- lJaltllotrt- Illoli- llclr - "\khllrat()\


h) Socialist ltcalisnt litcratulc ol'thc *itr pcriocl trrlcl altcl'.

N,l.clulc 5: ('r.rss-cultur:tl (lomnrunicatiorr - I)ro.icct (Topics to bc prcscribccl)

J-ext books:

I . Hclgar. V. ltobcrts : Wr-iting I hcntcs ubouL I itct'ittrtrc. ['t'cttticc

I tall- lt)91

l. Ncil ('ornucll : 'l'hc l{outlcrla.c ('onrpaniot.t ttl [{trssiatr

(cd.) LiLcraturc. 100 I .

tj. I).S. Mirslii | ,\ historr ol' I(Lrssian litct'itturc. I{tttrtlcclgc.


-+. S.M. I)ctrar'o : Istoria Russlioi l-itcrattrn. M. 1978.

). V.[. l(rrlcshor : lstoriir russkoi litcruttrrr . N4. l{trsslii Yitzil.-



20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 235)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 236)

I 989.

I ntcrnal Asscssnrent:'l hc intcrnztl asscssr.ncnt coutcnt shall bc rcstlictccl to l0'fir ol' thc t()tal'

I hc cgpt ptlpcp ts l tlt' C()ttt i tl Ll()Lls i tl tcrtlit l ilsscsslllellt tlrC :

\ttenclance :5 lcstPapcl' :10

,\ssigttptcttt,'sctllitlttt'ir ir a :: 5.

I otul : 10.

Schcntc of cnd-se nrcstcr. cxanrination: l'otal rnarks: [i0


SIf Mllsl'lllt -3 ('ON'tiVlON ('Otrllsli - 9 n 9YR 3 L aq

('Ot;ltsl! TlTt.l:-: Ll'f IrllATtrlllr IN S\ ltl\('(Sclectctl l{e:rdings)

Strcam:t].A/l].Sc (rctlit:J Nlarli:I00

( ) h.le ctivcs:

--[-g ulc]crstapcl thc 6r'igin- ulor'\ [h ancl contlibrttiott ot'thc langLragc

- l'o acclLrarlt rrith litCra;l ttorlis iitlcl ctlttll.t.tLllllclltC e\ellts

-Sttrcll itbortL rhc l i rclarr gctl i rts arlil thci t' colrtl'i t-rtt l'iotr

- [-. i a I Lra tittrr o l' c tt rt'ct.t1 t t'ctrcl s i rl I i tct.ltt'r t hottr:hts

Nl od u lcs:

l. llistorl of Sr riac Litcritturc:


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 237)

l)t'c-cnr i Iulncc tr l' the I ltngrtt,,cs

Short storics irnd pocrls.

(a).loscpltirs & his ll'ienrls. 1b) \ ;r'urcl ol'.lunrcs ol'sirlrrulr. (e )On I'irstip,u

ll. Litcraturc in thc carlr ;tcriorl u;tto thc 7'l'ccrrtur-r ,\l)111.\phrahrrt (l) l.plrlcnr. (l) \1lr llular. 111\lrsli. f -i).lacoh ol'ctlcssrr.

(6) .lacob ot'ScrLrsh. (7) l,hilcrcnos o1'N,labLrgh

I I L From 7'r' to l Tth('

I) Llar Ilabreris.2) Abclhisho

I \'. Modcrn l)criud

I ) 'l'ranslations

2) [)Lrblicalions trf'St:l:l{1. Kottaranr

\ . l)ctailctl Sturlr :

Icrt- " Ihc \\ isc uur" St l lrltrcnt irnrl "l ront the IIcirrt" hr \llrr Ylrsrlin

llooks recorn nrcrrdcd :

I ,\ranraic (irantntar'- b-r []r' I honras Arar athinal

I Ilistort tll'S-r l'iitc [.ltttgttituc- S_r riirc llrrrsrrugc ancl litcratrrle h-r l]r Rorrrco I lrornas

I \ [rriel'()ullnle ol'srriire LiterirtLrre Sl.l.l{l hottirrlrnt S l]r'oe L

:l , A Shorl Hislorr ol'Sr riac I ilcllrtrrre br W \\'right

5 f he S_r i iac [-arrgLrage altd [-iteratur by Rolrreo 'l-hornas

6 ,(,ollection ol'S1 riac ( ie.lns- I)oetrr. Mannarn- Kottar ant.7 ('ollectiorr rtf Sr riac (lcrnrs-l)r'ose-Mirnnitrrr. Ktrttararrr

-2_g -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 238)


r. F-tui 1,,\ r0

2. G[.tt JA l0

-r. Rtrs J.\ l0


1. SYI1 1,A I O

Culture and Civilisation of ['rancc

(in corlpirrisolr rr ith Kcrala culturc)

C'ulturc and Cir ilisation of (lcrnr:rnv

(irr cornllarison u illr Keralrr cultut'c)

(lulturc and ('ivilisation ol' llussia

(ilr conr;larison rvith Kerala crrllu rc)

(-'ulture and Civilisation ol'Sr riac 'l-radition

(lnrpact orr Kerala crrltrn'e)


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 239)


( Iil,.t)t'l'S l l{lr,\\l

SllN'{ESTllll : { ('OMN'ION ('Ot'ltsli -10 . FRL 44 tO('OtIllsll TITl.[.: ('trLTIIIlli ANl) ('IVII-IS{TIO\- OF FIt \\('F.

