THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEEl Principito, una historia para niños que les encanta a mu-chos...

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Transcript of THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEEl Principito, una historia para niños que les encanta a mu-chos...


There is no union with Christ that is not a “crucial” adventure. This union implies a radical detachment because of him, but it is also the means, with him, to find everything. The disciple’s attachment to Christ is an exclusive and heroic passion. It is one to which only God has a right. This attachment breaks whatever bonds would hinder our leaving all things to follow Christ on the way to his cross. We begin with what we hold most dear, our family relationships. A father’s loving affection, the tenderness of a mother, the gen-tle friendship of brothers and sisters, all of which are good and legitimate, cannot be preferred to Christ. He must be preferred to self. It is not that the Lord desires us to be heartless, as hard as a stone, but the condition of a disciple demands a one-to-one relationship with the Master. “My child, give me your heart” (Prov 23:26) says the author of Proverbs. Moreover, when we give of ourselves entirely to the Lord, he gives us a love which transforms all our relationships. Humble and Insignificant though they may seem the disciples of Christ bear his pres-ence. But they can only fulfill his task insofar as they are able to spend themselves in the service of him whom they announce and by whom they are sent. ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE

In the 1940s, Antoine de Saint Exupéry wrote a story for children, The Little Prince, that many adults appreciate. The Little Prince inhabits a small asteroid, where he spends his time caring for one beautiful rose and rooting out baobab trees, which threaten to destroy life around them. The Little Prince visits other planets and then comes to Earth, where he meets the Fox. The Fox asks the Little Prince to tame him, explaining that taming means being responsible for someone. The Little Prince says he understands taming because of the rose that he loves, cares for, and protects. The Fox says the rose must be special because of all that time devoted to it. The Fox also tells the Little Prince that the most significant things in life are seen only with the heart, and he warns him not to forget a key truth: You are responsible, for-ever, for what you have tamed. We have each es-tablished ties with our parish on some level, and whatever time and abilities we devote to God and to each other make those connections stronger.


We obviously need our parish, or we wouldn’t be here. Our parish is our spiritual home and a source of life through worship, friendships, and shared labor. The ties that we es-tablish with our fellow parishioners form that essential con-nection that is invisible to the eye. The parish, in turn, needs our time, our devotion, care, and protection, and our mone-tary support to fulfill its mission. The good news is that God has “tamed” us and is responsible for us in the here and now and on into the future. It seems only right that all of us, in turn, are responsible for God’s church, God’s people, and God’s world. Are you doing your part? Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SIEMPRE RESPONSABLE

En la década de 1940, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry escribió El Principito, una historia para niños que les encanta a mu-chos adultos. El Principito vive en un pequeño asteroide donde pasa la mayor parte del tiempo cuidando de una her-mosa rosa y arrancando de raíz los árboles baobab, pues amenazaban con destruir cualquier tipo de vida alrededor de ellos. Después de visitar otros planetas, el Principito lle-ga a la Tierra donde se encuentra con el Zorro. El Zorro le pide al Principito que lo domestique, explicándole que do-mesticar quiere decir hacerse responsable de alguien. El Principito le dice que él entiende eso de domesticar por la rosa que él ama, cuida y protege. El Zorro dice que la rosa debe ser muy especial por todo el tiempo que le dedica a ella. El Zorro también le dice al Principito que las cosas más importantes de la vida se pueden ver sólo con el co-razón y le advierte que no se olvide de una verdad clave: Tú te haces responsable para siempre de aquello que domesti-cas. Todos hemos establecido alguna clase de vínculo con nuestra parroquia, y todo el tiempo que dediquemos, y to-das las habilidades que le ofrezcamos a Dios y a los demás hacen que esos vínculos se estrechen. Obviamente necesita-mos de nuestra parroquia o no estuviéramos aquí. Nuestra parroquia es nuestro hogar espiritual y fuente de vida por medio del culto divino, las amistades y las actividades que compartimos. Los vínculos que establezcamos con nuestros co-parroquianos forman esa conexión esencial que es invi-sible a los ojos. A la vez, nuestra parroquia necesita de nuestro tiempo, nuestra dedicación, cuidado, protección y apoyo económico para cumplir su misión. La buena noticia es que Dios nos ha “domesticado” y se ha hecho responsa-ble de nosotros ahora y para siempre. Lo justo sería que todos nosotros nos hiciéramos responsables de la Iglesia de Dios, el pueblo de Dios y el mundo de Dios. ¿Estás cum-pliendo tu parte? Copyright © 2010, World Library Publi-cations. All rights reserved.

