Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    THUNDER ROADS COLORADO1313 W. Broadmoor Dr., Loveland, CO 80537

    PHONE: 970-669-4015CELL: 970-581-0756


    National FoundersToni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon

    1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035Thunder Publishing, LLC Ofces: 615-792-0040


    Linda McCartney

    LAYOUT & DESIGNBarbara L. Garnerartdirector

    Dana Wright graphics

    WRITERS / phOTOGRAphERSRuss & Linda McCartney, Joe Farrow, Ben Hochberg,

    Jasmine Bluecreek Clark, Jerry Pokorny, Bette Cahill,Allison Hanks, Dana Wright, Wendy Pitlick, Abby Clabough


    Joe Farrow editorsassistant719-598-8103, 719-237-2396


    Jerry pokorny719-495-9237


    Abby Claboug720-938-1149



    CONTRIBUTORSTerry Howard, Bill Bish, Kevin Chareville, Mad Jack,

    Gary Westphalen

    Its here! The Colorado Motorcycle Show and Ssignaling the kick-off of our riding season is in the histo

    books now, spring is just around the corner and it see

    everyone is making plans earlier this year as it promis

    to be jam packed full of exciting events. There are maevents that have been going on forever, but still more

    their infancy with great ideas and plans for this year an

    the future! Weve got some fun rides planned and Thu

    Roads Colorado has committed to involvement in manevents. With things starting a bit earlier this year, we

    the decision to start publishing our summer centerfold

    calendar a month early, beginning in April. That being

    I cant express enough the importance of supporting osponsors. Without them, there wouldnt be any of the

    calendars or publications we all rely on to keep informabout whats happening in the motorcycle community.

    Theres social media, but most of us rely on that papecalendar hanging on the wall or yers or an ad as a

    reminder and to help us plan.

    We cant wait to check out the upcoming bike nights

    Quaker Steak and Lube in Westminster, starting in ApAccording to the Thunder Roads Editors out east, Qua

    Steak and Lube Bike Nights draw hundreds of bikes e

    week! Bike nights have been popular in the south and

    east for many, many years. Its great to see more of thscheduled here each year as they are nally entrench

    in the 2-wheeled culture. Bike nights will get riders out

    and about more during the week for meet-ups and ride

    providing all of us the opportunity to meet more riders,experience new establishments, hear some music and

    course to check out everyones ride!

    Until next time,

    Kp T Siy Si Up!

    Li & Russ

    I rcgiti fSt Patricks Day

    May you live as long as you want and never want as

    as you live

    May the sun shine allday long, everything go

    right and nothing wrong.

    May those you love bring

    love back to you, and

    may all the wishes you

    wish come true!

    Russ & Linda

    hUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCh 2011 Thank you for telling them you saw it in Thunder Roads


    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRC

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011



    Custom and Antique Motorcycles on display

    19th Annual Colorado Tattoo Competition

    Indoor Beer Garden

    Scale Model Car / Bike Contest

    Door Prizes All Weekend

    Huge Charity Auction

    Food and Refreshments Plenty of FREE PARKING

    Live Music All Weekend

    150 Swap meet tables!

    Kids Coloring Contest




    MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM For vendor space and show entries call (719)

    For Bike Show Applications visi

    HOURS: Saturday 9am6

    Sunday 10am5pm

    ADMISSION: Adults $7.00, OVER 65

    Kids 12 & under FREE

    MARCH 19th & 20th 201



    Event Center at RusticAcademy Blvd. & Palme

    Colorado Springs





    _ _

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    Motorcycle Laws and Apathy...................................9

    Bite This.................................................................10

    The Jokers Wild.....................................................11


    Calendar of Events................................................14

    Biker Friendly Directory..........................................18



    Test Your Tune-up Knowledge..............................22

    NCOM News Bytes................................................24

    Check It OutIts Here Colorado ShowKicks Off The Riding Season

    16Sonny Barger VisitsCO Motorcycle & Swap

    23Alcohol Poisoning II


  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    Mtccl Laa Aath

    Did you know as m otorcycle riders we have been deemed to be different from

    other motorists? We have been identied to stand out amongst the masses and

    it has been determined that we should r eceive special treatment not afforded to

    the majority of others who operate vehicles on public roads. Solely identied and

    singled out by our two w heels, we have been selected and even targeted to be

    treated differently than others on the road. I believe that term they have for this is

    called proling.

    Apparently we need to be singled out and sw ept off public roadways by local,

    state, and federal government agencies all in the name of protecting us from

    ourselves. We dont know what is good for ourselves; we dont know what kind

    of protection we need to keep us safe.

    According to a release by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the US

    Department of Transportation NHTSA followed through with providing a

    $70,000.00 grant to the Georgia Department of Public Safety for a motorcycle

    only check-point program. Just a note, New York has been doing motorcycle

    only check-points for a couple of years now. Funding was pushed through

    despite a request from 11 members of Congress asking the USDOT not to follow

    through with the grant until relevant question regarding the intent / benets of the

    program were addressed.

    Starting in 2012 all new manufactured motorcycles w ill have to have an EPA

    stamp on the mufer. The motorcycle mufer can only be replaced with a mufer

    that has an EPA stamp on it. This will take away the option that we have in modi-

    fying the sound of the motorcycle. This will make some people happy; it will hurt

    most of us that are responsible riders that dont try to wake up the whole town.

    Just this month the NHTSA called for a national mandatory DOT helmet law like

    Canada has. We still say it wont happen here, but it is happening here a little at

    a time. Think about 3 wheelers and the new lead law that takes ATVs away for

    children learning to ride and have a good time on the trails and private property.

    Which freedom is next?

    Now if this was taken to a national scale and the government were to begin sin-

    gling out groups solely based on predetermined stereotypes or proles, forcing

    them to pull over, and subject them to a search without probable cause or inci-

    dent all in the name of safety; I would imagine there would be a very long list of

    checkpoints all along our roadways. That would be met with widespread national

    panic and uproar about violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments /

    peoples civil rights. I guess as motorcyclists we are just an exception to the rule.

    That is why we need to support groups that ght for our rights to ride free. These

    groups need our support to ght the government from enacting laws that take

    away our freedom to ride. Some of the groups that ght for our right to ride

    free are the, AMA (American Motorcycle Association) MRF ( Motorcycle RidersFoundation) ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education) FORR (Freedom

    of Road Riders).

    We need to get involved with these groups so they can ght for our rights on a

    national and local level to protect us from unreasonable laws that restrict our

    freedom to ride a motorcycle. It is a game of numbers, the bigger the number the

    more power you have with the government. I am a member of the AMA, MRF,

    and ABATE; I will also join FORR this year so that I am counted twice in the local

    government as well as the national level. Te time for action is now before

    we lose our rigts to te oen road; if we remain aatetic we will lose our

    rigt to ride free and be restricted to were we can ride. Remember Myrtle

    Beach and the year-long ght to right the wrong, lets not let that happen again!

    hUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCh 2011


    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCThank you for telling them you saw it in Thunder Roads

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    Dublin Sunday Corned Beef and Cabbage5 pounds Corned beef brisket1 large onion stuck with6 cloves (whole)6 carrots, peeled and sliced8 potatoes peeled and cubed1 teaspoon dried thyme1 small bunch parsley1 cabbage (about 2 lbs), cut in quarters

    Put beef in a large pot and cover with cold water. Add all other ingredientsexcept cabbage and bring to a boil with the lid off the pot. Turn to simmer andcook for 3 hours. Skim fat from top as it rises. Remove the thyme, parsley andonion. Add cabbage.

    Simmer for 20 minutes until cabbage is cooked. Remove the meat and cutinto pieces. Place on center of a large platter. Strain the cabbage and seasonit heavily with black pepper. Surround the beef with the cabbage, carrots andpotatoes. Serve with horseradish sauce.

    Bubble and Squeak5 medium potatoes; cubed, cooked and cooled1/2 pound bacon - 1 pcs1 bag of shredded cabbage1/2 cup water1/2 teaspoon paprikaSalt and pepper to tasteExtra water

    In large iron skillet brown bacon, then remove. Pour off all grease except 2-3tbsp. Add cabbage and 1/2 c water. Cover and cook over low heat about 20minutes. Add potatoes and cabbage along with the bacon. Salt to taste. Cookanother 10 minutes. Extra water may be added while cabbage is cooking, butduring last few minutes let mixture brown.

    Luck of Te Iris Brownies1 package of brownie mix (and ingredients needed to prepare the mix)1/2 cup butter, softened4 cups confectioners sugar2 tablespoons milk, or as needed1 1/2 teaspoons peppermint extract6 drops green food coloring1 1/3 cups semisweet chocolate chips6 tablespoons butter1 tablespoon vanilla extract

    Bake the brownies according to the package directions. Remove from the ovenand cool. Make the middle layer. Beat 1/2 cup of butter with confectioners sug-ar in a large bowl using an electric mixer. Add milk as needed to get a spread-able consistency. Stir in the peppermint extract and green food coloring. Spreadthis over the cooled pan of brownies. Refrigerate for 30 minutesIn a microwave-safe bowl, microwave chocolate chips with the butter until melt-ed. Stir every 20 seconds until chocolate is smooth. Stir in vanilla and then pourover the chilled brownies quickly spreading to cover the surface. Cool until rm,about 10 minutes, then cut into squares and serve.

