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(A Thesis)


Helidatasa Utami












Helidatasa Utami

Writing is a complex process involving the ability to construct a text in order to

express one’s ideas effectively. Sometimes, it is hard for the students to produce

their ideas into words, sentences, paragraphs, and composition in written form.

Therefore, the researcher should find systematic ways that can motivate the

students to write well.

This study was aimed at finding out whether there was a different increase of

students’ writing ability between students taught by using Think-Pair-Share (TPS)

and those taught by using Discuss-Predict-Share (DPS). In addition, it was aimed

at finding out whether there is different increase of students’ writing ability

between extrovert and introvert students after being taught through TPS and DPS,

and the interaction between those two strategies and personality. The population

of this research was the first grade students of SMAN 13 Bandar Lampung in the

academic year 2019/2020. The research was conducted to 31 students in

experimental class and 31 students in control class. To collect the data, the

researcher administered personality trait questionnaire and writing tests. Then, the

data were analyzed quantitatively.

The results showed that there was a different increase on students’ writing ability

between students taught by using Think-Pair-Share and those taught by using

Discuss-Predict-Share. The result revealed that t-value was higher than t-table

(4.489 > 2.045) with the significance level of less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.005).

Referring to the criteria, Ha1 was accepted. Furthermore, it was found that there

was no different increase of students’ writing ability between extrovert and

introvert students after being taught through Think-Pair-Share and Discuss-

Predict-Share. The result showed that the significance level of greater than 0.05

(0.636 < 0.005). Last, there was no interaction between those two strategies and

personality. The result showed that Fobserved is lower than Ftable (0.368< 3.15). In

accordance with those findings, it can be said that Discuss-Predict-Share is more

effective to increase the students’ writing ability and both extrovert and introvert

are successful in increasing their writing ability after learning with TPS and DPS.

Keywords: Think-Pair-Share (TPS), Discuss-Predict-Share (DPS), personality

traits, writing ability






Helidatasa Utami

A Thesis

Submitted in a partial fulfillment of

The requirements for S-2 Degree








The researcher’s name is Helidatasa Utami. She was born on September 18, 1995

in Bandar Lampung. She is the first daughter of a wonderful couple, Damiri Tabri

and Helaliah, S.E.

She started her study at TK Kartika II-27 Bandar Lampung in 2000. She

continued her study in SD Al Kautsar and graduated in 2007. In the same year,

she was accepted in SMP Negeri 19 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2010.

Then, in 2010, she studied in SMA Negeri 13 Bandar Lampung and graduated in


In 2013, she was admitted as S-1 student of English Education Study Program at

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Lampung University and obtained her

bachelor’s degree in 2017. In the same year, she was admitted as a student of

Master’ Degree Program in English Language Teaching at Lampung University.



This script is entirely dedicated to:

My beloved parents

Damiri Tabri and Helaliah, S.E.

My younger brothers

Andra Riantasa Wijaya and Andre Riantasa Wijaya

My fabulous friends of the 5th

batch of Mater in English Language Teaching

and study program

My lovely almamater, Lampung University



“So verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.

Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.”

(QS. Al-Insyirah: 5-6)

“A happy soul creates you to be solid and strong”

(Helidatasa Utami)



Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin. Praise is merely to the Mightiest Allah SWT for the

gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables me to accomplish this thesis

entitled “Think-Pair-Share Modified into Discuss-Predict-Share Strategy on

Extrovert and Introvert Students’ Writing Ability.” Shalawat and Salaam is for

Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his followers, and all Moslems. This thesis

is submitted as a compulsory partial fulfillment of the requirements for S-2 degree

of Language and Arts Education Department at Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, Lampung University.

Since it is important to be known that this thesis would never have come into

existence without any support, encouragement, and assistance by several gorgeous

people, the writer would like to address her gratitude and respect to:

1. Dr. Ari Nurweni, M.A. as the writer’s first advisor, for her kindness,

invaluable evaluations, comments, and suggestions in guiding the writer

finishing the thesis.

2. Dr. Flora, M.Pd. as the writer’s second advisor as well as the Chairperson

of Master in English Language Teaching and Study Program , for her

kindness, willingness to give assistance, ideas, and encouragement within

her time during the thesis writing process.

3. Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. as the writer’s first examiner, for his

kindness, encouragments, contributions, and suggestions within the

process of accomplishing the thesis.

4. Prof. Dr. Patuan Raja M.Pd. as the writer’s second examiner as well as the

Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, for his kindness,

knowledge, encouragments, and suggestions within the process of

accomplishing the thesis.

5. Prof. Drs. Mustofa, M.A., Ph.D. as the Director of Postgraduate Program.

6. Dr. Nurlaksono Eko Rusminto, M.Pd. as the Chairperson of Language and

Arts Education Department.

7. Wiwin Susilowati, S.Pd. as the English Teacher of SMA N 13

Bandarlampung, for the guidance and support during the research and the

students of SMA N 13, especially class X MIPA 5, X MIPA 6, and X

MIPA 2 for the participation.

8. My beloved parents, Damiri Tabri and Helaliah, S.E. Thank you for your

love, support, and pray. May Allah give you His never ending blessings.

9. My beloved siblings, Andra Riantasa Wijaya and Andre Riantasa Wijaya,

who have supported me all the time.


10. Beasiswa Unggulan from Indoesia Ministry of Education and Culture


11. My lecturers for sharing knowledge, experience, and spirit.

12. My beloved Eka Pratiwi Yunianti S.Pd., Yohana Folinza, S.Hub.Int, Haifa

Puti Arlin, S.Pd., Riris Harwiyati, S.Pd., Ulfatul Haq, and Dewi

Pramu Shinta, for accompanying, sharing, helping, and challenging

time to pass each day with.

13. My lovely mates in S-2, especially for Aisyatul Vidyah Qori’ah, S.Pd.,

Windy Besthia, M.Pd., Devinia Jeniar, S.Pd., Nurina Ulfa, S.Pd., Rifka

Arina R, S.Pd., and Isnaini Maulyana, S.Pd. for always accompanying and

helping me.

14. My lovely mates in S-1, 13 Angels, especially for Risa Priyanti, S.Pd,

Hatika Nesia, S.Pd., Adys Anggun Wulandari, S,Pd. for motivating and

helping me .

15. My dearest mates since High School, especially for Yusi Zulianti, S.Pd.,

Nikadek Yulia Ningsih, S.Pd., Amalia Silvani, S.Pd., Fince Grasella

Simamora, S.Pd., and Ns Sefty Rani, S.Kep. for always supporting me.

16. My super-silly-but-awesome friends in UKM Radio Kampus Unila,

especially for Mila Nur Sarita,, and Muhammad Suprani S.Hub.Int.

for sharing and inspiring.

17. My inspiring friends in JANIS (Jalan Inovasi Sosial).

18. My helpful senior in Master of English Language Teaching and Study

Program, Lia Annisa Mahdalena, M.Pd., Ketrin Viollita, M.Pd., and

Khairun Nisa, M.Pd.

19. My fabulous friends of the 5th

batch of Master in English Language

Teaching and Study Program. Thank you for assistance, support, and


Hopefully, this thesis would give a positive contribution for educational

development and for those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, July 2019

The writer,

Helidatasa Utami




ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... i

CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................... iii

MOTTO ......................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................vii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ ix

LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................xi


1.1. Background of the Problem ................................................................ 1

1.2. Research Questions ............................................................................. 11

1.3. Objectives ............................................................................................ 12

1.4. Uses ..................................................................................................... 12

1.5. Scope ................................................................................................... 13

1.6. Definition of Terms ............................................................................. 14


2.1. Writing ................................................................................................ 16

2.1.1. Aspects of Writing .................................................................... 17

2.2. Teaching Writing ................................................................................ 19

2.3. Recount Text ....................................................................................... 20

2.4. Think-Pair-Share Strategy ................................................................... 24

2.5. Prediction Strategy ............................................................................. 27

2.6. Teaching Writing through Discuss-Predict-Share Strategy ............... 28

2.7. Procedures of Teaching Writing through Discuss-Predict-Share

Strategy ............................................................................................... 30

2.8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Discuss-Predict-Share .................. 33

2.9. Personality Traits ............................................................................... 34

2.10. Theoretical Assumptions ................................................................ 36

2.11. Hypotheses ....................................................................................... 39



3.1. Research Design .................................................................................. 40

3.2. Population and Sample ........................................................................ 41

3.3. Research Instrument ........................................................................... 42

3.4. Criteria of Evaluating Students’ writing ............................................. 43

3.5. Validity and Reliability ...................................................................... 44

3.5.1. Validity ...................................................................................... 44

3.5.2. Reliability .................................................................................. 47

3.6. Data Collecting Technique ................................................................. 49

3.7. Research Procedures ........................................................................... 51

3.9. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 53

3.10.Hypothesis Testing..............................................................................54


4.1. The Report of the Implementation of the research ............................56

4.2. Result of the Research ........................................................................61

4.2.1. Students’ Writing Ability taught by DPS and TPS ...................61

4.2.2. Writing Ability of Extrovert and Introvert Students .................71

4.2.3. Interaction between the Strategies and Personality Trait ..........82

4.3. Discussion ..........................................................................................83

4.3.1. Students’ Writing Ability taught by DPS and TPS ...................83

4.3.2. Writing Ability of Extrovert and Introvert Students .................90

4.3.3. Interaction between the Strategies and Personality Trait ......... 92


5.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 95

5.2. Suggestions ........................................................................................ 97

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................99

APPENDICES ...............................................................................................103



Tables Page

2.1.The Differences between Extroversion and Introversion .................... 35

3.1. Research Design ................................................................................. 41

3.2. Specification of Personality Trait Questionnaire ................................ 46

3.3. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Pretest and Posttest Score in

Experimental Class ............................................................................ 48