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD.


Regular Sunday Collection $5332.33 St. Vincent de Paul $ 615.00 School Support $ 31.00 Utilities $1238.86 Building Fund $ 129.00 Peter’s Pence $ 694.00

Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc.


Luis Aguilar, Abelicia Aguilar, Barbara Downey, Teresa DeBruyn, George Lucero, Carmen Whatley, Msgr. Francis Eggert, Lucy Gallegos, Teresa Griffin, Lucricia Baros, Wil-liam (Bill) Robinson, Bernie Martinez, Jim Wasson, Mike Mora, Stephen Lee Ames, Antonio X. Zamora, Anthony & Florinda Cortez, Carin Gallegos, Louisa Garcia, Eddie (Sunny) Chavez, Frances Meek, Ray Quintana, Betty Ortega, Jim Blea, Theresa Hernandez, Priscilla Duran, Sena, Chavez & Armijo family, and for those in hospitals or their homes and cannot attend church.


Join us on Tuesday, July 18, at 6:00 PM for our first Fiesta meeting. Everyone is welcome.


September 29th, 30th & October 1, 2017 ISO of Fiesta Queen Candidates. If you are inter-

ested in participating contact Liz Baca at 604-7046 or the parish at 344-8050.

FOCES A delegation is going to visit El Salvador

August 8-15th to spend time with the scholarship students and families which we support through FO-CES. Over the next several weekends following the Eucharistic liturgies, we will be selling $2.00 raffle tickets for a Retablo of St Francis de Asis donated

by Santero Adan Carriaga, valued at $250 and a 2-night stay at La Casita Guest House in Dixon NM,

valued at $200. The winners will be drawn the weekend of July 23rd. All proceeds help furnish a student safe house for scholarship students spon-

sored by FOCES (Friends of the Children of El Sal-vador) and the Franciscan Center in Greensboro,



Registration for the 2017/18 school year has begun. Choice of class day and time are on a first come,

first serve basis. Please register as soon as possible so that we may provide space for everyone. Per Di-

ocesan guidelines, children should receive two years of catechesis before enrolling in the sacra-

mental program. The children who have completed the 3 years of faith formation will celebrate 1st Rec-onciliation in January 2018 and 1st Communion in

April 2018. Parent sessions will be required for par-ents who have children in the sacramental program.

Students may now also register for the one year Confirmation Program. The student must be 16

years of age by April 2018 to celebrate the Sacra-ment of Confirmation. There will be mandatory re-

treats and other scheduled activities. Classes will be available from 1st to High School grades and adult faith formation (RCIA) for adults wishing to cele-

brate the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucha-rist, and Confirmation). If you would like to register

or have any questions, please contact Rosa de Aragon at (505)344-7643 or come into the RE

Office at the Parish Hall Monday through Thursday from 1pm to 6pm or on Sundays from

8:30am to 1:30pm.

Join Fr. Vincent Chavez on Pilgrimage!

To Belgium, Lisieux & Paris

September 4-13, 2018

This 10-day pilgrimage includes roundtrip airfare (from Albuquerque); Daily Mass; all sightseeing and tours of the cities of Brussels, Bruges, Leu-

ven, Lisieux, Paris, & more!

Early booking COST: $3,899, book by Nov. 1st, 2017

Call Corporate Travel: 313-565-8888 x 121 for more information or visit for online



There is no union with Christ that is not a “crucial” adventure. This union implies a radical detachment because of him, but it is also the means, with him, to find everything. The disciple’s attachment to Christ is an exclusive and heroic passion. It is one to which only God has a right. This attachment breaks whatever bonds would hinder our leaving all things to follow Christ on the way to his cross. We begin with what we hold most dear, our family relationships. A father’s loving affection, the tenderness of a mother, the gen-tle friendship of brothers and sisters, all of which are good and legitimate, cannot be preferred to Christ. He must be preferred to self. It is not that the Lord desires us to be heartless, as hard as a stone, but the condition of a disciple demands a one-to-one relationship with the Master. “My child, give me your heart” (Prov 23:26) says the author of Proverbs. Moreover, when we give of ourselves entirely to the Lord, he gives us a love which transforms all our relationships. Humble and Insignificant though they may seem the disciples of Christ bear his pres-ence. But they can only fulfill his task insofar as they are able to spend themselves in the service of him whom they announce and by whom they are sent. ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE

