Things to do, places to go Christine Parsloe 24 January 2008.

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Transcript of Things to do, places to go Christine Parsloe 24 January 2008.

Things to do, places to go

Christine Parsloe

24 January 2008

What do you want to do today?

• What are they’re options

• Empower the client to make the decision

• Chicken and egg situation

• Concessionary rates often apply

• Carer goes free

Things to do, places to go

• Brochures available

• Whole cultural offer – leisure centres, arts, libraries, eating out, tourism opportunities (theatre), etc

• Parks and open spaces

• Merton Adult Education

• Enable groups and individuals to choose

Things to do

• Canons leisure centre – disabled facilities

• Wimbledon leisure centre – ground floor facilities

• Morden Park pool – some facilities

• The HUB @ Tooting and Mitcham – some facilities

• Wimbledon Sailing Base


Places to go

• Theatre trips

• Restaurant visits

• Parks

• Museums

• Shopping