Things To Do When Bitten by a Dog | Kanner & Pintaluga

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Things To Do When Bitten by a Dog | Kanner & Pintaluga

Things To Do When Bitten by a Dog

Get the Names and Phone Numbers of the Dog's Owner

Even if you don't think you'll be asking for any money, get the dog owner's name and address. You may change your mind the next day, when you discover that jumping out of the way of that lunging dog has given you a swollen ankle.

Get Any Witnesses' Names

You may need them to back up your version of what happened if you and the dog's owner later disagree or if you don't know who owns the dog. Animal control authorities may be able to find the dog from your description and then find its owner.

Get Medical Attention

If your injury is serious enough to require medical attention, get it quickly. Keep records of doctor's office or hospital visits and copies of bills. You won't have much of a chance of getting reimbursed for your medical expenses unless you can document what you paid.

Report The Incident

This is especially important if the dog wasn't wearing a license tag and you don't know who owns it. Many cities and some states require that a dog that bites someone be quarantined, to see if the dog is rabid, for seven to 20 days, either at the owner's home or in the dog pound.

Damages Recovering

Depending on the seriousness of injuries resulting from an animal attack, you may be entitled to recover for:

• Medical expenses• Lost wages• Pain and suffering• Property damage.

In some instances, you may also be entitled to punitive damages, which are awarded to punish someone for his or her behavior.

Getting Help

If an animal has bitten you or a loved one, you may be entitled to recover damages for any injuries that resulted. Determining your legal rights can be complicated, and it may be unclear who to bring a claim against.To ensure that you receive just compensation, you should consider contacting an attorney with experience handling dog/animal bite cases.

If you or a family member has suffered injuries in a dog bite attack, you may contact Kanner & Pintaluga at :-

(561) 424-0032