Thompson(School(District(( BloomBoard–(Teacher( (User ... · PDF...

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Transcript of Thompson(School(District(( BloomBoard–(Teacher( (User ... · PDF...

Thompson  School  District    BloomBoard  –  Teacher  

 User’s  Guide  2014-­‐2015  


September  2,  2014  Created  with  support  from  


2          Table  of  Contents  Welcome  to  Bloomboard  .....................................................................................................................  3  

Signing  In  ........................................................................................................................................................  3  Navigating  the  Site  –  Home  Page  .....................................................................................................................  4  

E-­‐Portfolio:  Aggregated  Evidence  and  Ratings,  Artifacts,  &  Activities  ...................................................  5  Accessing  E-­‐Portfolio  .......................................................................................................................................  5  Artifacts  ..........................................................................................................................................................  6  Activities  .........................................................................................................................................................  6  Observation  Statuses  ......................................................................................................................................  7  Accessing  Previous  Years  Information  .............................................................................................................  7  

Evaluation  Cycle  Support  .....................................................................................................................  8  Self  Assessment  ..............................................................................................................................................  8  Review  of  Annual  Goals  and  Performance  Plan  .............................................................................................  10  Setting  Goals  .................................................................................................................................................  10  Archiving  Goals  .............................................................................................................................................  11  Submitting  Required  Artifacts  and  Associated  Documents  ............................................................................  12  


    3    Welcome  to  Bloomboard  Signing  In  

1. Go  to  BloomBoard  is  supported  on  Firefox,  Safari,  and  Chrome.                        



2. Enter  your  school  email  address.  3. Enter  your  password.  Your  initial  password  was  emailed  to  you  with  the  subject  Welcome  to  

BloomBoard  when  your  account  was  created.  If  you  did  not  receive  this  e-­‐mail  please  contact  April  McFall  or  Kristina  Smith.  

4. Click  the  “Sign  In”  button  5. If  this  is  your  first  time  signing  in,  you  will  be  prompted  to  accept  the  terms  of  service,  enter  a  new  

password,  and  choose  whether  to  allow  BloomBoard  to  contact  you.  After  you  have  done  so,  you  are  asked  to  sign  in  using  your  new  password.  

6. Click  Take  me  to  my  dashboard.  

Forgot your password? Click here and we’ll send you an email that allows you to reset it.

4        Navigating  the  Site  –  Home  Page  The  home  page  opens  after  logging  in.  The  home  page  allows  you  to  navigate  to  the  site’s  main  sections,  and  offers  access  to  areas  and  features  that  are  appropriate  for  the  teacher  role.  Take  a  quick  home  page  tour  by  reviewing  the  screenshot  and  accompanying  highlights  below.  



Main Navigation Settings

Visit My Portfolio

Current Observations

Goal Summaries Create New


    5    E-­‐Portfolio:  Aggregated  Evidence  and  Ratings,  Artifacts,  &  Activities  Accessing  E-­‐Portfolio  Click  any  of  the  options  below  to  open  your  E-­‐Portfolio  and  view  a  list  of  your  current  meetings  and  observations.    

 Click  Observations  &  Meetings  on  the  main  navigation  bar  from  anywhere  within  the  system  to  open  the  E-­‐Portfolio.    


Click  See  All  Observations  &  Meetings  from  the  Current  Observations  pane  on  the  home  page  to  open  the  E-­‐Portfolio  to  the  Activities  tab.  


Click  View  My  Portfolio  from  the  home  page  to  open  the  E-­‐Portfolio  to  the  Aggregated  Evidence  and  Ratings  tab.  


Click  a  specific  observation  or  meeting  in  the  Current  Observations  pane  to  navigate  directly  to  the  selected  observation  in  the  E-­‐Portfolio.    The  observation  or  meeting  expands  automatically  to  display  its  activities.  

