Thomson Reuters EndNote x7.2 Overview and Roadmap

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Thomson Reuters EndNote x7.2 Overview and Roadmap

Today’s Agenda

• EndNote in 2014: Overview and Roadmap

• Development to Date this Year

• X7.2 Product Overview

• Marketing & Sales Support

• Q & A

2014 EndNote

Development to




Customer Benefits

Networking: Access to global pool of

colleagues and experts

Brand Building: Opportunities to build

personal brand and reputation

Knowledge Sharing: Safe and controlled

environment for sharing professional


Better Collaboration: Infrastructure for

professional collaboration

Increased Productivity: Access to

productivity-enhancing information and tools




EndNote X7.2: Releasing in the Fall

EndNote X7.2: Listening to your demands


"Thanks [for the iPad app]!...the 5GB space for Endnote online is a major

limitation for some researchers like me who may have accumulated reference

libraries far more than that...I'd like to ask if it's possible to get more space for my

Endnote online account?”

“I want to know if you will offer additional EndNote online storage beyond 5 gigs

for a fee, or if you might boost the premium version capacity at some point. I

think I will exceed 5 GBs with my current EN desktop library contents.”

“I have an EN library with 200,000 references

in it. I’d never heard of ENW, and am excited

to learn because of the amount of travel I and

my team does. But, when I saw the 5 GB

limit, I knew it wouldn’t work for us with the

size of our database.

Can I pay more to accommodate the larger


What is “X7.2”?

X7.2 is an update the EndNote X7. While it brings significant

enhancements, it is not considered a new version or upgrade.

Library Sharing

• Users can share a library with up to 14 others, for a collaborative team of 15.

• Once shared, all users will have access to the entirety of its contents: references, attachments, notes, and annotations.

Unlimited Storage

• Users receive unlimited storage – online and for syncing and sharing. (Changed from 5GB)

• All X7 users get access – once they have updated to X7.2 and activated the desktop

Overview of X7.2 functionality

When I Share My Library, I can:

Sync one library from within the Mac/ Win desktop (current functionality)

Share this library with up to to 14 other X7.2 users for a working group of 15

Access and edit the library I’ve shared to others on my iPad, online, or another

desktop client

Invite other X7.2 users to access this library based on email address

Un-invite a user from my shared library if I change my mind

Have unlimited storage associated with the shared library

Share my library and have unlimited number of libraries shared to me by other

X7.2 users

Add, edit, delete references, attachments and annotations within the library I’ve

shared to others

Send and receive the changes to the library I shared via sync

If others have shared their library to me, I can:

Accept the invitation online

Access all of these libraries from within the desktop

Add, edit, delete contents of the library shared to me

Send and receive the changes to the libraries shared to me via sync

Preeti, Research Assistant/ PhD Student


As RA/ TA:

•Creating or participating in library with Professor; sharing research relevant to classes and to help with creating syllabus

•Collaborate on publications or projects with other RA/ PhD’s from the same and external institutions

• As PhD Student: •Writing thesis manuscript; Creating associated bibliography

Kevin, Principal Investigator/ Teaching Faculty


As PI:

•Manuscripts for journal submissions

•Grant applications

As Faculty:

• Syllabi

• Course reading; list of references

George, Senior Scientist/ Lab Manager


As Senior Scientist:

Maintains a library with relevant and recent research that he shares with his assistant(s) for them to maintain

May publish, citing references from that primary library

As Lab Manager:

Has libraries shared to him by members of the team he manages

Marissa, e-Resources Librarian TYPES OF PROJECTS:

•In support of or collaboration with institution’s faculty members: E.g.. During systematic review process for Medicine

EndNote X7.2: Primary Persona Output Using Shared Libraries

X7.2: Invitation Process Initiating Library Sharing

X7.2: Invitation Process

Once invite is sent from the desktop

1. The invitee receives an email.

2. The invitee can accept by logging

in with their EndNote online

credentials or by creating a new




X7.2: Invitation Process Once a user has accepted and logged in, they are identified as either an X7.2 user or not

Premium X7.2 User Non-Premium X7.2 User

X7.2: Invitation Process Once the Invitation has been accepted…

Sharer can see the status of all invites and invite more

Sharee can navigate to

File Open Shared Library to begin working

Why 15?


As far as arriving at a shared library size of 15 users,

multiple data sources were taken into account.

They included the following:

• EndNote multi-user sales

• The average number of authors in scientific journal

articles from Web of Science

• Market research studies on group collaboration and

sizes gathered from corporate and academic


A. We have spent an extensive amount of time ensuring that X7.2 allows users to share entire EndNote libraries while also being mindful of copyright laws.

We want to allow users the ability to share the content they have the the legal rights to.