( irr (ionrpitrisutt u ith Kcr-ala ('Lrltul'c)

Sr llabus:{: ltA/llSc ,\l:rrks: 100


l) To tirnriliariz-c thc stuclcnl rrith thc I r'cnch cultLu'c &cii ilization.

l) lo contl-lrchencl. contparc & uncicrstancl bcttcl'thc cir ilrzatittrr ttl'tttle 's

natt\ c c()tllltl'\ .

i) '['o cnrich thc rocabltlarr

('ourse Outlinc : { modulcs

l. N4oc'lLrle I Frettch cLtltttt'e atlcl cir ilizatlorl

2, N4oclLrlc Il ( LrltLtral llistorr of'thc l:t'ctre h t'cuiotrs.

, -1. N4ociLrlc lll I ortt'isttt. I t'ctlclt cttisilrc. I t'ctlch litslrit'rl

r J. l\4tidLrlc lV' Kct'ala cLtltLtrc-cttttlptll'ls()ll .

'l'ext Uook:: l.I]ONNI-. ltOtIIl Vol I - l.cssotls 16-l'1.

l\ l)icrrc (iihcrt artcl l'hilippc (ircl'lct.

l)Lrb: \llilutcc [:t'itttcaisc ittlcl I Iachcttc

( Orl. Kailash lJookstall. t-al IllhaclLrr Shastli SLrccL. l'rrtttlichct'r.)

2) Articlcs rtn Kerala cultirre uith s;lecial enrphasis on t'estiials. tottl'ist cclltres-


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 240)

artd cLrisirle.

Ilcfcrencc bttolis:

l.[,c.NtrLttcartsatlsl.r.tlrlticr.cVtlll(.1,1:lNll-l{\.\ll()N..\ll:). EsPace Vol I

i. Partoratlla Vtll I

-l. [crrlPo Vol I

.t. Nlalar alatlr tcrt: 'Ke rlla r i.itrapa Koshatll' l)csitbarlclhLr l)Ltblicatiorls

Schemc ol'Eltcl-Scnrcstcr Exanrination : [10 rtrat'lis

'l hcrc shall bc lirrtt' tr pes ol'clitcstiotls

I . Ob.icctir c: lr l6- l(r tlrat'ks

I l. Sltttrt lttlsticr: l:tlLtt- br'ttlchcs ol'f tlLrl each ('lX-l) l(r rlrarks

l. Slror.t cssasr: lr0ur.to be rrriil,cn ll'onr r.rn intct'niil choiee (+X-+) l(r tllat'ks \ I

+. L.ot.tg cssar. [:tlLtr ttl be rr I'ittctl ll'tltlt rttl itl

Semester -4 - Common Course

Course Title: Culture ond Civilisotion of

(in ComPorison with Kerolo

10 -GER AA ro



Morks : 1OOStreom: B.A/B.Sc. Credit: 4


Objectives :

In thrs semester the moin thrust ts on Germon culture ond crvtlizotron The students

ore fomrliorrzed wrth customs ond hobrts of the Germon speokrng countries At the some time


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 241)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 242)


they oreencouroged to undertoke on intensrve comporotrve study of the culture of Kerolo

ond the target culture of the Germon speokrng countries

Course Description

Module IIn this module texts moy be introduced deoling with toprcs likegeogrophicol feotures,

Festivols, holidoys, customs, cuisine (food & wine) , brref outlrne of hrstory,

sports ond leisure octivities, environmentol issues etc

Module IISimple texts on German educotion ond school system, youth,

mocriage, pensioners ond old ogehomes

Module IIIPlcices of interest f or Irovelers rn Germon speoking countries & Kerolo

Module IV

ln thrs module ossignments ond prolects moy begtven on topics like tourrst destinotions

in Germony & Kerolo, school system, hobbies, sports, festivols on o comporotive bosrs.

Students con olso design posters ond brochures on the vorious topics discussed in the frrst

three modules.

