This presentation is by Danyala Grover !!!!!!!!. Bottlenose dolphins don’t chew their food instead...

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of This presentation is by Danyala Grover !!!!!!!!. Bottlenose dolphins don’t chew their food instead...

•This presentation is by Danyala Grover !!!!!!!!

• Bottlenose dolphins don’t chew their food instead they swallow the food whole.

• The food bottlenose dolphins eat are; fish species, squid, shrimp, octopus, krill etc.

• The average adult dolphin eats about 15kg of food a day.

The bottlenose dolphin’s have predators such as; killer whales and sharks such as tiger sharks which eat them. Humans hunt bottlenose dolphins for there oil and skin .

• Bottlenose dolphins belong to the mammal family.

You can find bottlenose dolphins in the red zone.

Pacific ocean Indian


Pacific ocean

Atlantic ocean

• The dolphins bone structure in its body allows the dolphin to jump and flip.

• Bottlenose dolphins are small toothed whales and have a long beaklike snout.

Age when attaining sexual maturity is variable among bottlenose dolphins. On average, females become sexually mature when they reach about 2.3 m (7.5 ft.), at about 5 to 12 years. Males become sexually mature when they reach about 2.4 to 2.6 m (8-8.5 ft.), at about 1 0 to 12 years (Mead and Potter, 1990; Odell, 1975).

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