In the 1940s, Antoine de Saint Exupéry wrote a story for children, The Little Prince, that many adults appreciate. The Little Prince inhabits a small asteroid, where he spends his time caring for one beautiful rose and rooting out baobab trees, which threaten to destroy life around them. The Little Prince visits other planets and then comes to Earth, where he meets the Fox. The Fox asks the Little Prince to tame him, explaining that taming means being responsible for someone. The Little Prince says he understands taming because of the rose that he loves, cares for, and protects. The Fox says the rose must be special because of all that time devoted to it. The Fox also tells the Little Prince that the most significant things in life are seen only with the heart, and he warns him not to forget a key truth: You are responsible, for-ever, for what you have tamed. We have each es-tablished ties with our parish on some level, and whatever time and abilities we devote to God and to each other make those connections stronger.


We obviously need our parish, or we wouldn’t be here. Our parish is our spiritual home and a source of life through worship, friendships, and shared labor. The ties that we es-tablish with our fellow parishioners form that essential con-nection that is invisible to the eye. The parish, in turn, needs our time, our devotion, care, and protection, and our mone-tary support to fulfill its mission. The good news is that God has “tamed” us and is responsible for us in the here and now and on into the future. It seems only right that all of us, in turn, are responsible for God’s church, God’s people, and God’s world. Are you doing your part? Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SIEMPRE RESPONSABLE

En la década de 1940, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry escribió El Principito, una historia para niños que les encanta a mu-chos adultos. El Principito vive en un pequeño asteroide donde pasa la mayor parte del tiempo cuidando de una her-mosa rosa y arrancando de raíz los árboles baobab, pues amenazaban con destruir cualquier tipo de vida alrededor de ellos. Después de visitar otros planetas, el Principito lle-ga a la Tierra donde se encuentra con el Zorro. El Zorro le pide al Principito que lo domestique, explicándole que do-mesticar quiere decir hacerse responsable de alguien. El Principito le dice que él entiende eso de domesticar por la rosa que él ama, cuida y protege. El Zorro dice que la rosa debe ser muy especial por todo el tiempo que le dedica a ella. El Zorro también le dice al Principito que las cosas más importantes de la vida se pueden ver sólo con el co-razón y le advierte que no se olvide de una verdad clave: Tú te haces responsable para siempre de aquello que domesti-cas. Todos hemos establecido alguna clase de vínculo con nuestra parroquia, y todo el tiempo que dediquemos, y to-das las habilidades que le ofrezcamos a Dios y a los demás hacen que esos vínculos se estrechen. Obviamente necesita-mos de nuestra parroquia o no estuviéramos aquí. Nuestra parroquia es nuestro hogar espiritual y fuente de vida por medio del culto divino, las amistades y las actividades que compartimos. Los vínculos que establezcamos con nuestros co-parroquianos forman esa conexión esencial que es invi-sible a los ojos. A la vez, nuestra parroquia necesita de nuestro tiempo, nuestra dedicación, cuidado, protección y apoyo económico para cumplir su misión. La buena noticia es que Dios nos ha “domesticado” y se ha hecho responsa-ble de nosotros ahora y para siempre. Lo justo sería que todos nosotros nos hiciéramos responsables de la Iglesia de Dios, el pueblo de Dios y el mundo de Dios. ¿Estás cum-pliendo tu parte? Copyright © 2010, World Library Publi-cations. All rights reserved.

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD.


Regular Sunday Collection $5332.33 St. Vincent de Paul $ 615.00 School Support $ 31.00 Utilities $1238.86 Building Fund $ 129.00 Peter’s Pence $ 694.00

Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc.


Luis Aguilar, Abelicia Aguilar, Barbara Downey, Teresa DeBruyn, George Lucero, Carmen Whatley, Msgr. Francis Eggert, Lucy Gallegos, Teresa Griffin, Lucricia Baros, Wil-liam (Bill) Robinson, Bernie Martinez, Jim Wasson, Mike Mora, Stephen Lee Ames, Antonio X. Zamora, Anthony & Florinda Cortez, Carin Gallegos, Louisa Garcia, Eddie (Sunny) Chavez, Frances Meek, Ray Quintana, Betty Ortega, Jim Blea, Theresa Hernandez, Priscilla Duran, Sena, Chavez & Armijo family, and for those in hospitals or their homes and cannot attend church.