    Iris BoilmakerFill a pint glass about 2/3 full with stout; ll a shot glass with either whiskey, Irishcream, or a combination of the two. Drop the shot glass into the pint glass, thendrink up. Dont swallow the shot glass!

    Black and TanYou can make a black and tan beer by lling a pint glass half full with Bass beer,then oat Guinness on top. Slowly pour (very important) your bottle of Guinnessinto the pint glass over an upside-down spoon to get the separation betweenthe two beers.

    Iris ToastIt is better to spend money like theres no tomorrow than to spendtonight like theres no money!May you live all the days of your life Jonathan Swift

    Bite This!

    An Iris pub Joke...

    An Irish man shows up in a pub one day and orders three pints of Guinness.He takes sips from each glass until they are empty and calls the bartenderfor three more. The bartender says, Sure its up to yourself, but wouldntyou rather I was bringing them one at a time? Then theyll be fresh andcold. Nah... your man says, Im preferrin that ye bring em three at a time.You see, me and me two brothers would meet at a pub and drink and havegood times. Now one is in Australia, the other in Canada and Im here. Weagreed before we split up that wed drink to each others honor this way.Well, says the bartender, thats a grand thing to do, all right. Ill bring thepints as you ask. Well, time goes on and your mans peculiar habit is knownand accepted by all the pub regulars. One day though, he comes in andorders only two pints. A hush falls over the pub. Naturally, everyone gures

    something happened to one of the brothers. A group of the regulars cornerthe bartender and nally persuade him to nd out what happened. Witha heavy heart, the bartender brings the two pints and says, Heres yourpints... and let me offer my sincerest condolences. What happened? TheIrish man looks extremely puzzled for a moment, and then starts laughing.Oh, no, no, no! Tis nothing like that. You see, Ive given up drinking forLent...

    An Englisman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walk into a pub. They eachbuy a pint of Guiness beer. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamybeverage three ies landed in each of their pints, and were stuck in thethick head. The Englishman pushed his beer away from him in disgust. TheScotsman shed the offending y out of his beer and continued drinking itas if nothing had happened. The Irishman too, picked the y out of his drink,held it out over the beer and then started yelling, SPIT IT OUT, SPIT ITOUT, YOU BASTARD!!

    One day, at a local buffet, a man suddenly called out, My sons choking! H eswallowed a quarter! Help! Please, anyone! Help!_A man from a nearbytable stood up and announced that he was quite experienced at this sort ofthing. He stepped over with almost no look of concern at all, wrapped hishands around the boys gonads and squeezed. Out popped the quarter. Theman then went back to his table as though nothing had happened._Thankyou! Thank you! the father cried. Are you a paramedic? No, replied theman, I work for the IRS.

    A woman had fty-yard line tickets for the Super Bowl. As she sat down, aman came along and asked her if anyone is sitting in the seat next to her.No, she said, the seat is empty. This is incredible, said the man. Whoin their right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggestsporting event in the world, and not use it? Somberly, the woman says,Well... the seat actually belongs to me. I was supposed to come here withmy husband, but he passed away. This is the rst Super Bowl we have notbeen to together since we got married in 1967.

    Oh Im sorry to hear that, thats terrible. But couldnt you nd someoneelse - a friend or r elative or even a neighbor to take the seat? The womanshakes her head, No, theyre all at the funeral.

    Bills Birtday

    Bill woke up on his birthday. His wife and kids didnt even say goodto him, so he left for work i n a huff. After his receptionist wished hiBirthday, Bill responded, Thanks, Joanna. Thats the nicest thing asaid to me all day. He worked until his lunch break, when Joanna she could buy him lunch. They went to a beautiful bistro. My apis just around the corner. Would you like to visit? Joanna askedwhy not? Bill replied. At her apartment, Bill sat down on the couchsaid shed be right back and stepped into the bedroom. Minutes lacame back out followed by Bills family, friends, and co-workers. Bilthere... naked.

    A Cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Have done anything of particular merit? St. Peter asked, Well, I can thinthing, the cowboy offered, On a trip to the Black Hills out in SouthI came upon a gang of bikers who were threatening a young wdirected them to leave her alone, but they wouldnt listen. So, I appthe largest and most tattooed biker and smacked him in the face kbike over, ripped out his nose r ing, and threw it on the ground. I yellback off or Ill kick the s--- out of all of you! St. Peter was impresseddid this happen? Couple of minutes ago.

    While making love, a guy says to his wife Darling, lets do a 68! tthe wife asks, 68? Whats that? So the husband replies You doand Ill owe you one.


    I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my permission to join a tness club and start exercising. I decided toaerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up anand perspired for an hour. By the time I got my yoga pants on, thwas over.


    A couple was celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. For thtime they had been married, the wife had kept a safe, which the hhad never been allowed to look into. He asked her if, since they h

    married so long, he could see what she had been keeping all thesShe said OK and opened the safe. In it was a pile of money totalingand three chicken eggs. He asked her, What are the eggs doing inShe said, Well, I have to admit that I havent been completely fyou. Whenever I strayed, I put an egg in the safe. He thought abosaid, Well, I guess I cant be too upset about three eggs. But whethe money come from? She replied, Every time I got a dozen, I so

    Confucius say, He who stands on the toilet is high on pot

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  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCh 2011 Thank you for telling them you saw it in Thunder Roads

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011






















    CMA Colorado Seasons of Refreshingueblo, CO or 970/468-6146

    Daytona Bike

    WP Swap Meet, Fairgrounds, Sedalia, MO16/228-5811

    ABATE D-10 Corned Beef Bashurora, CO 303/909/-4599

    Annual M/C Show & Swap, Buffalo Countyairgrounds, Kearny, NE 605/545-3602 17

    ABATE D-11 St. Pattys Day Partyohnson Village, CO (719) 530-1780

    Hawg Wild Rocky Mountain Fall Show &

    wap, Island Grove, Greeley Co70/669-5589

    1st Annual Super Show & Swapew location Event Center at Rustic Hills,

    cademy Blvd and Palmer Park Blvd. Colorado

    prings 719/487-8005.

    Antique MC Rally & Showaldwell, ID www.idahovintagemotorcycleclub.

    om 208/377-4981

    Donnie Smith 20thAnnual Bike Showt Paul, MN

    WP Swap Meetairgrounds, OK City, OK 816/228-5811

    5th Annual Arizona Bike Week

    ikers Against Child Abuse Candlelight Vigil

    anon City, CO - (719) 371-6139

    BATE D-10 Coffee Run

    urora, CO - (303) 789-3264

    ock The Troops VII

    as Vegas, NV - (702) 606-4633

    MRF Beast of the East Bikers Rights

    onference, Greenville, SC 202/546-0983

    FW Warriors Bobby Clark Memorial Run

    olorado Springs, CO - (719) 229-9800

    Ride For Freedom, Tucson, AZTo benet VA Hosp patients and more

    (520) 982-0023

    SOS M/C Fallen Brothers RunColorado Springs, CO (719) 227-0099

    Colo. Four wheelers AnnualSpringFundraiser Bake Sale & Crafts Auction @ FMMW


    NV State HOG Rally, Las Vegas, NV(866) 687-2259

    Saturday Short Track at

    Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum5th Open-House, CO Springs, CO 719/487-8005

    Kansas Motorcycle Show and Swap KansasCity, KS - (816) 228-5811

    Beach & Bikerfest Motorcycle RallySouth Padre Island, TX - 956 412-0011

    BACA Child Abuse Awareness RideVeterans Park, Canon City Co 719/269-1379

    Beach & Bikerfest Motorcycle RallySouth Padre Island, TX - 956 412-0011

    Quaker Steak & Lube 1st Bike Night!Westminster, CO. 303-460-9464 (WING)

    Good Friday/Earth Day


    Church in the Wind Blessing of the Bikes& Cookout at Denver City Park, 20th & York,

    Noon 720.635-.2897

    Suns of Darkness Childrens Easter Egg

    Hunt, City Park, 20th & York, 2 pm303/295-9546

    Motorcycle Swap Meet Extravagaza La PlataCounty Fairgrounds 2500 N Main, Durango, CO

    To benet Blue Star Mothers, 970.259.0778 www.

    29th Annual Laughlin River RunLaughlin, Nevada

    Antique Motorcycle Club of America

    Show & SwapOley, PA 800/

    13th Annual Thunder Beach Spring

    Rally Panama City Beach, FL

    Oklahoma Motorcycle Show and SwapTulsa, OK - (816) 228-5811

    All Trades 14th Annual Poker RunIn Memory of AFudgie@ 303/922-1592

    North Metro Church 7th Biker Blessing12505 Colorado Blvd Thornton, CO


    ABATE of CO Motorcycle Expo

    Denver Metro, 303/

    ABATE D-1 Annual Sand Hills Poker

    Run Ft. Morgan, CO 970/542-0902 www.