Books Recommended:

1 Blick ouf Deutschlond vonAnne und Klous Vorderwuehlbecke:

o) 1A Deutschlond - Ern ueberblick

b) 1B Reise durch die Bundesrepublrk Deutschlond

c) 3A Freizeit und Ferern

d) 3B Rersen brldet

e) 44 Dos Schulsystem der BRD

f) 8A Feste und Feterloge

g) 8B Weihnochten

2 Lernziel Deutsch :

Rerhe 1O: Drolog B & Inf ormotion

Rerhe 13: Informotion-Jugend und Erzrehung


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 243)


Rerhe 16: -l-ext I ,'f ex1 2 und Text 4

3 Schuiz Griesboch:

o) Abschnitt 6 - Dre Mohlzerten

b) Abschnrtt i3 - Kierrres Stodte - Qutz

c) )e.utschicnd unrl Je-sIe-ereich ols Rerseloonder

Pef erence Moteri<ris

L,ertrziel Deutsclr

i hemen r

Kcrussel I


Blick ouf Deutschlond


Sudindren und 6oo selbs1' e'ntdecken: Cloudro Schneider' Zirrch 1994

Orrentierungkurs Gechtchlernstitutionen Leben rn Deutschlond, Longenscherdt

Artrcles ond reports f r'om Germon newspopers ond mogozines

Scheme of Endsemester Exominotion : 80 morks

ih".u sholl oe four lypes of guestions :

r Objectrve - lxl6= 16 morks

Short onswers '4 sets of 4 eoch

' Sho.t "rao'1 - 4 guestions to be onswered

: Long essoy - 4 questions to be onswered

(,4x4=16morks)(4x4 =16morks)(4x8 =32morks)


-) -)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 244)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 245)

Scrncstcr --[ ('(tltrnron ('rtursc -10 - Au 5 elH. I O

(.()t ltSl.-.1.1.|.l,ti-: (.1 l-.f t I{li,\\l) (.1\,Il,lS,\-I.l()\ ()li llt SSl,\

(in cottt;l:tl'istttt rr ith Kcr':rla cttltut'c) (in l'-nglislt)

l'rogr:t ttr rrte: lir\/llSc

('r'cdit: lNlarl.s: 100

Sv lla htrs

Oh.icctir c:

I. intr.oclLrce I{Lrssiun cultulc and cir ilisltrion tht'oLrsh thc stLttlr ol' l(Ltssiit's

histur.r - ,.\n attcntllt to bLrilil a socialist statc- 'l he LrniclLre l{ussiall erlttlrllle- I he lcssotls

trr i-rc lclrr.at ,\ cpr.rr1-1r;lrtir c 1'lcr-s1-lcctir c in tlrc lnrl iun c()nte \t lltc ctllllllltsi: otl Kct'llllt-s

Lrrttlcr.stilrrtl illu ()l liLr.ssian stleilr lislll itntl c()nil|Ultislll ('t'ci.tIc it elitllrlte llllrl lllirltl:et lilr

crrltrtt'al attrl litct'at'r c()lltacts hctrrccll l{Lrssilt arlil Itltl ilt.

NloclLrle ( I ) l0 contlct httLtt's ol- tcltchitls

lhe cprer.gcrrce ancl dcrelopntent ol'[{us- thc eitrlr' [lLtssiarl stal,c- thc cracllc tlt'

thc RLrssiar- t jkr-airrian ancl []rclorLr.ssian peoplcs-'l'hc strugglc of ILLrs riith thc (ioldcn

Ilorde. Sueclish ancl (ienlan lcuclal lorcls- lVloscou hecotlritls thc centre ol'a rast

nrrrltiratio6 cpipirc- lrer-rclal l{ussia in the glip ol'sr)e iirl,crisis- ['ttprtlar Icbclliotl itgaitlst

tsarisnr- the cLrltr,rrltl scctrc ol'thc ljrst hllf'ot'thc I9'r'eclltt-tt'r- Special t'clet'ctlce ttr

llLrssir.tn llirttirtgs ltrlcl lolli ltlt

\ lodLrle tl )l0 corttltct htrrtt's ol' tcltchitlu.

\b.lishr61 9l'scr.lilplr- l)erclopnrcr.rt rrl'capirllisnr in Iltrssirr- I tl-tct'setlec ol'tllc

rit,r.liiru cl.ss- l6e lirr-ntrtion ol'lr prolcturiilu l)r.lrt\ Lrntlcl thc lclttlct'shi;l tll'\/llcl irllir'

I lrlr,.r ( l.cpil ) lhc horrrucois- rlenrocnrtirc lerolrttiotl ol l()05 ltl(t7- ctrltttt'ltl

sre lrc i, the llrte l,)'l' anrl ",,,'11

l{)"' ce rrtrrlie s- llLrssia cl Ltt'ittu Lhe I rt'sL \\ ot'ltl \\ irr t l9l-l

t. I 9l li- \,'ict.r.r tt I' thc sccpprl l'rpr.r;ectris tlcnrrre lllir: t'cr tllLttiotl ( l:cbt'ttLtt'r I () I 7-

