This is a series of screen shots from the FMP 13 Example...

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Transcript of This is a series of screen shots from the FMP 13 Example...

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

This is a series of screen shots from the FMP 13 Example file showing the general operating principles used in all Electronic-Type databases. This portion deals with FileMaker Pro; FM GO information is at the rear of this document. !After double clicking on the file you will see the opening sequence and the Splash screen.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 1

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

The Navigator then appears showing Tabs displaying (in this case) Appointments and Invoice Tabs. Any information may be displayed here. Also, the Company, Contact etc buttons may be used to find records in the appropriate modules.!Appointments:! !!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Invoice Tab showing five outstanding invoices, and totals:!With direct links to the individual invoices.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Menu operation, showing the modules available in this example file. The various modules will show different Action and/or Print menus, depending on the functions and capabilities appropriate to that module.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 4

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Basic Assistance (click on the ‘Click for Help’ button):! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 5

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Clicking on the Navigator menu > Company (or using the keyboard shortcut) takes you to Company (Customer) module, Form View:!(Note the additional menu options).! !!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Customer module, List View. Clicking on the column ‘Header’ will sort A to Z and Z to A.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 7

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

The active record is highlighted in yellow. To go to Form view from List, click on the Magnifying glass (right) in the chosen record, or in Record menu the last menu option Cmd/Cntrl L, toggles List and Form view.!Navigation within a(ny) module:!!

� !!In List or Form view, the A to Z buttons (where available) will find all records with a name beginning with that letter.!!On the left side of the screen:!!

� !!Using the:!List or Detail button to change view as required.!Delete button to delete active record (shown highlighted in yellow when in list view). This may be permissions limited.!New button to create a new record, &!Find button to search records. In all List and Form views, the Find button has two purposes.!!Holding down the Option/Alt key and clicking on Find, will show all records in the module. !Clicking Find takes you to Find layout (exactly the same layout as before), but with Cancel, Continue, Omit and New Request buttons available, enabling you to more accurately specify the find criteria.!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Enter the values in the appropriate field, Click New Request for additional criteria, Omit to exclude certain values from the found set and Continue to conduct the find. Cancel, does just that, taking you back to the previous found set of records.!!The found set of records will be displayed - if more than one record, then records are displayed in List View, for you to choose which record should be viewed in detail.!!!On the right side of the screen:!!

� !!Navigation to First, Previous, Next and Last record, (the Previous button is displaying the ‘Tool Tip’ of the previous records details).!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 9

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

!Create a Portal entry using the Add record button. Anywhere that has a � next to a portal allows the creation of a new record in that portal:!!In the Company module, clicking on the ‘Add Record’ button in the Invoice portal adds an invoice (Invoice Entry screen).!!

� !![Note. Clicking on the magnifying glass (in this or any portal entry), takes the user to that record in Form View.]!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 10

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Brings up a new data entry dialogue box:!Enter the data… choose from pop ups displaying appropriate information/!!

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Add the appropriate information… Invoice Name, Terms etc.!Click Submit (or Cancel if the entry was a mistake).!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Once a new invoice has been created, click on the line entry ‘Add’ portal button.!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Fill in the dialogue box that appears:!!

� !Click Submit (or Cancel).!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

If Submitted, the information appears in the line entry:!!

� !Add further entries as required. All ‘open’ Invoices will appear in the Navigator & linked invoice in the Company portal.!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Note that entries may be rearranged by clicking on the gray box at the left of the portal entry and dragging, mouse up where you want the entry to be inserted. The grey box shows a green plus sign. The other entries will move up or down. !!

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In the Invoice, Clicking on the Magnifying Glass next to the Company name name, take you back to the parent Company record.!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Printing (Invoices):!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Choose options Print, Save as PDF, Zoom (in or out), check Page Setup, Scroll (up or down) or Cancel. If multipage, the various pages may be reviewed using the Print Palette navigation buttons as described on Page 8.!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Clicking Print, will print to blank (letter headed) paper from your printer.!Clicking Save as PDF, will show the .pdf (briefly) and then saves - using the Invoice name, to the desktop:!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Drag the Invoice to your Mail app and send - or create the email within FileMaker’s Email module, attach the .pdf and send.!!The .pdf may also be added to the Invoice document container field (and opened using the Open button as required).!!