    JWP Swap Meet, Admiral Twin Drive In,Tulsa, OK 816/228-5811

    Texas Rally On The River, New Braunfels,TX - (210) 602-0724

    73rd Annual Music & Blossom Festival-Canon City, CO - (800) 876-7922

    Mile High H-D Mothers Appreciation

    Weekend Aurora, CO 303/

    Annual Blossom Festival, Canon City, CO

    COC & NCOM National Convention,Albuquerque, N.M. 800/531-2424 or



    World Championship Supercross, LasVegas, NV - (702) 739-3267

    VFW Warriors Dart Run,Colorado Springs, CO - Start at American Bike

    Tailor 3032 S. Academy, (719) 229-9800

    CMA Run for the Son Charity Ride ,Colorado Contact 303/659-4363

    Spring Breakout Run 2011, ColoradoUnited Riders Assoc. 303/295-9329

    ABATE D-10 Blessing of the Bikes Poker

    Run 303/909-4599

    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCh 2011


    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCThank you for telling them you saw it in Thunder Roads

    H U N D E R R O A D S E V E N T S C A L E N D A R




















    Fly-In Wheels MC 7th Annual Spring

    Poker Run Monte Vista CO 720/935-1492MRA Race # 1 at High Plains Raceway,


    Saturday Short Track at IMI www.bangin-

    Mothers Day

    IPE / Easter Seals Annual Mothers Day

    Poker Run 720/685-1918 or 303/233-1666Reds Pub 5th Mothers Poker Run, Broomeld,

    CO 303/464-7337 REDSPUB@COMCAST.COM

    Aspencash Motorcycle Rally, Ruidoso, 800/452-804513

    Flame of Freedom National Run for the

    Wall, Concho, OK 303/694-217314

    Combat Vets Assoc. Open Range Run303/670-0624

    MH HOG Teddy Bear 303/340-4982

    River Rats VFW Car & Bike Cruise-In, 11am

    2190 S. Platte River Dr

    High Country H-D/Buell Birthday PartyFrederick, CO


    8th Annual Angel Tree Benet RunFranktown, CO 303/356-8994

    MRF Bikers Inside the Beltway

    Conference, Washington, 202/546-0983

    Myrtle Beach Bike Week, Myrtle Beach, SC(336) 643-1367

    All Trades 14th Annual Poker Run, InMemory of AFudgie@ 303/922-1592

    North Metro Church 7th Biker Blessing12505 Colorado Blvd Thornton, CO


    ABATE of CO Motorcycle Expo, Denver

    Metro, 303.789.3264,

    ABATE D-1 Annual Sand Hills Poker

    Run, Ft. Morgan, CO 970/542-0902

    Combat Vets Assoc. Open Range Run 303/670-0624

    River Rats VFW Car & Bike Cruise-In2190 S. Platte River Dr

    High Country H-D/Buell Birthday PartyFrederick, CO


    Angel Tree 8th Annual Benet Run,Franktown, CO 303/356-8994

    Church In The Wind Ladies Retreat at


    B.A.D. Bikers Against Diabetes 10th AnnualPoker Run - Reg. 8:30 - 10:30 AM Eagles Hall

    1151 S. Galena St. Aurora Frankieve@comcast.


    Franks Ride for Children,Longmont 303/808-6138

    Branson 9th Annual Motorcycle Rally,Branson, MO

    Run for the Wall, Viet Nam War MemorialRun to DC, Angel Fire, NM 303/467-342

    Mile High Harley Military Appreciation

    Weekend,(303) 343-3 300

    Armed Forces Day

    Kristis Dream Ride and Poker Run FortCollins, CO. 970-219-3297,

    HOG Metro Hogs & Howls Benet Run 303/703-2885, 303/238-0425, or 303/340-4982

    Outpost H-D Armed Forces Day MilitarySalute Party, Pueblo, CO (719) 542-6032

    ABATE State Motorcycle Extravaganza, (303)789-3264

    Armed Forces Day Veterans BenetCortez, CO (970) 5653402

    2nd Colorado Freedom Ride, Littleton, COwww.2ndnationalarmedforcesfreedomridecolora

    GlenLHeureux Memorial Race, IMIMotorsports,

    Run for the Wall, Viet Nam War Memorial Run to

    DC, Limon, CO 303/467-3424

    Speed & Sport National Vintage Trials

    Series, Howard, CO - (303)

    MRA Race # 2 at Pikes Peak InternationalRaceway, 303/530-5678

    Kellys Ride to Benet Breast CancerResearch, Denver, CO - (303) 629-9697

    4th Annual Defenders of Freedom Veter-

    ans Recognition Ride, Colorado Springs, CO

    Run for the Wall, Salina, KS 303/4JWP Swap Meet, Twin Drive In, KC, M


    CitW Blessing of the Bikes & Coat Denver City Park, 20th & York, Noon


    Suns of Darkness Childrens Eas

    Hunt, City Park, 20th & York, 2 pm303/295-9546

    Territory Days, Old Colorado City, C(719) 487-8005 www.shopoldcoloradoc

    Fallen Bikers Memorial Rally,Salida, CO - Free admission to rally gro

    (719) 539-7769

    10th Annual Realities Ride and RFort Collins, CO - (970) 484-9090

    29th Annual Memorial Day Moto

    Rally, Red River, NM - (800)

    Rolling Thunder Parade, WashingtDon 303/514-7916

    Memorial Day

    For event listing in our cal

    send an e-mail with the na

    the event, date, location,

    cost and contact informa


    Event submission deadline

    10th of each month.






    T H U N D E R R O A D S E V E N T S C A L E N D

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    sands of bikers jammed the doorways of Den-National Western Complex for the 33rd Annualado Motorcycle Show and Swap on Jan 29thh. The biggest show of its kind in the Rockytain region and one of the biggest in the country

    opening day, Mother Nature provided sunshine,skies, and warm temps. Organizer, Jack Porticeunced, Im letting them in now! as a line of anx-people waiting to get in swarmed the place. Theng packed up quickly and the crowds seemed tolonger at vendor booths.

    rding to Portice, We didnt break any records,was a good show. Were happy with it. I knowome vendors of what Id call vanity items ands would call necessities actually doubled ord their earnings over last year.

    Portice, his partner Jim Arnett and their army ofteers make sure there is always something in-ing for everyone with the 120 or so show bikes,

    at variety of vendors and good entertainment.

    Colorado Motorcycle Show and Swap is on the

    s H! 33rd Colorado MotorCyCle SHow & Swa

    must do event list every year for many, drawingbeautiful and unique bikes, interesting vendors, andtwo-wheeled enthusiasts from all over the country, allages and types. Its like a homecoming, a big socialevent where you see people you may not have seenall winter, a one-stop shopping Mecca for those look-ing for anything motorcycle and plenty to keep youbusy for 2 days! Events included wet t-shirt contests,Iron Man Bare Chest contest (this one was for theladies), live music by Hollow Point and the best en-tertainment there is for many, people watching. Atleast half the attendees cruising about displayed inkof some kind, some subtle, some big and bold, butno doubt, some of the most magnicent pieces weveseen!

    Colorado Department of Transportations boothhoused a motorcycle simulator. You sat on yourmotorcycle seat, grabbed the handlebars and rodeas the monitor in front of you provided a graphicaldisplay of true road conditions. You were required toshift gears (or you could choose an automatic), brakeand react to various conditions. It proved to be apopular stop for many.

    Pin-striping demonstrations have become a favoritefor many drawing some of the best talent in the area.Jack Portice explained, The pinstripe demo andcompetition started 3 years ago when Arlin Fatland,owner of 2-Wheelers presented them with a pin-striped derby cover to commemorate the ColoradoMotorcycle Show and Swaps 30-year milestone.That same year, Arlin thought it would be fun to pin-stripe some girls on the stage. The rest as they sayis history. Portice went on to say, There are 5 guysinvolved in organizing everything and theyre bring-ing in the younger ones too. These guys get all thepanels together and encourage others to come andcompete.

    The pool of around 15 pinstripe artists included 4women this year. Twenty panels were painted andthen auctioned off to raise money for 3 charities. Withdonated items from vendors and the pinstriped pan-els, about $3000 was donated to ABATE of Colorado,9-11 Freedom Ride and The I Love U Guys Founda-tion.

    On the bike show side of things, organizer Jim Ar-nett stated he was happy with all 3 sport bike entries,adding, I wish there were more. The bike show, afavorite among many draws the Crme De La Crmeof motorcycles and although the show wasnt full thisyear, the extra space made room for some stunningdisplays. As always, there was something for ev-eryone; antiques, total customs, old school, metric.Gary Eubanks won best engineering award for thisvery unique 3-wheeled machine, a nasty, stretchedout sleek looking machine. What most of us didntknow was that it was equipped with a vibrating pas-senger seat. Arnett stated, Gary would talk womeninto sitting on the bike, then turn on that vibrator. A lotwomen were turning red!

