This Adapted Literature resource is available through the Sherlock ... · candy alphabet cards...

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Transcript of This Adapted Literature resource is available through the Sherlock ... · candy alphabet cards...

This Adapted Literature resource is available through the Sherlock Center Resource Library.

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Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books




Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books

1 Chapter 1

Brown paper bags

a 9 Juice is a nine year old girl, she does not like

fiiJ-­ ri1 school because she does not know how to read. "

3 Juice is in the 3rd grade, Her teacher is Mrs. Hamble.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books1

4 Juice has four sisters, Markey, Charleen,

[®1@] & Q ~ Lulu and, Turtle. Juice lives with her mother,

& 4 father and four sisters.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books2

1 & 1. How many sisters does Juice have?

6 3 4 6 3 4

1/12 [1J 2. What Grade is in?

1 3 6 1 3 6

X 6 ;I++ ++3 m 3. Why does Juice not like School?


Juice cannot read

Boys are mean

Juice does not like her teacher

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books3

2 Chapter 2


& Juice and her family live In the south.

Juice looks out for Pa who is sad because he


does not have a job. Today, Juice stays home from

school to be with her Pa for the day.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books4

1 1. Why does Juice stay home from school?

Juice did not do her homework

Q Juice wants to be with her Pa

,/I~ ~

Juice wants to play in the yard

2 ,+/

/1"-.. ~

2. Where does

-$- ~ -$­North East South

.... ..-..3 m e

3. Why is Pa sad?

Juice and her family live?

Does not have a Job Is sick

Hurt his leg. 5

3 Chapter 3

The Letter

....­ty .~[j ~! (;\ G t~; ', ­

Pa opens an important letter that he received in the

h mail. Pa does not know how to read. Juice wishes

she could read the letter, but she does not know how

RJ-a ~

to read.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books6

~1 [1J ,.'I 1. What did Pa recieve in the mail?

(;\~ tb A package A Letter A Dog

2 [1J A c~ li 2. What does Juice wish she could do?

~~~ If1*"Ride a bike Go to the Zoo

~ (;\ Read the letter

3 Q 3. Can Pa read?


Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books7

4 Chapter 4

Bad News

& Pa and Juice walk to find Markey at school, she will


Ii (;\ a be able to read the letter. Markey tells Pa and

... ... - :..:

.,/', ;ij'&~itill

Juice that their house has been sold because they did not

~~ ~~ ~'* pay their bill. The family needs to buy back their

1 200_ house in one year.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books8

1 ~G\ 1. Who read the letter?

Lulu Markey Juice

2. Why was their house sold?

They did not pay their bill.

~ ~

It was old.

,3 3. How long do they have to buy back their house?

3 200_1 5 years 1 year 3 years

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books9

- -

5 Chapter 5

/ ...'Q'A ~ A little light comes on

~& f ~ Juice and Pa walk to the town office. Pa

. - &G~ ?~?F ~ G talks about the money problem at the office. Pa and

1 200_2~ 3a ~ Juice think of a plan to earn money in one year.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books10

1 G f 1. Where do Juice and Pa walk to?

~ ~ Beach Town School

2 rn G @~·O· ~ 2. What does Pa talk about with the town clerk.

?@?.- •~ ~ \- S

Money problems Bills Their house

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books11

6 Chapter 6

Geneva Visits

~ ~ a Geneva Long stops by the house. Geneva is a home

~ ~ © © ~ nurse. She wants to help Ma with her pregnancy.

Geneva wants to make sure all of the children have

Su M T W

Th F Sa

food. She will visit the house next week.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books12

1 (i) R 1. Who is Geneva?

R ~ ~ Nurse Babysitter dogwalker

2 e~ 2. Geneva wants to give the children?

.~,~ Gifts Water Food

3 .,

if, 3. When will Geneva visit?

~~~ ••• 200_ Every year


dUH~ Once a month

1 Su M T W

Th F Sa

once a week

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books13

7 Chapter 7


Land of the Car bones

n While walking Pa and Juice find an empty metal building in

a junk yard. Juice thinks it will be perfect for Pa

to put his machines in and open a business. The

one problem is finding the money for the business.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books14

1 1. What does Juice and Pa find in the Junk


n dog car building

2 [1J Q n 2. What will Pa put in the building?

•Cars Animals Machines

3 [1J 3. What will

G &~ *iPa need to start a

~ workshop?

@® @€) 00

f:) Y ~:f0)

Money Food People 15

8 Chapter 8


Q ;§ ~ 5 100 ~

Pa is going to take a five hundred dollar loan from

®. ~ ~ -~ the lumber yard to start his business. Juice goes to

" @f & school she cannot read. A boy calles her stupid.