3.4. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Pretest and Posttest Score in

Control Class ..................................................................................... 49

4.1. The Mean of the Students’ Writing Ability Pretest ............................ 62

4.2. The Distribution Frequency of the Experimental Students’

Pretest ................................................................................................ 63

4.3. The Distribution Frequency of the Control Students’ Pre-test ...... 63

4.4. The Mean of the Students’ Writing Ability Posttest .......................... 65

4.5. The Distribution Frequency of the Experimental Students’

Posttest .............................................................................................. 66

4.6. The Distribution Frequency of the Control Students’ Posttest ..... 66

4.7. The increase of the students’ Recount Text Writing Ability Score in

General ............................................................................................... 67

4.8. The Increase of the Students’ Writing Ability Score on Each

Aspect of Writing Assessment in the Experimental Class ............... 68

4.9. The Increase of the Students’ Writing Ability Score on Each

Aspect of Writing Assessment in the Control Class ...................... 69

4.10. The Hyphothesis Test of the Students’ Writing Recount Text

Writing Ability in General ............................................................ 70

4.11. Number of Students of Each Personality in Experimental Class ...... 72

4.12. Number of Students of Each Personality in Control Class ............... 72

4.13. The Mean of the Introvert Students’ Recount Text Writing

Outcome in Experimental Class .................................................... 73

4.14. The Distribution Frequency of Introvert Students’ Recount Text

Writing Outcome in Experimental Class ...................................... 73


4.15. The Mean of the Introvert Students’ Recount Text Writing

Outcome in Control Class .............................................................. 74

4.16. The Distribution Frequency of Introvert Students’ Recount Text

Writing Outcome in Control Class ................................................ 74

4.17. The Mean of the Extrovert Students’ Recount Text Writing

Outcome in Experimental Class ................................................... 75

4.18. The Distribution Frequency of Extrovert Students’ Recount Text

Writing Outcome in Experimental Class ..................................... 75

4.19. The Mean of the Extrovert Students’ Recount Text Writing

Outcome in Control Class .............................................................. 76

4.20. The Distribution Frequency of Extrovert Students’ Recount Text

Writing Outcome in Control Class ................................................ 77

4.21. Data Description of Students’ Writing Ability between the

Personality traits ............................................................................... 78

4.22. Summary of Result of Each Group ................................................... 78

4.23. Estimates and Pairwase Comparisons ............................................... 81

4.24. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects .................................................... 82



Appendix Page

1. Research Schedule ............................................................................... 103

2. Personality Trait Questionnaire ........................................................... 104

3. Distribution of Personality Questionnaire ........................................... 106

4. The Reliability of Personality Questionnaire ....................................... 107

5. Analysis of Students’ Personality Questionnaire in Experimental

Class ..................................................................................................... 108

6. Analysis of Students’ Personality Questionnaire in Control

Class ..................................................................................................... 110

7. Expert Judgment ................................................................................... 112

8. Pretest ................................................................................................... 114

9. Scoring Rubric of Writing ................................................................... 115

10. Students’ Pretest in Experimental Class .............................................. 116

11. Students’ Pretest in Control Class ……………………….……………117

12. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Pretest Score in Experimental

Class .................................................................................................... 118

13. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Pretest Score in Control

Class .................................................................................................... 120

14. Lesson Plan of Experimental Class ...................................................... 122

15. Lesson Plan of Control Class ............................................................... 128

16. Feedback Sheet .................................................................................... 134

17. Posttest ................................................................................................. 135

18. Students’ Posttest in Experimental Class ............................................. 136

19. Students’ Posttest in Control Class ...................................................... 137

20. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Posttest Score in Experimental

Class .................................................................................................... 138

21. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Posttest Score in Control

Class .................................................................................................... 140

22. The Increase of the Students’ Recount Text Writing Ability ............. 142

23. The Increase of the Students’ Writing Ability Score on Each Aspect

In Experimental Class .......................................................................... 143

24. The Increase of the Students’ Writing Ability Score on Each Aspect

In Control Class .................................................................................... 144

25. The Analysis of Hypothesis (DPS and TPS Writing Ability) .............. 145


26. The Analysis of Hypothesis (The Different Increase of Extrovert and

Introvert Students’ Writing Ability Outcomes) ................................ 148

27. The Analysis of the Hyphothesis (Tests of Between-Subjects

Effects) ................................................................................................. 149

28. Test of Normality ................................................................................. 150

29. Test of Homogeneity ............................................................................ 151

30. Sample of Students’ Pretest in Experimental Class ............................. 152

31. Sample of Students’ Pretest in Control Class....................................... 156

32. Sample of Students’ Posttest in Experimental Class ............................ 160

33. Sample of Students’ Posttest in Control Class …….……….…….… . 164

34. Surat Izin Penelitian ............................................................................. 168

35. Surat Keterangan Telah Mengadakan Penelitian ................................. 169




This chapter is concerned with the background of the problem, research questions,

objectives, uses, scope, and definition of terms.

1.1. Background

Writing is a complex process involving the ability to construct a text in order to

express one‟s ideas effectively. Students need to produce their ideas into words,

sentences, paragraphs, and composition in written form. Therefore, writing skills

are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of

grammatical and rhetorical devise but also of conceptual and judgmental elements

(Heaton, 1991). Moreover, Bryne (1993) divided the problems that make writing

difficult into three categories. The first is phychological problems, writing is

essentially a solitary activity and the fact that the writers are required to write on

their own, without the possibility of interaction or the benefit of feedback, in itself

makes the act of writing difficult. The second is linguistics problems, the writers

have to keep the channel of communication open through the efforts and to

ensure, both through the choices of sentence structure and by the way of sentences

are linked together and sequenced, that the text they produce can be interpreted on

its own. The third is cognitive difficulty, writing is learned through a process of

instruction: the writers have to master the written form of the language and to

learn certain structures which are less used in speech, or perhaps not used at all,


but which are important for effective communication in writing. The writers also

have to learn how to organize the ideas in such a way that they can be understood

by the reader. These conditions may cause students to stop writing and be

anxious. While, Richards and Renandya (2002: 303) state that the difficulty of

writing lies not only in generating and organizing ideas, but also in translating

these ideas into readable text. They argue the skills involved in writing are highly

complex and L2 writers have to pay attention to higher level skills of planning and

organizing as well as lower level skills of spelling, punctuation, word choice, and

so on.

Moreover, writing is productive activities in which this skill does not come

automatically and it needs an idea. To get the idea, it can be from written input

that is read by the writer as the clue to construct the idea. In this way, prediction

strategy can be used as one way to grasp the idea. Predicting is usually used in

reading comprehension. In addition, Escribano (1999) states that reading puts the

learner in touch with other minds so that he can experience the ways in which

writers have organized information, selected words and structured arguments.

Therefore, the students can use readings as a model for their writing, or they can

write about reading. Moreover, Prediction strategy involves making inferences,

using information in the text and prior knowledge to anticipate what will happen

next (Roit, 2008). So, it will improve the students‟ comprehension of the text.

Furthermore, by encouraging the students to make a prediction and revision of

their guesses, it also will increase their curiosity and will challenge the students to

read the text more and more (Aziz, 2016). In other words, students become better

readers, writers and thinkers when they learn reading and writing together.


Additionally, prediction makes the students become a critical thinker because they

need to read the text, get the clues for the next event, and then connect them to be

logical sequence. It means that prediction gives students exposure to vocabulary,

sentence structure, and rhetorical structures of English writing.

In relation to prediction strategy, making predictions encourages students to use

critical thinking and problem solving skills. It facilitates the students to actively

think ahead and ask questions. In addition, to make students become active and

sharpen their critical thinking, the teacher also should choose another appropriate

strategy that can be integrated with this strategy in order to help students compose

paragraph more easily by experiencing how the written language works. The

students are able to acquire new knowledge which is beyond their current

competence as a result of interaction. Within pairs, students are given writing

tasks present problems that can only be addressed with resource to the text. Thus,

reading is done with a purpose and also with the knowledge that particular section

that learner has been working on will contribute to the pair‟s overall objective of

producing a specific written task. To provide the interaction, a promising

alternative instruction is used, that is, Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategy.

Furthermore, Kagan (2009) states that Frank Lyman created a powerful frame for

sequencing three structures, called Think-Pair-Share. Since there are many ways

to think, to pair up, and to share with the class, TPS is a structure sequence

generator. TPS benefits students in the area of peer acceptance, peer support,

academic achievement and self-esteem. According to Sharma (2018), TPS

strategy provides an opportunity for all students to share their thinking with at


least one other student which, in turn, increases their sense of involvement in

classroom learning and critical thinking. TPS can also be used as an information

assessment tool; as students discuss their ideas, the teacher can circulate and listen

to the conversations taking place and respond accordingly. It also can be used to

gauge conceptual understanding, filter information, draw conclusion, and

encourage peer learning among students. Therefore, Think-Pair-Share strategy

helps the students to consider their mistakes and failure easily.

In accordance to Think-Pair-Share strategy, there are several previous studies. The

first study was conducted by Sumarsih (2013). She conducted a study to seek the

effect of Think-pair-share strategy for teaching writing descriptive text. The

researcher used three qualitative tools to collect data. The three tools were

observation sheet, interview sheet and questionnaire. The findings showed that the

students‟ achievement is improved when they are taught by TPS. This study also

suggested that there should be the exploration of knowledge and the

understanding about how to improve students‟ achievement in writing.

The other related study was done by Ariansyah (2014) who investigated the

implementation of Think-Pair-Share in improving students‟ writing ability in

writing recount text. The data were collected through written test, observation

sheet, and field note. He found that this strategy is successfully improved the

writing ability of the students. Then, there were also increased of students‟

activity and motivation in writing. It could be seen in the observation sheet for

students that showed the percentage students activeness in each meeting. It can be

said that the activities of TPS make students more enjoyable in learning writing.


