Thorson v. Western Development Corp., 251 Cal. App. 2d 206

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Transcript of Thorson v. Western Development Corp., 251 Cal. App. 2d 206

  • 7/24/2019 Thorson v. Western Development Corp., 251 Cal. App. 2d 206


    251 Cal.App.2d 206 (1967)59 Cal. Rptr. 299

    OLIVER A. THORSON et al., la!"t!##$ a"d Re$p%"de"t$,&.

    'ESTERN EVELOENT CORORATION, e#e"da"t a"d Appella"t.

    Docket No. 8052.

    C%*rt %# Appeal$ %# Cal!#%r"!a, +%*rt !$tr!-t, !&!$!%" T%.

    May 19, 1967.

    208 *208Milton Wichner for Defendant and Aellant.

    !oyd A. "aylor for #laintiff$ and %e$ondent$.

    Mc&A!', #.(.

    Defendant We$tern De)eloent &ororation +hereinafter called We$tern -a$ naed a$one of the artie$ defendant in a colaint filed on Deceer /, 196/, y the laintiff$ inthe erior &ort in and for the &onty of nyo. n thi$ colaint, the laintiff$ $o3ht +1 to4iet title to certain $ecifically de$cried real roerty con)eyed to defendant$ y rea$on ofcertain fal$e and fradlent rere$entation$ +2 daa3e$ in the $ of 10,000 $$tainedy laintiff$ y rea$on of $aid fradlent rere$entation$ +/ to re$cind the a3reeentertainin3 to the roerty y rea$on of the frad + to enoin defendant$ fro claiin3 anyintere$t in the $ecified roerty +5 to cancel certain in$trent$ a 3rant deed and a noteand tr$t deed: creatin3 a 209 *209clod on title to the roerty and +6 for declaratory

    relief. Defendant We$tern -a$ roerly $er)ed -ith roce$$ t failed to aear in theaction -ithin the $tattory eriod. "he other naed defendant$, 3enerally de$cried y;Doe$,; -ere not $er)ed and did not aear in the action drin3 the eriod ertinent to there$ent contro)er$y.

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    for daa3e$ on sic: the $ of "en "ho$and Dollar$ +10,000.00 ... #laintiff$ are hereydeclared to ha)e a fee intere$t in and to the land de$cried in $aid colaint, and laintiff$=intere$t i$ herey 4ieted a3ain$t any and all clai$ of ri3ht or intere$t ... #laintiff$ areherey 3ranted co$t$ of $it in the $ of 17.50.;

    oe fi)e onth$ and t-entyCnine day$ after the defalt d3ent had een entered,defendant We$tern filed on eteer 2, 196, a notice of otion to $et a$ide and )acatethe defalt d3ent re)io$ly entered. "he otion -a$ redicated on the 3rond thatthe defalt d3ent, a$ entered, -a$ )oid on it face. reean on (d3ent$, /07C/08 5th ed. 1925: Developments in the Law Res Judicata+1952 65 Ear).B.%e). 817,

    850C855, t the $tateent re$o$e$ that the defalt d3ent of March , 196, -a$)oid. n reco3nition of the lo3ical need to 3a the hiat$ in thi$ rei$e, defendant ne?tcontend$ the d3ent -a$ )oid, for the trial cort acted in e?ce$$ of it$ ri$diction in +1the a-ard to laintiff$ of their co$t$ in a 4iet title action +2 the a-ard of 10,000 indaa3e$ $ince the rayer of the colaint $ily a$ked for ;daa3e$ accordin3 to roof;+/ the a-ard of any daa3e$ $ince the action to 4iet title -a$ fonded on re$ci$$ion ofthe artie$= rior a3reeent and the tort action for frad -a$ incon$i$tent -ith thatdi$affirance of the contract + that there -ere not $fficient fact$ $tated to con$titte aca$e of action +5 that $fficient roof of laintiff$= title -a$ not addced at the hearin3 on>erary 7, 196, to $ati$fy the re4i$ite$ of &ode of &i)il #rocedre, $ection$ 751 and751.1 +6 the a$ence of the oinder of the tr$tee nder the tr$t deed $ince the tr$tee-a$ an indi$en$ale arty and +7 there i$, a$ yet, no final d3ent in re$oltion ofcertain i$$e$ et-een defendant We$tern and other naed codefendant$.

