This is EXTREME! I have a little surprise for you, Jake.

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of This is EXTREME! I have a little surprise for you, Jake.

This is EXTREME!

I have a little surprise for you, Jake.

Is this gift made for the snow?

Does it have something to do with a certain hobby Jake goes crazy over?

Will it help me with a certain competition

coming up in January?

Can Jake practice stunt moves with this new present?

Enough questions! I think I’m gonna like it!

Let’s go get it!

Jorden Alexander“The Avalanche”

God, if You love me like You say You do, why am

I stuck under this snow with

no hope?


Isaiah 9:6Genesis 3:15

The Savior will come to Earth as a newborn baby.

The baby’s mother would be a Jewish girl, a virgin, chosen by God.

Isaiah 7:14Luke 1:30

He will be the King of kings but He will be born in a little town called


Micah 5:2

Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23

The baby’s name will be Immanuel, which means “God with us.”

Luke 1:32

The baby will be God, the Son.


Isaiah 55:9

Romans 6:23

Dear Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to take the punishment for my sin.

I believe Jesus is the Savior You promised to send and that He is alive today. Forgive all my sin and give me the gift of a

life forever with You. Today I choose to start following Your way,

not my way. Thank You for letting

Jorden Alexander be the one to tell me about You.


If you have received Jesus as your Savior, you should also want to ...


Live God’s Way.

The first step in living God’s way is to believe that He provided the only

way for you to be saved from the punishment of your sin.

You can have an extreme Christmas by believing in Jesus for eternal life.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:23
