Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 05 Specialized Knowledge

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Transcript of Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 05 Specialized Knowledge

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 5: Specialized Knowledge – Personal Experiences and Observations

This slideshow published by William Marshall is Copyright © 2016 by William H. Marshall.

All Rights Reserved.

I organize and intelligently direct my knowledge through practical PLANS OF

ACTION to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money.

I know how to organize my knowledge after I acquire it.

I am an educated person. I am developing the faculties of my mind so that I may

acquire anything I want, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.

I hire people who can supply me with the knowledge I require when I require it.

I know where to get knowledge when I need it and how to organize my knowledge into

definite plans of action.

Through the assistance of my master mind group, I have access to all of the specialized

knowledge I need to achieve my Definite Major Purpose in life.

I now have access to the specialized knowledge of the service, merchandise, and profession which I intend to offer in return

for the fortune I desire.

I bridge my weaknesses through the aid of my master mind groups.

I now have access to the specialized knowledge I require through the individual

units of my master mind groups.

I have access to the POWER I require through highly organized and intelligently

directed specialized knowledge.

Because I can organize and direct a master mind group of people who possess

knowledge useful in the accumulation of money, I am a person of education.

I know how to purchase the knowledge I need, when I need it.

I have a clear understanding of the sort of specialized knowledge I require.

My Definite Major Purpose in life helps me determine the specialized knowledge I


I have accurate information concerning dependable sources of knowledge.

As I acquire the knowledge I need, I organize it and put it into use for a definite

purpose through practical plans.

I gain value from my knowledge by applying it toward a worthy objective.

Before I pursue additional education, I first determine the purpose for the knowledge I

am seeking.

I continue to acquire the specialized knowledge related to my major purpose,

business, and profession.

I get along well with all kinds of people.

I am now making exceptional progress in management work.

I am improving my character, intelligence, and personality.

When necessary, I pursue courses of self-education in order to obtain the specialized

knowledge I require.

I am developing decision, promptness, action, and the habit of finishing what I


I am willing to pay for the education that I require.

I am ambitious. I act on my ambition by pursuing a program of purposeful home

study and self-education.

My actions are removing obstacles from my path and are gaining the friendly interest of people who have the power to put me in the

way of opportunity.

I am an efficient and effective marketer for my personal services.

I am pursuing an occupation with broad opportunities.

I take an honest inventory of my strengths and abilities.

I know how to purchase the knowledge I require.

I am on my way towards success. I continuously pursue knowledge.

I am willing to go into business for myself.

I pursue ideas that are practical and workable.

I combine specialized knowledge with imagination in order to create unique

successful businesses.

I turn temporary adversity into advantages.

I am now turning my ideas into successful businesses. I know how to turn my ideas

into cash.

I know how to market my ideas to others.

I find ways to attractively market my personal services.

I am rendering useful service to thousands of people all around the world.

I am spurred to action to vigorously implement my plans.

I am now effectively merchandising my personal services.

When I pursue a position, I prepare detailed plans of how I will succeed in the


I am now taking the initiative to offer well thought out suggestions to my employer for

increasing the company’s revenues.

I am rapidly advancing my career with positive thought and positive action.

I am aiming for personal greatness in my career.

Because of the value of my personal initiative, my positive mental attitude, and

the quality of my ideas, I am seen by opportunity.

I am looking around and observing how others get ahead. I see the opportunities around me and I embrace them without


I set high goals for myself and I pursue them with enthusiasm.

I create my own opportunities. I am advancing my career step-by-step.

I am an outstanding sales person. I am now taking positive action to help my company massively increase sales and


I am a winner. When I take on a job, I put everything I have into it and complete it


I am a go-getter of the highest order.

I am rising to high positions in life. I can control the conditions of my life.

I am building success habits into my character and am following those habits


I choose my habits on purpose.

I surround myself with positive, successful people.

I choose friends and business associates who refuse to compromise with

circumstances that they do not like.

I am advancing steadily in life by proper planning and by continuously executing my


I am an efficient merchandiser of my personal services.

I increase the size, scope, and value of my ideas by forming alliances with other

capable people.

I provide my services in such a way that everyone benefits and receives full value.

I mix my ideas with imagination in order to create the riches I desire.

I know that there is no fixed price for ideas. I use my ability and imagination to set my

own price for my ideas.

I carefully evaluate and think through my ideas to make sure that they are worth the

riches I desire.

I use my imagination to transform my specialized knowledge into profitable ideas.

I help other men and women sell their personal services advantageously.

I use my imagination to combine specialized knowledge with ideas to create organized plans designed to yield riches.

I focus my thoughts on creating IDEAS for the purpose of creating the riches I desire.

IDEAS are the main thing.

I am now creating PRACTICAL IDEAS for serving others in exchange for riches.

1. Save this PowerPoint to a new file.

2. Copy the Power Affirmations that you want to focus on to that file.

3. Review those slides at least 2-3 times per day—preferably once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening when you go to sleep.

4. For the affirmations that are the most meaningful to you, I recommend you memorizethem. While that can happen automatically as the result of reviewing them regularly, you will accelerate the process with a little extra effort.

The result of memorizing an affirmation, quote, or passage is to pass the information on to your subconscious mind. This is why we are instructed to memorize definitions, multiplication tables, etc., in school.

Review and listen to the affirmations regularly for at least 30 days. The purpose of these slides and other tools is to help you concisely articulate your self-talk for the purpose of conditioning your subconscious mind for taking positive action.

Only action completes the success cycle. Affirmations, visualization, goal setting, by themselves create nothing. To achieve success, you must add efficient and effective action. Faith without deeds is dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time at

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