    Inkd Outs beautiful model (and someMartial Arts Ring Girl) Jessica Lil Ink Bosented trophies to winners including. Wthe full list, but here are a few:

    Best of Sow - Bill West - 06 Big Dog

    Best Dislay - Kevin Giedd from Burling

    Vintage Restored - 1st place for his res47 Indian Jim We

    Best Engineering - Gary Eubanks

    In the end, Its a great show where, mornot, you run into old friends you havenwhile and often times, make new ones.coming back year after year. The commthat people always have a good time.

    As Jack says over and over againThein the world come to this show

    Trophy Queen - Jessica Boisseaux

    Organizer - Jack Portice

    Organizer - Jim Arnett

    Kicks off riing Ssn

    Corsets are a HOT item

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    G Yo B Fdly B Ld Fo Oly $120/Y 970-669-

    Ragged Edge power Sorts4531 E. Platte, Colorado Springs(719) 648-6084

    Ramage performance Cycles125 S. Main St, Longmont303-776-6935

    Roadies performance Inc.5675 Olde Wadsworth Blvd.Arvada, CO 303-420-8782

    Sangers Cycles1724 E. Lincoln, Fort Collins970-419-5500

    Seedwrenc LLC665 E. 70th Ave. #5Denver, CO


    Te Sining Custom Detailing3620 Manhattan AveBehind Auto Zone (off Horsetooth)Fort Collins, CO970-566-8923


    Fransuas at Greenwood Village5801 S. Quebec St.Englewood, CO 80111 Hair and Nail care for Men & Women

    Mane Street & Comany1021 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland, CO970-669-1618


    Geico powersorts, Motorcycle,ATV, RV, Watercraft,1-800-44CYCLE(442-9253),WWW.GEICO.COM

    LeatHer & repair

    Eagles Wings Stitc and Reair

    Stitching & leather repairSPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM EMBROIDERY2345 Academy Pl, Ste 119Colorado Springs (719)

    EM Leater14016 Mississippi & I-225(Abilene Market) Aurora303-337-6690

    Te Brickouse Leater Co.319 Main St., Longmont,

    Twin peaks Leater5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd.

    Arvada, CO


    AIM / NCOMRichard M. Lester(800) 531-2424 /

    Law Ofces of Daniel R. Rosen8310 S.Valley Highway Suite 210Englewood,

    Law Tigers Colorado4828 So. College Ave.Ft. Collins, Co. 970-377-3800


    287 Discount Liquor5846 S. College Ave.Fort Collins, CO. 970-377-0557

    Wareouse Liquors1710 W. Eisenhower BlvdLoveland, CO970-776-9156


    hotel VQ1975 Bryant St.,

    MetaL recYcLinG

    Atlas Metal and Iron Cor1100 Umatilla Street, Denver, CO.303-825-7166


    Bulldog Custom Crome1220 Cleveland Ave.

    Loveland, CO

    R&M Services Mufer Secialists622 1st St., Fort Lupton, CO303-857-4000

    MOtOrcYcLe skiLLstraininG

    ABATE of Colorado4725 Paris St. Suite #250Denver, Colorado, 303-789-3264

    Bluecreek Motorcycle Training Co4704 Harlan Street Suite 500Denver, CO303-947-6011Motorcycle License Testing withouta Class

    Motorcycle License Testing ONLYNO NEED TO TAKE A CLASSRoy Hansen & Assoc. LLCOld Ft. Collins Downtown AirportFt. Collins, CO

    patcHes, MenDinG,aLteratiOns, repair

    Lydias SewingPatches, Mending, Alterations, Repair(303) 885-9994 (Northglenn)


    COLWELL phOTOGRApYWedding Secialistwww.colwell photo.comMichael @ 970-206-9999

    Event potograyHave camera will travelwww.onsightphotos.netKevin 303-803-4286

    reaL estate

    ASSIST - 2 - SELL /ORTIZ REALTY, INC.1601 E. Eisenhower Blvd. # 4Loveland, Co. 970-206-4900Rortiz@Assist2Sell.comWWW.A2SCOLORADO.COM

    sturGis caMpinG

    Elkview Camground13014 Pleasant Valley Rd

    Sturgis SD 605-347-7620.877-478-5162 / elkview@rapwww.elkviewcampground.cMay 1st Oct 30th100 full hookups Tent camp


    Skibos Tattoo1008 N. College Ave.Fort Collins

    WHeeLs & tireservice

    Woodys Weel Works2225 South Platte River DrDenver, CO 303-936-023www.woodyswheelworks.cYou Bend Em, We Mend E



    Eagles Nest Bar & packa1101 W. Lincolnway, Chey307-778-7678


    Vinos LiquorsI-25 & Vandehei Ave., Chey307-778-9463


    Skibos Tattoo117 West 5th St,


    Beavers Den019 W. Highway 34oveland, CO70-669-2320

    EM Leater4016 Mississippi & I-225Abilene Market) Aurora03-337-6690

    Twin peaks Leater655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd

    Arvada, CO

    BaiL BOnDs

    Affordable Bail Bonds

    36 Link LaneFort Collins, CO

    70-663-2499, 970-490-224570-392-9959


    Slick Macine Rock and Soul70-593-1869 / 970-593-8701

    Bars &restaurants

    Bennys Restaurant and Lounge17 W. Colorado

    Colorado Springs, CO19-634-2127

    Blondies pub & Grub5 W. Main Street

    Cortez, Colorado 81321970) 565-4015

    Bruces Bar45 1st Street, Severance, Co.70-686-23320

    Carter Lake WindjammerRoadouse

    431 S County Road 31oveland, CO970) 667-0454

    Crazy Jacks520 S College Ave

    Fort Collins, CO. (970)

    Fatsos Diner6060 W. Eisenhower (Highway 34)oveland, Co 970-776-9660

    FRANKIES BAR & GRILL945 N Powers BlvdColorado Springs, CO

    FRANKIES TOO!7376 McLaughlin RdFalcon, CO 80831

    Fullmoon Saloon Bar & Grill206 E. Main, Pierce, Colorado970-834-2880

    henrys pub & Club138 S. Front St., Sterling, CO970-522-5162

    Te hideout1903 Lincoln Ave., Fort Collins CO

    Kelly OBrians Sorts Grill239 N. AcademyColo. Spgs. CO719-573-1976

    Larksur pizzaria & Caf8815 Spruce Mountain RoadLarkspur, Co. 303-681-2090We Deliver!

    Last Cance pizza Co.40 Cove Blvd, Summit Cove - C2Dillion, CO 970-513-0900Free Delivery after 5 pm

    Lil Slice of Elbert6739 Lavell AveElbert, CO303-648-0066www.lilsliceofelbert.comBeer Garden Opening in April

    Nigt Sotz3329 N. Gareld (US 287)Loveland 970-669-3727

    Ofce Lounge Bar and Grill1710 W. Eisenhower Blvd.

    Loveland (970) 667-0408

    Old Cicago27 Colorado Locationswww.oldchicago.comThe Pizza and Beer Authority

    Quaker Steak and Lube10392 Reed StWestminster,

    DeaLers / sHOps

    American Bike Tailor Inc.3032 S. Academy Blvd.CO Springs, CO 80916Phone

    Ascend Creations6266 N. Lewis Ct, Parker,

    Cycle haven Storage and ServiceColorado Springs,

    EXp Motorsorts3301 W. Hampden, Sheridan, Co303-688-4001

    Front Range Cycle2016 E. Lincoln(corner of Lincoln and Industrial)Fort Collins 970-482-1454

    Full Moon Customs3 Oak Avenue, Eaton, Co.970-454-8710 or

    Wild West Motorsorts/GreeleyHarley-Davidson, Honda, Yamaha3010 W. 29th St., Greeley,

    hawg Wild Custom Coers4315 S. Lincoln, Loveland, CO970-669-5589 fax

    Lees Motorcycles1115 S. Greeley HwyCheyenne, Wy307-772-7975

    Mile hig harley-Davidson16565 E. 33rd Dr., Aurora303-343-3300 or

    Mile hig harley-Davidson of parker6280 E. Pine Lane, Parker,

    Motogear Outlet5405 W. 56th Ave., Arvada,

    pat Rides Custom CyclesRandy HockerLoveland

    Roys Last Sot on te peak topeak hwy17286 Hwy

    Te Silver Tongue Devil Saloon10530 Ute Pass AveGreen Mountain Falls, CO(719)

    Te Townouse Lounge907 Manitou AvenueManitou Springs,

    historic Ute Inn204 W. Midland Dr.Woodland Park CO 719-687-1465

    Western Omelette16 S Walnut StColorado Springs, CO 80905-1537(719)

    cannaBis centers

    Tumbleweeds General Storehome of Lyons Finest CondentialCare4071 Ute Highway, Lyons, CO720-335-5519


    Curc in Te Wind2411 Alcott Avenue, Denver, CO303.427.1538

    cOFFee HOuses

    Bobs Coffee So3522 WCR 54G (US 287)La Porte, CO970-691-8911 / e-mailbobscoffeeshop@gmail.comCheck us out on Facebook

    cOMputer servicepCRX Remedy4850 Galley Rd, Colo Sp.(719)

    custOM seats

    Bitcn Stitcn Inc.11354 W. 13th Ave. Unit 1Lakewood, Co.