Join us on Tuesday, July 18, at 6:00 PM for our first Fiesta meeting. Everyone is welcome.


September 29th, 30th & October 1, 2017 ISO of Fiesta Queen Candidates. If you are inter-

ested in participating contact Liz Baca at 604-7046 or the parish at 344-8050.

FOCES A delegation is going to visit El Salvador

August 8-15th to spend time with the scholarship students and families which we support through FO-CES. Over the next several weekends following the Eucharistic liturgies, we will be selling $2.00 raffle tickets for a Retablo of St Francis de Asis donated

by Santero Adan Carriaga, valued at $250 and a 2-night stay at La Casita Guest House in Dixon NM,

valued at $200. The winners will be drawn the weekend of July 23rd. All proceeds help furnish a student safe house for scholarship students spon-

sored by FOCES (Friends of the Children of El Sal-vador) and the Franciscan Center in Greensboro,



Registration for the 2017/18 school year has begun. Choice of class day and time are on a first come,

first serve basis. Please register as soon as possible so that we may provide space for everyone. Per Di-

ocesan guidelines, children should receive two years of catechesis before enrolling in the sacra-

mental program. The children who have completed the 3 years of faith formation will celebrate 1st Rec-onciliation in January 2018 and 1st Communion in

April 2018. Parent sessions will be required for par-ents who have children in the sacramental program.

Students may now also register for the one year Confirmation Program. The student must be 16

years of age by April 2018 to celebrate the Sacra-ment of Confirmation. There will be mandatory re-

treats and other scheduled activities. Classes will be available from 1st to High School grades and adult faith formation (RCIA) for adults wishing to cele-

brate the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucha-rist, and Confirmation). If you would like to register

or have any questions, please contact Rosa de Aragon at (505)344-7643 or come into the RE

Office at the Parish Hall Monday through Thursday from 1pm to 6pm or on Sundays from

8:30am to 1:30pm.

Join Fr. Vincent Chavez on Pilgrimage!

To Belgium, Lisieux & Paris

September 4-13, 2018

This 10-day pilgrimage includes roundtrip airfare (from Albuquerque); Daily Mass; all sightseeing and tours of the cities of Brussels, Bruges, Leu-

ven, Lisieux, Paris, & more!

Early booking COST: $3,899, book by Nov. 1st, 2017

Call Corporate Travel: 313-565-8888 x 121 for more information or visit for online


*A privately owned business licensed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Published by JCPress • • 505-856-0333

Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque,

Sunday • July 2, 2017

Holy Family Church in Albuquerque • Join the fun! Dancing, food,

bingo, and raffle prizes! Saturday, July 15 from 11am-10pm and Sunday, July 16 from 11am-9pm • Raffle Grand Prizes: $3000, $2000, & two Acoma pots valued at $500 each • Raffle Tickets are $5 each • For information, call 505-842-5426.

San Ignacio Church in Albuquerque • July 29: Vespers, 6 pm,

crowning of the Royal Court, and a reception. On July 30: Mass at 9:30am, then procession, then entertainment from 11am-5:30pm. Dancers, live music games, face painting, water slide, posole and other food items. Call Loretta Naranjo Lopez at 270-7716.

Preschool Openings! Risen Savior Catholic Preschool,

located at 7701 Wyoming Blvd. NE, in Albuquerque, has a few openings for the upcoming school year. If you are looking for a caring, safe environment for your precious 3 or 4 year old, call to schedule a tour! For information, call 821-1571 x112.

Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come This 11-part Bible

study features p r o f e s s i o n a l videos, book,

and live class discussion. Also includes online access to the videos during the entire course. Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate

how the Kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the Kingdom of Heaven, especially through the celebration of Mass. Classes will meet in Albuquerque’s Queen of Heaven Parish Hall, Thursdays 9-11am, beginning July 6. $25. For more information call 881-0715 (Rel. Ed.) or 881-1772.

St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center at UNM is

now registering for K-8 CCD. Classes start July 10-21, Monday through Friday 9-12. Register/Pay on or email for registration forms. Before and aftercare available for an additional fee. First Confession: July 22 at 10am; First Communion: July 30 at 9am. Call 505-247-1094.