    1: ;t i$ -ell $ettled that a d3ent or order -hich i$ )oid on it$ face, and -hich re4ire$only an in$ection of the d3entCroll or record to $ho- it$ in)alidity, ay e $et a$ide onotion, at any tie after it$ entry, y the cort -hich rendered the d3ent or ade theorder.; +In re Dahnke, 6 &al. A. 555, 560 222 #. /81: Hayashi ). Loranz, 2 &al.2d 88,851 271 #.2d 18:Jonson ). Weinstein, 29 &al. A.2d 95, 957C958 58 &al. %tr. /2:Hendrix ). Hendrix, 1/0 &al. A.2d /79, /8/ 279 #.2d 58:.

    2: When the in)alidity of the d3ent or order, -hich i$ in fact )oid for -ant of ri$diction,i$ not aarent fro the d3ent roll or record, it i$ e4ally -ell e$tali$hed that the

    d3ent ay $till e $et a$ide -ithin a rea$onale eriod after it$ entry, not to e?ceed thetie liit re$cried in &ode of &i)il #rocedre, $ection 7/. +orton ).!tchison, etc" R"R"#o", 97 &al. /88, /92 /0 #. 585, /2 #. 52, // A.t. %e. 198: $mith ). Jones, 17 &al.51/, 516 16/ #. 890: In re Dahnke, supra, 6 &al. A. 555, 562C56/.

    /: f the otion i$ redicated on the 3rond that the 211 *211d3ent i$ )oid, a$$in3the otion i$ ade nder ara3rah of $ection 7/, &ode of &i)il #rocedre, thatara3rah ro)ide$ no tie liitation on the ri3ht of the ad)er$ely affected arty to $et it
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    a$ide. t ha$ een held that if the d3ent i$ not )oid on it$ face, the d3ent ay e)acated and $et a$ide on otion -ithin a ;rea$onale; tie, and y analo3y ;rea$onale;tie ha$ een con$tred to the oneCyear liitation e?re$$ed in &ode of &i)il #rocedre,$ection 7/a %eople ). &ne '()' #hrysler $edan, 81 &al. A.2d 18, 22 18/ #.2d /68:,t if the d3ent i$ )oid on it$ face there are no tie liit$ on a otion to )acate it or $etit a$ide. +*state o+ *ikerenkotter, 126 &al. 5/, 5C55 58 #. /70: *state o+ *strem, 16 &al.2d56/ 107 #.2d /6:.

    Eo-e)er, the anner and 3rond$ in -hich a )oid d3ent i3ht e attacked -ereconcl$i)ely deterined y Mr. &hief ($tice Fi$on in *state o+ *strem, supra, 16 &al.2d56/, 571,holdin3G

    ;We need not e concerned -ith the roer characteriHation of $ch roceedin3$ a$ a director collateral attack. Bon3 rior to thi$ aendent the 19// aendent to &ode &i). #roc., 7/: it -a$ -ellCe$tali$hed that the $erior cort had ri$diction at any timeto $et a$idea d3ent or order void on its +ace"&itation$.: t -a$ frther $ettled that it had the o-erwithin a reasonale time,-hich y analo3y to &ode of &i)il #rocedre $ection 7/a -a$

    liited to one year, to $et a$ide a de+aultd3ent or order )oid, not on it$ face, teca$e of -ant of ri$diction o)er the er$on of a defendant -ho had at no tie eenre$ent in the roceedin3$. &itation$.: n addition, a d3ent cold e attacked at anytie either y otion or in an indeendent action in e4ity on the 3rond that it -a$ $ecredy e?trin$ic frad. &itation$.:

    ;A: cort ay $et a$ide at any tie a d3ent or order otained y e?trin$ic frad. A cortay $et a$ide at any tie a d3ent or order )oid on it$ face. t ay $et a$ide a defalt

    d3ent or order i$$ed -ithot roer ri$diction o)er the er$on of a defendant -ho atno tie -a$ efore the cort if otion for $ch relief i$ ade -ithin one year. And, ofcor$e, it ay $et a$ide a d3ent or order inad)ertently ade on otion -ithin $i?onth$, nder $ection 7/. !t it cannot, after tie for aeal ha$ ela$ed, $et a$ide a

    d3ent or order on the 3rond that the cort lacked ri$diction, -hen the fact$e$tali$hin3 $ch ri$diction -ere fond y the cort in the ori3inal roceedin3$, and allad)er$e 212 *212artie$ -ere roerly $er)ed -ith notice and had the oortnity to re$enttheir oection$.;

    n the face of thi$ rononceent the trial cort roerly entertained the defendant=$ otion.+ee -hompson ). #ook, 20 &al.2d 56, 569C571 127 #.2d 909:.