    Yo B Fdly B Ld Fo Oly $120/Y 970-669-4015

    (303) 427-1538

    Cell: (720) 635-2897

    Pastor Gary and

    Mrs. Diana Davis

    Come As You Rid

    Friday Nights at 7:30

    in the Chapel at Rive

    2411 Alcott St.

    Denver CO 80211

    I-25 and 23rd Ave. Ex

    Bible Studies Wed

    Funerals & Memori

    Biker FrienDLY DirectOrY Biker FrienDLY DirectOr

    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCh 2011 Thank you for telling them you saw it in Thunder Roads


    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRC

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    Sonny BargervisitsCOLORADO MOTORCYCLE ShOW & SWAp

    of the founders and the most famous of the infamous Hells Angelsrcycle Club, Ralph Sonny Barger was a special guest at the 33rd Annualrcycle Show and Swap to promote his recently released book Lets Ride,itten with Darwin Holmstrom.

    Ride Sonny Bargers Guide To Motorcyclingis Bargers sixth bookwith over a million miles and 60 years of riding motorcycles under his belt,an expert in his own right. With the help of Thunder Roads Arizona Editorpper Bob I was able to land an interview with Sonny and his wife Zorana.scussed his book, his bike of preference, Zoranas bike, a day in his life


    na said, The best part of the book i s that he dedicated it to m e.

    Your book has been out for a few m onths now and getting rave reviews. Int had a chance to read it yet. What can I expect?

    y: A lot of interesting things. There are people who have been riding for 20and tell me they found out a lot they didnt know. People tell me there are

    any things they didnt know, like they cant ride a bike with a fairing becausecant see the wheel. If youre looking at the wheel, youll cr ash! You have toahead. Theres a lot of common sense information.

    Your book was released last June. How are sales going?

    y: They tell me its sold over 20,000 copies so far. If you sell 50,000 books,enomenal.

    na: You should also read Freedom: Credos From The Road. We get lots offeedback on that book.

    What is it about?

    y: Its about how to ride free. It is categorized as a self-help book.

    You were always a Harley guy, but youve been riding Victory Vision for ae of years now. Why?

    y: I rode a Harley for 52 years, but theyre junk. I grew up in the 40slways had American. Back then, thats all there was. I drive an Americana Chevy. I ride an American-bred quarter horse and now I have another

    ican motorcycle choice. I ride a 2008 Victory Vision. Zorana has a Victorys Country with a custom paint job. Last year she put 7,000 miles on it in oneh. No, I didnt have anything to do with teaching her to ride.

    TR: How many miles do youtypically ride every year?

    Sonny: 40-100 thousand ayear on my Victory. I rode about69,000 miles last year becauseI had some problems with mythroat and we were gone a lot. Ialways tried to ride safe. I dontride stupid. Never have. I got hitby a pickup once and by anothermotorcycle. Ive dumped thebike about 10 times.

    TR: Whats the most important advice you would give riders?

    Sonny: Be careful!

    TR: Whats your typical day like?

    Sonny: Its very boring. I get up at 5, feed the horses at 6, clean stalls, go to thegym, ride my bike or my horse. Im usually in bed by 9. I didnt start riding horsesuntil I was sixty. Those horses keep m e alive. You have to get up and feed them,water them, exercise them, take care of the. Theres about 15 hours of work forevery hour of riding!

    TR: Looking ahead, where do you see yourself in a couple of years?

    Sonny: If I knew what was going to happen in 5 years, Id be a millionaire. Imgoing to keep doing what I can do.

    TR: Youve done about everything there is to do, books, movies, Sonny Bargerbeer. Whats next?

    Sonny: Late this summer, Fox Studio will start making a movie based off myautobiography, Hells Angel. It will be directed by Tony Scott. They bought therights 11 years ago.

    TR: Whos going to play you?

    Sonny: Maybe Mickey Rourke. Years ago when he was doing all the cowboymovies, we all played his cowboys. Now he might play me!

    As in past years, Barger was a very popular draw at the Colorado MotorcycleShow and Swap. Despite many peoples fear of him I found Sonny and Zoranaboth to be gracious hosts. Zorana does a lot of their promotional artwork.

    A coule of excerts from Sonnys Freedom: Credos From the Road book

    IndeendenceCustomize Yourself; Originals Dont Come Off an Assembly Line

    FairnessTreat Me Good, Ill Treat You Better; Treat Me Bad, Ill Treat You Worse

    Linda McCartney

    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRCh 2011 ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRC


    Thank you for telling them you saw it in Thunder Roads


    Rocky Mountain H-D


  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    Check it out before you ride it, or, The Pre-Ride Inspection. Before you goriding, do you inspect the bike rst? Sure, its easy to skip this activity, especially ifyou have been using the bike a lot and it seems to have been performing properly.But skipping it is not a good idea, even when the bike is in daily use; and now thatour bikes are getting less use due to unfavorable weather conditions it becomeseven more important to do a pre-ride check each time we intend to ride.

    It should be obvious that doing a pre-ride check on a bike is more important thandoing it on a car; there are higher consequences for mechanical malfunctions ona bike compared to a four-wheeler.

    It helps to have a checklist to make it easy, systematic and thorough. Some itemsare more critical than others, but those critical ones need to be checked for eachride. In rider education we use a system called T-CLOCS, which stands forTires, Controls, Lights, Oil, Chassis, and Stands.

    Tires should be checked for overall condition, items like tread depth, agecracks, embedded objects, uneven wear, and bulges. Check the air pressure(when the tire is cold)! Low air pressure is the most common reason fortire failure. Remember that pressure in the tires changes with the ambienttemperature of the environment. The colder it gets, the less pressure is in thetires. Also check the wheels. If the wheels use spokes, make sure the tensionis even for each spoke and that there are no spokes missing. If the bike hascast wheels, check for cracks or dents. Glance at the rims to see if they areobviously out of round or true. It helps to have a bike stand for this, but it isnot absolutely necessary. Grab the tire at the top and bottom and see if thereis free play in the wheel bearings. Glance at the bearing area to see if there istoo much grease that has escaped from the bearing.

    Controls should be checked to be sure that they arent broken, cracked orbent, and that they are properly adjusted. Cables and pivot points should belubricated and should operate smoothly. The throttle assembly should operatefreely and should snap closed when released. Glance at the fuel lines; and ifthe bike is water-cooled, look at the hoses as well.

    By Ben Hochberg

    saFetYtipsNO. 33ABATE of ColoradosRider Education Division

    ch i O!

    Lights should be checked to make sure they all work, but also loolenses and reectors, and that they headlight is aimed correctlyusually have to be adjusted if you are carrying a passenger. Also tthe battery terminals; see if there is corrosion present and if the are tight.

    Oil level needs to be up to where it should be. Different bikes harecommended methods for checking oil level. Consult your ownfor this. Also check the fuel level, and the coolant level if the biLook around the bike for any leaks that can be seen for any tySome bikes have separate reservoirs for transmission and/or nawell, so check those as appropriate.

    Chassis should be checked for cracks and bends. Check the smooth and thorough motion throughout its range. With the rear wground push and pull the swingarm to ensure the bushings aresure the suspension is working well and that it rebounds smootas weight is removed. You can check the front suspension by sbike, applying the front brake, and then pushing forward on theThe suspension should compress smoothly, and it should rebouwhen you stop pushing forward. If the suspension is adjustable, is set properly for the type of use you are going to give it. And heoften goes without proper attention: the drive chain. Some bikes aa shaft, some by a belt, but most are driven by a chain. They streand have to be adjusted as well as cleaned and lubricated. Folkthis, because dealing with the chain can be a dirty, greasy job. Ter done: its important! When a chain fails (breaks) not only wil

    ride on the spot, it can be a violent and dangerous situation. Takchain and it will take care of you. Consult the owners manual foron this. If your bike has a belt drive, check the tension of the belt

    Stands it seems all bikes have a sidestand (thats jiffy standspeak, and some have a center stand as well. Make sure they aror bent and that their springs are in place so the stands retract pryou want them to. Stands occasionally need to be lubricated.