I ntct'ucncc ol pt'olctltt'iittl cttltttt'c lttlti ltt't

\l,rtl Lrlc f l ) r() e ot.ttitct hort t's tll-te ltcllitl-r:'

I hc r ie tot'i ol'the (ilcrtt ( )clohct' Socilrlist [icr oltttiotl ol' l() l7- I hc lirt'tlratiotr ol'

rror.lcl 's llr.sr stlrtc ol' thc irtlr'kc|s lLnrl ltclrsilrtrs.- I hc l.()Ll[ ()l c()ulltcl' t'cr tllrttitltlitt'r lltltl

i.tL.r-\crti()uist lirr-ccs. llLrilrling thc lirLrnclution ol'l sociulist l{trssitr.- lhc (i|clLt l)ittt'i0tie

rr.r. .l' thc liLr:silrns lruairrst I ire isnr. I lre rtrrrl ol I litle r's (re l'lllllll\ lrtltl 'l tlllllllcsc

iptpe l.i1lisnr.- llLriltlirls a .lct clo;letl socialisL socieLr - ll llc\\ :oe iltli:t cLtlttrt'e


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 246)

NloclLrle (4) l0 contltct hottt.s ot'tctte hitls.

-l'he ,er.iocl of perestroika Fall ol'Sor ier I inion - l:ailulc to huilc] zr socialist

state- -l-he crrcrscuce ol'clcnrocrrrcr in RLrssia-

'l-hc rr.rlr.: ol'lttltt'ttalistll itl ar'rltl.ctlirtg thc

Russian peoplc against the distortecl historl ancl lirrbiclclett litct'atttre. A rrc$ ar'rakerlitrg

iu [{ussian cLrltural vulues. -fhc cnrcrsing rolc ol'rcligiorl irl place of'tllarriatr war ol

tlrinking aud uar ol'lilc.- l{Lrssia i-tI a cr()ss roarl. lhc idea ol'l)c[estt'oika trrlcl glasstlost itl

ar-t ard litcr-atr-rr-e. l'hc cnrcrgcncc ol'ncr.l busincss class and its cltttttinatlcc irl I(Lrssiarl

s.cietr- []nccr.tirin cour.sc to bLrilcl a prosperoLrs Russian natiot.t . -l'hc irllpact of [{Lrssiarl

atte.ntpt to bLrilcl a socialist societr arrcl its tailLrre irr the thircl worltl cottntt'ies.

'l'ext books:l. Ilisturical soLrrccs. L]r Nickolai Y'akor lier artcl Victttr l'r'ishchpcrlko

I{Lrssiall [-artgtragc l)Lrtrlishcrs- Mosctltt ' I9ti9

2. Pages 1l'ortt Histol') - S. Svror (irl Rtrssiarl)'


SLMl,lsl'[ll{- ] -('O\t\lO\ ('Ot llsl- - l(l ' syR bA t O( oursc'l-itlc : ('trL'l't lLl: ,\Nl) ('l\ lLlS,\'l'tO\ l\ S\ Itl,\('- l'l{.\l)l'l'lO\

(l\41',\('1- ON KEltAL.\ ( t l.'Itrltl:)

( r'ctlit : lI'rogranunc : l]..\./ l].Sc.

Nlarlis : I0(l

Oh.jcctir cs :

I iris e ()Lltsu i: itttclltctl to liirrlililrizc thc sttttlctlt \\

C,)1Ccl'pilg Ihc copstitrrtigp tll'e ttltttt'c itllcl cir ilizlliprltlte crtirrsc ri ill bc ltror iclctl [rr thc cttltLtt'e lttltl stre ielr ol

ith thc lirntlatttctrtal tlttcstiotrslhotrgh thc s1-rccitic cotttert lirr'sr rilrc tt'arlitittrt thc cttitt'sc ir ill

Sr ll:rbus


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 247)

stil\/e togeueral.


inculcatc in the stuclcnt u b|()aclet'pct'sllccti\c as ()n nti-tttct's cotlect't.tit.ts cttltLtrc itl

L i\posttrlalc o1'St. I hotlltts

l. First uncl secttnc'l Sr r.ian ctrl0nisLrtion tln Malltbitr

3. St nocl ol' l)i:ttrl llhot' & ('oorletr C't'oss ( )itth

Senrcl.ic C'LrltLrle arlcl 'l taclitiolr

()rigin attd grot,r th ol'sr t'iatr chLtt'chcs itr l'crsia'

I listolr ol'sr t'iarr chttl'chcs irl Kcrala.

()r'tlrorlor chttrcltcs rrr Kcrala.

N4althonra ('hrrrch.

\4alankala ('hLrrch.

\4alanl'arir I{itc.