Based on the data that has been found in this research, the researcher suggested

that it would be better if the further researchers can fill attractive media or

technique for teaching writing and then the teacher need to know and recognize

what the students need and interesting for learning English to make the learning

process to be better and easier and the teacher needs to more concern to keep the

good atmosphere in classroom for make a students feel comfortable and enjoyable

in studying English.

The other research was conducted by Raba (2017) who investigated the influence

of TPS on students‟ oral communication skill. To achieve this goal, the researcher

used two qualitative tools to collect data. The two tools were semi-structured

interviews for EFL teachers who taught “English for Workplace” at the ELC An-

Najah National University and classroom observations of “English for

Workplace” classes at ELC at An-Najah National University. As the result of this

study, think-pair-share strategy plays a positive role in improving students‟ oral

communicative skills, creating a cooperative learning environment and enhancing

students‟ motivation to learn better. Furthermore, students enrolled in the faculties

of applied sciences responded better than students enrolled the faculties of human

sciences; similar responses were shown from students of higher academic level.

Thus, the researcher suggested that other related studies should be conducted to

develop more effective strategies for improving speaking skill. In addition, the

researcher also suggested that curriculum designers need to increase the activities

that use the think- pair-share technique since it helps to develop the critical

thinking skills.


Furthermore, Think-Pair-Share is effective to be implemented in solving their

difficulties in learning the language through the interaction of the pair. Those

previous researches also prove that this strategy has many benefits in improving

students‟ productive skills. In relation to the previous researches, after the

students create their products, they have to share it with their friend. Yet, it still

needs other activities to support the students‟ critical thinking to explore the

knowledge and understanding during the process of learning before they produce

the output.

In relation to prediction strategy, there are also some previous researches. A study

was conducted by Perangin-angin (2013) who investigated the effect of prediction

strategy in improving students‟ reading comprehension in descriptive text. The

research was conducted in two cycles and every cycle consisted of three

meetings. Reading test, diary notes, observation sheet and interview sheet were

administered as the instruments. Based on reading test scores, students‟ score

kept improving in every test. Based on diary notes, observation sheet and

interview sheet, it was found that teaching learning process run well. Students

were active, enthusiastic, and interested in reading. This research suggested that

the further researchers should explore the knowledge to enlarge their

understanding about how to improve descriptive text and search another


Similar research was also conducted by Dhillon and Hutauruk (2016) which

focused on the effect of predicting strategy for listening comprehension in EFL

classroom on the third year students at English Department, HKBP Nommensen


Pematangsiantar University. The result showed that Prediction strategy gave

significant effect to the students‟ listening comprehension. Teaching listening by

using Prediction Strategy makes the students become active listeners and give

them a better chance of general comprehension.

Those previous studies above showed that prediction strategy is applicable to

improve students‟ comprehension in learning the language. Further, it is also

effective to enhance their productive skill since the students gain many input

during the process of prediction. However, to achieve the goals of producing a

good output, it would be better to let the students discuss their knowledge in

interaction to make them more active in teaching and learning process.

In short, those previous studies show that TPS is effective in improving students‟

writing ability for university level and students‟ oral communication skill. It also

showed that prediction strategy is applicable to improve students‟ reading and

listening comprehension. Based on the result of studies, it can be seen that all

researches prove that Think-Pair-Share and prediction strategy are good to be

implemented for students‟ linguistics development.

However, viewed from previous studies, the process of how students improve

their critical thinking during the learning process has not been well explored.

Most of the implementation of TPS especially in writing does not give more

attention on students comprehensible input. It is because after they write the

text; the students just share what they have written to their friends without any

specific strategy that can make the writing process more effectively. Then, in the

process of feedback given, the students are not given detail instructions or


guidelines in checking their friends‟ work. Furthermore, to improve their

comprehensible input, the process of reading can be applied in learning process

in which the students can use reading as a model for their writing. It can be done

through the implementation of prediction strategy in which the researcher

provides unfinished written input and asks the students to predict the

continuation of it and this idea will bring them to reconstruct and produce other

versions of that writing product. Then, the learners can enhance both their

cognitive process as well as their productive skill through interaction. She also

adds the feedback sheet as the guideline in revising step. Thus, in this present

study, the researcher modified Think-Pair-Share strategy. The procedure of

teaching writing is arranged based on two strategies; those are Think-Pair-Share

and prediction strategy. Moreover, the researcher named the strategy Discuss-


Furthermore, among the factors which have much influence in language learning

are cognitive and affective factors. It is not surprising that student who poses high

quality of cognitive factor, such as intelligence, will do well in language learning.

However, if we take only this single factor into consideration, the most

fundamental side of human behavior will be omitted (Herdawan, 2012).

Therefore, related to writing text, there also should be partnerships between

language teachers and psychologists of education to figure out the „what‟ and

„how‟ of critical thinking practices that ELT classes can provide (Azizollah et. al,

2013). Dealing with psychological factor, personality is the first facet of the

intrinsic side. It is within a person that contributes in some way to one‟s success in

language learning.


In this category, personality is the identification to identify individual differences.

It can be classified into two types, they are extroversion and introversion. Jung in

Samand (2019) states that extrovert is type of people whose attention is directed

outside himself. Whereas introvert type belongs to people whose attention are

focused on themselves that is toward his ego.

Furthermore, there are several previous researches related to the personality types

in learning process. Boroujeni (2015) Introverts outperformed their extrovert

counterparts in most of writing subsets, such as content, language, mechanics, and

vocabulary. Recognizing extroverts‟ difficulty in generating ideas in isolation,

writing teachers should attempt to provide opportunities for them to discuss the

topic before beginning to write. In addition, Sutrisno (2018) investigated the

effect of cooperative language learning and personality types towards essay

writing. The results showed that essay writing skill of students who have introvert

personality type was higher than students who have extrovert personality type.

Then, essay writing skill of introvert students who were taught using Think-Pair-

Share was higher than taught using STAD technique.

Other previous research was conducted by Ahour and Haradasht (2014). They

investigated the introvert and extrovert EFL learners in learning reading

comprehension. They looked how each personality affected in competitive and

cooperative learning, and the results revealed that the extrovert was better off

receiving cooperative instruction. In contrast, introverts excelled extroverts in the

competitive group. Hence, introverts were generally better readers than extroverts.

This is very much understandable if the paradigm of extroversion and introversion


is put together in context: extroverts outweigh introverts in amount of speech but

they do not necessarily gain more than introverts when it comes to reading

comprehension. In addition, it was in line with Hirsh and Kise in Novitasari

(2018) who state that the extrovert people tend to like working in group

cooperatively than the introverts.

Those are some previous researches about the extroversion and introversion

towards the students‟ comprehension in reading and skill in writing. The results

revealed that introverts outperformed extroverts in writing. Extroverts‟ progress

in generating ideas depends too much on talking about the topic, interviewing, or

presenting reports. They understand the oral presentation better than the written

version. Then, introverts were also generally better readers than extroverts.

Furthermore, to know whether introversion students really enjoy the writing

process of Discuss-Predict-Share and Think-Pair-Share through interaction in

pair, and whether extroversion students are able to produce writing product as

well as the introvert, in this case aspect of personality is also importance to

analyze whether it affects students‟ writing process and product or not.

Based on the statements above, the researcher proposed DPS as a modified

strategy that provides the opportunity for the students to explore their

understanding through reading which will become the point to reconstruct the

written text and to share their work in pairs so that there will be much

comprehensible input through discussion and feedback given. It also supports

their critical thinking and helps them produce a better production of writing.

Moreover, the researcher also would implement TPS as the original strategy to


the control class. In the application of this strategy, the students will get the

chance to elaborate their understanding of a topic and generate the ideas in pair.

In addition, it also helps the students to develop their ability to consider other

point of view through discussion and feedback given. Hence, the researcher

would also investigate how both extrovert and introvert students in concluding

and interpreting about themselves and the use of DPS and TPS strategy in

writing recount text. In short, the researcher was interested in investigating

students‟ preference toward those strategies in writing recount text at the first

grade students of Senior High School.

1.2 Research Questions

Related to the background stated before, the researcher formulated the following

research questions:

1. Is there any different increase of students‟ writing ability between students

taught by using Think-Pair-Share and those taught by using Discuss-Predict-

Share strategy?

2. Is there any different increase of students‟ writing ability between extrovert

and introvert students after being taught through Think-Pair-Share and

Discuss-Predict-Share strategy?

3. Is there any interaction between those two strategies and personality of



1.3 Objectives

In accordance with the formulation of the research questions, the objectives of

this research were as follows:

1. To find out whether there is different increase of students‟ writing ability

between students taught by using Think-Pair-Share and Discuss-Predict-Share


2. To find out whether there is different increase of students‟ writing ability

between extrovert and introvert students after being taught through Think-

Pair-Share and Discuss-Predict-Share strategy.

3. To find out whether there is any interaction between those two strategies and

personality of the students.

1.4. Uses

The finding of this research might be useful both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, the finding of this research might be useful for supporting the

previous theory about Think-Pair-Share and prediction strategy for optimizing

writing ability.

2. Practically, the result of this research is expected to provide teachers with a

new insight that might be taken a guideline in teaching reading and writing so

that the students are able to comprehend English texts well and optimize their

writing ability.


1.5 Scope

The subject of this research was limited in teaching and learning process of

writing in the first grade of SMAN 13 Bandar Lampung. There are many

strategies that can help teacher in teaching learning process to reach the goal of it.

In this case, this research was concerned on investigating students‟ writing

ability as the result of applying the modified strategy (DPS) and the original

strategy (TPS). Based on 2013 curriculum of senior high school, the researcher

found that there were many kinds of writing forms which were supposed to be

learned and mastered by students.