If you have e x p e r i e n c e d the loss of a loved one, please join the

Immaculate Conception Church Ministry of Consolation Team for Living Through Loss. We are a lay group of volunteers who are open to the healing power of the Holy Spirit. This 6-week support group begins Tuesday July 11, at Immaculate Conception in downtown Albuquerque. Call Paulette 831-4228 or Mary at 505-2462.

Southwest Catholic Charismatic Conference

• July 28-30 • Albuquerque Crown Plaza Hotel •Celebrating 50 Years of Catholic Charismatic Renewal! • For info: To register call the Center at 505-247-0397.

come to the

F I E S T A Ssan ignaciojuly 29-30

come to the

F I E S T A Sholy familyjuly 15-16

2017 Men’s Conference Saturday, August 12

sponsored by The Archdiocese of Santa FeHeld at the National Hispanic

Cultural Center in Albuquerque Living in today’s (some might say

“secular”) world can be a constant battle, often directing us away from the Catholic faith and/or principles. We look forward to providing men from around New Mexico with a great day of Catholic guidance and fellowship to make men’s lives more purposeful, family oriented,

and grounded upon Catholic values and teachings.

If you are desiring guidance, encouragement, answers to hard

questions, this is your day. Check our website

for registration and lodging options or call (505) 831-8253

The Family Life Office invites Mothers and their Daughters, ages 10 - 12, to a celebration of the beauty and vocation of women. The girls will focus on the virtues and grace while their mothers are equipped to share God’s gift of femininity

with their daughters. The afternoon will end with a tea. Cost $10/pp. The tea will be held on Sunday, August 27, 1-4:30pm, in the Sandia Room at the Catholic Center, 4000 St. Joseph Place, NW. To make your reservation, call the Family Life Office at 505-831- 8117 or email the office at before August 21. Space is limited.

ClassesBegin July 6


Saturday, July 1, 2017 Gn 18: 1-15; Mt 8: 5-17 8:00 AM †Michael Meek By: Mom & Dad

4:00 PM Special intention of Esther Chavez By: Steve & Kathy Armijo †Leo Sandoval By: Stella Sandoval †Pedro & Pete Padilla By: Pete & Linda Ortiz †Melba Vigil By: Esther Chavez

Sunday, July 2, 2017 2 Kgs 4: 8-11, 14-16a; Rom 6: 3-4, 8-11; Mt 10: 37-42 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH

10:00 AM To the Holy Family By: Sarah Schultz To St. Anthony By: Sarah Schultz To St. Jude By: Sarah Schultz

12:00 PM †Lupe Sturtcman By: Lucas Lucero †Stephen Ames (4th Anniversary) By: Nora Ames & family †Luther (Lou) Otero By: Ricardo & Irene Maldonado & family

Monday, July 3, 2017 Eph 2: 19-22; Jn 20: 24-29 8:00 AM Communion Service

Mass Intentions Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tuesday, July 4, 2017 Gn 19: 15-29; Mt 8: 23-27 8:00 AM Special intention of John David

& Monique Maes By: Rita Maes Wednesday, July 5, 2017 Gn 21: 5, 8-20a; Mt 8: 28-34 8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude

By: Rose Garcia

Thursday, July 6, 2017 Gn 22: 1b-19; Mt 9: 1-8 8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude

By: Gloria Ruiz

Friday, July 7, 2017 Gn 23: 1-4, 19, 24:1-8, 62-67; Mt 9: 9-13 8:00 AM †Andres, Vicenta & Clara Arretche

By: St. Therese Parish †Felisiana Gonzales & Mary Pena By: Pearl Gonzales

Saturday, July 8, 2017 Gn 27: 1-5, 15-29; Mt 9: 14-17 8:00 AM In honor of St. Lucy

By: Frances Meek

4:00 PM †Frank Concini By: Family †Santistevan family By: Family †Benjamin Juarros (Birthday) By: Alice Juarros †David Fresquez By: Tim

Sunday, July 9, 2017 Zec 9: 9-10; Rom 8: 9, 11-13; Mt 11: 25-30 8:00 AM †Alfredo Reyes & Polo Juarez

By: Familia Reyes In honor of All Saints By: Stella Pohl

10:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:00 PM †Ernie Perea (1st Anniversary)

By: Wife Clorinda †Jesus Acosta By: Acosta family In thanksgiving to the Lord for the intercession on behalf of Dominic Perez By: Dora Saiz †Julian & Suzanne Saavedra By: Christine Milligan

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