    : f the d3ent -a$ )oid on it$ face, the $erior cort inherently -a$ -ithot ri$dictionto enter it. "he ca$e -hich re$lted in thi$ action ari$e$ ot of and ertain$ to thecirc$tance$ nder -hich certain real roerty -a$ tran$ferred to defendant$. &ode of

    &i)il #rocedre, $ection 7/9, alyin3 only to 4iet title action$, ro)ide$G ;f the defendantin $ch action ... $ffer d3ent to e taken a3ain$t hi -ithot an$-er, the laintiff cannotreco)er co$t$.; ince the d3ent of the $erior cort in thi$ action, -hich in e$$ence -a$one to 4iet title to land, ta?ed the$e co$t$ a3ain$t the defendant, it $t e )acated in$ofara$ it a-arded laintiff$ the$e co$t$. +.ichel ). Williams, 1/ &al. A.2d 198, 201 56 #.2d56:.
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    5: Defendant r3e$, ;t i$ a $ettled rle ... that a defalt d3ent y the cort that e?ceed$the deand or 3i)e$ relief -here no deand i$ ade therefor i$ )oid a$ in e?ce$$ of thecort=$ ri$diction....; +/urtnett ). 0in1, // &al.2d 805, 808 205 #.2d 657, 12 A.B.%.2d ///:2udarov ). Had3ie++, /8 &al.2d 12, 16 20 #.2d 621: .yers ). Washin1ton, 211 &al.

    A.2d 767, 769 27 &al. %tr. 778:#ochrum ). #ochrum, 162 &al. A.2d 825, 829C8/0/28 #.2d 1000:. "hi$ contention i$ -ell fonded and i$ redicated on &ode of &i)il#rocedre, $ection 580, -hich ro)ide$G ;"he relief 3ranted to the laintiff, if there e noan$-er, cannot e?ceed that -hich he $hall ha)e deanded in hi$ colaint....;

    6: n the ca$e herein re$ented the colaint filed y laintiff$ contained the follo-in3alle3ation$ in it$ rayer a$ alicale hereinG ;... . Daa3e$ accordin3 to roof.... 7. >or$ch other relief a$ to the &ort ay $ee $t and e4itale.; n the ody of the $econdcont the laintiff$ al$o alle3ed, ;!y the rea$on of $aid fact$, laintiff$ ha)e een daa3edin the $ of "en "ho$and Dollar$ +10,000.00.; !y rea$on of the alle3ation contained inthe $econd cont of the colaint and the rayer ;daa3e$ accordin3 to roof,; laintiff$r3e the defendant had ade4ate notice, a$ re4ired y /urnett ). 0in1, supra, // &al.2d805, 808.

    n the early ca$e of /rooks ). 4orin1ton, 117 &al. 219, 220 8 #. 107/:,the ree &ortheld, ;"he relief @deanded in hi$ colaint= i$ held to refer to the relief a$ked in the 21/ *21/

    prayerI the featre of the leadin3 to -hich alone reference ay e had in defalt ca$e$,to a$certain -hat relief the laintiff $eek$ ...; "h$ the alle3ation contained in the ody oftheir colaint ay not cre a defect in the rayer deand: of the colaint, and the

    ri$diction of the trial cort to enter the defalt d3ent $t e re$ol)ed $olely yreference to that rayer. +2udarov ). Had3ie++, supra, /8 &al.2d 12, 16Lee ). $ki Run

    !partments !ssociates, 29 &al. A.2d 29/, 29C295 57 &al. %tr. 96:.