However, this research was limited to the investigation of Discuss-Predict-Share

and Think-Pair-Share strategy in teaching recount text. TPS and DPS were

applied by pairing the students to make a discussion about a topic in order to

develop conceptual understanding of a topic, develop the ability to filter

information and write conclusion. Moreover, in DPS, the students had essential

integrated part which determined the successful of one reading text and giving

the opportunity to predict that certain part will be challenging.

The original strategy provides the opportunity for the students to elaborate their

understanding of a topic and generate the ideas in pair. While, the modified

strategy makes the students process the provided written input by thinking

critically and connecting ideas in the previous paragraphs to form a resolution by

combining the idea from the students in a pair. It also would support their

cognitive process which would help them produce paragraph writing as the final

product. Furthermore, the researcher would evaluate students‟ writing ability in


accordance with some aspects of writing, such as content, organization,

vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. In addition, aspect of personality types

took part here as consideration of how introvert and extrovert students write

through this modified strategy.

1.6 Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding, some terms used in this research were defined

as follows:

1. Writing is one of language skills in which the students learn how to get ideas

and expresses the ideas in written form by applying content, grammar,

vocabulary, mechanics, and organization.

2. Teaching writing is teaching the students how to express their ideas in a written

form by processing models provided as one of its ways.

3. Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative discussion strategy that gives the students

chance to think, answer and help each other and will increase type of

interesting learning, enjoy, and raise the student‟s cooperation and activity.

4. Prediction is thinking about what might be coming next by considering some

preceding clues. In this current study, the students are asked to think what be

coming next at the end of the story (resolution of the story) from unfinished

text provided by the researcher. To do this, they have to consider some

preceding clues given in the previous paragraphs.

5. Recount text is a text which is used to tell about event and experience that

already happened in the past.

6. Extrovert is the extent to which a person has self esteem from other people.


7. Introvert is the extent to which a person derives a sense of wholeness apart

from other people.

This chapter has discussed about background of the problem, research problem,

objective of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and the

definition of terms.



This chapter discuss about the theories which are used in this research. Those

theories are writing, teaching writing, recount text, Think-Pair-Share, prediction

strategy, teaching writing recount text using Discuss-Predict-Share strategy, the

procedures of teaching teaching writing recount text using Discuss-Predict- Share

strategy, advantages and disadvantages of Discuss-Predict-Share strategy,

personality traits, theoretical assumption, and hypotheses.

2.1. Writing

Writing is one of the four skills in learning language. The researcher focused on

this skill and tries to find out its definition; moreover, it may the basic theory of

this research. Writing is a process of communication that uses conventional

graphic system to convey a message to the reader. Hyland (2003:3) defines

writing as a product constructed from the writer’s command of grammatical and

lexical knowledge, and writing development is considered to be the result of

imitating and manipulating models provided by the teacher.

Furthermore, Krashen also discusses the research on writing and their application

to pedagogy. We learn to write by reading. To be more precise, we acquire writing

style, the special language of writing, by reading. The knowledge gained from

reading can make second language reading more comprehensible, and can make


the writer develop good writing in the second language (Krashen, 1993). In

addition, Weigle (2002) states that the physical act of writing is sometimes

thought of as mainly the result of cognitive effort on the part of an individual.

Based on the statement above, the researcher confirms that writing is a very

complex process that encourages thinking and learning to explore thoughts and

ideas; also, it is communicative. Creating a written text can be said difficult

because a writer should concern with grammar; also, he should consider the

aspects of writing.

2.1.1. Aspects of Writing

Conceivably, there are principles in writing in order to write. They include what to

say (content), how to sequence what to say (organization and mechanic), and how

to express what was said (language use and vocabulary). It can be said that a

writer is success if his writing contains the aspects of writing. According to Jacob

et al (1981), there are five aspects of writing needed taking into serious attention

as follows:

1. Content

Content refers to the substance of writing, the experience of the main idea (unity),

i.e., groups of related statements that a writer presents as unit in developing a

subject. This term is related with the work of conveying ideas rather than fulfilling

special function of transition, restatement, and emphasis. Unity can be identified

by seeing the topic sentence and the controlling idea. Each sentence in a

paragraph should relate to the topic and develop the controlling idea. If a sentence

does not relate to the idea, it should be omitted.


2. Organization

Organization refers to the logical organization of the content (coherence). It

contains sentences that are logically arranged and flow smoothly. Logical

arrangement refers to the order of the sentences and ideas. While smooth flow

refers to how well one idea or sentence leads into another.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the selection of words which are suitable with the content. It

begins with the assumption that the writer wants to express the ideas as clearly

and directly as he or she can. A general rule, clarity should be the primary

objective. The selections of words that express the meaning correctly is

considered much.

4. Language use or grammar

Language use refers to the use of correct grammatical and syntactic pattern or

separating, combining, and grouping ideas in words phrases, clauses, and

sentences to bring out logical relationship in paragraph.

5. Mechanics

Mechanics refers to the use of particular conventions in written language.

Mechanics includes spelling, punctuations, capitalization. Mechanics can

determine whether or not writing is good. Improper application of mechanics can

make readers misunderstand about the massage of the text.

Thus, there are five aspects in writing: content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanic (Jacob et al, 1981:90). All of those aspects should be

covered so the intended readers can understand the message or information shared

by the writer effectively.


2.2. Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is to teach students how to express the idea or imagination in

written form. In order to be successful in writing, English teacher should guide the

students in writing, in which the material presented are relevant to their interests,

needs, capacities, and age until they are able to make a composition with few or

even no error. The aspects of writing such as content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanics cannot be separated each other. In teaching writing,

the teacher should concern to all aspects but still the material must be considered

based on students’ level.

In relation to teaching writing, Harmer (2010) states that when students are

writing-for-writing, the teacher will want to involve them in the process of

writing. In the real world, this typically involves planning what we are going to

write, drafting it, reviewing and editing what we have written and then

producing a final version. By doing so, the teacher will help the students to be

better writers both in exams. The stages are described as follows:

1. Planning

In this stage, writers try to find and produce information in writing. Before

starting to write or type, they try and decide what they are going to say. For some

writers this may involve making detailed notes. For others a few jotter words may

be enough.

2. Drafting

We can refer to the first of a piece writing as a draft. As the writing process

into editing, a number of drafts may be produces on the final to the final version.


3. Editing (Reflecting and Revising)

Once writers have produced a draft they then, usually, read through what they

have written to see where it works and where it does not work. Reflecting and

revising are often helped by other readers (or editors) who comment and make

suggestions. Another reader’s reaction to a piece of writing will help the

author to make appropriate revisions.

4. Final Version

Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes they consider to be

necessary, they produce the final version. This may look considerably

different from both original plan and the first draft, because things have changed

in the editing process.

Briefly, there are four steps of teaching writing: planning, drafting, editing, and

final version (Harmer in Sitompul 2016). Teaching writing involves these steps in

order to build good paragraph. Therefore, teacher could conduct the class applying

these steps.

2.3. Recount Text

Recount text is used to tell the experience in the past, obviously recount text uses

past tense form. Recount text does not use conflict, but it uses series of event as

characteristic. Recount text with complete generic structure will be constructed by

structuring orientation, events and re-orientation. Derewienka (1992) asserts in

recount, we construct past experience. A recount is the unfolding of a sequence of

events overtimes. It is used to tell past events for the purpose of informing or

entertaining. It is focus on a sequence of events. In general is begun with an


orientation. It provides the backgrounds information needed to understand the text

such as who was involved, where it happened and when it happened. Then, the

recount unfolds with series of events (ordered in a chronological sequence). At

various stages, there may be some personal comments on we call it re-orientation.

Recounts generally follow a similar structure, but the students should be guided

by the purpose for an audience of their text in their use of the following structure

(Derewianka, 1992) The generic structure of recount text is as follows:

1. Orientation – Scene setting opening, it gives the readers the background

information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it

happened, and when it happened.

2. Events – recount of the events as they occurred, for example, I saw a vase…

these events may be elaborated on by adding, for example, descriptive details.

3. Reorientation – a closing statement: When I got back, I told my mum (with

elaboration in more sophisticated text).

The language features that are usually used in recount text are:

1. Simple past tense is used in most recounts, but present tense may be used to

create immediacy. Future tense is sometimes used in the conclusion of an

imaginative or biographical recount to predict what might happen in the future,

for example,” this great tennis player will no doubt win many more


2. A range of conjunction (because, although, while) is used to link clauses within



1. Time connectives (firstly, secondly, next, finally) are used to link separate

events or paragraphs into cohesive whole text.

2. Passive voice is used, particularly in factual recounts to give objectivity to

the text. For example,” the land was worked by the peasants from sunrise

to sunset.”

3. Adverbs (yesterday, outside) and adverbial phrases. For example,” in

1991, in top of the hotel’, is used to indicate specific times and places.

To be clearer, here is the example of recount text that reflects the generic


Last Holiday to Kuta Beach


Last month, I went to Bali by plane with my family for three days and

stayed in the hotel near Kuta Beach. We chose Bali because we thought

that Bali was the most beautiful place and it was the island of The God.


At the first day, my family and I walked along the beach. My sister and I

built a sand castle, while our parents sat and enjoyed the scenery

around the beach. There were many tourists at the beach. Next day, I

swam on the beach and dived under the sea. The view was beautiful;

there were many little fishes and other sea creatures. I enjoyed my

adventure in the sea. On the last day, I sunbathed in the beach like

other tourists. Then my family and I rowed a boat around the beach.

The wind blew and we felt really relax. Kuta beach was really beautiful.


I will never forget it. And I am proud of being an Indonesian

because my country is one of the most famous places in the world.