('haltlcarl cltttrch in l(crala

y IpllLrclcc 9l'sr;i1p t;utlitigrr ip thc cLtlttrt'ltl & :ociltl lilc of'Kct'itllr cspce iltllr otl

cltIistitut c()lllllltlllit\ .

[]oolis :

l. Histor-r 9l'sr rirrc larrgrnge-sr riac langrrage antl lilcrittLtt'e [rr llcr I r llortreo I horllas.( N4 l'

I -fhc St lhrrrturs ('lrristiirrl I r l)lircid Prodi;litrir

I l:.asterrt cltristilrrlirlt-r irr lrrtl iit - [r-r ( altl illttl I isscrcrtt'

-1 lhe trt'tlrotlor eltttrch of lrlil ilt -llr [)ar ic] [)arlie l.

i lur,,ards a seciolosr plctr ltLrre.- Ralntond Willians - (jlassttrr l'ottttdatla - l9B I .





20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 248)

zrn and Sy'riac for l].Conr p:tttcrn and Lll.P

'I'itlc ol'cotlrsc

('onrnrt-ttticatiorl skiIIs irl lrrctlcll

ancl ('ontttttttticlttitlll i tl Irl'ctlch

Fl{. llNC lt FO lt I}.(-o nr. (adcl itiona I lan gua gc)


('ourse code :FRE

(. r:cd it : {Strcam : li.('om

Nlarlis: l(X)

Sentestel' - I : Conrlnolt Cortrse - 7

IA 07(2) -Coursc Titlc: C0lnlntlnication skills in Frclrch


l. l'o lirptilill'isc thc strttlctlts rrith a tltotlct'tt lirrcigrr larlgLtLtgc'

l.l'. lirntiliar.isc thc slr.rclcnts riith thc sottntls ol'lit'ctlch arrtl tllciI srllll-rols

l. l'. fh,riliarisc str-rcicrrts rr rtlt I lcnch lirr' [-rasic conrnrLtnicltlitltl l.ttltl l'rtllctitltls itl

cr. ervclitr si tLtllt itltls.

in Frcnclr '(iernl

It Frcnch , (icrntit

('tlttrsc ctltlc

l'l{l l,\ t)7 (lt


. l:lll:l'\ Ott (l)

- 3-l

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 249)

-l l. fhrllilial'isc stLrcicrlt's rrilit thc hasic.l'r*itir-r-l sirrplc. rrir.cct scrtcrccs arrcr sir.r.tcclllltosit ions.

(-'oursc outline: J Modulcs

.1;r.|lll]jii,,1u",. ,,l..ii,:::ill:il::,i. rrc,,ch y,r.,urrci,rio,, s,,,,,,,,,irr rcric,rr ire,,s.

,1r.',.IrU,,,. ,, : Lrtcr.ur.r con.rrr.rLrr.rictrtion litcr.ar.-r passa-ses. vcr.silicarion. l,\ r.ics ancl

-1. \4odLrlc III : ('orrr,rrLrricatio, skiils, e'er.1c1tr1,c()r\er.satr()r.+ N4oclLrlc IV : I'r.aining in ct.catir c u r.i1in! .

'I'cx t llooli : tlO\\l: IlOt ll. \'olrrnrc I( Icssons l_g)

h1 I)icr.r.c ( iibcr.r antJ I)hilipyrc ( il.e l.lcr .

I)rrhlishcr.s : ..\ lliirncc Irr.;.rn9.rise . I lircire tte .

llct'crcncc \V'orks :

6. Lc Nortt caLr Sarrs I r.onticr.cs Vol I I)Lrb : (.lei lrtcr.rirti.rlrl7. Panor.irnta Vol I

8. CoLu.s dc lan-uuc cl clc cir ilisation lr.angaiscs : l\4irLlscr.(tllcul \,,11; 19. Mau-uer. (l{oLrqc) Vol I

10. Icntpo Vol I

I n ternal,,\sscsslrrclrt

Ihc illtcl'llal asscsst.ttctltc()ntcnl shall bc rcstrictccl to l0,,,ir o1'tlrc total. llrcc()llll)()llcllts lirt' con l i rr Lr,,trs i rrtcr.rrlr l llss.,ssllc,t itr.c :

,.\ ttc-nclance

test [)atpet.

