Post on 04-Jun-2018

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    Thinking on ThinkingMuscle tissues have brains or rather memory . you stop working out for a long time , and

    when you restart your exercise you start getting results much faster than , those who start

    afresh . its called muscle memory . It might be true . Muscular men have brains as well . s

    always , as among non bodybuilders , very few apply their brains . it!s a general

    misconception , that exercise reduce brain power. "ather it supplement , enhance the brain

    power. healthy person , following a healthy life style will have more energy and better blood

    circulation which supports all the organs including the brain.

    #inner of the rat race is considered smart , generally . is that the right scale to measure

    smartness $ I don!t think so. %ompeting with fellow humans or rather challenging oneself , need

    not be the right attitude . "ather testing the so called limitations should be the aim . &omeone

    from somewhere says , this$ is the right food , this is the right amount of exercise ,this is theright living and masses follow that , blindly . #hat is experienced is ignored and what is

    theori'ed is adopted . #hich is not right , according to me.

    Man ( child . every grown up is a child as well . who needs to be guided , taught , led.

    )ducated is educated only in certain , limited areas , to limited extent . *ut generally people

    assume + hallucinate themselves to be capable of taking decisions in ma-or aspects based on

    notions. Ignoring the hard facts .

    #e have real limitations , like , we cannot fly . nd we have so called assumed limitations , like

    at certain age you stop doing intense exercise , reduce the food so much , and start popping

    pills for each and every otherwise solvable problems . Its completely wrong to base our liveson chronological aging . a person born in the year /00 will be 00 years old in the year 1000.

    *ut everyone doesn!t age uniformly . which depends upon heredity and lifestyle. &till uniform

    scale is applied as regards exercise and food , generally . don!t eat this , don!t do that .

    234)"56& &I7 8%9 . some are after six , eight and even ten packs . man needs : to

    10 percent body fat . and a woman needs ;0 to uired to produce hormones . The world class bodybuilders and models resort to

    artificial means , which are dangerous . The so called fat burners function in many ways. . It

    reduces the absorption of food , which results in malnutrition . 1. It reduces the appetite , whichresults in malnutrition . ;. It enhances the body heat (using thermo genic substances , mostly

    affecting the brain.



    , in large >uantities over a long period of time can make you impotent . cabbage in large

    >uantities over a long period of time can make you docile , less active in brain. Turmeric in large

    >uantities over a long period of time can cause muscle depletion . )tc.

    5ne must have the maturity to be satisfied with the maximum level they can achieve and avoid

    those substances which have proven to be harmful and not verified properly . )xperimenting ?

    testing with the so called limitation is 35T blind aggression . it is controlled , conscious , well

    studied exerting , and which involves risks as well. 3o 4uts , 3o 8ain means 3o 4ain. "isk is

    unavoidable. 3ot taking risk can be more risky . More than will power , attitude should be the

    key . involving in what you do . Instead of looking at it as hurdles to over come , look at it as a

    philosophical -ourney. 8"58)" #eight training or bodybuilding is not something rash ,

    unintelligent , rough. It is highly intelligent , well educated , controlled risk taking with passion.

    Three Things About Three Things

    . @ou are what you areAyou are limited by your heredity , you are what you doA your

    limitations or capabilities are known only when you test them , really , you are what you

    eatA right food can bring wonderful changes . &eems to me this does not need


    1.Three ages. +%hronological age ie. if you are born in 1000 , by 100 you are 0

    years old.+* biological age ie. at 10 years a person looks like

