Thread - anantakul · needs to seamlessly resume execution, including the thread's set of CPU...

Post on 21-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Thread - anantakul · needs to seamlessly resume execution, including the thread's set of CPU...

Threads and Threading

Operating systems use processes to separate the different applications that they are executing. Threads are the basic unit to which an operating system allocates processor time, and more than one thread can be executing code inside that process. Each thread maintains exception handlers, a scheduling priority, and a set of structures the system uses to save the thread context until it is scheduled. The thread context includes all the information the thread needs to seamlessly resume execution, including the thread's set of CPU registers and stack, in the address space of the thread's host process.


Multitasking & Multithreading


Word Games Browser

Process1 Process2 Process3


Word Game Browser

Process1 Process2 Process3

thread1 thread2 thread3

การท างานหลายงานพร้อมกนั

Thread in Multithreading

วฏัจกัรของเธรด (Thread Life Cycle)

Start() and Sleep()

• Start() สัง่ให้ thread เร่ิมท ำงำนและเข้ำสูส่ถำนะ ready

• Sleep() ให้ thread พกัเข้ำสูส่ถำนะ Sleeping

Join() and Stop()

• Join() ก ำหนดให้ thread ลกูท ำงำนให้เสร็จก่อน

• Stop() ก ำหนดให้ thread หยดุท ำงำน

Example 1: Creating, starting, and interacting between threads


เร่ิมท ำงำน

เช่ือมต่อกำรท ำงำน


Example 2: Creating join between threads


Example 3: Creating threads in Application Form


suspend() and resume()

• suspend() สัง่ให้ thread หยดุท ำงำนและเข้ำสูส่ถำนะ blocked

• resume() ให้ thread เข้ำสูส่ถำนะ ready