Furthermore, there are five types of recount text, they are:

1. Personal Recount

Telling about activities whereas the writer or speaker involves or do by him or

her (i.e., oral anecdote, diary entry). Personal responses to the events can be

included, particularly at the end. Details are often chosen to add interest or


2. Factual Recount

Record the particulars of an incident (i.e., report of a science experiment, police

report, news report, historical account). A factual recount is concerned with

recalling events accurately. It can range from everyday tasks such as a school

accident report to a formal, structured research tasks such as historical recount.

The emphasis is on using language that is precise, factual and detailed, so that

the reader gains a complete picture of the event, experience or achievements.

This type uses the third person pronouns (he, she, it, and they). Sometimes the

ending described the outcome of the activity (i.e., science experiment). Details

of time, place and manner may need to be precisely stated, i,e.: at 2.35 pm.,

between Jhonson St and Park Rd, the man drove at 80 kph. The passive voice

may be used, i.e., the beaker was filled with water. It may be appropriate to

include explanations and justifications.

3. Imaginative Recount

Imaginative or literary recounts entertain the reader by recreating the events of

an imaginary world as though they are real. motion language, specific detail

and first person narration are used to give the writing impact and appeal.


4. Procedural Recount

A procedural recount records the steps taken in completing a task or procedure.

The use of technical terms, an accurate time sequence and first person narration

(I or we), give credibility to the information provided. Examples include a flow

chart of the actions required for making bread, a storyboard a videotaped script

or advertisement, the steps taken to solve mathematical problem.

5. Biographical Recount

A biographical recount tells the story of person’s life using a third person

narrator (he, she, and they). In this case of an autobiography, first person

narration (I, we) is used. It is usually factually accurate and records specific

names, times, places, and events, a purely factual, informative biography,

however, would lack the appeal provided by personal responses and

memorable anecdotes. There is often evaluation of the subject’s achievements

in the final section.

From five types of recount text above, the focus of the research is personal

recount since it tells the activities whereas the writer involves or does by her or


2.4. Think-Pair-Share (TPS)

TPS strategy was first proposed by Lyman in 1981, and developed by many

scientists in recent years. Basically, this strategy is to make the students more

active in the teaching learning process by discussing with their classmates. In

relation to that, Kagan (2009) states that in TPS, there are many ways to think, to

pair up, and to share with the class, TPS is a structure sequence generator. Also,


TPS framework can generate thousands of different three-structure sequences.

According to Lin (2015), in think-pair-share, students think to themselves on a

topic provided. They are on their own to reach consensus and share with other

peers and then the entire class. The academic and social functions of think-pair-

share is to make the students be able to express opinions, inductive and deductive

reasoning; enhancing participation and involvement. In addition, Sharma (2018)

states that TPS promotes classroom participation by encouraging a higher degree

of pupil response, rather than using a basic recitation method in which a teacher

poses a question and one student offers a response. TPS includes three steps,

Think-teacher poses an open-ended question or problem, students student think

analytically on the question. Gives students a minute or two to think about their

answer. Pair- teacher pairs the students to discuss the answer and share ideas.

Then, Share- student shares the response with the whole class.

According to Kagan (2009), TPS strategy consists of some steps, such as;

1. Organizing students into pairs

TPS model is begun by dividing the students into pairs randomly. The purpose

of choosing randomly is to avoid the gap between high students and low

students. Besides, they will have higher chance to know each other closely,

and it will increase the respect of a student to others.

2. Posing the topic or a question

Next step is posing a question or a topic to the students. The questions or the

topic should be related to the material that is going to be discussed. This stage

makes the students think deeper and deeper, and they can give their opinions

in many aspects.


3. Giving time to students to think

The teacher should give the students several minutes to think an answer of the

question given before. They should analyze the question and use their critical

thinking to answer it. Hopefully, each student has a different answer to be

shared to his or her classmates.

4. Asking students to discuss with their partner and share their thinking

In this section, each student will share his or her own answer to his or her

partner in pairs. They will share their thinking and discuss each other to find

the best answer. Furthermore, this activity can be developed into higher level

by gathering one pair into another pair. However, this activity helps the

students develop not only their knowledge, but also their communicative skill

and confidence.

5. Calling on a few students to share their ideas with the rest of the class

The last step of this model is calling some students to share their ideas with

the rest of the class. Some students give their answer, and the others can give

their opinion or other answers. However, it improves not only the student’s

knowledge but also their confidence.

The researcher considers that TPS is a good strategy in teaching writing since it

gives the students chance to dig and develop their own ideas about what they

want to write, share ideas with peer students, learn to criticize and accept

criticisms and promote effective team work.


2.5. Prediction Strategy

The prediction strategy is of key importance in the comprehension process

because it implies that we are not only comprehending the author’s literal message

but also going beyond the information given to predict the content and the way the

author will present it. Chamot (2005) states that prediction is a strategy to

anticipate information to come. Prediction plays crucial roles in making logical

guesses about what will happen in written or oral text. Moreover, a prediction

strategy at its best is conceiving a prediction then, subsequently reading the text to

find out what happens. That also includes activating background knowledge,

peeking or previewing and over viewing or summarizing (Thomas, 2005).

Moreover, predicting, confirming predictions and making predictions motivates

and engages students, provides direction for reading and leads to deeper thinking

about text (Harvey and Goudvis in Roit, 2008).

Predictions are not wild guesses. They involve making inferences, using

information in the text and prior knowledge to anticipate what will happen next.

In other words, prediction strategy can help the students to stay focus and give

them a better chance of general comprehension. As students continue through the

selection, predictions can be confirmed or verified, updated or revised based on

new information or not confirmed or not verified. Students need to learn to do the

following to make thoughtful predictions (Roit, 2008):

1. Identify clues in the text and one’s background knowledge to support a


2. Decide when to make a prediction based on a turning point or other point in a



3. Confirm or verify predictions during and after reading.

4. Make and evaluate alternative predictions.

5. Review predictions and thinking about why they were or were not confirmed or


Prediction strategy makes easy for the student to grasp information from the

reading text. Besides, it also improves their concentration and motivation, so the

students can be attentive in learning process.

2.6. Teaching Writing through Discuss-Predict-Share strategy

Perhaps, teaching writing is teaching the students how to use the language for

communicating, transferring idea and thought through written text. To meet the

hope for optimizing students’ writing ability and develop their accuracy and

fluency in writing, a strategy named Discuss-Predict-Share is proposed by the

researcher. The name is taken literally from every process involved in

processing Think-Pair-Share and prediction strategy. The procedures of this

strategy are basically designed from Think-Pair-Share proposed by Kagan (2009)

and prediction strategy proposed by Roit (2008).

There are many ways to think, to pair up, and to share with the class, TPS is a

structure sequence generator (Kagan, 2009). Through TPS, the students get the

opportunity to develop conceptual understanding of a topic, develop the ability to

filter information and write conclusion, and develop the ability to consider other

points of view as well.

In order to make the teaching learning process more effective, the students can be

trained to get the idea and concept of writing they will compose through reading


activity. In this recent study, the researcher provides unfinished written input and

asks the students to predict the continuation of the text and this idea will bring

them to reconstruct and produce other versions of that text. In addition, predicting

as reading strategy will help to expose the vocabulary, sentence structure, and

rhetorical structures of English writing, writing activities give students practice in

using them. During-reading, the activities help students integrate their own

background knowledge with the new information they get from the text. As

students read, they can gather, organize, analyze, and evaluate evidence. They can

look for answers to questions they raise and revise their predictions in pair.

Besides functioning as a comprehension check, discussion provides the

opportunity to help students deepen, extend and clarify their understanding. In

pair, they can share what they predict on the text by the information and clue

provided. As students explore ideas from the text, they can be asked to extract and

organize information. In writing and in discussion, they get practice in using

vocabulary and sentence patterns they find in the reading. Moreover, they use

their experience in comprehensible process to reconstruct the text. It means that

Discuss-Predict-Share strategy is applicable for teaching writing.

In addition, Perangin-angin (2013) described the effect of prediction strategy in

improving students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text. She stated that

students were active, enthusiastic, and interested in reading. This stage provides

the students an effective way to help them conducted the whole paragraph writing.

In order to improve their critical thinking, the ideas can be discussed in pair.


As quoted in Kartikasari (2014), Mandal believes that Think-Pair-Share is a

simple strategy; the instructor develops and poses questions, gives the students a

few minutes to think about a response, and then asks students to share their ideas

with a partner. This task gives them opportunity to compare and contrast their

understanding with those of another and to rehearse their response first in a low-

risk situation before going public with the whole class. This is the reason why this

strategy motivates students’ writing activity that TPS provides them clear way to

think about their writing product deeply. In addition, Siahaan (2014) state that

TPS strategy helped the students became active participants in learning and could

include writing as a way of organizing thoughts generated from discussion

Briefly, teaching linguistic elements using a modified Think-Pair-Share is

effective. Therefore, the researcher proposes Discuss-Predict-Share strategy,

which is in line with the approach of Think-Pair-Share and prediction strategy, in

order to make the output better. It will also stimulate students’ idea in writing and

it guides students about what should be written.

2.7. Procedures of Teaching Writing through Discuss-Predict-Share strategy

These steps in Discuss-Predict-Share strategy are combination of Harmer (2010).

The integrated procedures can be described as follows:

1. Planning

- The teacher provides some samples of Recount texts and shows them to

the students. Then let them read the text.

- The students are asked the questions related to the text. The teacher and

students may have questions and answers session.


- The teacher introduces the lesson and gives models to them: The

application of Discuss-Predict-Share strategy in teaching recount text. The

teacher asks the students to answer questions based on the text. Then, they

are guided to predict the resolution to the problems as the continuation of

the story and reconstruct the text based on the questions they have


- The students are asked to provide some feedback and match the

reconstructed text with the original one.

- After the students familiarize with discuss-predict-share strategy, they

begin to experience this strategy.