Thomson Reuters takes copyright infringement seriously and we want to be able to act quickly if a copyright holder reports that there has been an accidental or purposeful sharing of material that a user does not hold the rights to.

So, we have done two things:

1)Require users to accept a new EULA when they download or update to X7.2. This new EULA states that by accepting, the user understands they are allowed to share only what they have the legal rights to.

2)Set a process in place where, if a user has been reported for being in violation of copyright, they will be contacted. If they fail to remove the item, we will turn off their ability to share.

When their sharing is turned off, they will be presented with an in app message on the steps they can take to contact us and remedy the situation. Once the item has been removed, we can easily reinstate their ability to share their library.


See for more information


What about copyright and licensing issues?



Competitive Positioning EndNote X7.2 vs. RefWorks

Competitive Positioning EndNote X7.2 vs. Mendeley Team

Competitive Positioning EndNote X7.2 vs. Zotero



Features EndNote Reference Manager



Offers More

than RefMan

Integrated in MS Word Cite While You Write

Yes; only Microsoft Word® 2003, 2007,

2010; no MS word 2013

One-click Find full text Yes No

Exporting from online database providers 700+ 430+

Operating System Mac OS X & Win Windows only

Create Smart Groups for instant sorting Yes No

Unicode compliant Yes No

Create a list of "favorite" styles Yes No

Create Custom Groups Yes Use keywords or multiple databases

Sharing References

Share library through the desktop;

share groups via EndNote online Multi User access in network

# of citation styles 5,000+ predefined; create your own 1,300+ predefined; create your own

Max # of fields 56 37

Max # of Reference Types 48 35

Neutral or

the Same

Format bibliographies Yes Yes

Online database searching Yes Yes

Custom options to add additional

database providers Yes Yes

Installation required Software Software

File Attachment Storage Unlimited Unlimited

Reference Storage Unlimited Unlimited

Spell Check Yes Yes

Moving Reference Manager Customers to EndNote X7.2

How EndNote Offers More Than Reference Manager • EndNote is Unicode compliant, meaning it can support a number of languages, such as Asian

languages, that RefMan cannot

• EndNote is available on Mac, Windows, online and has its own iPad app; RefMan is on Windows


• Because RefMan is Windows desktop only, it does not have any of the power or flexibility of

EndNote online nor the iPad app, such as:

Capture references bookmarklet/web importer of EndNote online

Shared groups of EndNote online

Find references, manage and organize your library and annotate full text

articles on the go with the iPad app

• EndNote is compatible with the latest operating systems, including Windows 8; RefMan is not

• EndNote has more citation styles than RefMan

• EndNote has more connection file options than RefMan does, allowing users to collect from a

greater number of resources on either the desktop, or online

• EndNote allows a user to Find Full Text for their references, where RefMan requires a manual

attachment process

• EndNote has a built-in PDF viewer for attached files, RefMan can only attach files

• Not only does EndNote have a built in PDF viewer, but a user can annotate and add notes to

their full text attachments, and save them to their library

• EndNote has one-click Find Reference Update, RefMan does not

How EndNote X7.2 with Shared Libraries Offers More Than

Reference Manager

• EndNote X7.2 allows users to share their library with up to 14 other Endnote users

anywhere; for colleagues in another office location, they are not restricted to only

sharing within a firewall

• EndNote X7.2 lets users build a shared research library together as fast as

possible by:

Pulling in references from more sources through more

connection file offerings

Automating the process of finding journal articles by using Find

Full Text

Cleaning up their library by initiating Find Duplicates to remove

redundant references

Automate the process and save time with Find Reference


How does X7.2 compare overall?

More Robust Tools

• Patented technology for accurate, simple to create bibliographies

• Customizable reference types and styles for complex multi-layer projects

• Time saving automation features like find full text and reference updater.

• In app DB searching for faster discovery and collection

More Flexible Sharing

• Organized, functional sharing allowing all users to contribute and co-create – references, attachments, notes and annotations.

• Users can share across institutions and geographies; as long as the other users have X7. No institutional license needed.

• Sharing is a part of EndNote, not an incremental fee or additional service.

Cross Platform & Unlimited


• Access via desktop, web, or iPad allow users flexibility when they work.

• Powerful Mac and Windows clients allow users to work offline; instant syncing connects and updates their work when they are back online.

• Unlimited storage at no incremental cost allows even the most seasoned researcher to have their library entire library with them where ever they are.



New look and feel for EndNote marketing

New look and feel for EndNote marketing

New application icon

across Mac/Win, online,

and iPad

Feature related

marketing graphics Consistency across

digital comms channels

Tools & Resources

Available Now:

• Pre-launch landing page

• New application icons

• New marketing related

feature icons

• New email templates

• Redesigned


• Redesigned


• Updated marketing

factsheet and brochures

• Updated training materials

and QRCs