Thurston County Women’s Republican Club · Daniela Anderson Lisa Barkis Randi Becker Shelley...

Post on 15-Feb-2019

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Transcript of Thurston County Women’s Republican Club · Daniela Anderson Lisa Barkis Randi Becker Shelley...

Go Seahawks!

With football season going long in the Northwest, it is hard to focus on anything else. But I want to remind you all to get your dues in. This helps us with our news-letter, but most of all it keeps you informed and up to date. Mail your check today to PO Box 2711, Olympia, WA 98501.

Many of you will be attending our Day at the Capitol. We are looking forward to a turnout of over 200 ladies from across the state. We have confirmed the majority of our Republican Legislators to come and speak to us. This is a fabulous event. Don’t forget to wear your red coat.

Thank you all for your commitment to our club and our vision. We are looking for speakers for the rest of the year. Please let me know what, who or whom you would like to hear from. In March we will be auctioning off a Seahawks basket with memorabilia from the Super Bowl 49. You will not want to miss this chance.

And lastly, invite your friends, bring your neighbor and come to our great meetings and events.



Thurston County

Women’s Republican Club February 2015

TCWRC Officers

President Shannon Vernon

1st Vice President Daniela Anderson

2nd Vice President Pat Walton

Secretary Teresa Spahr

Treasurer Nancy Morris


Chaplain Joan Harris

Community Service

Shannon Vernon Dani Anderson Americanism

Janice Donovan Anita Turcotte Fundraising

Shannon Vernon Alison Mammina

Hospitality Joan Houchen Karen Callies Debbie Swift Membership

Daniela Anderson Newsletter

Teresa Spahr


Paid by cash Paid by check Check if contact information is different from last year





Send payments to: Thurston County Women’s Republican Club, PO Box 2711, Olympia, WA 98507. Make checks payable to TCWRC

2015 dues are only $25. Men can now join as associate members for only $10 per year.

Full Membership ($25)

To be a full member, you must be a registered voter in WA state

Renewal New Member

Referred by: ___________________

Associate Member ($10)

Men can join as an Assoc. Member

Thurston County Women’s Republican Club, PO Box 2711, Olympia, WA 98507,

Shannon Vernon


Members Daniela Anderson

Lisa Barkis

Randi Becker

Shelley Chisholm

Shelly Deitzman

Patsy Excell

Marian Hale

Joan Harris

Joan Houchen

Debbie Koepp

Joyce Krajeski

Alison Mammina

Denise Marchese

Scottiejo McNulty

Nancy Morris

Sue Ness

Peggy Ritchey

Andrea Sehmel

Clarice Shaw

Jane Slach

Teresa Spahr

Ruth Springer

Anita Turcotte

Shannon Vernon

Pat Walton

Kim Wyman

Bev York

There is still time to get your dues in for this year!!!

From my desk to you: Happy 2015! I wanted to take a minute to bring you up to speed on

what’s happening in my office and what’s on tap for this new year. Never a dull moment!

Every division of the Office of Secretary of State is busy working on my challenge for us to be

OSOS21 – my vision for what the Secretary of State’s Office should accomplish in the next five

years. We’ll do business in fresh and innovative ways that look to the future and serve the peo-

ple of Washington in smart, cost-effective ways. It’s an ongoing passion for me, not some flavor

-of-the-month fad.

Looking ahead: As we are pulling out of the Great Recession, multibillion-dollar school fund-

ing mandates and other budget pressures are facing the Legislature, which will continue to pre-

sent us with great challenges in the months ahead.

Of particular concern to me is a $2.4 million hole in the Washington State Library budget.

Elections, Archives and our vision for a cost-effective facility to co-locate the Library and Ar-

chives also need our lawmakers’ attention.

I’m enthused about our capacity for providing service excellence to the voters and our cus-

tomers, and I couldn’t have a better staff. I’m pleased to have two new top leaders in the office;

Assistant Secretary Mark Neary and Deputy Secretary Greg Lane, who started their new posts

a few days ago.

As always, I appreciate your support for the important work that is before us. And … go


To see the rest of Kim’s Winter Newsletter go to:




WFRW Day at the Capitol Feb 9th 11am Columbia Rm, Legislative Bldg, Capitol

TCRP Lincoln Day Dinner Feb 12th 6pm Indian Summer Golf & Country Club

TCRWC General Meeting Mar 10th 11:30am Hawks Prairie Restaurant

Lenny Greenstein-Lacey City

Council Campaign Kickoff

Mar 17th 7am Lacey Community Center

NFRW Board of Directors Mar 19-


Washington DC

WFRW-Cascade Conference May 15-


Leavenworth WA


Members Pat Beehler

Gabrial Bowman

Graham Hunt

Rond Harding

Garry Holland

William Koepp

John O’Callahan

John Reilly

Ken Springer

William Truax

2015 Christmas


TCWRC is looking for a chair for the Christmas Luncheon; December 8, 2015 at Indian Sum-mer. Meal, price and lo-cation are already done. Just need to ar-range a speaker and en-tertainment. Being in charge means it is your choice. Please contact Shannon Vernon (360-493-0543) if you are in-terested.

Nancy Morris

Realtor 360.791.5367

1722 Harrison Ave Suite A Olympia WA 98502 Office: 360.528-.160 Toll Free: 866. 675.4160 Fax: 360.528.4165

Join us on Facebook for current interesting information!

We’d like to congratulate our new Presidency for 2015 for TCWRC! Pictured above are,

President Shannon Vernon, Treasurer Nancy Morris, 1st Vice President Daniela Ander-

son, 2nd Vice President Pat Walton, and Secretary Teresa Spahr. We look forward to a

great year under their enthusiastic leadership.

It was a priviledge to have Roxanne Husmann do the installation of officers. We also en-

joyed a very encouraging and informatative speech from her at our January meeting.

TCWRC 2015 Board Member Installation

By WFRW President Roxanne Husmann

Session Opens in Olympia: The WSRP attended the opening of the Legislative Session in Olympia on Monday

January 12th. It was great to cheer on our elected officials, especially those being sworn in for the first time. We

continue to have a strong relationship with the caucuses and are working with them to promote GOP principles and

good government.

Legislative Day and Reception: We are making plans for our State Committee Day at the Legislature and the

Reception following. You will be receiving details next week. Please set aside March 2nd for a trip to Olympia! We

will provide lunch, you will hear from our great GOP legislators, and the day is capped off with a lively cocktail party

at a local watering hole.

The New GOP—Growth and Opportunity Party

Highlights from WSRP Monthly Update From Susan Hutchinson

February Meeting WFRW Day at the Capitol

Date: Monday Feb 9, 2015

Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Where: Columbia Room, Legislative Bldg, Capitol Campus

Registration must be in by Jan 29th. Contact Dani Anderson at to register.

Cost is $18.00 with lunch included or $4.50 with no lunch