Thursday, April 18, 2019 - Commack Schools · Sea, Mexican- American War. Annexation of Texas Texas...

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Transcript of Thursday, April 18, 2019 - Commack Schools · Sea, Mexican- American War. Annexation of Texas Texas...

Thursday, April 18, 2019

■ Statement of Inquiry: Environments have both positive and negative effects on human movement and settlement

– Vocab quiz

– Instagram posts

– Sign up for Current Events Presentation day

■ Have a wonderful vacation!


Wednesday April 17,2019

Statement of Inquiry: Environments have both positive and

negative effects on human movement and settlement

Homework: Vocabulary quiz tomorrow!

Aim: Evaluate opposing sides of the Mexican-American War, was President Polk justified for declaring war on Mexico?

Do Now:

1. What does annex mean?

2. What is a border dispute?

3. Do we have any today?

1.To add land

2.A disagreement over the

possession/control of

land between 2 or more


3.India/China, South China

Sea, Mexican- American


Annexation of Texas

■ Texas was annexed by the United

States in 1845

■ Split the North and South of the

United States

■ Mexico was campaigning for border

raids and warning that any attempt

of an annexation of Texas would

lead to war

Border Dispute

■ U.S and Mexico

disagreed on the border

between their countries

■ U.S: Believed the border

was at the Rio Grande

■ Mexico: Believed the

border was at the

Nueces River


■ Agreed with war

because they would

be getting more land

■ Slavery would expand

Disagreed with war

because slavery

would be expanding


President James K. Polk

■ 11th President of the United States - elected in 1844

■ Campaigned/promised to fulfill our Manifest Destiny- wanted to expand clear to the Pacific Ocean

■ Wanted war to happen

■ Had his eyes on California and New Mexico

■ Offered to purchase these lands, but those offers were rejected wanted to send in military troops to a disputed zone between the Rio Grande and Nueces River

Source #1 Notes: President James Knox Polk, speech to Congress, May 1846

■ Mexico has been bothering us for a long time

■ Mexico has actually invaded our land

■ Mexico has killed Americans on American land

■ Mexico started the war, so now we must fight

■ We must protect our honor and our rights

■ I ask Congress for a declaration of war, so we can fight and ultimately, bring about peace

Source #2 Notes: Abraham Lincoln, speech to the House of Representatives, 1846

■ President Polk sent the U.S. army onto land in Texas that Mexico never agreed was ours

■ The Mexican people never agreed that Texas belonged to the U.S.

■ So, Polk started this war

■ He is avoiding answering questions about this incident

■ He is focusing on the glory of war

Mexican American War 1846-1848■ April 1846, Mexican cavalry attacked U.S

troops in the disputed zone- border


■ Two day later, Congress declared war on


■ American Navy dominated the sea

Double cross by Santa Anna

■ With Mexico losing all these battles, they turn to Santa Anna

■ Santa Anna was exiled to Cuba

■ Santa Anna convinced Polk that if he was allowed back in Mexico, he would end the war in a favorable to the U.S

■ Immediately coming back, he double crossed Polk and leads Mexico right into battle

■ Santa Anna does not have a lot of victories and soon realizes they have no chance against the United States

■ Santa Anna resigns

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo-1848

■ U.S waits for a new government that is

capable of negotiations

■ 1848 treaty is signed:

-establishes Rio Grande as the U.S-

Mexican border

-Mexico recognizes the annexation of


-agreed to sell California and the rest

of its territory north of the Rio Grande

for $15 million MEXICAN CESSION

Sound familiar???

■ Mexico loses HALF of its territory

British Cession, 1818

■The British Cession was

a treaty signed between

Britain and the U.S.

which establishes the

boundary between the

U.S. and Canada at the

49th parallel (latitude)

Spanish (Florida) Cession, 1819

■ Treaty

between the

U.S. and

Spain that

ceded Florida

to the U.S.