@) & ~ 4 Charleen and Markey are going to help Juice read after


Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books16

1 <i) G ~ @­~ ~ ~

1. Who will loan Pa money for his Business?

00~ Bank Lumber yard Mailman

@f &2 m 2. Why does a boy call Juice stupid?

(0i She cannot read She cannot write

3(j) 3. Who will help Juice learn to read?

Ma Pa Markey Charleen

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books17

- -- -

9 Chapter 9

Lulu Gets Wheels

ffffJ a ~ W Juice finds Lulu a bike in the junk yard . Juice

;IF ~~ G ~ ~ is missing school to help Pa find work. Geneva tells

@ @ {(1. ~f

Ma she needs to walk because she has diabetes.


aG nn Pals first job is fixing a lawn mower.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books18

1 1. What does Juice find Lulu?

.JI ~

A bike A dog Shoes

2 2. What does Geneva tell Ma to do?

Run Skip Walk

3. Why does Ma need to walk?

Ma has Diabetes


Ma hurt her leg

@ . Ma IS on a diet

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books19

10 Chapter 10

The Red Car

Juice is missing school working in Pals workshop where

she feels smart. Officer Rusk brings her back to

school. A red Station Wagon passes the house in the

PM ~

afternoon. The girls know it is the lady who bought their

house. Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books


1 (j) ;IF~ 1. Who brings Juice back to school?

(Q)~ Fireman Ma Officer Rusk

2 m 2. Why is Juice missing school?

-(~ ~ To work To play Watch TV

PM o 3. What color car passes the house in the afternoon?

Blue Red Green

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books21

11 Chapter 11

a ~ A Gift

\ t

( f & I It is winter and very cold. Pa does not have much

o work. Nothing has been paid on the house. Pa and

Ii ~ ::?J r:J Juice make gifts in the workshop. Juice makes boxes for

G ;J «~"D @ ~

Pa makes plates for his


~ ""~~~ © ~ ~, @) a daughters. Ma makes candy for everyone. Charleen, Markey

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff& fft] ;J ABC @] ~i

and Lulu make alphabet letter cards to help Juice

her sisters and parents.

learn to read. Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books22


1 ...

Q ~~ 1. Has Pa paid any money for the house?



"2 [JJ --V if if ~ ~ ~ -&n

2. What does Juice make for her family?

.. .... _ ••• O' ..

~ .... \? c:::;;; a:J

Necklaces Shoes Boxes

3 [JJ -- Q if ~ ~ ©-~ N

3. What does Pa make for his daughters?

a:J candy boxes plates

~4 [JJ -- © if ~ ~~~ 4. What does Ma make for everyone?

~'- .

pie candy plates

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books23

5[1] 5. What does Charleen, Markey, and Lulu make for


ABC 1m candy alphabet cards

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books24

12 Chapter 12

~ Visitor

~ j! Pa is getting more work as spring approaches. Officer

a~ Rusk visits the house and gives Ma a letter. If

1 & Juice misses one more day of school Ma and

Q Pa will have to go to court with Juice. Juice

]D says that she will go to school . She has been

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff

practicing her letters.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books25

1 [1J rt-i © 1. What does Officer Rusk give Ma?

(;\~ gift letter food


2 /1"" C@ Q ­t 2. Where will Ma and Pa have to go if

does not go to school? " Juice

Court Store beach

3 ~Q@ 8"" ;(f 3. Does Juice say she will go to school?

YES NO YES NO Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books


13 Chapter 13

»;/0~/) /G ~~~

Grinning in the Rain

~ ~ ~1 2 ,0 ~ Geneva the home nurse visits every two days. Geneva

Q~[j ~00 ~~ brings milk, cheese, flour and cereal. Geneva thinks Pals

crafts are beautiful and he should sell them at Mountain

Craft Store downtown. Juice likes this idea. Juice

hopes the money made will help her family buy back

their house.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books27

1 (i) ~LJ ~ t;JJ00

1. Who brings milk, cheese and flour to the family?

~ G Officer Rusk Nurse Geneva Pa

002 [1] G 0° ~ ~ ~ 2. What does nurse Geneva think Pa should sell?

~~ crafts bikes toys

3 ~i ~~ 3. What wi" the money help buy back?

t;v Car house dog

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books28

14 Chapter 14


... ==- ?6) ;I =-? ~ Ii

Juice IS enjoying school. Mrs. Hamble tested Juice in reading.