. \ssiurrntcnt scntiltlrr. r ir a : ,i l.nlrr.ks

I otlri : l() ntirr.lisSc,cr,c oI' r'rnrr- Scl,cstcr .ranrinati,n t0 lrr,rris

I lterc sltall bg l(1u1. t-r pes o['c;rrcstions :

ob.jccrir c_ I r l6 I6 irar.ks

: -5 ntarks

: I 0 ntetr.ks


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 250)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 251)

Short ansr,r,cr. : l:'otrr. bunchcs ttl. foLrr each (4x.{) ,- l(r nttrrksS.o.t cssar : Ir'Lrr-r'. bc *r'ittc, fi.r, a, rrtc'rar ch.icc (.lx-r) - r(r r.arksI-ong c-ssar : r'.1,1. bc ri.ittclr 1r-.,r a, irtcr-rar 1-lrg) . il ,rar.ks

St.MT|SI'ET{ -2 COMMON COTIITST' _ 8('oursc codc : t'Iil,) 2A 08(2)

cloursc'r'irrc : -r'rtANsr.A'r'roN AND (.oN,rMtrNr(,.,\-r.roN rN F ril.,N(.H( tU,))t't'_ J

S I ltl.lANI - ti.( onr.N1arl<s: llX)


I .l'. arrcli.r'utc thc Icr cr .r'rirruLrilsc corrrr-rriclrti.r.l' I'cl erlablc t0 tt'zttlslittc accLrlrrtcl-r ll'onr onc lanuttrgc t, ltr.thcr.


-aol -

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 252)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 253)

j ) I o anal-r zc . c\ ulLratc and conr;lrehcrrcl conrnrcr.cial lctle rs.

( oursc Outlinc: J Modulcs

l'\4tldLrlc [ : II'ittlslirtittlt Lts ('ttt.t.lt.tLuricution. Lnurslirlion us transr.r.rission. sacilLl arclcrrltLrlal Ilrctors

l'\4tltlLr lc II. l.itcl'irlr Lt'ltttsllttitttt- con.tt.ncrcilrl tltrnslirtiorr fl'onr s()Lll'e c lanqri-rr.rc t()tarqet lunuLrir-uc lncj r icc-r ct.sir.

i.MoclLrle lll: .'\rall sis ol' trarrslatccl texts. treatnrent o1-

translatccl texts. (icneral prirrciples fbr the tr.anslationspecitic ternts.

4.Module IV: I]Lrsiness translation. translatiorr ol'ltcl i cr'lise ntcnts

'l-crt llooli: I) Inlr'oclrrction uLr llangais corrnrcrcial

[)Lrb. br l)iilicr.. Lcssons I -8.

Schenrc of'l,.lrtl Sclncstcr Exanrination 80 nrar.lis-l

here shall bc Iitur tr pcs o1'cprestiolts.

l. Oblcctii c- lr l(r l(r

l. Sltolt irnsrr e rs: -lr] l6

Short cssai : -{ r -{ l6

l.ong cssar: [Jr-{ - -]l

br B.('r'csson.


tcchnical terntinolttq_r in tlteol'ker r,r,orcls uncl cultLrr.e-


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 254)

ut'scs li)r li.C'onr l)attcr.rr

('ort l-sc

I (lorlc




I-JN I VtiRSIl'Y OI.' CA LIC.TJ'I'l0 t1

,Adll ission

(lor (Jcrlrr:r rr firr thc Sclrrcstcr-s I.t2)'l'i

t lc iInstrr

I llrs/i lcck


(;trR lA07 (2)

27 (;EIi lA

Ios ct

( oursc corlc' C'ou r-sc 'l'itle(l,E\/FI__ I )('rerlitsStrea nr\larks

:(ll,-tt t.\ 07 (2)IN't'ROt)trCTOtt\/

{I].( onrI00

(;EttMAN F.Ott llt Sl Nt..SS t,tr()t,t.t,.

S.r,lla husNlodulc I[)c'ttls rr'ith t"o't':ll:.: Iirt

'.11511,"rs r]Lrrposes as i, thc case.r' reser.virs h.ter ro.rrs.ll)t.elltt lrt thc erlrihiliolr trl.llee. tirirr-u u;.rltoirrtrncrrt\ ele.N4orlulc 2 '

Ilct'c (iet'tllitll llil llles' llalllcs.l'c.trr.ttl'ics. lar-qurtgcs. pr. lbssrars. r.rtrr.r.cr.s . rclc,rt.rctlLttl.tbet's. rr.r,rcs.l.ciries i,r t;c,r,.,,_,.',t,,rtrL *i.l Srritzc:r.lard ar.c irtr..cirrcccl. lhisll:i:l: l;:i ;1;,1;, ] ll,i :;i;,;]tu;,,i"i:;,.


,",,.. ,i ,,e. a ,cl c,arc * hich\lorlulc Jlrr t'is'r.cirrrc thc c'rr,rrlr:is r: ,, \r)()r\c, (icr-rrarr rr ith

'rr.rrs tlt.qr.cetilrg. scrl.

..]]L::1.;:,,,,,r us rrcil us inr.rttu..i;;s l;;;-,r. ,,t.irre

",,.1..,i,i,.:r. cre usirq iirit rlr,rriiir..

Nlotlulc {

l[:JJL:|:i\;][ ll;-:iretr ttrtitrirrr irr ercrrcla.r (ie.rrur. []usic (icrrra, l.irrr.rr is urs.



