Thomson One Equity Quick Reference Guide

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Transcript of Thomson One Equity Quick Reference Guide

Notice Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide is supplied exclusively for internal use by Thomson ONE subscribers. The Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide and Thomson Financial products constitute proprietary information owned by Thomson Financial and may not be used, copied or disclosed in any manner without the express written permission of Thomson Financial. Furthermore, any data obtained via a Thomson Financial service may be distributed only to persons, processes or terminals within your firm who are entitled by Thomson Financial to receive it. You may not redistribute, furnish or sell any of the data obtained via any Thomson Financial services to any other firm, person or entity without the express written consent of Thomson Financial and the originating source of the data. After the data is considered by the originating source to be in the public domain, it may be distributed to other persons. Thomson Financial has prepared this document for use by its personnel and customers. Specifications and other information in this document are subject to change without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Thomson Financial to determine whether any such changes have been made. Any reports, portfolios and graphs in this document are used to illustrate the different types of content available to subscribers of this product. They are fictitious samples and do not represent assets actually managed. Thomson makes no recommendations regarding individual securities or markets. No representation or other affirmation of fact contained in this document shall be deemed to be a warranty by Thomson Financial for any purpose, or give rise to any liability of Thomson Financial whatsoever. The terms and conditions governing the use of Thomson Financial software and services consist solely of those set forth in the written contracts between Thomson Financial and its customers.

Reference No. MN-73 7/05 All brand or product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © 2005 Thomson Financial. All marks herein are used under license.


Contents Basics................................................................................................................................................4


Workspace Shortcuts ......................................................................................................................7

Automatic Symbol Entry ................................................................................................................9

Market Pulse..................................................................................................................................10

Trades and Quotes........................................................................................................................11

Symbol Book .................................................................................................................................11

Flex Monitor ..................................................................................................................................12

News ..............................................................................................................................................15

Charts .............................................................................................................................................17




The Thomson ONE Workspace

Fixed Services—Services you want visible at all times, such as Quote and Monitor.

Workbook Pages (Edit Pages)—Services grouped into saved pages with corresponding tabs for easy access.

Desktop Services—Services that appear outside the Workspace, but open and close with Thomson ONE (e.g., set up a Quote as a Desktop service while working in another application.)


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Adding and Removing Services (Fixed Services and Workbook Pages only) 1. From the Edit menu choose Edit Fixed Services or Edit Page. 2. To add a service, double-click a folder to open it, and drag and drop the

desired service into the display area. (To resize the service, click and drag its border.)

3. To delete a service, click Details, and then click the x in the Delete column; click Yes to confirm the deletion.

4. Click OK.

Setting Up a Desktop Service 1. From the Edit menu, choose Edit Desktop Services. 2. Double-click a folder to open it, and drag and drop the desired service(s) into

the Workspace. (The service appears as a button on your Windows taskbar.) 3. To resize the service, click and drag its border. 4. Click OK.

Creating a New Workbook (Edit) Page 1. From the File menu, choose New Page. 2. Type a page name, which will appear on the page tab. 3. Double-click a folder to open it, and drag and drop the desired service(s) into

the Workbook. (To resize the service, click and drag its border.) 4. Click OK.

Notes: To add this page to the Favorites toolbar, choose Add to Favorites from the Favorites menu. To set the workbook as your default, choose Set Recall Page from the Window menu.

Help Files 1. To display the Help Index for the active service, press <F1>,

-or- To view a comprehensive list of topics, choose Contents and Index from the

Help menu. 2. If desired, click the Index tab in the Help Topics window, and type the

subject for which you need help.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide


In Quote, you can retrieve quotes on US, Canadian and international trading instruments, assuming you have the required exchange entitlements.

Getting a Quote 1. Activate Quote. 2. Type the symbol. 3. Press <Enter>.

Exchange-Specific Quotes

To access a quote from a specific exchange, type the symbol-exchange qualifier (e.g., IBM-P, for IBM trading on ArcaEx).

US Exchange Qualifiers A Amex G Liberty Bond J Amex Emerging Co. O NASDAQ Marketplace D NASD ADF P ArcaEx C National Stock Exchange B Boston N NYSE E CBOE U OTC Bulletin Board CB Chicago Board of Trade 5 OTC Non-Bulletin CM Chicago Mercantile Board M Chicago Stock Exchange X Philadelphia US Composite

Canadian Exchange Qualifiers L CNQ R Montreal T TSX V TSX Venture


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Frequently Requested Symbols Use the on-line Symbol Book and the Market Statistics page (ST) in Market Pulse to look up the index and statistics symbols. Some commonly used symbols are listed below.