    Wow! Thats a lot of stuff to check before each ride! Well, not really. Nstuff has to be checked daily Some things are more critical than oththe short list that, from my experience, of the ones that should neveno matter how frequently the bike is ridden:

    1. Tire pressure and possible embedded objects.

    2. Control operation, particularly throttle and (both) brakes.

    3. All lights (tail, brake, turn signals, high and low beam headlightwhatever else your bike may have).

    4. Engine oil.

    5. Drive chain (or belt) tension.

    Most of the other items can be done less frequently, like each week, ifin regular use. The short list can be done in 5 minutes. The completea bit longer, but its all part of the satisfaction of maintaining your bike pthats something of which to be proud.

    The days are getting longer, the weather a tad warmer and like all riders, ourthoughts are turning to spring rides. Spring ofcially arrives this month and itwill be a lot more fun if our motorcycles are ready to go when we are!

    Test Your Knowledge of Sringtime Motorcycle Maintenance

    Did you forget to leave the battery tender on last fall? If you havent started herup for awhile, its a good time to check the battery.

    Your bike is off and you check the battery:

    1) Wat is te roer voltage for your motorcycle, cecked wit

    te bike turned off?

    a) 5.7v 8.0v b) 9.6v 10.5v c) 12.6v 13.0v d) 13.6v 16.0v

    Tire condition is another important ingredient for a safe rst ride once spring arrives.

    2) Wat is te minimum recommended tread det?

    a) 2/32 b) 1/8 c) 5/32 d) 1/2

    Riding around on under or over inated tires can cause a myriad of safety issues.A motorcycle that has been parked for the winter will denitely need the air pressure

    checked before that rst ride.3) Were do you nd te correct tire ressure for your model


    a) Owners manualb) On the rimc) On the sidewalld) On the valve stem

    A clean air lter is vital.

    4) how often sould you clean or relace your air lter?

    a) Once a year in the springb) Right after riding through a Nevada Sand Stormc) When your ash tray is fulld) Every time you change your oil

    Its good to be able to stop as well as go, right? This is a good time to check yourbrake pads front and rear.

    5) how do you know wen your brake ads need relacing?

    a) When you hear or feel them grindingb) When you see sparks during braking while riding downhillc) When you have a low brake pedald) When your mechanic loudly exclaims, Geez, howve you been stoppingthis bitch?

    Springtime in Colorado includes the occasional snow/ice storm. Most municipalitiesand many private roads/parking lots use chemical de-icer products, such as Mag-

    Chloride, which can be problematic for motorcyclists.6) Wic of te following is not caused by cemical de-icer?

    a) Chrome Corrosionb) Oxidationc) Low Tire Pressured) Slippery Roads

    7) Wen is te best time for a sringtime ride?

    a) When youre really mad!b) Right after a really long hard day at workc) When feeling fat & happyd) Any day that ends with a Y

    TesT your Tune up KnowLedge


    Question 1 Correct Answer: c) 12.6 13.0 volts.Lower voltage readings may indicatea battery or charging problem. Higher voltage readings may indicate a regulator or charg-ing problem. Take it to a pro for diagnosis and repairs.

    Question 2 Correct Answer: a) 2/32 Remember that is minimum recommendedtread depth, we prefer to install new tires way before the tread is that low. An easy way tomeasure your tire tread depth is to take a Lincoln Head Penny and insert it into the tread,noggin side rst. If Lincolns forehead is hidden in the tread your tire has plenty of treadleft. If you can see the entire forehead, its time for a new tire (see photos).

    Another indication that its time for new rubber would be if you see the wear bars installedby the tire manufacturers. These are transverse, raised strips of rubber, meaning they runcrossways to the tread. They become exposed gradually as the tread wears thinner andthinner. Some tires have little raised triangles along the sidewall pointing to the bars, tohelp you nd them. If you can easily see these wear bars head down to your favorite tiredealer and get a new one.

    Question 3 Correct Answer: Eiter a) or c) would be correct. a) If it is a new motor-cycle with the factory rubber still on it, c) if you have aftermarket tires on your motorcycle.

    Question 4 Correct Answer: d) Every time you cange your oil; IF you ridesert b) certainly applies.

    Question 5 Correct Answer: e) ALL OF ThE ABOVE. Any or all of those srequire immediate professional attention. Take it to the Shop and let the prosand repair any issues with the braking system.

    Question 6 Correct Answer: c) Maintaining roer tire ressure is your ity. Riding through de-icer has no effect on the air pressure in the tires; howevtemperatures that exist when they are using these chemicals can denitely afpressure. If youre riding on these colder days check the tire pressure befor

    Question 7 Correct Answers: Do we really need to tell you the answer to this oday that end in Y

    Tune up your ride, take an experienced rider class to hone your rusty skills, aand ride!

    See ya on the road this spring and summer. Jasmine Bluecreek Clark and R

    More Maintenance Tips in Jasmines ABCs of MC

    Thunderboltsory Motorcycles And Lehman Trikes Join Forces To Reveal A

    cial Trike In Honor Of Our Armed Forces

    ed We Stand is the inspiration for a one-of-a-kind 2011 Lehman Cross-Trike, fueled by the Victory Vision motorcycle. Victory Motorcycles andan Trikes have partnered to pay tribute to our Military Veterans and Ac-uty members.

    ory Motorcycles are our expression of freedom, and w e are proud to honoren and women of our arm ed forces who have made such a commitment toreat country. Thank-you for your service, and for that we offer our militaryams at, said Steve Menneto, Vic-

    Motorcycle General Manager.

    rike will debut at Daytona Bikeweek, Friday March 11th, at the Brokene Saloon. It wil l be awarded ve months later to a past or present mem-f our Armed Forces onstage at the Legendary Buffalo Chip in Sturgis onst 11!

    Buffalo Chip is pleased to have Lehman Trikes and Victory Motorcycles

    part of this years Freedom Celebration. This is a special event dedicatedr troops, and I look forward to hosting our friends from Lehman and Vic-Rod Woodruff, Legendary Buffalo Chip.

    e and Veteran members of all branches of the Department of Defense,d, Reserve, and Coast Guard are eligible to win this one-of-a-kind trike.giveaway is an annual event for Lehman called the Good Turn Trike, andrtnership with Victory Motorcycles and their ongoing military appreciationams this special edition CrossBow Trike valued at nearly $40,000 willa proud new owner. To be considered, all present and former military

    and women can visit for m ore information on thed Turn Trike.

    Hines, President and CEO of Lehman Trikes summarizes, One Gooddeserves another. Lehman Trikes has lived by that adage for many. As a proud Veteran myself, it is a special honor to be dedicating this

    s Good Turn Trike to our dedicated members of the Military.

    011 Crossbow is made-in-the-USA, luxury touring at its nest combiningans 25 years of trike-building experience with the power and comfort of

    rys agship Vision motorcycle.

    os and additional details will be shared in a subsequent press releasewing the March 11 unveiling.

    cations for the 2011 Good Turn Trike program are available on the Lehm-ikes website at and through Lehman Trikes au-ed dealers. The deadline for application submission is May 13, 2011. Forinformation on the Good Turn Trike program, call 1-888-3WHEELS or

    heir website at w

    Colorado Long-Distance Ride Group

    Colorado Long Riders Motorcycle Club supports motorcycle rides in thetiful state of Colorado. Colorado has fty-three mountain peaks over

    00 feet. Our goal is to attract long distance riders from all over the countrye with us. These are timed rides & will cover over 1000 miles in 24 hourss. More info:

    orcycle Roadracing Association (MRA) Offers Superstreetng I dont know a soul that doesnt love the rush a little speed can

    de. Do you have a desire to test your racing skills, but arent sure youto spend the money required for gear?

    MRA Superstreet class is designed to allow street riders the thrill ofd-course motorcycle competition. A $100 registration fee i ncludes race in-ion and dedicated track time. Although you must be in full racing gear, thedoes have some available for use, courtesy of some local businesses.ore info: - click on superstreet pre-entry.


    ThUndeR RoadS CoLoRado - MaRC

  • 8/7/2019 Thunder Roads Colorado March 2011


    News Bytes News Bytes


    years ago the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) implementedonsumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008 to regulate thecontent in childrens toys, inadvertently banning the sale of youth model all-n vehicles and off-highway motorcycles due to trace levels of lead in someessible components.

    anuary 25, Representative Denny Rehberg (R-MT) introduced H.R. 412, theJust Want to Ride Act of 2011, which would exempt child-sized dirtbikes and

    from the Lead Law and provide a legislative x to the misapplied restric-

    Kids Just Want to Ride Act aims to clarify the previous federal law, whichonsumer agency claims they must strictly interpret as written despite havingpostponed enforcement.

