This is Newlife

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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2014 Annual Report

Transcript of This is Newlife

Newlife Uniting Gold Coast Australia




There is a two-word phrase we use a lot around Newlife - ‘Only God!’ Our almost 21 year history has been a succession of ‘only God’ moments - from when four small congregations courageously came together to pioneer a new mission in the then new suburb of Robina, the establishment of our Pacific Pines campus in 2011, to the opening of the extension of our Robina facilities late in 2013. More than anything else, our heart’s cry has been ‘only God’ as over the years hundreds of people have discovered new life in Jesus Christ.

There are a stack of ‘only God’ highlights that marked 2014. By God’s grace we continued to grow, with God adding to our number regularly ‘those who were being saved.’ (Acts 2:47). Last year more people made a decision to follow Jesus than any other year in our history. Our Youthstreet community experienced remarkable growth, increasing in size by around 50%. Only God.

Through the year we enjoyed the ministry of some very special guests as Bill Hybels (May), Professor John Lennox (August) and Rev Dr John Dickson (October) stretched our minds and warmed our hearts. I will never forget Professor Lennox filling our Robina auditorium with 1000 people one Saturday night as he eloquently and passionately spoke about science and faith. Only God.

Our Creative team blessed us with our first ever album, ‘Songs of Christmas’, modern arrangements of Christmas classics, as well as one beautiful original song. More than 500 copies of Songs of Christmas were given to families on the Gold Coast through Newlife Care’s Christmas Hamper program and other channels. Only God.

Newlife is one church, meeting in two locations, across six worshipping communities, more than eighty small groups and multiple mission expressions. We are blessed with a passionately committed and gifted ministry team and eldership. In all of our diversity, we have enjoyed unity that is a gift of the Holy Spirit. As we look back over 2014 we celebrate that only God ‘is able to do immeasurably more than we ask for or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us.’ (Ephesians 3:21)

Sola Deo Gloria - To God alone be the glory!

Rev. Stu Cameron Lead Minister




2014 proved to be a big year - no letting up with another bustling year filled with activity, challenges and blessings. Time to Build was wrapping up, (the completion of the new Coffee Shop and Playground completing Stage 2B), and Newlife College was established. Organisational restructuring was commenced as we seek to do things better. Our attendance growth continued as did your giving – thankyou.

A large and growing church has its challenges. Early last year we identified we could do better as a church family in fostering the growth of loving relationships and the promotion of deeper personal relationships with Jesus. (Echoes of the 1st and 2nd commandments…). Though we have some way to go I earnestly believe we are moving in the right direction – please continue to pray for our leaders as they seek to model Christ in their lives. Please pray that we will all continually seek to be more like Jesus in all aspects of how we live, for his glory and for our joy.

We now are eagerly anticipating and planning for what God has intended for the next season for our church. With church planting firmly on the agenda please join me in praying that we will continue to raise up leaders as we are challenged to put adventurous faith into action. Time to Build is passing, Time to Lead is here.

Rick van DrimmelenChair of Elders

Elders Report

Experience Worship

Experience Worship

Our Robina campus is the original and largest of our campuses. It was born out of the adventurous faith of a relatively small number of believers who gave up their individual properties and ministries to come together in response to God’s call. We have been privileged to continue in adventurous faith at and through our Robina campus as God has continued to grow us over this last year.

The Robina campus is busy all week long with playgroup, small groups and other community events, but things get really exciting toward the end of each week when the first of our worshipping communities - Crossroads - gathers on Friday morning. This is followed by Youth St worshipping on Friday evening, our two morning communities worshipping on Sunday morning and culminates in young adult worship at our 12:2 community on Sunday evening. The Robina campus never sleeps!

We have particularly enjoyed the new community gathering space that our covered courtyard has provided since its completion late in 2013. It is a joy to see people of all ages and stages of life engaging together in this space - truly experiencing what it means to be family and community together.

Robina Campus

Small GroupsSmall groups have increased in numbers from 60 to 80 small groups in 2014 (33% growth.)One of the most critical aspects of community life at Newlife Uniting is our small groups ministry. Therefore, we are tirelessly promoting group life in order to assimilate and disciple newcomers. We encourage our newcomers to belong to a group in order to help them stay connected. That is what our small groups ministry is all about.

Our dedicated team of small group facilitators deepened our sense of community. They helped us become a community of Bible-believing Christians who genuinely love each other and care for each other. In 2014, we also developed our own small group studies which helped align our small groups with our weekend services.

Leadership Development and Training:In 2014, we increased our training to cater for the growth in our community life ministries. Our leadership development identified leaders, cultivated the attributes of the leadership within these leaders, facilitated a pathway for their development, and created effective programs for learning to take place. We have developed our training for our connect teams and facilitator training for our small group leaders, including our annual small group’s leadership conference in February. In 2014, we also introduced a conversation workshop, section leader training and a twelve-week prayer course.

New Christians:Through programs like ‘Foundations’, ‘Christianity Explained’ and ‘Growing up into His Likeness’, have helped us disciple over 40 people who came to know Jesus for the first time this year.

Community Life

2014 was an exciting year of great growth. We saw more people than ever step into leadership roles in areas including Small Groups, Connect Ministry, Social Justice and other community needs.

Many exciting initiatives developed, one being Rahab, a prime example of how our church is ministering to our city by building friendships with women at risk on the Gold Coast, showing them Christ’s love. We also saw lots of young adults find accommodation, employment and community as a result of the young adult ministries.

The most exciting element of 2014 however was seeing a great number of young adults put their faith in Jesus Christ and begin to explore what a life of discipleship looks like. This was greatly reinforced by our effective “God With Us” campaign and throughout the year we saw that greatly evidenced in people’s lives.