.DJIA Dow Jones Industrial .UTN Up Ticks on NYSE 30 Average .DTN Down Ticks on NYSE

.COMP DJ Composite Average .NTN Net Ticks on NYSE

.TRAN DJ Transportation 20 .UPN Advances on NYSE Average .DPN Declines on NYSE .UTIL DJ Utility 15 Average .NPN Net Advances/Declines .OEX S&P 100 on NYSE .SPX S&P 500 .TIME Time .XMI Amex Major Market Index TREA30 30-Year Treasury Bond .TPIN NYSE Short-term TYX CBOE Interest Rate 30-Year

Trading Index Treasury Bond COMP NASDAQ Composite Index GC/ Gold .NDX NASDAQ 100 US/ US Treasury .VOLN NYSE Volume SP/ S&P Future .VOLNY Volume on the NYSE-based CL/ Crude Oil


Workspace Shortcuts

Quick Quote Retrieve a quote on a monitor or portfolio symbol; to

activate, right-click in the monitor or portfolio service, click Properties and click the Enable Quick Quote box.

Drag-and-Drop Drag and drop a symbol to a window, page tab, page icon or service icon to retrieve data for the symbol.

Drill Downs Click on an underlined field in Quote, Flex Monitor or

other designated service and link to extended data for the same symbol; to set up or modify Drill Downs, activate the desired service and choose Drill Downs from the Edit menu. (Notes: Not all drill downs are underlined. In


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

certain services, the pointer turns into a hand when you place the cursor over these fields.)

Favorites Access the tabbed pages and services you use most frequently by clicking their corresponding buttons on the Favorites toolbar; use the Favorites menu to add buttons to the Favorites toolbar.

Hotkeys To activate services, use function keys or key combinations instead of clicking the mouse button; to set up this feature, choose Hot Keys from the Edit menu.

Right-Click Menus Perform common tasks by right-clicking in a display and selecting an item from the pop-up menu.

Maximize/Minimize Expand or hide a service by using the maximize or minimize button on the title bar of the service. To view horizontal or vertical title bars, press <Ctrl+U> or <Ctrl+T>. To hide them, press <Ctrl+U> or <Ctrl+T> again.

Homepage Quickly go back to the homepage by pressing ~.

Goto View a list of all available Thomson ONE services and takes you to a desired service with a click of the mouse. Press <Ctrl+G> to access the Goto function.

Keyword Toolbar Use the Keyword input box to type keywords or codes to automatically retrieve services. Press <Crtl+Z> to access the Keyword input box.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Automatic Symbol Entry

In Multiple Services By default, Thomson ONE automatically places a symbol into multiple services when you enter the symbol once in any symbol entry field. You can also set up a page so that some services update with one symbol and others update with another symbol by selecting different distribution channels. For example, in a page containing five services, two of the services may be set to track one symbol and three of the services may be set to track another. When you enter a symbol in one of these services, only the services set to the same channel will update.

To Modify Symbol Distribution

1. From the Edit menu, choose Edit Page or Edit Desktop Services. 2. Click Details. 3. Click in the Distribution Channel column and assign the same letter to the

services that you want to update with the same symbol. For example, set two of the services on the Workbook page to channel A and two of the services to channel B.

4. To turn off Symbol Distribution, select OFF from the Distribution Channel drop-down.

5. To carry over symbols between Workbook pages and Fixed Services, click in the Distribution with Fixed Services box.

6. Click OK.

In a Single Service You may set up Thomson ONE so that when you activate a particular service, information is automatically retrieved for either the most recently entered symbol or a saved symbol.

1. From the Edit menu, choose Edit Page, Edit Fixed services or Edit Desktop

Services. 2. Click Details. 3. To retrieve data for the “most recently entered symbol” when a service is

activated, click in the On Activate Use text box, select Custom from the drop-down and type the symbol or code.

4. Click OK.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Market Pulse

Use Market Pulse to track trends in numerous trading instruments and indexes. Market Pulse pages are updated continuously throughout the trading day.

Accessing Market Pulse Pages 1. Choose the region, exchange the drop-downs, and click a related page code.

-or- Type the page code followed by a hyphen and an exchange qualifier, (e.g., ACT-LN), and click Go. To view a complete list of page codes, click the Codes button.

2. To access another page, click Reset and repeat step 1.

Exchange-Specific Pages To retrieve pages from another exchange, add a hyphen and one of the following qualifiers to the page code (e.g., ACT-O, for Most Actives on NASDAQ): A AMEX R Montreal P ArcaEX O NASDAQ B Boston C National E CBOE X Philadelphia M Chicago T TSX L CNQ V TSX Venture Note: You can also use Region and Exchange drop-downs to select different exchanges.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Trades and Quotes

Trades and Quotes lists 30 days of transactions, including prices, time and trade sizes for any trading instrument worldwide. It also lets you view different variations of trades and quotes with an option to view trades at the volume-weighted average price.