IntlorlLrctor.-r (icr.ntlrn lirr. -l _tIlu.sqnel,ss peltylc (l .cr cl _ I ) l

Itttt,.,.l11.1,rr.r (jerrttlrrr lirr. I Jrrt(ttt t(,1 I I

lJtr:incssPCoPle(lcrcl _llt - , -+


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 255)

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 256)

Tcrt prescribcrl : .W I lll'S(l t I A FTSl)ti t lTS(' I I Ft'r lL AN FA N(; lllL;

GRtTNDS'l'Li['1. r'un I)onrinitluc Macairc uncl (Jcrd Nicttlas, lirnst Klctt verlag-

::::::: :: ::ll:

[,crnz-icl I)cutsch I, ('hrt;ltcrs I -6Wirtsclral'tstlcutsch fiir '\nfiirrgcr' p' I to 5ll'

lutcrn^ls r-r.r,r.lis : l0 (attcnclurrce -i nrurks. Assigrrnrcnt-scrtlitrttt'-r irlt- -5 tllltt'lis' lcsl ;laper

I 0 nralks)[:xtcrrral rllll'ks : [J()

Ob.icctirc I r l6 - l6 trllit'lisSlrort :tns\\ er: Jr{ : I (r rna rlis

Short ess:l\: Jx{ = I(r nrarlts

l,ong css:tr : Jrll = J2 lltal'kst"i

(lerman lor ll.Com. (additional language)

Scnlcstcr- 2 : ('ommon (loursc- [l

(;IiRl Aotl(2):IN.I.R()Dt]C]-l.ORYGEII.MANF.OIrBtlSlNl.]SSPF,OPl-t,(l,F]Vli,t,.

:J: l].Com


51'llabusN4oclLrle I

('ontait-ts cl i alogtrc

or er te lephollc ctc.

N4rrclLrle lV ocabr,r I ary' re I atecl

nanle s ol llurtlPeatll\4odLrle lln this rnociltlc lealtlcrs arc e xpcctecl to

tirlii ng leavc- ctltlut'atrtliiti rlg etc'








nt0clcl, r.e ulrrtling tlclir crr tlrrtcs. llltllct'ittg itltirt'tllltLitltl ittrtltrt llt'llls

11 1t9siti9p ulcl tltrtics ol'bLtsitlcss 1-lcl'stttttlcl- bt'ltlcllcs' prtlclltcts'

,ciflcs anrl ettLtnlt'ics. tlatiotlitlitics cte is itltt'otlLtcccl lrt this sta"c

lcarn thc I itcabttlat'r lor grectrrlg' rtlaliirls czrlls'

Ift ).-

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 257)


20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 258)

NloclLtle: ;l

ilcr.c lca,tct.s al.c c\llosccl to cl ialtlgLtc Itl.clcls - lilt'itlstatlec b..kirtg it titxi' coll\crsatloll

at fhc bar. in tlte clrlt ctc. (irittlltllal't()lllcs cssctltiitl lirr ercrrcittr (ict'tllatl is alstr

cliscttssecl helc.

Tcxt prescribed:.\\'ll{1'S('ll,\F'fSl)EtrTS('ll Fi'lll ANFAN(;liR: l'ages 59-105


l,ernzicl l)cutsch l, ('lraptcrs 7 -12

Wirtschaftscleutsch l'tir Ant?ingcr' p' 59 to 106'


I I altttclsliol'l'csp()lr(l cllz-, M ar I I ucbcr Vcrla g

''l':tngrittlt I

[.tc,tals .tar.lis . ]() (i.lttclldallcc 5 tllarks. r\ssistlttlctlt,,/settlillar//'r ir a' -5 tllztrks' l'est

paltcr l0 trlLtt'l.s)

[:xtcuriil rllarks : [J0

Olricctir e : lr 16 l6 trlat'ks

Sltort atltstt cr': Jr-{ - I (r rlrat'ks

Shorl cssar : -lrJ - I (r tlllrrl's

l.ong essar : 'lrll i2 rtlarlis \y

-42 e

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20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 260)

SYRIAC FOII B.Conr (:rdditional languasc)Semcster I Coursc Codc: SYI{ lA 07(2)- Corrrsc'l-itlc: Communicationskill and Histrlry of Sl'riac Iitcraturc.

Senrester 2 Course Cocle:SYII 2A 0tl(2)- Course -l-itle:

Translati<ln.(i ra m nr a r a nd [-l istory ol' Svri:r n Ch rista i ns i n I nd ia.

st,.\It,.s't't,.t{-l ('o\I\toN ('ot ttst.. - f,l

('ourse codc: S\ lt lA 07(2)('oursc 'l'itlc : ('onrrnunic:rtiorr Sliill and llistorr of Sr riuc l.itcraturc('rcclits : {Str-carn : l].('onrNlurlis : 100

Sr ll:rbusOh.icctir cs : I () Lrndcrstarrr.l thc origin. uroritlr antl contritrLrtion ol'lunuLurgc.('(rtrrsc tleseli ption.I. Alphabcts. r oircls & pronLrrtcriltr()n.