- The students are given unfinished recount text with the comprehensible

questions. They are asked to read the text and think about the questions to

engage them. They may write the answers on the notes.

- Students form a pair with another student to talk and compare their

response to the prompt. They are divided into pairs randomly. The purpose

of choosing randomly is to avoid the gap between low and high students.

2. Drafting

- The students discuss their answers of the questions, clarify the answer of

continuation of the story, and talk about the content of text. They may try

to solve the problems together. Later, both teacher and students discuss the

answers. New and difficult words and expressions in each passage are

marked and provided explanations to help the students understand the

passage better. This stage is useful for the students in helping them deeply

and personally involved in the process of writing.


- The students are asked to produce the text, which is, reconstructing the

text. They are asked to reconstruct the text by considering some related

questions they have answered before and complete the unfinished text by

predicting the resolution of the text. Each student in every pair

reconstructs the writing text with the idea they have discussed in a pair.

This text becomes their draft.

3. Editing (Reflecting and Revising)

- The students are given the feedback sheet as guideline. It will help them to

check their friend’s draft and improve the quality of their critical thinking.

- Every student is asked to exchange their work to the other students in the

other pairs to provide the feedback. The feedback is concerned on five

aspect of writing; content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and


- The draft is given back to every student in the former pairs. Then, each

student in every pair checks and revises their draft by considering the

feedback given.

4. Final Version

- The students submit the final draft.

- Some students are asked to share their ideas with the rest of the class.

Some students give their answer, and the others can give their opinion or

other answers. However, it gives the opportunity for the students to

improve their knowledge and confidence.

- After sharing, the teacher evaluates student’s works by comparing their

reconstructed text with the original full one.


Based on the procedure above, the researcher surely thinks that it can help the

teacher and the students more active, creative and also enjoyeable in delivering

and accepting the material by using Discuss-Predict-Share strategy in teaching-

learning process.

2.8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Discuss-Predict-Share Strategy

The advantages of Discuss-Predict-Share strategy are all students more actively

involves in group discussion and class participation; it enhances interaction,

motivation, and cognitive growth of the students; it increase comprehension

through its strong emphasis on student-generated prediction, speculation,

conclusion, which are based on and grow from prior knowledge and experience. It

gives benefits for students in the area of peer acceptance, peer support, academic

achievement and self-esteem.

While the disadvantage that will appear is that the students tend to concern on the

memorization form of the words especially the new ones since the following task

is reconstructing the text. In reconstructing the text; it is free for them to express

the ideas by using their own words as long as the meaning intended is the same as

in the original text. Moreover, they can prefer to use language use and vocabulary

used in original text. Consequently, they tend to get stuck in reconstructing the

text when they forget about what they have memorized. It will be time consuming

if the process does not run well. Then, the class will be so noisy because all the

students put in pairs participates actively in the learning process.


2.9. Personality Traits (Extrovert and Introvert)

Individual differences in personality are important in predicting individuals’

behavior in umpteen real world conditions. We can think first when we face certain

person by considering his/ her personality. Moreover, not only in working place,

in teaching learning process when teacher ask students to work individually or in

team or peer, some considerations of personality sometimes take part. As cited in

Novitasari (2018), Hirsh and Kise explain that understanding people‘s types

allows us to tap into their strengths, discover how we work best together, and

minimize unnecessary conflict. Type frequently is helpful in predicting both the

strengths and the developmental needs of each personality type and provides a

positive language for discussion and understanding. Furthermore, they also state

that through type, we will be able to identify and reduce sources of conflict. For

example, if one person prefers to talk about everything out loud (extraversion) and

the other likes peace and solitude for reflection (introversion), they can negotiate

their shared and private space.

Furthermore, Eysenk (1998) states that the introvert has a more subjective, the

extravert a more objective outlook; (b) the introvert shows a higher degree of

cerebral activity, the extravert a higher degree of behavioural activity; (c) the

introvert shows a tendency to self-control (inhibition), the extravert a tendency to

lack of such control. According to Schmeck and Lockart (1983), Introverts tend

to seek out an environmental where there is relatively little stimulation.

Extraverts, on the other hand, require strong stimulus to perceive a stimulus and

tend to seek out environments that provide relatively large amounts of stimulation.

In addition, introverts are more influenced by punishments than by reward, and


they are more sensitive than extraverts to social prohibition. Also, introverts are

more sensitive than extraverts to pain more prone to fatigue, and their

performance suffers more when they are excited.

The following are the differences between extroversion and introversion stated

briefly (Hirsh and Kise in Novitasari, 2018).

Table. 2.1. The Differences between Extroversion and Introversion

No Extroversion Introversion

1 Talk it out Think it through

2 Extend into our environment by reaching out to others

Defend against our environment by stepping back or avoiding others

3 Act first, think later Think first, act later

4 Enjoy variety and action Enjoy concentration and reflection

5 Prefer face-to-face Communication

Prefer written forms of communication

6 Frequently hear that we are not available because we are out and


Frequently hear that even though we are present, we are miles away, deep in


7 Find action for stimulation Find quiet for reflection

8 Be involved in many things at Once

Take an in-depth approach to a few tasks

9 Change tasks and add variety to maintain interest

Concentrate on the task at hand

10 Keep up networks of contacts Work without interruption

11 Clarify thoughts through Discussion

Clarify thoughts through reflection

12 Move about for action, Interaction

Have private space for working

13 Work within a team Engage in small-group or one-on-one Interactions

14 Focus externally on the market Focus internally on their own resources and competencies

However, the teacher should remember that personality trait is not a box put us

into; rather, it is a way to understand our preferences and those of others.

Moreover, type alone cannot solve all our organization‘s problems. However, it

can lead to a deeper understanding of the value of each team member and


provide a logical model for why people do and say the things they do.

Moreover, no one type is better than another. Each type has its unique

combination of assets and blind spots, so it is why personality will be considered

to use in pairing students in this research.

2.10. Theoretical Assumptions

As has already been stated that writing is counted as the most difficult skill,

students need to consider the five aspects of writing namely content, grammar,

organization, vocabulary, and mechanic. It makes the students hard to plan their

ideas in systematical way. Therefore, the teacher should have the ability to choose

an appropriate way and implement it in the teaching learning process to obtain the


Perhaps, Discuss-Predict- Share strategy can optimize students’ writing ability.

This strategy gives the opportunity for the students to combine reading text

completed by the comprehension questions provided, predict the continuation of

the text and reconstruct the text by using those questions as the guideline, and

have interaction. As the result, it provides more opportunities for explanation,

logical inferences, and debates to elaborate students’ understanding of reading

materials and makes ideas concrete. It also makes the students easier to write and

this will prompt their fluency and accuracy in writing.

The objective of teaching writing is students are able to produce written form of

their ideas and thoughts correctly based on writing aspects. The researcher

believes that this strategy can affect students’ aspect of writing in term of content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. It is done since the


students are asked to process the comprehensible input and debating what they

have done in the stage of thinking, pairing and sharing which they will pay

attention to the content and the organization of the text in general and to

vocabulary, language use, and mechanics in particular.

In addition, this application can result in a different prediction of recount text

with the point that it will be easier for the students to predict the continuation of

recount text. This is because by working in pair, they can share ideas to another,

students a chance to dig their own ideas on what to write, develop ideas, and

promote effective team work. The students will be trained to improve their

cognitive skills as well as productive skill through collaborative learning

Furthermore, the implication of understanding the students’ personality in the

classroom will also help the students to deal effectively with the classroom

situation which do not match the students’ learning style. However, some students

like to communicate in spoken, but some in reading and written. In this present

study, the researcher also tried to accommodate and facilitate the students based

on their preferred learning styles. Extroverts are easier to communicate because

they do not feel the fear of saying something wrong. On the other hand, introverts

feel a lot safer when they are put to work individually and at their own pace.

Although extroverts are assumed to be good at expressing themselves through

speaking, the findings of most studies reveal that they are not as successful as

introverts in writing.

In this way, DPS and TPS strategy are believed can make introvert and extroverts

work together. Applying these strategies, the teacher attempts to provide


opportunities for the students to have more discussion during the writing process.

It provides processing time and builds in wait-time which enhances the depth and

breadth of thinking. In control class, the students will be trained to elaborate their

understanding, develop the ability in generating the ideas, and consider other

points of view through cooperative learning. In addition, in the experimental class,

the teacher asks the students to deal with the reading process which let them to

answer comprehensible questions and predict the continuation of the story

individually and then each student will have to turn to their partner, provide them

the answers, and have a meaningful discussion. Thus, these strategies are great

exercises since the introvert students’ anxiety will decrease because they know

better about what they are going to say in pair which means they become more

comfortable about themselves. While, most of extroverts are lack in writing, these

strategies especially the modified one, give a better chance to have more

discussion so it can help them to solve the difficulty in generating ideas in

isolation. Thus, the strategies are proved to be more effective in the process of

writing for both introverts and extroverts.

The researcher believes that teaching writing using this application creates good

effect in the classroom, so the students will not get bored in teaching learning

process and this condition is expected to help students improve their writing

ability especially in recount text.


2.11. Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were proposed in order to answer the stated research


(1) For the first research question, the hypothesis was:

There is difference increase of students’ writing ability between students

taught by using Think-Pair-Share and those taught by using Discuss-

Predict-Share strategy.

(2) For the second research question, there is no difference increase in

students’ writing ability between extrovert and introvert students after

being taught through Think-Pair-Share and Discuss-Predict-Share


(3) For the third research question, there is an interaction between those two

strategies and personality of the students.

Briefly, those are the explanation about this chapter that are about writing,

teaching writing, recount text, Think-Pair-Share, prediction strategy, teaching

writing using Discuss-Predict-Share strategy, the procedures of teaching writing

using Discuss-Predict-Share strategy, advantages and disadvantages of Discuss-

Predict-Share strategy, personality traits, theoretical assumption and hypotheses.