 Aggregated  Evidence  and  Ratings  (AE&R)  A  learner's  AE&R  screen  displays  all  ratings  from  different  rating  activities  and  allows  you  to  add  your  own  summative  or  trending  ratings  to  summarize  a  learner's  performance  to  date.  Live  data  displays  from  all  rating  activities  in  AE&R  and  changes  when  their  respective  rating  activities  are  updated.  Any  trending  ratings  you  apply  in  AE&R  remain  static  until  you  change  them.  If  you  wish  to  preserve  your  AE&R  ratings  at  a  certain  point,  you  can  take  a  Snapshot  of  the  ratings  to  capture  those  AE&R  ratings.                      

Verify that your Rubric is correct and displays the correct grade band (elem or sec) and

content area (ELA, Math, ELA/Math, Other)

6        Artifacts  The  E-­‐Portfolio  acts  as  a  repository  for  artifacts  across  all  observations.  Artifacts  uploaded  to  the  E-­‐Portfolio  can  be  added  to  any  activity.  In  turn,  artifacts  uploaded  within  an  activity  are  housed  and  listed  in  the  E-­‐Portfolio.  Please  note  that  any  artifact  uploaded  here  can  only  be  seen  by  the  learner.  It  must  be  added  to  an  activity  to  be  seen  by  the  observer.                                                    Activities  Click  an  activity  link  to  open  the  observation  or  meeting.  When  you  click  a  specific  observation  or  meeting  in  Current  Observations,  the  observation  or  meeting  opens  already  expanded  in  your  E-­‐Portfolio.                                        

Upload link

Wait for the dialog box to disappear. Even though it says 100% uploaded, the document is not ready until the

box closes on its own.

E-Portfolio – Observations Collapsed

Click a listing to expand the observation.

    7                          Observation  Statuses  

 Available  to  Schedule  

  Scheduled  –  not  started  

  Scheduled  -­‐  started  

 Scheduled  –  no  updates  in  7  days  

 Scheduled  –  no  updates  in  14  days    Past  last  scheduled  date  

  Completed  –  observer  has  marked  this  observation  as  complete  

 Locked  and  waiting  for  leaner’s  signature  

 Completed  and  locked  

 Accessing  Previous  Years  Information  At  the  bottom  of  the  Activities  tab,  click  Show  observations  and  meetings  from  previous  years.  A  panel  of  archived  observations  and  meetings  opens  underneath  the  current  panel.                                        

E-Portfolio – Observation Expanded Click the heading to

collapse the observation.

Click a link to open the observation/activity

These boxes indicate who is required to submit information.

8            Evaluation  Cycle  Support  Self  Assessment  

1. Click  on  Self  Assessment  under  Current  Observations  on  the  home  page.  2. Click  on  Self  Assessment  Ratings  under  the  expanded  observation.  


3. Verify  correct  rubric:  Grade  band  –  Elem  or  Sec,  Content  –  ELA,  Math,  ELA/Math,  Other  4. Click  double  arrows  to  expand.  5. Click  individual  boxes  to  complete  self  assessment.  Thoughtfully  reflect  on  past  performance  and  

identification  of  strengths,  weaknesses  and  ability  to  meet  state  standards  during  current  school  year.  Share  with  evaluator  if  desired.    

6. The  rating  for  each  element  will  reflect  the  last  column  in  which  all  professional  practices  are  marked.  


Click on Self Assessment under

Current Observations on the home page.

Click on Self Assessment Ratings under the expanded


Verify correct rubric

Click to expand

Click individual boxes to complete self assessment


7. You  can  share  your  self  assessment  with  your  evaluator  by  selecting  the  share  button  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.  


8. To  view  your  Self-­‐Assessment  Rating  Report,  select  Reports  at  the  top  of  your  Bloomboard  screen.  Then  select  Teacher  Self  Assessment  Ratings.  Select  an  observation  from  the  list  provided.  Please  note  that  the  rating  shown  in  this  report  is  reflective  of  your  self  assessment  and  not  of  the  ratings  assigned  by  your  evaluator.    