    Rehberg joined 22 fellow lawmakers from both parties in the House to in-ce the new bipartisan act, calling the legislation the best way to clarifyressional intent and ensure that children have access to the youth-sized ve-s that will keep them safe. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) has announced plansoduce similar legislation in the Senate.

    ress conducted initial hearings on the CPSIA on February 17 in the Houseommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade, and reviewed CPSC re-es for implementing the lead law.


    ginia Beach lawmaker has tried and failed to prohibit children under 8 fromon motorcycles, but despite the defeat of HB 1850 the issue is recurring in

    s across the country.

    posing the measure, Matt Danielson, legal counsel for the Virginia Coalitiontorcyclists (VCOM), said that there have been no fatalities among childrenr 8 riding on motorcycles in the past ten years. I dont look at this as a gov-ental issue. I look at this as a parental issue, said Danielson on behalf ofM, a political action committee that represents motorcyclists interests in theral Assembly. I think the parent can make a better decision about whether

    child is ready to ride than can some legislator in Richmond.

    reasoning hasnt deterred other state legislation, such as HB 2232 in Or-that would ban kids under 7 from riding as a passenger, despite existinglaw that requires a m otorcycle passengers feet must reach the footpegs.

    ermore, in a bid to ban children from riding motorcycles in the Philippines, ang senator has cited the States power to invoke parens patriae, or the con-onal mandate to assume and act as a natural parent or guardian in order touard the welfare of any child or individual or an incapacitated and dependent

    r who is in need of protection against danger, risk of lives and li mbs.

    he growing number of motorcycle users worldwide, and with economic inu-s making motorbikes the most affordable mode of transportation, the matterdren riding and who is ultimately responsible for their safety and welfare will

    mounting concern.



    U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) has introduced House Bill 229,the Michael Jon Newkirk Transportation Safety Enhancement Act of 2011 thatestablishes national standards for state safety inspections for motor vehicles. Thebill requires states to establish minimum annual vehicle safety inspection pro-grams or lose specic federal funds.

    Included in the requirements listed in the language of this new bill, states mustenact and enforce a law that requires the owner of a motor vehicle registered inthe state to present the vehicle for inspection on an annual basis to ensure thatthe vehicle meets or exceeds motor vehicle safety standards to be establishedby the state.

    Less than half the states have vehicle safety inspection programs and of thoseprograms that do exist, many have inconsistent standards, a situation that HB 229intends to address by standardizing such safety inspection procedures.


    Within the next two years, motorcycles could be sporting collision detection andother safety features more typically found installed in cars. The new safety sys-tems being tested for motorcycles include speed limit warnings, information aboutneighboring vehicles and changing lanes, and information of the tightness of roadbends and the speed in which to turn.

    According to a report from the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), tests arebeing completed to bring the latest technologies found on cars to two-wheels, andthe rise in motorcyclist fatalities has prompted researchers to adapt the rst bike-based safety systems by late 2012.

    MIRA (the Motor Industry Research Association) acts as a testing and innovationcenter for carmakers and has been carrying out tests on the Saferider systemson road bikes and simulators. An ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) con-sultant at MIRA, Jonathan Moore, said of the project: Saferider takes the driversafety systems that are becoming standard on cars and tries to adapt them to theunique needs of motorcyclists.

    Moore said making safety systems on motorcycles useful was challenging be-cause of all the distractions to which riders were subjected. With trafc noise andmotorcycle helmets insulating riders from the traditional audible alarms found oncar collision systems, researchers have looked for ways to alert bikers of pendingdanger with tactile warning systems such as vibrating seats and special gloves.

    New hi-tech systems could also protect riders from themselves, as one systembeing tested warns that a rider is going too fast to negotiate a turn. MIRA hasdeveloped smart software that acts as a co-pilot which, with the help of a digitalmap, knows what speed a motorcyclist should be travelling to make it around an

    approaching curve in the road.



    Sales of new motorcycles, scooters and ATVs dropped from 2009 to 2010, butsome increases were seen in the month of December according to a recentlyreleased sales report for 2010 from the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC).

    In 2009, motorcycle sales saw a drastic drop. Close to 360,000 fewer motorcycleswere sold in 2009 as compared to 2008, and sales have continued to decline. To-tal motorcycle sales, including scooters, through 2010 dropped 15.8%, or 82,198fewer units in 2010 for a total of 439,678 motorcycles sold this year. If you break itdown into category, off-road, dual-sport, highway, and scooters all saw a decreasein sales this year.

    News Bytes News Bytes

    The biggest loser was off-highway motorcycles, which saw a 23.3% decrease witha drop of nearly 25,000 bikes. The scooter segment saw the smallest decreaseat 9.4%, amounting to 3,000 fewer units than were sold in 2009. ATV sales weredown 64,000 units, or 20% down.

    December saw increases in some segments over the prior year month. Scootersales were up 20% over the year-ago month, with an increase of 322 units. Dualpurpose motorcycles also increased, at 7.2%, with a rise of 86 units over Decem-ber 2009.


    With many states around the nation cracking down on everything from poker runsto rafes, lawmakers in South Carolina moving to ensure that local churches,schools and nonprots do not unknowingly break the law when they hold chari-table rafes.

    Legislation, already approved by a Senate committee 18-4, would change thestate Constitution to allow the groups to hold a limited number of rafes and ca-sino nights annually -- as long as 90% of the m oney raised goes to benet chari-table causes.

    Its a good start, said Austin Coates of ABATE South Carolina, a motorcyclistrights nonprot that holds hundreds of rafes annually for Special Olympics,breast cancer prevention, burn victims and others. But therell be a ght aheadbefore it becomes law.

    The bill next heads to the full Senate for consideration. Should it survive there,it would go to the House. Ul timately, however, voters would have to approve any

    change in the state Constitution.


    The state of Georgia has received a $70,000 federal grant to launch motorcycle-only checkpoints in early March, just as Daytona Bike Week is getting underway.For most travelers, their route will take them through Georgia and likely into await-ing roadblocks to check for such things as proper license and curr ent registration,insurance, DOT-approved helmets, EPA-approved mufers, working horn andlights, etc, etc.

    We were informed by unnamed sources that the Check Points would start in earlyMarch to coincide with the Daytona Bike Week event, said Dan Forrest, StateDirector of ABATE of Georgia. Most points of entry to Florida will be involved, soanyone traveling through Georgia to Daytona might want to r ethink their route.

    The US Defenders have issued a Call To Action regarding the prothese motorcycle-only roadblocks being funded by NHTSA grants, aing the motorcycle community to voice their opposition to these so-caChecks by contacting NHTSA, the U.S. DOT and m ost importantly byown federal legislators to support H.R. 1498 by Rep. Jim Sensenbreto retain a ban on NHTSAs ability to lobby State Legislators usingdollars through the Motorcycle Law Enforcement Demonstration gr(DTNH22-10-R-00386).

    These roadblocks or checkpoints for m otorcycles ONLY are being clegally and are discriminatory to say the least, says Escondido PaLt. Commander of the US Defenders. This is one more piece of evidconstant proling attempts targeting our community at large.


    The Confederation of Clubs, US Defenders and ABATE of Washingting support for legislation that would condemn and prevent the widenforcement practice of motorcycle proling.

    The Washington Courts have conrmed that the Washington State Pof unlawful proling and discrimination against motorcyclists. In 200granted a permanent injunction against the State Patrols use of a tphlet titled BIKER 101 (Wulfekuhle v. Washington State Patrol). Howvember 23, 2009 the WSP, under oath, explicitly admitted that they pbers of motorcycle clubs and continue to use BIKER 101 as a training

    This gross violation of a Washington State Superior Court injunction

    the pattern of motorcycle proling continues and that the WSP brazthe liberties of motorcyclists even in the face of judicial reprimand.

    To curb such injustices, Rep. Steve Kirby (D-Tacoma) introduced HJanuary 19 to require law enforcement agencies to adopt a writtencondemns and prevents motorcycle proling, review existing procedstitute training to address the issue of motorcycle proling, which mthe fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-relatea factor in deciding to stop and question, arrest, or search a personwithout legal basis. (Companion: SB 5242).

    QUOTABLE QUOTE:Nobody made a greater mistake than he whobecause he could do only a little.

    Edmund Burke (1729-1797), British statesman and philosopher

    AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured

    rcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is

    sored by the Law Ofces of Richard M. Lester. If youve been involved in any

    of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit

    M BIKER NEWSBYTES - Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,

    nal Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

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    Alcohol Poisoning What Ethanol isdoing to your bike








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    The practice of distilling corn into a clear, highly volatile alcohol may have quitea rich history in the Mountain State, but the plain fact is: your motorcycle enginedoesnt like moonshine. Yet, every time you roll into a gas station as much as tenpercent of the fuel you pump into its tank is chemically identical to very pure shine.

    Im talking about ethanol.In last months issue of Thunder Roads Colorado (see Alcohol Poisoning, WhatEthanol is Doing To Your Bike on page 16), we explored the properties of ethanolthat make it hazardous to the longevity of your bikes engine. To summarize, eth-anol-blended gasoline produces less useable energy, doesnt last as long in yourtank, is destructive to rubber and metal components of your fuel delivery system,and likes to absorb water. If enough water is present, the ethanol will abandon itsrelationship with the gasoline in favor of the water, and the water-ethanol combi-nation will separate from the gasoline, dropping to the bottom of your gas tank.