NO )~ Mrs. Hamble no longer calls on Juice to read In

class. Juice works with Miss Hobarth on reading In a small

;l rirI f!'1f1\~A

group. Juice is in the school play and has the

1 ,0 ,it) ;IF @) most lines. One day on the way to school Charleen is

@ Jij-­\~I -mean to Juice. Juice IS upset and does not go to

school. Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books29

6 ;1$1 -­1. Does Juice like school now?


@@ @€)@2 (i) @ (0@

2. Who does Juice read with during reading group?

~ Geneva Miss Hobarth

3 (i) 3. Who is mean to Juice?

@) Charleen

~ ,0 4 4. Does Juice go to school on that day?


Miss Hobarth Geneva

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books30

15 Chapter 15

Stuck In the Mud


Juice walks back home and finds Pa's truck stuck in

©- ~~ ~ ~ ~ the mud. He is trying to bring his crafts downtown

@ Q«l(~ ~ to Mountain Crafts store. Ma yells from the house,

@ --~-,

/ I "

she is not feeling well.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books31

1 [1] G 1. What is wrong with pa's car?

~ ~

'\~ f!r broke stuck In mud

2(1) 2. Who is trying to bring the crafts downtown?

Geneva Miss Deal Pa

3[1] 3. What IS wrong with Ma ?

Sick mad

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books32

• •

16 Chapter 16

A Miracle

'- ~© ~ •~.

• Ma is sick on the couch. Juice takes care of

her mother while Pa goes to town to find nurse

© ....... Q

Genevea. Ma passes out Juice finds her sugar tester

and reads her sugar level. Juice discovers Ma's

6 © 6DJ © ~ sugar is low and feeds her sugar cubes. Ma wakes

t ~ up and tells Juice the baby is coming. Juice

delivers the baby. Ma names her Sugar. 33

'- ....,~.1 (1) • • •

• @ ?1. Who takes care of Ma

G ~ Pa Juice Geneva

2 l1J © 2. What is wrong with Ma ?

d @ ~ sugar is low mad tired

3. Who feeds Ma sugar cubes?


Pa Geneva Juice

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books34

4 [1] © 4. What happens to Ma ?

a ~~ ~ has a baby goes to hospital

\ \ I I ,

5 [1] -JI ~ 5. What is the new baby's name?

e; ,£:::. ~ 41

Sugar Salt Rose

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books35

17 Chapter 17

The Summons

G Pa brings

~ Geneva to the house

~ she makes

~ sure the


baby is

T healthy. The girls stay home from " school to stay

© with Ma

~/ ©-~

deliver his

and the

~ crafts,




G 6~ he sees

G Pa






~ town




,iY; e~ G ~ way. Officer Rusk gives Pa a fine for 1,000 dollars

;f G ~~i © because Juice is not in school. Pa tells Ma about

~~ 11 .. 11 S•Juice and not paying the bills for the house.


1 (j) ~ ~ T 1. Who makes sure the baby IS healthy?

~ G Geneva Pa Miss Hamble

2 ?• ~

2. Do the girls go to school?


3. How much IS the fine because Juice is not in


1,000 dollars 5,000 dollars

•!Io s. !> S4 ........ G © 4. Does Pa tell Ma about the bills?



18 Chapter 18

Lulu Emerges

Ma is going to town to talk with the town clerk

and school about the money they owe. Lulu is upset

about Pa and Juice not knowing how to read and lying

to her. Pa feels sad about the situation. Juice

talks to Lulu and she comes out from behind the couch.

Adapted from Just Juice by Karen Hesse, Scholastic Books38

1 (1) ~ g~ ~-1. Who goes to town to talk with the town

~ clerk?

© G Ma Pa Juice

I~l2 (i) @ G i 2. Who IS upset that Pa and Juice can not read?

iffl] ~ Lulu Geneva Miss Hamble

3 & G & 3. How does Pa feel about not knowing how

to read?

Happy Sad 39

19 Chapter 19

,~r Finding a Way

© © Ma comes home and tells her family that everything

@~ G ~ will be ok. Pa keeps working and Ma will handle the

@ Rj-' money and pay back a little bit at a time. They do not

have to pay the school 1,000 dollars. Ma tells the

girls that everyone in the house IS learning to read and all


" girls of age are going to school in a stern voice. Juice

Q " is happy to be herself in school. 40

1 (j) 1. Who will handle the money?

-- ,© 1flf] Ma Lulu Juice

2 ? /~•

2. Do they have to pay the school 1,000 dollars?

YES ·NO yes No

3 (j) W~ 3. Who is learning to read?

Q ~ Pa & Juice Nurse

4. Does


Juice like school now? 4