Thinking bigger than sales & marketing colombia 2015

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Thinking bigger than sales & marketing colombia 2015

Thinking BIGGER than Sales and Marketing

By: Michael Tucker, CEO Social Mobile Buzz


• Discuss the transformation taking place in hearts and minds around the planet

• Highlight the efforts of businesses that are recognizing and supporting this transformation

• Explore the role sales and marketing leaders in this new world

The Mind

What is reasonable in the moment is not always the best decision for the future.

It’s Time to Live Beyond Reason!

Here is the reality…• We’re all looking for fulfillment in life and so

are our clients

For the first time our society is realizing that fulfillment doesn’t come from anything outside

of us.

The Desire of Mankind is Evolving & Expanding

Oneness, Love & Connection

All You Need is Love• All ancient teachings and now science is saying

that happiness is a byproduct of connection & Love

75 Years & $20M

Business must evolve as well!


This is not about…• Better Products or Services• New Marketing Strategies• More Data• Corporate Social Responsibility• Being Green• Climate Change• Social Entrepreneurship• Cause Marketing• Philanthropy• Or…anything else to make our Ego’s feel good

Seeing & Feeling The Big Picture….We are all in the Same Boat

• Self-awareness and/Organizational Awareness• Mutual Responsibility

• Global Concern

Marketers will write the story of Humanity’s future

What story will we write?

Enter…Conscious Capitalism


• Conscious businesses focus on a higher purpose beyond profit

• A conscious business inspires, engages and energizes its stakeholders be more and to care more

Virgin Companies

• More than 400 Business units

• To improve the quality of people’s lives

• Uses profits to fund a world that works for all

• Virgin UNITE Foundation– The Elders– Carbon War Room– The B Team

Greenstone Systems Inc.

• Energy Consulting firm for new solar power plants and energy storage – United States– Japan– Various countries in

Southeast Asia

• Purpose: To reduce carbon emissions and support local organizations than cause transformation in the world

Is Your Energy Company this Unreasonable?

• Up to 5% of revenues generated from power plants a fund social initiatives in local communities

• Host marketing and CSR Conferences in the communities they serve

Stakeholder Integration

• Conscious Businesses focus on their whole business ecosystem, creating and optimizing value for all – Customers– Employees– Investors– Suppliers– Communities – Environment

Trader Joe’s

• $12 Billion in Revenue• 10,000 Employees• Spends 1% on

Marketing• Products– Low-cost Organic food– Private-labeling– Product Innovation

The Trader Joe’s Marketing Experience

Disruptive Innovation for Social Change (DISC)

• Employer Resource Network (ERN)

• Provides shared Resource Coaches for workers– Eliminates Poverty– Increases worker loyalty– Reduces employee turnover

cost– Builds worker confidence

• 47 major companies enrolled

Conscious Leadership

• Servant Leadership• Conscious Leaders focus on “we”, rather than

“me.” • Their role is to serve the purpose of the

organization, to support the people within the organization and to create value for the all

• They cultivate a Conscious Culture of trust and care

Strarbucks CEO, Howard Schultz• Is a conscious leader and

develop conscious leaders• Fair Trade Coffee• Health Insurance for all

employees• Free Online ASU Education• Managers and Employees

are paid to engage in the community– High School Career Café

Dr. Hank Liers, CEO of Health Products Distributors Inc. (HPDI)

• Started 30 years ago by Dr. Hank Liers to help his wife

• Products sold around the world

• Purpose to ensure wellness for all

• Regularly speaks with customers on Skype about their health concerns

Conscious Culture and Management

• Culture is the embodied values, principles and practices underlying the social fabric of a business– Purpose – People – Processes

• A Conscious Culture fosters love and care and builds trust between a company’s team members and its other stakeholders

Social Mobile Buzz Lives Beyond Reason

Our Team

Michael Tucker, Co-Founder Steve Ortiz, Co-Founder Kerry Wallaert, College & University Programs

Bill Roach, BizPathway Beth Zeiger, PhD Psychologist and Trainer

Richard Zayas, JD Attorney and Trainer

Integral Experiences• Keynote Speakers• Training Experiences

– Velocity at Work Series– Pathways to Abundance Series– Young Professionals Leadership Experience– VibeUP College Leadership Experience– Professional and Student Success P.A.S.S Course– Sircle Soccer Experience– Customized organizational programming

• Human Relations Consulting• Community Events• Coaching• Group Coaching• Executive Coaching

Summary• Humanity’s desires are changing. So must the desire

of businesses• Conscious Capitalism is the future• Conscious Companies re-imagine– Purpose – Stakeholders– Leadership – Culture

• The marketing professionals will create and tell the story of a more connected and loving world

Thank You

Michael Tucker1-520-309-5295Skype: SM_Buzz