� !!Note. All fields and buttons are Tool Tipped...!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 21

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Additional Features:!!Sortable Portals"In the Company module, the portals are ‘sortable’.!Clicking on the: (Contacts) Full Name, (Invoices) Invoice #, Total, Date Paid, Total Due and (Notes) Date, Subject and Notes, will sort A to Z (1 to 9) and the toggle Z to A (9 to 1).!!Filters"In the Company module, the portals may be ‘Filtered’.!Providing a portal has some data in it, typing part of a name of an expected entry in the Filter field will narrow the list displayed in that portal. Very useful when there are many entries and you remember only part of an entry name. !In the example file filters work in Contacts and Invoices portals. Filtered column displays a small red carat (see below).!!Quick Search"Similar to Portal filters, ‘Quick Search’ will reduce the found set of records to match the data entered.!A quick way of finding (or excluding) specific records. Works on Company Name, Address information in Company / Contacts modules, Company Name and Invoice amounts and dates in the Invoice module and Company name and Document Description in the Documents module.!!Assistance / Help.!Just about all buttons and fields are ‘tool tipped’. Hovering the mouse over the button or fields will bring up a brief descriptor for that button or field. Some Tool Tips like the ones in the Company Invoice Portal display consolidated information - this example also displays the portal sort indicator: !!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

FileMaker Go 13"!The example file is designed to work on your iPad or iPhone. There are two principal differences between the computer version of FileMaker and FileMaker Go:!!1. On the Mac/PC the navigation and major commands are driven by menu commands. Using Go, all navigation is button driven.!!2. While it is possible to print, from iPad and or iPhone, it requires third party software, we have, for this reason, omitted any print capability.!!The List, Detail, New and Find buttons remain - to which we have added a Show All button. Show all is required as the methodology of using the Opt/Alt key when clicking Find on a Mac/Pc does not work on the iDevices.!!iPad"!Go on the iPad has almost the same capability and look and feel as the computer versions of FileMaker Pro, with the ability to create and review records.!!

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iPhone"!Go on the iPhone has a much reduced capability and is ideally used for reference. Some new creation and data review is possible.!!

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Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Web Direct"!The ability to display layouts on the web (Web Direct) is now available in FMP 13.!FMP layouts may be displayed on the web, allowing the user to access their FMP database through their browser.!!Web Direct requires the use of FMP Server 13 to access the Web Direct pages, AND, FileMaker requires that licences for the number of web direct access links, be sold separately and on a yearly basis.! !Web Direct licences are sold in batches of five.!!Web direct displays FMP databases almost exactly as displayed in FileMaker BUT, there are limitation within web browser software capability and display which do limit some aspects of FileMaker displayed data which cannot (yet) be resolved. !!Most limitations can be resolved or worked around.!!Supported browsers are:!!Safari 6.1.x and Safari 7.x Internet Explorer 10.x or 11.x Chrome 27.x !Operating Systems for FileMaker 13 and FileMaker 13 Server are:!!Windows 8 Pro (64-bit)!Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition (64-bit)!Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)!Windows 7 Professional Edition SP1 (64-bit)!OS X Mavericks v10.9.x!OS X Mountain Lion and OS X Mountain Lion Server v10.8.5!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 25

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

FM Go 13 Setup"!The Example file may be copied to the iPad or iPhone and used stand alone. Data entered will NOT be linked with any other device or Example file on those devices. !!If the Example file is hosted on a server, then the files may be viewed on the iPad or iPhone and data will interact and update on all three device types (computer, iPad and iPhone).!!If you are unsure as to how to set up the Example file on a computer or Go device, please contact us (details on the following page).!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!©Copyright 2013: John Valean Baily & Electronic-Type. ! Page � 26

Electronic-Type • FileMaker Pro 13 Database Example Instructions

Conclusion.!!The methodology described above used the Company (records module) as the main module with the ability to create contacts and documents as well as invoices for that company (and subsequent printing and storage) of those entries.!!This methodology is used throughout, whether adding a Contact to a Company entry, or, a Quote, Products, Document storage, Scanning capability or a Project... the uses are endless... the methodology the same.!!This example lets the user to review all record entries which ‘belong’ to that Company, allowing instant review of any record entry as well as the creation of child records belonging to any given company - as described.!!So - please experiment..!!!This has been a brief overview of some of the capabilities that our databases provide.!All our databases are password protected allowing or limiting various levels of user access and controlling user data manipulation. !!We provide single user and server hosted (multi user) solutions and integration with iPad and iPhone users (using FM GO 12) - as well web enablement, reporting & charting - as well as Web Direct.!!Call or email to find out more - and how Electronic-Type can assist you in keeping track of your business records and all the information that implies.!!Contact:! John Valean (Val) Baily.!Tel: ! ! Toll Free (US/Canada): 1(855)693-8973!!email:!!!URL:! !!!Thank you.!E&OE

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