The rating for each element will reflect the last column in which all professional practices are marked.

In this example, Learner 1 is

proficient due to the unchecked box in the accomplished column.

Click Share to share

Click Reports Click Self Assessment Ratings


Write  a  goal  that  meets  the  following  expectations:  • Aligns  to  the  School  Unified  Improvement  

Plan  • Aligns  to  areas  of  improvement  identified  

collaboratively  using  the  Rubric  for  Evaluating  Colorado’s  Teachers  and/or  Measures  of  Student  Learning  

• Aligns  with  the  district  focuses  of  Empowering  Educators,  Personalized  Systems,  Quality  Foundations  and  Beyond    

Align goal to specific standards and elements as wells as indicate the previous years ratings on those standards and elements. Indicate specifics including action steps.

Indicate how progress will be measured including evidence/artifacts.

Discuss the attainability of this goal including support, resources, and PD you will utilize.

Include relevance.

Include estimated completion date.

Review  of  Annual  Goals  and  Performance  Plan  Goals  will  be  documented  in  Bloomboard  using  the  Goals  sticky  notes.    Teachers  will  then  expound  upon  those  using  the  Bloomboard  SMART  goals  tool.  Goal  expectations  are  set  at  each  unique  site,  but  guidance  is  provided  below  regarding  content  and  completion  of  the  SMART  goal  tool  within  Bloomboard.                                                    Setting  Goals  

1. Click  on  Ready  to  plan  your  goals  or  SLOs?  at  the  bottom  of  your  home  screen.  This  will  take  you  to  your  Goal  Planning  screen.    


2. Click  on  the  Areas  of  Strength  or  Areas  for  Growth  note  cards  to  add  general  thoughts  about  your  teaching.  

3. Click  Add  Another  Goal  in  the  sticky  note  outline  to  open  a  blank  goal  in  which  you  can  create  a  new  goal  summary.  

4. Click  the  new  note  and  type  a  short  goal  summary.  When  you  are  finished,  press  Enter  or  click  outside  the  note.  

Click on the text to create and edit your goals.

Areas of Strength/Growth Notecards Notecards work best for broad ideas

Goals are intended to be more actionable and specific

Click on the outline to open a new blank goal.


5. Click  View  Details  at  the  bottom  of  a  goal  summary  to  open  the  Goal  Details  page.    6. To  answer  a  detail  question,  click  Add  Answer,  enter  a  response  in  the  text  box  that  displays,  and  

then  click  Save.    7. To  align  a  goal  with  indicators,  click  the  Align  this  to  open  the  indicator  table.  


                                           Archiving  Goals  Inactivating  goals  moves  them  to  the  archive  and  removes  them  from  indicator  panels,  so  they  cannot  be  tagged  to  evidence.  An  archived  goal  can  be  reactivated.  To  archive  a  goal,  the  learner  can:  

1. Click  a  goal  to  open  its  details.  2. From  the  status  menu  in  the  upper  right,  click  Make  Inactive.  


Click on View Details to open Goal Details page.

Click Add Answer and then enter your response.

Click Align this goal… to indicate standards and

elements that support your goal.

12        Submitting  Required  Artifacts  and  Associated  Documents  

1. Click  on  Artifacts  for  Review  under  Current  Observations  on  the  home  page.  2. Click  on  Upload  Artifacts  under  the  expanded  observation.  


3. Upload  documents  from  either  your  computer  or  your  e-­‐portfolio.  Tag  specific  component  from  your  document  to  standards  and  elements  from  the  rubric.  

Click on Artifacts for Review under

Current Observations on the home page.

Click on Upload Artifacts under the

expanded observation.

Click to upload from your computer.

Click to upload from your e-portfolio.

Tag components of your artifact to standards and

elements from the rubric.