    !t the$e ca$e$ and tho$e cited y defendant We$tern all concerned colaint$ in -hichthe relief a-arded -a$ not entioned or the a-ard -a$ in e?ce$$ of the deand. "healle3ation$ of the colaint herein coined -ith the deand, contained in the rayer, for;daa3e$ accordin3 to roof; 3a)e $fficient notice to defendant that in addition to there$tittional relief deanded, laintiff$ al$o re4e$ted relief in the for of onetarydaa3e$. +Horton ). Horton, 18 &al.2d 579, 582C58/ 116 #.2d 605:#hristiana ). Rose,100 &al. A.2d 6, 52 222 #.2d 891:!merican $ecurities #o" ). van Loen $els, 1/ &al.

    A.2d 265, 271, 27/ 56 #.2d 127:.

    Eo-e)er, e)en tho3h the alle3ation contained in the rayer -a$ $fficient to $$tain thea-ard of daa3e$, $ince the colaint herein contained $e)eral incon$i$tent cont$, it i$incent on thi$ cort to a$certain ;the tre a$i$ of defendant=$ liaility e)en tho3hthe defendant ha$ defalted and therey @technically= confe$$ed to the trth of the

    alle3ation$ contained in each ca$e of action.; +Roinson ). *arly, 28 &al. A.2d 19, 2556 &al. %tr. 18/:.

    "he fir$t and $econd cont$ of thi$ colaint are inherently incon$i$tent. f indeed, thelaintiff$ ha)e een defraded, a$ defendant We$tern=$ defalt adit$, the laintiff$ coldroceed on either of t-o incon$i$tent and indeendent reedie$. #laintiff$ cold affir theland $ale contract and $e for the daa3e$ occa$ioned y defendant We$tern=$ frad, oralternately they cold re$cind their a3reeent and rin3 an action to reco)er the roerty
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    they had re)io$ly con)eyed in di$affirance of their contract. +%e$t., &ontract$, /81,/8 %e$t., %e$tittion, 68 0arapetian ). #arolan, 8/ &al. A.2d /, /6 188 #.2d 809,1 A.B.%.2d 1075: %a5uin ). 6an Houtum, // Mich. 111 72 N.W.2d 169, 175: Donovan ).#urts, 25 Mich. /8 222 N.W. 7/:.

    7: While laintiff$= colaint i3ht roerly contain $earate cont$ $eekin3 incon$i$tentfor$ of relief, $ee Williams ). .arshall, /7 &al.2d 5, 57 2/5 #.2d /72: 4irst 21*21$avin1s /ank 7 -rust #o" ). 2reenlea+, 29 >. 67, 71C72,they ay not r$e oth to afinal d3ent, t $t in$tead rior to that e)ent elect et-een the incon$i$tent reedie$re)io$ly leaded. +!lder ). Drudis, /0 &al.2d /72, /8/C/8 182 #.2d 195: Davis ). Rite8Lite $ales #o", 8 &al.2d 675, 678C679 67 #.2d 10/9:.ans+ield ). %ickwick $ta1es, 191&al. 129, 1/0C1/1 215 #. /89: /ancro+t ). Woodward, 18/ &al. 99, 101C102 190 #. 5:Herdan ). Hanson, 182 &al. 5/8, 51C52 189 #. 0: Hines ). Ward, 121 &al. 115, 1205/ #. 27: %aularena ). $uperior #ourt, 2/1 &al. A.2d 906, 915 2 &al. %tr. /66:.

    !t a different re$lt i$ coelled y rea$on of the $tattory codification of the rle$ of la-alicale to the i$$e re$ented in &i)il &ode, $ection 1692, -hich $tate$G ;... A clai for

    daa3e$ i$ not incon$i$tent -ith a clai for relief a$ed on re$ci$$ion. "he a33rie)edarty $hall e a-arded colete relief, incldin3 re$tittion of enefit$, if any, conferred yhi a$ a re$lt of the tran$action and any con$e4ential daa3e$ to -hich he i$ entitledt $ch relief $hall not inclde dlicate or incon$i$tent ite$ of reco)ery.;

    "h$ it i$ aarent that the cort a-ard ;$hall not inclde dlicate or incon$i$tent ite$ ofreco)ery.; Jet fro the alle3ation$ of the colaint and the order and d3ent of the trialcort, it i$ not certain the daa3e$ a-arded -ere nece$$ary to coen$ate or akelaintiff$ -hole and, hence, it i$ not certain thi$ a-ard of daa3e$ -a$ roer.