(l lanr nrar'-N tlLt n-N Ltnr hcr ( icnclcr ancl ;rt'ot tottt't.

ll l.itcrarr -lliston ol'Sr riae lrtcralLrlc.r\phrahrrt. St l phrerr. lJulu. Nalslrr.

llt l)ocrt.ts- se lcct scntcncc ol St.l:phrcnt. \\ istltttl.l\' ('onrnrrrnicatir c skills.

I)hnrscs. Scntcnce ri ritinrs- I ritnslution-St.\'lathe u ('lt :-i

lloolis Reconrmendcd :

Sr rir ani llhasha ['r'ar csika [:r'. ,\blahanr Konattlt.

Sr rile ( inrnrnrcr'& I itcrirtLrrc br I ltcoclot'c l{ohinsttrt

Sr ro-('lraldcan ( it'atntncr' - [{e r .l'r'. ( iabricl ('N,1I.

('ollcction ol-sr riac se nrs I)octlr ]tvlannananr Kottitrant

Intcrnill l:r llrurlron: I hc inte lnlrl irsscssnrr'nt c()ntcnt shirl] t-rc t'cstt'ictcrl ttt l()0ir. I ltc

con t 1-lor.tcn Is lirr co n t i n trtt trs i n ternltl rtsscssrttclt t iu'c.

l.Attcnclirncc ')2.Assignnrent iSenrirrar'/Vira : -i

--l.l['cst paper .10

Iotrtl :10Se he nrc ol'crtclr.tltl cr rt lLrittion- 80 nuttl'sl'hcrc shall lrc lotrr'(-l)tr pcs ol'clrcstions.l. Ob.lectir c - ( lr l6) l(r nrtlksl. Short .,\nsri cr' : l oLu httne hcs o l' lirLtc cae Ii (-{r-l ) l (t ttl-u'ks

,1 .SIrollcs:lrr :Itrrrrtobe rrlittenl'r'r,nrlninlernlrl clroicct-lr-lt l(rnltt'lisJ Irrnr:l:ssar : l-or.rr ttt bc ririttcn tl'onr an intcnlll choicc I -{rlJ) il Ilut'ks


- 4+- ry

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 261)

SYI{lA(l l'-Olt l}'(.om' (additional languagc)

SIN4llS'l'l'.1{- 2: ('ONt \tOf\ ('Ot ttsl" - tt

('oursc coclc: S\"11 2'\ 0lil(2)

( ourse'l'itlc : 'l ranslation, (iranrnlitr:rncl Histrtrr rll'SYri:trl ('hristi:rns in lnclia

(- rcclitStrca m

Nl a rlis

:J: l].('ttrn: 100

O b.i ectivc- [ I ntlcrstatrcl i n rl tt'lrtlsl at i orr

rhc histtlrl ol' S r rian s in I ntlia'

Sr lla bus

r.rs rt I itlcrtistic Ltlli'l e Ltltttt'lt l lte tir itr l:r ltltrlrting ol'

con.lttgatiott ol- r'et'bs ' Ltctlve volce'l. (llallllrlal' l)rotrott.titritlsrrl'llxcs-sitluLtlttr'

if I't'atrslatiotr St'\'lrltlicri ( haptcr' 6&7

lll. I t'atrslatitltl tll'sltort sl()l'le s'

.loscphtts & I lis ll icrrtls


l)l'()(liSi'll :()ll'

l\/. I tistoir ol'Sr t'ir'ltl ultr-tt'ch itt ltltltr'

l . l)t'or c thlt St l'h()llli:ts callle t() lrlclia arlcl

l. lst Sr riarl coltrttizlttitltl'I l. Sce tltltl Sr t'ilttl e tllotlislltitltl

i '1. Sl nocl ot'[)ianltr-rhor"

Books llcconrnrcnded:l., Sr rilrc ( irattttttltt' & ['itcl'rtttll'c hr

l.l t:..,llcctitrll trt'Sr t'iitc ( icttts-l't'trsc

-i.. Ilirrurt ot'St. Ihotttas ('hlistilttrs itr

cstablishcel tlrc chLrrch'

'l'hcoclorc [{obitlstltr'N1a tt tlatlatll- Ktlttar ant'

lncliit l)ar iti l)arlicl'

l ritcrrtal :rtlc1 F:rteltlal tl'tat'ks

Sl llabrts .


l0 & 80 rcsPcctirclr as clct

20148/GA - IV - B2/2013/CU (Page : 262)