Accessing a Display 1. In the Symbol text box, type the symbol. (For an exchange-specific display,

add a hyphen and an exchange qualifier to the symbol.) 2. In the Time text box, type the EST start time (HH:MM) followed by AM or

PM; leave blank for all trades from the current time backward. 3. In the Date text box, type the date MM/DD or –x days ago; leave blank for

today’s date. 4. In the Size text box, type the minimum trade size; leave blank for all trades.

(The number entered is multiplied by the round lot quantity, usually 100 shares.)

5. Click Go.

Symbol Book

The Symbol Book is a Web-based on-line reference for US and international trading instruments. It contains the symbol, full name, description of the trading instrument, primary exchange on which it is traded, currency in which it is


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

traded, and its CUSIP, NSIN, ISIN or ID number; in addition, NYSE securities show Post and Panel information.

Using Symbol Book 1. Choose Company Name, Description, Symbol, ML Sec. NO., CUSIP, NSIN,

ISIN, or ID from the Search By dropdown. (If Company Name is selected, click Begins With or Contains, depending on what portion of the name you are typing. If desired, check Home Listings Only to view the company key that links the trade instrument to the parent company.)

2. Type the search text in the Lookup text box. 3. Click Instrument Type and choose the desired type. 4. In the Exchange/country text box, type the desired exchange or country

code, or click the Exchange/Country link and choose an exchange from the drop-down.

5. Click Search. Note: To lock in the search criteria, click Save. To clear settings, click Reset.

Flex Monitor

Use Flex Monitor to display different lists of trading instruments, which can be saved and retrieved for future reference. Each list can contain up to 1024 stocks, bonds, options, commodities, market indexes and statistics. You can divide the lists into related groups, with headers assigned to each section. You can also organize Flex Monitors as individual customer portfolios, baskets or industry groups.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Entering and Overwriting Symbols 1. In the Symbol column, click on a blank cell or a symbol you want to

overwrite. 2. Type the symbol. 3. Press <Enter>. Note: to remove a symbol, click on it and press <Delete>.

Selecting a Layout 1. Right-click in the monitor. 2. Point to Layout, then choose Replace. 3. Select a layout from the drop-down. 4. Click OK.

Sorting Monitors 1. Right-click in the column that you want to use as the sort criterion. 2. Point to Sort, then choose Ascending or Descending. (To undo, choose Undo


Creating a Monitor 1. Right-click in the monitor. 2. Point to Symbol List, then choose New. 3. Type a name for the new symbol list. 4. Click OK. 5. Enter symbols as described above.

Accessing a Monitor Symbol List 1. Right-click in the monitor. 2. Point to Symbol List, then choose Open. 3. Select a monitor symbol list. 4. Click OK.

Importing a Symbol List 1. Right-click in the monitor. 2. Point to Symbol List, then choose Import. 3. Select the monitor, ticker or portfolio symbol list you want to import. 4. Type a name for the list in the New Symbol List Name text box. 5. Click OK.

Group Headers 1. Right-click in the row immediately below where you want the group header

to appear. 2. Point to Group, then choose Insert. 3. Type a name for the group header. 4. Press <Enter>.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Inserting a Row or Symbol 1. Right-click in the row immediately below where you want the new row. 2. Point to Row, then choose Insert.

-or- Point to Symbol, then choose Insert Symbol.

Deleting a Row 1. Right-click in the row you want to delete. (Only empty rows may be

deleted.) 2. Point to Row, then choose Delete.

Creating a Custom Layout 1. Right-click in the monitor. 2. Point to Layout, then choose Create. (To select a pre-existing layout, point

to Layout, then choose Replace.) 3. Choose a market instrument type from the Available Data Fields drop-

down. 4. Select the market data fields you want to monitor by clicking each field

name and then Add. 5. Click OK when finished.

Automatic Sorting You can set Flex Monitor to automatically sort on regular intervals based on changes in stock value.

• Right-click in the column you want to use as the sort criterion, point to Sort and choose Automatic Sort.

You can also change the automatic-sort time interval: 1. Right-click in the display, point to Sort and choose Sort Setup. 2. Click the Automatic Sort check box if it is not already checked. 3. Select an interval from the Automatic Sort Frequency drop-down (30

seconds to 15 minutes). 4. Choose OK.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide


Use the News window to filter through stories from various news services quickly to find the news you want. As a further convenience, the News menu on the Navigation toolbar gives you quick access to a range of pre-set news displays, including All News, Company News, Mutual Funds, Commodities, Earnings and Dividends.

Basic Search 1. Click Choose Services and select a news service or multiple services. 2. Choose OK. 3. Type a symbol or industry code in the Symbol fields. 4. If desired, choose “And” or “Or” from the drop-down, and type a second

symbol or industry code in the second Symbol field. (And retrieves stories that relate to both symbols; OR retrieves stores that relate to either symbol.)