    8: "hi$ ncertainty in the a$i$ of the a-ard y the trial cort $t e re$ol)ed in fa)or ofthat d3ent $ince defendant ro$ected hi$ aeal to thi$ cort on a d3ent roll only.+&al. %le$ of &ort, rle 52. 9: ;ince the adotion of rle 52, ... if an error aear$ on theface of a d3ent roll or other artial tran$crit it i$ not to e re$ed on aeal that theerror -a$ cred y $oe roceedin3 not aearin3 in the tran$crit citation$:, t it i$ $tillincent on an aellant to re$ent a tran$crit -hich affirati)ely $ho-$ on it$ face thatan error occrred.; +9tz ).!ure1uy, 109 &al. A.2d 80/, 806C807 21 #.2d 6/9:. "hi$We$tern ha$ failed to do $ince the record of the hearin3 at the tie of the entry of thedefalt i$ not re$ently efore thi$ cort. 10: n the a$ence of a contrary $ho-in3, -e $tre$e the trial cort in akin3 the a-ard of daa3e$ redicated it$ action on the need oflaintiff$ for coen$atory daa3e$ nder &i)il &ode, $ection 1692. +Wool+ord ). Denow,216 &al. A.2d 200, 20/ /0 &al. %tr. 79:!lexander 215*215 ). .cDonald, 86 &al.

    A.2d 670, 671 195 #.2d 2: Riley ). Dunar, 55 &al. A.2d 52, 55 1/0 #.2d 771:.

    Defendant=$ contention relatin3 to the in$fficiency of the colaint to $tate a ca$e ofaction i$ -ithot erit. 11: A$ the ree &ort $tated in -rans8%aci+ic -radin1 #o" ).%atsy 4rock etc" #o", 189 &al. 509at . 51/C51 209 #. /57:G

    ;t i$ -ell e$tali$hed that a d3ent i$ not )oid if the cort ha$ ri$diction of the artie$and of the $ect atter, irre$ecti)e of -hether or not the colaint $tate$ a ca$e ofaction $o lon3 a$ it ari$e$ the defendant of the natre of the laintiff=$ deand.;
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    ince the cort herein had the re4i$ite ri$diction of the artie$ and $ect atter,defendant=$ attack on the d3ent on thi$ 3rond i$ -ithot erit. +ee $hupe ). *vans, 86&al. A. 700, 702 261 #. 92:Roemer ). unes, 7/ &al. A. /68, /71 2/8 #. 820:&oent,!ttackin1 a De+ault Jud1ment in #ali+ornia on the 2rounds that the #omplaint4ailed to $tate a #ause o+ !ction,1 K.&.B.A.B.%e). 195.

    "he reainin3 oint$ rai$ed y defendant We$tern are -ithot erit. 12: A d3ent aynot e collaterally attacked on the 3rond it -a$ a$ed on an in$fficient $ho-in3. +9&.(.., (d3ent$, /2, . 856. 1/: Nor i$ a tr$tee nder a deed of tr$t anindi$en$ale arty in an action ro3ht y a eneficiary -hen the intere$t or o-er$ of thattr$tee concernin3 the tr$t resare $ect to the control of the tr$tor. +.u11ill ). ReuenH" Donnelley #orp", 62 &al.2d 2/9, 21C22 2 &al. %tr. 107, /98 #.2d 17: . 1: >inally,a d3ent ay e rendered a3ain$t one or ore of $e)eral defendant$ -hene)er a$e)eral d3ent i$ roer. +&ode &i). #roc., 579. An action to 4iet title to land erit$either oint or $e)eral d3ent$, Weisz ). .c0ee, /1 &al. A.2d 1, 17C18 87 #.2d/79:,th$ ne3ati)in3 defendant=$ contention that the ri3ht$ of the re$ecti)e defendant$need e re$ol)ed $iltaneo$ly.

    "he d3ent i$ odified y $trikin3 therefro the ro)i$ion a-ardin3 17.50 a$ co$t$ of$it and a$ $o odified, i$ affired.

    Lerri3an, (., and "ara, (., concrred.