This chapter discusses about the methods of the research and they are research

design, population and sample, research instruments, criterea of evaluating

students’ writing, validity and reliability, data collecting technique, research

procedures, data analysis, and hypothesis testing.

3.1. Research Design

This research used quantitative approach. The design of this research was factorial

design. Factorial designs were those where more than one independent variable

was involved in the design. Since factorial design is the most common way to

study the effect of two or more independent variables and focused on the design

that has only two independent variables that combined all categories of the other

independent variables to produce all possible conditions, this research was

suitable with this design. As seen that there were two independent variables from

the strategies and it had an upshot to the levels of personalities, this design was


In this research, the design included two variables and each variable had two

categories. The independent variables were the strategies i.e. Think-Pair-Share

and Discuss-Predict-Share and personality had two categories i.e introvert and

extrovert personalities. This was called a 2x2 (two-by-two) factorial design


since there were two independent variables, each of which has two levels.

One way to represent a factorial design was with a design table. The table below

represents a 2x2 factorial design in which two independent variables were the

type of the strategies in teaching writing and personality of the students.

Table 3.1 Research Design in Table

Variable Technique (A)

Variable Personality (B)



Share (A1)

Discuss-Predict-Share (the modified TPS)


Personality Introvert (B1) A1B1 A2B1

Extrovert (B2) A1B2 A2B2

It is a research design in which two groups of participants are pretested and then

posttested after the treatments have been administered. The pretest was given to

the students in order to measure their writing entry point and to make sure they are

homogeneous before they are given two treatments of the application of Discuss-

Predict-Share and Think-Pair-Share strategy for teaching writing. Later, the

posttest was given to measure how far the improvement of their ability in writing

after those treatments.

3.2. Population and Sample

The population in this research was the first grade students of SMAN 13

Bandarlampung. The research took two classes in the school as the sample. They

were X MIPA 5 and X MIPA 6. In determining the sample, the classes were

selected randomly. It is applied based on the consideration that every student in


the population has the same chance to be chosen. The researcher used two classes

as control and experiment class. Each class consisted of 31 students.

3.3. Research Instruments

The data of this research was gained by two instruments:

1. Personality Trait Questionnaire

Questionnaire is an instrument which is very effective to measure aspects and

variables associated with personality, psychology aspect or sociology

(Setiyadi, 2006:54). In relation to the personality, the result of the

students’ answer in questionnaire separated them into introvert and extrovert


The questionnaire was in Indonesian language in order to minimize the

misinterpretation by the students which was adapted from Novitasari (2016).

The questionnaire consisted of 24 items, 12 questionnaire items of introvert

personality and 12 questionnaire items of extrovert personality. The

questionnaire was close-ended questions with four options using Likert scale

started with strongly agree up to strongly disagree towards the statement of

each item.

By using the result of the questionnaire, the researcher classified the students

into introvert and extrovert personalities. If the answer of the students in

extrovert question were more than introvert question, then, it figured out that

the students had extrovert personality and vice varsa.


2. Writing test

The other instrument in this research was writing test. The researcher

conductsed the writing test for the pretest and posttest for the control and

experimental group. The purpose of the test was for gaining the data. The data

was the students’ recount text writing ability scores before and after the

treatment in performing the text writing.

3.4. Criteria for Scoring Students’ Writing Ability

The consideration of criteria for evaluating students’ recount text writing ability is

based on the ESL Composition Profile by Jacob et al (1981). There were five

aspects to be tested: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and


In evaluating the students' writing scores the researcher analyzes the result of

students’ text writing. Pretest and posttest text writing result of the experimental

group were analyzed to make sure that the treatment that have been given impact

the students’ ability. The criteria of scoring system are based on the rating sheet

from Jacob et al (1981) which concerns to the five aspects of writing (See

Appendix 9).


3.5. Validity and Reliability

A good writing test must be valid and reliable. The following things are the

criteria of a good writing.

3.5.1. Validity

Validity of Test

Validity refers to the extent to which the text measures what is intended to

measure. A test can be considered valid if the test measure the object to be

measured and suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhday, 1982). In this

research, the researcher used Face, Content, and Construct Validity. To get face

validity, the instruction of wrting test was previously examined by the

researcher’s advisors to check whether it had been clear, readable, and

understandable to do by the the students or not. The result showed that the

instruments used were clear because there had been instruction stated involving

what to do complete by time allotment; they were understandable for the students

because simple vocabulary was used.

Then, content validity emphasized on the equivalent between the material that had

been given and the items stated. Simply, the items in the test must represent the

material that had been taught. In addition, to get the content validity of the writing

test, the material and the test were composed based on the syllabus taken from

“2013 English curriculum” for the first grade students of senior high school in

2019/2020 academic year. The materials in the treatments were in line with the

syllabus, that was, concerning to comprehending the text. To asses students’

comprehension, writing activity was followed. Then, the tests given also were in

line with the material that they were asked to compose a text.


Meanwhile, for construct validity, it concerned on whether the test was actually in

line with the theory of what writing was. It meant that the test measured certain

aspects based on the indicators. The researcher examined it by referring to the

theories of aspect of writing (Jacob et al, 1981). The writing test given also had

met the criteria of construct validity. This was because in the test, the students had

to compose a text by paying attention to writing aspects they had learnt within the

treatments, which was, content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and


Furthermore, in order to judge the validity, expert judgement was used. It would

be consulted with some experts to ask their opinion about the instrument that was

created. The experts were lecturers at Lampung University. Based on their

decisions, the writing test used in this research is valid (Appendix 7). It means that

test items measure what are expected to be measured.

Validity of Questionnaire

The validity of questionnaire was also measured to find if the components were

suitable and related to the relevant theories of introvert and extrovert

personalities. For face validity, it would be previously examined by the advisor to

check whether the items in the questionnaireare were clear, readable, and

understandable to be responded by the students. In addition, for the construct

validity of students’ personality trait questionnaire adopted from Novitasari

(2018) in this research, it was suited with Hirsh and Kise’s theory (2006). Then,

the personality trait questionnaire was 24 items, for each was translated into

Indonesian language to avoid misunderstanding among the researcher and



Table. 3.2. Specification of Personality Trait Questionnaire





item Total

1 Activity Extrovert:

Active and fast in moving

11 1


Inactive physically or slow in moving

12 1

2 Sociability Extrovert:

Easy going and like social activities

13 1


Not easy in socializing and like to be alone

14 1

3 Expressive-



Show the emotion up and open-ended in

such anger, frightened, love and hatred.

1,15 2


Be capable in managing and controlling

themselves to share opinions and feelings.

2,16 2

4 Risk taking Extrovert:

Like challenge and risked activities

3,17 2


Like safe activities without any risks

4.18 2

5 Reflective-



Prefer doing something to thinking


5,19 2


Have theoretical thought and tend to be

interested in ideas

6,20 2

6 Responsibi-



Less responsible and less capable in

holding the promise

7,21 2


Responsible and can hold the promise

8,22 2

7 Impulsive-



Act first, think later; decide any decisions

in hurry; not standfast

9,23 2


Consider many matters carefully; standfast

10,24 2

Total 24 24


Furthermore, the validity of students’ personality trait questionnaire was

measured by using SPSS 16 after the data gotten from the students out of sample

through try-out test. Hence, there were finally 24 items consisted of 12 items for

each kind of personality aspect specification (See Appendix 3).

3.5.2. Reliability

Reliability of Test

Reliability refers to extend to which the test is consistent in its score and gives us

an indication of how accurate the test score are (Hatch and Farhday, 1982). In

achieving the reliability of the pretest and posttest of writing, interrater reliability

was used in this study. It needed some researchers as a team; moreover, the

researchers must determine the test and the criteria of the test before gathering the

data (Setiyadi, 2006:19). The first rater was the researcher herself and the second

rater was the the student of Master in English Language Teaching and Study

Program at Lampung University. In addition, the second rater’s experience in

investigating students’ English writing by using the criteria of Jacob, et al (1981)

made her chosen to be the second rater in this study. In achieving the reliability of

pretest and posttest of writing test, first and second raters discussed and put mind

of the writing criteria in order to obtain the reliable result of the test.

The researcher also uses the statistical formula for counting the reliability score

between the first and second raters. The statistical formula of reliability was as



R= 1 (


R = Reliability

N = Number of students

d = the different of rank correlation

1-6 = Constant number

Shohamy (1985: 213)

After finding the coefficient between raters, the researcher would analyze the

coefficient of reliability with the standard of reliability below:

The criteria of reliability were:

0.00- 0.19 : very low

0.20- 0.39 : low

0.40- 0.59 : average

0.60- 0.79 : high

0.80- 1.00 : very high

After calculting the reliability of the students’ writing test, it was found that every

score was reliable. In details, the results of the reliability of each score in each

class were as follows.

Table. 3.3. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Pretest and Posttest Score in

Experimental Class

Reliability Criteria

Pretest 0.9791 Very high

Posttest 0.9738 Very high

In line with table 3.2 above, the reliability of writing pretest score showed that it

was 0.9791. Referring to the criteria, it belonged to very high. Then it was

revealed that the reliability of writing posttest score was 0.9738 (See Appendix

20). Reffering to the criteria, it belonged to very high as well.


In addition, the researcher also calculated the reliability of students’ writing

pretest and posttest score in control class. In details, the reliability was shown as


Table. 3.4. The Reliability of Students’ Writing Pretest and Posttest Score in

Control Class

Reliability Criteria

Pretest 0.9482 Very high

Posttest 0.9875 Very high

The table showed that the pretest was reliable since reliability was 0.9482.

Referring to the criteria, it belonged to very high. Then it was revealed that the

reliability of writing posttest score was 0.9875 (See Appendix 21). Reffering to

the criteria, it belonged to very high as well.