    Once that happens, you have a mess on your hands. Your bike may miss andsputter, fail to start, or even suffer major engine damage. Obviously, preventivemeasures make a lot more sense than having to deal with these effects of analcohol hangover in your motor. The problem is that there really arent a lot ofthings you can do.

    The best protection is to buy high quality gasoline at a station you can trust. Theideal station is one that touts ethanol-free gasoline. If you can nd one of these,go there to ll your bike every chance you get. One of the big knocks on ethanol-blended fuels is that they dont have a long life span. If you ride your bike infre-quently, this can become a real issue. Its not uncommon for ethanol-water phaseseparation to happen within as little as a few weeks after you ll the tank. Frequentturnover of the gas in your tank not only means that youre getting in a lot of riding,but helps avoid the issues of aging ethanol.

    Buy a high octane grade of fuel. The ethanol added to gasoline accounts for about3 octane rating points. Since ethanol doesnt have as much stored energy (anddoesnt deliver what it does have as efciently as gasoline does in a motorcycleengine) discounting it from your calculations is a prudent step. Figure that 92octane-blended gas youre buying is really good for an octane rating of about 89,and youll be riding on the safe side.

    When buying your gas, there is a new threat to watch for. As detailed in lastmonths article, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued new rulesallowing for the sale of E15 gasoline for use in 4-wheel vehicles from the modelyear 2007 and newer. E15 is not approved for, and is actually illegal to use, inolder cars and all motorcycles. Even the EPA says E15 will at-out destroy yourbikes motor.

    The use of fuel additives is really the only other option out there, and the debateabout their value is a raging dispute. Additives have been called everything froma magic bullet to snake oil. Depending upon the make-up of the additive, bothdescriptions may have merit.

    I strongly urge you to look at the ingredients (MSDS) to determine exactly whatthe additive is capable of doing, says Gail Macri of Fuel Testers, a company that

    sells kits for performingeld testing of ethanol-blended gasoline. Macriadds, The claims by most gas additive companies about their prod

    aggerated, misleading at best, and more often, simply false informatiThe MSDS Macri refers to is the Material Safety Data Sheet. The Fepational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that an MSavailable to anyone who works with hazardous chemicals. The M SDa consumer-oriented document, but it does contain the ingredients liscommercially available chemical products. By reading the MSDS fofuel additive, you can nd out whats inside the bottle.

    Thats important information, because many fuel additives are alproducts, and will only make your ethanol problems even worse. Thethese products is that they will boost the octane rating of the fuel in the same time they absorb excess water. But adding more alcohol oethanol already in your fuel mixture isnt going to x things. Yes, youoctane rating, but youre doing so by adding more ethanol, not moSince we know that ethanol burns differently than gasoline, we alsthe extra punch this added alcohol provides isnt happening at the opment in the combustion cycle. Its energy that results in added heat wpower. While an alcohol-based additive may help absorb a little moremember that the alcohol doesnt get rid of the water, it just combinesmay keep the water molecules in suspension, but they still have to your engine.

    In fact, an alcohol-based additive is actually harmful for your enginmajor motorcycle manufacturers say their machines are not to be uscontaining more than 10% ethanol. Since there is already that much afuel you buy, adding more may bring the mix in your tank above the relimit. The bottom line regarding the use of alcohol-based fuel additivthis: Dont do it.

    Which brings us to a different set of additives that may provide somehelp with some of the troublesome aspects of ethanol-blended gassounds like a hedged bet, it is. No additive even tries to make the cresolves all of the issues presented by ethanol. But the class of additiprove helpful use a base of Naphtha, instead of alcohol. Naphtha isform of gasoline, often referred to as white gas. Those gallon cans of for your lanterns and camp stoves are lled with pure naphtha. Since Nform of gasoline, it doesnt share ethanols propensity to unblend. Butof Naphtha being added to your tank is so small that it doesnt improit just doesnt worsen it like an alcohol-based additive does. Whats whats being carried into your tank by that Naphtha.

    In many cases, the active ingredient is an emulsier, such as a deteis going to get a bit like a chemistry lesson, but bear with me.) It hathe electrical charge of the various chemical components. Gasoline i

    By Gary Westphalen

    Thunder Roads WV

    The shelves at your local auto

    storeare full of fuel treatments

    of themare harmful to your b

    engine, and willonly worsen

    ethanol problems. Know

    what youre putting in your




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    al. Water and ethanol are electrically charged, or polar, kind of like magnets.s why they attract each other. An emulsier, when added to the mix, gathersew hundred water molecules into a ball, called a micelle, and then surroundsall as it bonds the whole thing to the hydrocarbon molecules of the gasoline.k tiny water balloons, with the detergent forming the balloon skin. This way,ater molecules dont get to leave the party early with those polarized ethanolcules. The end result is a more stable mixture.

    or the products that claim to extend the shelf life of E10, says Gail Macri,e these may be true that gas will be usable for nine months, instead of twoee months, all those products do is keep water suspended in the upperleum layer to delay phase separation. They do not prevent water from beingrbed, and they do not remove water or x fuel.

    s point, I do have to single out one particular fuelve, for two reasons. First, because it claims todifferently than all other additives, but also be-

    e practical application in the eld is indicatinghere just might be something to this. The spe-roduct is called Star Tron. The MSDS states thatthan 95% of the content in a bottle of Star Tron

    phtha. So far, so good, but not unique. Where itnteresting is the claim that the active ingredient

    a detergent or other emulsier, but a proprietaryf organic enzymes.

    comes more science. An enzyme is a protein,e function is to vastly speed up a chemical reac-which allows the affected chemicals to stabilizequickly. In this case, says Star Brite, the compa-

    at manufactures Star Tron, it means the processrrounding the water happens more vigorously,ting in smaller balls of water.

    Trons impact on the water molecule is to reduceuster size to a size known as a colloid, saysCohen, Star Brites Fuel Engineer. Thats soit will stay in suspension without an emulsiersical bond, at least for a while. This is why, during

    ation where there is some fuel movement, Starwill act just like a detergent and move microscopic drops of water up into theolumn where it is harmlessly burned off.

    matters here. Cohen says that micelles of water may be large enough toace fuel as a boundary layer lubricant between metal surfaces, which causeson pumps and close tolerance fuel system components. The smaller colloidster, he says, do not.

    her benet, says Cohen, of using enzymes over detergents is that, enzymesr become part of the reaction. They are catalysts. They initiate or acceler-hemical reactions, but release themselves from the reaction and start a newmillions of times per second. Its takes only a few molecules to do what untoldbers of detergent molecules do.

    Cohen says that the storage life of gasoline treated with Star Tron is greatly en-hanced, but can only offer a couple of theories as to why it works. There is akind of trust me taint to the statement, although he says independent labs haveconrmed the claim. Cohen points out, It took scientists over 70 years to gure outhow aspirin worked, so we have to beg your understanding on this one.

    So lets say you have a fuel tank where a partial phase separation has occurred.That is to say, a small amount of water and ethanol has left the party and droppedto the bottom of your tank. Can this load of fuel be salvaged? A data sheet suppliedby Fuel Testers says no. Removal of the bottom layer of fuel from the tank leavesyou with contaminated, octane decient gas, says the paper, supplied by GailMacri. Only advanced, costly, l tration/fuel-purifying in combination with replace-ment of chemicals will x phase-separated fuel.

    Star Trons Matt Cohen says a tank of fuel that hassuffered from a high degree of phase separation is be-yond their products reach. However, he adds, Giventhat water will separate from fuel, even E10, you canhave water pooled on the bottom with some ethanol,but the fuel can still have ethanol in it as well. And thisis readily restored by adding Star Tron and operatingthe vehicle.

    As youre reading product claims, ask yourself, Ifthese ingredients are so effective to accomplish xyz,then why arent they already in all gas sold?, saysMacri in explaining why the Star Tron claims dont holdwater with Fuel Testers. Any new miracle chemicalthat is developed, that really does help gas in someway, the patent is immediately bought by a major gascompany/renery, and then becomes a standard in-gredient in gas and may also be sold separately toother companies for use.

    Several motorcycle shops in the state tell ThunderRoads West Virginia that they have seen benets tousing this particular additive. This anecdotal evidencecomes largely in the form of rough running and hard-starting motors that seemed to calm down when theirfuel supply was treated with Star Tron.

    Even if you do have success with this or any other fuel additive, there is one aspectof ethanol-blended fuels that no product on the market can counter. Ethanol is asolvent, and, says Matt Cohen of Star Brite, It will eat up old rubber. Keep an eyeon your fuel lines.

    When it comes to the validity of marketing claims for any fuel additive, it would takean army of chemists and engineers compiling absolute proof to convince me oneway or the other. Intelligent people on all sides of this debate make valid points, yetfail to reach consensus. So, Im not advocating the use of Star Tron, or any otherfuel additive. That decision is between you, your mechanic, and your bike. But allof the experts agree the best way to safeguard your bike is to store it with a full tankof fresh, high-octane gas, and to churn through that fuel supply on a regular basis.

    ued from page 27

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