5. To specify a date, click the Date button and select a date from the calendar. 6. Click Go. 7. To view a story, click the headline.

ALL News and HOT News • Type A/ and click GO for ALL news.

• Type H/ and click GO for HOT news.

News by Category 1. Click Choose Service and select a news service. 2. Choose OK. 3. Click Category Codes to access a list of groups*. 4. Select the desired service, then slide the mouse to the right to view a list of

categories contained in the group.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

5. Click on the desired category to automatically enter it in the Symbol field and retrieve news for the category. (In an Advanced Search, click Go.) * The Category Codes menu is only available for selected news groups.

Advanced Search Advanced queries let you search for stories containing specific words and phrases. Follow the instructions below to assemble a query, or type queries directly into the Query box using operators (see Query Operators).

1. Click Choose Services and select a news service or multiple services. 2. Choose OK. 3. Choose Adv. Search from the drop-down. 4. Click the “And” or “Or” circle. (And retrieves stories containing all query

elements; Or retrieves stories containing any of the elements.) 5. In the Symbol field, type the symbol, industry code or phrase and click

Symbol, Keyword or Phrase to include it in the Query box. (Symbols must be entered one at a time.) -or- To use all symbols in a monitor, portfolio or ticker symbol list, click Queries, point to Open and select either Saved Queries or Symbol Lists. Then choose the desired list. -or- To use all symbols in a Flex Monitor list, click the desired Flex Monitor tab, and drag the list into the Query box. -or- Make a selection from the Recent Queries drop-down.

6. To specify a date, click the Date link and select a date from the calendar. 7. Click Go.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Advanced Search – Query Operators If you choose to type a query directly into the Query box, use the words or operators defined below.

Operator Sample Query Stories Retrieved Contain:

And &

appliance and GE appliance & GE

the word “appliance” and the symbol “GE”

Or | government or tax government | tax

either the word “government” or the word “tax”

not ! Microsoft not IBM Microsoft! IBM

the word “Microsoft” without the word “IBM”

“ “ “research alert” the phrase “research alert”

( ) (hot & I/ENT) or (premiere & TV)

the word “hot” and the category “I/ENT” or the words “premiere” and “TV”

* canad* words that begin with the letters c-a-n-a-d

? Hewl?tt all spelling possibilities of this combination.

Charts Thomson Charts

Use Thomson Charts to illustrate an instrument’s activity over any time period. Thomson Charts comes with a full suite of the most popular and widely used technical indicators that may be customized to suit personal preferences.


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

Creating a Basic Study 1. Activate Thomson Charts Advanced or Thomson Charts Plus. 2. Right-click within a pane (but not directly on a series or a drawn object) and

point to New Study. -or-

Click the New study icon . 3. Select Basic Study. 4. In they Symbol box, type a symbol. (If you are comparing multiple

instruments, separate additional symbols with semicolons.) 5. From the series type drop-down, select a chart type. 6. If desired, click Show Volume to display a volume chart in a lower pane. 7. Choose Pre-set, then a frequency from the drop-down, or choose User

Defined and type a tick interval. 8. Choose a pre-set range form the drop-down, or specify number of periods or

start and end dates. 9. Select Each Series in Separate Pane or Group 2 series on the Same Pane. 10. Choose OK.

Note: You can modify the current study through the Chart Appearance dialog and right-click menus, or set defaults for all new studies in the Preferences dialog.


You can set basic Limit alerts and Text alerts, as well as advanced alerts, through the Alerts View window. When an alert is triggered, an exclamation point appears in the column following the tick indicator in the display. You can view the conditions that triggered the alert in Alert History, Alerts Watch and in the Workspace status bar.

Setting Basic Alerts 1. In Flex Monitor, right-click on a symbol and choose Set Alerts from the pop-

up menu. (If you are using Alerts View, choose Add Alert from the pop-up menu.)

2. Click the Basic Alerts tab. 3. In the A-Z tab, click on the alert type you want to set. The current value for

the selected market appears. 4. Type the value for the alert in the greater than (>), less than (<) or equal to

(=) text box, depending on whether you want the alert to be triggered for values that are more than, less than or equal to the value at the most recent


© 2005 Thomson Financial. Thomson ONE Equity Quick Reference Guide

trade. (Note: Volume alerts must be entered in terms of 100s. For example, type 50 for a volume alert of 5000.)

5. If you want a text message to appear when an alert is triggered, click on the Alert Message text box and type the desire message. This line of text will appear in the Alert History or Alerts Watch window to remind you why the alert was set.

6. Set additional alerts fro this or other monitor symbols. 7. Choose OK when finished.