Reliability of Questionnaire

The data obtained with the questionnaire will be first computer-coded with the

help of SPSS 16.0. To measure a reliability assessmemt of the instrument’s ability

to accurately and consistently measure the target areas is carried out using

Chronbach’s Alpha. It is calculated based on the average correlation between

items (Setiyadi,2006). Moreover, after the items of personality trait questionnaire

became 24 items after validated, then, the result of personality trait questionnaire

reliability test showed the Alpha 0.859, so it came into reliable data because it

was higher than 0.06 (See Appendix 4).

3.6. Data Collecting Technique

This research was aimed at gaining the data on the students’ writing ability score

before the treatment (pretest) and after the treatment (posttest) related to students’

personality traits (extrovert and introvert). Therefore, personality trait and writing


test would represent the students. The description of personality trait questionnaire

and writing test could be seen as follows:

1. Distributing Personality Trait Questionnaire

Distributing students’ personality trait questionnaire was done in the first time

before the researcher gave pre-test and treatment to the students. It was done to

know their personality trait whether it was extrovert or introvert.

2. Writing Test


The pretest was conducted before the treatment administered. It was administered

to the control and experimental class. The pretest was given before the treatment

in order to know how far the competence of students in writing recount text. By

giving the pretest, the researcher knew the problems that students faced in writing.

The test was in written form and the materials that would be tested based on the

curriculum that was used in the school.


The posttest was given after the treatment in order to know whether there was

any improvement of students’ recount text writing that was taught by Think-Pair-

Share and Discuss-Predict-Share strategy. The test was in written form and the

materials that would be tested, relate to curriculum that was used in the school

and suitable with their level. The result of the posttest compared with the

pretest in order to make sure whether the strategy improved students’ ability in

writing recount text or not.


3.7. Research Procedures

The researcher used the following procedures in order to collect the data:

1. Determining the research problem

The main concern of this research was finding out whether there was a

difference on students’ writing ability in general as well as students’ aspects

of writing in particular.

2. Determining population and sample

The population of this research was the first grade students’ of SMAN 13

Bandarlampung. Therefore, the researcher replaced the teacher’s teaching

time in the school and focus to teach two classes.

3. Selecting the material

The materials of this research were taken from Recount text.

4 . Trying out the instruments

The questionnaire of personality trait was tried out to non-sample students in

order to know the validity and reliability of the instrument.

5. Analyzing the try out result

After the try-out class finish answering the questionnaire of personality trait,

the analysis of validity and reliability of this instrument was analyzed.

6. Distributing personality trait questionnaire to the sample

It was done to know their personality trait whether it was extrovert or



7. Administering writing tests before the treatment

Before conducting the treatments, there was a writing pretest. The students

were asked to choose one of the available topics and compose a writing text

based on the topic they chose consisting Opening, Content, and Closing.

8. Conducting treatments

In this research, the treatments are conducted within two meetings to recount

text which take 90 minutes for every meeting in both classes. Discuss-

Predict-Share and Think-Pair-Share strategy were conducted to teach the

students of how to produce recount reading text.

9. Administering writing tests after the treatments

After conducting the treatments, there was a writing posttest. They were

asked to choose one of the available topics and compose a writing text based

on the topic they chose consisting Opening, Content, and Closing.

10. Analyzing the data

In this step, the researcher made up the data of her questionnaire which

contained the students’ personality traits. The data were analyzed in order to

know students’ personalities before being taught through these strategies. In

addition, the researcher drew conclusion from the tabulated results of the tests

that had been administered. The researcher examined the students’ works

based on the guidance from scoring rubric of writing in terms of content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics adapted from Jacob et

al (1981).

Those ten things, starting from determining the research problem until analyzing

the data, were the whole procedures in administering this research.


3.9. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data obtained, the researcher used quantitative data analysis

according to the types of data gathered. Data analysis of each instrument would be

described as follows:

1. Writing Test

In order to have the same perception in assessing the students’ test, the researcher

explained the writing scoring rubric assessment used in the study for the second

rater before they assess the students’ test. After that, the steps follow were


1. The researcher and inter-rater scored students’ writing test.

2. The researcher tabulated the result of pretest, posttest, and N-Gain for both

control and experimental class into SPSS 16. The result of N-Gain between the

prestest and posttest scores in control and experimental class was to avoid the

biased researcher conclusions. The comparison of normalized gain values (N-

Gain) between the experimental and control class can be calculated by this


g = Sposttest – Spretest


The criteria are:

g > 0,7 : high

0,7 > g > 0,3 : average

g < 0.3 : low

(Hake, 1999)


3. The tabulated data were analyzed using Independent Group T-Test and Two

Way Anova. Independent Group T-Test was used to compare “mean” from

two different groups and both of groups were taken in different situation. Two

Way Anova was used if the research had two variables that were compared,

and each variable had two levels or more. This analysis was used for the data

that were retrieved through factorial design.

4. The researcher drew the conclusion from the data.

3.10. Hypotheses Testing

To test the first hypothesis, Social Sciences (SPSS) windows version 16.0 was

used. The hypothesss was analyzed at significance level of 0.05 in which the

hypothesis was approved if Sig < α. It meant that probability of error in

hypothesis was only about 5%. The hypotheses were drawn as follows:

1. Related to the first research question in the chapter one of this research,

the hypothesis was:

a. Ha: There is different increase of students’ writing ability between

students taught by using think-pair-share and those taught by using

discuss-predict-share strategy.

2. Related to the second research question in the chapter one of this research,

the hypothesis was:

a. Ho: There is no different increase of students’ writing ability between

extrovert and introvert students after being taught through think-pair-

share and discuss-predict-share strategy.

3. Related to the third formulation of the problem in the chapter one of this

research, the hypothesis was:

a. Ha: There is an interaction between those two strategies and personality

of the students.


Briefly, those are the explanations of this chapter which were research design,

variables, data source, research instruments, and criteria of evaluating students’

writing, validity and reliability, data collecting technique, research procedures,

data analysis, and hypothesis testing.



This final chapter presents the conclusion of the research findings and suggestion

for English teachers who want to try to implement the modified writing

procedures based on Discuss-Predict-Share strategy and for further researcher

who want to investigate the research about this modified strategy.

5.1. Conclusion

Reffering to the discussion of the research findings on the previous chapter, the

researcher comes to those following conclusion. Based on the research, it was

concluded that:

1. DPS strategy has more advantages than TPS strategy in affecting students’

writing ability. Discuss-Predict-Share strategy as one of the recommended

ways in learning English, especially in learning recount text writing. Providing

the students with the opportunity to get input by reading, produce output by

writing, and have interaction by interacting with other students made them

increase the quality of critical thinking. So, the students were able to result a

better production of English writing. This was because by providing the

students with input, they could identify a correct model of how to compose a

text. This assisted them when producing the writing product as an output.

Moroever, in producing the text, the students would process the input

effectively to notice the gap in their knowledge for the sake of accuracy and

fluency in writing. The cooperative nature in this learning process also helped


them to ellaborate the ideas and realizes their errors in writing that in the end; it

would optimize their writing ability. Hence, the students’ results shows that

DPS gave higher and better increase in writing recount text than TPS strategy.

2. The result shows the differences of the process and writing result of each

personality. The strategies let the students to increase their cognitive process as

well as productive skill by ellaborating ideas individulally, having discussion,

and reconstructing a text. In this case, introvert can enjoy the situation and

focus on their activity which not involved many people, such as reading and

writing. These cases could make the intovert students became more

comfortable to have discussion and sharpen their critical thinking. Meanwhile,

because of a graet tendency to be engaged in group activities, extroverts

seemed to enjoy the interaction happened more during the process of the

strategies. The extrovert students got the chance to dig much information

from the interaction. As the result, they also could improve their recount

text writing ability. Both extrovert and introvert could pass the process of

writing through the modified strategy (DPS) and the original one (TPS).

Although introvert students have higher increase, the difference is relatively

not far. Thus, there is no different increase of recount text writing ability

after being taught by using those strategies.

3. The last finding showed that there was no interaction between teaching

strategies and personality learning styles. Thus, the significant achievement

gained by the students in each group was attributed to by the teaching original

and modified strategies by mantaining the philosophical basis of the original

strategy and suiting the actual needs of the students.


5.2. Suggestions

By considering the conclusions above, the researcher proposes some suggestions

as follows:

5.2.1. Suggestions for Students

1. Students have to bring the dictionary to make them easier in translating the

words into English. So, they will have efficient time when making the

paragraph writing.

5.2.2. Suggestions for English Teacher

1. The modified strategy used in this research is really effective to be applied

in writing process. It can be seen from students’ progress during the

treatment and the improvement of students’ writing ability after the

treatment. Hence, it suggested for the teacher to implement this strategy in

writing for its adventages.

2. The English teacher should provide the students with a variety of exercises

that involve the students to process input both written and spoken so that

input may lead to intake and innte followed by producing paragraph


3. Since DPS strategy can develop students’ creativity in writing, teachers

might try to give more topics to be chosen.

4. The English teacher is suggested to give a kind of appropriate test that can

help the students know about their ways of learning such as personality

trait in this research, learning style test, and multiple intellegence test. So,

it will help the teacher to create an effective teaching-learning process and

result better students’ ability improvement.


5.2.3. Suggestions for Further Research

1. The present study calls for replications in other productive skill, which is,

speaking since this current research just concern on writing productive


2. It is suggested for further research to consider the other factor that can

affect writing ability, such as studens’ motivation, learning styles, and

multiple intelligences.

In brief, those are the conclusion of the research finding and suggestions for the

students to be better in writing class, English teachers who want to implement

DPS strategy in teaching writing, and for further researchhers who want to

investigate the research about this stategy.



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