Young Adults



Over the last year it has been fantastic to see Youthstreet grow into the revolution God has called us to be.

- We saw the growth of our heartbeat movement, which saw young people carry the message of Jesus into their schools through simple and effective acts of love

- Our youth ministry grew by 50% in the last year as we saw more youth bring their friends to know Jesus at Youthstreet

- We have established a firm relationship with Merrimac State School who are encouraging us to further our Christian involvement in the school.

2014 was a landmark year for Youthstreet. Our leadership team grew and increasing amounts of children stepped into discipleship relationships with their leaders. We also had great success with our traineeship program as young leaders gave up a year to serve God and see the youth ministry grow through their faithful leadership.

It has been a great year and we are looking forward to all that’s ahead!


Our kidzlife ministry is built on the faithful leadership of volunteers who believe in the next generation.

- Our Christmas services at Pacific Pines and Robina for Kidzlife outreached to more than 1200 families and children collectively, made possible through faithful and creative teams.

- Our Kidzlife Friday ministry continues to grow and see children from the community and church be connected in relationship.

- Our kidzlife Sunday ministry is underpinned by committed and passionate volunteers

It has been fantastic to be a part of a team of leaders who believe in discipling the next generation and because of this we are building and creating an effective youth ministry which connects young children with Jesus.

Our Kidzlife programs have focused on creating fun, joyfilled environments that teach children the basics of the Christian faith and the ways in which they can have a relationship with Jesus.

Kidzlife is more than a program. It’s a discipleship strategy.

We look forward to all that lies ahead!


One Church In Two Locations

For the last three years our Pacific Pines Campus has gathered each Sunday at Jubilee Primary School. We number approximately 16 singles, 11 couples, and 21 families with over 40 children between them. We all call Newlife Pacific Pines home.

We meet in the ‘Multi Purpose Hall’. Each Sunday this large space is set up for a ‘Single Purpose’ - to grow lifelong, active followers of Jesus.

We have a ‘Single Rule’ - children have ‘Right of Way.’ Parents are supported by a free range and supervised crèche, along with Kidzlife and YouthStreet programs.

Together we are learning the art of belonging - belonging to Christ, each other and our wider community.

Pacific Pines Campus

Newlife Community Services was blessed with the support of our volunteers and donors who were willing to engage in our local mission in the Gold Coast community by providing time and financial resources for our activities. While many acts of service stand out in the year, one significant initiative was a different approach to supporting the Christmas Project. In other years we have relied on donations and the Christmas wrapping booth to collect toys and raise funds. However in 2014 we asked our church community to support us by purchasing a hamper for a family in need. The overwhelming response to this call allowed us to support over 500 families with food and toys, allowing them the opportunity to enjoy Christmas.

2014 also saw the incorporation of the Crossroads community into Newlife Care. We have been blessed beyond measure to have Crossroads join with us and share our common vision of Gold Coast people helping Gold Coast people in need.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our volunteers who answer God’s call on their lives every week as they turn up to support us. Without them, our service would not be able to carry out our calling to be God’s hands and feet in the community

Community Services




ACTS 1:8

Beyond our nation’s borders, Newlife has a number of Acts 1:8 mission partners and projects which we support financially, prayerfully and in other ways. Na-tions with which we are actively engaged include Bosnia, Cambodia, Thailand and the Solomon Islands. This year we saw God move in many ways:

- We sent our first working party out to Munda in the Solomon Islands to replace a very leaky and rusty roof on the nurses’ quarters. The nurses were very grateful for this!

- Teams visited Musikee and Maedet in Northern Thailand on short term mission trips .The teams provided spiritual, physical and practical support to the leaders and children living in the hostels. An enriching experience was had by all.

- A team also visited Poipet (Cambodia) where support was provided to Ps Perlito and his team. They do an amazing job working with the local community, sharing the gospel in very trying and difficult situations.

- Olivia Vas, a young adult from Newlife, spent 8 months working as a volunteer with Dina in Bosnia-Herzogovina. They miss her terribly as her contribution was so invaluable.

- Support for Dan Spears (previously from Newlife) was formalised .Dan, based in Bangkok, works tirelessly in trying to free young women from the sex industry.

- We have continued to support Jon and Elin Morris, as they continue to work for Justice Water and Stu and Jo Hershell-Adair in Battambang ,Cambodia as they continue teaching at YWAM.

Acts 1:8 Mission Projects

Having opened our new and renovated facilities late in 2013, we spent 2014 enjoying the remarkable facilities God has blessed us with. We welcomed a large number of newcomers throughout the year which we pray is just the beginning of fulfilling our vision to extend our facilities and provide empty chairs ‘for those who are to come.’ 2014 also saw us begin the final part of the present stage of property development - the coffee and book shop. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of those who continued to contribute monetarily to this through ‘Time to Build.’

Time to Build Income Pledge Commitments $242,538.54Crossroads gift $3,520.40Other Income $72,666.00

Expenditure $492,521.28(including coffee and bookshop and courtyard toilets )

Time to Build





Our Internship and Traineeship program has really taken off in the last year, creating pathways for people into ministry. The Internship is designed to equip people in leadership, whilst enabling them to explore the potential that God is calling them into full time ministry. The Traineeship runs alongside the Internship as a vehicle for those who want to experience what ministry at a deeper level looks and feels like. Each week these participants, as well as a number of other staff and volunteer leaders come together, at Pipeline, to strengthen and sharpen their leadership skills.

The interning process has already been of great benefit to Newlife as it develops future leaders and staff members. In time, we hope it will benefit the wider church and the work of God’s kingdom as people grow in their faith and confidence to lead.

Interning at Newlife

Newlife Uniting4 Greenwich Court, Robina, QLD 4226 | 07 5578 9322 |